In a short essay (500-750 words), answer the Question at the end of Case Study 2. Cite references to support your positions.

In a short essay (500-750 words), answer the Question at the end of Case Study 2. Cite references to support your positions.Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Sty

In a short essay (500-750 words), answer the Question at the end of Case Study 2. Cite references to support your positions.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. This means the similarity (less than 20 %).

Case Study 2

Mr. P is a 76-year-old male with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure who has been hospitalized frequently to treat CHF symptoms. He has difficulty maintaining diet restrictions and managing his polypharmacy. He has 4+ pitting edema, moist crackles throughout lung fields, and labored breathing. He has no family other than his wife, who verbalizes sadness over his declining health and over her inability to get out of the house. She is overwhelmed with the stack of medical bills, as Mr. P always took care of the financial issues. Mr. P is despondent and asks why God has not taken him.


Considering Mr. P’s condition and circumstance, write an essay of 500-750 words that includes the following:

·  Describe your approach to care.

·  Recommend a treatment plan.

·  Describe a method for providing both the patient and family with education and explain your rationale.

·  Provide a teaching plan (avoid using terminology that the patient and family may not understand).


Describe your approach to care

Description of your approach to care is offered in detail, while demonstrating evidence of deeper insight and/or reflection.

Recommend a treatment plan

Recommendation of a treatment plan is offered in detail, while demonstrating evidence of insight and/or reflection.

Describe a method for providing both the patient and family with education and your rationale.

Description of a method for providing both the patient and family with education is offered in detail, while demonstrating evidence of deeper insight and/or reflection.

Provide a teaching plan, using words the patient and family will understand

A teaching plan is offered in detail, while demonstrating evidence of deeper insight and/or reflection.

Thesis Development and Purpose

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Paragraph Development and Transitions

There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English

Paper Format (1- inch margins; 12-point-font; double-spaced; Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier)

All format elements are correct

Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment)

In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

Nursing as a career. Demonstrate that you have given thought to your career and explain the rationale for your decision.

Paper 1 –   Philosophy of Nursing  Personal beliefs. Describe your values and   beliefs about nursing. You may use “I   believe…” statements that include your:· Definition of nursing. (

Paper 1 –   Philosophy of Nursing  

Personal beliefs

Describe your values and   beliefs about nursing. You may use “I   believe…” statements that include your:

· Definition of nursing. (10pts)

· Assumptions (beliefs) about the interrelationships   among: (10pts)

o clients (Who are they?), 

o health (What is it?), 

o nursing (What is it?) and 

o environment (Where is nursing practiced?). 

· Beliefs about the profession of nursing. (10pts)

· Significance of collaboration with other health   professionals. (10pts)

Nursing as a career. Demonstrate that you have given thought to your   career and explain the rationale for your decision. 

· Inspiration from the past. (Who or what?) 

· Define professional   goals. 

· Identify   roles and responsibilities to advance the profession of nursing. 

· How you   will provide safe, effective care? 

· How your   academic preparation will facilitate your positive contributions to the   health care system? 

· Spelling, grammar, sentence   structure, neatness, organization

· No more than 2 pages   (excluding title page or optional references), double-spaced, 12 point   font, 1” margins, APA format.

Paper 2 – Values and Empathy paper

 Please respond to the two Scenarios in this paper (See the Answer format attached).    Scenario 1: You are a new nursing studentwho has been hospitalized for injuries following a major car accident. Earlier today you were told the fracture in your right leg will require complicated surgery to repair and extensive rehab to recover. There is a question as to whether you will ever regain full use of your leg. The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Tonight you are alone in your hospital room and the night nurse has just entered. What are your concerns when you reflect on this personal patient experience? What will your experience be like? Scenario 2: You realize that you share a different values system from the nurse. You reflect that this might be challenging for you as a nursesomeday. These values might be due to differences in lifestyle, cultural background, belief system, or attitudes about health care. Reflect on your own values and identify a personal value/belief that may become a conflict for you in delivering quality patient care. 

Discuss the significance of poor access to clean/potable water and adequate sanitation.

The Global  Risks 2015 report listed the water crisis as the number one global risk  factor based on the potential impact on society and the risk for  widespread devastation (World Economic For

The Global  Risks 2015 report listed the water crisis as the number one global risk  factor based on the potential impact on society and the risk for  widespread devastation (World Economic Forum, 2015).

