Project: Promoting Health Care QualitySection 5: Evaluation PlanWith the recognition of the bidirectional link between quality and finance in a healthcare organization, it follows that any changes to

Project: Promoting Health Care QualitySection 5: Evaluation PlanWith the recognition of the bidirectional link between quality and finance in a healthcare organization, it follows that any changes to

Project: Promoting Health Care Quality

Section 5: Evaluation Plan

With the recognition of the bidirectional link between quality and finance in a healthcare organization, it follows that any changes to one can have an echo in the other. To determine the net result of a change in overall performance status of the organization, one must determine the point where the results of echoes will reach equilibrium.

—Sadeghi, Barzi, Mikhail, & Shabot, 2013

This week you have been examining evaluation tools and how they can be used as part of a plan to promote quality and safety. As you develop an evaluation plan for your Course Project, consider the insights you have gained through your analysis of your selected organization, as well as the highly regulated and competitive health care environment.

To prepare:

  • Review the information on evaluation, including data representation and quality monitoring, presented in the Learning Resources.
  • Review your work on the Course Project thus far, particularly Sections 3 and 4.
  • Think about how your quality improvement initiative could be evaluated. Consider the following:
    • Which stakeholders need information related to this initiative? What do they need this information for?
    • How would you assess the outcomes in the short-term and long-term?
    • How would you analyze related processes, including but not limited to the one you redesigned in Section 4?
    • How should an analysis of organizational structures be integrated into your evaluation?
    • How would you identify and evaluate any unintended consequences that may arise?
    • What metrics should the organization use to gauge progress and the effectiveness of the quality improvement initiative? How would these metrics incorporate the measures and indicators that you identified in Section 3? Are there additional measures and indicators that you now think should be included?
    • How should the organization track and display data for an interdisciplinary audience? How could the use of a dashboard or balanced scorecard be of value?
    • How could the organization create an integrated view of performance that links finance and quality?

To complete:

Develop a 2- to 3-page evaluation plan that includes the following:

  • An outline of the methods that you would propose for evaluating the quality improvement initiative and the financial implications
  • A description of specific metrics that integrate your previously identified measures and indicators and any others that you have deemed important
  • A recommendation of how the organization could represent data related to this quality improvement issue for ongoing monitoring and to determine the value or success of the initiative
  • An explanation of how the organization could create an integrated view of performance that links finance and quality

This is a continuation of previous sections on same quality improvement measure : Patient centered care / safety

Write a 2-3 page paper which incorporates examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Include in the paper an example of a patient who would receive services at the different types of instituti

Write a 2-3 page paper which incorporates examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Include in the paper an example of a patient who would receive services at the different types of instituti

Write a 2-3 page paper which incorporates examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Include in the paper an example of a patient who would receive services at the different types of institutions.  Include a brief synopsis of which types of insurance might be accepted at the different types of institutions. Justify your response and conclusions by utilizing at least 2 outside sources.

Present your paper in a Microsoft Word document which follows APA format. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M2_A2.doc.

Submit the 2-3 page paper to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsProvided examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary care.

Illustrated an example of how a patient would receive services at each of the three different types of institutions.

Included a brief synopsis of which types of insurance might be accepted at the different types of institutions.

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of at least two sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Wheelchairs on AirplanesYou are required to write a two-page paper, double spaced, 12 point font addressing the following questions. This is a question and answer format. You must include the quest

Wheelchairs on AirplanesYou are required to write a two-page paper, double spaced, 12 point font addressing the following questions. This is a question and answer format. You must include the quest

· Wheelchairs on Airplanes

You are required to write a two-page paper, double spaced, 12 point font addressing the following questions. This is a question and answer format. You must include the question above each response. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 3 points. 

1. Introduction: Opening statement of topic area you will be discussing (1 paragraph)

2. References: Which websites, readings, and documentary films did you utilize in your investigation?  (3 sources; What were the main points or arguments of each source? Write a 1 paragraph summary of each = 3 paragraphs)

3. Which of these fundamental areas does this topic touch on? How does it relate to the fundamental area(s)? (1 paragraph)

a. Accessibility

b. Accommodations

c. Assistive Technology

d. Disability Rights

e. Respectful Language

4. I used to think that… Why did you think that?  Now I think that… Why do you think that now? What changed in your thinking?  (1 paragraph). 

