Discuss three healthcare rules, regulations, or laws relevant to the story (in additional to national laws, you will need to research industry-specific regulations based on your story selection).

Instructions:As you have learned, the role of the ethical professional in the healthcare field requires conscious decision-making and consideration for all parties involved. As a future leader in heal


As you have learned, the role of the ethical professional in the healthcare field requires conscious decision-making and consideration for all parties involved. As a future leader in healthcare administration, it is important to understand various industry regulations that protect patients and providers in an effort to make an appropriate decision with a caring response.

In this unit, you will use the six-step process to work through an ethical issue in healthcare to make an appropriate, caring response. By the end of this unit, you will be able to identify various healthcare industry regulations that protect patients and providers. Likewise, as a result, you will be able to discuss the proper moral limits of intervention.

To begin, select one (1) of the following stories from your textbook from which to address the assignment requirements:

  • The Story of Mitch Rice, Gail Campis, the Belangers, and the Botched Home Visit (p. 123)
  • The Story of Maureen Gudonis and Isaias Echevarria (p. 153)
  • The Story of Simon Kapinsky and the Interprofessional Ethics Subcommittee to Implement a Green Health Plan (p. 179) 

In a 5-7 page paper (excluding title page and reference list), address the following:

  • Summarize the story briefly providing the ethical dilemma and parties involved.
  • Discuss three healthcare rules, regulations, or laws relevant to the story (in additional to national laws, you will need to research industry-specific regulations based on your story selection).
  • Thoroughly discuss each phase of the six-step process relative to your story selection.
  • Recommend an appropriate, caring response that aligns with industry-specific regulations and ethical standards.

Report your findings noting the following standards:

  • Current APA formatting (e.g. title page, citations, conclusion, reference page, etc.) should be used.
  • Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.
  • Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, unoriginal work, and unattributed content is not permitted and will result in action pursuant to the University’s Plagiarism Policy and Procedures. 

Develop a PowerPoint presentation with 10–12 slides that describes how you would apply a balanced scorecard to your selected organization. In your PowerPoint presentation, include:

7 Discussion 1 Performance   Indicators and MeasuresSuccinctly propose performance   indicators and performance measures for each of the four facets of the   balanced scorecard, referring to thi

7 Discussion 1

Performance   Indicators and Measures

Succinctly propose performance   indicators and performance measures for each of the four facets of the   balanced scorecard, referring to this week’s study materials.

This activity reflects step eight   of Kotler’s marketing plan format, as presented in Health Care Marketing.

Response   Guidelines

Respond to your fellow learners   according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines. Focus your   comments on the relative strengths or weaknesses of their proposal. Support   your comments with evidence from your texts or other resources.


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

7 Discussion 2

Return   on Investment

Analyze the current versus   proposed return on investment (ROI), and examine the feasibility of a loss   leader service line within the context of the entire Vila Health system, as   you understand it. Current ROI is –1 percent on Labor and Delivery.

Response   Guidelines

Respond to your fellow learners   according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines. Do you agree with   their analysis? Why or why not? Be specific, and back up your thoughts with   your texts or other resources.


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.


Integrating   the Marketing Plan

Post an updated outline of your   proposed marketing plan for St. Anthony Medical Center’s Labor and Delivery   service line. Include any relevant revisions or recommendations from the   cost-benefit analysis you conducted in Unit 6. Also, integrate loss leader   feasibility concept into discussion.

Response   Guidelines

Respond to your fellow learners   according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines. Focus on the   big picture: Is there anything missing? Has reviewing this outline caused you   to rethink anything about yours? Be specific in your answers, tying all comments   back to your texts or other resources.


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

Dq   4

Preparing   for the Presentation

Construct a PowerPoint   presentation of your proposed marketing plan for St. Anthony Medical Center’s   Labor and Delivery service line. Using the technology of your choice   (PowerPoint, Kaltura, a separate audio file, or the like), record a narrated   PowerPoint presentation that includes your assessment, plan, action steps,   cost-benefit analysis, insights, and recommendations.

Note: The presentation should not exceed five minutes.

In addition to the recorded   presentation, include the notes or script of your audio. You may choose to do   this in the form of the completed Notes sections of the PowerPoint   presentation slides, as a script you may have used when you created your   recording, or in the form of a detailed outline. This will serve to clarify   any insufficient or unclear audio.

Response   Guidelines

Respond to your fellow learners   according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines. Focus on the   specifics—was anything unclear? Was there anything that stood out for you as   particularly effective? Remember, your goal here is to help each other construct   the most effective presentation possible.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or   alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please   contact Disability Services to request accommodations.


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
  • Using Kaltura [PDF].
  • Disability Services.

