a nursing research paper quantitative or qualitative

Question Description

I need help writing an assignment. please upload the file below to see detailed instructions.

Detailed Instructions:

IMPORTANT:Each submission will build on previous submissions.This will be a “running research proposal paper”.What you submit in Section One will be returned to you with comments and suggested edits from the instructor.You will make the corrections and then you will re-submit that section with Section Two.Thus, the paper (and references) will continue to grow in length.Of course, all submissions will begin and continue in APA format (title page, running head, page numbers, References page, double spacing, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, etc.).

Each submission is to include a separate Title Page and References page.You will continue adding to your References page as you find new information/studies/articles.Please pay attention and only submit the sections required and the previous edited sections.*Note that the Introduction is not due until the SECTION THREE submission.

Research topic/ question– Each student is to submit a research topic/ question of his/her choice by the due date.Remember to try and be as specific as possible.Use the PICOT question format.

Include the specific population you want to study.Is it patients?Is it other nurses?Is it graduate nurses?Is it nursing students?What kind of patients?Those with traumatic brain injuries?Those born with developmental disabilities (autism)?What nursing population do you want to study/investigate/educate?Oncology nurses?Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurses?

What do you want to know?Or what variable to you want to introduce to see if there is a difference between two (or more) groups?How to improve education levels?How to improve the emotional well-being of nurses? (for example, among two inpatient oncology units, do you want to introduce a beginning-of-shift daily meditation time to see if there’s a difference in overall satisfaction among nurses and compare those satisfaction rates among a group of nurses who receive no pre-shift meditation?) If you introduce virtual reality in rehab, will a group of stroke patients improve over those who receive the standard of care?

Research Articles in the Literature – The next step is to read studies related to your topic so that you thoroughly understand the various components of a research study design.Search the full text databases regarding the topic of your choice.The library is an excellent source for searches!You are to submit THREE research studies published within FIVE years.You must clearly indicate one that is a quantitative study and one that is a qualitative study. Submit/upload the five articles in a .pdf format.In the comments section, indicate which of the three is a qualitative and which is a quantitative study.This assignment demonstrates evidence that you know the difference between what a quantitative and qualitative study looks like…NO systematic reviews, no literature reviews, no meta-analyses will be accepted.However, these (the references) can be a good source of research articles!REMEMBER to clearly indicate which study is qualitative and which is quantitative in your comments section when you upload the .pdf studies!

SECTION ONE SUBMISSION includes your title page, study purpose, problem statement, research question(s), significance to nursing, and References page related to your proposed research study.Section One starts your Research Study Proposal, so make sure it follows all applicable APA formatting!

Significance to Nursing is just that…How will your study potentially impact the discipline of nursing?What if I’m a nursing leader for my unit in a hospital and I’m reading your study?What could I learn and possibly implement as a result of your study findings?Perhaps I’m a unit nurse on the floor.Using what you’ve found, what could I learn from it?And maybe even alter how I interact with patients?Usually this fits in a paragraph or two.Refer to the sample papers for extra help to understand this process.

SECTION TWO SUBMISSION includes your Literature Review, Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework, and corrected SECTION ONE.

Literature Review (AKA – review of the literature, background, etc.…) comes in many forms.The purpose of the literature review is to build the case based on what’s out there (in the literature!) that supports the reason (purpose) for your wanting to do your study.

In a paragraph or two, discuss each article/study.Break each one down and briefly explain the information you obtained from the article:Was it a quantitative or qualitative study?Mixed methods?Sample size?Who did they study?What was the study about?What were the major findings?If the study was not completed by NURSE researchers, explain clearly how it is related to your research.You will perform a review of the literature and write a synthesis of the previous research outcomes regarding your topic and research question.You must include a minimum of three research articles published within the last five years.You can use those articles/studies you found earlier if they are relevant to your study proposal.

Once you have explained each article, use the information to make a case for your research.How do they support or create a platform for your research?Remember to avoid direct quotes, paraphrase the content, and provide complete APA compliant citations.Refer to Chapter 7 in your textbook for more complete information on the process of completing a literature review.

The Theoretical or Conceptual Framework provides the supporting foundation for the study.Refer to the material you studied in the Nursing Theory class and read Chapter 8 in your textbook for more information.

Refer to the sample papers for examples.

SECTION THREE SUBMISSION includes the ethical implications, approach to the study, introduction, conclusion, and corrected SECTIONS ONE and TWO.