5. Closing: In this context, how is disability a tool of innovation? (2-3 sentences)

6. Student Checklist

Supplemental Extra Credit Opportunity

Take a stand consistent with disability rights and life quality. Create a flyer or art piece that represents the issue you have researched.  Scan your creation and submit it digitally for extra credit points. (Indicate whether or not we have your permission to share it with the class. We can share anonymously as well. Just let us know.)

Week 7 Assignment: Textbook Problems: Create Attribute Control Charts Due 10/6/2018 As a current or future health care administration leader, you will likely engage in creating and presenting attrib

Week 7 Assignment: Textbook Problems: Create Attribute Control Charts Due 10/6/2018 As a current or future health care administration leader, you will likely engage in creating and presenting attrib

Week 7 Assignment: Textbook Problems: Create Attribute Control Charts 

Due 10/6/2018 

As a current or future health care administration leader, you will likely engage in creating and presenting attribute control charts for your health services organization. As you have examined in this course, the use of attribute control charts will depend on the specific processes in your health services organization that require monitoring and oversight. Apart from interpreting and understanding the results of control charts for ensuring that processes are in control, developing skills in creating attribute variable control charts is necessary for health care administration practice.

For this Assignment, review the resources for this week that are specific to attribute control charts. You should focus on mimicking the development of p and np charts as demonstrated in the readings for this week.

The Assignment: (3– pages)

· Using SPSS and Microsoft Word, complete problems 1 through 5 on pages 297–299 in the Ross textbook. Show all work. Submit both your SPSS and Word files for grading.


1. A hospital is analyzing nosocomial infections and wants to reduce their infection rate below the national average of 2.0%. They have sampled 40 cases every week for the last 20 weeks. The data are shown below. Create p and np control charts. Interpret the graphs. How is the hospital performing in relation to its stated goal?

1 2 11 3

2 1 12 4

3 1 13 2

4 2 14 3

5 1 15 4

6 1 16 5

7 3 17 3

8 2 18 4

9 1 19 5

10 2 20 6

2. Walter Shewhart ([1931] 1980) presented the following data in his classic Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product. Create a p chart for each machine. Does either of the two machines show evidence of special cause variation?









Jan 4 527

Feb 5 610

Mar 5 428

Apr 2 400

May 15 498

Jun 3 500

Jul 3 395

Aug 2 393

Sep 3 625

Oct 13 465

Nov 5 446

Dec 3 510

Average 5.25 483.08

1 169

3 99

1 208

1 196

1 132

1 89

1 167

2 200

1 171

1 122

3 107

1 132

1.42 149.33

3. From January 1846 through December 1848 Semmelweis ([1860] 1983) recorded births and the number that resulted in the death of the mother at his hospital. The data is available in the Chapter07.xls file, in the Problem07–03 tab. Create a p chart to analyze performance. Interpret the chart. Was the system stable?

4. Postsurgical infections have been reported to affect 2% to 5% of the 16 million patients who undergo surgery in U.S. hospitals. Infections increase the chance of complications and death. Antibiotics given one hour prior to surgery have been shown to reduce the probabil- ity of infection. The director of quality improvement has sampled 20 patients per week over the preceding 25 weeks. The data is available in the Chapter07.xls file in the Problem07–04 tab. The data collected records whether a patient contracted an infection after surgery. Create a p chart to analyze performance. Interpret the hospital’s performance based on your control chart and identify any issues that should be investigated. Assuming the aver- age rate of infection is 3.5%, is the hospital doing a good job?

5. Readmission rates within one year for congestive heart failure have been documented at 35%. A local heart program wants to assess its performance against this standard. The pro- gram has randomly selected ten patients per month over a 24-month period for review. The data is available in the Chapter07.xls file, in the Problem07–05 tab. Some of the patients were deleted from the sample due to death, relocation, or other reasons that preclude follow-up. Create a p chart. Is the process stable? How is the program performing relative to the documented standard? Since not all months have 10 observations, either use 10 as the sample size or use the average sample size to calculate the control limits.