  1. Discuss the significance of poor access to clean/potable water and adequate sanitation.
  2. Why  is the water crisis a global issue and not simply a local or regional  concern?  Please refer to comments or information shared in the videos.
  3. Also  comment on the recent water crisis in the city of Flint, Michigan in  comparison or contrast to other water issues around the world.

Please  watch the following short videos as they will help give some  perspective on some of the issues that have occurred around the world.  Copy and paste the URL to access the video.  


World Health Organization and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP). (2015) Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation, 2015 Update and MDG Assessment. Available at:

This  forum will close at 11:59 pm on 12th, 2018. Please make your original  post early enough to give others the chance to read and respond to it.  To obtain full credit:

  1. Make an original post that addresses the issue (300-350 words).
  2. The initial post must contain at least 2 scholarly references (more than 2 references are ok).
  3. Respond to at least one post from your classmates. The response to your peer’s post must be at least 150 words. 

MN551-2: Apply knowledge of tissue and organ structure and function to physiologic alterations in systems and analyze the cause and effect relationship in response to disease.

I Need this paper updated to reflect that I am doing an analysis on the case study and not educating a patient. I will my paper and whomever chosen can make changes to reflect a graduate analysis in A

I Need this paper updated to reflect that I am doing an analysis on the case study and not educating a patient. I will my paper and whomever chosen can make changes to reflect a graduate analysis in APA format in your own words.

MN551-2: Apply knowledge of tissue and organ structure and function to physiologic alterations in systems and analyze the cause and effect relationship in response to disease.

Select one of the case studies below. In your discussion be sure to include evidence of your knowledge of tissue and organ structure and function to physiologic alterations in systems and analyze the cause and effect relationship in response to disease.


  1. Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.
  2. Cite at least three sources—journal articles, textbooks, or evidenced-based websites—to support the content.
  3. All sources must have been written within five years.
  4. Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources. 

Case Study 2

Innate and Adaptive Immunity

Melissa is a 15-year-old high school student. Over the last week, she had been feeling tired and found it difficult to stay awake in class. By the time the weekend had arrived, she developed a sore throat that made it difficult to eat and even drink. Melissa was too tired to get out of bed, and she said her head ached. On Monday morning, her mother took her to her doctor. Upon completing the physical exam, he told Melissa the lymph nodes were enlarged in her neck and she had a fever. He ordered blood tests and told Melissa he thought she had mononucleosis, a viral infection requiring much bed rest.

  1. Innate and adaptive immune defenses work collectively in destroying invasive microorganisms. What is the interaction between macrophages and T lymphocytes during the presentation of antigen?
  2. Melissa’s illness is caused by a virus. Where are type I interferons produced, and why are they important in combating viral infections?
  3. Humoral immunity involves the activation of B lymphocytes and production of antibodies. What are the general mechanisms of action that make antibodies a key component of an immune response?

Please attached paper and make corrections according to the above information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

· What are the inclusion/exclusion criteria of the subjects? Methodology: Why is the selected methodology is appropriate? Please justify!

10 Strategic Points for the Prospectus, Proposal, and Direct Practice Improvement ProjectWeek Two Assignment Instructions DNP 820Please read the instructions thoroughly there are strict requirements 

10 Strategic Points for the Prospectus, Proposal, and Direct Practice Improvement Project

Week Two Assignment Instructions DNP 820

Please read the instructions thoroughly there are strict requirements

 I need at least 10 different articles/literature reviews added to the ones in the 815 attachment. I have also included the chart to be filled out All within 5 years and pertinent to the subject. 

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

The Rubric must be followed, and all the requirements met

This is a thorough professor, and she has strict requirements

I have attached the PICOT and the first 10 points (DNP 815) assignment. This is a continuation of that assignment. Please read the attachments

The following needs to be addressed:

Please note the followings: The introduction and the literature review are complete and thorough. The problem statement is written clearly PICOT is clear and very good Sample: 

· How will you determine the sample size? 

· What are the inclusion/exclusion criteria of the subjects? Methodology: Why is the selected methodology is appropriate? Please justify! 

· Data collection approach needs to be clear. How will you collect your data? What is needed here is to describe the process of collecting data form signing the informed consent until completing the measuring. 

· Data analysis-What test will you use to answer your research question? 

Clinical/PICOT Questions:  

“In adult patients with CVC at a Clear Lake Regional Medical Center, does interventional staff education about hub hygiene provided to RN’s who access the CVC impact CLABSI rates compared to standard care over a one-month period?”

