Describe two advantages to the method and one disadvantage to the method.

Module 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2Tutor MUST have a good command of the English languageThese are two discussion questionsYour DQ1 and DQ2 posts must be at least 150 words and have at least one reference cited fo

Module 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

These are two discussion questions

Your DQ1 and DQ2 posts must be at least 150 words and have at least one reference cited for each question. In-text citation, please

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

Sources need to be less than five years old and journal/scholarly articles. 

No textbook or direct quotes 

Topic 1 DQ 1

Which method do you prefer in determining levels of evidence? Describe two advantages to the method and one disadvantage to the method. Explain how you have used this method in your current practice or education. Why are levels of evidence important in selecting empirical articles for your ROL (Chapter 2 of your DPI project)?

Topic 2 DQ 1

Research can take between 10-20 years to be translated into practice. Discuss your thoughts on the reasons why this may occur and describe the barriers within your own practice that prevent you from practicing from a 100% evidence base.

Discuss the safety performance of the nursing home as evident by its most recent life safety inspection (e.g., life safety citations, financial penalties, etc.). This can be accomplished by thoroughly reading the nursing home's life safety code statement of deficiencies and plan of action.

3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply).Instructions:In this assignment, you will be researching dimensions of quality and safety in healthcare, specifically long- term ca

3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply).


In this assignment, you will be researching dimensions of quality and safety in healthcare, specifically long- term care, and how various industries can apply these concepts to improve operations.

  • Using the Medicare Nursing Home Compare website, research one nursing home that displays a low level of quality as indicated by their Five Star Rating*
    • The nursing home should display a low level of quality (-2 star rating)
    • The nursing home should display a low level of safety
  • Provide a general overview of the nursing home (e.g., name, location, bed size, ownership, etc.)
  • Discuss the quality performance of the nursing home as evident by its most recent health care inspection (e.g., deficiencies, citations, financial penalties, etc.). This can be accomplished by thoroughly reading the nursing home’s statement of deficiencies and plan of action to correct quality deficiencies (CMS Form 2567).
  • Discuss the safety performance of the nursing home as evident by its most recent life safety inspection (e.g., life safety citations, financial penalties, etc.). This can be accomplished by thoroughly reading the nursing home’s life safety code statement of deficiencies and plan of action.
  • Discuss appropriate techniques that you would use to improve quality in the nursing home.
  • Discuss appropriate techniques that you would use to improve safety in the nursing home.
  • Be sure to include details about the deficiencies that you found.

Financial of Health CareWith coinciding concerns about health care costs and the imperative to improve quality of care, health care providers and others face difficult decisions in the effort to achie

Financial of Health CareWith coinciding concerns about health care costs and the imperative to improve quality of care, health care providers and others face difficult decisions in the effort to achie

Financial of Health Care

With coinciding concerns about health care costs and the imperative to improve quality of care, health care providers and others face difficult decisions in the effort to achieve an appropriate balance. Such decisions often are addressed in the policy arena. How do policymakers evaluate which health care services should be financed through government programs? How do ethics-related questions and other considerations play into this evaluation process? Is it possible to contain costs and provide accessible, high-quality care to all, or is the tension between cost and care inherent in the U.S. health care delivery system? These questions are central to health care financing decisions in the United States.For this Discussion, you will focus on the policy decision-making process that determines what types of care are covered by public and private insurers and the ethical aspects of such financial decisions.To prepare:Read the case study “Economic Impact of States Declining Medicaid Expansion” page 190 of the Milstead text.Review the information in the Washington Post article “Review of Prostate Cancer Drugs Provenge Renews Medical Cost-Benefit Debate” in the Learning Resources.Consider how policy decisions currently are made about what will and will not be paid for and what changes, if any, could improve the process.Reflect on how the Washington Post example illustrates the tension between cost and care.Post your analysis and assessment of the ethical and economic challenges related to policy decisions such as those presented in the Washington Post article. How does this type of situation contribute to the tension between cost and care? Substantiate your response with at least two outside resources.ReferencesKnickman, J. R., & Kovner, A. R. (Eds.). (2015). Health care delivery in the united states (11th ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Milstead, J. A. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.Reinhardt, U. E. (2010, Jan 20). State of the nation (a special report): Voices—A good start. The Wall Street Journal, p. R5.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Laureate Education (Producer). (2012c). Healthcare economics and financing. Baltimore, MD: Author.Müller, D., Zimmering, M., Chan, C., McFarlane, P., Pierratos, A., & Querfeld, U. (2008). Intensified hemodialysis regimens: Neglected treatment options for children and adolescents. Pediatric Nephrology, 23(10), 1729–1736.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Neil, N., Walker, D. R., Sesso, R., Blackburn, J., Tschosik, E. A., Sciaraffia, V., & … Bhattacharyya, S. K. (2009). Gaining efficiencies: Resources and demand for dialysis around the globe. Value in Health, 12(1), 73–79.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