The Ethical Implications for your study will probably sound the same across the board in all the papers.You will need to first have your study approved by an Institutional Review Board.You will need to obtain signed (by the subject) informed consent forms (ICFs) that explain the problem and purpose and expectations of the subjects/participants once those ICFs are IRB approved.You will need to protect the identity of your subjects.How will you do that?How will you make sure nothing is able to be traced back to them?Could your study cause any potential emotional distress? (retelling of stories that bring up ‘emotionally raw’ material?) What will you do to help your subjects should they need it?What if your subjects want to withdraw from the study?Usually one or two paragraphs will suffice for this portion.Refer to the sample papers for extra help to understand this process.

For the Introduction and Conclusion see guideline in VII. Evaluation rubric below.

Conducting the Research Study Include a brief description of how you would carry out your research, either as a quantitative or as a qualitative study.Include sampling size and method, data gathering methods and tools, data analysis plan and tools, and anticipated results

Quantitative: Examples using quantitative methods:Would you distribute a survey (that’s already out there…like PRoQOL, Maslach’s Burnount Inventory, etc.) that uses a Likert scale so you can capture behaviors in a numerical fashion.Then, using a statistical software package (like SPSS) analyze for statistical significance?For example, approximately how many subjects would you like to survey/analyze (your projected sample size for a quantitative study)?

Qualitative: How could you carry out your study using qualitative methods?Would you interview your subjects in a one-on-one setting (or maybe a focus group?) using open-ended questions while you audio record them?Then, would you transcribe the interviews and analyze them, looking for common themes (as in grounded theory or phenomenology)?Would you use NViVO software to help you analyze the transcribed interviews? For example, approximately how many subjects do you foresee yourself interviewing or how many would you like in a qualitative study?On what might it depend?

Final Submission will include SECTIONS ONE, TWO, and THREE with all edits and corrections completed.

Capstone project final project: EBP project on the importance of bedside shift report

Question Description

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course.

Students will develop a 1,250-1,500 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal: –each of these areas are on the Rubric, which means I will be looking for each piece to grade!

  1. Background (Introduction and Thesis Statement-as the author, what is your purpose for the paper, what are you planning to cover or address???)
  2. Problem statement—-this is not your PICOT ( you state that a little further down)
  3. Purpose of the change proposal- why do you think the change needs to happen based on the problem you identified.
  4. PICOT-the entire statement, not just a breakdown of each component!!—-If I do not get the actual PICOT statement, you will lose significant points!!
  5. Literature search strategy employed (GCU Library, CINAHL, PubMed, and such)
  6. Evaluation of the literature- remember that literature evaluation tool you filled out (use that data, but do NOT include that template in the paper!!)
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized— make sure you provide an actual established theory you can cite from.
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures- what your plan to roll out your proposal?
  9. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome
  10. Conclusion—Comprehensive conclusion for the entire paper! Not at the end of each section like you copied and pasted all of your papers together. This is supposed to be one paper that flows as one paper and not the pasted papers you have done since week 2. All it takes is some minor editing to fit all of your papers into one complete work!! Don’t think you have to start over and don’t overthink this paper, you have already pretty much written it, now turn it into one complete paper!
  11. Appendix section (if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created) ANY TOOL YOU WOULD USE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OR EVALUATION YOU MUST INCLUDE IN THE APPENDIX. Do not describe what you would use, include the actual tool. This is where I see students lose the most points because they don’t attach any form of Appendix. Think about it this way, if you were ACTUALLY going to present, or implement and evaluate your proposal, what tools would you use to do that? And don’t say there are not any you would use, that will not meet any point expectation for this project.

Review the feedback from your instructor on all of the assignments you have submitted thus far. Use the feedback to make appropriate revisions to the portfolio (Capstone Paper) components before submitting (this is also on the Rubric, Evidence of Revision)

Remember this is your final paper and your pulling it all together, and you are not just copying and pasting each paper together, you are turning this into ONE paper that flows as one paper. You need one all inclusive Introduction, and one all inclusive Conclusion.

Prepare this assignment according to APA Style. An abstract is not required. My expectation is that APA format is not new and should be a non-issue for any of you at this point.

