Discuss key considerations (curriculum design, and nursing curricula and regulatory bodies) for nurse educators in curriculum development

Theory and EducationCOLLAPSEPlease review the McEwen and Wills (2014) chapter 21:  Theoretical Issues in Nursing Curricula and Nursing Instruction and complete the following steps for your initial di

Theory and EducationCOLLAPSE

Please review the McEwen and Wills (2014) chapter 21:  Theoretical Issues in Nursing Curricula and Nursing Instruction and complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:

Complete a library search for a peer-reviewed journal article that integrates nursing theory and nursing education.

Present the article and discuss the nursing theory used, the benefits of nursing theory in nursing education.

Discuss key considerations (curriculum design, and nursing curricula and regulatory bodies) for nurse educators in curriculum development

Be sure to supplement your discussion with personal and professional experiences.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.  

References:McEwen, M. & Wills, E. (2014). Theoretical Basis for Nursing (4th Ed.); Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Falls, pressure ulcers, nursing turnover, nursing retention, catheter associated urinary tract infections

This week you continue your work on your course project by completing an outline. Falls, pressure ulcers, nursing turnover, nursing retention, catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI’s), c

This week you continue your work on your course project by completing an outline. Falls, pressure ulcers, nursing turnover, nursing retention, catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI’s), central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI’s), patient education, communication (be a little more specific…shift-to-shift report, bedside report, nurse-to physician communication, etc.), call light management, hourly rounding, alarm management, bar-coding medication administration, etcRemember, this is only an outline, and not a paper; it does not need to be in paragraph format. You may use bullets or an outline formatting within Microsoft Word. Remember to create a title page and a reference page (if you cite any sources). For this outline, 1-page is the minimum, but it can certainly be more than that. Here is an example outline to get started:

    1. Define your project
      1. What is it? Many people do not know what pressure ulcers, CAUTI or CLABSI, etc. are.
      2. Statistics – What is the prevalence/incidence rates across the US or in your state/region?
    2. Causes (what are some of the causes?)
      1. List one cause here
      2. List another cause here, etc.
    3. Benefits for preventing/fixing/decreasing
      1. List reasons here
    4. How to prevent
      1. List
      2. Methods
      3. Here
    5. Nursing Interventions
      1. What are things nurses can do to help with this topic?
      2. List them here

Write a summary of 800-1,000 words in APA style that includes the following criteria:

Nursing – Evidence-Based Practice: Step by Step: The Seven Steps of Evidence-Based Practice


Attached article from a peer-reviewed nursing journal regarding an EBP process or implementation.

Write a summary of 800-1,000 words in APA style that includes the following criteria:

1. An introduction that explains the focus of the article.

2. A summary of key points of the article.

3. A list of the steps taken by nursing to develop and implement an EBP.

4. Application of the learned information to a practice setting where the student either identifies an EBP that has been applied to your setting or a practice problem that would benefit from the implementation of an EBP.

5. A clear and concise conclusion.

Nursing research, please answer 3 peers, with 100 words, apa style.

Nursing research, please answer 3 peers, with 100 words, apa style.

  1. Great article, which are some of the benefits of doing a pilot study over a full research study in the area of the article selected? Please provide some examples as to why the benefits mentioned are worth mentioning. 

2 A pilot study can be defined as a preliminary study done on a small scale in order to establish the cost, feasibility, adverse events and other factors that help the researcher know the way to go on a larger research project (Polit & Beck, 2008). Subsequently, such studies are ill suited to be used as cases studies. In a nutshell, a pilot study is conducted to establish the feasibility of the same research project on a larger scale (Polit & Beck, 2008).

Radhakrishnan, K., Roche, J. P., & Cunningham, H. (2007). Measuring clinical practice parameters with human patient simulation: A pilot study. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 4(1).

The above article is an example of a nursing pilot study. Reading through the article, it would be right to indeed discern that it is a pilot study, therefore, the label ‘pilot study’ in this study has not been used inappropriately. The pilot study attempts to identify the nursing   clinical practice parameters that HPS influences (Human Patient Simulators, which are mannequins that are electronically controlled and used as patient models) (Radhakrishnan, Roche & Cunningham, 2007).  The study, attempting to research on a topic as broad as that would have been expected to sample a larger pool of participants. The authors, however, conduct their research by evaluating only 12 senior second degree BSN students(Radhakrishnan, Roche & Cunningham, 2007). This shows that the study is kind of as mock research to be used by the researchers as a platform to conduct an even bigger research. These are characteristics of a pilot study.

The authors also indicate in their abstract that they recommend the replication of their study, albeit with a larger sample (Radhakrishnan, Roche & Cunningham, 2007). This is an indication that this research is done on a small scale and requires the same procedure to be carried out on a larger scale.  These are characteristics of a pilot study meaning the term pilot study was indeed used appropriately by the authors.

