Write my research paperWrite a 1000-1500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point.

Clinical Question Write my research paperWrite a 1000-1500 word essay addressing each of the… 

Clinical Question 
Write my research paperWrite a 1000-1500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be three main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least five (5) sources using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.Identify a clinical question related to your work environment, write the question in PICOT format and perform a literature search on the identified topic. Purpose To enable the student to identify a clinical question related to a specified area of practice and use medical and nursing databases to find research articles that will provide evidence to validate nursing interventions regarding a specific area of nursing practice.Review the Application Case Study for Chapter 3: Finding Relevant Evidence to Answer Clinical Questions as a guide for your literature search. Guidelines Assignment Expectations: Length: 1000 – 1500 wordsStructure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of five (5) scholarly sources are required for this assignment to support the topic.

Discuss the registered nurses' scope of practice in terms of the current Australian health care demands.

Focus : Registered nurses’ scope of practice in Australia Task : A Reflective Essay “The aging… 

1 answer below »

Focus: Registered nurses’ scope of practice in Australia
Task: A Reflective Essay

“The aging population, growing consumer expectations, changing disease patterns, increased availability and cost of health-related technology and medicines are straining the Australian health system. The nursing profession represents Australia’s largest regulated health workforce, yet its practice boundaries are poorly understood” (Briks et al., 2016, p.522).

For this reflective essay,

  • Define ‘scope of practice’ within nursing .
  • Discuss the registered nurses’ scope of practice in terms of the current Australian health care demands.
  • Identify one area of clinical practice you wish to pursue after the completion of your nursing degree and reflect why so.
  • Develop your reflection on the chosen area of practice, based on your previous clinical placement experience.
  • Use research evidence to support your thoughts and facts.
  • Use recommended readings and journal articles to develop the essay


  • You may write in the 1st person. I want to know your thoughts.
  • Avoid long, confusing sentences and check that your tenses (past, present and future) are consistent within the same sentence.
  • Work the information into paragraphs.
  • Use plain English. It is essential that your meaning is clear and that you demonstrate your understanding of the nature of the topic.
  • Write your essay to the marking rubric, as this forms the basis of the marking scheme.
  • Use Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point font. Do not use bold type.
  • Use 1.5 or double spacing.
  • Ensure that you submit this assignment through SafeAssign. The “Draft checking” facility is available to check the quality of your paraphrasing.
  • A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journal articles or texts no more than 5 years old.

Did the hospital violate the rights and responsibilities of the nurse? Explain your answer.

PAVING HER WAY TO HEAVEN The nurse-plaintiff in Kirk v. Mercy Hosp. Tri-County 2 was employed as… 

1 answer below »

PAVING HER WAY TO HEAVEN The nurse-plaintiff in Kirk v. Mercy Hosp. Tri-County 2 was employed as a charge nurse with supervisory duties. A short time after one of her patients had been admitted to the hospital, the nurse diagnosed that the patient was suffering from toxic shock syndrome. The nurse believed that the physician would order antibiotics. After a period of time had passed without having received those orders from the physician, she discussed the patient’s situation with the director of nursing. The nurse was told by the director to document what had happened. She was told to report the facts and stay out of the matter. The nurse discussed the patient’s condition and lack of orders with the chief of staff. Although the chief of staff took appropriate steps to treat the patient, the patient died. A member of the patient’s family had told the nursing director that the nurse-plaintiff offered to obtain the medical records. The nursing director was later told that the nurseplaintiff had told the family member that the physician was “paving [the patient’s] way to heaven.” The director terminated the plaintiff. After her termination, the nurse received a service letter from the hospital that directed her to refrain from making any further false statements about the hospital and its staff. The trial court entered a summary judgment for the defendant, stating that there were no triable issues of fact, and there was no public policy exception to the nurse’s at-will termination. The nurse appealed. The Missouri Court of Appeals held that the Nursing Practice Act provided a clear mandate of public policy that the nurses had a duty to provide the best possible care to patients. Public policy clearly mandates that a nurse has an obligation to serve the best interests of patients; therefore, if the plaintiff refused to follow her supervisor’s orders to stay out of a case where the patient was dying from a lack of proper medical treatment, there would be no grounds for her discharge under the public policy exception to the employment-at-will doctrine. Pursuant to the Nursing Practice Act, the plaintiff risked discipline if she ignored improper treatment of the patient. Her persistence in attempting to get the proper treatment for the patient was her absolute duty. The hospital could not lawfully require that she stay out of a case that would have obvious injurious consequences to the patient. Public policy, as defined in case law, holds that no one can lawfully do that which tends to be injurious to the public or against the public good.

