Leadership Self-AssessmentUnit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:Explain your personal leadership style through the use of leadership and personality assessments.InstructionsChapter 2 of your text

Leadership Self-AssessmentUnit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:Explain your personal leadership style through the use of leadership and personality assessments.InstructionsChapter 2 of your text

Leadership Self-AssessmentUnit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:Explain your personal leadership style through the use of leadership and personality assessments.InstructionsChapter 2 of your text

Leadership Self-Assessment

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • Explain your personal leadership style through the use of leadership and personality assessments.


Chapter 2 of your text explores how to determine your own leadership style. Using the tools mentioned in the text, conduct a self-assessment of your leadership style and skills. You must reference at least two of the tools from the text. You should also include at least three supportive references in your paper, with at least one being an outside peer-reviewed source. The paper should be 4–5 pages in length, and in APA format.

Book – Leadership for Healthcare Profession – with access 3rd

ISBN -10 – 1-284-10941-0Leadership for Health Profession – With Access 3RDLeadership for Health Profession – With Access 3RD Leadership for Health Profession – With Access 3RD

Describe the risk factors evidenced in G. K.’s history that are compatible to her developing the diabetes mellitus (1 point).

G. K. a 46-year old African-American female is admitted to the hospital because of “feeling weak”, “being thirsty a lot”, and having frequent urination. On assessment, the physician notes G.K.

G. K. a 46-year old African-American female is admitted to the hospital because of “feeling weak”, “being thirsty a lot”, and having frequent urination. On assessment, the physician notes G.K. having fruity breath odor, skin is warm and dry, slightly drowsy, and with deep and rapid respiratory effort. She states some numbness and tingling of fingers and toes; a dime-size reddened area on the lateral aspect of the right toe is also noted.

Past medical history reveals that G.K. was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a year ago. She’s been taking glipizide 5 mg every morning before breakfast. Her father had a history of Type 2 diabetes and died of acute myocardial infarction four months ago. A week prior to admission to the hospital, she had some “flu-like” symptoms that resolved with self-medication of Tylenol extra strength, orange juice, and bedrest.

            Laboratory results reveal the following:

            Serum glucose: 650 mg/dl

            Serum K+: 6.2 mEq/L

Arterial blood gas: pH 7.25; PaCO2 30 mm Hg; HCO3 14 mEq/L

            The physician’s admitting diagnosis: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, probable diabetic ketoacidosis.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the risk factors evidenced in G. K.’s history that are compatible to her developing the diabetes mellitus (1 point).
  2. Compare and contrast the pathophysiology of different types of diabetes mellitus (3 points).
  3. Identify the clinical manifestations of diabetes mellitus as presented by G.K. (2 points)
  4. List at least 3 important laboratory tests used to diagnose diabetes mellitus (1 point).
  5. Describe the medical management used in treating clients with diabetes mellitus (1 point).
  6. Enumerate and explain the acute and chronic complications of diabetes mellitus. Give 2 examples of each complication (2 points).

6. Describe the side effects of cancer therapy and possible treatment or ways to alleviate the discomforts or complications of these side effects. (2 points)

Delilah Martindale is a married, 42- year old woman with 3 children and works as a part-time cashier at Circle K. She has never smoked and has an occasional social drink. Her past medical history in

Delilah Martindale is a married, 42- year old woman with 3 children and works as a part-time cashier at Circle K.  She has never smoked and has an occasional social drink.  Her past medical history includes plastic surgery for bilateral breast implants done 3 years ago and tonsillectomy when she was 10 years old.  Her mother is a breast cancer survivor and her father died of lung cancer two years ago.  When she returned for a physical check up with her primary MD, a lump was noted on her Right breast.  Her physician ordered an outpatient breast biopsy as soon as possible that revealed presence of malignant cells.  She elected to have R breast removed with axillary lymph node dissection.

