Research the different nursing care facilities in your community. Discuss the pros and cons of the facility in terms of what they offer. Provide a brief report with the following questions:

Research the different nursing care facilities in your community. Discuss the pros and cons of the facility in terms of what they offer. Provide a brief report with the following questions:• What is

Research the different nursing care facilities in your community. Discuss the pros and cons of the facility in terms of what they offer. Provide a brief report with the following questions:

• What is the basic rate for room, board, and services (it’s a good idea to get this information in writing)?• What services are covered by this rate?• Are there other services available and how much do they cost?• What are the payment policies?• What is the refund policy if someone leaves before the end of a month?• What is the policy for rate increases?• How long has the current administration been in place?• Is there enough staff available to meet my needs?• Is there frequent staff turnover?• Is some level of nursing care provided (RN, LPN, Nursing• Assistant)? How often is it available?• Who will help me with medications if I need it (e.g. reminding me to take them, opening the bottle)?• Can someone administer medications to me if I can’t take them myself (e.g. applying medication to my skin, putting a pill in my mouth)?• Can someone help me if I need special care (e.g. caring for a wound)?• What happens if I have an emergency? Can I get help right away?• Are staffs suitably dressed, personable, and outgoing?• Do the staff members treat residents with respect and dignity?• Do staff members treat each other in a professional manner?• What language does most of the staff speak?• What type of help with personal care is available (e.g. bathing, dressing)?• How flexible is the schedule for receiving help with personal care?• What, if any, transportation services are available? (e.g. medical appointments, shopping, religious services).• Will staff arrange for activities (e.g. hair appointment, concert)?• How does the home support and accommodate personal hobbies?• Are there regularly planned activities that I will enjoy?• Will I be able to attend religious services of my choice?• Can I bring my pet with me when I move?• When can I have visitors?• Are there shops, a library, a park, or other amenities within walking distance?• Is the home close to activities I enjoy?• Is the home on a bus line?• Is there an outside area to sit, walk, or garden?• Are there shops, a library, a park, or other amenities within walking distance?• Is the home close to activities I enjoy?• Is the home on a bus line?• Is there an outside area to sit, walk, or garden?• Is the floor plan easy to follow?• Are doorways, hallways, and rooms accommodating to wheelchairs and walkers?• Are there hand rails to help with walking and in the bathroom?• Are cupboards and shelves easy to reach?• Are there nonskid floors and firm carpets to assist walking?• Does the home have good natural and artificial lighting?• Is the home clean, free of odors, and well heated and cooled?• Does the home meet my standards of cleanliness?• Is the home free from obvious environmental hazards?• Are the home’s rooms clean, safe, and adequate for my needs?• Will I have free use of common areas, such as the kitchen, activity rooms, toilet facilities, dining room, or grounds?• Can I smoke in my room or in common areas?• What furniture is provided?• Can I bring along some of my furniture or other personal items?• Can I adjust the temperature of my room?• Is there a sit-down shower?• Can I have my own personal phone line or internet connection?• Are emergency procedures clearly posted?• Am I able to lock my room and/or are there locked areas in each room for personal valuables?• Is the food pleasing, nutritious, adequate, and attractively served?• What if I don’t like what is being served?• Can I cook in my room?• Are snacks available?• Are there specific meal times or are they flexible?• Is there a refrigerator available to store my personal food?• Will the home meet my dietary or cultural food preferences?• Can I request special foods?• Do other residents socialize with each other and appear happy and comfortable?• Do residents speak favorably of the facility?• Do the residents look like people I want to live with?• How are room changes and roommate concerns addressed?• Is there a resident group that meets?• Do any of the other residents have a history of violent or other problem behaviors? How are these situations handled by staff?

