Code the first operative report, include any CPT surgery code(s), anesthesia code(s), and any modifiers applicable. (30 points)

Code the first operative report, include any CPT surgery code(s), anesthesia code(s), and any modifiers applicable. (30 points)Code the E&M code for the second office visit.1. Description: Bilateral o

Code the first operative report, include any CPT surgery code(s), anesthesia code(s), and any modifiers applicable. (30 points)

Code the E&M code for the second office visit.

1. Description: Bilateral open Achilles lengthening with placement of short leg walking cast.

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Idiopathic toe walker.POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Idiopathic toe walker.PROCEDURE: Bilateral open Achilles lengthening with placement of short leg walking cast.ANESTHESIA: Surgery performed under general anesthesia. A total of 10 mL of 0.5% Marcaine local anesthetic was used.COMPLICATIONS: No intraoperative complications.DRAINS: None.SPECIMENS: None.TOURNIQUET TIME: On the left side was 30 minutes, on the right was 21 minutes.HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: The patient is a 10-year-old boy who has been a toe walker since he started ambulating at about a year. The patient had some mild hamstring tightness with his popliteal angle of approximately 20 degrees bilaterally. He does not walk with a crouched gait but does toe walk. Given his tightness, surgery versus observation was recommended to the family. Family however wanted to correct his toe walking. Surgery was then discussed. Risks of surgery include risks of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion of the extremities, failure to resolve toe walking, possible stiffness, cast, and cast problems. All questions were answered and parents agreed to above surgical plan.PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: The patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table General anesthesia was then administered. The patient received Ancef preoperatively. The patient was then subsequently placed prone with all bony prominences padded. Two bilateral nonsterile tourniquets were placed on each thigh. Both extremities were then prepped and draped in a standard surgical fashion. We turned our attention first towards the left side. A planned incision of 1 cm medial to the Achilles tendon was marked on the skin. The extremity was wrapped in Esmarch prior to inflation of tourniquet to 250 mmHg. Incision was then made and carried down through subcutaneous fat down to the tendon sheath. Achilles tendon was identified and Z-lengthening was done with the medial distal half cut. Once Z-lengthening was completed proximally, the length of the Achilles tendon was then checked. This was trimmed to obtain an end-on-end repair with 0 Ethibond suture. This was also oversewn. Wound was then irrigated. Achilles tendon sheath was reapproximated using 2-0 Vicryl as well as the subcutaneous fat. The skin was closed using 4-0 Monocryl. Once the wound was cleaned and dried and dressed with Steri-Strips and Xeroform, the area was injected with 0.5% Marcaine. It was then dressed with 4 x 4 and Webril. Tourniquet was released at 30 minutes. The same procedure was repeated on the right side with tourniquet time of 21 minutes. While the patient was still prone, two short-leg walking casts were then placed. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was subsequently flipped supine on to hospital gurney and taken to PACU in stable condition.POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: The patient will be discharged on the day of surgery. He may weightbear as tolerated in his cast, which he will have for about 4 to 6 weeks. He is to follow up in approximately 10 days for recheck as well as prescription for intended AFOs, which he will need up to 6 months. The patient may or may not need physical therapy while his Achilles lengthenings are healing. The patient is not to participate in any PE for at least 6 months. The patient is given Tylenol No. 3 for pain.


HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Mr. Smith is a 63-year-old gentleman new to our Clinic. He had been followed by Dr. Jones at Kernodle Clinic. Mr. Smith has a past medical history that includes hypertension for more than five years. It sounds like he has fairly severe white coat hypertension. Apparently, he has home readings consistently 30 points below what he gets in the office. He had been on Capoten in the past and gotten a cough with that. He had been on Norvasc in the past, but then stopped it for unclear reasons. More recently, he has been on Hyzaar. He also has hypercholesterolemia and has been on Lipitor. He has for the past year or so felt that his hands and feet were “burning up” at night. He reports that “he can almost see the heat waves from them.” He thinks this is a medication side effect. On his own, he stopped his Lipitor three weeks ago. He has not noticed any difference in his symptoms. He otherwise feels well and has no complaints.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: 1. Hypertension. 2. Hypercholesterolemia. 3. Status post plastic surgery after a motor vehicle collision when he was in his 20s. 4. History of depression around the time of the accident. He does report that intermittently he feels quite down, but he is able “to pick himself back up”. More recently, however, he has been in a more prolonged period. 5. He has significant moles and he is followed by an outside dermatologist. 6. He has had normal PSA and rectal exams. He had a colonoscopy about five years ago and again one year ago, both of which showed many polyps, pathology not known.