1.              Delilah Martindale wants you to explain exactly what Stage IV: T4 N3 M1 mean.  Based on the TNM Classification System, what will you tell her?  (½ point)

2.              Discuss the treatment modalities that Delilah Martindale may have other than the surgical procedure as mentioned in the case scenario.  (2 points)

3.              Define metastasis and discuss its pathophysiologic mechanism. Based on the location of her malignancy, where are the sites of metastasis? (2 points)

4.              Discuss the clinical manifestations of cancer, etiology, and general effects of malignancy that Delilah Martindale may or may not experience.  (2 points)

5.              Delilah Martindale is to receive chemotherapy. Discuss the effects of chemotherapy to the body cells, both cancerous and non-cancerous. (½ point)

6.              Describe the side effects of cancer therapy and possible treatment or ways to alleviate the discomforts or complications of these side effects. (2 points)

7.              List the health education or teachings that you would provide the community or the public regarding the prevention of breast cancer. (1 point)   

Assignment: This week you will be writing an APA paper to include a title page, level headings, and a reference page Discuss and explain King’s Conceptual System Theory. First explain the 3 system

Assignment: This week you will be writing an APA paper to include a title page, level headings, and a reference page Discuss and explain King’s Conceptual System Theory. First explain the 3 system


This week you will be writing an APA paper to include a title page, level headings, and a reference page

  1. Discuss and explain King’s Conceptual System Theory. 
    1. First explain the 3 systems and provide examples of each system
    2. Explain how the systems influence goal attainment
    3. How could King’s theory help define a clinical quality problem? 
    4. Apply this theory to a potential practice quality improvement initiative within your clinical practice.
    5. How could a quality committee align outcomes with King’s Conceptual System Theory? 
    6. What additional nursing theory from our readings could also align with an improved quality of practice initiative?

This paper should include 2 outside references and the textbook. This paper should be 1250 to 1500 words in length.

Strategic Planning in Health CareSLP Assignment OverviewThis assignment will build off your SWOT analysis. As the Organizational Development Manager (ODM) for the organization that you completed your

Strategic Planning in Health CareSLP Assignment OverviewThis assignment will build off your SWOT analysis. As the Organizational Development Manager (ODM) for the organization that you completed your

Strategic Planning in Health Care

SLP Assignment Overview

This assignment will build off your SWOT analysis. As the Organizational Development Manager (ODM) for the organization that you completed your SWOT Analysis for, you act as a liaison and advisor to the organization’s leadership, and begin initiatives within the organization. You have been given the responsibility to create a team (including yourself and five other members) to address a set of strategic issues that this organization is facing, found within your SWOT Analysis. Choose your team members based on the need of your SWOT Analysis. For instance, if you reported a weakness as “long wait-time in the ER,” it might be ideal to include an ER Nurse Manager on your team. Propose and evaluate a set of strategies for the organization. You should include at least 1 goal, 2-3 measurable objectives to support the attainment of those goals, and 2-3 action items to complete the objectives. The goal(s) are broader, the objectives have a number tied to them to assess, and action steps have deliverables. You will be presenting a PowerPoint (PPT) to the Board of Directors at your organization.

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. You are to create a PPT with at least 8 slides, not including the title or reference slides, that includes the following:
    1. Introduction that explains the purpose of the meeting and/or SWOT analysis.
    2. Titles of team members (i.e., ER Nurse Manager, In-Take Operations Manager, etc.) and a short explanation for each member’s importance on the team.
    3. One overarching goal. This goal should address most of the issues on your SWOT analysis, thus it can be broad.
    4. Two or three measurable objectives to support the attainment of the goal.
    5. Two or three items explaining your team’s plan of action.
    6. Conclusion that summarizes the information included in the PPT, and an explanation that solidifies how your team will execute the goal presented and resolve the strategic issues.
  2. Your slides should contain bullet points only. Most of your explanation should be provided in the speaker’s notes.
  3. Support your SLP with peer-reviewed articles and at least 2 references. One of the sources can be from your course readings. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.
  4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Strategic Planning in Health Care

Strategic Planning in Health CareAssignment OverviewAssessing the external and internal environments of a health organization is critical to the success of the strategic planning process. The commitme

Strategic Planning in Health Care

Assignment Overview

Assessing the external and internal environments of a health organization is critical to the success of the strategic planning process. The commitment and time dedicated to analysis and understanding strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats will help planners craft a strategy to achieve organizational goals and objectives at an optimal level. This assignment requires you to conduct the Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O), and Threats (T) SWOT Analysis. For additional information on SWOT Analysis, visit the following link: http://www.free-management-ebooks.com/dldebk-pdf/fme-swot-analysis.pdf

You should choose an existing organization and geographic market. Students are not expected to contact the organization, but conduct research using literature searches, municipal and health systems websites, etc.

