Discuss which provisions you believe will be difficult to achieve or implement because of the inherent challenges in the current U.S. healthcare landscape; please name and describe those challenges.

200 words Book is – The law of healthcare administration, 7th ed, showalter Presently, the United States government, in conjunction with both the public and private healthcare sectors, is working towa

200 words Book is – The law of healthcare administration, 7th ed, showalter 

Presently, the United States government, in conjunction with both the public and private healthcare sectors, is working toward implementing the law.

For this week, please review the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on page 59-65, 193 of your textbook and formulate an initial post with the following criteria:

  • Choose one provision that is most important and discuss why implementation will make congruent improvements to the current U.S. system.
  • Discuss which provisions you believe will be difficult to achieve or implement because of the inherent challenges in the current U.S. healthcare landscape; please name and describe those challenges.
  • Lastly, what has been left out of these major provisions? Had you been able to meet with congressional members, what would you have lobbied to include in the act?

Week 3 ProjectConflict Handling StyleThis assignment will help you understand conflict at the individual, team and organizational levels.Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, rese

Week 3 ProjectConflict Handling StyleThis assignment will help you understand conflict at the individual, team and organizational levels.Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, rese

Week 3 Project

Conflict Handling Style

This assignment will help you understand conflict at the individual, team and organizational levels.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research and identify additional information on handling conflict.

Based on your research and understanding, create a paper in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that:

Includes a description of change theories, conflict theories, and leader as a change agent.

Integrates how your ability to handle conflict can either enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment.

Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.

This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.

You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.

Submission Details

  • Support your responses with examples
  • On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

What problems are presented here? How do you propose to deal with those problems? Present a checklist for building your team.

Jack Elliott heads a key department at your hospital. Robert Corning heads another key department. Jack and Robert truly despise each other. Robert had an affair with Jack’s wife, resulting in a div

Jack Elliott heads a key department at your hospital. Robert Corning heads another key department. Jack and Robert truly despise each other. Robert had an affair with Jack’s wife, resulting in a divorce from Jack, and Robert’s marriage to Jack’s former wife. During the course of the ending marriage, separation with attempts to reconcile, and eventual divorce, Robert and Jack even got into two fistfights—one at the home of Jack and his (then) wife, and one at work.

This history becomes important because you must address a major problem confronting your hospital, and it is essential that the departments headed by Jack and Robert be key parts of the matrix team that you are developing. It is obviously vital that all of the requisite components work well together. Representation on the leadership team is supposed to be at the department head level.

What problems are presented here? How do you propose to deal with those problems? Present a checklist for building your team.

Be sure to address the following:

  • Any legal issues
  • Institutional policy issues
  • Documentation

Describe your answer in detail, write in a response to each case scenario. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words.

Read the following article:O'Brien, A., Weaver, C., Settergren, T., Hook, M. L., & Ivory, C. H. (2015). EHR documentation: the hype and the hope for improving nursing satisfaction and quality outcomes

Read the following article:O’Brien, A., Weaver, C., Settergren, T., Hook, M. L., & Ivory, C. H. (2015). EHR documentation: the hype and the hope for improving nursing satisfaction and quality outcomes

Read the following article:

  • O’Brien, A., Weaver, C., Settergren, T., Hook, M. L., & Ivory, C. H. (2015). EHR documentation: the hype and the hope for improving nursing satisfaction and quality outcomes (PDF). Nursing Administration Quarterly, 39(4), 333–339.

This excellent and current article presents the “other side” of the issues. Not all technology has been a blessing to nurses. There are challenges, and this article—in a nursing administration journal—is a view from the actual users and managers who work with technology as it really is.

Read the NAQ article that was posted in the lesson. Knowing what you know from the chapters in this unit (Chapters 10 through 14), discuss the recommendations presented in the article for the Ideal system:

  1. Simple, fast documentation with minimal redundancy.
  2. EHR coordination with patient and family needs and wishes.
  3. Central source of best practice forms and other resources in a free, vendor-neutral, and accessible library.
  4. Multidisciplinary collaboration on the design of EHR and CDS systems.
  5. Data: Standardized, actionable, and interoperable.
  6. Integration of biomedical devices with the EHR to avoid nurses entering that data.
  7. Multiple sources of decision support information for clinicians.
  8. Decision support dashboards.

