Identify the health problem and summarize what is occurring in the body when a person has this health problem, including a description of the main co-morbidities and risk factors.

General Directions for Focus Papers:Each focus paper must be written in a scholarly manner using proper APA format (6th edition). Each focus paper must be at least 750 words in length. The 750 words

General Directions for Focus Papers:

  1. Each focus paper must be written in a scholarly manner using proper APA format (6th edition).
  2. Each focus paper must be at least 750 words in length. The 750 words do not include the title page, reference list or appendix.
  3. Your paper should not consist of more than 10% of direct quotes. This means that in a 750-word paper, no more than 75 words can be directly quoted from a source. Points will be deducted from papers exceeding the 10% limit. Instead of quoting, paraphrase the information in your own words.
  4. Your paper must be submitted as MS Office Word documents, using a Time New Roman 12-point font, double spaced and with page numbers on the upper right corner with your last name (CHECK APA MANUAL).
  5. In each focus paper, you must use at least three different credible, professional references to support your discussion.  Your references should be cited in-text and in a reference list using proper APA format (PLAEASE USE PROPER APA FORMAT).
  6. The order of your paper should be: title page, body of your paper, reference list and appendix.

Components of the Focus Papers:

For each Focus Paper, specific components or issues must be addressed.  Be sure you address each point in your narrative. 

Focus Paper #1: Nature and scope of the health problem (750 words)

  • Identify the health problem and summarize what is occurring in the body when a person has this health problem, including a description of the main co-morbidities and risk factors.
  • What is the scope of this health problem in the US? Quantify how many people in the US are affected by this health problem. Identify and quantify the sub-groups (racial/ethnic, gender, etc.) that are most affected by this health problem.
  • Discuss why these groups are affected more than others (health disparities). Use data (statistics) from credible sources to support your discussion.
  • Using APA format, create a reference list citing all the sources used in writing your paper.
  • Interpret and include at least one graph or table that relates to the content of your paper. You will discuss the graph or table as part of your narrative and include the graph or table in an Appendix at the end of your paper. Cite the source for the tables or graphs below each one and in the reference list using APA format.
  • Copy and paste this link to your browser for APA guideline:   


Philosophy of Nursing Paper Guidelines

Philosophy of Nursing Paper Guidelines

Philosophy of Nursing Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubric

The philosophy of nursing paper is a two to three-page, double-spaced, 1” margin reflective “mission” statement. When thinking about nursing, in the first person, summarize your guiding principles using present tense. Submit all philosophy of nursing papers on Bb using your last name and then the name of the assignment on day assigned in Course Outline. Emailed papers are unacceptable. You may use SafeAssign before submission to check for citation problems and plagiarism Philosophy of Nursing Paper Guidelines.



Content Possible


Points Earned
1.      Personal beliefs.  Describe your values and beliefs about nursing.  You may use “I believe…” statements that include your:

a.       Your definition of nursing.

b.      What are your beliefs on how nursing is related to the general population (Who are they?), general health (What is it?), and the environment (Where is nursing practiced?).

c.       Beliefs about the profession of nursing.

d.      Significance of collaboration with other health professionals.









2.      Nursing as a career. Demonstrate that you have given thought to your career and explain the rationale for your decision.

a.       Inspiration from the past. (Who or what?)

b.      Define professional goals.

c.       Identify roles and responsibilities to advance the profession of nursing.

d.      How you will provide safe, effective care?

e.       How your academic preparation will facilitate your positive contributions to the health care system?










3.      Organization, grammar, and APA format.  Proofread your paper before submission to make sure that your paper:

a.       Complies with length requirements 2-3 pages;

b.      Consistently uses APA (7th edition-student paper) format (title page, page numbers, and if needed, in-text citations and reference list);

c.       Is free of grammatical, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and organizational (introduction, body and summary with logical flow) errors.










4.      Deductions

See guidelines outlined in the syllabus adherence to submission deadline.


Philosophy of Nursing Paper Guidelines

· Describe the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Be sure to explain the changes in the arterial blood gas patterns during an exacerbation.