Ethical and Legal Issues

1. Describe the ethical and legal issues in this case.

2. Did the hospital violate the rights and responsibilities of the nurse? Explain your answer.

3. Would the nurse’s professional code of ethics support her actions in this case? Explain your answer.

Delineating Leadership Roles and Management Functions Examine the scenario in Learning Exercise…

Delineating Leadership Roles and Management Functions Examine the scenario in Learning Exercise… 

1 answer below »

Delineating Leadership Roles and Management Functions Examine the scenario in Learning Exercise 2.5. How would you divide the management functions and leadership roles in this situation? For example, you might say that having the nurse–manager adhere to hospital policy was a management function and that counseling staff was a leadership role.

ASSIGNMENT : List at least five management functions and five leadership roles that you could also delineate in this scenario. Share these with your group

Learning Exercise 2.5

When Culture and Policy Clash You are the nurse–manager of a medical unit. Recently, your unit admitted a 16-year-old East Indian boy who has been newly diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes. The nursing staff has been interested in his case and has found him to be a delightful young man—very polite and easygoing. However, his family has been visiting in increasing numbers and bringing him food that he should not have. The nursing staff has come to you on two occasions and complained about the family’s noncompliance with visiting hours and unauthorized food. Normally, the nursing staff on your unit has tried to develop a culturally sensitive nursing care plan for patients with special cultural needs, so their complaints to you have taken you by surprise. Yesterday, two of the family members visited you and complained about hospital visitor policies and what they took to be rudeness by two different staff members. You spent time talking to the family, and when they left, they seemed agreeable and understanding. Last night, one of the staff nurses told the family that according to hospital policy only two members could stay (this is true) and if the other family members did not leave, she would call hospital security. This morning the boy’s mother and father have suggested that they will take him home if this matter is not resolved. The patient’s diabetes is still not controlled, and you feel that it would be unwise for this to happen.

ASSIGNMENT: Leadership is needed to keep this situation from deteriorating further. Divide into groups. Develop a plan of action for solving this problem. First, select three desired objectives for solving the problem and then proceed to determine what you would do that would enable you to meet your objectives. Be sure that you are clear as to who you consider your followers to be and what you expect from each of them.

Describe the ethical principles that are important in conducting research on human subjects.

Week 2 discussion Understanding Nursing Research, Ch . 4: Examining Ethics in Nursing Research After 

Week 2 discussion

Understanding Nursing Research, Ch. 4: Examining Ethics in Nursing Research

After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

1.Identify the historical events influencing the development of ethical codes and regulations for nursing and biomedical research.

2.Describe the ethical principles that are important in conducting research on human subjects.

3.Describe the human rights that require protection in research.

4.Identify the essential elements of the informed consent process in research.

5.Describe the role of a nurse in the institutional review of research in an agency.

6.Examine the benefit-risk ratio of published studies and studies proposed for conduct in clinical agencies.

7.Describe the types of possible scientific misconduct in the conduct, reporting, and publication of healthcare research.

8.Critically appraise the protection of human rights and the informed consent and institutional review processes in published studies.

9.Critically appraise the treatment of animals reported in published studies.

Research Ethics Guidance

Explore the National Institutes of Health Patient Recruitment web page to understand the seven guiding principles of ethical medical research.

Search the Office for Human Research Protections website to understand its role in research.

Understanding Research Consent

As a BSN-prepared nurse, you will likely be asked to witness patients signing research consent forms. It is important to understand how to advocate for patients.

Consider the following question:

How can you determine if a patient understands a research consent form and how the research trials or study will affect them?

Write a 260-word summary.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your response and respond to at least one classmate's post.

Informed Consent Examples

Find online examples of informed consent forms for research.

Post the link to one website with a 175-word explanation of the type of study for which the form would be appropriate.

After you look at the sites posted by classmates, post a 90-word comment on the differences among consent forms used for different types of studies.

