To what extend do you believe what is advocated would work in your environment or healthcare facilities with which you are familiar? Sketch what you might propose be done differently, if anything.

Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.Attack or defend the following statement and then explain what you would do, in concrete terms, to improve things in your involve

Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. Attack or defend the following statement and then explain what you would do, in concrete terms, to improve things in your involvement or what you have observed. “It seems that the people behind the new computerized systems perceive that the people who work here and the roles they play are to make the computer’s job easier as opposed to the systems being here to help transform average healthcare workers into super workers.”
  2. It has been argued that getting nursing involved in the implementation of all of the computer systems in healthcare is a good thing, but doing that is in conflict with current patient care and the reality that many nurses are uncomfortable with some of the changes they see and would rather not be involved. To what extend does this resonate with your personal experience? What do you believe are the key prerequisites that must be addressed before enough of the right nurses and other key role players in the healthcare process and what concrete steps would you recommend to address these and why?
  3. Chapter 5 in the text provides a perspective for implementing Clinical Information Systems. From your experience, what are the more critical issues or concerns you have with the material presented in this chapter and what would you advocate should be done to improve the likelihood that such projects would be successful. (You can address technical issues, skill issues, change and fear issues, as well as business and/or leadership issues.) 
  4. Chapter 6 focuses on the Electronic Medical Records and physician adoption and utilization. Reflect on your experiences with physicians and other key, scarce, and therefore costly healthcare professionals. How well do you believe these professionals would react to the kinds of changes and approaches covered in the chapter. Have the authors done a good job addressing the really key issues and concerns? If not what did they miss? To what extend do you believe what is advocated would work in your environment or healthcare facilities with which you are familiar? Sketch what you might propose be done differently, if anything. 

Write a 525- to 700-word paper that identifies and evaluates the root cause for Medicare fraud in this case.

Read the news report “Maryland Health Care Provider Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison for Health Care Fraud Resulting in Patient Deaths.”Use the Five Whys to conduct a root cause analysis to det

Read the news report “Maryland Health Care Provider Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison for Health Care Fraud Resulting in Patient Deaths.”

Use the Five Whys to conduct a root cause analysis to determine why the Medicare fraud occurred and Timothy Emeigh’s participation in the case.

Write a 525- to 700-word paper that identifies and evaluates the root cause for Medicare fraud in this case.

Include the following:

  • List each of the Five Whys and your response.
  • Speculate as to why Mr. Emeigh participated in the scheme.
  • Explain what you might have done to prevent this from happening.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Explain how learning about Henrietta Lacks's story helped you become a more ethical leader.

During Skloot and Deborah’s meeting with Christoph Lengauer, he emphasizes the importance of Henrietta Lacks’s contribution to science and how she is remembered in the medical community. He states, “W

During Skloot and Deborah’s meeting with Christoph Lengauer, he emphasizes the importance of Henrietta Lacks’s contribution to science and how she is remembered in the medical community. He states, “Whenever we read books about science, it’s always HeLa this and HeLa that. Some people know those are the initials of a person, but they don’t know who that person is. That’s important history.”

Write a 525- to 700-word article that addresses the following:

  • Evaluate whether the book effectively illustrates the significance of Henrietta Lacks’s life, her contributions to science, and their impact on her family. Answer the following questions in your evaluation:
    • Are there problematic elements as to how Skloot portrays Lacks and her family?
    • Do you agree with Lengauer’s quote that it is important to know about Henrietta Lacks? Why or why not?
    • Explain how learning about Henrietta Lacks’s story helped you become a more ethical leader.
    • Provide 2 to 3 examples of what medical professionals can do to prevent unethical practices.

Use 3 examples from the book to support your response and cite the novel.

Publish the article on your own social media account (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.), or post it on a health care message board of your choice.

Include a citation of your article in your assignment.

Discuss how an industry, other than healthcare, can use your aforementioned strategy to improve operations.

Instructions:In this Assignment, you will be evaluating dimensions of quality in healthcare and how various industries can apply these concepts to improve operations. Using the resources available to


In this Assignment, you will be evaluating dimensions of quality in healthcare and how various industries can apply these concepts to improve operations. Using the resources available to you, research the priorities in the current publication of the National Quality Strategy.