Discuss how these recommendations (re: nursing informatics) would affect nursing workflow and meaningful use. Pick and choose some of the ideas from the article and apply them to workflow analysis, system design, and meaningful use concepts from Chapter 14. This will require a bit of thinking, and please do not feel locked into one recommendation. Just make sure to support your opinions with rationales. Feel free to speculate and explore! Enjoy the opportunity!

Be sure to make reference to the week’s readings in your response. This week, your initial post may be longer than one paragraph. Try to present your main thoughts about the recommendations as a whole and then support

Discuss the relationship between physician and hospital (or other authority/agency).

InstructionsIn Unit 3, you are to submit a paper based on the following article which can be found in Course Resources:Ruling may up risk for ‘apparent authority.’ (2009). Healthcare Risk Management,


In Unit 3, you are to submit a paper based on the following article which can be found in Course Resources:

Ruling may up risk for ‘apparent authority.’ (2009). Healthcare Risk Management31(4), 43–44.

The article is about the Doctrine of Apparent Authority (or Apparent Agency, DAA), which is also discussed in Chapter 6 of your textbook.

text book is: the law of healthcare administration, seventh eddition, showalter

After reading the article, compose a paper including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Discuss apparent authority, generally.
  • Include an understanding of risk management.
  • Discuss the relationship between physician and hospital (or other authority/agency).
  • What conclusions would you as a health administrator make about the relationship between physician and agency?
  • How can health administrators help the relationship be productive for both parties?


Your submission must be written in a scholarly, well-flowing piece that reflects Master’s level work.

Include a title page, a reference page, and 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

Your paper should be a minimum of 3 pages in length, not including the title page and references.

All formatting and references should follow APA format. You may include additional references beyond those provided within the Assignment.

Step 1: On a sheet of paper, draw a fetus that is near the end of the first trimester. At this stage, an average fetus is about 3 inches and weighs about 1 oz. According to the picture presented in th

Step 1: On a sheet of paper, draw a fetus that is near the end of the first trimester. At this stage, an average fetus is about 3 inches and weighs about 1 oz. According to the picture presented in th

Step 1: On a sheet of paper, draw a fetus that is near the end of the first trimester. At this stage, an average fetus is about 3 inches and weighs about 1 oz. According to the picture presented in the slide show, draw the likeness of the fetus and draw it to scale the length it is in the womb at this stage of development. Include as many details as possible, adding color to the baby’s skin, eyes, and veins. Step 2: On another sheet of paper, draw a fetus at the end of the 2nd trimester. At this stage, an average fetus is about 14 inches in length and 2 1/4 lbs. According to the picture presented in the slide show, draw the likeness of the fetus and draw it to scale of the size it is in the womb at this stage. Again, include as many details as possible, showing the changes to the limbs, face, and internal structure. Step 3: On two sheets of paper (taped together), draw a fetus that is near the end of the third trimester. The fetus at this stage is curled up, almost doubled over, so remember to consider this as you draw the fetus the correct length. An average fetus is 19 – 21 inches in length and between 6 3/4 lbs to 10 lbs. Include as much detail as possible, showing the changes to the fingers, feet, and face. The image below is a picture of a fetus in the third trimester. Once you finish your fetal development representations, calculate the percent growth between each of the trimesters. You should have three calculations: percent growth between the first and second trimester, percent growth between the second and third trimester, and percent growth between the first and third trimester. To figure percentage, subtract the length of trimester 1 from trimester 2, then divide this amount by the measurement of trimester 1. Repeat this process for each time period requested. The first calculation is done for you here.

EXPERIMENT: YOUR ADAPTIVE HEART In order to supply your body with the needed amount of oxygen, your heart rate either increases or decreases. Your heart is constantly adjusting itself without you know

EXPERIMENT: YOUR ADAPTIVE HEART In order to supply your body with the needed amount of oxygen, your heart rate either increases or decreases. Your heart is constantly adjusting itself without you know


In order to supply your body with the needed amount of oxygen, your heart rate either increases or decreases. Your heart is constantly adjusting itself without you knowing it. In this activity, you will record and chart your heart rate during a variety of activities. You will need a stopwatch or a clock with a second hand to gauge your pulse.

Heart Rate (Beats/ Minute)

Step 1: Lie down in a comfortable position for 3-5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, count the number of times your heart beats in 6 seconds. Multiply times ten to get the number of beats per minute. To find your pulse, place your index and middle fingers under your jawline on either side of your larynx. Do not use your thumb. Record your heart rate.

