NEUTROPENIC SEPSIS ( PATIENT'S POST CHEMO)A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. Th

NEUTROPENIC SEPSIS ( PATIENT’S POST CHEMO)A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. Th


A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process.

Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project.

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.  

 PICOT format is a helpful approach for summarizing research questions that explore the effect of an intervention.

  • (P) – Population refers to the problem and the population that is effected.
  • (I) – Intervention refers to will be provided to solve or improve the problem
  • (C) – Comparison identifies what you plan on using as a reference to compare with your  intervention
  •  (O) – Outcome represents what result you plan on measuring to examine the effectiveness of your intervention
  •  (T) – Time describes the duration for your data collection.

Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

  1. Evidence-Based Solution
  2. Nursing Intervention
  3. Patient Care
  4. Health Care Agency
  5. Nursing Practice

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

 30.0 %Identification of Clinical Problem/Issue 

 30.0 %Clinical Problem/Issue, Including Description, Evidence-Based Solution, Nursing Intervention, Patient Care, Health Care Agency, and Nursing Practice 

 10.0 %PICOT Statement Focused on Resolution, Improvement, Application, and Intervention 

 10.0 %PICOT Statement Including Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, and Time 


Butcher, L. (2016). Stepping up against SEPSIS. H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks, 90(1), 38-42.

Clarke, R., Bird, S., Kakuchi, I., Littlewood, T., & Hamel Parsons, V. (2015). The signs, symptoms and help-seeking experiences of neutropenic sepsis patients before they reach hospital: a qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), 2687-2694. doi:10.1007/s00520-015-2631-y

Ford, A., & Marshall, E. (2014). Neutropenic sepsis: a potentially life-threatening complication of chemotherapy. Clinical Medicine (London, England), 14(5), 538-542. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.14-5-538

Knight, T., Ahn, S., Rice, T. W., & Cooksley, T. (2017). Acute Oncology Care: A narrative review of the acute management of neutropenic sepsis and immune-related toxicities of checkpoint inhibitors. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 4559-65. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2017.09.025

Raz, B. (2017). Neutropenic sepsis. Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain): 1987), 31(48), 64-65. doi:10.7748/ns.31.48.64. s47

Vossen, M. G., Milacek, C., & Thalhammer, F. (2018). Empirical antimicrobial treatment in haemato-/oncological patients with neutropenic sepsis. ESMO Open, 3(3), e000348. doi:10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000348

Wells, T., Thomas, C., Watt, D., Fountain, V., Tomlinson, M., & Hilman, S. (2015). Improvements in the management of neutropenic sepsis: lessons learned from a district general hospital. Clinical Medicine (London, England), 15(6), 526-530. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.15-6-526

4. Discuss how the target population will benefit from your health message.

Preventing Adult ObesityPart 2: Social Media CampaignNote: The “CDCynergy” web link provided in the web links section below may be useful in completing your social media campaign. The use of this

Preventing Adult Obesity

Part 2: Social Media CampaignNote: The “CDCynergy” web link provided in the web links section below may be useful in completing your social media campaign. The use of this web link is optional, i.e., not required. 

B.  Write your community health nursing diagnosis statement.

1.  Explain how the health concern from your community health nursing diagnostic statement is linked to a health inequity or health disparity within the target population.

a.  Discuss the primary community resources and primary prevention resources currently in place to address the health concern.

b.  Discuss the underlying causes of the health concern. 

2.  Discuss the evidence-based practice associated with the Field Experience topic.

a.  Identify data about the selected Field Experience topic from the local (e.g., county), state, and/or national level. 

C.  Develop a community health nursing social media campaign strategy that will convey your health message and address the Field Experience topic by doing the following:

1.  Describe your social media campaign objective.

2.  Recommend two population-focused social marketing interventions and justify how each would improve the health message related to your selected Field Experience topic.

3.  Describe a social media platform you would use that is appropriate for communicating with the target population.

a.  Discuss the benefits of the selected social media platform in supporting preventative healthcare. 

4.  Discuss how the target population will benefit from your health message. 

D.  Describe best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing. 

E.  Create a social media campaign implementation plan by doing the following:

1.  Describe stakeholder roles and responsibilities in implementing the plan.

2.  Discuss potential public and private partnerships that could be formed to aid in the implementation of your campaign.

3.  Create a specific timeline for implementing your campaign.

4.  Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign.

5.  Discuss the costs of implementing your campaign. 

F.  Reflect on how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts to promote healthier populations.

1.  Reflect on how your social media campaign could apply to your future nursing practice. 

G.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. 

H.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. 

File Attachments:

 DocuSign Help Guide link opens in new window

Please use this guide if you need assistance with DocuSign.

