In this Discussion, you analyze trends that are likely to have a significant impact on nursing and health care in the coming years. You may use this Discussion to formulate initial thoughts related to trends and unmet needs that you might choose to address through the Course Project, which is introduced this week.

Discussion: Trend Analysis and ForecastingGreen Hills Health System comprises a small community hospital and a primary care practice. Located in a rural area, the nearest large city is approximately 1

Discussion: Trend Analysis and Forecasting

Green Hills Health System comprises a small community hospital and a primary care practice. Located in a rural area, the nearest large city is approximately 100 miles away. Individuals age 60 and older constitute one of the largest patient populations Green Hills serves. Recently, members of the nursing staff have noticed that the numbers of geriatric patients admitted to the hospital seem to be increasing. Many of these patients have multiple comorbidities and need specialty care that is not available through Green Hills Health System. Some of the patients have commented that they lack the financial resources and transportation required to travel to the large metropolitan health care center that provides a variety of specialty services.

Imagine that you are a nurse leader-manager in the organization described above. How could conducting an internal and external scan of the environment help you and your colleagues to identify opportunities for change moving forward? What literature sources would you consult to learn about trends and emerging issues that are likely to affect the organization? What data would you examine?

In this Discussion, you analyze trends that are likely to have a significant impact on nursing and health care in the coming years. You may use this Discussion to formulate initial thoughts related to trends and unmet needs that you might choose to address through the Course Project, which is introduced this week.

To prepare:

  • Review the information on forecasting and trends in the Learning Resources.
  • Conduct a search of the literature to investigate trends and emerging issues in nursing and health care. Evaluate the research evidence in the literature.
  • Based on your research, identify three trends that are likely to impact nursing and health care in the coming decade.
  • Select one of these trends on which to focus in greater detail. Then, conduct additional research and analyze evidence-based issues related to this trend.
  • Based on your analysis, consider whether this trend creates or contributes to an unmet need that currently impacts, or will impact, a specific group, unit, or organization.

By Day 3

Post an analysis of the impact of your selected trend on nursing and health care in the coming decade. Explain how this trend creates or contributes to an unmet need that a specific group, unit, or organization may encounter now or in the coming years.

optional resources

Ursell, F. (2011). Care home funding: What to expect and what to do. Nursing & Residential Care, 13(2), 94–96.

Weiss, R. (2010, Summer). The forecast for health care. Marketing Health Services, 30(3), 7

Sare, M. V., & Ogilvie, L. (2010). Strategic planning for nurses: Change management in health care. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

  • Review Chapter 7, “The Three Key Elements of the Strategic Planning Process: A Vision That Guides Nursing’s Future Action” (pp. 117–143)

Using Evidence-Based Practice Models to Guide Practice Change and Developing a Plan for the Evidence-Based Practice Project

In the videos for Week 5, an EBP committee discusses the evidence-based steps they used to identify, assess, propose and implement a practice change in their work settings. For this Discussion, you will see a committee as it completes it work. There are two scenarios with the videos. In the first one, there are issues that develop that need to be resolved. You will be asked to pause the video and identify how you would address the conflict that seems to be developing over the EBP change. In the second scenario, you will see how leadership skills are utilized to help focus the committee on the EBP project.


After viewing the videos, use the FLOW CHART IN THE  IOWA EBP Model to Promote Quality Care to discuss how closely the EBP project did or did not follow each step in this model. In what ways do you think the project would have benefited from implementing any step(s) that were not used?

Post: A three-paragraph response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ? 5-years-old.)

Identify a problem and a target population. (Note: Your problem should be clearly developed and related to a health-promotion and disease-prevention issue of national significance. You should select a target population so that your program can be designed to create maximum yet realistic impact at the aggregate level.)

Assignment 1: Initial Analysis for Program PlanningNeeds Assessment“As a concept, need is not only difficult to define but, once defined, difficult to measure” (Kettner, Moroney, & Martin, 2017, p

Assignment 1: Initial Analysis for Program Planning

Needs Assessment

“As a concept, need is not only difficult to define but, once defined, difficult to measure” (Kettner, Moroney, & Martin, 2017, p. 63). Likewise, it can be challenging to define and measure assets—yet it is equally important to do so during this phase of program planning. This week’s Learning Resources provide foundational information and guidance for conducting needs assessments, which entails discerning needs that must be addressed in light of the assets that are present.