Create a Power Point Presentation to discuss the following:Sgt. Eddie Johns leaned back against the chair in the outpatient orthopedic clinic. His head was killing him! He wasn't sure which was worse,

Create a Power Point Presentation to discuss the following:Sgt. Eddie Johns leaned back against the chair in the outpatient orthopedic clinic. His head was killing him! He wasn’t sure which was worse,

Create a Power Point Presentation to discuss the following:Sgt. Eddie Johns leaned back against the chair in the outpatient orthopedic clinic. His head was killing him! He wasn’t sure which was worse, the “morning after” headache or not being able to sleep at night. At least when he had a few beers under his belt so he could catch a few hours of sleep. It had been like this since he was air evacuated back stateside from Afghanistan after the roadside bomb went off. He was thankful that he had only broken his leg in a couple of places and gotten a bad bump on the head. They called that traumatic brain injury but he didn’t know what that was and really didn’t believe them anyway. He was still thinking just fine. His friend Joe wasn’t so lucky! How was Joe going to learn to walk on those artificial legs? He was still in the hospital in Washington, DC. That was pretty far from his home. Eddie wished he could visit Joe. They had been in the same platoon for 9 months. But, Eddie was glad that he had been able to come back to his own home town for outpatient treatment. It took an hour to get here but at least he could see his girl almost every day. Sure he had moved back in with his mom but it was easier to have someone to help him get around and cook for him. It was a bummer that he couldn’t work right now. He guessed it didn’t matter much since he really didn’t have a job to go back to. He had been replaced at the plant. They said they would find something for him to do once he could get around more easily. Eddie sure hoped the doc would take the pins out of his leg today and give him a clearance to work.How would the use of the Roy Adaptation Model assist the nurse in planning the continuation of care for Sgt. Johns?Describe the influence of Roy’s Theory in guiding the nurse’s actions in promoting Sgt. Johns adjusted self-concept.From the perspective of the Roy Adaptation Model, why is it important for the nurse to listen to Sgt. Johns’ “story” in his own words and not just base her interactions on information from the chart, fellow colleagues, or his family?Based on Neuman System’s Model, identify at least 4 stressors from the case study. Create a plan of care based on Neuman Systems Model for Sgt. Johns.  Your PowerPoint should include at least 1 outside reference and your book. The presentation should be

Explain why your selected model may be more feasible and frequently used at the community level, academic level, or professional level, such as the workplace.

There are a variety of different public health evaluation models that have been used for planning and evaluating smoking and alcohol abuse, youth violence, chronic illness, and cancerous diseases. Som

There are a variety of different public health evaluation models that have been used for planning and evaluating smoking and alcohol abuse, youth violence, chronic illness, and cancerous diseases. Some of the most popular models are the Planning Approach to Community Health (PATCH), Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships, Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health (PACE-EH), Logic Model, and the Behavior Health Model. These various models are significant when planning public health programs to address or change habits or behavior.

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet for research, write a 4–6-page report. Select 3–5 scholarly references to use in support of your response.

Research planning models include the Logic model, Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health (APEXPH), Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH), or CDCynergy. Think about how you might use one of the selected models in a health education program for your selected health issue or health disease topic.

Compare and contrast two of the models covering the following:

  • Address the purpose of each model.
  • Focus on the advantages and disadvantages of each model.
  • Include the various constructs or components of each model.
  • Emphasize the significance or key component of the models.
  • List strategies that are beneficial of each model.
  • Select one model for use in a health education program for your health issue or health disease topic:
  • Explain why your selected model may be more feasible and frequently used at the community level, academic level, or professional level, such as the workplace.

Submission Area:

  • Give reasons and examples in support of your responses. Be sure to address each component of program planning.

A 40 year old woman presents with fatigue. She reports feeling ‘very run down’ for the past three months. She has no interest in participating in her usual activities and sporting events. She re

A 40 year old woman presents with fatigue. She reports feeling ‘very run down’ for the past three months.  She has no interest in participating in her usual activities and sporting events. She re

A 40 year old woman presents with fatigue. She reports feeling ‘very run down’ for the past three months.  She has no interest in participating in her usual activities and sporting events. She reports sleeping problems and low appetite. She is constantly feeling low and has frequent crying spells. 

Her physical examination is normal and thyroid function is normal.

She is diagnosed with major depression and is referred for counseling and started on fluoxetine.