Step 2: Sit in a chair for 3-4 minutes, then count the number of times your heart beats in 6 seconds. Multiply times ten to get the number of beats per minute. Record your heart rate.

Step 3: Stand for 3-4 minutes, then count the number of times your heart beats in 6 seconds. Multiply times ten to get the number of beats per minute. Record your heart rate.

Step 4: Run in place for 60 seconds, then count the number of times your heart beats in 6 seconds. Multiply times ten to get the number of beats per minute. Record your heart rate.

Step 5: Do jumping jacks in place for 60 seconds, then count the number of times your heart beats in 6 seconds. Multiply times ten to get the number of beats per minute. Record your heart rate.

Step 6: Sit in a chair for 60 seconds, then count the number of times your heart beats in 6 seconds. Multiply times ten to get the number of beats per minute. Record your heart rate.

Step 7: Lie down for 60 seconds, then count the number of times your heart beats in 6 seconds. Multiply times ten to get the number of beats per minute. Record your heart rate.

Answer the following questions.

1) According to your data, what kind of activities increased your heart rate?

2) According to what you have learned about the circulatory and respiratory systems, explain how and why your heart changed its rate.

Discuss the ways in which Lanesha, Grandma Marietta, and Hannah Healthcare approach this situation from totally different perspectives.

For this assignment, you will learn about Lanesha Johnson, whose case story is available at http://support.mchtraining.net/national_ccce/case1/home.htmlListen to the Lecture and review the Learning Ac

For this assignment, you will learn about Lanesha Johnson, whose case story is available at http://support.mchtraining.net/national_ccce/case1/home.htmlListen to the Lecture and review the Learning Ac

For this assignment, you will learn about Lanesha Johnson, whose case story is available at http://support.mchtraining.net/national_ccce/case1/home.html

Listen to the Lecture and review the Learning Activity #1

Write a paper that addresses the following:

  • From a cultural perspective, is it unusual that Grandmother Marietta is the primary caregiver?
  • Discuss the ways in which Lanesha, Grandma Marietta, and Hannah Healthcare approach this situation from totally different perspectives.
  • How does Lanesha’s temperament affect the situation?
  • What responsibilities do health care providers have in this situation?

Length:  2-3 pages, excluding the cover page and the reference list

5. When one team attempts to maintain possession of the ball while the clock is running, the offense is playing

Multiple choices** 1. A coach who practices careful talking and listening is using the skill of – effective communication – knowledge – motivation – strategy instruction 2. The offensive team is the

**Multiple choices**

1. A coach who practices careful talking and listening is using the skill of

– effective communication

– knowledge

– motivation

– strategy instruction

2. The offensive team is the team

– whose primary objective is to prevent the opposing team from scoring

– with three offensive players guarding three defensive players

– with possession of the ball or puck, whose primary objective is to score

– responsible for making personnel decisions and motivating players

3. The team whose primary objective is to prevent the opposing team from scoring is playing

– offense

– ball control

– defense

– zone

4. When each defensive player is assigned to a specific offensive player, the defense is playing

– zone

– formation

– man-to-man

– ball control

5. When one team attempts to maintain possession of the ball while the clock is running, the offense is playing

– ball control

– formation

– man-to-man

– zone

Write a 2500-word (guideline) essay on one of the following questions:1. Critically analyse the reasons why people take drugs.In this essay you will need to explore reasons why people take drugs, exam

Write a 2500-word (guideline) essay on one of the following questions:1. Critically analyse the reasons why people take drugs.In this essay you will need to explore reasons why people take drugs, exam

Write a 2500-word (guideline) essay on one of the following questions:1. Critically analyse the reasons why people take drugs.In this essay you will need to explore reasons why people take drugs, examine prevalence rates, and evaluate theories of addiction. You could also include attitudes to drug taking, within different arenas such as public, government and media.2. Critically analyse the relationship between eithera) drugs and crime or b) drugs in prisonIn either of these questions there should be links made between drugs and crime. The theoretical understanding of these links need to be established and also some attempt at establishing how intervention may (or may not) work in this regard.3. Choose a type of drug (legal or illicit) and critically explore and analyse the interventions which may be applied when its use becomes problematic.For this essay you initially need to explore the meaning of problematic drug use in defining your terms. You also need to examine the associated issues linked to this ‘problematic’ use and how this may impact upon the individual, family, community and/or society. What routes of intervention may be taken and assess the relative effectiveness of this, suggesting alternative interventions (if possible) from other countries or from reading you may have done.