(500 Words)PC Diversity & Multiculturalism 4.2: Demonstrate an understanding of how one’s perspective toward multiculturalism and diversity impacts an organization.You are the president of a multi h

(500 Words)PC Diversity & Multiculturalism 4.2: Demonstrate an understanding of how one’s perspective toward multiculturalism and diversity impacts an organization.You are the president of a multi h

(500 Words)

PC Diversity & Multiculturalism 4.2: Demonstrate an understanding of how one’s perspective toward multiculturalism and diversity impacts an organization.

You are the president of a multi hospital system that is growing at a rapid pace. There are strains on resources, and pressures to find new ways to achieve an economic scale in operations. In a meeting with the staff, a suggestion was made to look overseas for two services the system normally did internally.

The first was to consider outsourcing the reading of radiological images to an India-based radiology company. They would have radiologists available 24/7, and the images can be sent to them digitally. There would be a 50% savings and would eliminate the need an on-call radiologist in the hospital. It would also call for a reduction in staff and a reduction in supply acquisition.

The second suggestion was to outsource medical records transcription to a Pakistani company. Voice transcriptions could be sent digitally in real time (as notes were dictated), at a cost of nine cents per line versus the current 22 cents per line that the hospital is paying with a local transcription company. The turnaround time was comparable. The negative aspect is that sometimes language differences could cause errors in transcribing. In addition, the decision to take business away from local companies would impact the local economy.

Weighing all the facts, what choices would you make? Keep in mind you want to move your organization forward, yet at the same time, you want to consider your working relationship with the present providers of these services. Defend your choices!

(200 Words) Mr. Roland Jones, a patient of Dr. Reed Simon, has a history of mental illness. Mr. Jones is taking Depakote®, a medication for bipolar patients, but was hospitalized because he has been

(200 Words) Mr. Roland Jones, a patient of Dr. Reed Simon, has a history of mental illness. Mr. Jones is taking Depakote®, a medication for bipolar patients, but was hospitalized because he has been

(200 Words) Mr. Roland Jones, a patient of Dr. Reed Simon, has a history of mental illness. Mr. Jones is taking Depakote®, a medication for bipolar patients, but was hospitalized because he has been having increased symptoms of hallucinations and convulsions. Mr. Jones has no known family in the local area, and insists on going home because he is “afraid of these nurses.” Dr. Simon refused to release the patient, so Mr. Jones sneaked out of the hospital. He was found approximately 3 hours later near the side of the road (approximately 2 miles from the hospital) and was non-responsive. Please discuss the following: 1.What responsibilities and liabilities does the hospital have? Dr. Simon? Any other healthcare professionals involved? 2.What options did the facility have in terms of ensuring Mr. Jones wasn’t able to physically leave the facility? 3.Should a medical facility have the ability, under the law, to keep a person against their will? 4.If so, what criteria should be used? Who decides whether patients fit these criteria? 5.Now, that Mr. Jones has been found, please discuss how you as the administrator of this facility will respond to this incident and what measures will be put in place to avoid such an undesirable outcome.

Organization Behavior, Structure, and Assessment

Organization Behavior, Structure, and AssessmentSLP Assignment OverviewThis assignment will test your knowledge of organizational structures. According to Nagy (2016), organizational structures essent

Organization Behavior, Structure, and Assessment

SLP Assignment Overview

This assignment will test your knowledge of organizational structures. According to Nagy (2016), organizational structures essentially are operating manuals that illustrate how an organization is put together and works. There are various types of organizational structures. Regarding organizational structures in the health care field, an organizational structure that drives a small rural family practice would not be efficient for a large urban hospital, and vice versa.

For this assignment, you should:

  1. Firstpretest your current knowledge of organizational structure types by using this online test at the following link: http://higheredbcs.wiley.com/legacy/college/hitt/0471351768/quiz/ch13.html
  2. Watch the following video: “Types of Traditional Organizational Designs: Simple, Functional & Divisional Designs”: https://study.com/academy/lesson/types-of-organizational-structures-functional-divisional-matrix-team-network.html
  3. In a 2- to 3-page paper, describe the three types of Traditional Organizational Design (Simple, Functional & Divisional) and provide an example of a health care facility/organization that each design would ideally follow (i.e., Hospital – Functional). (Note: You might want to consider matrix organizational structures, a combination of both functional and divisional organizational structures.)
  4. In your paper, dedicate a paragraph to the results of your pre-test. There is no need to share your answers or score. Consider your results against what you learned in the video. Ask yourself: Do you believe your knowledge was increased? Did the pre-test assist with knowing the importance of organizational structures for health care leaders? What other benefits did you obtain from taking the test?