SPELL/GRAMMAR CHECK YOUR WORK BEFORE YOU SUBMIT-THERE ARE POINTS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS!! Also, if there are any errors on the paper that were not cleaned up before you submit, there are point deductions associated here too. This is the last paper you will do for your degree, make it look professional!!!You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin

**** I will upload my paper down below. Please use the information from that paper to help you work on the final project.


Critical thinking papers Proactive Policing and Adolescent Development Among Young, Poor Black Men

Question Description

Critical thinking papers serve to encourage the development of creativity and critical thinking through writing. Three to four pages in length, these assignments require you to dig deeper into a research article or book chapter related to course topics. For this critical thinking paper, you will read “‘The Regular Routine’: Proactive Policing and Adolescent Development Among Young, Poor Black Men” by Jones (2014).

You can access a pdf copy of this reading by viewing the uploaded file

In your critical thinking paper, you will answer the questions posed below. Note: You should type the questions directly into your paper and write your answers below each one. Do not include extra space before or after the questions—simply list them in bold. You will also need to ensure that including the numbered list of questions does not increase the indent of either the questions nor the responses.

  1. What aspect of social life does the author focus on? What is the author’s main point or argument?
  2. What kind of evidence does the author give to support their point?
  3. How does this reading help you understand a current or personal event?
  4. Can you think of any counterarguments that would contradict/weaken the author’s main argument? Explain.
  5. How does this reading relate what you’ve read/discussed in class so far? Explain.
  6. Did you enjoy the reading? Hate it? Explain. Here is your chance to vent! Tell me why you think this reading is a masterpiece or a disaster.
  7. Come up with one possible discussion question for class. Explain why you think your question is important, and describe how the author addresses/answers/fails to answer your question.

Formatting Guidelines: Use 12pt Times New Roman font, 1″ margins on all sides (no extra indents for either questions or answers), double-spaced, and no extra space between paragraphs (search online for directions to remove the paragraph space if you don’t know how). Your paper should exhibit clear paragraph structure as well as proper spelling and grammar.

conduct a SWOT analysis for a health care organization.

Question Description

Assignment 1: SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis is a major component of the strategic planning process. It provides leadership with an evaluation of organizational performance in relation to competitors and external forces. This evaluation helps leaders capitalize on organizational strengths and improve its weaknesses in order to differentiate itself from competitors. For this Assignment, you conduct a SWOT analysis for a health care organization.

To prepare:

  • Review the Jasper Gardens Nursing Home case study in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Analyze strengths of the organization. Consider the following questions:
    • What does this organization do particularly well? Does it have a specific and recognized niche?
    • What resources does the organization have that might set it apart from its competition or position it for future growth?
    • What does the market perceive as strengths of the organization?
    • What financial considerations are relevant to its strengths?
  • Analyze weaknesses of the organization. Consider the following questions:
    • What needs improvement within the organization?
    • What resource deficits might impact this organization?
    • What does the market perceive as weaknesses of the organization?
    • What financial considerations are relevant to weaknesses?
  • Analyze opportunities of the organization. Consider the following questions:
    • With strengths and weaknesses in mind, what opportunities are available to this organization?
    • Are there current trends that might translate into opportunities?
  • Analyze threats to the organization. Consider the following questions:
    • What competitive threats exist for the organization?
    • Do insufficient or outdated resources hamper the organization?
    • Are there any current trends that might translate into threats?
    • Do any market, regulatory, and/or legal issues present threats?

Note: Your Assignment should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources in your conclusion and recommendations.

The Assignment

Using the SWOT Analysis Template provided in this week’s Learning Resources, complete a 1-page SWOT analysis matrix. The matrix should include a bulleted list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for Jasper Gardens Nursing Home. Synthesize the information you have gathered from your analysis so that each bullet point clearly represents the most significant considerations within each category. While this is a 1-page document that might appear to be simple, each point must be the result of deep and critical thinking.

Note: Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources. Be sure to follow APA guidelines for your citations, title page, and reference page. Your matrix, however, does not need to follow APA formatting. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. See the Week 3 Assignment Rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.

Discussion: Operating and Financial Performance Indicators

Health care leaders depend on sound operating and financial performance indicators to make decisions regarding working capital management, capital budgeting, and resource allocation. These indicators help organizations maximize performance and strategically plan for new initiatives. For this Discussion, you select a health care organization and examine how its leaders and managers use operating and financial performance indicators in their decision making.