Pilot study

3- A pilot study represents a critical part of an ongoing research. This study investigates the means through which the gap between nursing research and practical implementation of the study can be reduced. This study investigates the link between the current developments in practice and the front line nurses. This pilot study, therefore, has been appropriately title since it examines the feasibility of use of nursing research prior to its extensive use.

The journal was published as a full-scale study that comprised of research that was carried out with all the documentations that were done during the entire study that included the questionnaires and interview schedules for the participants. The study was aimed at developing an understanding of the source, process, and use of information generated from nursing research and determining the feasibility of the qualitative study prior to implementing and role playing in a health care set up. 

The study outlines the significance of pilot studies in conducting and recording qualitative competent research for integration with the health care culture. This pilot study is a qualitative paradigm that explores the design and effects of the consequent implementations of the confirmatory study. The study identified the major issues that could influence the confirmatory study’s outcome enabling their expeditious address.

The transition of knowledge gained through observation and experiments into clinical practices will enable the progressive advances in clinical trials to be extensively used for implementing strategies in nursing care. The preliminary report gathered will enable subsequent studies and provide support for poorly researched proposals.

Nursing Leaders as Ethical-Legal Change Agents in Health Care

Discussion Board: Nursing Leaders as Ethical-Legal Change Agents in Health Care

CLASS: MN506 Health Policy, Ethical, and Legal Perspectives of Health Care Systems

Topic 1: Nursing Leaders as Ethical-Legal Change Agents in Health Care

In the course, you will research ethical decision-making and legal issues that influence your role as a nursing leader. Please explain how you see your role as a nursing leader making ethical-legal and moral decisions. Include what actions you plan to take to solve moral distress caused by ethical dilemmas and the values that support your actions.

Minimum of 200 words

APA Style, font 12, times new roman

3 references not older than 2012-2017

in text citations

Nursing Diagnosis Care Plan

NR 305 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 2 Nursing Diagnosis Care Plan Assignment

This file of NR 305 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 2 Nursing Diagnosis Care Plan Assignment comprises:

This activity will be a continuation of the Milestone 1: Health History that you submitted in Week 4. In this part of the assignment you will take the information you gathered, analyze the data, and develop a nursing care plan.Course OutcomesThis assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:CO #3: Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO #3)CO #4: Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO #2)CO #5: Explore the professional responsibilities involved in conducting a comprehensive health assessment and providing appropriate documentation. (PO #6)PointsThis assignment is worth a total of 250 points.Directions1. Download the NR305_Milestone2_Form from Doc Sharing. You will type your answers directly into this Word document. Your paper does NOT need to follow APA formatting, however, you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, syntax and write in complete sentences.2. Save the file by clicking Save as and adding your last name to the file name, e.g., NR305_Milestone2_Form_Smith3. Submit the completed form to the Dropbox

Epidemiology, Nursing and a Communicable Disease

NRS-427V Week 2 Benchmark Assignment: Epidemiology, Nursing and a Communicable Disease Paper

NRS-427V Week 2 Benchmark Assignment:  Epidemiology, Nursing and a Communicable Disease Paper

Concepts in Community and Public Health – Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases

Grand Canyon University

In a written paper of 1,200-1,500 words, apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease.

Communicable Disease Selection

Choose one communicable disease from the following list:

1. Chickenpox

2. Tuberculosis

3. Influenza

4. Mononucleosis

5. Hepatitis B

6. HIV

Epidemiology Paper Requirements

Include the following in your assignment:

1. Description of the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence).

2. Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.

3. Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. (The textbook describes each element of the epidemiologic triangle).

4. Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collecting, data analysis, and follow-up).

5. Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organization(s) contributes to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.

A minimum of three references is required.

Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain.”

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Nursing – Evidence-Based Practice

Nursing – Evidence-Based Practice: Skills to utilize to critique researches’ evidences

Skills to utilize to critique researches’ evidence

APA Format and use of Journal articles are mandatory.

This is a two different papers within the assignment.

What is meant by Type I and Type II errors in research? Why are these important to identify? Name one thing that can be done to improve internal validity of a study.

(500+ words, APA style, at least 1 journal article)

An example of a multivariate procedure is analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Explain what is meant by the following statement: ANCOVA offers post hoc statistical control. Provide an example.