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your selection for each design.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages.
  3. Support your SLP with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 2 references. Use the following source for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.
  4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Develop your PICOT question and define the specific information about your DNP project. Submit your work to the Dropbox for review and feedback from your instructor.

Opioid Epidemic in FloridaAssignment 1: Discussion AssignmentThe discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.For

Opioid Epidemic in Florida

Assignment 1: Discussion Assignment

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.

For this assignment, post your initial response to the Submissions Area for the week one project by the due date assigned 

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources in your responses to other classmates. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.

Scholarly Project Progress

Provide the chosen title for your scholarly project, along with your thesis statement and PICOT question. Provide an overview of your topic and background information. Describe the importance of the project to nursing practice. Build a case for the need for the project.

Assignment 2: Develop the PICOT Question

Develop your PICOT question and define the specific information about your DNP project. Submit your work to the Dropbox for review and feedback from your instructor.

Submission Details:

  • Name your document SU_NSG8100_W3_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit your documents to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
  • On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format within 5 YEARS

Use the criteria below in addition to your directives for this assignment.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

The population is evidence-based, well developed, and in the appropriate PICOT format.


The intervention is evidence-based, well developed, and in the appropriate PICOT format.


The comparison is evidence-based, well developed, and in the appropriate PICOT format.


The outcome is evidence-based, well developed, and in the appropriate PICOT format.


The timing is evidence-based (if applicable), well developed, and in the appropriate PICOT format.




Assignment 3: Literature Review: Five Articles Abstracted onto the Evaluation Table


In Weeks 2–7, you will submit an evaluation table document with five research articles abstracted for your literature review (refer to W3 Working Ahead). Although it is expected that a majority of the articles will be part of your final literature review, some may not necessarily be included depending on your evaluation. For example, out of the thirty articles you evaluate during this course, you may only end up including twenty in your final review. The total number of articles you include may also depend on the amount of existing research. Try to shoot for twenty to twenty-five articles as a target for your final review. You will organize the information obtained from the review by paraphrasing and organizing concepts, variables, themes, and data from each article according to the nine headings in the evaluation table.

**Click here to download a blank evaluation table. These will be provided for you…this is only a reminder …..

**Click here to view a sample evaluation table that contains the required data. These will be provided for you…this is only a reminder …..

Submission Details:

  • Save the table as SU_NSG8100_W2_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  •  Submit your documents to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Use the criteria below in addition to your directives for this assignment.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

The evaluation table contains five new appropriate articles with each table heading having a comprehensive abstraction or justification about why the section is not applicable.


Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format.





Write a 525- to 700-word paper evaluating the advertisements you selected and how they are effective or ineffective in their design.

Open your browser and search for recent health care advertisements from similar health care services, facilities, or other health sector-related occupations (e.g., labor supply, productivity improveme

Open your browser and search for recent health care advertisements from similar health care services, facilities, or other health sector-related occupations (e.g., labor supply, productivity improvement, technology, or personnel benefit design).

Select three advertisements and deconstruct each one to evaluate the marketing strategies employed.

Write a 525- to 700-word paper evaluating the advertisements you selected and how they are effective or ineffective in their design.

Consider the following when writing your paper:

  • Trade-offs
  • Personal cost
  • Incentives
  • Open trade
    • Marketing strategy(s) employed
    • Targeted demographics
    • Value exchange
    • “Five Cs” framework

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Falsification of records and billing are serious offenses and must be treated as such. As a health administrator, you will be called upon to monitor staff to be sure that records and billing are accur

Falsification of records and billing are serious offenses and must be treated as such. As a health administrator, you will be called upon to monitor staff to be sure that records and billing are accur

Falsification of records and billing are serious offenses and must be treated as such. As a health administrator, you will be called upon to monitor staff to be sure that records and billing are accurate.

In this scenario, consider that you are the assistant manager of operations for the Smith Home Health Care Services. Part of your job is to do impromptu visits where internal audits are completed as a measure to monitor the home health nurses and aides for the company.

You have been observing Barbara Smithers, who has been a home health aide since the company was established in 1995. You notice, before one of your monitoring visits, that Barbara’s billing totals seem higher than the average worker. When you observe her home services and compare them to the services rendered, there is a discrepancy. Going back in her service records, this has been a pattern for at least 4 years. You report this to your supervisor, Ron James. Mr. James meets with Barbara, who finally admits that she has been “padding” the billing for at least 10 years, at the demand of nursing supervisor, Donna Strickland. Mr. James asks you to sit in on a conference with Ms. Strickland and Ms. Smithers and contribute to questioning them and helping make a final decision.

