2. Identify your given "power" at your workplace or in your professional life. What is your greatest contribution in the lives of others?

Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between

Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.

Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this Leadership Journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.

Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.

Write a journal entry of 1,000-1,500 words on the subject of power, including the following:

1. Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in Weeks 1-2. 

· Why all nurses should be considered leaders and the secular approach to leadership in comparison to servant leadership

2. Identify your given “power” at your workplace or in your professional life. What is your greatest contribution in the lives of others?

3. Find three people with whom you interact professionally and ask them to affirm the influence you bring to their lives. How and why did you choose the individuals? What pearls of wisdom did they share that you had not considered?

4. Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Issue of Power” video.

Explain how data analytics leads to improved outcomes from both what you have read and from any personal experiences you can share.

Remember to submit your Essay Assignment following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M05.docx. For example, J.Smith_M05.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the f

Remember to submit your Essay Assignment following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M05.docx. For example, J.Smith_M05.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it.

4. Create your Essay Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

5. After the reading for this module, you are expected to spend roughly 8 hours doing detailed research, writing, editing, and polishing your submission. Do not just answer the questions. Demonstrate your understanding of the material by digging deeper, getting to the heart of the matter and make clear you fully appreciate the why and how as well as the what.


Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. Patient stays in the hospital are being reduced for any number of reasons, but that does not mean the patients should not be monitored. In your opinion, identify no more than four new real-time devices you believe are crucial for a large enough pool of patients that every patient should be tethered to them, both in the hospital and at home during recuperation and rehabilitation. Explain your rationale and provide evidence. 
  2. Explain how data analytics leads to improved outcomes from both what you have read and from any personal experiences you can share.
  3. In combat aviation, the concept of situational awareness and data fusion is critical. Attack or defend the notion that healthcare providers need similar kinds of data fusion to provide a more robust patient situational awareness, especially in situations of noisy and conflicting data.
  4. Explain the key concepts behind six sigma analytics and explain why or why such approaches should not be used. Explain and support your position.

In the case of healthcare, when mistakes cause serious pain, suffering, and possibly death, how is true quality improvement possible? When leveraging 6 Sigma, is total honesty really necessary? Explain.

Consider the involvement of insurance companies, the big business of healthcare, and cost-cutting activities. Explain what you believe is meant by a cardiac patient who, upon meeting his surgeon for t

  1. As one learns about all of the wonders of modern technologies, how would you respond (positive or negative, and why) to Dr. Victoria Sweet who wrote: In trying to get control of healthcare costs by emphasizing “efficiency,” we’ve headed down a wrong path. Medicine works best—that is, arrives at the right diagnosis and the right treatment for the least cost—when the doctor has enough time to do a good job, and pays attention not only to the patient but to what’s around the patient. Dr. Sweet calls this approach Slow Medicine, and she believes that, put into wider practice, it would be not only more satisfying for patient and doctor, but also less expensive.
  2. Consider the involvement of insurance companies, the big business of healthcare, and cost-cutting activities. Explain what you believe is meant by a cardiac patient who, upon meeting his surgeon for the first time prior to surgery, says to the surgeon, “Hello, sir. I’m Mr. John Smith, husband of Mary Smith and father of Jeanette Smith. I’m a carpenter who has built close to 80 new homes over the last 20 years with these two hands. I’m not the heart attack in Room 403.” and why.
  3. It’s been said that true quality improvement is only possible when those involved in the process can be completely honest with one another. In the case of healthcare, when mistakes cause serious pain, suffering, and possibly death, how is true quality improvement possible? When leveraging 6 Sigma, is total honesty really necessary? Explain.
  4. Everyone agrees that reading the Electronic Healthcare Records is much easier than the hand-written entries of old, but many complain that too many are focusing too much on the computer screen instead of on the human right in front of them. Is this just lack of skill or training? Is it poor computer system design? Is it just the nature of the transition from the old way to the new? Is patient care suffering because computers and all the displays, alerts, and alarms distract us?