Complications of asthma can be sudden. Consider the case of Bradley Wilson, a young boy who had several medical conditions. He appeared in good health when he went to school, returned home, and ate di

Complications of asthma can be sudden. Consider the case of Bradley Wilson, a young boy who had several medical conditions. He appeared in good health when he went to school, returned home, and ate dinner. However, when he later went outside to play, he came back inside wheezing. An ambulance took him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead (Briscoe, 2012). In another case, 10-year-old Dynasty Reese, who had mild asthma, woke up in the middle of the night and ran to her grandfather’s bedroom to tell him she couldn’t breathe. By the time paramedics arrived, she had passed out and was pronounced dead at the hospital (Glissman, 2012). These situations continue to outline the importance of recognizing symptoms of asthma and providing immediate treatment, as well as distinguishing minor symptoms from serious, life-threatening symptoms. Since these symptoms and attacks are often induced by a trigger, as an advanced practice nurse, you must be able to help patients identify their triggers and recommend appropriate treatment options. For this reason, you need to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation.

To Prepare

· Review “Asthma” in Chapter 27 of the Huether and McCance text. Identify the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Consider how these disorders are similar and different.

· Select a patient factor different from the one you selected in this week’s Discussion: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Think about how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of both disorders. Reflect on how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these disorders for a patient based on the factor you selected.

· Review the “Mind maps—Dementia, Endocarditis, and Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)” media in the Week 2 Learning Resources. Use the examples in the media as a guide to construct two mind maps—one for chronic asthma and one for acute asthma exacerbation. Consider the epidemiology and clinical presentation of both chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation.

To Complete

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

· Describe the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Be sure to explain the changes in the arterial blood gas patterns during an exacerbation.

· Explain how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of both disorders. Describe how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for a patient based on the factor you selected.

· Construct two mind maps—one for chronic asthma and one for acute asthma exacerbation. Include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation, as well as the diagnosis and treatment you explained in your paper.

Hypertension Case StudyC.D is a 55-year-old African American male who presents to his primary care provider with a 2-day history of a headache and chest pressure.PMHAllergic RhinitisDepressionHypothyr

Hypertension Case StudyC.D is a 55-year-old African American male who presents to his primary care provider with a 2-day history of a headache and chest pressure.PMHAllergic RhinitisDepressionHypothyr

Hypertension Case Study

C.D is a 55-year-old African American male who presents to his primary care provider with a 2-day history of a headache and chest pressure.


Allergic Rhinitis



Family History

Father died at age 49 from AMI: had HTN

Mother has DM and HTN

Brother died at age 20 from complications of CF

Two younger sisters are A&W

Social History

The patient has been married for 25 years and lives with his wife and two children. The patient is an air traffic controller at the local airport. He has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 15 years. He drinks several beers every evening after work to relax. He does not pay particular attention to sodium, fat, or carbohydrates in the foods he eats. He admits to “salting almost everything he eats, sometimes even before tasting it.” He denies ever having dieted or exercised.


Zyrtec 10 mg daily




States that his overall health has been fair to good during the past year.

Weight has increased by approximately 30 pounds in the last 12 months.

States he has been having some occasional chest pressure and headaches for the past 2 days. Shortness of breath at rest, headaches, nocturia, nosebleeds, and hemoptysis.

Reports some shortness of breath with activity, especially when climbing stairs and that breathing difficulties are getting worse.

Denies any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or blood in stool.

Self treats for occasional right knee pain with OTC Ibuprofen.

Denies any genitourinary symptoms.

Vital Signs

B/P 190/120, HR 73, RR 18, T. 98.8 F., Ht 6’1”, Wt 240 lbs.