MEDICATIONS: Now only Hyzaar, a baby aspirin and a multivitamin

ALLERGIES: Capoten caused a cough.

SOCIAL HISTORY: He works in computer software. He does not smoke. He drinks wine and Martinis “probably more than I need to.” No drug use.

FAMILY HISTORY: The patient’s father died of a brain aneurysm in his 50s. Mom had colon cancer in her 80s and also hypertension. Five older sisters all with hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. No known coronary artery disease.


CONSTITUTIONAL: No fevers. Weight up 15 lbs since March. HEENT: Teeth doing okay. Does not feel congested in his sinuses. CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pains, palpitations, PND, orthopnea or edema. RESPIRATORY: No shortness of breath. He does have a chronic intermittent cough that he has had for years. He had a chest x-ray a couple of years ago to evaluate this which was apparently normal. GI: No abdominal pain. No reflux-type symptoms. No change in bowel habits. GU: No hematuria or dysuria. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No chronic joint pains. PSYCHIATRIC: Not suicidal.


VITAL SIGNS: Weight 86.7 kg which is 191 lbs, blood pressure 174/114, pulse 103.

HEENT: Conjunctivae pink. Sclerae anicteric. Oropharynx clear.

NECK: No lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly or JVD.

LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion.

HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub or gallop.

ABDOMEN: Normal bowel sounds. Soft, nontender. No hepatosplenomegaly.

EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema.

PSYCHIATRIC: Normal affect and behavior with seemingly good insight.


  1. Hypertension, poor control even with supposed white coat hypertension. He again is worried about side effect of his medications. We talked about many options and decided to change him to HCTA 25 mg a day and Norvasc 10 mg a day.
  2. Hypercholesterolemia. We will check lipid panel today. We will hold off on Lipitor for now, but will likely restart this once we confirm he is not having drug side effects. He is also interested in possibly trying fish oil.
  3. Psychiatric. He was not interested in counseling at all. He was interested in medication. We will start Celexa 20 mg a day. He will titrate this up to 40 mg after three to four weeks. He will call us in a few weeks if he is having any problems.
  4. Health maintenance. We will hold on PSA screening for a bit as he has been screened in the past. We will repeat colonoscopy in a few years and will try to get records of prior polyp pathology. He will try to focus on drinking a bit less alcohol and getting some regular exercise and eating better. Continue baby aspirin.

What nursing interventions will you include in the plan of care to address these concerns?

CO1 Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to explain expected client behaviors, while differentiating between normal findings, variations, and abnormali

CO1 Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to explain expected client behaviors, while differentiating between normal findings, variations, and abnormalities. (PO 1)

CO3 Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO 3)

Your home health agency has received an order from a local hospital to evaluate and treat an elderly woman being discharged from its medical surgical unit.

Millie Gardner, an 83-year-old female patient, is being discharged home today to the care of her husband Fred (87 years old) following a 9-day hospitalization for pneumonia, dehydration, and failure to thrive. She has a history of hypertension (HTN), Type II Diabetes, and cerebral vascular accident (CVA) with left-sided weakness. Patient is alert and oriented but does have periods of forgetfulness during the overnight hours. Patient has intermittent incontinence of bowel and bladder and requires assistance with all activities of daily living (ADLs).






Novolin R per sliding scale *NEW*



Zithromax *NEW*

Upon arrival you are greeted by Champ, the couple’s rambunctious miniature Doberman pinscher dog. Millie is in her wheelchair staring blankly out the window, and Fred is busy in the kitchen preparing the couple’s lunch.

Based on the scenario above, please use the general survey process to describe the areas that you would be observing immediately upon entry to the home.

What, if any, concerns related to Millie’s skin and nutritional status do you have?

What nursing interventions will you include in the plan of care to address these concerns?

What teaching strategies will you use to educate Millie and Fred on the new medications?

Using the SBAR, please include the information that you will communicate to the physician’s office at the completion of the visit.

Professors advise: “This scenario is not such an unusual one.  While people are living longer and many times maintain independence into their 80’s, their situations can be tenuous at best.    If you were caring for this couple, what would your concerns be?   Be creative with your responses.”