As you return to Assignment 1, the attention turns to conducting a needs assessment for the problem you have identified. What data collection strategies could be most useful? What issues would likely be encountered? How would you address them?

To prepare for this week’s section of Assignment 1:

  • Continue      (from the Discussion) to:
    • Identify       a viable approach for conducting a needs assessment for your problem.
    • Identify       method(s) of data collection.
    • Assess       potential challenges and propose alternatives/solutions.

The full Assignment 1 is due by day 4 (Thursday 12/20/18) of this week. Instructions have been provided in previous weeks to help you prepare.

By Day 4

To complete:

Write a 3- to 5-page paper, in APA format with at least 7 scholarly references in which you address the following level 1 and 2 header:

Also include an introduction and a conclusion as per APA guidelines.

1) Identification of a Problem and a Population

  • Identify      a problem and a target population.     (Note: Your problem      should be clearly developed and related to a health-promotion and      disease-prevention issue of national significance. You should select a      target population so that your program can be designed to create maximum      yet realistic impact at the aggregate level.)

2) Using a Theory or Model

  • Analyze      a theory or model that is relevant to your selected problem. Explain why      this is the most appropriate model for you to use with this problem.

3) Literature Review (provide at least 4 scholarly articles less than 5 years old) )

  • Assess      the literature as it relates to your problem. Use evidence from the      literature to support your response to the following question: Why is it important to assist this      population to resolve the selected problem?

4) Needs Assessment

  • Describe      an appropriate approach to conducting a needs assessment for your problem.
  • Identify      method(s) of data collection.
  • Assess      potential challenges and propose alternatives/solutions.

Required Readings

Hodges, B. C., & Videto, D. M. (2011). Assessment and planning in health programs (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 1, “Assessment for Developing Programs and Interventions: The Big Picture”

Chapter 1 notes the importance of looking not just at needs but also the assets associated with the target population and environment; that is, assessing what needs to be addressed given the assets that are present.

This report offers a guide for the use of the logic model in program planning and outcome-oriented evaluation for nonprofit projects.

Chapter 3, “Data Collection Strategies for Needs Assessments and Evaluations”

In Chapter 3, the authors examine data collection, a key element of needs assessments. They also indicate that it is wise to plan ahead and consider data collection strategies for evaluation at the same time.

  • Chapter 2, “Paint a Picture of Your Target Population:      Assessing Assets and Problems”

This chapter presents valuable information for identifying your target population during program planning. Note: Some of the information in this chapter extends into needs assessment, which will be addressed in Week 4.

Chapter 6, “The Importance and Use of Theories in Health Education and Health Promotion”

The authors describe various theories, noting that theories are not universally applicable to every program.

Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R. M., & Martin, L. L. (2017). Designing and managing programs: An effectiveness-based approach (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Review Chapter 1, “Contemporary Issues in Social      Services Program Planning and Administration” (See attached file).
  • Review Chapter 3, “Understanding Social      Problems” (See attached file).

Review these chapters as needed to help you identify a health care-related problem for program planning and evaluation. For instance, you may find the problem analysis information on page 13 and pages 38–39 beneficial.

Chapter 2, “The Contribution of Theory to Program Planning”

This chapter examines the application of theory in program planning.

Chapter 4, “Needs Assessment: Theoretical Considerations”

Chapter 5, “Needs Assessment: Approaches to Measurement”

These two chapters provide foundational information as well as guidance for conducting a needs assessment as part of program planning.

Adams, J. & Kaplow, R. (2013). A sitter reduction program in an acute health care system. Nursing Economics$, 31(2), 83–89.

Pinto, B.M., Waldemore, M., & Rosen, R. (2015). A community-based partnership to promote exercise among cancer survivors: Lessons learned. International Journal Behavioral Medicine, 22, 328–335 doi 10.1007/s12529-014-9395-5 

Tompa, E., deBoer, H., Macdonald, S., Alarngir, H., Koehoorn, M., & Guzman, J. (2016). Stakeholders’ perspectives about and priorities for economic evaluation of health and safety programs in healthcare. Workplace Health and Safety, 64(4), 163–174 DOI: 10.1177/2165079915620201.