Assignment Questions

  1. What is the mechanism of action of fluoxetine?
  2. Why is fluoxetine the drug of choice?
  3. What are the side effects of fluoxetine?
  4. What are the risks of abruptly discontinuing fluoxetine?


  • Prepare and submit a 3-4 page paper [total] in length (not including APA format).
  • Answer all the questions above. 
  • Support your position with examples.
  • Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.
  • Submit the following documents to the Submit Assignments/Assessments area:
    • Case Study: Antidepressants

DUE IN 4 HRS ********************For Each Question, Please Write AT LEAST 100 Words Per Question. Please Cite All Sources Used. 1. Chapter 3 in your text lists the many different types

DUE IN 4 HRS ********************For Each Question, Please Write AT LEAST 100 Words Per Question. Please Cite All Sources Used. 1. Chapter 3 in your text lists the many different types

**************DUE IN 4 HRS ********************

For Each Question, Please Write AT LEAST 100 Words Per Question. Please Cite All Sources Used. 

1. Chapter 3 in your text lists the many different types of healthcare organizations and facilities in which a coder/biller, or IT health systems technician could be employed. From your text, select, and rank order the top three organizations/facilities you would like to work for and explain why, including if you have any personal or work experience with the three you selected.  Be sure to include references for any sources that you have utilized for your response. Please explore a website affiliated with your top three healthcare organization and be sure to provide references at the end of your forum post.  

2. Chapter 6 in your text outlines the Patient Self Determination Act (PDSA) of 1990, types of advance directive forms, and that AD laws and forms required, vary by state. Using the Internet, research the advance directive laws and forms required to be used in the state in which you live, identify your state and provide a summary of those laws, and copy and paste in the URL address(s) that support(s) the information in your post. Share if you do or don’t currently have a legal advance directive, and why or why not? If you so wish, you may also share if your family has had any experiences with family members being critically ill with or without advance directives and what your family would or would not do differently if a similar situation arose.

Details: Collaborative Decision Making Through Shared Governance Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization. If you are n

Details: Collaborative Decision Making Through Shared Governance Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization. If you are n

Details: Collaborative Decision Making Through Shared Governance 

Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization 

Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization. If you are not currently employed in a health care setting, you may elect to attend a committee meeting at another company, a community center, a local school, local chamber of commerce or other professional organization.

Observe the interactions between committee members and the process used by the committee to arrive at decisions.

In 500-750 words, describe the function of the committee and the roles of those in attendance. Describe your observations of the interactions between members of the committee and determine whether the process used to arrive at decisions is a form of shared governance.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines

In addition to your textbook, “The Interprofessional Health Care Team: Leadership and Development”. A minimum of FOUR academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

This is a discussion post, about 250 WORDS, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, scholarly references are required for this assignment, website source strongly p

This is a discussion post, about 250 WORDS, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, scholarly references are required for this assignment, website source strongly p

This is a discussion post, about 250 WORDS, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, scholarly references are required for this assignment, website source strongly preferred.

QUESTION 2: Professional mentorship has been identified as an important component

Professional mentorship has been identified as an important component of professional engagement, professional growth, and advancement.

Consider your own professional journey. 

Has a mentor shaped your professional advancement? 

Share a mentor experience from your personal or professional life. 

What benefits did the experience offer you? 

How might you mentor other providers seeking to advance in your discipline?

A minimum of THREE academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment

Project 1: Promoting Health Care Quality Section 1: Organizational Systems and Structures Evaluation As you continue your evaluation of a health care organization, it is essential to pay attention

Project 1: Promoting Health Care Quality  Section 1: Organizational Systems and Structures Evaluation  As you continue your evaluation of a health care organization, it is essential to pay attention