  • If accusations turn out to be true, what would be your recommendation in this case be to the Mr. James? What records do you need to review before the conference? Be sure to cite standards from the False Claims Act.
  • How did the Service fail in its responsibility in monitoring Barbara? Should the facility also be held responsible?
  • Could the Service have avoided this situation? Does 4 years of potential fraudulent billing seem a reasonable time period for no one to notice?What are the consequences of this behavior? Is there a criminal case here? What about civil liability? Are there any non-monetary consequences this Service should now be worried about?

Ethics in the WorkplaceYou are a member of the senior hospital administration. You become aware of a problem involving a long-time and well-respected employee, as well as the supervisor of said employ

Ethics in the WorkplaceYou are a member of the senior hospital administration. You become aware of a problem involving a long-time and well-respected employee, as well as the supervisor of said employ

Ethics in the Workplace

You are a member of the senior hospital administration. You become aware of a problem involving a long-time and well-respected employee, as well as the supervisor of said employee.

The employee in question is a social worker; a very competent and very conscientious professional. His wife has recently suffered a stroke with significant residual neurological deficit. This has resulted in the necessity that the social worker take days off to care for her; come in late or leave early to take her to medical, physical, or occupational therapy appointments; etc.

It is thought that, because of these demands on his time—and the taxing emotional overlay of dealing with the critical illness of a loved one, while simultaneously dealing with patients and families in similar situations—that his charting fell behind. In fact, it was discovered that he was writing social work notes 1–2 days after the fact, back-dating the notes, and placing them in the patients chart between notes of the same time frame as the date on the note.

When the social worker’s immediate supervisor became aware of this, she told him that such behavior must stop immediately. Given the circumstances, however, she opted to take no further action, did not document this in his personnel file, nor did she advise her superiors.

Other members of the staff became aware of this, and someone reported it to the CEO via a “Tell Us About Problems” Dropbox.

You have been assigned to address these multiple issues of ethics, standards of conduct, truth, and fairness. Also describe what concepts of change management theory you would apply in this situation. Describe your answer in detail, write in a response to each case scenario. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words.

nitial Post Due: Day 4Reply Post Due: Day 6Value: 10 pointsRespond to one of the scenarios below.OR (next question option)Twelve-hour shifts are problematic for patient and nurse safety, yet hospitals

nitial Post Due: Day 4Reply Post Due: Day 6Value: 10 pointsRespond to one of the scenarios below.OR (next question option)Twelve-hour shifts are problematic for patient and nurse safety, yet hospitals

nitial Post Due: Day 4

Reply Post Due: Day 6

Value: 10 points

Respond to oneof the scenarios below.

OR (next question option)

  1. Twelve-hour shifts are problematic for patient and nurse safety, yet hospitals continue to keep the 12-hour shift schedule. In 2004, the IOM (Board on Health Care Services & Institute of Medicine, 2004) published a report which referred to studies as early as 1988 that discussed the negative effects of rotating shifts on intervention accuracy. Workers with 12-hour shifts realized more fatigue than workers on 8-hour shifts. In another study, done in Turkey by Ilhan, Durukan, Aras, Turkcuoglu, & Aygun (2006), factors relating to increased risk for injury were: age of 24 or less, less than four years of nursing experience, working in the surgical intensive care units, and working for more than eight hours. As a clinician reading these studies, what would your next step be?
  2. The use of heparin versus saline to maintain patency of peripheral IV catheters has been addressed in research for many years. The American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHSP) published a position paper in 2006 supporting the use of 0.9% saline in maintenance of peripheral IVs in non-pregnant adults. Their paper made reference to articles dating from 1991 supporting the use of saline over heparin! What do you feel are some of the barriers which would have caused this delay in implementation?

Be sure to make reference to the week’s readings in your response. Please allow neither your initial post nor any of your replies to exceed one paragraph in length.

After you have made your own post, you will be able to see those of your classmates. Reply to at least one classmate’s post.

This activity will be graded according to the grading rubric for discussions in the course syllabus.