 Field Experience Activities List link opens in new window

Web Links:

1.CDCynergy link opens in new window

2.Community Health Field Experience Timelog link opens in new window

3.Community Health Timelog Addendum link opens in new window

This is the addendum. You only need to use this if your original timelog was returned with corrections needed. If the original timelog was not returned, you will not need to use this link.

4.KMP Task 1 Rubric

Find a potential client (friend, family member, current training client, or even yourself) and initiate an initial assessment. Have the client complete the appropriate questionnaires. You can download

Find a potential client (friend, family member, current training client, or even yourself) and initiate an initial assessment. Have the client complete the appropriate questionnaires. You can download

Find a potential client (friend, family member, current training client, or even yourself) and initiate an initial assessment. Have the client complete the appropriate questionnaires. You can download forms from the SFN course homepage or utilize the forms in the Client Forms and Handouts packet included with your course materials. Fully describe your nutrition and coaching plan for the client including: 1. client level and the reason for choosing this level 2. limiting factors 3. outcome goals 4. behavior goals 5. which assessments you will record and why/how you will incorporate the results 6. your recommended nutrition and supplement plan 7. what (if anything) your client will need to discuss with his or her physician 8. referrals to your professional network (if needed) 9. proposed appointment scheduling including: A.frequency (when) B.what you will discuss at each appointment C.which assessments you will perform and when 10. a plan of action if you observe a plateau 11. and a plan of action if your client changes his or her goals. (Include the hypothetical goal change along with your plan of action.) Trainer Tip: Get in the right mind-set with this case study. Look at your case study as an opportunity to develop a real-life plan and to have that plan critiqued by leaders in the field. Imagine that this sample client is paying you to get results. Be as detailed as you would need to be when relaying the plan to the client. Also, be sure to tell us why you are making the decisions you are making.

Identify major "lessons learned" and how it may affect your future practice

Clinical Case Presentations: Students must post one interesting case that he/she has seen in the clinical setting via Discussion Board in the online part of this course. The case should be an unusu

1. Clinical Case Presentations: Students must post one interesting case that he/she has seen in the clinical setting via Discussion Board in the online part of this course. The case should be an unusual diagnosis, or a complex case that required in-depth evaluation on the student’s part. The case should be posted in the SOAP format, with references for the patient diagnosis, differential diagnoses (there should be at least 3), and the treatment plan. Notes will be graded as “pass/fail”. In order to receive grade points for SOAP notes, the notes must be approved by the deadlines specified on the course assignments page. The student will lose the opportunity for points on any SOAP notes not approved by the specified deadlines. The posting does not have to be written in APA format, but should be written with correct spelling and grammar. References should be in APA format. The selected references should reflect current evidence – dated within the past 5 years. 

Clinical Case Grading Criteria: The SOAP note will be submitted through Blackboard. The focus of the presentation must reflect the learning objectives of the course and drawn from the current clinical setting of the student practice site. The evaluation of the presentation is based on the following:



Chief Complaint & pertinent history


Pertinent exam and diagnostics


Working diagnosis with supporting   criteria


Management plan


Epidemiological data – cited from   literature


Evidenced based rationale for treatment   (literature based)


Analysis of self-care and family issues   r/t diagnosis and treatment plan


Evaluation parameters to be used (or were   used) to determine outcomes


Identify major “lessons   learned” and how it may affect your future practice




13. What characteristics surrounding the Grisi Siknis illness make it a cultural bound syndrome?

Due Date: Jul 11, 2018  Details: Access the interactive media piece, “Social, Behavioral, and Cultural Factors in Public Health: Increasing Cultural Competency.”

Due Date: Jul 11, 2018  

Details: Access the interactive media piece, “Social, Behavioral, and Cultural Factors in Public Health: Increasing Cultural Competency.” Health Questionsphp

Navigate and review the information in the interactive media piece and complete the assessment at the end. The assessment is based on the information presented in the media piece (although you may also apply what you have learned from other course readings to complete the assessment).

After completing the assessment, save the document as an Acrobat PDF file and submit the assignment to the instructor.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

The writer can use more resources for citation and please use new articles. This assignment is about the country listed Bolivia, china, India, Mozambique and Nicaragua. Please the writer to do all his or best in writing this assignment please see question below to answer for the assignment. Thank you Health Questionsphp

Questions: Bolivia Countries 

1. How is the Guarani culture contributing to the spread of Chagas disease?

2. As a public health professional, what key steps would be taken to address barriers for preventing Chagas disease while still preserving important practices of their culture?

3. What challenges could be a public health professional confront when working on public health projects with indigenous populations like the Guarani?


4. What are some key components of TCM that are different than westernized medicine?

5. Why would it be difficult to collect scientific evidence to show the effectiveness of TCM

6. How many traditional Chinese views of the body and illness clash with modern medicine?


7. How are the three primary forces, also known as the doshas, connected to health and illness?

8. What are some similarities between Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese medicine?

9. How would Ayurveda shape the way Indians think about their body in health and illness?


10. How are traditional African perceptions regarding health and illness affecting the spread of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique? 