To prepare:

  • Select a health care organization and locate its operating (i.e., utilization rate) and financial data. You may want to use a not-for-profit health care system, as they usually post their annual reports online.
  • Identify one operating indicator (e.g., length of stay, admission, etc.) and two financial performance indicators (e.g., cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, accounts payable, short-term loans, etc.).

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking Submit!

Literature review Paper , health and medicine

Question Description

While the implementation plan prepares students to apply their research to the problem or issue they have identified for their capstone change proposal project, the literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the project.

A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence. Students will use the information from the earlier PICOT Statement Paper and Literature Evaluation Table assignments to develop a 750-1,000 word review that includes the following sections:

  1. Title page
  2. Introduction section
  3. A comparison of research questions
  4. A comparison of sample populations
  5. A comparison of the limitations of the study
  6. A conclusion section, incorporating recommendations for further research

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Attached our my two recent papers to evaluate the literature on. Thanks

Identify two university Library scholarly databases that will help you find the best research articles to support your EBP proposal. Discuss why these two databases are better than Google Scholar or a general Internet search.

Question Description

Please respond the main discussion and respond to the peers discussion

Discussion 1

Identify two university Library scholarly databases that will help you find the best research articles to support your EBP proposal. Discuss why these two databases are better than Google Scholar or a general Internet search.

Discussion 2

The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to HealthyPeople.gov, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal, and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed

Peer DQ1

When writing papers or doing research it’s essential to find reliable sources to obtain the information from, this will decrease the chances that the information is inaccurate. GCU library provides students with plenty of online scholarly databases to aid in this research process. Two databases I have used in the past are CINAHL Complete and PubMed. These two databases have health journals, books, continuing education modules, EBP care sheets, and so much more! What’s great about using these databases is the information is peer-reviewed and is backed up by actual research to ensure it’s accurate.

Using GCU’s library databases are a great tool to find reliable information, rather than just using Google. When using Google you truly never know what you are going to get or if the information on the website you found is accurate. It may look like a reliable website, but really anyone can make a website and put information into it. When we write papers or discussion boards, fellow classmates may use our information as a learning tool, so it’s important we are finding accurate information to share. Another advantage of using GCU’s databases are the searches are organized and you can type in keywords, peer-review options, publication years, etc. This helps pin point articles you are looking for so you don’t waste time looking through thousands of articles that does not pertain to what you are looking for.



Peer DQ2

The two GCU library databases that I feel will help me to find the best research articles to support my EBP proposal are Cochrane Library and Medline Plus. The general internet search is unreliable because anyone can post anything they want and may not produce reliable results. It is imperative to have reliable and trustworthy research articles to support the EBP project. Most library databases have scholarly/peer-reviewed articles and contain only scholarly literature. GCU library databases guarantee authority and trustworthiness. The library databases have advanced search features that can be limiting by publication type, data, language, document format, scholarly/peer-reviewed status, as well as, focus by subject which means more relevant information and less time wasted dealing with junk information. Using general internet search or Google Scholar can produce limited results and there is lack of regulation and duplicated information. It is imperative to evaluate the research articles for validity and reliability.

Peer DQ3

A Library database is an electronic (online) catalog or index that contain information about published items (California State University Los Angeles, 2018). When writing EBP proposal, it is important that the writer use the library database as it helps the writer to locate relevant information and also assess the quality of the information located. GCU Library contains many scholarly databases that one can use to find the best research article to support his/her EBP proposal. Of the many database article in GCU library, I have used the CINAHL complete (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health), Cochrane library and PubMed and found them to be very helpful because it leads the researcher/writer to the source of the information (e.g. journal, books, encyclopedias etc.); it provides citation that includes the article author, title and source of information; it also provides the journal name, volume, issue, page, an abstract of the article and full text (the entire article).

I found these two-library databases to be better than google scholar or general internet search when writing EBP proposal because the information they contain are more reliable and credible than that found on some website. Library database information are better basically because they are sourced from experts and professionals unlike the general internet search that anyone could upload. The quality of the internet resources is unmonitored and the authenticity of the information may not be known.

California State University Los Angeles. (2018). What is a Database? Retrieved from https://www.web.calstatela.edu

Peer DQ4

Google definitely provides a wealth of information, this sometimes isn’t worth spending the time sifting through the data. It doesn’t offer all the information that students are looking for and information found there may not be very reliable.