P: Patients with Central Venous Catheters

I: Staff re-education related to Hygiene of the hub

C: Other hospitals

O: Reduce probability of CLABSIs

T: Two months

“In Patients > 65 years of age with central line catheters at a Clear Lake Regional Medical Center, how does staff training of key personnel and reinforcement of central line catheter hub hygiene after its insertion, along with the apt cleansing of the insertion site, before every approach compared with other area hospitals, reduce the incidence of CLABSIs (Central Line Associated Blood-stream Infections) over a one-month period?”

P: Patients > 65 years of age with a Central line

I: Staff training and reinforcement of Central Catheter, Hub Hygiene 

C: Other area hospitals 

O: Reduce probability of CLABSIs

“In adult patients, with define CVC (CVC), does interventional staff education about hub hygiene provided to RN’s who access the CVC impact CLABSI rates compared to pre and post-intervention assessments 

1. I used central Missouri as an example, replace with a description of your site. 

2. While you might be interested in CLASBI rates as a primary variable, there are other patient outcomes that would also be important to consider

3. Ensure you can find validity and reliability measures on CLASBI rates if you cannot, we need to determine another question to help

4. How are your two comparison groups different, as they are currently stated the groups seem very much the same, could you state, standard care instead of pre and post intervention assessments? 

5. One month is the longest time you can use for a prospective project

Please note the following regarding the instructors grading


As you prepare for written papers and manuscripts I’d like to give you some details about my grading style. I provide significant feedback on your papers, this is because I believe you should be working towards improving your writing so that at the end of this program you are able to successfully write your DPI project. In order to write well, you need feedback and you need to review that feedback and make progress on the next written work. To that end I always grade accordingly. This means that if I provide feedback one an item (for example APA format of your reference page) I expect that this will be improved on the next written submission. Otherwise I will deduct additional points. In addition, some other criteria to get down pat now. References should always

1. Be current, no older than 5 years that means 5 years from your proposed graduation date (2014-2019). Otherwise you will have to redo everything in DNP 955.

2. Be primary sources. You can no longer cite Young declared literary war in 1956 (as cited by Brown 2006). You must cite Young 1956. That means go find that paper and read it and make sure that you agree with what Brown said. What if you don’t agree due to some very valid points? Then the literary war is not what occurred, but instead you have concerns regarding point ____, ____, and ____.

3. You may no longer cite textbooks, they are 1) secondary sources and 2) not current enough, and please use peer reviewed manuscripts.

One more item that is not a reference. You may not use direct quotes any longer. There is no need. This may be difficult at first, but you are moving towards a different type of writing. This is manuscript writing (scientific writing). Scientific writing is terse, clear, and concise. No frilly words. In order to avoid the use of direct quotes you will synthesize the literature. There is a great resource for synthesizing the literature under Resources – Add-ons. These are also some other great writing resources there.


In the prospectus, proposal, and scholarly project there are 10 strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the research is doable, valuable, and credible. The 10 strategic points emerge from researching literature on a topic that is based on or aligned with the learner’s personal passion, future career purpose, and degree area. These 10 points provide a guiding vision for DPI Project. In this assignment, you will continue the work begun in DNP-815, working on your draft of a document addressing the 10 key strategic points that define your intended research focus and approach.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Locate      the “The 10 Strategic Points for the      Prospectus, Proposal, and Direct Practice Improvement Project” that      you completed in DNP-815.
  • Doctoral      learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The      APA Style Guide is located in the      Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
  • This      assignment uses a rubric. Please Review the rubric prior to the beginning to become familiar with the      expectations for successful completion.
  • You      are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the      directions in the Student Success Center.


Use the “The 10 Strategic Points for the Prospectus, Proposal, and Direct Practice Improvement Project” resource to draft statements for each of the 10 points for your intended research study.

You worked on this last in DNP 815. Pick up from where you left off (if you transferred in and did not complete this, you will have to begin fresh). Please include a copy of your last instructor feedback when you submit this assignment. You can either copy and paste the instructor feedback into your current paper (as an appendix and clearly marked); or upload two separate papers. I expect significant improvement from your last submission.

Please review the 10 Strategic Points document for additional instructions and an example. Add references to this document, I suggest 5-10 at this point. You need to realize that your literature review chapter will need at least 50+ articles by the time you get to DNP 955, so work on expanding your literature search each week, to include more and more to this paper as you move through each course. If you cannot locate 50+ articles you can ask your faculty for assistance or chose a different topic.

