5. Discuss the issues impacting culturally competent care delivery for the group.

No Plegarism please, assignment will be checked with Turnitin. Will need minimum of 5 full pages, plus title, and reference page APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and (3 referen

No Plegarism please, assignment will be checked with Turnitin. 

Will need minimum of 5 full pages, plus title, and reference page APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and (3 references within 5 years 2014-2018) with intext citations). 

The purpose of this Assignment is for you to gain an understanding of the psychosocial needs of vulnerable female populations and issues impacting culturally competent delivery of women’s health care. This is a 5–6 page paper, excluding title page and references, written in 6th edition APA format. Please review the grading rubric in course resources.


1. Select a vulnerable female population ( I chose homeless women).

2. Introduce the group and why you selected it.

3. Outline the relevant group statistics related to the population as well as the impact of the group on women’s health.

4. Analyze the psychosocial needs of the selected group.

5. Discuss the issues impacting culturally competent care delivery for the group.

6. Describe the associated culturally and ethically competent care methods the Nurse Practitioner will employ in caring for the population.

In a 750-1000-word essay, critically appraise the study by answering each of the following questions:

Healthy People 2020 is a framework to assist communities in preventing disease and promoting health. Search the scientific literature and find a research study related to one of the focus areas identi

Healthy People 2020 is a framework to assist communities in preventing disease and promoting health. Search the scientific literature and find a research study related to one of the focus areas identified by Healthy People 2020.

In a 750-1000-word essay, critically appraise the study by answering each of the following questions:

  1. What is the study question and is it relevant?
  2. Does the study add anything new?
  3. What type of research question is being asked?
  4. Was the study design appropriate for the research question?
  5. Did the study methods address the most important potential sources of bias?
  6. Was the study performed according to the original protocol?
  7. Does the study test a stated hypothesis? If so, what is it?
  8. Does the data justify the conclusions?
  9. Are there any conflicts of interest?
  10. There are methodological points to consider in appraising literature that are specific to cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, clinical trials, and case studies. Based on the design of this study, what are the key methodical points to consider?

You are required to use a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

The DNP Project: Implementation

The DNP Project: Implementation

PICOT Question:

In adult oncology patients at an infusion Center at Queens Hospital Center, does the implementation of a music therapy program compared to current practice impact pain scores during chemotherapy over 8-10 weeks?

The discussion for this week is focused on project implementation. Review the steps in your change process and your implementation schedule, identify milestones, and discuss how you will ensure the achievement of these milestones. How has your implementation plan changed, if at all? Why were these changes necessary? Have you started implementation? The DNP Project: Implementation

The DNP project is a summative evaluation of many essentials learned throughout the curriculum. The projects focus on changes that can bring positive health outcomes. It includes implementing evidence-based practice, evaluating outcomes, and making a sustainability plan. Often the DNP students encounter many barriers to implementing evidence-based practices secondary to lack of site support.  Many studies were done to improve project implementation. An enhanced model for DNP projects was tested in six DNP projects and found to improve the completion of assignments, defense, and graduation (VanderKooi et al., 2018).

Developing a clear timeline with all the tasks listed with special attention to time and costs and making a project schedule is critical for the success of any project (Baum and Swig, 2017). The final scholarly project indicates if the graduate acquired all the essential skills needed to be a leader in clinical practice (Roush & Tesoro,2018). The proposed project will be implemented over eight to ten weeks, and the detailed activities during pre-planning, implementation, data analysis, and dissemination are included in the Gantt chart



A meeting will be held with critical stakeholders on week one to brief the project thoroughly. The DNP student will offer an educational session for registered nurses at the infusion center on the effectiveness of music intervention as an adjunct treatment for cancer pain and demonstrate the implementation process. Participants will be selected from the infusion center schedule based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Selected participants will be contacted in person if possible or via telephone and asked about their willingness to participate in the project. Those willing to participate will receive a brief education about the music intervention, media player (MP3 player), visual analog scale, and be allowed to select their preferred music from a list of choices. Additionally, the participant will be informed that the proposed music intervention will be given during their next chemotherapy session. Participants will be recruited until week eight to satisfy the proposed sample size. The DNP Project: Implementation

Week two through nine:

The implementation phase will begin on week two and continue through week nine. Participants will receive a single session of music intervention during chemotherapy. Informed consent will be obtained, and all questions and concerns will be answered for the participants. Therapeutic music will be provided to the participants, and pain scores will be assessed before and after the intervention using a visual analog scale for pain. Instructions will be given to ensure an accurate assessment of pain level. Pain scores will be documented in the electronic medical record. All the collected data will be stored in a locked file cabinet and a password-protected computer at the practicum site. The DNP student will be physically available during the project implementation to ensure compliance. Further, a compliance checklist will be utilized to document the correct implementation process. A retrospective chart review also will be done to ascertain the implementation process. The DNP student will perform formative evaluation from week two through nine by directly observing the implementation process and frequent huddling with the project team members. The preceptor will be updated about the project’s progress every day, and the course instructor will be contacted weekly or as needed. The DNP student will conduct a biweekly conference with stakeholders to update the progress. Daily staff meetings will be conducted with the health care team of the infusion center and oncology department administration. During the meeting, staff can provide feedback regarding the project, and the DNP student will update the project’s progress. The DNP Project: Implementation

Post-implementation phase

The DNP student will thank all the participants and the health care team for their participation and support. All collected data will be analyzed with the help of a statistician. A retrospective chart review will be conducted to ascertain project implementation compliance. Project presentation before the Chamberlain faculty and sharing the results with practicum site stakeholders.

Major milestones identified in my project are a) educating the staff and b) recruiting the participants, c) implementation, d) data management, e) data analysis, f) project presentation, and sharing the results with the stakeholders at the practicum site.  The project manager will use a compliance checklist and a retrospective chart review to ensure project compliance. The Gaant chart also provides an organized schedule for the smooth implementation process. There are no changes in the project implementation plan. Implementation will begin on the first week of NR 707.

Please provide your instructor and student colleagues with an update on the implementation phase of your DNP Project. Share any successes, challenges, or barriers you experienced this week.

The project implementation, planning, and preparation are progressing well. The DNP student is not foreseeing any barriers to the planned implementation of the project.


Baum, N., & Swig, B. (2017). Project management for healthcare practices: costs and timing. The Journal of Medical Practice Management32(4), 271–275.  (Links to an external site.)https://www.proquest.com/docview/1930760068?parentSessionId=GgAgfndYvaWOJq5AAkHSCbrELfT7tKDlVF%2BSxK1VBuM%3D&pq-origsite=primo&accountid=147674 (Links to an external site.)

Roush, K & Tesoro, M. (2018). An examination of the rigor and value of final scholarly projects completed by DNP nursing students. Journal of Professional Nursing34(6), 437–443. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2018.03.003

VanderKooi, M., Conrad, D. M., & Spoelstra, S. L. (2018). An Enhanced Actualized DNP Model to Improve DNP Project Placements, Rigor, and Completion. Nursing Education Perspectives39(5), 299–301. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000384


Onboarding And Socialization Assignment

Onboarding And Socialization Assignment

  1. In four paragraphs, concisely discuss socialization of new APRN graduates at your current or most recent clinical setting. First person narrative is expected.
  2. Include the following:
    • Briefly describe the clinical setting and how APRNs are socialized into the role of the advanced practice nurse. Onboarding And Socialization Assignment
    • Choose at least one of the thirteen NLN Certified Academic Clinical Nurse Educator sub-competencies (listed below) for facilitating learner development and socialization and describe how it was exemplified in this experience.
    • Choose at least one sub-competency and describe how it was lacking in this experience.
  3. Please include an appropriately formatted APA (7th edition) citation and reference for any sources you access.


Please choose from the following NLN Certified Academic Clinical Nurse Educator Sub-competencies for this assignment: Onboarding And Socialization Assignment


Nursing homework help

reply 1

Drugs affecting the hematopoietic system can be categorized three classes: oral anticoagulants such as warfarin, antiplatelets such aspirin, and hematopoietic growth factors such as filgrastim. Oral anticoagulants inhibit the synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors X, IX, VII, and II. Antiplatelets inhibits cyclooxygenase, interferes with platelet aggregation; reduces platelet aggregation by inhibiting adenosine diphosphate pathway; protease-activated receptor-I antagonist, inhibits thrombin. Hematopoietic growth factors stimulate erythropoiesis and is used for the treatment of anemia; stimulate granulocyte formation and is used for neutropenia secondary to bone cancer and chemotherapy (Woo &Robinson, 2020). Nursing homework help


            Warfarin is one of the most widely used oral anticoagulant medications which is reduces the formation of blood clots. Warfarin is used to treat deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism or prevent blood clots in veins or arteries which can reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack in the patients who have high risk of having them in the future. Warfarin dosing regimen will be calculated or individualized for the patient by the clinician using warfarin dosing calculator (warfarindosing, n.d.). Warfarin should be taken at the same time every day, never take a double dose. INR/PT test should be monitored, the patients who take warfarin must remain under the doctor care while taking it (Drug.com, 2022).