Activity adapted from Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice (Ch. 4) TEACH Resources

Research and Code of Ethics for Nurses

Please review the presentation and think about the aspects of the Code of Ethics for Nurses that apply to your proposed research question. The presentation does contain sound so please have your speakers turned on.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify an issue of concern for your role as an advanced practice nurse and to formulate a potential policy change to address that issue

Assignment 2: Health Policy The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify an issue of… 

Assignment 2: Health Policy

The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify an issue of concern for your role as an advanced practice nurse and to formulate a potential policy change to address that issue. There are many potential issues which can influence your practice setting or other issues which may negatively affect the patients with whom you work. All of the course reading will help you to identify a topic for this assignment. You can think about the issue as related to your health promotion project. The policy you consider may be in reaction to the health promotion issue or something larger that is still related to that issue. There are hundreds of possible issues, but here is a list of a few to consider:

  • Child and elder care
  • Civil rights
  • Domestic violence
  • Drug abuse/addiction
  • Homelessness
  • Native American and migrant workers’ health
  • Long-term care
  • Immigration/illegal aliens
  • Legislative issues affecting advanced practice nursing
  • Barriers to practice
  • Access to care

As you begin to work on the possible policy change, the following ideas and steps should be considered:

  • Definition and description of the issue
  • Exploration of the background of the issue
  • Stakeholders
  • Issue statement or statement of clarity
  • Possible methods of addressing the issue
  • Goals and options for changes
  • Risks and benefits of the changes
  • Evaluation methodology
  • Recommendation or solution

Discuss what legal concepts are involved in this case study. Provide appropriate definitions with direct reference to the case study

Scenario Beth : Law and Ethics – Law Assignment Scenario : Beth is 86 years old and resides in a… 

Scenario Beth : Law and Ethics – Law Assignment

Scenario :

Beth is 86 years old and resides in a nursing home. She is alert and has no signs of dementia. Unfortunately she is very unsteady on her feet and has a history of falls. The nurses are becoming increasingly concerned that she may injure herself seriously one day and it is highly likely that if she falls she may break her hip and may never walk again. They have spent a lot of time explaining this to Beth and she says she is aware of the dangers. The nurses have been asking Beth to call for help when she wants to walk, but she has not been doing this as she likes to be independent. They have also organised a walking frame for her which she is refusing to use, even though she is capable of using it properly and the nurses have explained the benefits. They have also included her family in the discussions to try and persuade her to use the walking frame and call for assistance but Beth is adamant that she wants her freedom. They have now suggested to Beth that when she sits down she wears a belt which is tied to her
chair. The nurses hope this will remind her not to get up without asking some-one to walk with her and will also prevent her from getting up unaided. Beth objects. She is unwilling to give up her ability to move about the nursing home as she chooses. In desperation a nurse tells Beth that she must use the belt as it is a new rule of the nursing home (this is not the case). Beth reluctantly agrees to wear the belt because she is scared of the consequences of breaking the rules at the nursing home. The nurses are all very relieved that Beth is now using the belt.

Question :

1. Discuss what ethical principles are involved in this case study. Provide appropriate definitions with direct reference back to the case study

2. Discuss the ethical principles that are in conflict

3. Discuss what legal concepts are involved in this case study. Provide appropriate definitions with direct reference to the case study

4. Discuss the actions of the nurses and discuss whether they are legally and ethically justified

An argumentative essay on Social Work Nursing.

Need an argumentative essay on Social Work Nursing. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism…. 

Need an argumentative essay on Social Work Nursing. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Nursing is a profession which really teaches you beside other professional knowledge as to how to become more patient and serve the humanity with all your heart and soul. It not only provides you a chance to be more caring and considerate but also give you an opportunity to grow as a person. Further Nursing as a profession has evolved over the period of time and has now emerged one of the highly respectable and demanding professions of the world. With these aims in my mind, I chose to consider nursing as my professionNursing, as a profession, need to have a balanced view where the new entrants into the profession must also know about the academic knowledge of their profession however, they must possess the knowledge of the practical realities of the profession also. However, this can only be done if people who train them should have practical as well as academic knowledge.Since mental health is also related with the psychology of a person therefore I believe this aspect of the profession has also allowed me to consider this as a profession which is worthwhile to be pursued. It is believed the psychology emerged on its modern footings almost a century ago however its influence is still considered to be current in terms of its impact on the overall sciences related with mental and physical health of a person. What was most fascinating about this emergence of the psychology is the fact that it had radically changed the way we use to perceive and view life at large. However no science can play a constructive and positive role in society until and unless it is not ethically practiced. It also must be noted that traditionally psychologists have relied on the principles of value avoiding and value neutral model where it was believed that in order to get the truth- the truth about the person, moral values could not be taken into account. (Lowen, 1993).One of the most important reasons that I wish to study to study for this profession is the fact that it provides a very accurate and true picture of how a person evolve over the period of time. Every person’s life carries a distinct plot, a different set of characteristics which distinguish each of us from others. (Hockbury, 1996,375).