3 pages with 4 references, APA

Comparison of APN PracticeInterviews of Two APNs The work for this paper entails interviewing in person (not by telephone or e-mail), TWO different categories of advanced practice nurses (APNs). One

Comparison of APN PracticeInterviews of Two APNs The work for this paper entails interviewing in person (not by telephone or e-mail), TWO different categories of advanced practice nurses (APNs). One

Comparison of APN Practice

Interviews of Two APNs 

The work for this paper entails interviewing in person (not by telephone or e-mail), TWO different categories of advanced practice nurses (APNs). One APN has to be a primary care nurse practitioner (e.g., family NP, adult NP, pediatric NP); that is, the NP cannot be one who is an acute care NP. Furthermore, the NP must work in a primary care setting such as a “doctor’s office” or community health center—that is, in a setting the buzz-word for which is now medical home. An NP who works in a retail clinic or free-standing urgent care center would also be acceptable (but NOT an emergency department). Yes, there are many APNs who are prepared as FNPs or adult NPs who take jobs in non-primary care settings (e.g., as hospitalists and as providers in nursing homes). But a common premise with health care reform and the Affordable Care Act is that there already is and will be a huge need for primary care providers, thus paving the way for even greater opportunities for NPs in this area. It is important that you get a firm grasp of how NPs are prepared for primary care, and thus why NP organizations assert an important solution to the primary care provider shortage is educating more NPs which is why every state should allow full independent practice authority for APNs, especially NPs. 

The other APN may be your choice of one of the following: a certified nurse midwife (CNM) or a certified nurse anesthetist (CRNA) ora clinical nurse specialist (CNS). There is no limitation regarding the types of settings these APNs might work. Be sure to indicate the state(s) where the APNs practice.

Although the information gathered from these APNs will be acquired via an interview, the paper should be written in summary format (i.e., it should not look like a dialogue between you and the APN). Information on both interviews should be in a single document. It is not necessary to provide the APNs’ full names. Most elements of APA format should be used, including a title page and abstract. Most students’ papers that address all of these questions for both APN are about five double-spaced pages, without counting the title page or abstract (be sure to read your APA manual regarding what an abstract should look like!). An exception to the APA format requirement is that a reference list is not required, since all of the information will be derived from two sources (the APNs whom you interviewed). Although you have free range to discuss other topics about advanced practice nursing, you must address the following issues with each APN (please follow the order of list below):

1. Reason for their choosing their specific APN specialty.

2. Descriptions of: (a) the type of setting where they work (e.g., community hospital, major medical center, private primary care practice, clinic for the underserved, etc.), and (b) a “typical” day as they render care. 

3. Level of satisfaction with their role in general, and specifically within the system where they are currently employed.

4. The type of APN certification that they hold, including identifying the accurate name of the certifying body with which they are certified (Note: Review your textbooks for the correct names of these certifying bodies. Also note there are several different certifying bodies for NPs).

5. Whether they have prescriptive authority and whether they prescribe controlled substances. If they do prescribe controlled substances, you must indicate from which schedules of controlled substances they are allowed prescribe.

6. Whether they must practice according to an agreement with a physician. If so, is the relationship supervisory or collaborative?

7. Are they credentialed and privileged by a hospital or health system?  If the answer is “yes,” ask them to explain what the credentialing and privileging process entails at their organization (e.g., are the documents reviewed by only the human resources department, the nursing department, or the medical staff office, a combination of all three, etc.).