Case Assignment

As the planner for your health organization (selected by you), you will need to prepare a 2- to 3-page document addressing your organization’s internal and external environment to include, but not limited to, forces/trends, key resources, workforce, competitors, collaborators, organizational culture (i.e., values, mission, employee demographics, etc.), stakeholders/shareholders; and conduct a SWOT analysis. You may download an MS Word version of a classic SWOT template at the following link, http://www.whatmakesagoodleader.com/support-files/swot-simple.zip or you can be creative and create your own SWOT analysis that is parallel to the one presented in the link.

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to familiarize yourself with the facts of the case and be sure to justify/support your position.
  2. The body of the document should explain in detail your SWOT Analysis and supply rationale to the entries on your SWOT Analysis.
  3. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages.
  4. Support your case with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.
  5. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

Prior to completing this assignment, review Chapter 10 and 12 in your course text.You are a mid-level manager in a health care organization and you have been asked to prepare a report, with appropriat

Prior to completing this assignment, review Chapter 10 and 12 in your course text.You are a mid-level manager in a health care organization and you have been asked to prepare a report, with appropriat

Prior to completing this assignment, review Chapter 10 and 12 in your course text.You are a mid-level manager in a health care organization and you have been asked to prepare a report, with appropriate exhibits, for the senior financial officer.Discuss the roles played by financial ratios in general and analyze the commonly used financial ratios by categories.Additionally, select a local hospital and compare its financial ratios for the most recent three years against the national norms for this type of institution. Include analytical comments and how the organization compares to the national norms as well as any suggestions as to how results could be improved.Your paper must include an introduction, thesis, and conclusion. Your paper must be four double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Utilize three scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources (excluding the course text) that were published within the last five years. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and provide complete references for each source used on the reference page. 

Topic 1: Global Determinants of HealthThis Unit addresses global issues in health promotion. Read the required reading for Unit 10 including the articles and required websites. Because of the diversit

Topic 1: Global Determinants of HealthThis Unit addresses global issues in health promotion. Read the required reading for Unit 10 including the articles and required websites. Because of the diversit

Topic 1: Global Determinants of Health

This Unit addresses global issues in health promotion. Read the required reading for Unit 10 including the articles and required websites. Because of the diversity of cultures, and an expanding migratory global population, you as a masters prepared registered nurse may be challenged with patients who are at risk or suffering from various conditions, such as tuberculosis or malnutrition. You may also be involved in natural disaster preparation or response, communicable disease outbreak care or bioterrorism management.

For this discussion, you will address a global health issue of your choice and identify related health risks for a particular group or patient. Include statistics for your choice/s. Include strategies you could utilize to help you incorporate the client’s cultural preferences within the education, prevention, or treatment plan. Consider the roles of interprofessional resources in your post.

Avoid other topics present in the discussion as you make your choice so that the discussion is varied and robust.

Seasoned nurse educators possess wisdom about teaching (a kind of “with-it-ness”), which they have developed through practical experience over the years. As a person new to nursing education, you

Seasoned nurse educators possess wisdom about teaching (a kind of “with-it-ness”), which they have developed through practical experience over the years. As a person new to nursing education, you

Seasoned nurse educators possess wisdom about teaching (a kind of “with-it-ness”), which they have developed through practical experience over the years. As a person new to nursing education, you have a great deal to learn from a seasoned mentor. In order to gain access to that knowledge, you will conduct an interview with an experienced nurse educator either in a hospital or college setting. Your interview may be conducted face-to-face, online, or by telephone.

For this assignment, you are to:

  • Generate a list of questions you will ask during the interview such as teaching strategies, theories, technology, and evaluation techniques.
  • Conduct the interview.
  • Your discussion post should include:
    • The setting.
    • How the interview was conducted.
    • The questions asked and the responses given.
    • Anything else you think to be important.

