In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are curr

In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are curr

In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website.

Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following:

  1. The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project
  2. The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed.
  3. A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.
  4. Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
  5. Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing.
  6. A proposed solution to the identified project topic

You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.










Critical Thinking Assignment – Patient Safety and Care Quality Create a Power Point Presentation that reviews four articles written in the last five years on patient safety and the quality of patie

Critical Thinking Assignment – Patient Safety and Care Quality Create a Power Point Presentation that reviews four articles written in the last five years on patient safety and the quality of patie

Critical Thinking Assignment – Patient Safety and Care Quality 

Create a Power Point Presentation that reviews four articles written in the last five years on patient safety and the quality of patient care. Be sure to demonstrate how health information systems help healthcare organizations meet the patient safety and quality goals. Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

  • -Be 8-12 slides in length, not including the cover or reference slides.
  • -Be formatted according to the APA standard writing.
  • -Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four (4) scholarly articles. Two (2) of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two (2) must be external. 
  • -Presentation notes are required for each slide and should be put in the notes section to support the slide content.
  • -Power Point Format.
  • -No Pliagiarism
  • -Utilize the following headings to organize the content in your work.
  1. Introduction
  2. Assessment
  3. Recommendations
  4. Conclusion

JOB DESCRIPTION  Describe the care/service provided by the healthcare professional, (used correct APA ciations)  Describe the limits of authority and responsibility legislated “sco

JOB DESCRIPTION   Describe the care/service provided by the healthcare professional, (used correct APA ciations)     Describe the limits of authority and responsibility legislated “sco


  •   Describe the care/service provided by the healthcare professional, (used correct APA ciations)  
  •   Describe the limits of authority and responsibility legislated “scope of practice” for this health care career. (used correct APA citations)  
  •   Describe the “Code of Ethics” for this health care occupation (used correct APA citations) II. EDUCATION /REGISTRATION/CERTIFICATION  
  •   Describe the requirements for the profession/occupation (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Identify at least two different types of educational institutions/schools offering the program. (using correct APA citations)  
  •   State how much time it takes to complete the program (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Describe the approximate cost for each of the educational institutions required using correct APA citations) (using correct APA citations)  
  •   What degree or certification that can be earned for this health care career (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Identify the professional certification or registration required (using correct APA  
  •   citations) III. EMPLOYMENT  
  •   What is the job availability for this profession? (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Growth trends in the field (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Number of jobs advertised locally for example in the Sunday Herald or other publication (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Is experience required? explain (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Salaries – Entry level and with experience (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Advancement Opportunities, with or without additional education (using correct APA citations)  


HSC 0003, Health Care Career Paper (Rev. 2014, PL) 


  •   Local/State/National Professional Organizations (cost to join as a student) (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Professional journals with address and cost. (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Are Continuing Educational Units (CEUs) required for this profession? If so how many and how often (using correct APA citations)  
  •   Describe ways that members of a professional organization can gain continuing education requirements and earn CEUs (using correct APA citations) V. REFLECTION / PERSONAL CAREER PLAN  
  •   Reflect on how you see yourself “fitting” into this profession.  
  •   Describe a personal career plan for you to enter this field. Include goals, objectives and strategies.  

Reflection is sometimes referred to as a process that occurs internally and in isolation. A Reflection-in-Action is a reflective process where one able to reflect and act from our experiences. It is a

Reflection is sometimes referred to as a process that occurs internally and in isolation. A Reflection-in-Action is a reflective process where one able to reflect and act from our experiences. It is a

Reflection is sometimes referred to as a process that occurs internally and in isolation. A Reflection-in-Action is a reflective process where one able to reflect and act from our experiences. It is a time to reflect on activities or events of a moment in time and explore feelings, thoughts, reactions and impact of our current and future selves. It is an internal process for practicing being in the moment and for broadening our consciousness. You are to prepare Reflection-in-Action in which you explore the concepts you have learned each week that you will take forward into your masters level nursing practice. Entries are to be made on the assigned week using the D2L Dropbox


Each Reflection in Action Entry should be at least 400 words in length and is due on Sunday at the end of each week in D2L Dropbox. Discuss and reflect on the topic in terms of:

  • How the content and assignments met the course objective(s)?
  • Provide examples of actual or potential applications of the course week’s course concepts.
  • Successes or challenges that you had for the week in terms of the course content.

Week 8 entry should address the above and contain a summary reflection of your experience in terms of application during your transition to the role of Nurse Leaders.

This is a Pass/No Pass assignment. Each entry must be at least 400 words. There is not a grading rubric associated with this assignment. It is meant to facilitate a reflection on your learning of the course content.

you can use this as resources :

Nurses Making Policy: Chapters 13,14,15

Judging Worth and Advancing the Cause

HA530-3: Research compensation and benefits options within the healthcare industry. InstructionsAs a Human Resource Manager, the board has asked you to research compensation and benefits options withi

HA530-3: Research compensation and benefits options within the healthcare industry. InstructionsAs a Human Resource Manager, the board has asked you to research compensation and benefits options withi

HA530-3: Research compensation and benefits options within the healthcare industry.


As a Human Resource Manager, the board has asked you to research compensation and benefits options within the healthcare industry to ensure your company is competitive and can expect to attract top notch healthcare staff.

Imagine you are the Human Resources Director of an assisted living facility.

 1. Your Board has asked you to explain how employee and career development activities ensure a competitive working environment.

 2. The Board has asked you to rank and explain the four career development stages in order of employer responsibility and involvement for the assisted living facility. How will you use knowledge of career development stages to ensure a competitive working environment?

