Nursing research, please I need two answer two peesr with 100 words.

Nursing research, please I need two answer two peesr with 100 words.


Nursing research has been described as the type of research that is used in the nursing practice and it mainly aims at providing with evidence used in enhancing the practices of nursing. The fact that the nursing profession is mainly an evidence-based profession makes many nurses, based in universities and in the healthcare setting work as researchers. More often, nursing focusses on the utilization of the evidence gathered from different research studies in rationalizing the nursing mediations. Nursing research can be categorized in two primary types of research: quantitative nursing research, and qualitative nursing research. The quantitative research on the measurable results from clients. To that end, the appropriate researchable population in this type of research are the clients receiving nursing services. The qualitative research is centred on analysing the experiences of the people receiving and delivering nursing services. To this end, the appropriate researchable population is the individuals receiving nursing care, along with nurses. 

There is a myriad of challenges associated with choosing the appropriate sample in nursing research. Among them include selection bias. This means that the selected sample does not represent the population accurately. Sampling bias may also result in inadequate sampling, which might over-estimate or under-estimate the characteristics of the sample. Moreover, some segments of the target population might lack the ability, or even refuse to participate in the study for a sampling plan. Overcoming these challenges requires the researcher to have a sound selection strategy in place. A good selection strategy ensures the validity of the sample population, and additionally, it serves to overcome episodes of biasness.


Most researchable population are patients suffering from CHF which is a chronic condition that affects about 5 million people in US. Patients with Congestive Heart Failure have frequent visits to Emergency Department and hospital re-admissions. There are many challenges in this research. One challenge is educating the patients to avoid re-admission.Patients’ education focuses on management of CHF, medication management, and non-pharmacological strategies. Also, we will need access to medical records where we will need authorization in order to avoid HIPPA violation, where if we do, our research will not be considered viable. Additionally, we will would need access to patients with CHF and get authorization from these patients for interview purpose. We will address their other chronic condition leading to CHF, genetic, family history, lifestyle, drinking, smoking illicit drug habits all of which contribute to CHF, and eating habits. As mentioned above we can overcome these challenges by having proper documentation.

Accessing records of deceased patients with CHF if we get authorization or that we can have the live expectancy of a patient with CHF as the chart will reflect when the patient was diagnosed and when the patient expired. While they suffered from CHF what where the changes they made or did not make that prolonged their lives or shorten their lives. I have a patient with CHF that continued smoking 1 pack of cigarettes a day, drank 4 beers and had a high fat and carbohydrate diet that patient shorted their life expectancy although he was receiving pharmacological treatment. Many CHF patients change their lifestyle and adhere to pharmacological treatment and doctor visits and their lives are prolonged.

Nursing Research response to two peer's post with 75 to 100 world maximo

Nursing Research response to two peer’s post with 75 to 100 world maximo

  1) Edith Elizabeth Gonzalez

The state health policy in America is the “Patient protection and affordable healthcare policy” which came into being as a result of the then president Barak Obama enacting a law to allow all employees to be contributors to a scheme which insures their health. It is famously known as the Obama care. The policy came into being in 2010 and saw all the employers enlist their workers into health insurance schemes. In this sense, every American citizen are entitled to a health insurance cover which they contribute in part. The insurances policy utilized the tools like the “cheat sheets”, the “work plan”, the self-audit tool and the and lastly exchange function checklist tool to implement the policy (Hall & Lord, 2014).

How do you think the political climate has affected the choice of policy tools and the behavioral assumptions by policymakers? 

Yes! The political climate did affect the implementation of the policy by deflecting the choices of the tool used in the implementation of the policy. The policy makers opposed to the policy influenced the choice of the tools that would allow the government to be directly involved in the implementation of the plan and also caused the oppositions behave in the manner likely to suggest they were opposing the whole plan. Voting nearly pulled it down. The current president used the scheme as a campaign toll stating that it is making Americans poorer. Politics also burred the financial allocation for the program and influenced the structure of the plan in total (Tanenbaum, 2016).  How have professional nursing organizations been involved in this policy issue?The healthcare professional have been involved by being mandated to encourage the customers register in the plan and start contributing. They have been asked to advice the employees to ensure their employers enroll then and contribute towards the scheme. 