Leading Health Indicators. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from 

National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Healthy People 2020. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from 

IOM Future of Nursing Report. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from

Berhane, A., Biadgilign, S., Berhane, A., & Memiah, P. (2015). Male involvement in family planning program in Northern Ethiopia: An application of the Transtheoretical model. Patient Education and Counseling 98, 469–475

Kroelinger, C.D., Rankin, K. M., Chamgers, D.A., Diez Roux, A.V., Huges, K., & Grigorescu, V. (2014). Using the principles of complex systems thinking and implementation sceice to enhance maternal and child health program planning and delivery. Maternal Child Health Journal, 18, 1560–1564. doi 10.1007/s10995-014-1586-9

Silverman, B., Champney, J., Steber, S., & Zubritsky, C. (2015). Collaborating for consensus: Considerations for convening Coalition stakeholders to promote a gender-based approach to addressing the health needs of sex workers. Evaluation and Program Planning 51,17–26

Smith, T.L., Barlow, P.b., Peters, J.M., & Skolits, G.J. (2015). Demystifying reflective practice: Using the DATA model to enhance evaluators’ professional activities. Evaluation and Program Planning, 52, 142–147.

Burrows, T., Hutchesson, M., Chai, L,K., Rollow, M., Skinner, G., & Collins, C. (2015). Nutrition interventions for prevention and management of childhood obesity: What do parents want from an eHealth program? Nutrients, 7, 10469–10479 doi:10.3390/nu7125546

Derguy, C., Michel, G., M’Bailara, K., Roux, S., & Bouvard, M. (2015). Assessing needs in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: A crucial preliminary step to target relevant issues for support programs. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 40(2), 156–166

Millard, T., McDonald, K., Elliott, J., Slavin, S., Rowell, S., & Girdler, S. (2014). Informing the development of an online self-management program for men living with HIV: a needs assessment. BMC Public Health, 14, 1209 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-1209

Springer, A. E. & Evans, A.E. (2016). Assessing environmental assets for health promotion program planning: a practical framework for health promotion practitioners. Health Promotion Perspectives, 6(3), 111–118 doi: 10.15171/hpp.2016.19

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Design and evaluation of programs and projects [Video file}. Baltimore, MD: Author.

  • “Defining a      Population Health Problem” (featuring Dr. Melissa Willmarth, Dr. Debora Dole,      and Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron)

You may view this course video by clicking the link or on the course DVD, which contains the same content. Once you’ve opened the link, click on the appropriate media piece.

In these videos, Dr. Melissa Willmarth, Dr. Debora Dole, and Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron provide insights related to defining health care-related problems.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Design and evaluation of programs and projects [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

“Needs Assessment” (featuring Dr. Rebecca Lee, Shiniche Thomas, and Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron)

You may view this course video by clicking the link or on the course DVD, which contains the same content. Once you’ve opened the link, click on the appropriate media piece.

In this week’s videos, Dr. Rebecca Lee and Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron discuss needs assessments. Then, Dr. Rebecca Lee demonstrates a windshield assessment along with Seven Hills community resident Shiniche Thomas.

Optional Resources

Algera, M., Francke, A. L., Kerkstra, A., & Van der Zee, J. (2004). Integrative literature reviews and meta-analyses: Home care needs of patients with long-term conditions: Literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 46(4), 417–429.

This article compares literature in the field to determine a profile for people with long-term health care conditions who utilize home care services.

Madden, S. G., Loeb, S. J., & Smith, C. A. (2008). An integrative literature review of lifestyle interventions for the prevention of type II diabetes mellitus. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(17), 2243–2256.

This article is an example of an integrative literature review that identifies aspects of nursing programs aimed at prevention of type II diabetes, effectiveness of such programs, and compliance with lifestyle changes after such programs.

Hulton, L. J. (2007). An evaluation of a school-based teenage pregnancy prevention program using a logic model framework. Journal of School Nursing, 23(2), 104–110.