8. Whether they belong to a professional organization(s) that specifically addresses APN issues. If so, which one (s)? If not, why not?

9. Their understanding about the DNP degree (i.e., have them actually explain what they know about the degree) and whether they have this degree already or intend to pursue it. Be sure to probe to see if they have positive or negative feelings about the DNP—and why.

10. Final grading criterion: Paper’s adherence to APA format (with the exception that references are not required for this particular paper), including grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. 

Total points for this assignment is 100; each question above is worth 10 points. 

Describe each ethical point in the Code of Ethics.

The CEO and the Board of Directors has tasked you with developing an intake packet for new patients that will reestablish patient trust in the facility, employees, and staff. The patient packet will a

The CEO and the Board of Directors has tasked you with developing an intake packet for new patients that will reestablish patient trust in the facility, employees, and staff. The patient packet will address new patient concerns by including information about HIPAA, informed consent, a confidential health history report, and a living will. The new packet will also include the values of the organization and a code of ethics.

Your intake packet will start with the Hospital’s Code of Ethics that includes at least 10 ethical points. The code of ethics should include (at a minimum):

  • Patient relations
  • Physician activities
  • Billing for services
  • Political activities
  • Conflict of interest
  • Communication, including social media
  • Privacy

The Code of Ethics should be submitted in bullet format in a Word document with an introduction. APA formatting for the ethical points and proper grammar is required.

Upon completion of your code of ethics, please prepare a PowerPoint presentation  in which you explain each ethical point and its relevance in the healthcare industry with examples to the CEO, so that she can answer questions from the Board.

  1. The PowerPoint should have a minimum of 5 slides and a maximum of 12.
  2. Describe each ethical point in the Code of Ethics.
  3. Use the notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points.

How would you determine what community initiatives are already underway upon which you can build?

part 1 Nursing Change AgentsThe involvement of the community in determining the nursing and health requirements of the residents is critical. This is because the people help provide solutions to prob

part 1 

Nursing Change Agents

The involvement of the community in determining the nursing and health requirements of the residents is critical. This is because the people help provide solutions to problems that directly affect them like the case of health problems due to less or lack of exercise infrastructure within a community (Kelly & Symonds, 2017). If the community team identified that the construction of pedestrian walkways would help bring the community to a higher level of health consciousness and healthy lifestyles, the team must be prepared for the barriers. This paper addresses factors that would promote the construction and those that would hinder as well as recommendations for the barriers.

The community would save as the primary promoters for the construction of the walkways. This means that there would be a lot of resources directed at the project. This is because the initiative is from the direct recipients of the health issue and concern. Residents and members of the community would want to participate or encourage the completion of the project considering that it would benefit them all. Another factor that would promote the construction of the walkways is accountability and integrity. The release of funds or the construction period has several checks and balances from the entire community (Kelly & Symonds, 2017).

The lack of funds can be a problem for the construction of the walkways. It is important to note that construction of such walkways is expensive in several ways; firstly some public land and private land might be used. Secondly, the funds to put up the structure might not be readily available (Clark, 2015). However, the team can invite investors, seek donations from charity organizations or urge the members to contribute reasonably .this would raise the required funds. The second factor that would hinder the construction is inadequate to support from the community. Considering that it is a community initiative, unity is critical to ensure that the project achieves the desired objective. Issues such as demonstrations from unsatisfied residents can be common. To curb such issues a sensitization forum can be help or advocacy groups from the team to inform the entire community (Clark, 2015).

part 2

 Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the community project.  How would you determine what community initiatives are already underway upon which you can build? 

Discuss the type of the selected theory according to scope and purpose.

Please read the following introduction and complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:There are a number of methods for classifying theory in nursing.  These include classification

Please read the following introduction and complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:

There are a number of methods for classifying theory in nursing.  These include classification based on range/scope or abstractness (metatheory, grand, middle-range, and practice) and type or purpose of the theory (descriptive, explanatory, predictive, and prescriptive).

Address the following:

  • Identify one theory that relate to your area of practice.
  • Discuss the type of the selected theory according to scope and purpose.
  • Provide an example of how the selected theory can be applied to your area of practice.  The example should include core elements of the theory and demonstrate its practical application.
  • Be sure to supplement your discussion with your personal and professional experiences.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. 