Develop a few talking points to inform other health care professionals regarding this issue.The healthcare practitioners are mandated with the quality wellbeing of the citizens of the community and therefore need to be consulted in the policy formulation testing, adjustment and implementation levels so that the ultimate goal of the policy is achieved amicably. They are in close contact with the patients and need to be involved in educating the customers on the importance of the health insurance cover and encourage them to be contributors and so benefactors of the policy. 

ReferencesHall, M. A., & Lord, R. (2014). Obamacare: what the Affordable Care Act means for patients and physicians. Bmj, 349(7), g5376-g5376.Tanenbaum, S. (2016). Person-centered health policy in the US: the case of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 4(2), 396-401.

2) Dayami

Identify a state health policy and the tools used to implement the policy.

Health policy of a state is government initiative in collaboration with other concerned policy makers that enable them to attain a present and future objective of high quality and affordable health care services and system that work for the people. This is outlined and articulate in the processes and formulations that are guided by the legislation, opinions, guidelines, regulations and set standards. In America, the current healthcare policy is the Patient Protection and Affordable health care that brought in Obama care. It was enacted in 2010. It required the employers to provide their workers with health care insurances. This necessitated every citizen to have health insurance and contribute towards it. The tools used to implement the policy include the “cheat sheets” and work plan, the self-audit insurance tool and the checklist for the exchange function tool (Hall & Lord, 2014).

How do you think the political climate has affected the choice of policy tools and the behavioral assumptions by policymakers? 

The political climate deflected the choice and use of the various tools available by opposing direct government involvement in the structuring and financing of the implementation the policy thus inducing the use of the above tools (Tanenbaum, 2016).  

How have professional nursing organizations been involved in this policy issue?

The professional nursing has been mandated to ensure the policy is being followed by both employees and employers as they are encouraging them to be part of the policy implantation team. They have been asked to initiate bodies that will link the employees to employers that will advocate for the benefits of the program.

Develop a few talking points to inform other health care professionals regarding this issue.

The healthcare professionals need to take part in the policy implementation so as to ensure attendance of the affordable quality healthcare services to the Americans.

Encourage all citizens to gladly contribute to the scheme and provide all the necessary information regarding the policy.

Employ all available mechanism to ensure the objectives of the policy is achieved.


Hall, M. A., & Lord, R. (2014). Obamacare: what the Affordable Care Act means for patients and physicians. Bmj, 349(7), g5376-g5376.

Tanenbaum, S. (2016). Person-centered health policy in the US: the case of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 4(2), 396-401.

Cardiovascular Case Study. Only if you can answer nursing questions please.

Cardiovascular Case Study. Only if you can answer nursing questions please.

PJ is a sixty-seven-year-old man with a long history of stable angina. He is treated with nitroglycerin tablets as needed for chest pain. He has mild hypertension, which is well controlled by diet and an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. PJ has noticed that his chest pain is occurring with increasing frequency and less activity is required to initiate the symptoms; however, the pain subsides quickly with rest and one or two nitroglycerin tablets.

PJ’s symptoms are consistent with what diagnosis? What education would you provide to PJ?

One morning, at about 4:00 a.m., PJ is awakened from sleep with chest pain and shortness of breath. The pain is much more severe than his usual anginal pain and radiates to the jaw and the left arm. He is diaphoretic and pale. His wife calls for emergency assistance, and PJ is transported to the local emergency department. Upon admission, the electrocardiogram (ECG) shows significant ST-segment elevation.

According to the ECG findings, what is the differential diagnosis? At the time of admission, a blood sample is taken to determine whether PJ has suffered an MI. Which laboratory findings would indicate MI? Describe the pathophysiological responses occurring in the body during an MI.

>>>Note: Use up-to-date bibliography from pathophysiology books no later than 5 years<<<

Please In 2-3 paragraph respond to this post : A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study-2.docx What have you learned and will it make a difference? In my welcome letter to you, I indicat

Please In 2-3 paragraph respond to this post :  A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study-2.docx  What have you learned and will it make a difference? In my welcome letter to you, I indicat

Please In 2-3 paragraph respond to this post : 

A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study-2.docx 

What have you learned and will it make a difference?