Aspirin is in a group of medications called salicylates; it is one of the antiplatelets. Aspirin works by stopping the production of certain natural substances that cause fever, pain swelling and blood clots. Aspirin is widely used as antiplatelet medication in secondary prevention to prevent heart attacks or stroke and can be consumed 81 mg, 1 p.o. daily. Statistical analysis of aspirin in patients after myocardial infarction was done by Stolarek et al. (2022)., they state that routine test should be done as well as anti-plate treatment effects. If missed the dose and it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dosed and continue the regular schedule. Do not take double dose to make up missed dose. A salicylates level test is most often used to evaluate aspirin poisoning, CBC should be monitoring too (Woo & Robinson, 2020).

Filgrastim usually given SQ, the brand name is neupogen. It is man-made form of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF). G-CSF is a substance produced by the body. It stimulates the growth of neuropils which is one of white blood cells fighting against infection. Filgrastim used myelosuppressive chemotherapy give through subcutaneous (300mcg/ml ) 5mcg/kg/d no earlier than 24 hours before next dose of chemotherapy, dose given  daily for up to 2 weeks, discontinue if ANC >10000 mm3 after expected nadir or chemotherapy. CBC counts must monitored closely (Woo & Robinson, 2020). Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Week 8; Peer response Rajpati


The basis for the proposed DNP project is the following question: For patients, 18 years and older, in a primary care clinic, does the use of the Opioid Risk Screening Tool improve the identification and referral rates of chronic pain patients to a pain clinic or pain specialist in 8-10 weeks?

The proposed project implements the opioid risk tool (ORT) in the primary care setting. The ORT tool has been vetted for reliability, validity, ease of use, and previous service in similar clinical settings (Weber 2005). The implementation process guiding me is the Knowledge to Action theory (Petzold et al., 2010). Leadership qualities of communication, knowledge of the topic, and experience in the clinical setting are leadership qualities that will lead to a higher likelihood of successful project implementation (Porter-O’Grady, 2018). Nurses are historically leaders and advocates for people in our communities (Porter-O’Grady, 2018). Using the leadership skills, I have learned and developed throughout this program, I will meet with stakeholders to discuss the implementation plan. Nursing homework help

The implementation process is to educate the staff members by giving them access to the tool and time for questions. Following education, the adult client of the clinic receives the test. Once the patient completes the ORT test, the nurse will score the test and hand it to the medical provider. The medical provider will then discuss the results with the patient. Milestones for this project are the receptionist handing out the tool, the nurse scoring it, and the medical provider reviewing the patient’s results. Achieving this milestone will be performed by being on-site throughout the implementation process.


            I have started implementing the ORT test. So far, I have had occasions when the receptionist forgets to give the test on the initial visit of the patient with CNCP. In these cases, the staff gave the test to the patients once admitted to being seen by a provider. So far, everything seems to be progressing slowly as the team becomes accustomed to instituting this change in practice. Nursing homework help


Petzold, A., Korner-Bitensky, N., & Menon, A. (2010). Using the knowledge to action process

model to incite clinical change *. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 30(3), 167–171.                                                              https://doi.org/10.1002/chp.20077

Porter-O’Grady, T. (2018). Leadership advocacy. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 42(2), 115–122.                                                                                          https://doi.org/10.1097/naq.0000000000000278

Webster, L.R., & Webster, R. M. (2005). Predicting aberrant behaviors in opioid-treated patients:

Preliminary validation of the Opioid Risk Tool. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). 6(6), 432-442.                                                                                        https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31585357/  Nursing homework help

Pharmacology Power Points

Pharmacology Power Points

It is nearly impossible to learn EVERYTHING about EVERY SINGLE drug we encounter. While it is important for us to look up select information about unfamiliar medications we administer, we can know the general indications and nursing interventions related to a drug if we learn key information about the drug classifications. For this assignment, you will be collecting information about different groups of drugs, or drug classifications, found in your Pharmacology textbook and creating a PowerPoint presentation (5-10 slides long). Pharmacology Power Points


Choose a drug classification (Examples: Typical or Atypical Antipsychotics, Anxiolytics, SSRI, Tricyclic Antidepressants, MAOI, mood stabilizers, opiates, NSAIDs, etc.) that is discussed in Unit Six or Unit Seven in Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach textbook and then use your Davis’s Drug Guide or another SCHOLARLY source to provide the following information:

  1. Summary of the Drug Classification (what different medical conditions are these drugs used to treat?) and list the names of 2-4 drugs in your chosen drug classification
  2. Typical routes of administration
  3. Common side effects and adverse effects common for the drug classification
  4. Special considerations (caution with renal or liver insufficiency, harmful drug-drug interactions, etc.)
  5. Common Nursing interventions and important client teaching

Please DO NOT just copy/paste your information from your textbook or drug guide–put the information into your own words. You DO NOT need to use APA formatting for your submission (because this is a PowerPoint), but please do include your references (in APA format) in the last slide.  Pharmacology Power Points

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below: Pharmacology Power Points


Discuss what you did or plan to do in order to overcome those challenges.

In order to understand the kinds of learning opportunities you had or didn’t have, and how they have affected your journey, you first need to compose your story.It is important to understand the lea

In order to understand the kinds of learning opportunities you had or didn’t have, and how they have affected your journey, you first need to compose your story.

It is important to understand the learning opportunities you have had in the past and have now. Many times you may have missed out on opportunities because you did not have the resources you needed or were not aware of your own strengths. Teachers, parents, friends, or fellow students may have helped you along the way. They, too, are important parts of your educational journey. Writing your educational story will help you identify the learning opportunities you had or did not have and how they have affected your journey.

It may be helpful to think about the following points while writing your educational story:

  • Learning opportunities in the past and present
  • Educational challenges you have faced
  • How you overcame the educational challenges
  • Who helped you overcome the educational challenges
  • Missed opportunities, if any


Write your educational story (suggested length of 1–2 pages), in which you do the following:

  • Reflect on the educational challenges you have faced in your learning opportunities.
  • Discuss what you did or plan to do in order to overcome those challenges.

Nursing homework help

By Day 6 of Week 8

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days who were assigned different case studies than you. Analyze the possible conditions from your colleagues’ differential diagnoses. Determine which of the conditions you would reject and why. Identify the most likely condition and justify your reasoning.

Colleague 1 case study and response

Case 1: Back Pain

A 42-year-old male reports pain in his lower back for the past month. The pain sometimes radiates to his left leg. In determining the cause of the back pain, based on your knowledge of anatomy, what nerve roots might be involved? How would you test for each of them? What other symptoms need to be explored? What are your differential diagnoses for acute low back pain? Consider the possible origins using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) guidelines as a framework. What physical examination will you perform? What special maneuvers will you perform? Nursing homework help

Colleague 1

Patient Information:

Name: J.J.  Age: 42  Sex: Male  Race: Caucasian

CC: Lower back pain

HPI: The patient is a 42-year-old Caucasian male who presents with a complaint of lower back pain over the last month. The patient describes the pain as stabbing or sharp. The pain is also associated with some numbness and tingling that radiates from his lower back, through his buttock then down to his left leg into his calf muscle. The patient reports the pain as “burning” at times. He reports the pain as 8/10 on a pain scale of 10. The patient’s pain worsens with activity, especially weight-bearing, extended standing, bending, twisting, or orthostasis. Quick movements also exacerbate the pain. The pain is intermittent in nature and unpredictable. The patient denies any further associated signs or symptoms. The patient takes over-the-counter pain medication which provides little relief. Rest, ice, and bathtub Epsom salt soaks also offer minimal to moderate relief. The patient believes the pain may be the result of lifting boxes and furniture while recently moving.



Current Medications:

Ibuprofen 600mg po PRN pain, approximately 15 times over the past month

Epsom Salt bath soaks PRN muscle ache/pain, dose per package guidelines



No environmental, seasonal, or latex allergies

Medical Hx:

No major childhood illness or hospitalization

No major illness or hospitalizations

No history of sexually transmitted infections

No history of mental health disorders


Cholecystectomy 03/2010


Childhood vaccines up to date

Tdap 06/2017

Flu vaccine 10/2022

Covid vaccine 09/2021; 11/2021

Social Hx:

The patient is happily married for 15 years to his wife Tanya. He has 1 child, Taylor who is 5 years old. He reports a satisfying family life with a supportive family and extended family. The patient owns his own home in a safe community, his home has working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. The client is a divorce attorney and denies environmental exposure at work. He reports mild amounts of stress at work and is satisfied with his career. J.J., before the chief complaint injury, had a routine exercise regimen of 4-5 days a week. The patient reports eating a well-balanced, health-conscious diet. He reports no financial concerns and has adequate access to healthcare services. The patient reports religious use of his seatbelt and does not use his cell phone while driving.   J.J. reports annual visits with his primary care provider with the most recent visit approximately 4 months ago. The patient reports all routine lab work was within normal limits.  Nursing homework help