  • Select and discuss one (1) priority that is the most important to healthcare today.
  • Discuss how an industry, other than healthcare, can use your aforementioned strategy to improve operations.
  • Report your findings by using one (1) of the methods below:
    • 3-4 page fact sheet for the general community.
    • Internal organizational memorandum.
    • Infographic
    • PowerPoint presentation for a Board of Directors (10-12 slides; speaker notes as needed to support assertions).
  • The use of first person is permitted for this Assignment. APA formatting (e.g., title page, conclusion, font size, etc.) should not be used if you choose to complete the memorandum, infographic, PSA, or newscast.
  • Although the use of APA formatting is not required for this Assignment, proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and an APA formatted reference list of sources are expected.Reference:

Discuss what tasks could you delegate to the UAPs?

Case StudyYou are working the night shift on a medical unit and have been assigned charge nurse responsibilities. You are working with four RNs, one LPN, and two UAPs. A client becomes pulseless and i

Case Study

You are working the night shift on a medical unit and have been assigned charge nurse responsibilities. You are working with four RNs, one LPN, and two UAPs. A client becomes pulseless and is not breathing, and the nurse assigned to the client’s care calls a code. The nurse is occupied at this client’s bedside for 1.5 hours until the resuscitation effort is completed, and the client is transferred to the intensive care unit. This nurse also has four other assigned clients. In addition to the nurse assigned to care for the client requiring resuscitation, two of the other nurses working on your unit are assisting in the code.

Review the case study and write an essay (suggested length of 2–3 pages) in which you do the following:

  1. Discuss what tasks could you delegate to the UAPs?
  1. The LPN working on the unit is a new graduate and has been employed for only 4 weeks. How would you collaborate with this nurse when delegating tasks for completion?
  2. Discuss how you will maintain the safety of the other clients on your unit while three nurses are occupied with the client requiring resuscitation?

Explain how might effective delegation to other team members contribute to care of the clients on the unit?

I am in need of help with an assignment due by 1259pm CST! Must be in APA format times new Roman with 12pt font. Must have scholarly references page and using NIH, CDC, etc. Book Review Criteria

I am in need of help with an assignment due by 1259pm CST! Must be in APA format times new Roman with 12pt font. Must have scholarly references page and using NIH, CDC, etc.   Book Review Criteria

I am in need of help with an assignment due by 1259pm CST! 

Must be in APA format times new Roman with 12pt font.  Must have scholarly references page and using NIH, CDC, etc. 

Book Review Criteria book must be on 10 minute mindfulness•    Arrange your assignment in the following sequence with these required sections and subheadings and the content points noted.•    Open a new Word document, and save it to your Desktop with the filename, “yourname_Book_Review,” inserting your name in place of “yourname.” •    Begin your paper by setting the margins, font, and header. (See “APA Tutorial” or the “APA Formatted Template” in the left menu of the course.)•    Click “Save” often to keep from accidentally losing your work.

Content CriteriaIntroduction    Write a short paragraph that introduces your paper to the reader. This usually includes mention of all of the content/topics that will be written about within the body of the paper. For example, “First I will explain why I chose….”.    Insert paper Title, centered, not bolded and Title case.Then start paragraph.Part I: Book    State which book you chose, and discuss why you chose it. Include specific references to book title, description, authors, or particular experiences of yours that prompted you to select the book.    Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.Then start paragraph.  Part II: Two Topics of Interest    Write two separate paragraphs describing topics or pieces of information  from the book itself that made the greatest impression on you. Discuss why the topic impacted you giving an example of student impact for each of the topics.    Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.Then start paragraphs.  

Part III: Corroboration / Contradiction    Provide at least two examples from an external source that either corroborates or contradicts the information or stance taken by the author of the book on your topics of interest. Be specific and relate the information from the external source to the book itself.    Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.Then start paragraphs.  Part IV: Practice Application    Explain why or how the information you gained from the reading of this book will or will not affect your personal actions or your professional practice.    Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.Then start paragraph.   

Discuss what types of source materials you are using for your research paper (telehealthcare in nursing homes), and list one of the sources that you plan to use.

Research is something we all do in both our personal and our professional lives. We research products we might buy, films or books we might watch or read, restaurants and hotels we might patronize, me

Research is something we all do in both our personal and our professional lives. We research products we might buy, films or books we might watch or read, restaurants and hotels we might patronize, medical issues and doctors, and much more. At work, we research companies we might want to work for or with, products we might want to use, computer issues we face, and so on.

  • Think back over the past few months and give at least one example of research you have conducted for yourself and for work. If you cannot think of one from each category, you may give two from the same category.
  • Tell us whether you were able to find the information that you needed and explain if the information proved to be accurate.
  • Discuss what types of source materials you are using for your research paper (telehealthcare in nursing homes), and list one of the sources that you plan to use.
  • Tell your classmates how that source relates to your chosen topic (telehealthcare in nursing homes) and what information you plan to use from that source

Describe the organization you selected and the general services that would be offered to Medicare patients.