In my welcome letter to you, I indicated that every class should change your thinking about the focus of the class. Again read the provided ” A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study”.  This is the same document you were provided during Week 1. Has your ability to read with understanding changed? Briefly share your thoughts regarding this experience. In this discussion forum  from a “qualitative approach” briefly reflect on what you have learned about nursing research, evidence based nursing and its impact on you as a professional nurse earning a baccalaureate degree in nursing.  From a “quantitative approach”, reflect on your response to the scale of your reading and understanding of nursing research you identified in week 1. How has it changed? What activities most contributed to your enhanced knowledge base?  

Additionally, I would like you to discuss your preparedness to respond to the Institute of Medicine’s mandate that “Participants have set a goal that, by the year 2020, 90 percent of clinical decisions will be supported by accurate, timely, and up-to-date clinical information, and will reflect the best available evidence* (IOM, 2007).   What strategies can you personally implement to address this mandate on a personal/professional level beyond obtaining your baccalaureate degree in nursing? What is the state of your employing institution (no need to name your institution-just identify if it is an acute care setting, long term setting etc) in addressing this mandate since it was initiated in 2007 and with only 1 year left?  Will your employing institution meet the mandate? Initiate a discussion regarding this mandate with a managerial/administrative/ person in your employing institution to gain their perspective on evidence based practice. Here is a website that you can select to review to gain information on this directive. If possible, informally ask some of your nursing colleagues if they are aware of the mandate. What challenges do you foresee to the implementation of evidence-based nursing practice in your workplace?

Lastly, discuss how you would identify the “best available evidence” and what is the  significance of “Level of Evidence” as it relates to evidence that informs your nursing practice. 

It is expected in this forum that you use/implement the appropriate nursing research terminology. Hint: consider your words like research, prove etc. 

Also my initial respond about level of understanding of  article”A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study-“from week 1 was: 

“I read the document ” A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study”, my comfort level in reading and understanding this document was satisfying me since I got all explanation very organized and well formated that made it easy to read and get the idea.My knowledge base of nursing and all types of researches was my effective tool to understand most of the document. From quantitative approach I can rate my comfort level 8 out of 10, which I am still happy to this level of understanding.”

Now by the end of this course is expected that my level of understanding increased, so you know how to answer this question compare to my initial post from first week.

he term growth and development refers to a dynamic process. Growth being the term for physical changes and development being the term that refers to the increase in complexity of the skills a person i

he term growth and development refers to a dynamic process. Growth being the term for physical changes and development being the term that refers to the increase in complexity of the skills a person i

he term growth and development refers to a dynamic process. Growth being the term for physical changes and development being the term that refers to the increase in complexity of the skills a person is able to perform. There are many factors that influence growth and development these can be divided into biological, environmental, and social factors.

Theories are used to organize growth and development that humans experience. It is important that as a health care provider you have an understanding of the appropriate expectations of physical, psychosocial, cognitive, moral and spiritual development.

Choose one of the following theorists and describe the stages of development and the nursing implications: Erickson, Piaget, Kohlberg, or Fowler.

Please make an initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s posts with substantial details that demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, and critical thinking. Remember that your posts must exhibit appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation.

Scoring Rubric:



Describe what your job is as a nurse to help these individuals with their challenges. Your answers to each of the following prompts should be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length and should be contained within a single Word document.

  • Remaining independent
  • Maintaining self-esteem
  • Finding outlets for energies and interests
  • Developing a happy lifestyle with financial means
  • Continuing positive relationships with others
  • Meeting all basic human needs
  • Confronting morality




Module 10 Written Assignment – Types of Hazards in Nursing

Scoring Rubric:


Gravida: how many pregnancies a woman has had. Term how many pregnancies delivered that have reached or surpassed 37 weeks.

GTPAL stand for: gravida, term, preterm, abortions, livingGravida: how many pregnancies a woman has had. Term how many pregnancies delivered that have reached or surpassed 37 weeks. Term: deliver at

GTPAL stand for: gravida, term, preterm, abortions, living

Gravida: how many pregnancies a woman has had. Term how many pregnancies delivered that have reached or surpassed 37 weeks. 

Term: deliver at 37 or greater weeks

Preterm: how many pregnancies between 20-37 (actually 36 and 6/7) wks

Abortion: pregnancy loss at less than 20 weeks. Abortions may also be induced by physicians or spontaneously.