Discussion: Using Emotional Intelligence and Appreciative Inquiry to Promote Quality

Discussion: Using Emotional Intelligence and Appreciative Inquiry to Promote QualityThrough communication—inquiry and dialogue—every person makes a contribution, and by being involved in the proce

Discussion: Using Emotional Intelligence and Appreciative Inquiry to Promote Quality

Through communication—inquiry and dialogue—every person makes a contribution, and by being involved in the process, people can shift their attention and action away from a problem-oriented focus to dreams that are worthy to them and to productive possibilities for the future.

—Watkins & Mohr, 2001

Without a doubt, promoting health care quality and patient safety presents a meaningful aim.

To achieve this goal, nurse leader-managers need to be able to evaluate a situation from many different viewpoints and frame questions that elicit valuable insights. They must be able to promote skillful problem solving and interdisciplinary teamwork.

In this Discussion, you examine how you can use emotional intelligence and appreciative inquiry to facilitate positive changes that lead to improved quality and safety.

To prepare:

  • Review the information on emotional intelligence and appreciative inquiry presented in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • If you have not already done so, follow the instructions in the course text, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 to complete the online assessment.
  • Consider the results of the assessment. Review your strengths and opportunities for growth related to self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. What insights, questions, or concerns arise as you think about these results?
  • Think about how your identified emotional intelligence strengths and opportunities for growth relate to your current role as a leader-manager and to the professional contributions that you hope to make now and in the future. Give focused attention to patient safety and health care quality. How and why is emotional intelligence valuable for promoting optimal patient outcomes and creating systems-level change?
  • As indicated on pages 53–55 of the Bradberry and Greaves text, develop a plan for improving your skills in one area of emotional intelligence. Evaluate strategies for applying your strengths in the workplace. Identify at least two that you can use to add value to a team or workgroup to improve quality and safety.
  • Also review the information on appreciative inquiry in this week’s Learning Resources. Have you used appreciative inquiry before? If so, how? How does the application of appreciative inquiry relate to your role as nurse leader-manager and/or to efforts to promote health care quality?
  • Reflect on your experiences working in health care and identify an issue or problem that required, or requires, a change. Consider how you could apply emotional intelligence and appreciative inquiry strategies to this situation to facilitate positive results that lead to improved quality.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of an issue or problem in a health care setting that required, or requires, a change. Explain how you, as a nurse leader-manager, could apply both emotional intelligence and appreciative inquiry strategies to address this issue and facilitate positive results that lead to improved quality.


Ingram, J., & Cangemi, J. (2012). Emotions, emotional intelligence and leadership: A brief, pragmatic perspective. Education, 132(4), 771–778.

Nel, H., & Pretorius, E. (2012). Applying appreciative inquiry in building capacity in a nongovernmental organization for youths: An example from Soweto, Gauteng, South Africa. Social Development Issues, 34(1), 37–55.

Sadri, G. (2012). Emotional intelligence and leadership development. Public Personnel Management, 41(3), 535–548.


Bradberry, T., & Greaves, J. (2009). Emotional intelligence 2.0. San Diego, CA: TalentSmart.

  • Chapter 1, “The Journey” (pp. 1–12)
  • Chapter 2, “The Big Picture” (pp. 13–22)
  • Chapter 3, “What Emotional Intelligence Looks Like: Understanding the Four Skills” (pp. 23–50 Sadeghi, S., Barzi, A., Mikhail, O., & Shabot, M. M. (2013). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations, Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • Chapter 1, “Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System” (pp. 1–30)

In this Discussion, you assess your own strengths and consider how they can be applied in a health care organization to improve quality and safety.

Recognizing innate talents is critical not only for leveraging one’s own strengths, but for fostering a workplace environment in which everyone’s contributions are respected and maximized. This is

Recognizing innate talents is critical not only for leveraging one’s own strengths, but for fostering a workplace environment in which everyone’s contributions are respected and maximized. This is valuable because “the opportunity for individuals to play to their strengths most of the time is the key factor that shows the greatest correlation to outstanding performance in the widest range of business outcomes including profits, productivity, customer satisfaction, and safety and employee retention” (Buckingham, 2011, p. 5).

Charged with the complex and considerable goal of promoting health care quality and safety, nurse leader-managers must learn how to draw upon each person’s strengths to foster collaboration toward this shared purpose.

In this Discussion, you assess your own strengths and consider how they can be applied in a health care organization to improve quality and safety.