In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific pra

In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific pra

In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific practice immersion clinical experiences:

  1. New practice approaches
  2. Intraprofessional collaboration
  3. Health care delivery and clinical systems
  4. Ethical considerations in health care
  5. Population health concerns
  6. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
  7. Health policy
  8. Leadership and economic models
  9. Health disparities

Students will outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how the student met the competencies aligned to this course.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


New Practice Approaches

New practice approaches are present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Intraprofessional Collaboration (4.3)

Intraprofessional collaboration information is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Health Care Delivery And Clinical Systems (4.1)

Health care delivery and clinical systems information is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Ethical Considerations In Health Care (5.4)

Ethical considerations in health care information is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Population Health Concerns (5.3)

Population health concerns information is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

The Role Of Technology In Improving Health Care Outcomes (4.3)

Information on the role of technology in improving health care outcomes is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Health Policy

Health policy information content is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Leadership And Economic Models

Information on leadership and economic models is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Health Disparities (1.5)

Information on health disparities is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.


The work is well presented and includes all required elements. The overall appearance is neat and professional.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Describe when referral is needed for further workup or management.

It is anticipated that the initial discussion response should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. This is not the onl

It is anticipated that the initial discussion response should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. This is not the only criteria utilized for evaluation; substantive content is imperative. All questions in the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments. All responses need to be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citation and reference must adhere to APA format (6th Ed.).

Classroom Participation

Students are expected to initially address the discussion question by Wednesday of each week. Participation in the discussion forums is expected with a minimum total of three (3) substantive postings (this includes your initial posting and posting to two peers) on three (3) different days per week. Substantive means that you add something new to the discussion, you aren’t just agreeing. This is also a time to ask questions or offer information surrounding the topic addressed by your peers. Personal experience is appropriate for a substantive discussion and should be correlated to the literature.

All discussion boards will be evaluated utilizing rubric criterion inclusive of content, analysis, collaboration, writing and APA. If you fail to post an initial discussion you will not receive these points, you may however post to your peers for partial credit following the guidelines above. Due to the nature of this type of assignment and the need for timely responses for initial posts and posting to peers, the Make-Up Coursework Policy (effective July 2017) does not apply to Discussion Board Participation.

Discussion Prompt [Due Wednesday]

  • Differentiate between vertigo and lightheadedness.
  • Include the possible causes of vertigo and lightheadedness and the treatment plan for both.
  • Describe when referral is needed for further workup or management.

7. Describe how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to reach consensus on the best strategy to deal with the conflict

PurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to learn how to identify and effectively manage conflicts that arise in care delivery settings resulting in better management of patient care, including approp


The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to identify and effectively manage conflicts that arise in care delivery settings resulting in better management of patient care, including appropriate delegation. You will gain insight into conflict management strategies and develop a plan to collaborate with a potential nurse leader about the conflict and its impact in a practice setting.


1. Read Finkelman (2016), Chapter 13: Improving Teamwork: Collaboration, Coordination, and Conflict Resolution, section on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, pp. 324-333.

2. Write a 5-7 page paper (not including the title or References pages). Follow APA format. Consult your APA manual, and consider using the APA resources provided by Chamberlain. Cite the course textbook and two scholarly sources. You are required to complete this assignment using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.).  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  Click on the envelope at the top of the page. 

3. Observe nurses in a care delivery setting. Identify a recurring conflict with the potential to negatively impact patient care. This should be from your practice setting or prelicensure experiences.

4. Provide details of what happened, including who was involved, what was said, where it occurred, and what was the outcome that led you to decide the conflict was unresolved.

5. Identify the type of conflict. Explain your rationale for selecting this type.

6. Summarize (in your own words) the four stages of conflict, as described in our textbook, and how they relate to your example. Do not use quotations. 

7. Describe how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to reach consensus on the best strategy to deal with the conflict

8. Describe the rationale for selecting the best strategy.

9. Provide a summary or conclusion about this experience or assignment and how you may deal with conflict more effectively in the future.

Textbook to be used: Third Edition: Leadership and Management for Nurses: Core Competencies for Quality Care by Anita Finkelman. Chapter 13: Improving Teamwork: Collaboration, Coordination, and Conflict Resolution, section on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, pp. 324-333.

& two outside sources. 

Write a 250-500 word summary of your results and how this statistical analysis may be applied to your prospectus. Provide a bar graph with gender on the x-axis and blood sugar levels on the y-axis. Add your SPSS output as an Appendix to this summary.