Living: how many children are living now?: 

***Multiple births (twins, triplets and higher multiples) count as one birth

1. This is mom’s 1st pregnancy:

2. 2nd pregnancy and she had an AB at 8 wks for the 1st pregnancy 

3. 3rd pregnancy. 1st pregnancy delivered at 38 and 2nd pregnancy was twins delivered at 29 wks. 1 of those children died. 

4. 2nd pregnancy. Delivered twins at 37 wks both live pregnancy. 

5. 3rd pregnancy. Delivered triplets at 28 wks and 2 of the babies survived. Had an elective AB at 6 wks. 

6. This is a woman’s 5 pregnancies,  births at 41 week, 39 5/7 weeks, 38 6/7 and 36 5/7 weeks 1 induced abortion at 10 weeks , and 4 living children at this time. 

7. a pregnant woman who carried one pregnancy to term with a surviving infant; carried one pregnancy to 35 weeks with surviving twins; carried one pregnancy to 9 weeks as an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy; and has 3 living children would have a GTPAL annotation of? 

8. A woman who has given birth at term once and has had one miscarriage at 12 weeks would be recorded as?


This assignment is worth 5 points. 1 point for APA and style of paper. 

.5 point for each of the eight cases. Partial points are not awarded if you get part of a case incorrect you get the whole case incorrect.  Use page 259 in your text book for further details. Explain your rationale. Demonstrations will be done in class. 

Explain how the nursing challenge creates a gap or conflict between the organization's statements and practice.

Write a 4–6 page impact report to senior leadership that identifies a nursing-related challenge, analyzes how it affects the organization from a nursing perspective, and details the new position.E

 Write a 4–6 page impact report to senior leadership that identifies a nursing-related challenge, analyzes how it affects the organization from a nursing perspective, and details the new position.

Each organization has a unique structure that impacts the behavior of the organization. In health care organizations, this impact is on the ability of the organization to deliver quality patient care. Nursing is an essential component of any health care organization, and nursing leaders must understand the role of nursing and nursing leadership within the total organization. Understanding basic organizational structure, mission, vision, philosophy, and values will better prepare nurse leaders to improve quality and patient outcomes.

Use the Suggested Resources for this assessment to study systems theory, SWOT analysis, and shared governance teams, as background for an Impact Report to Senior Leadership. The report includes a SWOT analysis. The SWOT Analysis Template is linked in attachment

  • Study a facility in your area (Central Florida) and examine its Web site and any available public documents to aid you in completing this assessment. You may wish to examine an organization where you work, where you have worked in the past, or where you did your clinical work.
  • Do not name the organization in your report; instead, identify the type of facility and location. Example: A rehabilitation center in a midsize Midwestern city.

Use the following scenario as the basis for your report:ScenarioThe unit-based Shared Governance Council of the organization where you work has identified a major nursing-related challenge (patient/staff safety, confidentiality, management/staff conflict, poor patient satisfaction survey scores, or nursing staff shortages) within your health care organization.In an unusual move, your system administrator is considering creating a new nurse leadership position that would have the responsibility and authority to address this specific issue. As a member of the shared governance council’s subcommittee, you have been asked to write the committee’s final report.

Deliverable: Impact Report to Senior Leadership

Write a 4–6 page impact report to senior leadership that identifies the challenge, analyzes how it affects the organization from a nursing perspective, and details the new position.

Example paper of expectations attached to use as example. ******

  • Use systems thinking and leadership theory as tools to approach this problem.

**Construct the report with the following headings:**

The Nursing Challenge:

  • Identify the nursing challenge and its impact from a nursing perspective. Choose from:
    • Patient/staff safety, confidentiality, management/staff conflict, poor patient-satisfaction survey scores, or nursing staff shortages.

The System/Organization:

  • Explain how the nursing challenge creates a gap or conflict between the organization’s statements and practice.
    • Identify the organization type—that is, specialty hospital, teaching hospital, major health care system, et cetera, and summarize the organizational structure, its mission, vision, and philosophy statements.
    • Use systems theory and systems thinking to explain the gap or conflict.