(500+ words, APA style, at least 1 journal article)

APA NURSING Paper addressing

APA NURSING Paper addressing: negligence/malpractice & euthanasia/assisted suicide, PLEASE READ FULL DESCRIPTION

Week Four Paper will address and answer the following three sets of questions:

  •                                             FOR QUESTION ONE:

Read the  article, “Protecting Yourself from Malpractice Claims” found at

https://americannursetoday.com/protecting-yourself-from-malpractice-claims/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Read the article, “Nurses, Negligence, and Malpractice” found at:

http://www.nursingcenter.com/journalarticle?article_id=423284 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Read the article, “7 Legal Tips for Safe Nursing Practice”    (you will need to copy and paste the link below into your browser)

7 legal tips.pdf  (INCLUDED AS ATTACHMENT)

  1. In connection with the readings relating to negligence/malpractice answer the following:

a. What was the most important information you gained from these articles?b. What are the elements that must be present for there to be a valid claim of negligence?

Comment on this scenario: A comatose patient is admitted with a UTI. The RN documents turning the patient every 2 hours, but actually did not. The UTI resolves and the patient is discharged without any other changes in prehospital condition.

c. Was the RN negligent? Why or why not? d. Was the RN’s behavior ethical, why or why not? e. Would any of your answers change, and if so how,  if the patient had developed a bedsore during the hospitalization?

                                                        FOR QUESTION TWO:

Read the summary of Supreme Court case that reviewed Oregon Death with Dignity Act found at:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonzales_v._Oregon (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Read the story of Brittany Maynard found at:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/11/02/brittany-maynard-as-promised-ends-her-life-at-29/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

 Read the case of Gonzalez v. Oregon, found at:

http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=17055043890936848595&hl=en&as_sdt=2&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Read “ Legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide: the illusion of safeguards and controls” found at:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3070710/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Review State-by-State Guide to Physician-Assisted Suicide found at:

http://euthanasia.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000132 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  1. In connection with the topics of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, address the following:

a.       What is the difference between Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide?b.      Explore your thoughts and feelings on the legality of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Should Florida follow Oregon?c.       What guidance on this topic is found in the ANA Code of Ethics (Hint: Interpretive Statement to Provision One)?d.      What is ANA’s position on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide as expressed in its Position Statement on the topic?

                                                          FOR QUESTION THREE:

Read the article, “How We Die” found at: and answer question three. 

http://tuftsjournal.tufts.edu/2010/03_2/features/03/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  1. What actions could have been taken to prevent this situation from occurring? Describe how refusing treatment differs from euthanasia or assisted suicide.

Description of Clinical Problem/Situation: Nursing Turnover within the Ambulatory Care (ACS) Setting

2-3 page Research paper on Nursing Turnover within the Ambulatory Care Setting

1.       Evidence-Based Practice  [provide definitions for a) evidence-based practice, b) quality improvement, and c) research.  Please include references using APA format.]

Describe how you would use each process (e.g. EBP, QI, and research) to address the selected quality indicator in Ambulatory Care. 

A.     Description of Clinical Problem/Situation: Nursing Turnover within the Ambulatory Care (ACS) Setting

B.     PICO Question

The following PICO question has been devised to guide this exploration of the scientific literature and other essential forms of evidence.

PICO Question Components:

      P:  [patient, population, or problem] Nurse Retention within the Ambulatory Care Setting

      I: [intervention or treatment] Factors that may positively influence retention rate

      C:  [comparison with other treatments, when warranted] Factors that may negatively influence retention rate

      O:  [outcome]  ?

Question:  What factors may positively (I) or negatively (C) impact nursing retention within the Ambulatory Care Nursing setting (P), (O)?

C.     Sources of Evidence & References [types of evidence – published, expert opions, patient preferences, etc.]

Article 1 –

Article 2 –

D.     Critical Appraisal of the Evidence [briefly describe how this was done – used the Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP criteria, provider an evidence rating for each article/evidence source used [e.g. 1A, 3C etc.]

[ex:  Each article was critically appraised using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidenced-based Practice Research criteria.  As an example, the article ……

Questions to consider – should we implement the practice recommendations? Would this change improve nurse retention outcomes? Would it improve overall unit/pavilion operations e.g. costs, workload, culture? Can the evidence be translated inn other ways e.g. policy/procedure development?

E.     Translation [would you put the evidence you appraised into practice? How would that be done? Should we implement the practice recommendations? Would this change improve our nurse retention outcomes? Would it improve overall unit/pavilion operations (e.g. costs, workload, and culture)? Can the evidence be translated in other ways (e.g. policy/procedure development)?

F.     Dissemination

The information obtained from the EBP research project can be disseminated via a variety of mechanisms, including:

1.  Internal:  ACS COP monthly meetings, staff meetings, INSPIRE News

2.  External:  American Nurses Association, American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing, peer –reviewed article published in the Journal of Ambulatory Care,  Management, podium/poster presentations, Clinical Inquiry Review Panel (CIRP) ** This information does not need revision