Urban and rural health care organizations throughout the industry are working together to coordinate care for Medicare patients. Accountable Care Organization (ACO) programs were established by the Ce

Urban and rural health care organizations throughout the industry are working together to coordinate care for Medicare patients. Accountable Care Organization (ACO) programs were established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to help facilitate this cooperation.

Select a type of health care organization that would accept Medicare patients (e.g., family practice, hospital, urgent care, or nursing home).

Write a 700- to 1,050-word executive summary that discusses the purpose of joining an ACO and the funding available through one. Include the following:

  • Describe the organization you selected and the general services that would be offered to Medicare patients.
  • Describe the types of ACOs recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
  • Evaluate industry dynamics that would influence your organization’s decision to participate in an ACO.
  • Identify the steps needed to participate in an ACO.
  • Justify participation in an ACO for your organization.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Discuss the impact that at least two of the factors below have on the vulnerability of your chosen group:

The first of your two written assignments for the course will provide a beginning framework that you will utilize in the development of your Final Project: a proposal for a community-based program in

The first of your two written assignments for the course will provide a beginning framework that you will utilize in the development of your Final Project: a proposal for a community-based program in your area. For this first written assignment, you will select one of the vulnerable groups identified in the text that will serve as your target population of interest throughout the duration of your next written assignment and Final Project.

Select one among the following groups from Chapter 1:

  • Vulnerable mothers and children
  • Abused individuals
  • Chronically ill and disabled people  
  • People diagnosed with HIV/AIDS
  • People diagnosed with mental conditions
  • Suicide- and homicide-liable people
  • People affected by alcohol and substance abuse
  • Indigent and homeless people
  • Immigrants and refugees
  • Groups for special consideration (you may propose a different vulnerable population at the consent of the instructor)

Once you have selected a group of interest, write a three page paper that covers the following:

  • Discuss the impact that at least two of the factors below have on the vulnerability of your chosen group: 
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Culture/Ethnicity
    • Income
  • Analyze the intersection of social, political, and economic factors affecting vulnerability (must address all three factors).
  • Draft the design of a new model program, not currently existent within your community. Provide a two- to- three paragraph statement that introduces your proposed community program. This section is tentative and might change as you conduct more research. At a minimum, however, items to address should include:
  • An explanation of the issues and risk factors experienced by the selected population.  
  • An evaluation of the health needs of the group and a proposed continuum of care level (preventive, treatment, or long-term care) based on the group’s issues, risk factors, and needs.  Justify the proposed level with supportive research/evidence.
  • A description of one to two proposed services your program will include. 

Identify 3 performance measurements you could use to evaluate the succss of the clinics services .

You are the manager of a new primary care clinic located about 25 miles outside of a small city population 50,000.With 5 family physicians ,two nurse practitioners,and 2 physicians assistants ,and 20

You are the manager of a new primary care clinic located about 25 miles outside of a small city population 50,000.With 5 family physicians ,two nurse practitioners,and 2 physicians assistants ,and 20 clinical support staff consisting of RN’s,LPNs and CMAs,the clinic provides primary care services to a diverse community of people living and working outside the city limits. Originally a rural area,the community has been growing and now includes promising opportunities in employment,education,and comfortable living spaces for young families. However,there are still many residents who struggle to make ends meet with older farms that have belonged to families for generations. The central city includes 2 large acute care facilities,1 tertiary care facility that is known for excellent pulmonary care. Both acute care hospitals provide the usual services such as labor and delivery ,outpatient surgery ,chronic diseases care,etc and have fully equipped ancillary departments ,such as lab and radiology. Up until this point,residents have used the facilities emergency departments for routine illnesses and conditions when their private physicians were not readily available. Write a 5-7 page paper in which you Analyze some of the social,political ,and economic factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care facilities and primary care practices over the last 20-30 years. Create a comprehensive mission statement for the clinic ,and discuss how it will facilitate the provision of quality services. Analyze and discuss 1 or more directions the clinic might take to he is its business . Determine what factors you would consider when deciding what services to provide  in-house house and which ones to affiliate with other institutions. Decide how you will determine if the clinic is meeting it’ goals . Identify 3 performance measurements you could use to evaluate the succss of the clinics services . Begin by naming a goal,and then identify a quantifiable measurement you could use for each to determine if you are coming close or falling short of the goal. Determine how you would address whatever opportunities for improvement seem to exist and what processes you would put in place. Use at least 3 quality resources in this assignment.