SWOT Analysis:

Use the SWOT Analysis Template linked in Required Resources and include the SWOT analysis table in your paper. *Table is in attachment*

  • Identify organizational factors that impact the situation using a SWOT analysis.
    • For example, a budget cut may cause short staffing, which relates directly to the problem.
  • What factors within the system may facilitate a solution for this problem?

The Position:

  • Assess how the new nurse leader position will have power and influence and impact patient outcomes.
  • How will this position affect change within the organization?
  • Identify key leadership skills, knowledge, or abilities required for the position.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Length: The report should be 4–6 pages in content length. Include a separate title page and a separate reference page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced.
  • Number of resources: Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.

Polit, D. E & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice(9th. ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer

Polit, D. E & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising    evidence for nursing practice(9th. ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters KluwerISBN: 978-1-4963-5129-6 Unit 1 Class Partic

Polit, D. E & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising    evidence for nursing practice(9th. ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer

ISBN: 978-1-4963-5129-6 

Unit 1 Class Participation, Polit and Beck (2018), Chapter 1

1. The highest potential points for in-class participation are 5-points. Please use these guidelines for online  participation.

  1. To earn points for weekly class participation, you must submit a one paragraph (100-125 words) summary of one of the required Polit and Beck (2018) readings from each unit.
  2. APA format is not required, but the material must be paraphrased, cited, and referenced. The citation and reference will always be Polit and Beck (2018). Include the page number(s) you found the material on in your citation.
  3. Put your name, date, and unit number at the top of the paper, immediately followed by the summary and then the reference.
  4. All of the above should be submitted on one page. 

The same text book should be used as for discussion one IP (3167):

Polit, D. E & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising    evidence for nursing practice(9th. ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters KluwerISBN: 978-1-4963-5129-6 

Write a paper (1,500 words) that describes how a nursing middle-range theory can be applied to Nursing Staffing Shortages. The paper should include the following:1.A brief summary of the problem. (Nur

Write a paper (1,500 words) that describes how a nursing middle-range theory can be applied to Nursing Staffing Shortages. The paper should include the following:1.A brief summary of the problem. (Nur

Write a paper (1,500 words) that describes how a nursing middle-range theory can be applied to Nursing Staffing Shortages. The paper should include the following:

1.A brief summary of the problem. (Nursing staffing shortage).

2.A description of a middle-range theory that could be applied to the problem. Is this middle-range theory appropriate to your identified problem?

3.A brief discussion of the middle-range theory’s origins.

4.A discussion of how the middle-range theory has been previously applied.

5.A discussion of the application of the middle-range theory to the identified problem. 

6.How would nursing practice change by incorporating this theory?




Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection.

Select a nursing research article from the list below that includes a theoretical or conceptual framework and the exploration of a clinical problem. Identify the nursing research article components us

Select a nursing research article from the list below that includes a theoretical or conceptual framework and the exploration of a clinical problem. Identify the nursing research article components using the Week 5 research template.

(All articles are available in the South University Online Library.)

Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements of Nursing Students

Nurses’ Preparedness and Perceived Competence in Managing Disasters

The Lived Experiences of People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Phenomenological Study

Effects of Multivitamin Supplements on Cognitive Function, Serum Homocysteine Level, and Depression of Korean Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment in Care Facilities

The template will be evaluated on the effectiveness of the discussion of the following components. If a component is not present in the article, its absence should be discussed.

  • Identify the research problem.
  • Identify the research purpose.
  • Summarize the review of literature.
  • Identify the nursing framework or theoretical perspective.
  • Identify the research questions and hypotheses.
  • Identify the variables.
  • Identify and discuss the appropriateness of the design.
  • Discusses the validity and reliability of the instruments, tools, or surveys.
  • Discuss the significance of the study. Did it resolve the question?
  • Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection.
  • Describe any cultural aspects of the study.
  • Describe the final sample.
  • Describe the procedures for data collection.
  • Summarize the results including statistical analysis used or other method of analysis.
  • Describe how the results of the research may impact future nursing practice.
  • Apply the research to the student’s nursing practice.
  • NOTE: If a component is absent, student receives a zero for that component.

Submission Details:

  • Cite any resources in APA style and include a copy of the article with the submission.
  • By the due date assigned, submit your template to the Submissions Area.