TMs intact and clear throughout

No nasal drainage

No exudates or erythema in oropharynx


Funduscopy reveals mild arteriolar narrowing without nicking, hemorrhages, exudates, or papilledema


Supple without masses or bruits

Thyroid normal

No lymphadenopathy


Mild basilar crackles bilaterally

No wheezes



No murmurs or rubs


Soft and non-distended

No masses, bruits, or organomegaly

Normal bowel sounds


Moves all extremities well


No sensory or motor abnormalities

CN’s II-XII intact

DTR’s = 2+

Muscle tone=5/5 throughout

What you should do:

  • Develop an evidence-based management plan.
  • Include any pertinent diagnostics.
  • Describe the patient education plan.
  • Include cultural and lifespan considerations.
  • Provide information on health promotion or health care maintenance needs.
  • Describe the follow-up and referral for this patient.
  • Prepare a 3–5-page paper (not including the title page or reference page).

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well orderedlogical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.

Pharmacology Power Points

Pharmacology Power Points

It is nearly impossible to learn EVERYTHING about EVERY SINGLE drug we encounter. While it is important for us to look up select information about unfamiliar medications we administer, we can know the general indications and nursing interventions related to a drug if we learn key information about the drug classifications. For this assignment, you will be collecting information about different groups of drugs, or drug classifications, found in your Pharmacology textbook and creating a PowerPoint presentation (5-10 slides long).


Choose a drug classification (Examples: Typical or Atypical Antipsychotics, Anxiolytics, SSRI, Tricyclic Antidepressants, MAOI, mood stabilizers, opiates, NSAIDs, etc.) that is discussed in Unit Six or Unit Seven in Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach textbook and then use your Davis’s Drug Guide or another SCHOLARLY source to provide the following information: Pharmacology Power Points

  1. Summary of the Drug Classification (what different medical conditions are these drugs used to treat?) and list the names of 2-4 drugs in your chosen drug classification
  2. Typical routes of administration
  3. Common side effects and adverse effects common for the drug classification
  4. Special considerations (caution with renal or liver insufficiency, harmful drug-drug interactions, etc.)
  5. Common Nursing interventions and important client teaching

Please DO NOT just copy/paste your information from your textbook or drug guide–put the information into your own words. You DO NOT need to use APA formatting for your submission (because this is a PowerPoint), but please do include your references (in APA format) in the last slide.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below: Pharmacology Power Points

Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain Essay

Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain Essay

A 15-year-old male reports dull pain in both knees. Sometimes one or both knees click, and the patient describes a catching sensation under the patella. In determining the causes of the knee pain, what additional history do you need? What categories can you use to differentiate knee pain? What are your specific differential diagnoses for knee pain? What physical examination will you perform? What anatomic structures are you assessing as part of the physical examination? What special maneuvers will you perform?


A 15-year-old male reports dull pain in both knees. Sometimes one or both knees click, and the patient describes a catching sensation under the patella. In determining the causes of the knee pain, what additional history do you need? What categories can you use to differentiate knee pain? What are your specific differential diagnoses for knee pain? What physical examination will you perform? What anatomic structures are you assessing as part of the physical examination? What special maneuvers will you perform? Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain Essay

Global Health And Wellness Teaching Project Essay

Global Health And Wellness Teaching Project Essay

In this assessment, you will test your knowledge globally by assessing an emerging global health issue. You will address factors that exacerbate the issue and develop a plan for improvement. You will also develop a wellness teaching program.

Part 1: Doctors Without Borders Presentation
Imagine you are a nurse working with Doctors Without Borders to address an emerging global health issue in a specific region of the world. You are preparing to travel to the region to improve an issue or illness. Your director has requested that you prepare a presentation about the issue or illness for your fellow staff.

Choose a specific emerging health issue within a specific country (i.e., sex trafficking occurring in the US states bordering Mexico).

Create an 18- to 20-slide presentation, with detailed speaker notes, analyzing emerging global health issues related to the country or region of the world of your choice.

Include a summary of the chosen country and emerging health issues that impact the populations.

Summarize your chosen emerging health issue and explain how and why this issue impacts populations within your chosen country.

Analyze the cause of the issue or illness in your presentation.


