Identify the 4 functions of the kidneys. Within your answer, discuss how the processes of excretion and reabsorption occur and the substances involved.

QUESTIONIdentify the 4 functions of the kidneys. Within your answer, discuss how the processes of excretion and reabsorption occur and the substances involved.Your response should be at least 500 word


Identify the 4 functions of the kidneys. Within your answer, discuss how the processes of excretion and reabsorption occur and the substances involved.

Your response should be at least 500 words in length 

Match the term on the left to its description on the right.

  1. Fallopian
  2. Cervix 
  3. Menstruation 
  4.  Eggs 
  5. Ovaries 
  6. Fundus 
  7.  Perimetrium 
  8. Myometrium 
  9. Endometrium 
  10. Glandulara.
  1. Thick muscular region of the uterus.
  2. b.Mature follicles released during ovulation.
  3. c.Tissue in the endometrium that is rich with blood vessels.
  4. d.Middle layer of the uterus that is composed of smooth muscle.
  5. e.The inner lining of the uterus that has a mucous lining.
  6. f.The narrower lower segment of the uterus.
  7. g.Endocrine glands and egg producing organs.
  8. h.Fascial outer layer of the uterus that provides support within the pelvis.
  9. i.Small tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.
  10. j.Occurs when the layers of the endometrium slough away from the inner layer.

Explain why the health department collects this information conveying the idea of how it serves the greater good.

You will need to discuss the fragile balance between the need for public health agencies to acquire data and the demand for security of sensitive information. Review the article Ethics in Public Healt

You will need to discuss the fragile balance between the need for public health agencies to acquire data and the demand for security of sensitive information. Review the article Ethics in Public Health Research.

As public health director in a small county, you must maintain records that track diabetes rates, the incidence of HIV, and immunization records. Recently, there have been at least two breaches when computers were stolen from employees or an outside hacker broke into the system and downloaded data.

Now you must write an open letter addressing the community and explain how the department is going to protect the information. In your letter, address the following questions.

  1. Explain why the health department collects this information conveying the idea of how it serves the greater good.
  2. Discuss the public’s interest in privacy and why this is important in our society.
  3. Discuss why the department needs to infringe on the community’s privacy.
  4. Explain how the department might ensure greater security.
  5. Be sure to identify at least one applicable regulation, statute, or source that supports the ability of the department to collect this information.
  1. Limit your response to 3 pages, not including title and reference pages.
  2. Be sure to utilize at least 3-4 scholarly references to support your discussions.
  3. Be sure to properly cite your references within the text of your assignment and listed at the end.
  4. Be sure to apply critical thinking skills to the write-up of your assignment, especially for numbers 1, and 2 above.

Please write in APA format, 12 PT, Double-spaced 

I will provide the references.

Health care industry Research the access to essential health commodities. Medical innovations are failing many patients globally. Describe the issues, barriers, and challenges for the neglected popul

Health care industry Research the access to essential health commodities. Medical innovations are failing many patients globally. Describe the issues, barriers, and challenges for the neglected popul

Health care industry 

Research the access to essential health commodities. Medical innovations are failing many patients globally. Describe the issues, barriers, and challenges for the neglected populations. Discuss how access can be expanded for these populations, what policy changes are needed, and who needs to be participating in solving this problem.

Please use the following headings in your paper:


  1. Introduction
  2. Essential Health Commodities
  3. The Failure of Medical Innovations
  4. Issues, Barriers, and Challenges
  5. Recommended Policy Changes
  6. Conclusions
  7. References

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

  1. Be 3-4 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
  2. Be formatted according APA writing guidelines.
  3. Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external.
  4. Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.
  5. More citation through the text
  6. No plagiarism
  7. The references not more than 5 years back

7. Explain the elements that must be present for a patient to give informed consent.

Review the case Informed Consent in Louisiana – Lugenbuhl v. Dowling.2. First, identify the elements of the legal citation- plaintiff, defendant, court, location of case etc.3. Explain the meaning

1. Review the case Informed Consent in Louisiana – Lugenbuhl v. Dowling.

2. First, identify the elements of the legal citation- plaintiff, defendant, court, location of case etc.

3. Explain the meaning and importance of the doctrine of informed consent.

4. Discuss why we have this doctrine and what would happen if we did not.

5. Discuss the two elements that must be present for informed consent to exist under the law.

6. In a legal case of negligence and liability explain why the basis for negligence may be battery, unconsented touching, or breach of a duty imposed on the doctor to disclose material information.