Read "The Case of Mr. Baum (PDF)."Create a fishbone diagram of this case for the Quality Improvement Team. You may download and use the Fishbone Template (Word). (10 points)Identify process improvemen

Read “The Case of Mr. Baum (PDF).”Create a fishbone diagram of this case for the Quality Improvement Team. You may download and use the Fishbone Template (Word). (10 points)Identify process improvemen

Read “The Case of Mr. Baum (PDF).”

Create a fishbone diagram of this case for the Quality Improvement Team. You may download and use the Fishbone Template (Word). (10 points)

Identify process improvements that could reduce the likelihood that these errors/failures will recur in the future. (10 points)

The Case of Mr. Baum

Quality Improvement Case Study—Fishbone Analysis)

Mr. Henry Baum is a 72-year-old man with a long-standing history of a seizure

disorder. He also has hypertension (high blood pressure) and chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease (COPD). He is no stranger to the hospital because of his health

issues. At home, he takes a number of medications, including three for his COPD and

levetiracetam and lamotrigine to help control his seizures.

Mr. Baum came to the emergency department (ED) last week because he was

wheezing and having trouble breathing. The physician in the ED conducted a physical

examination that yielded signs of an acute COPD exacerbation.

The physician in the ED ordered a chest x-ray, which did not show any signs of

pneumonia. He admitted Mr. Baum to the hospital for treatment of acute COPD

exacerbation, resulting from a relatively mild respiratory tract infection. Before leaving

the ED, Mr. Baum also underwent routine blood work, which showed an elevation in his

creatinine, a sign that his kidneys were being forced to work harder due to his infection.

On the medical floor, the healthcare care team treated Mr. Baum with oral

steroids and inhaled bronchodilators, which resulted in a gradual improvement in his

respiratory symptoms. Nurses also gave him IV fluids for the issue with his kidneys,

which slowly resolved. Mr. Baum was steadily improving, so it seemed this visit to the

hospital would be one of his shorter ones.

But on his third morning in the hospital, Mr. Baum complained to the nurse about

acute pain in his left leg. This symptom, potentially indicating deep vein thrombosis

(DVT), prompted the healthcare team to order an ultrasound of Mr. Baum’s lower


The APN on the healthcare team then checked Mr. Baum’s medication orders

and was surprised to see that the admitting doctor had not ordered prophylaxis for DVT

(i.e., blood thinners, such as heparin or enoxaparin). Patients admitted to the hospital

typically receive this treatment to prevent blood clots from forming while they lie in their

hospital beds. Further, nothing about Mr. Baum’s medical record suggested he shouldn’t

have received this treatment as an important precautionary measure.

The ultrasound, unfortunately, confirmed the presence of a blood clot in Mr.

Baum’s left calf. Due to his impaired kidney function, treatment for the blood clot

required him to remain in the hospital on IV medication. Mr. Baum’s stay was going to

be longer than expected.

At 10 PM on his eighth day in the hospital, a member of the environmental

services (also known as housekeeping) staff found Mr. Baum on the floor of his room.

She immediately alerted the nurses on the unit. The nurses noted seizure activity and

called the on-call APN to Mr. Baum’s bedside. Mr. Baum received intravenous

Page 2 of 2

medication that stopped his seizure. Because no one witnessed his fall and seizure, Mr.

Baum underwent an emergent CT scan of his head to check for any sign of bleeding.

After his mental status improved he complained of pain in his left shoulder and

elbow, but x-rays of these joints showed no evidence of a traumatic fracture from his fall.

After ensuring that Mr. Baum was stable, the APN reviewed the chart and the medication

history to try to determine the cause of Mr. Baum’s sudden seizure.

It was found that one of his seizure medications, levetiracetam, had not been

given earlier in the day when it should have been. There was a notation in the

medication administration record from the first shift nurse indicating that the ordered

dose was not available in the automatic medication dispensing system on the floor

earlier in the day.

Further discussions the following day with the healthcare team revealed that the

nurse didn’t notify the physician or the pharmacy that the essential medication was not

administered. The medication system didn’t include an automatic alert, either.

Fortunately, the on-call APN restarted Mr. Baum on his medication, and he

suffered no apparent permanent harm. Mr. Baum was discharged after 10 days in the

hospital. Most hospitalizations for COPD are far shorter. In fact, many last only a couple