  • Individual issues (e.g., personal hygiene)
  • Community (e.g., resources, demographics)
  • Family roles and structures (e.g., single-family households)
  • Culture (e.g., values, beliefs)
  • Environmental issues (e.g., access to technology and health care, geographic concerns)
  • Examine the factors that continue to exacerbate the issue or illness Global Health And Wellness Teaching Project Essay.


  • Individual
  • Community
  • Cultural
  • Environmental
  • Create an action plan to improve the issue or illness.


  • Education
  • Communication
  • Relief workers
  • Technology
  • Cite at least 5 peer-reviewed references in your presentation.

    Include a separate APA-formatted reference page.

    Format your assignment as follows:

  • 18- to 20-slide presentation
  • The slides themselves should only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide presentation made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting. See the Create Speaker Notes section of the PowerPoint 2013 Training video for more help.
  • Part 2: Wellness Teaching Project
    Step 1: Select a group from your local community that would benefit from a wellness teaching project. This group might include the following:
  • Remote family members
  • Group that meets regularly at a local gym or YMCA
  • Group that meets at a local park on a regular basis, such as a yoga or tai chi class
  • Group that meets at a local church regularly
  • (Note: You will follow the steps in the Wellness Teaching Project document for this assignment.)

    Complete the Confirmed Participant Needs Assessment (Phase A1) of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

    Step 2: Complete the Group Identification Table (Phase A2) in the Wellness Teaching Project document for your selected group.

    Step 3: Conduct a needs assessment of the selected group in terms of wellness issues.

  • Use the Preliminary Planning and Confirmed Participant Needs Assessment table in Phase A1 of the Wellness Teaching Project document for this step.
  • Utilize the appropriate wellness theory in the needs assessment.
  • Assess the learning styles of the selected population.
  • Step 4: Identify 3 different health promotion topics and objectives for this group.
  • Select 1 health promotion topic from the Healthy People 2030 link in Phase B of the Wellness Teaching Project document, another topic from the Let’s Get Healthy California link, and the third topic from either of the aforementioned links.
  • For each of the 3 topics, list its goal and 1 specific objective and target (copy and paste verbatim from the indicated website).
  • Add the reference for each objective to your Reference page at the end of the Wellness Teaching Plan document.
  • Step 5: State how you would perform the Group Needs Assessment in Phase C of the Wellness Teaching Project document.
  • Name the Needs Assessment Tool or Approach you will use and how you will use it.
  • Step 6: Identify the Wellness Teaching Topic in Phase C of the Wellness Teaching Project document Global Health And Wellness Teaching Project Essay.

    Step 7: Complete the Population Nursing Diagnosis for Phase C of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

    Step 8: Evaluate the group’s initial Situation Sense of Coherence by scoring their readiness to change a health behavior in Phase C of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

    Step 9: Complete the Brochure Selection Phase D1 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

    Step 10: Complete the Brochure Evaluation Section Phase D2 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

    Step 11: Complete the Lesson Plan Teaching Methods Phase E1 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

  • Complete the Learning Strategies Tables, as listed in Phase E1.
  • Step 12: Complete the Lesson Plan Learning Objectives in Phase E2 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.
  • Develop 2 SMART behavioral learning objectives for your group.
  • State which wellness theory or model you would use to guide your teaching.
  • Step 13: Develop the Lesson Plan for the selected Wellness Teaching Project topic in Phase E3 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.
  • Create the lesson title.
  • Incorporate appropriate learning styles for the selected population.
  • Determine how you would pre-test the message and materials.
  • Determine the supplies and materials you would need to prepare and how you would distribute these to participants.
  • Complete the Lesson Plan table in the Wellness Teaching Project document in Phase E3.
  • Develop an appropriate assessment to gauge learning outcomes achieved with the population.
  • Step 14: Prepare a Group Evaluation Follow-Up Lesson Plan per Phase F1 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

Note: Grading Rubric

Part 1: Global Health Issue and country summary – 25% of the total grade

Provide an exceptional summary of the chosen country and emerging health issues that impact its populations, explaining how and why the chosen emerging health issue impacts populations within the chosen country and analyzed the cause of the issue or illness.