Project 1: Promoting Health Care Quality  Section 1: Organizational Systems and Structures Evaluation  As you continue your evaluation of a health care organization, it is essential to pay attention to culture. Organizational culture provides the context in which all interactions and processes occur, and is therefore central to any effort to enact change.  To prepare: •Continue to analyze your selected organization, as indicated in Week 3 (Section 1 of the Course Project). •In addition, consider the ideas and information exchanged in this week’s Discussion. Continue to analyze essential elements of organizational culture and evaluate the influence of culture on the ability to achieve goals within your selected organization.    To complete:  Write a 4- to 5-page paper in which you: •Provide a description of the organization you selected •Present your analysis of the organization with attention to: •Its mission, vision, values •Strategic plan, goals, and objectives •Key operational processes and patterns •Information technology use •Organizational priorities and investments, as indicated by financial data •The essential elements of the organization’s culture •The influence of culture on meeting organizational goals

Required Readings  Hickey, J. V., & Brosnan, C. A. (2017). Evaluation  of health care quality in for DNPs (2nd  ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.  •Chapter 10, “Evaluation of Patient Care Standards, Guidelines, and Protocols” (pp. 207-226) •Chapter 12, “Evaluating Populations and Population Health” (pp. 265-280) Chapter 10 reviews methods for using national, local, and organizational standards to evaluate the quality of health care practices. Chapter 12 examines strategies for identifying quality issues through the evaluation of populations.   Sadeghi, S., Barzi, A., Mikhail, O., & Shabot, M. M. (2013). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations, Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.  •Chapter 3, “General Concepts in Quality” (pp. 45–82) See the six aims for quality proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM).   Bellot, J. (2011). Defining and assessing organizational culture. Nursing Forum, 46(1), 29–37.

Explain how you might address this health problem in your community. Illustrate how you would develop a framework for your needs assessment and what instrument you would use to collect qualitative information.

n Week 1 Project, you selected a particular health issue or health disease (for example, heart disease, cancer, or obesity) to act as a main theme or topic in this course. In this assignment, you will

n Week 1 Project, you selected a particular health issue or health disease (for example, heart disease, cancer, or obesity) to act as a main theme or topic in this course. In this assignment, you will continue your analysis of your selected health issue or health disease topic by collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. Be sure to collect your information from a reliable online source, such as the CDC database surveillance website, the National Immunization Survey, or the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Analyze and synthesize this information as if you were going make a presentation to state public health officials and solicit funding to address the problem.

Respond to the following:

  • Explain why the health issue or health disease you have chosen is a problem in your community.
  • Explain how you might address this health problem in your community. Illustrate how you would develop a framework for your needs assessment and what instrument you would use to collect qualitative information.
  • Prioritize the steps that you might take to define the health problem. Explain in detail with a minimum of four examples and supportive evidence.

Write a 1–2-paragraph response. Comment on the postings of at least two peers with scholarly information.

DescriptionStudents will:• Assess client families presenting for psychotherapy• Develop genograms for client families presenting for psychotherapyTo prepare:• Select a client family that you hav

DescriptionStudents will:• Assess client families presenting for psychotherapy• Develop genograms for client families presenting for psychotherapyTo prepare:• Select a client family that you hav


Students will:• Assess client families presenting for psychotherapy• Develop genograms for client families presenting for psychotherapyTo prepare:• Select a client family that you have observed or counseled at your practicum site.• Review pages 137–142 of Wheeler (2014) and the Hernandez Family Genogram video in this week’s Learning Resources. • Reflect on elements of writing a comprehensive client assessment and creating a genogram for the client you selected.The AssignmentPart 1: Comprehensive Client Family AssessmentCreate a comprehensive client assessment for your selected client family that addresses (without violating HIPAA regulations) the following:• Demographic information• Presenting problem• History or present illness• Past psychiatric history• Medical history• Substance use history• Developmental history• Family psychiatric history• Psychosocial history• History of abuse and/or trauma• Review of systems• Physical assessment• Mental status exam• Differential diagnosis• Case formulation• Treatment planPart 2: Family GenogramDevelop a genogram for the client family you selected. The genogram should extend back at least three generations (parents, grandparents, and great grandparents).NOTE: CLIENT FAMILY COUNSELLED THIS WEEK IS A 54 YEAR OLD CAUCASIAN FEMALE CLIENT WITH NEUROCOGNITIVE DISORDER