Describe an event related to diversity that either you or someone around you has experienced. What did you take away, and how did it enhance your understanding of diversity?

Having developed a definition of diversity in the last module, this week we’re turning to how diversity applies to you PERSONALLY. This could be related to your personal experiences or things you’ve o

Having developed a definition of diversity in the last module, this week we’re turning to how diversity applies to you PERSONALLY. This could be related to your personal experiences or things you’ve observed of those around you. Because Milestone One is also due this week, we’ll start to discuss the issues and events that interest you. Based on the module resources and your own research, write an initial post that addresses the following:

  • Describe an event related to diversity that either you or someone around you has experienced. What did you take away, and how did it enhance your understanding of diversity?
  • Share a current issue related to diversity that you have found interesting or that has personally impacted you. Post an article from a news source. How does diversity help you better understand this issue?

I’d like an event of diversity within the nursing field as a nurse related to having to understand ones decission making process based on religion.

1. Write a one-page summary of the advantages of having a diverse nursing and health care staff.

Read chapter 12 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentatation.  Once done, work on the following exercise; 1.  Write a one-page summary of the advantages of having a diverse

Read chapter 12 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentatation.  Once done, work on the following exercise;

1.  Write a one-page summary of the advantages of having a diverse nursing and health care staff.

               a.  Include the benefits to both health care providers and patients.

               b.  What health issues may be better addressed by a diverse health care staff?

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 12 discussion questions” for grading and in the tab titled “Week 12 assignment” in Turnitin to verify originality which 1 point value.  If the originality exceeds the percentage of plagiarism allow by the University points will be deducted.  A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used.  You must post two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references and make sure that the references that you use in your assignment are properly quoted in it.   A minimum of 800 words is required. 

Analyze how this organization has changed since the 1980s as a result of economic and political forces (i.e., ethical and legal). You should identify a minimum of 3 significant changes from the 1980s to today that should include considerations for technology, personnel and professionals involved, patient demographics, supply and demand imbalance, and so on.


Part 1

Choose a specific health care organization that has been in existence since the 1980s (e.g., a for-profit hospital by name; nonprofit hospital by name; governmental clinic; military or VA health care facility by name; private health care clinic by name; ambulatory surgery center by name; diagnostic imaging center by name; nursing home by name; assisted living facility by name). Describe the organization and the basic health care services it provides.

Part 2

Analyze how this organization has changed since the 1980s as a result of economic and political forces (i.e., ethical and legal). You should identify a minimum of 3 significant changes from the 1980s to today that should include considerations for technology, personnel and professionals involved, patient demographics, supply and demand imbalance, and so on.

Part 3

In summary, evaluate how these changes have impacted the organization’s efficacy (negatively and positively) from the administrator’s viewpoint. Then, proffer the influence of these changes on the U.S. health system overall (negative and positive).

Your paper should be 3 to 4 pages excluding the cover page, abstract page, and reference page (common assessment). Be sure to support your work with at least 3 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources published within the past 5 years.

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1. Write a single page summary of the article that contains in 3 paragraphs an introduction, a synopsis of the article describing the author’s perspective, and a conclusion that contains your own evaluation of the article and its relevance. Begin each summary with the correct APA citation of the article.

Research article Pat Benner

Select one secondary source article that reflects a comprehensive literature review of the Skill Acquisition Model in nursing propounded by the theorist Patricia Benner (From Novice to Expert). 

1. Write a single page summary of the article that contains in 3 paragraphs an introduction, a synopsis of the article describing the author’s perspective, and a conclusion that contains your own evaluation of the article and its relevance. Begin each summary with the correct APA citation of the article. 

Note: A secondary source is an article written about the theory or its use by another author different from Benner. 

2.On a second page write a brief overview of the theorist’s background using other articles for reference. Use the following questions for guidance: Does the theory/model provide crucial references for the original and/or current work of the theorist? Does the theory describe the theorist’s background and how it impacted theory development? Can you describe the theory in your own words? Does the theory talk of the phenomenon of concern or problems?

Discuss the principles of holistic care and the four principles of the holistic caring process

Project Summarization

submit a completed final project, in the form of a scholarly paper,

  • Discuss the principles of holistic care and the four principles of the holistic caring process
  • Discuss the differences in patient needs when developing a holistic plan of care
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between complementary and alternative medicine and western medicine
  • Describe the role of nutrition, exercise, humor and music therapy in complementary and alternative medicine
  • Discuss three main barriers to changing our current healthcare system to a more integrative system of care
  • Create a short summary of the case file (age, sex, diagnosis)
  • Complete a comprehensive, review of needs or problems discovered, and provide rationales and interventions to address the needs
  • Discuss implementation and evaluation of complementary and alternative modalities within the plan of care
  • Write a short summary in 2–3 paragraphs about the highlights of what this course added to your professional practice and the way you will practice nursing in the future

How long did you wait for a response to the call bell and was it to your satisfaction?


Need response to below in APA format 1 and half pages 3 references 2 from walden universtiy

library.  Due Firday July 21 at 2000 instead of 1600  Will pay 10 $

When conducting a research project, the first task is to develop the question. It may take the researcher a few attempts before the question is written in the right way. The question must be written so that it is a clear measurable task with a specific demographic (Keough& Tanabe, 2011, pg 2).


The purpose of this discussion is to develop questions that determine the patients point of view and what can be improved throughout the hospital. I will consider factors such as ease of care, patient wait time, friendliness of staff, and likelihood that the patient would recommend that hospital to others.