Alcohol use is rare, 2-3 times a year, usually during the holidays only, and 1-2 drinks per occurrence

Heterosexual relationship, he denies sexual dysfunction

Denies tobacco or illicit drug use

Denies recent travel

Family Hx:

Father: hypertension, age 68

Mother: healthy, age 67

Brother: hypertension, age 44

Maternal grandfather: colon cancer, deceased 63

Maternal grandmother: diabetes, 89

Paternal grandfather: deceased from MVA at age 55

Paternal grandmother: lung cancer, deceased 82


GENERAL:  Positive: pain associated with chief complaint. Negative: fatigue, weight loss, malaise, dizziness, lightheadedness, chills, fever, night sweats, or sleep disturbances

CARDIOVASCULAR:  Negative: chest pressure or pain, edema, palpitations, arrhythmias, bradycardia, tachycardia, syncope, myocardial infarction.

RESPIRATORY:  Negative: dyspnea, shortness of breath, orthopnea, cough or sputum, sleep apnea, pleuritic pain.

NEUROLOGICAL:  Positive: paresthesia, dysesthesia. Negative: syncope, dizziness, paralysis, ataxia, changes in bladder or bowel control.

MUSCULOSKELETAL:  Positive: pain and aching, decreased ROM. Negative: joint pain, tremor, tic, spasm, wasting, clumsiness.

INTEGUMENTARY: Negative: rash, bruising, discoloration, scars, pruritis or lesion

Objective Data:

Vital Signs:  122/76, 72, 99% RA, 16, 36.8C

Height: 6’2”   Weight: 179  BMI: 23 (healthy)

Physical exam:

GENERAL: Alert, oriented x4, clear speech, well-appearing, calm, cooperative, and pleasant. No acute distress was noted. The patient has good hygiene and is well-groomed, he is dressed appropriately. He maintains eye contact throughout the interview and assessment. Independent gait with proper posture, antalgic gait noted.  Nursing homework help

CARDIOVASCULAR: s1 s2 audible, RRR with no friction rub, murmur, or gallop.  No claudication or edema.  Capillary refill <3 sec to all extremities. Palpated bilateral femoral pulse 3+ with no thrill. Palpated bilateral popliteal pulse, 3+ with no thrill. Palpated bilateral tibial pulse 3+ with no thrill. Palpated bilateral dorsalis pedis pulse 3+ with no thrill.

RESPIRATORY: Lung sounds present throughout all lung fields and clear. Breathing is unlabored with symmetrical chest rise and fall. Negative adventitious breath sounds.

NEUROLOGICAL: CN I-XII grossly intact. Bilateral patellar DTR’s 1+. Bilateral ankle reflexes 1+. Left leg positive for weakness on hip abduction and knee flexion. Left foot weak with dorsiflexion, toe extension, and flexion. Positive crossed straight leg test at 60 degrees. Positive Straight leg raise/Lasegue’s test on left leg at 45 degrees, negative on right leg. Positive femoral stretch test.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: Guarding and stiffness noted at lower back and left hip. Tenderness with gentle palpation to bilateral lumbar paraspinous region. Decreased lumbar ROM at 4cm with Schober test. Left leg weakness with knee flexion, hip adduction, and flexion. Pelvic, hip, and lumbar region with restricted ROM. Dermatomal sensory numbness absent. Spinal alignment with hips, knees, and ankles on same horizontal plane. Kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis are absent. Equal bilateral lower extremity circumference.


INTEGUMENTARY: Warm, dry, pink, and intact. Appropriate for race. No redness, cyanosis, dryness, scarring, lesions, rashes, bruising, petechiae, cyst, protrusion, birthmark, or discoloration noted.

Diagnostic results:

Completed with assessments: Schober test, Crossed straight leg test, Laseque’s test, and femoral stretch test

FAIR (flexion, adduction, and internal rotation) test: Can provide additional assessment data and finding to help with strengthening and supporting a diagnosis such as piriformis syndrome. Evaluates the impact of the piriformis muscle on the sciatic nerve (Physiopedia, 2022).

MRI: computer-generated imaging of soft and bony structures, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels.

EMG: used to diagnose piriformis syndrome by observation of H waves (Hicks et al., 2017). Assesses the muscle’s electrical activity, detecting weakness within the muscle.