This course helps you develop a basic understanding of statistics. This course addresses two distinct types, descriptive and inferential. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to use a sof

This course helps you develop a basic understanding of statistics. This course addresses two distinct types, descriptive and inferential. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to use a software program that makes it easy to analyze data using specific tests. This assignment will give you practice with mean, median, mode, frequency, range, and standard deviation. Be sure to review the Topic Material videos before undertaking this practice.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • For assistance with accessing SPSS,      refer to the resources “How to Use SPSS From the GCU Server” and      “How to Install SPSS on Your Computer.”
  • Before beginning this assignment, be      sure to view the tutorial videos provided as Topic Materials: (1) SPSS      for Beginners 1 – Introduction; (2) SPSS for Beginners 2a:      Frequency Counts; (3) SPSS for Beginners 2b: Descriptive Statistics      and Z-scores; and (4) Graphing and Descriptive Stats in SPSS      With Dr. Ami Gates.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use      APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in      the Student Success Center.
  • You are not required to submit this      assignment to LopesWrite.


SPSS Output

Open SPSS and obtain an output (as in the tutorial videos) with the following results highlighted:

  1. Determine the statistics for each      gender as follows: Frequency Counts, Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum,      and Maximum.
  2. Graphing and Descriptive Stats in      SPSS: Create a bar graph with gender (axis X) and blood sugar (axis Y).

Data Set

Use the following data set for this assignment:

  1. You have a group of patients observed      with a diagnosis of Diabetes and their blood sugar levels are listed below      based on gender. Men: 74, 71, 75, 248, 388, 505, 42, 21.
  2. Female: 62, 68, 61, 71, 68, 80, 390,      148.


Write a 250-500 word summary of your results and how this statistical analysis may be applied to your prospectus. Provide a bar graph with gender on the x-axis and blood sugar levels on the y-axis. Add your SPSS output as an Appendix to this summary.

Describe the validity and reliability of the instrument you chose in Topic 3 DQ 1. How is this different from external and internal validity?

Module 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2Tutor MUST have a good command of the English languageThese are two discussion questionsDQ1 and DQ2 posts must be at least 150 words and have at least one reference cited for eac

Module 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

These are two discussion questions

DQ1 and DQ2 posts must be at least 150 words and have at least one reference cited for each question. In-text citation, please

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

Sources need to be journal/scholarly articles. 

Use only articles that are published between 2015-2018 (except for your theory articles which will be older as you must cite primary sources).

No textbook or direct quotes

Please separate the two DQ with their reference page

My project is CLABSI prevention

Topic 6 DQ 1

Describe a survey, instrument, or tool that you plan to use in your project. Describe the tool in terms of name, number of items, how it is answered (Likert scale, yes/no, open answers, etc.), and the total score. Describe the level of measurement for this instrument. Support with references.

DQ 2

Describe the validity and reliability of the instrument you chose in Topic 3 DQ 1. How is this different from external and internal validity?

Pediatric Clinical Reasoning Case Study Key: Neonatal Sepsis

Pediatric Clinical Reasoning Case Study Key: Neonatal SepsisCreated by: Kathleen Mixson RN, MS, JDI. Data CollectionChief complaint/History of Present Illness: Rennie is a 28-day-old female presentin

Pediatric Clinical Reasoning Case Study Key: Neonatal Sepsis

Created by: Kathleen Mixson RN, MS, JD

I. Data Collection

Chief complaint/History of Present Illness:  Rennie is a 28-day-old female presenting to ER during the night with presenting complaint of apneic episodes approximately 2/day with changing color to blue.  Apneic episodes lasts 1-2 minutes, resolves with stimulation, chest rub, or gentle shaking.  Apneic episodes not associated with vomiting/spit ups. Baby completely recovers to her baseline with stimulation.  Baby always sleeps on her back, no family history of SIDS.  The current episode started more than 1 week ago. The problem occurs intermittently.  The problem has not changed since onset. Nothing relieves the symptoms. Nothing aggravates the symptoms. Pertinent negatives include no fever, no stridor, and no intake of a foreign body.  She had a lumbar puncture and chest X-ray as well as venous blood gases and lytes done in ER.  Urinalysis and culture have been done.   Ceftriaxone 380mg IV was given in ER after culture obtained.