What elements of the organization’s culture seem most prominent or significant to you?

Culture is embedded within every organization. Yet, because culture is woven throughout the everyday interactions and atmosphere of an organization, it can be difficult to assess and explain how the c

Culture is embedded within every organization. Yet, because culture is woven throughout the everyday interactions and atmosphere of an organization, it can be difficult to assess and explain how the culture influences the inner workings of the organization.

As a nurse leader-manager, developing a sound understanding of an organization’s culture can help you to achieve quality improvement initiatives and identify strategies for enacting sustainable change.

For this Discussion, you analyze the culture of an organization and consider how this relates to achieving goals related to quality improvement. You may wish to focus on the same organization that you have selected for your Course Project.

To prepare:

  • Review the information on organizational culture in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Reflect on the culture of an organization with which you are familiar. Consider the following:
    • What elements of the organization’s culture seem most prominent or significant to you?
    • What beliefs, dispositions, and/or actions seem to be most valued? Why do you think so?
    • What do you notice about the expectations, assumptions, and more demonstrated among people within the organization?
    • What artifacts provide clues about the culture?
    • How do these cultural elements contribute to or detract from the organization’s ability to meet prominent goals and objectives?
  • Consider how you, as a nurse leader-manager, could apply your knowledge of this culture to facilitate quality improvement initiatives within this organization. How would you leverage the strengths of the culture, and address limitations or obstacles that may arise within it?

By Day 3

Post an analysis of the culture of the organization that you selected. Explain how you think this particular culture contributes to or detracts from the organization’s ability to meet goals. Explain how you, as a nurse leader-manager, could utilize your knowledge of this culture to facilitate quality improvement initiatives within this organization.

This only needs to be around 300 words 

For this assignment, prepare a report of 3–5 pages that describes the plan for innovation in patient care delivery in the nursing department or unit. It should include all of the following:

you will formulate a plan for an innovation in patient care delivery for an entire nursing department or unit. You are charged with the responsibility of developing a comprehensive and complete plan

 you will formulate a plan for an innovation in patient care delivery for an entire nursing department or unit. You are charged with the responsibility of developing a comprehensive and complete plan that addresses all technology services in your nursing department or unit.

For this assignment, prepare a report of 3–5 pages that describes the plan for innovation in patient care delivery in the nursing department or unit. It should include all of the following:

  • Title page
  • Introduction: This should explain what the paper is about including the purpose of your report.
  • Assessment: Identify the area, service, or product requiring innovation. Describe how you will approach an inventory of technology for your nursing department or unit, and how you will prioritize your findings.
  • Diagnosis: Diagnose (Identify) problems and discuss how and why innovation is needed.
  • Plan: Your suggestions and recommendations for action. You may wish to include the following:
    • Examine the literature surrounding and supporting your area of innovation.
    • Recommend the strategies and processes needed to effectively complete this innovation in the organization while protecting patient safety and quality of care.
    • Outline the steps that are needed to put the innovation into practice.
  • Evaluation: Suggests 2–3 questions that will measure the innovation’s effectiveness.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your report.
  • Citations and references: Use at least 2–3 current (within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed journals, and cite them in APA format.

Identify a new aspect of big data and data mining that is interesting to you. Explain the concept and how it might bring value to healthcare. Support your claims and provide evidence.

Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.From your reading of the textbook, identify a success attributed to informatics in the text. Follow up on the success and see if

Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. From your reading of the textbook, identify a success attributed to informatics in the text. Follow up on the success and see if it continued, led to even better improvements or was short term in nature. Summarize your findings and support them with new evidence.
  2. Reflect on what you have learned about decision support and the kind of work you do or want to do. What does decision support mean to you? What kinds of decisions can big data and data mining and analytics help you make? Given examples and support your claims with sold credible evidence.
  3. Identify a new aspect of big data and data mining that is interesting to you. Explain the concept and how it might bring value to healthcare. Support your claims and provide evidence.
  4. With the increase of BLOGs come an increase is trolling and publishing falsehoods for personal gain. How does data mining and big data deal with false information? Explain and support your answer with credible sources.