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources focusing on strengths-based leadership.
  • If you have not already done so, follow the instructions in Strengths Finder 2.0 to complete the online assessment and read the sections in Part II that are associated with your five top strengths.
  • Consider the results of the assessment. What insights, questions, or concerns arise as you think about these results?
  • Think about how your identified strengths relate to your current role as a leader-manager and to the professional contributions that you hope to make now and in the future. Give focused attention to patient safety and health care quality; how and why are your strengths valuable for promoting optimal patient outcomes and creating systems-level change?
  • Evaluate strategies for applying your strengths in the health care workplace. Identify at least two that you can use to add value to a team or workgroup to improve quality and safety.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of your identified strengths and explain how and why they are beneficial in your role as a nurse leader-manager. Explain at least two strategies for applying your leadership strengths in a health care organization to improve quality and safety.


Rath, T. (2007). Strengths finder 2.0. New York, NY: Gallup Press.

  • Part I, “Finding Your Strengths—An Introduction” (pp. 1–31)
  • Part II, “Applying Your Strengths” (pp. 33–172)
  • Buckingham, M. (2011). Strong leadership. Leadership Excellence, 28(1), 5.
  • Cooper, H., & Cottrell, R. R. (2010). Charting your career path through clear professional values and purpose. Health Promotion Practice, 11(1), 13–15.

1. Explain the potential teratogenic effect of folic acid deficiency on the developing fetus. What other risk factor is noteworthy in Felicity’s case?

Case Study: Cell Biology and GeneticsBelow are several case studies. Your instructor will either assign you a case study or have you select one. If all of the case studies have not been covered, your

Case Study: Cell Biology and Genetics

Below are several case studies. Your instructor will either assign you a case study or have you select one. If all of the case studies have not been covered, your instructor may assign a case study that no one has covered. Be sure to integrate your knowledge of advanced physiology and pathophysiology across the lifespan with the clinical implications for the advanced practice nurse.

Case Study Posting Requirements

1.    Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.

2.    Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks, or evidenced-based websites to support the content.

3.    All sources must be within five years.

4.    Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.


Felicity is a very busy 29-year-old woman in a professional career. She has diabetes mellitus, and is also pregnant for the first time. Due to her busy schedule, it took her three weeks to visit the family doctor to have the pregnancy confirmed. Felicity became very concerned when her physician asked whether she had been taking folic acid. It was all Felicity could do to remember to manage her insulin levels, and taking folic acid supplements was something she hadn’t even considered. Her doctor told her to take 600 μg of folic acid daily and advised Felicity to return later for maternal serum marker testing.

1.    Explain the potential teratogenic effect of folic acid deficiency on the developing fetus. What other risk factor is noteworthy in Felicity’s case?

2.    What is the benefit of maternal serum marker testing? What other test would be particularly useful to monitor the development of Felicity’s baby in this situation?

3.    When is the fetus most vulnerable to the effects of teratogens and why?


4-5 pages) InstructionsYou are the chair of the Network's ad hoc task force. Your charge is to evaluate the two alternatives and to make a recommendation on which one to accept, if revenues would be

4-5 pages) InstructionsYou are the chair of the Network’s ad hoc task force. Your charge is to evaluate the two alternatives and to make a recommendation on which one to accept, if revenues would be

(4-5 pages)


You are the chair of the Network’s ad hoc task force. Your charge is to evaluate the two alternatives and to make a recommendation on which one to accept, if revenues would be identical for the two alternatives, and hence the decision can be made solely on the basis of costs. As part of the analysis, the costs of the two alternatives must be estimated on a per procedure basis and an annual basis. In addition, any relevant qualitative factors must be considered before the recommendation is made.

To keep the base case analysis manageable, the task force was instructed to assume that the operating costs remain constant over the useful life of the equipment. For comparative purposes, this assumption is not too egregious because the activities are roughly the same for both alternatives and, hence, inflation would have a somewhat neutral impact on the cost comparison.

In addition, the System CFO has asked the task force to perform some sensitivity (scenario) analyses. He is concerned about the accuracy of the cost detail inputs. Although he is confident about many of the estimates, he thinks others are more arbitrary. Those activity cost inputs considered to be most uncertain are supplies cost per unit; billing and collection cost per unit; general administration cost per unit; and transportation, setup, and breakdown cost per unit.