Discussion 5

Scorecard   Analysis

Before starting this discussion,   complete your unit readings on balanced scorecards, as introduced in 1992 by   Kaplan and Norton, and updated with lessons learned found in Norton’s   article. Then, in your initial post to this discussion, comment on the   following:

  • Describe the initial        framework for balanced scorecards as introduced by Kaplan and Norton’s        1992 work, “The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive        Performance.” You may wish to describe the overall purpose for        using a scorecard, discuss the Kaplan and Norton (1996) figure that        includes four key elements, how they relate to one another, and so        forth.
  • Describe what is meant by the        term balanced scorecard. Please provide paraphrasing or a quote        accompanied by an APA-formatted reference from peer-reviewed literature.
  • After reading the articles in        this unit, and reviewing Norton’s article, “Strategy Execution        Needs a System,” what is one new insight that you have gleaned        about balanced scorecards? Possible areas of insight may include: how        balanced scorecards are used, their limitations, their positive        potential for an organization, and so forth.

Please respond in an outline   format and include at least one APA-formatted reference to an outside   peer-reviewed reference to support your insights portion of the response.

Response   Guidelines

Respond to the posts of other   learners according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines. If   possible, respond to one learner who has a perspective, background, or goals   that are similar to yours, and to one learner whose perspective, background,   or goals are different. Responses should be substantive and must include one   peer-reviewed source that aligns with the discussion thread. You may feel   free to add an additional source that is new or provides a completely   different perspective. “I agree” and “Thanks for sharing your   insights” are examples of responses that do not contribute content for   enhanced learning and are not acceptable. The goal is quality, substantive   feedback that demonstrates higher-order critical thinking and evaluation of   peers’ initial posts.


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
  • APA Style and Format.
  • Capella Library.
  • How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles?.
  • The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive        Performance.
  • Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Strategy.
  • Strategy Execution Needs a System.

Discussion 6

Scorecard   Presentation

Now that you have had an   opportunity to analyze the balanced scorecard, consider how it would apply to   an organization of your choice.

For your initial post to this   discussion, select a health care organization that has readily available data   for the four categories from the Kaplan and Norton’s 1996 model. Those   categories are:

  • Financial performance        measures.
  • Internal business processes.
  • Learning and growth.
  • Customer satisfaction.

You may wish to select your   employer; however, please do not disclose proprietary data without prior   written consent from your employer. You may wish to review Web sites of   large, global organizations to research case study articles on best practices   for suitable organizations.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation   with 10–12 slides that describes how you would apply a balanced scorecard to   your selected organization. In your PowerPoint presentation, include:

  • A brief description of the        organization you selected.
  • Your balanced scorecard        analysis of the organization, including how vision and strategy connect        to the four balanced scorecard elements.
  • Four recommendations for the        organization.
  • Include at least one        APA-formatted in-text citation and accompanying, congruent APA-formatted        reference.

Attach your PowerPoint   presentation in your initial post to this discussion.

Note: You will use the PowerPoint presentation created for this   discussion as part of the Unit 8 assignment. Additionally, you will use the   balanced scorecard you develop for this discussion in the assignments in   Units 8 and 9. Review the instructions and scoring guides for those assignments   for more information about what your balanced scorecard should contain.

Response   Guidelines

Respond to the posts of other   learners according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines. If   possible, respond to the post of a learner to whom no other learners have yet   responded, so all learners receive feedback. In your response, critique the   learner’s PowerPoint presentation. What is done well? What could be improved   and how? Provide feedback that the learner can use to improve his or her PowerPoint   presentation.


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
  • APA Style and Format.
  • Capella Library.
  • Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations.
  • Tutorials: Microsoft Office Software.
  • Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Strategy.

Discussion 7

Scorecard   Presentation to Peers

In your initial post to this   discussion, post the scorecard presentation you created for the assignment in   this unit. Include your recording, PowerPoint presentation, and any other   documents (speaker notes, script, or detailed outline).

Other learners will then have an   opportunity to provide feedback on the presentation you posted. You will be   expected to apply the feedback you receive when making revisions for the last   assignment of the course, which is due in Unit 9.

Response   Guidelines

Respond to the posts other   learners according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines, providing   feedback on the scorecard presentations they posted. If possible, respond to   a learner who has not yet received feedback from a fellow learner so all   learners receive some feedback. Ask questions or make observations. Point to   strengths or indicate possible areas for improvement or clarification.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or   alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please   contact Disability Services to request accommodations.


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
  • Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations.
  • Using Kaltura [PDF].
  • Disability Services.

-What will be your role as an NP and how do you see yourself collaborating with other health care professionals?