11. When developing HIV/AIDS program in Africa, why should the community always be involved? Should traditional healers play a role? 

12. When should public health professionals try to change traditional African culture and belief s and when should they not?


13. What characteristics surrounding the Grisi Siknis illness make it a cultural bound syndrome?

14. As a public health professional, how would you address the prevention of this illness?

15. What perceptions regarding health and illness are the leading the Miskito Indians to be affected by Grisi Sikinis?

You have been asked by your employer to create a handout to educate its employees on the benefits and requirements of health insurance.

You have been asked by your employer to create a handout to educate its employees on the benefits and requirements of health insurance.Be sure to include the following information: •       he

You have been asked by your employer to create a handout to educate its employees on the benefits and requirements of health insurance.

Be sure to include the following information: 

•       health impacts;

•       financial advantages, including risk pools;

•       access;

•       avoiding sanctions or fines; and

•       figures and statistics supporting your findings.

 Your assignment should meet the following structural requirements.

•  2-page handout, not including the cover sheet and reference page

•  Include headings titled “Introduction”; “Health Impacts”; “Financial Advantages”; “Sanctions”; and “Conclusion”

•  Be sure to include an informational paragraph under each heading and a citation to the resource utilized

•  Formatted according to APA  writing standards

•  Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of 5 scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but three must be external. 

· Identify potential complication and report abnormal finding to MD.

Attached is my resumen please do a cover letter to send attached when we are looking for job. Here is my Resumen:Professional ProfileØ My objective is to obtain a position   asRegistered Nurse whe

Attached is my resumen please do a cover letter to send attached when we are looking for job. 

Here is my Resumen:

Professional ProfileØ My objective is to obtain a position   asRegistered Nurse where I am able to deliver my knowledge to the   organization by provides exceptional patient care.

Ø Highly motivated top producer, highly trained to   deal with different cultural diverse people, strong problems-solving skills,   able to adapt and find solution in any challenging situation. I am very   reliable and always thrive to succeed in any varying work, able to juggle   multiple responsibilities simultaneously and maintain calm in fast paced   environment, Bi-lingual in both Spanish and English.

Professional Profile

  • Goal        and result-oriented.
  • Disease        management.
  • Case        Coordination.
  • Skilled,        communicative, persuasive and adaptable professional.
  • Skill to        plan, organize and provide clinical direction to other health care staff        to enable the

Nursing care of inmate patients.

· Skill to provide inmate patient education to   promote wellness and empower inmatepatients to actively participate in health   management.

  • Time        Management
  • Able to        prioritize patient ‘care in an organized manner.
  • Using        logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of        alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
  • Multitasking        person. 
  • Fast        learner and well organized.
  • Computer        Skills (Microsoft word, excel, outlook).
  • Bi-lingual        (English / Spanish).

Professional Experience 

03/2015-present Catholic Hospice.

·  Admission Nurse.

· Coordinate care ( order medication, DME, supplies, transportation)

· Communicate with MD to get orders.

· Report symptoms and concern to the team.

· Collect information from patient/family members.

· Explain program to patient/family members (good communication skills).

· Work with computer program (suncoast production) for documentation. 

· Give care according to patient condition (continuous, routine or acute).

· Give emotional support.

05/2011-present Tropical Home Health Care

· Initial evaluation for new patients.

· Collecting data to complete care report form.

· Educate patient and Caregivers about disease process.

· Identifying and treating potential complications.

· IV therapy, wound care, safe medication administration, Document about patient’s condition and report any abnormal finding to MD.

· Cordination patient’s care.

· Discharge planning.

03/2010 to present Best Home Care

· Admission and assessment of new patient.

· Supervisions, Recertification.

· Patient care delivers.

· Implementation of plan of care.

· Case coordination.

· Patient and family member’s education.

· Identify potential complication and report abnormal finding to MD.

· Discharge.

05/2010-06/2012 Hialeah Nursing Home Facility and Rehabilitation

· Safe medication administration.

· Patient teaching.

· Observe for medication adverse effect and report abnormal finding to MD.

· Implementation of plan of care.

· Identify issues or problem.

· Daily documentation about patient’s condition, interventions and evaluation of progress towards desire goals.


·  ARNP License

· RN-BSN License.

· Lpn.


· Florida National Univesity ( MSN ) Family Nurse Practioner Hialeah, FL completed 06/30/2018

· Florida International University ( Bachellors)- RN-BSN Miami, FLWill be completed 12/2016.

· Saber School of Nursing (A.S) – Registers Nurse  Miami, FL Completed 2012.

· Miami Dade College (A.A) – (A.A) Miami, FL Completed 2011.