Doctors Without Borders Presentation – 25% of the total grade

Accomplish powerpoint presentation, demonstrate excellent slide design, include thorough speaker notes, thoroughly analyzed emerging global health issues related to the country or region of the world, and address each of the required assignment components.

Part 2: Wellness Teaching Project- 40% of total grade

Develop an appropriate and comprehensive wellness teaching project, each phase of the wellness teaching project document has to be complete, accurate and thorough.

Follow the Wellness teaching project document. Please see attached document Global Health And Wellness Teaching Project Essay.

Wellness Teaching Project

Teaching Project: Phase A1

Proposed Population Group for Interaction

For this alternative assignment online, you will practice the phases of population group assessment and primary prevention education. To do this, you need to research and identify 3 groups of people from the community who might be interested in learning about one topic on wellness.

For each group selected, answer the following questions:

  1. What is your main concern for your health? (Do not commit to teaching any topic yet.)
  2. How do you best like to learn (demonstration, participation, handouts with pictures, articles)?
Participant group research and identified Main Concern Preferred Learning Style

Teaching Project: Phase A2

Group Identification

Complete this table for your Group.

Group Name: Data

(Enter your answers in this column)


What are the total number of participants you expect might participate?


In public health terms, what population or aggregate defines this group? If mixed ages, identify by all pertinent age ranges (e.g., teens, adults, seniors).

Developmental Stage

According to Eriksen, in which Developmental Stage is the group?

Data Availability for This Population

1.     Identify regional data AND national data that are available that describe common health concerns for this age group.

Regional Data:

National Data:

2.     Where does the data show room for improvement?  
3.     How does the official data match the group’s self-identified Main Concerns?  

Teaching Project: Phase B

RN Identification of Tentative Main Concern & Data Appraisal

Assess the aggregate using available data.

Review the pertinent chapter(s) on aggregate health in Nies & McEwen to identify common health concerns (e.g., Ch.16 – Children & Adolescent Health, Ch.17 – Women’s Health, Ch.18 – Men’s Health, and Ch.19 – Senior Health).

Identify three (3) different Health Promotion Topics for this group as determined by reviewing chapters in the text, during Phase A1, or during Phase A2. Document your appraisal of each selected topic below.

For all 3 Topics, list its Goal and one specific Objective and Target (copy & paste verbatim from the indicated website). Select one from Healthy People (HP), the second from Let’s Get Healthy California (LGHC), and the third from either HP or LGHC.

Add the reference for each objective to your Reference page at the end of this Teaching Plan for a comprehensive listing by the end.

Example: Population Group – Teens

HP2030 Topic: Sleep Health (SH)

HP2030 Goal: Improve health, productivity, well-being, quality of life, and safety by helping people get enough sleep.

HP2030 Objective: SH-4 Increase the proportion of students in grades 9 through 12 who get sufficient sleep

HP2030 Target: 27.4 percent

Reference: US Department of Health and Human Services. (2020). Healthy People 2030: Objective: Sleep

health (SH-3). Healthy People.

Healthy People 2030

HP2030 Topic:

HP2030 Goal:

HP2030 Objective:

HP2030 Target:


Teaching Project: Phase C

Group Needs Assessment

Use assessment tools from Nies & McEwen or online Public Health websites. See BOX 7.1 Health Planning Project Objectives (p 289), and Assessment (pp 290-296) in Nies & McEwen.

State how you will perform the Needs Assessment (by phone, email, or online survey): Global Health And Wellness Teaching Project Essay

Name which Needs Assessment Tool or Approach you will use and how you will use it:

Identify the Wellness Teaching Topic:

Complete the following Population Nursing Diagnosis for the Wellness Teaching Project. See Nies & McEwen, FIG. 6.3 Format for community health diagnosis (pg. 274). Instructions: Replace the bracketed text with facts from your diagnosis.