3. Also, the Board is interested in your explanation of the Holland vocational preferences and how you will use this important model to determine the best job fit for healthcare staff with two examples.

4. Lastly, the Board is interested in your opinion whether a mentor program would be of benefit at your facility. Would you provide this option to your healthcare staff why or why not?

The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) understand today’s world of work in the United States.


You need to create a PowerPoint presentation for a Board of Directors (10–12 slides; speaker notes as needed to support assertions). Keep slides in the order of the questions given. Be sure to support your assertions with evidence-based research, scholarly articles, and well-supported strategies that support your work. Although the use of APA citing is not required for this assignment, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected. Add sources to the last slide using APA format. Use of art and graphics suggested.

Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending

Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending

Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally.

You are required to post one scholarly activity while you are in the BSN program, which should be documented by the end of this course. In addition to this submission, you are required to be involved and contribute to interdisciplinary initiatives on a regular basis.

Submit, as the assignment, a summary report of the scholarly activity, including who, what, where, when and any relevant take-home points. Include the appropriate program competencies associated with the scholarly activity as well as future professional goals related to this activity. You may use the “Scholarly Activity Summary” resource to help guide this assignment.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Why is the subject of workplace health and safety of concern to nurses?How are these concepts related to patient safety and patient outcomes?2. What action is suggested when you are faced with an a

Why is the subject of workplace health and safety of concern to nurses?How are these concepts related to patient safety and patient outcomes?2. What action is suggested when you are faced with an a

1. Why is the subject of workplace health and safety of concern to nurses?

How are these concepts related to patient safety and patient outcomes?

2. What action is suggested when you are faced with an angry or hostile coworker?

3. Why is substance misuse among nurses a serious concern? What is the most appropriate way to handle a suspicion that a coworker may be involved in serious substance misuse?

4. What is the most common physical injury experienced by LPNs and nursing assistants? How can a nurse manager help staff avoid physical injury at work?

5. Describe several examples of sexual harassment in the workplace. Discuss methods of dealing with these instances.

6. Review the policies and procedures on the following safety issues in your current clinical rotation. Compare with other students in the class. What are the similarities and differences? What might this mean in terms of workplace safety?

• Latex allergies

• Needlestick injuries

• Violence

3. Go to the ANA website and explore the sections on workplace and patient safety under the heading “Professional Nursing Practice.”

Which concepts discussed in these sections are particularly important to the beginning RN? Why?

4. Interview one of the staff nurses on your unit. Explore his or her feelings and concerns related to the following topics. Based on the comments, develop strategies to address the concerns.

• Substance abuse among nurses

• Emergency preparation

• Quality of work life within the organization


Translating Evidence into Clinical Practice Choose one evidence-based practice that you see yourself using as a provider in your clinical practice and discuss how it meets the listed benefits. Why

Translating Evidence into Clinical Practice  Choose one evidence-based practice that you see yourself using as a provider in your clinical practice and discuss how it meets the listed benefits.  Why

Translating Evidence into Clinical Practice  Choose one evidence-based practice that you see yourself using as a provider in your clinical practice and discuss how it meets the listed benefits.  Why should we, as healthcare providers, use evidence-based practice?  Evidence-based practice benefits: •Leads to highest quality care and patient outcomes •Reduces health care costs •Reduces geographic variations in the delivery of care •Increases healthcare provider empowerment and role satisfaction •Reduces healthcare provider turnover rate •Increases reimbursement from 3rd party payers •Reduces complications and payment denials •Meets the expectation of an informed public  Include 3 evidence-based articles to support your work that are less than 3 years old.  Before finalizing your work, you should: •be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above); •consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and •utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.  Your writing Assignment should: •follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); •be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; •display superior content, organization, style; and •use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.

APA style with citation, needs 3 credible sources reference not later than 2013.DiscussionPatients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders often require long-term treatment and care resulting i

APA style with citation, needs 3 credible sources reference not later than 2013.DiscussionPatients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders often require long-term treatment and care resulting i

 APA style with citation, needs 3 credible sources reference not later than 2013.


Patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders often require long-term treatment and care resulting in the need for extensive patient education. By appropriately educating patients, advanced practice nurses can assist patients with the management of their disorders. In clinical settings, patients with endocrine and musculoskeletal disorders typically seek treatment for symptoms that pose problems to their everyday lives as ordinary tasks may become difficult to complete. For instance, patients might have difficulty walking short distances, preparing meals, or even running errands. To reduce these symptoms and additional health risks, it is essential to develop drug therapy plans with individual patient factors in mind.

To prepare:

  • -Select one of the following endocrine or musculoskeletal disorders: thyroid disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, gout, multiple sclerosis, or fibromyalgia. Consider the types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
  • -Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help reduce negative side effects.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a description of the endocrine or musculoskeletal disorder you selected including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help reduce negative side effects.

Explain what you might have done to prevent this from happening.

Read the news report “Maryland Health Care Provider Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison for Health Care Fraud Resulting in Patient Deaths.”Use the Five Whys to conduct a root cause analysis to det

Read the news report “Maryland Health Care Provider Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison for Health Care Fraud Resulting in Patient Deaths.”

Use the Five Whys to conduct a root cause analysis to determine why the Medicare fraud occurred and Timothy Emeigh’s participation in the case.

Write a 525- to 700-word paper that identifies and evaluates the root cause for Medicare fraud in this case.

Include the following:

  • List each of the Five Whys and your response.
  • Speculate as to why Mr. Emeigh participated in the scheme.
  • Explain what you might have done to prevent this from happening.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.