· Keiser Career College (Diploma) ) –Licensed Practical Nurse Miami , FL Completed 2010.

Identify and discuss key factors included in an assessment at various levels (community, group, or individual).

During your BSN program, you have been introduced to the importance of using an evidence-based model for practice. In this discussion, you will explore evidence-based techniques and strategies that ca

During your BSN program, you have been introduced to the importance of using an evidence-based model for practice. In this discussion, you will explore evidence-based techniques and strategies that can be used when conducting health assessments by reflecting on the following elements:

Based on your independent research, identify and discuss existing best practices for conducting a health assessment.

please use where appropriat: Labor and Delivery 

  • Identify and discuss key factors included in an assessment at various levels (community, group, or individual).
  • Analyze the impact of information systems, technology, and telecommunication on direct and indirect patient care and nursing practice in relation to conducting a health assessment.

must be at least 150 words with at least one APA formatted reference in the discussion and final reference.  

Week 5: Anxiolytic Therapy & PTSD Treatment"I'm no longer at the mercy of my PTSD, and I would not be here today had I not had the proper diagnosis and treatment. It's never too late to seek help."—

Week 5: Anxiolytic Therapy & PTSD Treatment”I’m no longer at the mercy of my PTSD, and I would not be here today had I not had the proper diagnosis and treatment. It’s never too late to seek help.”—

Week 5: Anxiolytic Therapy & PTSD Treatment“I’m no longer at the mercy of my PTSD, and I would not be here today had I not had the proper diagnosis and treatment. It’s never too late to seek help.”—P.K. Philips, PTSD patient

For individuals suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other anxiety disorders, everyday life can be a constant challenge. Clients requiring anxiolytic therapy may present with anxiousness, depression, substance abuse issues, and even physical symptoms related to cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal ailments. As a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, you must be prepared to address the many needs of individuals seeking treatment for PTSD and other anxiety disorders.

This week, as you study anxiolytic therapies and PTSD treatments, you examine the assessment and treatment of clients with PTSD and other anxiety disorders. You also explore ethical and legal implications of these therapies.Photo Credit: [shironosov]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

Assignment: Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders

    Common symptoms of anxiety disorders include chest pains, shortness of breath, and other physical symptoms that may be mistaken for a heart attack or other physical ailment. These manifestations often prompt clients to seek care from their primary care providers or emergency departments. Once it is determined that there is no organic basis for these symptoms, clients are typically referred to a psychiatric mental health practitioner for anxiolytic therapy. For this Assignment, as you examine the client case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with anxiety disorders.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Explain whether these issues are actual or potential and provide a rationale for your answer.

DUE 7/8 10 P,M EST2 PAGES APA NOT INCLUDING MIN 4 REFERENCESTOPIC: HIV/AIDS IN LOWER INCOME COMMUNITIESAssignment: Final Project: Stage III—The Institutional Review Board ProcessThe medical practice

DUE 7/8 10 P,M EST



Assignment: Final Project: Stage III—The Institutional Review Board Process

The medical practice rule of “first do no harm” can be applied to health science research as “first do no harm to your study participants.” Harm in this instance means not only physical harm but also the emotional harm that might be caused by unethical research practices.

Despite such lofty ideals, until the 1960s and 1970s, many studies centered on the use of uninformed human subjects. According to Moon and Khin-Maung-Gyi, even after the Nuremberg trials exposed the Nazi war crimes and the Nuremberg Code provided a clear statement of standards for research on human subjects, unethical research programs continued to be designed and conducted (Moon & Khin-Maung-Gyi, 2009). Well-known examples of egregious unethical research in the United States include the Willowbrook study of hepatitis transmission in a hospital for “mentally impaired” children and the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital case in which chronically ill patients were injected with cancer cells to monitor rejection. In each of these studies, investigators were confident that the ends of research justified the means (Walkup & Bock, 2009).

These and other studies led to the creation of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research and its seminal Belmont Report, which cited three foundational principles of ethical research on humans: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice (Moon & Khin-Maung-Gyi, 2009). These studies also led to the development of Institutional Review Boards, or IRBs, which were designed to provide oversight on all government-funded research studies. IRBs are in wide use today.

To prepare

Review the Keiser Institutional Review (IRB) process and requirements described in the Keiser Center for Research Quality. Consider how these IRB processes and requirements for ethical practice might apply to your Final Project, which is a proposal for an intervention that addresses a health problem identified in a particular community and that is of interest to you. (H.I.V/AIDS In lower income communities)

Submit a 2-page paper in which you do the following: (ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS)

· Explain ethical issues related to your Final Project research program intervention.

· Explain whether these issues are actual or potential and provide a rationale for your answer.

· Explain the level of privacy that would be required according to an IRB for participants in your Final Project research program intervention, and explain why.