Increased risk of [disability/disease/etc.]

among [community or population]

related to [etiological statement]

as demonstrated in [health indicators, with supportive data]

Evaluate the Group’s Initial SSOC (Situational Sense of Coherence) by scoring their readiness to change a health behavior. (From West, K. (2012).” Using the Artinian Intersystem Model (AIM) of professional nursing to guide community assessment and wellness promotion in an undergraduate public health nursing course”


Conference: 140st APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition 2012)

Score on SSOC (high=3, medium=2, or low=1) Score Comments

In relation to what the community needs to know about the Main Concern, how much do they know?


In relation to motivation, how much effort is the community willing to put into resolving the Main Concern?


In relation to the community’s resources, what is available to manage the Main Concern?

Total SSOC Score    

Teaching Project: Phase D1

Brochure Selection

See Nies & McEwen Ch.8, Health Literacy section (pp 376-397). Review the corresponding chapter for the aggregate population as needed: Chapters 16-19.

Topic, Goal, Objective, and Target

The final topic, goal, and objective and target selected is:

  • Topic:
  • Goal:
  • Objective (include topic abbreviation and number):
  • Target:

Levels of Prevention

Identify at least 1 goal-specific intervention for this topic at each Level of Prevention:

  1. Primary Prevention:
  2. Secondary Prevention:
  3. Tertiary Prevention:

Published Brochures

Identify and list below at least 2 public-domain (copyright-free) brochures that could be used to implement your project.

  • Government resources are copy-right free.
  • You may use a brochure with copyright but must obtain and submit permission from the publisher to use the material in this context.
  • Common sources for client educational resources:
    • CDC (Look for Resources under each Health Topic.)
    • Health Finder (Client materials in English & Spanish)
    • National health organizations, such as American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, and others. Verify copyright permission with these organizations.

Enter APA reference listings for all reviewed materials on the Reference page at the end of this worksheet.

Teaching Project: Phase D2

Brochure Evaluation

Evaluate at least 2 brochures using the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool (PEMAT) from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) available from

  • Download the Excel file from the above website. Note: Accept all Macros.
  • Complete the 3rd spreadsheet in the AHRQ pemat_form Excel file, titled PEMAT for Printed Materials Tool.



PEMAT Understandability Score:

PEMAT Actionability Score:

Will you use this brochure? Why or why not?

Should the information be in a different format (e.g., convert it into a poster or PPT, use only part of it, find a video, etc.)?



PEMAT Understandability Score:

PEMAT Actionability Score:

Will you use this brochure? Why or why not?

Should the information be in a different format (e.g., convert it into a poster or PPT, use only part of it, find a video, etc.)?

Other Materials

Are there any other materials you might use?

Teaching Project: Phase E1

Lesson Plan Teaching Methods

Review Nies & McEwen

  • Clinical Example 8.1 (pp 332-335)
  • Table 8.1 Characteristics of Adult Learners (p 335)
  • Knowles’ Assumptions About Adult Learners through Models of Individual Behavior (pp 335-347)
  • Framework for Developing Health Communications Stage I-IV (pp359 – 368) Global Health And Wellness Teaching Project Essay


Complete questions A & B below in first person narrative (your personal account), short answer format (1 paragraph per question). Do not write in academic tone.

  • Finalize your Lesson Plan/Teaching Outline in the table below.
  • Apply APA style as appropriate.
  • Continue to add to your References at the end of this document.


  1. Expert Consultation: Did you consult with an expert in the area you are teaching (clinical nurse educator, peers, faculty, health care providers, or public health resources in the community)? What did the expert tell you and how will that information guide your planning and presentation?
  2. Learning Strategies: The 3Ms: Method, Materials, & Media
    Complete this table identifying any 3 TEACHING-LEARNING FORMATS (METHODS) from Nies & McEwen (TABLE 8-5, p.362) that could be used to implement your project.
Teaching Format (Strategy) Why this format? Will you use this? Why or why not

Complete this table identifying 1- 3 possible Teaching-Learning Materials and Media from Nies & McEwen (TABLE 8-6, p. 364) that could be used to implement your project.

Material or Media Why this format? Will you use this? Why or why not

Teaching Project: Phase E2

Lesson Plan Learning Objectives

Develop 2 “SMART” behavioral learning objectives for your group.