Reading from McGonigle & Mastrian (2018). Nursing Informatics and the foundation of knoweldge, fourth edition

Project: Final Project: Marketing PlanLike other products and services, health care products and services must be marketed to potential consumers. To do this effectively, health care organizations mus

Project: Final Project: Marketing PlanLike other products and services, health care products and services must be marketed to potential consumers. To do this effectively, health care organizations mus

Project: Final Project: Marketing Plan

Like other products and services, health care products and services must be marketed to potential consumers. To do this effectively, health care organizations must develop marketing plans. These plans provide organizations and their leaders with common goals for their products and services. Moreover, by relating the marketing plan to the mission, vision, and objectives of the organization, marketing plans become a tool in the strategic decision-making process. For the Final Project, you create a marketing plan for a health care organization.

To prepare:

Select one of the following case studies from the Learning Resources to be the focus of your Final Project:

  1. Philips Healthcare: Marketing the HealthSuite Digital Platform
  2. Thrive or Revive? The Kaiser Permanente “Thrive” Marketing Programs
  3. Castlight Health: Disrupting the Health Care Industry
  4. Carolinas HealthCare System: Consumer
  5. AIP Healthcare Japan: Investing in Japan’s Retirement Home Market
  6. Access Health CT: Marketing Affordable Care
  7. E-Cigarettes: Marketing Versus Public Health

Review the case study and consider how you might market the health care organization. For guidance on developing a marketing plan, refer to Chapter 15, “Marketing Planning” in this week’s Learning Resources.

The Assignment

Part 1

In a 20 pages marketing plan, address the following:

  • State assumptions
  • Gather initial information
  • Audit the market
  • Determine the marketing strategy and business communication standards to be used
  • Assess due diligence (any operational, financial, or human resources requirements needed to implement the plan)
  • Set marketing goals and objectives
  • Describe any benchmarks from other competitors or industries
  • Prioritize marketing objectives
  • Specify marketing actions
  • Explain any global marketing issues in the marketing plan
  • Specify any limitations to implementing the plan

Reflect for a moment on your nursing career. About what are you most passionate? When do you feel you are at your best? What brings you the greatest satisfaction in your work? Positive feelings in the

Reflect for a moment on your nursing career. About what are you most passionate? When do you feel you are at your best? What brings you the greatest satisfaction in your work? Positive feelings in the

Reflect for a moment on your nursing career. About what are you most passionate? When do you feel you are at your best? What brings you the greatest satisfaction in your work? Positive feelings in the workplace are usually fueled by intrinsic motivators: healthy relationships, meaningful purpose, competence, choice, and progress. As a nurse manager, it is helpful to recognize what motivates you to perform well in your own job. You should also take time to understand the motivations of employees. By speaking to staff about their interests and professional goals, nurse managers can build relationships and thus provide appropriate motivators.

For this Assignment, you examine your personal work experiences to determine which of the five intrinsic motivators are more influential in shaping your positive feelings about the workplace.

To prepare

  • Reflect on your work history, from your first job to your current employment.
  • Select one time period or situation in which you felt professionally happy, motivated, and fulfilled in your job. What do you remember most about this time period? What are, or were, the various personal and professional factors that helped to shape these feelings?
  • Select one time period or situation in which you felt professionally unhappy, disengaged, and unfulfilled in your job. What do you remember most about this time period? What are, or were, the various personal and professional factors that caused these feelings?
  • Review the selected pages from Chapter 7, “Coaching and Developing Others” in the course text, From Management to Leadership: Strategies for Transforming Health Care. Consider the potential influence of the five intrinsic motivators during your chosen time period or situation.
    • Which intrinsic motivators seem to resonate more with your own perceptions of job fulfillment?
    • Which motivators do you believe have greater influence on your professional well-being?
  • Review the media, “Fostering a Positive Workplace.” How can nurse leaders use their awareness of the five motivators to engage and retain nursing staff?

To complete

By Day 7 of Week 8

Submit a 3- to 5-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Appraise a time when you have felt professionally fulfilled. Describe the setting, your job title, and the roles and responsibilities in which you were engaged. Identify your own key intrinsic motivators and explain how these were evident in this situation. Cite specific examples.
  • Appraise a time when you have felt professionally unfulfilled. Describe the setting, your job title, and the roles and responsibilities in which you were engaged. Explain the motivator(s) that were absent and how this impacted your professional performance. Cite specific examples.
  • Discuss how you, as a nurse manager, might implement organization- or department-wide changes that would create an environment that engages staff through one or more intrinsic motivators.

optional resources

Achor, S. (2012). Positive intelligence. Harvard Business Review, 90(1/2), 100–102.

Morse, G. (2012). The science behind the smile: Interview with Daniel Gilbert. Harvard Business Review, 90(1/2), 84–90.

Muha, T. M., & Manion, J. (2010). Using positive psychology to engage your staff during difficult times. Nurse Leader, 8(1), 50–54.