The future of health care delivery will require multidisciplinary teams of health care professionals that collaborate to provide patient-centered care. The key to high performance in multidisciplinary

The future of health care delivery will require multidisciplinary teams of health care professionals that collaborate to provide patient-centered care. The key to high performance in multidisciplinary teams is an understanding of the distinctive roles, skills, and values and ethics of all team members. 

-What will be your role as an NP and how do you see yourself collaborating with other health care professionals?

 -Why is this important to know and understand? 

 -Who benefits? 

 -Who are the stakeholders? Support your work with examples and evidence-based research.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition format
  • 3-4 pages excluding title and references, at least 5 references 

Your DQ1 and DQ2 posts must be at least 150 words and have at least one reference cited for each question. In-text citation, please

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English languageThese are two discussion questionsYour DQ1 and DQ2 posts must be at least 150 words and have at least one reference cited for each question. In-te

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

These are two discussion questions

Your DQ1 and DQ2 posts must be at least 150 words and have at least one reference cited for each question. In-text citation, please

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

Sources need to be journal/scholarly articles. 

Use only articles that are published between 2015-2018 (except for your theory articles which will be older as you must cite primary sources).

No textbook or direct quotes

Please separate the two DQ with their references

Topic 4 DQ 1

What do you see as the largest health concern affecting underdeveloped countries? What role does the DNP play in eradicating this concern? What would be first steps?

Topic 4 DQ 2

In the assigned article, “Attention to Local Health Burden and the Global Disparity of Health Research,” the authors discussed the lack of attention given to global health crisis research. What areas can the DNP address that will promote health in correlation with the WHO’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health?

Client teaching related to diabetes for type I and type II DM.Your client for the type I DM is 16 years old in high school.Your client for the type II DM is 60 years old with a college degree in accou

Client teaching related to diabetes for type I and type II DM.Your client for the type I DM is 16 years old in high school.Your client for the type II DM is 60 years old with a college degree in accou

Client teaching related to diabetes for type I and type II DM.

Your client for the type I DM is 16 years old in high school.

Your client for the type II DM is 60 years old with a college degree in accounting.

These clients are developmentally appropriate for age. 

Client teaching related to diabetes for type I and type II DM.

Your client for the type I DM is 16 years old in high school.

Your client for the type II DM is 60 years old with a college degree in accounting.

These clients are developmentally appropriate for age.

Only the reference needs to be written in APA format.  At the end of the reference.

Client teaching related to diabetes for type I and type II DM.Your client for the type I DM is 16 years old in high school.Your client for the type II DM is 60 years old with a college degree in accou

Client teaching related to diabetes for type I and type II DM.Your client for the type I DM is 16 years old in high school.Your client for the type II DM is 60 years old with a college degree in accou

Client teaching related to diabetes for type I and type II DM.

Your client for the type I DM is 16 years old in high school.

Your client for the type II DM is 60 years old with a college degree in accounting.

These clients are developmentally appropriate for age. 

Client teaching related to diabetes for type I and type II DM.

Your client for the type I DM is 16 years old in high school.

Your client for the type II DM is 60 years old with a college degree in accounting.

These clients are developmentally appropriate for age.

Only the reference needs to be written in APA format.  At the end of the reference.

1. How is meningitis contracted? What is the difference between viral and bacterial meningitis?

How is meningitis contracted? What is the difference between viral and bacterial meningitis?  2.  How are viral and bacterial meningitis treated?  3.  How does meningitis cause hearing lo

  1.  How is meningitis contracted? What is the difference between viral and bacterial meningitis?

  2.  How are viral and bacterial meningitis treated?

  3.  How does meningitis cause hearing loss?

  4.  In 2013, there was an unusual outbreak of fungal meningitis in some patients who were administered epidural prednisone (corticosteroids). Meningitis due to fungal infection is rarely observed.

a. What were the symptoms?

b. What was the cause?

c. What is the treatment?

 5. Discuss the effects of a stroke, or cerebrovascular accident, if the cranial bleed is located in Broca’s or Wernicke’s area.

 6.  Briefly describe the differences between Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease, and explain the reasons for their differences.

 7. Briefly describe and discuss brain conditions that require psychiatric treatment such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, sociopathic behavior, or psychosis, and their relationship with specific neurotransmitter dysregulation.

 8. Use your knowledge about the layers of the meninges, along with their protective functions to discuss different types of hematomas in the brain-subdural vs epidural hematomas.

 9. Use your knowledge about the Blood-Brain barrier and why during pregnancy majority of drugs cannot be used without the consequences of having fetal deformities or injury to the unborn fetus.

10. Discuss the cerebral hemispheres and their important functions.

11.  Discuss the function of the cerebellum and the brain stem.

Identify the population you choose and analyze relevant information (demographics, socioeconomics, environmental hazards, and access to healthcare) pertaining to your chosen population.