ASSESSMENT Brief (specific)Summative (final) assessment comprises of a 4,000 words (3 parts): Part 1 (1,000 words) – historical conceptsUsing two examples, critically analyse historical and contemp

ASSESSMENT Brief (specific)Summative (final) assessment comprises of a 4,000 words (3 parts): Part 1 (1,000 words) – historical conceptsUsing two examples, critically analyse historical and contemp

ASSESSMENT Brief (specific)

Summative (final) assessment comprises of a 4,000 words (3 parts): 

Part 1 (1,000 words) – historical concepts

Using two examples, critically analyse historical and contemporary approaches to mental health. 

Discuss one example of socio-economic influences on mental health 

Part 2 – Case study (specific) (2,000words)

Select one of the case studies provided Place this in the appendix in your assessment).

· Analyse the case study, and identify a possible diagnosis from the description provided, justifying reasons for selecting the type of mental health problem. Link with available literature. 

· Discuss the possible forms of treatment and intervention and how the person can be supported, taking into considerations the available mental health services in the U.K.. 

· Discuss the implications of this diagnosis for the person concerned, including any potential risks.

· Critically reflect on how current policy and legislation would define best practice to meet the holistic needs of this service user.

Part 3 – Reflection (1,000 words)

Using Gibbs’ Model, reflect on how the case study you have discussed could develop and inform your practice when working and /or caring for individuals with mental health issues. What have you learned from undertaking this case study?

Specific Assessment Criteria:

(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please see section 15)

Secondary Research Level HE6 – it is expected that your reference list will contain 15-20 relevant sources. As a MINIMUM the reference list should include 3 refereed academic journal articles and 5 academic books.

Healthcare: Undergraduate: Essay: English (U.S.): 3 pages/825 words:APA 2 sources due in 3 hours Environmental Health and Human Health: Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, r

 Healthcare: Undergraduate: Essay: English (U.S.): 3 pages/825 words:APA 2 sources due in 3 hours Environmental Health and Human Health: Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, r

 Healthcare: Undergraduate: Essay: English (U.S.): 3 pages/825 words:APA 

2 sources due in 3 hours

 Environmental Health and Human Health: Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on the following topics: Physical Agents Chemical Agents Biological Agents On the basis of your research and understanding of the topic, answer the following questions: Identify and describe five factors that affect responses to a toxic chemical. What determines the toxicity of a chemical? To what extent do you agree with the assumption that “all substances are poisons”? What is human exposure assessment? Explain some of the methods of exposure assessment. Why is epidemiology important to research studies of environmental health? Give reasoning to support your answer. What are some of the important limitations of the epidemiologic approach with respect to the study of environmental health problems? 

Create a PowerPoint presentation to share with the owner. The presentation should be structured with the following topics addressed:

One of the first things you need to do is convince the current owner of SewWorld that he needs to collect data. Here’s what you want to get across to him: data are the facts, figures, and details co

One of the first things you need to do is convince the current owner of SewWorld that he needs to collect data. Here’s what you want to get across to him: data are the facts, figures, and details collected about an organization. The data becomes information when it is put into meaningful context. Information systems help develop greater knowledge about the organization if the consumer of the information can manage and manipulate the data in appropriate ways for the enterprise.

Create a PowerPoint presentation to share with the owner. The presentation should be structured with the following topics addressed:

  • Review some of the tools you use, whether at home or in school, that help turn the data you are exposed to into information for making decisions.
  • Elaborate further on the definition of information systems by answering the following questions:
    • Define data.
    • Define information.
    • Describe what knowledge is and how it is used to create technology systems.
    • How does an information system increase a company’s competitive position?
  • Identify what kinds of business information SewWorld would likely be interested in storing, retaining, and reporting on.

Discussion: Using Evaluation Tools to Assess Quality Improvement EffortsLike most other things in life, outcomes are the bottom line with respect to measurement of success along the path of quality im

Discussion: Using Evaluation Tools to Assess Quality Improvement EffortsLike most other things in life, outcomes are the bottom line with respect to measurement of success along the path of quality im

Discussion: Using Evaluation Tools to Assess Quality Improvement Efforts

Like most other things in life, outcomes are the bottom line with respect to measurement of success along the path of quality improvement. However, without a careful analysis of the link between access, process, and structure of care, improvements in outcomes seem unattainable.