7. Explain the elements that must be present for a patient to give informed consent.

1. Limit your responses to a maximum of four pages, not including title and reference list pages.

2. Be sure to utilize at least 3-4 scholarly references to support your discussions.

3. Be sure to properly cite your references within the text of your assignment and listed at the end.

4. Be sure to apply critical thinking skills to the write-up of your assignment, especially numbers 3, 4, and 5 above.

Use APA format, 12 PT, Double-spaced

I will provide the references

The Maria Garcia Series-Reflection paper

The Maria Garcia Series-Reflection paper

The Maria Garcia Series

IPE Reflection Paper Instructions

KINE 5377 Health Systems and Policy 

Instructions: Please answer the following questions by writing a complete, thoughtful paragraph directly under each question. You may type directly into this Word document. The final product should be double-spaced, written in 11-point font with 1-inch margins, and at least 4 pages in length.

Think critically about how you are affected by your participation in the interprofessional activity and thoughtfully respond to each of the questions below.

  1. What was your reaction Maria Garcia’s case study scenarios? Provide detailed examples from the scenarios presented in the modules.


  1. What did you learn about patient/client interactions that pertains to your future practice of public health (or your profession, if you are not a public health student)?


  1. What did you learn about working in interprofessional teams that you can apply in your current/future professional practice?


  1. In what situations do you think you may have to work in interprofessional teams during your career?


  1. What did you learn during the interactive components of the activities or the reflection/feedback questions?


  1. Which knowledge, skills, or attitudes do you think you will apply in the future because of this IPE experience? Please provide specific examples or a short paragraph describing the setting and scenario you have in mind. Please be specific to the career in public health or health care that you are pursuing.


  1. How do you think that interprofessional training can improve the delivery of health services to the populations we serve? Any additional thoughts or comments you would like to share? The Maria Garcia Series-Reflection paper

3. Explain the concepts of self-care, self-care knowledge, self-care resources, and self-care action.

The patient is a 58-year woman diagnosed with Stage IIIB breast cancer which required a mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She has a variety of chronic illnesses, including hypertensio

The patient is a 58-year woman diagnosed with Stage IIIB breast cancer which required a mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She has a variety of chronic illnesses, including hypertension, diabetes and asthma. She is knowledgeable about her health and sees the doctor regularly to stay healthy.

She is very devout Catholic and grew up in a strongly devout family. Her church family is very important to her. Her mother and siblings live out of state. All of her family prays regularly for her along with their church and friends.

The patient was very sick as a child requiring frequent hospitalizations. Although her parents were repeatedly told that the patient would soon die from pneumonia, she always pulled through. This caused her family to note her strong-willed nature as a child. Her family nick name was “the happy child” because she was known for her cheerful, optimistic nature despite her frequent illnesses.

She has been married for 36 years. Her husband is very supportive. She has 2 grown sons who live about 4 hours away. Neither son is married.  Her best friend is a local nursing instructor. The friend has taken her back and forth for most of her treatments because her husband cannot get time off. Her co-workers are very supportive and assisted with money and food during chemotherapy. She has been a teacher in the community for 20 years. Her former students created a face book page to keep up with her progress and regularly send her encouragement.

1. Describe the patient’s world view. 

2. Explain the concept of affiliated-individuation. 

3. Explain the concepts of self-care, self-care knowledge, self-care resources, and self-care action. 

a, self-care-

b. self-care knowledge –


c. self-care resources –

d. self-care action –

4. What is APAM in MRM theory? 

a. What does it mean? 

b. Describe her adaptation potential. .

c. What was the stressor?

d. What was the arousal response?

e. What happened with the arousal? 

5. Identify one way the nurse can role-model for this patient. 

6. Using the patient in the scenario, discuss at least one nursing intervention for each of the MRM Five Aims of Interventions.  

a. Build trust

b. Promote Positive Orientation

c. Promote Perceived Control

d. Affirm and Promote Positive Strengths

e. Set Mutual Health Promotion Goals

Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles. Describe the issues and a possible solution in a 3-5 page paper.

Ethical Case StudiesConsider the ethical dilemma the health care professional faces in the selected case study. Pay particular attention to details that will help you analyze the situation using the t

Ethical Case Studies

Consider the ethical dilemma the health care professional faces in the selected case study. Pay particular attention to details that will help you analyze the situation using the three components of the Ethical Decision Making Model (moral awareness, moral judgment, and ethical behavior).

Note: The case study may not supply all of the information you may need for the assignment. In such cases, you should consider a variety of possibilities and infer potential conclusions. However, please be sure to identify any speculations that you make.


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Open and Close Icon Reducing Hospital Readmissions

Caleb Powell was preparing the agenda for the upcoming executive leadership meeting and he shook his head ruefully. As chief executive officer for Virginia County Regional Hospital (VCRH), Caleb believes that a key piece of VCRH’s future success lies in reducing readmission rates, not only in the areas identified by federal guidelines, but across the board. A few weeks ago, he read a piece from the National Institutes of Health discussing strategies associated with reduction in readmission rates. He decided that he wanted to discuss the issue in detail with his leadership team.