Review the tutorial on writing SMART objectives from the CDC. Complete one Impact and one Outcome Objective below. An impact objective describes how you’ll change how someone feels about something, what they know about something, or how they act regarding something in the short term and what level of change you expect to see. An outcome objective focuses on the longer-term ramifications of your program and describes what the outcomes should be for the entire community.

SMART Impact Objective:

By [mm/dd/yyyy],

[replace this text with the group name – WHO]

will have [replace this text with a behavior that you can see – WHAT],

[replace this text with a number that you can measure including – WHAT]

[replace this text with HOW you’re going to accomplish this and WHY (specify results)]

SMART Outcome Objective:

By [mm/dd/yyyy],

[replace this text with the group – WHO]

will have [replace this text with a behavior that you can see – WHAT],

[replace this text with a number that you can measure including – WHAT]

[replace this text with HOW you’re going to accomplish this and WHY (specify results)]

Which wellness theory or model will you use to guide your teaching? Select an appropriate theory or model from Nies & McEwen Ch. 4.

List wellness theory or model and explain how it will be used to guide your teaching.

Teaching Project: Phase E3

Lesson Plan

Create a brief lesson plan (an outline) of your proposed teaching content using the Table below.

  • Steps common to all client education are pre-filled.
  • Complete the remaining cells according to your preparation.
  • Use this plan to guide your teaching on the day you present the wellness topic to your group.


Lesson Title (Make it catchy!):

Share virtual meeting invitation with all group participants

How will you pretest the message and materials before teaching?

What supplies or materials will you prepare?

How will you distribute any materials or handouts to the participants?

Complete the Lesson Plan using this table. Allow approximately 10-15 minutes per topic. Adjust to the time allowed, as needed.

Time (Minutes) Topics The Student Will Learn Teaching Method

(include the name of any handouts, if applicable)

5 Get acquainted with the topic: Why this is important Q&A with group
5 Pre-test What they know already about the topic Chat. Off-mute Q&A.

This info evaluates the Outcome SMART objective

5 Call to Action (CTA) How to practice the new behavior in the coming week  
15 Post-Lesson Review   Final Q&A. This info evaluates the Outcome SMART objective

Total Minutes (60-75 max):

Teaching Project: Phase F1

Insert Follow-Up virtual meeting invitation information here: Share Follow-Up virtual meeting invitation with all group participants

Lesson Plan for Follow-Up Session with Participants

Develop a follow-up session agenda and topics to cover. Plan time according to number of participants who attend. Adjust to the time allowed as needed.

Time (Minutes) Topics The Student Will Learn Teaching Method

(include the name of any handouts, if applicable)

5 Meet and greet They are welcome and accepted Greeting
5 Quick review of topic and CTA (Call to Action) Key points of the topic  
  How did you do? Reinforcement for small steps Taking turns.


Note areas to commend & areas to reinforce

5 Call to Action (CTA) How to continue the new behavior  
15 Final Review   Final Q&A. Select questions that will evaluate the Outcome SMART objective

Total Minutes (60-75 max):

To add additional rows: Right-click on a row in the table > Select on Insert > Select Insert Row Above or Below.


List all references used in the development of all Phases of your Teaching Project in APA format.

US Department of Health and Human Services. (2020). Healthy People 2030: Objective: Sleep health (SH-3). Healthy People. Global Health And Wellness Teaching Project Essay

Describe the health literacy of your target audience for your marketing plan.

Assignment: Impact of Health Literacy on Marketing PlanPerson-centered health care means people have both the knowledge required to make decisions about their care and the support of providers and fam

Assignment: Impact of Health Literacy on Marketing Plan

Person-centered health care means people have both the knowledge required to make decisions about their care and the support of providers and family who respect their needs and preferences.

—Hurtado, Swift, & Corrigan (2001)

In what ways might health literacy affect an agency’s marketing plan to promote health care services or health care delivery? 