—Sadeghi, Barzi, Mikhail, & Shabot, 2013

In this Discussion, you consider how to collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate the results of quality improvement initiatives. In addition, you discuss the significance of evaluation and how you, as a nurse leader-manager, can contribute in an organization to the large-scale goal of facilitating quality improvement.

To prepare:

  • Review methods for measuring and evaluating quality improvement efforts presented in the Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to how and why it is important to measure outcomes.
  • Select one evaluation tool and analyze its benefits and relevance for the quality improvement plan you are developing for your Course Project.
  • Consider how you, as a nurse leader-manager, can use the results from the evaluation to support the organization’s overarching goals for quality improvement.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of the evaluation tool that you selected. Explain the benefits of applying this tool as part of your quality improvement plan in the Course Project. Also explain how you could use the results from the evaluation to support the organization’s overarching goals for quality improvement.


Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (1996). Linking the balanced scorecard to strategy. California Management Review, 39(1), 53–79

In this early follow-up article, Kaplan and Norton further explain research on the use and application of the balanced scorecard

Identify possible personal moral convictions which may influence the direction of the story.

TEXTBOOK INFORMATION Title: Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions Edition: 6th (2015) Author: Doherty, Regina and Purtilo, Ruth Publisher: Elsevier Science Book ISBN: 978-0323328920  To begin,


Title: Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions

Edition: 6th (2015)

Author: Doherty, Regina and Purtilo, Ruth

Publisher: Elsevier Science

Book ISBN: 978-0323328920

To begin, select one (1) of the following stories from your textbook from which to address the assignment requirements:

  • The Story of the Harvey Family and the Interprofessional Care Team (p. 3)
  • The Story of Pat Jackson, the Interprofessional Care Team, and Mr. Sanchez (p. 29)
  • The Story of Bill Boyd and Kate Lindy (p. 53)
  • The Story of Elizabeth Kim, Max Diaz, Melinda Diaz, and Michael Meary (p. 73)
  • The Story of Michael Halloran and Amrou Croteau (p. 106) In a 5-7 page paper (excluding title page and reference list), address the following:
  • Summarize the story briefly providing the ethical dilemma and parties involved.
  • Discuss the varying perspectives from the parties involved. Be sure to discuss potential reasoning for the varied perspectives. Please note that you may need to include fictitious information to complete this.
  • Discuss ethical standards relevant to the unique scenario.
  • Identify possible personal moral convictions which may influence the direction of the story.
  • Foreshadow potential events in the story of what could happen if ethical standards did not exist. Report your findings noting the following standards:
  • Current APA formatting (e.g. title page, citations, conclusion, reference page, etc.) should be used.
  • Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.
  • Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, unoriginal work, and unattributed content is not permitted and will result in action pursuant to the University’s Plagiarism Policy and Procedures. 

Business Ideas for Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneurs Presentation Nurse practitioners can practice in many locations and can be a clinical practice as well as a consulting business, educational busine

Business Ideas for Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneurs Presentation Nurse practitioners can practice in many locations and can be a clinical practice as well as a consulting business, educational busine

Business Ideas for Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneurs Presentation 

Nurse practitioners can practice in many locations and can be a clinical practice as well as a consulting business, educational business. Read through the list and use it to develop your own business plan presentation. The presentation must have no more than 15 slides including the title and reference page and must have the following headings:

  1. Concept Statement: What are the benefits of your product or service? Presenting the practice idea, reason for selecting this area and summarizes the general plan.
  2. Marketing Plan: What is the target market and how will you penetrate it? Presents the need for the practice, who it will be marketed to and why that group. Present a sample of a marketing strategy (i.e. magazine, tv or radio ad)
  3. Development: How will you develop and produce the product or service? What are the risks of the venture and what can you do to reduce these risks?
  4. Finance & Accounting: What are the financial implications of the plan? What resources, including funding, are required to successfully create the business plan? Show how you will support the business (billing). Expenses, contracts, building space et.  
  5. Legal Considerations: Identify any legal considerations the business team might foresee. Collaboration, protocols, state regulations, local regulation, licenses, certifications needed the business.

Please see the file attached for complete information and requirements for this presentation.