When developing these questions, it is important to make them clear, understandable, nonbiased and sensitive to the patient’s situation (Polit& Beck, 2017, pg 277). In order to make the questions clear and understandable it is important to use lay terms and technical terms (Polit & Beck, 2017, pg 278).

After considering these guidelines, and many more, I was able to develop five questions for patients to answer.

  1. How long did you wait before being seen in the emergency room and was it to your satisfaction?
  2. How long did you wait for a response to the call bell and was it to your satisfaction?
  3. Did the staff knock, announce themselves and greet you each time they came into the room? If not please explain
  4. Was the staff willing to answer questions about your care when you had them? If not please explain.
  5. Would you recommend this hospital to a friend or family member? Why or why not.

Collecting Data

For this scenario, I think it would be most appropriate to send the survey over e-mail, or a web based survey with the link in an e-mail after the patient is discharge. The patient will be more likely to answer the questions honestly if they know they can e-mail it back anonymously. If the patient is given the survey while still in the hospital they may feel obligated to answer a certain way knowing that a member of the care team will be the one collecting it.  E-mailing the survey will be cost effective and can be distributed to a large population. (Polit &Beck, 2017, pg 281). I believe that in order to have an adequate sample size the surveys should be sent to every patient that is discharged from the hospital for one month. Once the month is over and the survey is evaluated the hospital can make an attempt to change the negative things discussed in the survey and then resend out the surveys to another set of patients to see if satisfaction improved. I believe that the surveys should be sent to every patient because selecting a small group will not get an accurate result. Some patients are not happy when they are in the hospital and have a negative attitude. If the survey is sent to only a handful of patients, you may only reach the ones who had a negative experience. You may also only reach the ones who had a positive experience. If the survey is sent to every patient is will also be able to show repetition. If all patients had the same complaints, then multiple surveys will come back stating that proving that the complaint was not made by one unhappy patient.


Keough, V.A., & Tanabe, P. (2011). Survey Research: An effective design for conducting nursing research, Journal of Nursing Regulation 1(4) 37-44.

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Apply this theory to a potential practice quality improvement initiative within your clinical practice.

Assignment: This week you will be writing an APA paper to include a title page, level headings, and a reference page Discuss and explain King’s Conceptual System Theory. First explain the 3 system


This week you will be writing an APA paper to include a title page, level headings, and a reference page

  1. Discuss and explain King’s Conceptual System Theory. 
    1. First explain the 3 systems and provide examples of each system
    2. Explain how the systems influence goal attainment
    3. How could King’s theory help define a clinical quality problem? 
    4. Apply this theory to a potential practice quality improvement initiative within your clinical practice.
    5. How could a quality committee align outcomes with King’s Conceptual System Theory? 
    6. What additional nursing theory from our readings could also align with an improved quality of practice initiative?

This paper should include 2 outside references and the textbook. This paper should be 1250 to 1500 words in length.

Based on the research, which of these factors have the greatest impact on a patient? Why? Contrast at least two ways the factors would affect a twelve-year-old with the way they would affect a seventy-five-year-old.

Discussion QuestionThere are many factors that affect chronic illness—chronic pain, stigma, social isolation, altered mobility, or fatigue. Utilizing your learning from your readings and the South U

Discussion QuestionThere are many factors that affect chronic illness—chronic pain, stigma, social isolation, altered mobility, or fatigue. Utilizing your learning from your readings and the South U

Discussion Question

There are many factors that affect chronic illness—chronic pain, stigma, social isolation, altered mobility, or fatigue. Utilizing your learning from your readings and the South University Online Library resources, respond to one the following questions:

  • Based on the research, which of these factors have the greatest impact on a patient? Why? Contrast at least two ways the factors would affect a twelve-year-old with the way they would affect a seventy-five-year-old.
  • Consider the twelve-year-old and the seventy-five-year-old have a chronic illness. How does the chronically ill patient’s illness trajectory influence the plan of care?
  • Review website. Discuss how you feel these goals will impact the health of the nation. Briefly discuss how you could incorporate these goals/objectives into your day-to-day nursing practice.

Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.

Term Papers Privacy In the workplace

Question Description

Term papers on practically every subject imaginable are available on the Internet. Many of those who submit the papers as their own work defend their practice in Various ways: (1) These papers are posted to assist in research in the same way any other resource is posted on the Web and should simply be cited if used; (2) these papers are posted in order to encourage faculty to modify paper topics and/or exams and not to simply bring back assignments that have been used countless times in the past, (3) they don’t have time to complete a paper and since they have paid for the course they have in effect paid for the degree, and (4) if the professor doesn’t “catch” them what harm has been done?

Are you persuaded?

Write a 3 page, APA style paper addressing the above issues while answering the following:

  1. Is there anything unethical about this service in general?
  2. If so, who should be held accountable, the poster, the ultimate user (student), the professor, the university, or someone else?

Use the ethical decision making model process to determine the ethics of the term paper service.

Provide 3-5 APA style references both inline and at the end of the paper to support your analysis. Note: This is your opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the week’s theory linked to personal opinion and outside evidence.

Contemporary Nursing Practice


The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750-1,000 word   paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following:

  1. Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how     this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to     treating the individual.
  2. Compare and contrast the     differentiated practice competencies between an associate and     baccalaureate education in nursing. Explain how scope of practice     changes between an associate and baccalaureate nurse.
  3. Identify a patient care situation and describe how nursing care,     or approaches to decision-making, differ between the BSN-prepared     nurse and the ADN nurse.
  4. Discuss the significance of     applying evidence-based practice to nursing care and explain how the     academic preparation of the RN-BSN nurse supports its   application.
  5. Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with     interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more     effective patient outcomes.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA   Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.c