For the methodology and design sections. Methodology should cover the broad methods you plan to use (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods). The design portion will then go into more detail and discuss the design (i.e. correlational, cross-sectional, pre/posttest, etc.). Describe each and explain why your chosen methodology and design are appropriate to your topic and project questions. You may NOT use qualitative, GCU leadership does not support a qualitative methodology.

Intervention. You must have an intervention that you implement. Since you cannot evaluate a project that has already been implemented, please write up a description of your intervention and what your role will be in implementing this intervention. This is not a section listed on your 10 Strategic Points document as of yet, so add it after the methodology and design sections. Describe step by step what the intervention consists of, how it is evidence based, how you will implement, and your role in implementation.

Data collection should go step by step (extremely over-detailed) on how you will collect the data. Tell me about all instruments, surveys, and/or questions you will ask of participants. One MUST be a valid and reliable tool.

Data Analysis. Tell me the specific statistics you will use. Start with descriptive statistics, which ones will you use, why (cite current primary sources). Then tell me how you will compare your data (which statistic), what your p value will be before you start your data collection.

Apply Rubrics

Discuss your experience. Include in your discussion your plans to learn more about Minitab® and how this will be of benefit in your analysis of data. (I am doing a project on assessing physicians knowledge on using the prescriotion drug monitoring program prior to prescribing opioid medications to patients. I will use descripive statistics for this project. how the minitab will help me on this project.)

For this discussion, we’re going to use Minitab® to examine a sample dataset.Please click here to download Minitab®. For further help, consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) graphic to the rig

For this discussion, we’re going to use Minitab® to examine a sample dataset.

Please click here to download Minitab®. For further help, consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) graphic to the right.

Start by reviewing Minitab® tutorials (on the right):

After reviewing the tutorials, open Minitab®. Once open, you will see two windows. The Session window is in the top half of the screen, and the Worksheet window is below. Only one window is active at a time. The inactive window has a gray banner across the top, while the active window has a blue banner across the top. To activate a window, click anywhere in the window with the left mouse button.

Entering Data

In the Worksheet window, type “Age” in C1. Enter the numbers, as shown in the dataset below. Enter the remaining data, as shown below (set up your column labels, that is, variable). The measure reflects math anxiety and the study variables (cringe=1, uneasy=1, afraid=3, worried=4, and understand=5) range from 1 to 5.

AgeCringeUneasyAfraidWorriedUnderstand (See attachment for this table)Age    Cringe    Uneasy    Afraid    Worried    Understand28    5    3    4    4    334    2    5    3    2    125    4    4    4    2    556    3    4    3    1    223    5    4    3    3    429    1    5    3    2    330    3    3    5    2    559    2    5    5    1    245    4    2    5    3    338    1    2    4    1    133    3    2    4    3    247    4    2    3    4    524    1    5    3    4    429    5    4    2    1    353    3    1    5    2    148    4    4    1    5    327    2    5    4    3    434    4    4    3    2    526    4    5    2    3    236    5    5    5    4    3

Next, we will look at the descriptive statistics for this dataset. Click “Stat,” click “Basic Statistics,” and then click “Display Descriptive Statistics.” Select all variables and click OK.

Discuss your analysis.

Minitab® and Graphs

We also will look at graphing. Click “Graph,” then click “Histogram,” and then select “Simple.” Choose one of the variables and save your graph and attach it to your response.

Discuss your experience. Include in your discussion your plans to learn more about Minitab® and how this will be of benefit in your analysis of data. (I am doing a project on assessing physicians knowledge on using the prescriotion drug monitoring program prior to prescribing opioid medications to patients. I will use descripive statistics for this project. how the minitab will help me on this project.)

Case Study Analysis For this assignment, conduct a thorough analysis of the healthcare system within Saudi Arabia. Specifically, focus on the development and implementation of technology over the

Case Study Analysis  For this assignment, conduct a thorough analysis of the healthcare system within Saudi Arabia. Specifically, focus on the development and implementation of technology over the

  Case Study Analysis  

For this assignment, conduct a thorough analysis of the healthcare system within Saudi Arabia. Specifically, focus on the development and implementation of technology over the last several decades within the Kingdom.

  1. How has technology impacted cost, quality, and access to health services?
  2. Does Vision 2030 rely heavily on technology?