What data is relevant to this patient that must be recognized as clinically significant to the nurse?

The baby is having apneic episodes with color changes that resolve with stimulation.  The episodes have been occurring for a week.  Lumbar puncture, cultures, ABX in ER.

Rationale:  Apneic episodes are non specific indicators of many potential problems.  The diagnostics indicate sepsis workup in progress.  Symptoms for one week could indicate possible impairment in mother’s response to baby’s distress.

Personal/Social History:  Family lives/stays sometimes in a friend’s place (who does not let the baby’s dad in) and a homeless shelter (the dad stays in a shelter and is allowed to bring family in).  Mother says she is a medical assistant, currently unemployed.  Both parents smoke, they state they do not smoke around the baby.

Examine how proper timing, as well as other factors such as the organization’s innovativeness, may improve your business's chances of success.

write 2 pages debate on  Capital punishment. This assignment challenges students to understand “both sides of the fence” on  Capital punishment to consider all points of view. Both sides of the

write 2 pages debate on  Capital punishment. This assignment challenges students to understand “both sides of the fence” on  Capital punishment to consider all points of view. Both sides of the argument should be equally powerful so that the reader is unaware of the position that you espouse.use articles exclusively from databases like Business Source Complete and ProQuest Centralpart 2 2pages

  • Conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis ON BJC’s Healthcare. You should provide both a SWOT diagram and a thorough explanation of each section. 
    • Strengths
      • List the strengths of the organization such as cost effectiveness, service quality, and customer loyalty.
      • List other assets of your operation, such as flexibility, innovativeness, response to external pressures, creativity, and organizational stability.
    • Weaknesses
      • Describe the areas of weakness in the organization operations, such as government policies and procedures, and management inexperience.
      • Recognize the limited impact of a new product on the market – its lack of recognition may be attributed to the organization’s inexperience in promoting.
    • Opportunities
      • Examine how proper timing, as well as other factors such as the organization’s innovativeness, may improve your business’s chances of success.
      • Relate your organization’s focus/mission to a segment of the present market that is being overlooked.
    • Threats
      • List the external threats to your organizational success (such an existing and newly emerging competitors), performance of the overall economy, and your dependency on other businesses such as suppliers, retailers, and distributors for market access and support.
      PART 3  2PAGESconduct a Brand Audit on CVS HEALTH.Provide a description of the organization (location, size, type, average annual revenue, etc.)Identify all brand elements (logos, symbols, characters, slogans, trademarks, etc.)Distinguish the inherent attributes of the services provided (pricing, communications, distribution policies, other relevant marketing activities)Select a competitive brand (organization).Identify the differences between the organization that you are conducting the brand audit on and the competitive organization.Classify any marketing attributes that either organization does better.Provide recommendations (supported with scholarly references) for brand positioning and marketing strategies that will leverage and extend the brand effectiveness of the organization.Lorenzetti, L. (2015). 10 Biggest Health Care Companies in the Fortune 500. Retrieved from, L. (2018). Learn Why Branding is Important in Marketing. Retrieved from

What is it? Many people do not know what pressure ulcers, CAUTI or CLABSI, etc. are.

This week you continue your work on your course project by completing an outline. Falls, pressure ulcers, nursing turnover, nursing retention, catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI’s), c

This week you continue your work on your course project by completing an outline. Falls, pressure ulcers, nursing turnover, nursing retention, catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI’s), central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI’s), patient education, communication (be a little more specific…shift-to-shift report, bedside report, nurse-to physician communication, etc.), call light management, hourly rounding, alarm management, bar-coding medication administration, etcRemember, this is only an outline, and not a paper; it does not need to be in paragraph format. You may use bullets or an outline formatting within Microsoft Word. Remember to create a title page and a reference page (if you cite any sources). For this outline, 1-page is the minimum, but it can certainly be more than that. Here is an example outline to get started:

    1. Define your project
      1. What is it? Many people do not know what pressure ulcers, CAUTI or CLABSI, etc. are.
      2. Statistics – What is the prevalence/incidence rates across the US or in your state/region?
    2. Causes (what are some of the causes?)
      1. List one cause here
      2. List another cause here, etc.
    3. Benefits for preventing/fixing/decreasing
      1. List reasons here
    4. How to prevent
      1. List
      2. Methods
      3. Here
    5. Nursing Interventions
      1. What are things nurses can do to help with this topic?
      2. List them here