Community Health Promotion ProjectFor this assignment, you will compose a scholarly paper focused on health promotion for a population of your choosing. Your paper should be 6 to 7 pages in length and

Community Health Promotion Project

For this assignment, you will compose a scholarly paper focused on health promotion for a population of your choosing. Your paper should be 6 to 7 pages in length and formatted in APA style.

Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify the population you choose and analyze relevant information (demographics, socioeconomics, environmental hazards, and access to healthcare) pertaining to your chosen population.
  • Analyze and discuss the mortality and morbidity risk factors for your selected population. Discuss four health risk factors.
  • Suggest a health promotion activity for each health issue identified from your analysis.
  • Use course lectures, textbook readings, and three scholarly journal articles to support your findings and recommendations in relation to your chosen population.

Discuss the types of assistance you might provide to each of the following clients:

Topic 2: Stigma Associated with DiseaseSome vulnerable populations may have diseases, health impairments, and pregnancy that bring humiliation and predisposed judgment. Unfortunately, these health con

Topic 2: Stigma Associated with Disease

Some vulnerable populations may have diseases, health impairments, and pregnancy that bring humiliation and predisposed judgment. Unfortunately, these health conditions can cause vulnerable populations to become ostracized by the general public.

  • What ways would you choose to function as an advocate for vulnerable populations?
  • Discuss the types of assistance you might provide to each of the following clients:
    • A 24-year-old pregnant woman who is currently homeless and unmarried
    • A 16-year-old girl who has run away from her foster home and who has an IV drug habit
    • An immigrant worker whose TB skin test just came back positive
    • An employed, married man who contracted Hepatitis B through a blood transfusion 30 years ago

DiscussionThis week we will explore current events related to epidemiology. You will present a scientific article to the class. Please focus on interpreting the research question, methodology, results

DiscussionThis week we will explore current events related to epidemiology. You will present a scientific article to the class. Please focus on interpreting the research question, methodology, results


This week we will explore current events related to epidemiology. You will present a scientific article to the class. Please focus on interpreting the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions from a sample of peer-reviewed scientific literature. Please be sure the article is related to epidemiology, summarizing its contents for the class, and providing a succinct written summary. Current events must have been published within the last six months. Written summaries should include:

  • State the objectives of the study
  • Summarize the study design and findings
  • Provide a reference of the article
  • Provide your opinion on how the “average” reader will respond to the article. Will the article influence decision making or thinking? Does the article leave out any important information?


 The New England Journal of Medicine published a large study showing that there is a small but significant risk of breast cancer associated with regular use of hormonal birth control pills. The study involved 1.8 million women in Denmark between the ages of 15 and 49 who were followed for about 11 years. Results showed that 11,517 cases of breast cancer occurred (Morch, Skovlund, Hannaford, Iversen, Fielding, & Lidegaard, 2017). “For every 10,000 women, 13 cases of breast cancers were reported with the use of birth control pills. For every 100,000 women using birth control pills, there were 68 new cases of diagnosed breast cancer each year compared to 55 new cases of breast cancer among women who were not using birth control pills” (Mandel, 2017). Current users of hormonal contraceptives were associated with a 20% increased risk of breast cancer. Women who used contraceptives less than a year showed a 9% increased risk, and women who used contraceptives greater than 10 years showed a 38% increased risk (Mandel, 2017). There was noted a rapid disappearance of breast cancer risks after the discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives short-term use (Morch, Skovlund, Hannaford, Iversen, Fielding, & Lidegaard, 2017).

     After reading this article, I believe it is a significant public health concern. About 140 million women used hormonal contraception worldwide (Do hormonal contraceptives increase breast cancer risk?, 2017). Like other contraceptives, birth control releases hormones. I think it is important to weigh out the risks and benefits. Oral contraceptives may benefit women with dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, and has shown to reduce the risks of ovarian, endometrial, and colorectal cancers (Hunter, 2017). I think women should explore the risks and benefits to help decide which treatment is best for them because no type of hormone contraceptive is risk free.


Do hormonal contraceptives increase breast cancer risk? (2017). Retrieved from http://www.breastcancer.org/research-news/do-hormonal-contraceptives-increase-risk

Hunter, J. D. (2017). Oral contraceptives and the small increased risk of breast cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine.

Mandal, A. (2017). Cancer risk with birth control pills emerges again in latest study. Retrieved from https://www.news-medical.net/news/20171210/Cancer-risk-with-birth-control-pills-emerges-again-in-latest-study.aspx (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Morch, L. S., Skovlund, C. W., Hannaford, P. C., Iversen, L., Fielding, S., & Lidegaard, O. (2017). Contemporary hormonal contraception and the risk of breast cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1700732