Your final submission will be 3 pages in length, excluding the cover and reference pages. Be sure to include:

  1. Analysis of the specific healthcare system.
  2. Technology impact on cost, quality, and access.
  3. Predict the KSA vision 2030 impact on technology.
  4. Summary of findings (conclusion)

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

  1. The paper should be formatted according to APA writing standards.
  2. Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of 4 scholarly articles.
  3. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two must be external.
  4. No pliagiarism

· What do you believe has the largest influence on gender roles in contemporary American society? Parents? Teachers? Media? Something else? Why?

Hi dear,can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?answer one of the discussion questions in well-developed paragraphs.   Use citations from reputable sources (for

Hi dear,

can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

answer one of the discussion questions in well-developed paragraphs.   Use citations from reputable sources (for example, our textbook).  Grammar and spelling are taken into consideration when grading. Answer this question as if you are writing a mini paper, with a clear introduction, conclusion and supporting evidence.  This an academic writing space for you to demonstrate that you have read the weekly chapters, understood the question.  This should be 2-3 substantial paragraphs that reflect key ideas from the week. Include citations at the end from journal articles, our book, or other scholastic sources. 

Pick one of the two topics to discuss:

Topic 1

· What do you believe has the largest influence on gender roles in contemporary American society? Parents? Teachers? Media? Something else? Why?

o To help answer this question, be sure to read Chapter 5 from your textbook

o Please be thorough with your response and be sure to back up all information with reputable sources

Topic 2

· Most of us think of the world as made up of men and women who are assigned gender by their anatomy. How does the existence of transsexuals and two-spirits suggest that this classification is inadequate for understanding human gender? 

o To help answer this question, be sure to read Chapter 1 from your textbook.

o Please be thorough with your response and be sure to back up all information with reputable sources.

What special caring activities does your family engage in?

A. Transcultural Theory/Dialogic Engagement Paper Select a person from a culture or ethnic group different than your primary cultural group and arrange the time for a dialogic encounter conve

A.     Transcultural Theory/Dialogic Engagement Paper      

Select a person from a culture or ethnic group different than your primary cultural group and arrange the time for a dialogic encounter convenient to nurse and client. You will ground your dialogue and paper in Leininger’s Theory of Diversity and Universality or Ray’s Transcultural Dynamics in Nursing and Health Care Theoretical Model. Develop a 2 page paper of the dialogic encounter utilizing the following format. Introduce yourself, describe the assignment and ask: How do you care for yourself day-to-day? How do you care for your family/community day-to-day? What special caring activities does your family engage in? Submit with a title page and reference page. Use the following as your headings.

b.     Evaluation of Transcultural Dialogue:

Purpose of this paper is to……

Background: Brief description of person’s ethnic or cultural identity/heritage.

Dialogic engagement:

How do you care for yourself day-to-day?

How do you care for your family/community day-to-day?  

What special caring activities does your family engage in?

Theoretical Perspective. Use Leininger’s or Ray’s Theory of Transcultural Nursing and describe its usefulness in understanding culture in nursing.

Relevance: What is the meaning of this transcultural experience to your (as nurse) and your understanding of caring as foundational to advanced practice nursing.

Integrate literature on culture caring from the vast cultural literature. Use a minimum 5 references.

Use APA format; title page and reference page.

Analyze the extent to which this emergency might affect the quality of care provided to the patients and the unimpeded operation of the organization.

You have just been hired as a new Vice President of quality and safety for a full-service 600-bed government healthcare organization.  Within your first month on the job, the national security threat

You have just been hired as a new Vice President of quality and safety for a full-service 600-bed government healthcare organization.  Within your first month on the job, the national security threat level has been raised to Imminent, which means there is a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the United States, and your facility may be directly impacted. The Chief Executive Officer has requested an immediate six to eight-page report of your proposal for handling such a situation.

Note: You may create and /or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Write a 6 page paper in which you:

  1. Examine the existing procedures related to at least four (4) of the ten (10) essential public health services. Focus on the principal effects that these procedures will have on your hospital during the emergency.
  2. Specify the importance of continuing to evaluate patients, as stipulated by the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), during the emergency.
  3. Detail three (3) measures that you would use in order to maintain the electronic medical record system during the emergency.
  4. Defend your position on the decision to accept health insurance during the emergency as a potential source of income for the facility. Provide support with at least three (3) examples that illustrate your position.
  5. Analyze the extent to which this emergency might affect the quality of care provided to the patients and the unimpeded operation of the organization.
  6. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.