CT myelography: offers enhanced imaging of CT scans and X-rays. Contrast dye is utilized during the study and enhances traditional imaging.

CT scan: The preferred imaging study to visualize the bony structures of the spine (Alves et al., 2021). Can also show soft tissue structures that cannon be seen by conventional X-rays.

X-ray: Inexpensive and accessible. Can determine structural instability (Alves et al., 2021).

Discography: Contrast dye placed into the spinal disc in the region thought to be the cause of discomfort. Fluid pressure within the disc will replicate the patient’s symptoms if the disc is the cause of pain (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2021).

Nerve conduction studies (NCS): Use of electrodes to stimulate the nerve that runs adjacent to a specific muscle recording the nerve signals.

Differential Diagnoses

L2, L3, and/or L4 disc herniation: L2, L3, and L4 herniated disc often present with back pain that radiates into the medial lower leg and anterior thigh with occasional sensory loss in the same regions (Alves et al., 2021). Common findings in solitary nerve lesion due to compression are created by a herniated disk within the lumbar spine (Alves et al., 2021). Hip flexion, adduction weakness, weakened knee extension, and diminished patellar reflex are common findings with these levels of lumbar spine disc herniation (Alves et al., 2021).

Sciatic radiculopathy secondary to lumbar disc herniation: Numerous etiologies for lower back pain exist. Radicular pain alongside the sciatic nerve root is the revealing indication that lumbosacral nerve compression, disc herniation, or degenerative disc disease is the causative pathology (Wang et al., 2019).

Piriformis Syndrome: Diagnosing the differences between piriformis syndrome and disc herniation can be challenging for practitioners. Branches of the L5, S1, and S2 innervate the piriformis muscle causing symptoms similar to that of a herniated disc (Carro et al., 2016). Common causes of piriformis syndrome are muscle hypertrophy, sitting for prolonged periods, anatomic anomalies, or trauma to the buttock or hip region (Hicks et al., 2017). Likely presentations of piriformis syndrome include pain when getting out of bed, inability to sit for extended periods of time, pain in the buttocks which worsens with hip movements, and chronic pain in the hip and buttocks region (Hicks et al., 2017).

Spinal Stenosis: Spinal stenosis causes narrowing in your spine, this narrowing creates pressures on your nerves and spinal cord and can result in pain (National Library of Medicine, 2022). Spinal stenosis is more common in individuals who are 50 years and older (National Library of Medicine, 2022). Common symptoms of spinal stenosis include numbness, weakness, cramping or pain in the arms and legs, pain in the neck or back, pain going down the leg, and foot problems (National Library of Medicine, 2022). Lumbar spinal stenosis can make legs feel tired, weak, or cramped and commonly starts with standing or walking. (American Academy of Family Physicians, 2022). Leaning over or climbing up stairs can improve the patient’s symptoms while walking down the stairs causes a worsening of pain; common causes are falls, accidents, arthritis, and wear and tear on joints and bones  (American Academy of Family Physicians, 2022).

Spondylosis: Spondylosis is the generalized degeneration of the spine that occurs naturally with normal wear and tear of the discs, joints, and bones as people age (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2021). Spondylosis is quite common and typically worsens with age.  The major risk factor in having Spondylosis is age, most individuals 60 and over have signs of spondylosis on imaging.  Pain and spasm is a common symptom of spondylosis.  Nursing homework help



Factors Affecting Vulnerability and Assessment of Needs

Factors Affecting Vulnerability and Assessment of Needs      This week’s second discussion forum will focus on two selected groups:Vulnerable mothers and children People affected by alcohol an

Factors Affecting Vulnerability and Assessment of Needs      

This week’s second discussion forum will focus on two selected groups:

  • Vulnerable mothers and children
  • People affected by alcohol and substance abuse

Review the video segments titled “Premature Babies: Risks and Costs” (Vulnerable Mothers and Children group) and “Social Cost of Alcohol Abuse” (People Affected by Alcohol and Substance Abuse group) through the Films On Demand database or in the textbook. 

  • For each segment, select three specific factors from Chapter 2 (e.g., age, gender, culture, ethnicity, education, and income) that are present.
  • Reflecting on your experiences and knowledge gained in previous courses, discuss how these factors relate to the group’s vulnerability.  
  • Based on the selected factors, assess the health care needs that can be inferred for each group. Discuss which approach(es) to care from Chapter 4, Section 4.1 (i.e., preventive, treatment, or long term), might help address them.

Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and at least one other scholarly source.  Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.