Caleb’s goal is to align the hospital’s strategic planning with the goal of reducing readmissions. The stakes are high; under provisions of the Affordable Care Act, hospitals with higher than expected 30 day readmission rates for heart failure, heart attack and pneumonia are penalized with reduced payments. Historically, hospitals (including VCRH) have struggled to avoid the penalties, but Caleb believes that believes that a focused approach will allow them to be successful. He also believes that reducing readmission rates will improve patient satisfaction, which has become a key metric in measuring hospital quality.

Caleb’s initial research into this issue revealed that while many facilities were incurring the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) penalties, there was still significant variability in terms of hospitals implementing successful strategies for reducing their readmission rates. However, several themes have emerged. Hospitals that established partnerships with physicians, physician groups and other local hospitals have had greater success. In addition, a clear discharge planning process and nurse driven medication reconciliation have also been associated with reducing the risk of readmissions.

At the same time, Caleb is concerned that an aggressive policy to avoid readmissions could be construed as too focused on the hospital’s bottom line and indifferent to patient needs. The last thing he wants is to create a policy that prevents patients from seeking or receiving care. Caleb hopes that this meeting will begin a productive discussion around developing strategies to improve VCRH’s performance in this area.

Caleb’s email to the executive leadership team with the agenda for the meeting included the following note:

“As we research the readmission rate issue for improvement, we need to be aware that we cannot add additional days to the patient’s initial stay. It’s a balancing act. We also cannot hinder a patient from coming back into the hospital for a readmission. I’ll be asking for your input about whether we should create a system to profile health care providers whose patients have high readmission rates.”

Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles. Describe the issues and a possible solution in a 3-5 page paper.

For this assessment, you will develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional. Read each portion of the assessment carefully and use the suggested resources to help you complete the assessment. This assessment provides an opportunity to consider ethical principles and how they can be applied in health care situations.

What knowledge did you gain about this group that you were not aware of? How will this knowledge change the way you care for this cultural group?

Pick a cultural group (different from yours) that you commonly care for at work. Research the answers to the following…Health beliefs and practices Family patterns Communication style Space orien

Pick a cultural group (different from yours) that you commonly care for at work. Research the answers to the following…

  1. Health beliefs and practices
  2. Family patterns
  3. Communication style
  4. Space orientation
  5. Time orientation
  6. Nutritional Patterns
  7. Pain Responses
  8. Childbirth and perinatal care


  9. Death and Dying

  10. Spirituality, religion, and faith (include holy days)
  11. Prayer and meditation

What knowledge did you gain about this group that you were not aware of? How will this knowledge change the way you care for this cultural group?

This paper should include 2 outside references and your book. This paper should be at least 2000 words (this does not include the title page and reference page).

Identify a current state or national healthcare or nursing issues that impact nurses or healthcare. Possible websites to locate an issue would be…

Part 1. EBP ResearchLocate two research articles on the topic of your choice, but each article needs to use a different research method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods). First, summarize

Part 1. EBP Research

Locate two research articles on the topic of your choice, but each article needs to use a different research method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods). First, summarize both articles. Then answer the following questions…

  • Which type of research article did you find easier to understand? Explain
  • If you had to complete a research project which style would you choose and why?

This section should include 2 outside references and your book. This section should be at least 1000 words.


Part 2. Political Letter

Identify a current state or national healthcare or nursing issues that impact nurses or healthcare. Possible websites to locate an issue would be…

State Nursing Association

American Nursing Association

Specialized Professional Organizations

Once you have found your issue, write a letter to your governor, senator, or congress person. Your letter should be 500 words, in a block format and addresses should be included. Your first paragraph should state the issue. The second paragraph should state how the issue affects you personally as a nurse (avoid medical jargon). The third paragraph should state how the issue affects the community. Your fourth and final paragraph should restate the importance of the issue and thank the individual for their time and attention to the issue.

Your references for the letter should not be cited in your letter, but should be included on a separate reference page. 

How do you address the concerns of your staff who do not have a computer and are scared of them?

Create a Power Point Presentation to discuss the following:You have been asked to implement a new computer charting system within your hospital. The staff at the hospital has been using paper charting

Create a Power Point Presentation to discuss the following:

You have been asked to implement a new computer charting system within your hospital. The staff at the hospital has been using paper charting and the staff’s age range is from 20 to 72. You will need to address the following:

  1. Who would you want on your team to help you as you implement this change and why? (interdisciplinary team)
  2. What should you consider when communicating this change to staff? How should the change be communicated to staff? (in-service, shift meeting)


  3. How are you going to implement the change, handle resistance, and be the change agent?

  4. What issues do you need to address about the use of technology within the hospital? (security, website surfing, documentation)
  5. What type of technology would you like to see (tablets, laptops, PC’s) why?
  6. How do you address the concerns of your staff who do not have a computer and are scared of them?

Power Point should include at least 3 outside references and the textbook. It should include title and reference slides and be 14-20 slides.