Describe the types of possible scientific misconduct in the conduct, reporting, and publication of healthcare research.

Week 2 discussion Understanding Nursing Research, Ch . 4: Examining Ethics in Nursing Research After 

Week 2 discussion

Understanding Nursing Research, Ch. 4: Examining Ethics in Nursing Research

After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

1.Identify the historical events influencing the development of ethical codes and regulations for nursing and biomedical research.

2.Describe the ethical principles that are important in conducting research on human subjects.

3.Describe the human rights that require protection in research.

4.Identify the essential elements of the informed consent process in research.

5.Describe the role of a nurse in the institutional review of research in an agency.

6.Examine the benefit-risk ratio of published studies and studies proposed for conduct in clinical agencies.

7.Describe the types of possible scientific misconduct in the conduct, reporting, and publication of healthcare research.

8.Critically appraise the protection of human rights and the informed consent and institutional review processes in published studies.

9.Critically appraise the treatment of animals reported in published studies.

Research Ethics Guidance

Explore the National Institutes of Health Patient Recruitment web page to understand the seven guiding principles of ethical medical research.

Search the Office for Human Research Protections website to understand its role in research.

Understanding Research Consent

As a BSN-prepared nurse, you will likely be asked to witness patients signing research consent forms. It is important to understand how to advocate for patients.

Consider the following question:

How can you determine if a patient understands a research consent form and how the research trials or study will affect them?

Write a 260-word summary.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your response and respond to at least one classmate's post.

Informed Consent Examples

Find online examples of informed consent forms for research.

Post the link to one website with a 175-word explanation of the type of study for which the form would be appropriate.

After you look at the sites posted by classmates, post a 90-word comment on the differences among consent forms used for different types of studies.

Activity adapted from Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice (Ch. 4) TEACH Resources

Research and Code of Ethics for Nurses

Please review the presentation and think about the aspects of the Code of Ethics for Nurses that apply to your proposed research question. The presentation does contain sound so please have your speakers turned on.

Describe a patient with a genitourinary symptom or group of symptoms; such as incontinence, burning on urination, irregular menses, pain in the scrotum, erectile dysfunction, and so on.

Question unit 5 Assessment of the Abdomen (graded) Describe a patient with an abdominal symptom or.. 


unit 5

Assessment of the Abdomen (graded)

Describe a patient with an abdominal symptom or group of symptoms, such as bloating, flatus, and eructation; constipation; nausea and vomiting; diarrhea; or abdominal pain. Do not limit yourself to these examples. Remember that there are different types and locations of abdominal pain.

  • What questions would you ask as part of your focused assessment?
  • What history might be associated with the symptom, if any?
  • What are the known risk factors for this condition?
  • What physical examination techniques would you use?
  • What patient education would you give the patient?
  • Find a nursing journal article about these symptoms.
Assessment of the Genitourinary System (graded)

Describe a patient with a genitourinary symptom or group of symptoms; such as incontinence, burning on urination, irregular menses, pain in the scrotum, erectile dysfunction, and so on. Do not limit yourself to these; for example, there are different types of incontinence.

  • What questions would you ask as part of your focused assessment?
  • What history might be associated with the symptom, if any?
  • What are the known risk factors for this condition?
  • What physical examination techniques would you use?
  • What patient education would you give to the patient?
  • Find a nursing journal article about these symptoms.

unit 6

Assessment of Cardiac Status (graded)

Describe a patient with a cardiac symptom or group of symptoms, such as palpitations, hypertension, hypotension, tachycardia, or bradycardia. Do not limit yourself to these examples.

  • What questions would you ask as part of your focused assessment?
  • What history might be associated with the symptom, if any?
  • What are the known risk factors for this condition?
  • What physical examination techniques would you use?
  • What patient education would you give to the patient?
  • Find a nursing journal article about this symptom or condition.
Assessment of Respiratory Status (graded)

Choose one area of the respiratory system and then select a common complaint (symptom or group of symptoms) patients may have in that area. For example, you may select wheezes, pulmonary congestion, absence of breath sounds on one side, productive cough, and so on. Do not limit yourself to these examples.

  • What questions would you ask as part of your focused assessment?
  • What history would be associated with the symptom?
  • What are the risk factors for this condition?
  • What physical examination techniques would you use? What patient education would you give the patient?
  • Find a nursing journal article about this symptom or condition.