This article describes the use of the logic model to develop, implement, and evaluate a nursing intervention in a school setting.

Johnson, S. S., Driskell, M., Johnson, J. L., Prochaska, J. M., Zwick, W., & Prochaska, J. O. (2006). Efficacy of a transtheoretical model-based expert system for antihypertensive adherence. Disease Management, 9(5), 291–301.

This article introduces the use of the transtheoretical model and stages of change as applied to interventions aimed at medication adherence for patients with hypertension.

Rogers, L. Q., Shah, P., Dunnington, G., Greive, A., Shanmugham, A., Dawson, B., & Courneya, K. S. (2005). Social cognitive theory and physical activity during breast cancer treatment. Oncology Nursing Forum, 32(4), 807–815.

The social cognitive theory is utilized to examine associations with physical activity in breast cancer patients. This article posits that the social cognitive theory can be used as a mediator for intervention evaluation with this population.

W. K. Kellogg Foundation. (2004). Using logic models to bring together planning, evaluation, and action: Logic model development guide. Battle Creek, MI: W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Retrieved from

Nursing homework help


To obtain a sense of what analytics is and what outcomes it can generate, you will test the different demonstrations provided by Qlik at (Links to an external site.). You can select either of their two products, Qlik Sense or QlikView. The former is focused on the user interface and dashboards, while the latter focuses on analytics. In both cases, you can select the healthcare industry (industry drop-down) to experience applications such as visualizing operating room management, efficiency, and utilization, or analysis of hospital readmissions. Nursing homework help



  • Share with the group what Qlik visualization you investigated
  • Identify 3 things you were able to do with the visualization you interacted with
  • Share 3 unique pieces of information you obtained from the visualization you looked at


Expectations: Students are expected to analyze the information and give detailed accounts of each three unique data points discovered, express what visualization was selected and why comment on peers’ selection.  Nursing homework help

120 points.

Legal And Ethical Issues Related To Psychiatric Emergencies

Legal And Ethical Issues Related To Psychiatric Emergencies

In 2–3 pages, address the following:

  • Explain Washington State, state laws for involuntary psychiatric holds for child and adult psychiatric emergencies. Include who can hold a patient and for how long, who can release the emergency hold, and who can pick up the patient after a hold is released.
  • Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state. Legal And Ethical Issues Related To Psychiatric Emergencies


  • Explain the difference between capacity and competency in mental health contexts.
  • Select one of the following topics, and explain one legal issue and one ethical issue related to this topic that may apply within the context of treating psychiatric emergencies: patient autonomy, EMTALA, confidentiality, HIPAA privacy rule, HIPAA security rule, protected information, legal gun ownership, career obstacles (security clearances/background checks), and payer source.
  • Identify one evidence-based suicide risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.
  • Identify one evidence-based violence risk assessment that you could use to screen patients. Legal And Ethical Issues Related To Psychiatric Emergencies

Summative Assessment: Risk- And Quality-Management Introductory Guide

Summative Assessment: Risk- And Quality-Management Introductory Guide


  1. Risk and quality management are the responsibility of all employees. As a health care manager, it is important that you are able to communicate the importance of these topics to your team members.

    In this assignment, you will demonstrate the skill of risk management by evaluating appropriate decision-making processes in risk and quality management as you prepare an introductory guide on the basic concepts of risk and quality management. You will apply the risk- and quality-management concepts you’ve learned to the health care industry. Summative Assessment: Risk- And Quality-Management Introductory Guide


    3- to 4-page quality- and risk-management introductory guide.

    • Overview
    • Explain the basic concepts of quality improvement in the health care industry.
    • Explain the basic concepts of risk management in the health care industry.
    • Decision-Making Processes
    • Explain the information needed for making risk-management and quality-management decisions in the health care industry. Consider the following in your explanation:
    • How do you identify your areas of concern?
    • What data do you need to validate your concerns?
    • What process or methods do you use to ensure consistency in making evidence-based decisions?
    • Risk-Management Tools and Strategies
    • Evaluate 2 risk-management tools or strategies used in the health care industry. Include the following:
    • Explain the purpose of each tool or strategy.  Summative Assessment: Risk- And Quality-Management Introductory Guide
    • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of the tools or strategies you selected.
    • Quality-Management Tools and Strategies
    • Evaluate 2 quality-management tools or strategies used in the health care industry. Include the following:
    • Explain the purpose of each tool or strategy.
    • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of the tools or strategies you selected.
    • Summary
    • Explain challenges in applying risk- and quality-management decisions in the health care industry.
    • Cite references to support your assignment.

      Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines. Summative Assessment: Risk- And Quality-Management Introductory Guide

Respiratory and Cardiovascular Case Study

Respiratory and Cardiovascular Case Study

CASE STUDY:11-year-old boy complains of wheezing and difficulty “getting enough air.” Notices it more when he is playing baseball and symptoms improve when exercise activity stops. He says that the symptoms are getting worse and the symptoms are even occurring at rest. Mother says the child is allergic to cat dander and his next-door neighbor in their apartment building recently began sheltering cats for the local humane society. Auscultation demonstrates wheezes on forced expiration throughout all lung fields.



In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following

  • The cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
  • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
  • How these processes interact to affect the patient. Respiratory and Cardiovascular Case Study

Identify interdisciplinary health professionals important to include in the health promotion. What is their role? Why is their involvement significant?

Address the following:Describe the above subject or topic and associated population your     group has selected. Discuss how this topic adversely affects the     population. How does health di

Address the following:

  1. Describe the above subject or topic and associated population your     group has selected. Discuss how this topic adversely affects the     population. How does health disparity affect this population?
  2. Explain evidence-based approaches that can optimize health for     this population. How do these approaches minimize health disparity     among affected populations?
  3. Outline a proposal for health     education that can be used in a family-centered health promotion to     address the issue for the target population. Ensure your proposal is     based on evidence-based practice.
  4. Present a general profile     of at least one health-related organization for the selected focus     topic. Present two resources, national or local, for the proposed     education plan that can be utilized by the provider or the   patient.
  5. Identify interdisciplinary health professionals     important to include in the health promotion. What is their role?     Why is their involvement significant?

Cite at least five scholarly sources to complete   this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years   and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Leadership Theories in Practice Essay

Leadership Theories in Practice Essay

A walk through the Business section of any bookstore or a quick Internet search on the topic will reveal a seemingly endless supply of writings on leadership. Formal research literature is also teeming with volumes on the subject.

However, your own observation and experiences may suggest these theories are not always so easily found in practice. Not that the potential isn’t there; current evidence suggests that leadership factors such as emotional intelligence and transformational leadership behaviors, for example, can be highly effective for leading nurses and organizations.


Yet, how well are these theories put to practice? In this Discussion, you will examine formal leadership theories. You will compare these theories to behaviors you have observed firsthand and discuss their effectiveness in impacting your organization. Leadership Theories in Practice Essay

Patience is 29 years old and has been HIV positive for nine years. She has remained asymptomatic and is not taking antiretroviral medication. Recently she was at the drop-in clinic to talk to a public

Patience is 29 years old and has been HIV positive for nine years. She has remained asymptomatic and is not taking antiretroviral medication. Recently she was at the drop-in clinic to talk to a public

Patience is 29 years old and has been HIV positive for nine years. She has remained asymptomatic and is not taking antiretroviral medication. Recently she was at the drop-in clinic to talk to a public health nurse about having a baby through artificial insemination. She said she had met a man who wanted to marry her and have children with her, but she was concerned about the baby contracting HIV. Her latest blood tests indicated her CD4+ count was 380/µL. The PCR test indicated her viral load was 850. The nurse referred her to the physician to discuss antiretroviral therapy during her pregnancy.

  1. What are the factors that increase the chance of HIV transmission from mother to infant, and how the transmission occurs?
  2. Patience was told that after she became pregnant, she would begin HAART therapy. Describe what this therapy is and what particular antiretroviral medication would be particularly useful to her during her pregnancy. What concern is there about administering certain antiretrovirals early in the pregnancy?
  3. Individuals with HIV are prone to contracting opportunistic infections. What are opportunistic infections and the risk factors that leave an individual with HIV particularly prone to contracting this type of illness?


  • Ensure you have written at least four double-spaced pages.
  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition format.