Before marketing a health care service or program, health care administrators must first consider the target audience that will most likely use the service or program. In identifying the target audience, the health care administrator also must determine the health literacy of the target audience and devise strategies to market the service or program appropriately within this respective target audience. Therefore, the ability of the target audience to decipher the health message, determine the service or program being offered, and identify how to best access this service or program represents the important considerations that inform how the message should be communicated.

For this Assignment, consider what impact the health literacy of your intended target audience might have on your plan. Reflect on how you will determine your target audience’s health literacy and what considerations you will need to address in your plan.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

  • Describe the health literacy of your target audience for your marketing plan.
  • Explain how your marketing plan will address the health literacy of your target audience.
  • Describe two strategies you might take to best tailor the messages in your marketing plan to promote uptake within your target audience and explain why.

Integumentary Function Paper Example

Integumentary Function Paper Example

Integumentary Function:
K.B. is a 40-year-old white female with a 5-year history of psoriasis. She has scheduled an appointment with her dermatologist due to another relapse of psoriasis. This is her third flare-up since a definitive diagnosis was made. This outbreak of plaque psoriasis is generalized and involves large regions on the arms, legs, elbows, knees, abdomen, scalp, and groin. K.B. was diagnosed with limited plaque-type psoriasis at age 35 and initially responded well to topical treatment with high-potency corticosteroids. She has been in remission for 18 months. Until now, lesions have been confined to small regions on the elbows and lower legs Integumentary Function Paper Example .

Case Study Questions

  1. Name the most common triggers for psoriasis and explain the different clinical types.
  2. There are several types of treatments for psoriasis, explain the different types and indicate which would be the most appropriate approach to treat this relapse episode for K.B. Also include non-pharmacological options and recommendations.
  3. Included in question 2
  4. A medication review and reconciliation are always important in all patient, describe and specify why in this particular case is important to know what medications the patient is taking?
  5. What others manifestation could present a patient with Psoriasis?


Sensory Function:
C.J. is a 27-year-old male who started to present crusty and yellowish discharged on his eyes 24 hours ago. At the beginning he thought that washing his eyes vigorously the discharge will go away but by the contrary increased producing a blurry vision specially in the morning. Once he clears his eyes of the sticky discharge her visual acuity was normal again. Also, he has been feeling throbbing pain on his left ear. His eyes became red today, so he decided to consult to get evaluated. On his physical assessment you found a yellowish discharge and bilateral conjunctival erythema. His throat and lungs are normal, his left ear canal is within normal limits, but the tympanic membrane is opaque, bulging and red.

Case Study Questions

  1. Based on the clinical manifestations presented on the case above, which would be your eyes diagnosis for C.J. Please name why you get to this diagnosis and document your rational.
  2. With no further information would you be able to name the probable etiology of the eye affection presented? Viral, bacterial, allergic, gonococcal, trachoma. Why and why not.
  3. Based on your answer to the previous question regarding the etiology of the eye affection, which would be the best therapeutic approach to C.J problem.


Submission Instructions:

  • You must complete both case studies.
  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • Each question must be answered individually. Not in an essay format.
    • Example: Question 1, followed by the answer to question 1; Question 2, followed by the answer to question 2; etc.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) Your response should be at least 150 words.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date. Integumentary Function Paper Example

Diabetes Mellitus Discussion Post

Diabetes Mellitus Discussion Post


NO citation required, NO reference required, original work please.


Discussion Board Post #4


Mrs. J. is a 66 yrs. old woman with diabetes mellitus.  She presents with an oozing erythematous area on her left lower leg that began 2 weeks ago as an insect bite.  The area was itchy but not painful-until recently it is becoming more painful.  She has had an intermittent, low-grade fever for the past week but otherwise feels well.  She states the redness has gotten worse and the lesion is oozing purulent fluid approx. one week ago. Also noted mild swelling in her lower leg near the lesion and erythema tracking.  Her medication is insulin and lisinopril and she has no allergies.

what drug therapy (for the infection) would you prescribe for this patient ?

how long?

why? Diabetes Mellitus Discussion Post