Thus, first, the task force must redo the analysis assuming that these inputs are higher than the base case values by 10 and 20 percent. Activity cost inputs less than the base case values could also be examined, but the critical issue here is not to underestimate the total costs involved in the two alternatives. Second, the task force must determine what would happen to the cost estimates if the useful life of the capital equipment were as short as three years or as long as seven years. Another concern was that the useful life of the equipment depended on the alternative chosen; that is, there would be less wear and tear under Alternative 1 than under Alternative 2. Finally, the task force must assess the impact of a purchase discount: Would the discount amount influence the ultimate decision?

You believe that performing a sensitivity analysis on the number of procedures would be helpful, but you realize this task would require recalculation of the per unit cost inputs, an effort thought to be too time-consuming to undertake at this point in the analysis.

NOTE: The student can make this as detailed as desired, that is, s/he can add as much financial information (spreadsheets) to match one’s comfort level with numbers and number crunching. 

• Discuss how the first hospital is able to yield a high level of quality.

3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply) In this Assignment, you will be assessing the quality of services provided by hospitals. Likewise, you will also assess how these h

3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply)

 In this Assignment, you will be assessing the quality of services provided by hospitals. Likewise, you will also assess how these hospitals can improve their organizational performance.

 • Using the Medicare Hospital Compare website, research two hospitals varying in quality performance*

 • One hospital should display a high level of quality

• One hospital should display a low level of quality

• Provide a general overview of each hospital (e.g., name, location, bed size, ownership, etc.) • Discuss the quality performance differences between hospitals (e.g., survey results, deficiencies, complaints, services provided, value, etc.)

 • Discuss how the first hospital is able to yield a high level of quality.

• Discuss opportunities for the second hospital to increase their level of quality.

 • Synthesize how each hospital could potentially increase value to their existing services.

Compare the results, conclusions, and applications among all 4 studies in a summary paragraph.

Locate at least 4 contemporary, peer-reviewed articles or dissertation or thesis research studies that are qualitative in nature (e.g., case studies, historical) related to your topic of interest for

Locate at least 4 contemporary, peer-reviewed articles or dissertation or thesis research studies that are qualitative in nature (e.g., case studies, historical) related to your topic of interest for your paper and PowerPoint presentation.

Write a paper that contains the following sections:

  1. Summarize the type of study and phenomenon of interest.
  2. Discuss whether the sample and population used were appropriate.
  3. Summarize results, limitations of results, conclusions, and applications.
  4. Compare the results, conclusions, and applications among all 4 studies in a summary paragraph.

Prepare 4 PowerPoint slides that detail the most applicable results associated with each qualitative study to your topic of interest and area of application or function related to healthcare.

Paper: The student paper should address the assignment description and be a minimum of 3 full content pages, not counting the title and reference pages. The paper must be supported by a minimum of 3 references with matching citations in the body of the work.

1. Provide an example of a bioethical issue, and explain what ethical principle or principles are most appropriate for resolving the issue.Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Unit 1 Assessment Critical Issues due 7-9-18PLease cite all work in essay areaQuestion 1 1. Normative ethics is the study of __________.healthcare ethicscultural competencyhealth policyright and

Unit 1 Assessment Critical Issues due 7-9-18

PLease cite all work in essay area

Question 1


Normative ethics is the study of __________.

healthcare ethics

cultural competency

health policy

right and wrong

Question 2


Which theories maximize the interest of one’s self over that of the patient?

Self-interest theories

Egoistic theories

Patient-centered theories

Virtue theories

Question 3


Which ethical theories are known as consequentialism?

Teleological theories

Virtue theories

Natural law theories

Rational theories

Question 4


A foundation in ethics assists healthcare professionals with __________.

providing services

understanding the healthcare process

making decisions

writing healthcare contracts

Question 5


Principles of biomedical ethics include all of the following EXCEPT:





Question 6

1.     Provide an example of a bioethical issue, and explain what ethical principle or principles are most appropriate for resolving the issue.Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 7

1.      Summarize the effect of health literacy on the healthcare system.Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 8

1.      In your own words, provide a brief summary explaining the ethical factors that have been beneficial to creating our healthcare delivery system.Your response should be at least 200 words in length.