The two main databases in GCU library that I believe will help me find the best research articles to support my EBP proposal are as follows:

  • ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source – if offers a wide range of materials in nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine and the likes. It has over 860 titles in full text and over 12,000 full text dissertations indicative of arduous nursing scholarships. Additionally, gives access to online reference books, training tools and evidence-based nursing material from The Joana Briggs Institute. It’s a good source for training videos and cultural reports that helps with crating a better understanding about patient care.
  • CINAHL Complete – is one of the strongest database for nursing. It offers research tools and access to nursing and allied journals. It is comprised of more than 1300 journal titles and covers over fifty specialties in nursing. In addition, it offers continuing education modules, research instruments and evidence-based care sheets

GCU library has many databases that allows access to thousands of full text journals and articles. And these scholarly resources are best to use in research as it provides solid and reliable information.


Grand Canyon University (2017). Nursing Health Sciences Resources. Retrieved from


Peer DQ5

Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) library serves as the foundation of academic support for all learning and research pursuits of GCU students, faculty and staff. Two GCU Library databases that will be helpful in finding best research articles to support EBP proposal will be CINAHL Complete and PubMed.

CINAHL Complete is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals with access to the top nursing and allied health journals. Includes full text for more than 1,300 journal titles with indexing for more than 5,000 journal titles. Covers more than 50 nursing specialties, speech language pathology, and nutrition. Also contains continuing education modules, evidence-based care sheets, and research instruments.

PubMed comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites (GCU, 2017).


Grand Canyon University. (2017). Journal Databases – Nursing & Health Sciences. Retrieved from http://library.gcu.edu/Database/Subject?subject=Nu…

Peer DQ6

The two databases I have found useful for reasearch and info are the Joanna Briggs Institute EBP and the Nursing and allied Health database. These articles are found on an educational institute library whcih provides eivdence based articles and as well as peer review items. While anyone may edit a google site the ones on the school library database have reasearch and evidence to back there articles.

The Joanna Brigss Institute is anevidence-based practice database that includes more than 3,000 records across seven publication types. These types include Evidence Summaries, Evidence-Based Recommended Practices, Best Practice Information Sheets, Systematic Reviews, Consumer Information Sheets, Systematic Review Protocols, & Technical Reports.

The Nursing and Allied HEalth Database provides students, instructors, researchers, and nurses around the world with its diverse mix of scholarly literature, clinical training videos, reference materials, and evidence-based resources, including dissertations and systematic reviews.


Grand Canyon University (2017) Journal Database: Nursing and Health Sciences.

addressing an article from fierce healthcare website

Question Description

Assignment 2: Application: Looking Ahead—Subscribing to a Newsletter

Many of today’s health care organizations utilize digital communications to keep professional communities up to date on latest trends, technologies, and evidence-based practices. As you progress through your informatics specialization, the communications can support your professional growth as a scholar practitioner.

For this Assignment, you will subscribe to a daily newsletter from Fierce Healthcare.

To prepare:

  • Access the Fierce Healthcare website.
  • Enter your e-mail address into the “sign up for our newsletter” section of the website. You will receive a confirmation e-mail shortly after signing up. Copy and paste this confirmation into a Word document. If you are having trouble copying the e-mail in its entirety, you may also utilize the “print screen” button on your keyboard and then paste the copy of your screen into your Word document. Save this confirmation document, as you will submit this with your final paper.
  • Over the next weeks, make time to regularly browse the newsletters that you receive, selecting two informatics articles that are of particular interest to you. Each of the articles that you select must come from a different newsletter.

To complete:

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper on or before Day 7 of Week 10 that addresses the following:

  • Summarize the key points of each article you have selected. In your summary, include how the informatics topic, trend, initiative, etc. is impacting nursing practice and/or health care settings. In addition, explain how nursing practices, the needs of patient populations, and society in general are influencing the informatics topics being discussed.
  • Explain how (or if) you found the Fierce Healthcare newsletters to be beneficial to your studies and/or your professional growth as a scholar practitioner. In your explanation, include whether or not you intend to continue your subscription and whether or not you are considering signing up for any other digital communications from professional organizations. Explain your rationale.
  • Provide a copy of your confirmation e-mail at the end of your paper. (Note that this does not contribute towards your page count.) –I do have this confirmation letter and signed up for this before the class started.

Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements. All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Discussion: Application of Health Care Quality Concepts

Question Description

Discussion: Application of Health Care Quality Concepts

In order to apply health care quality concepts to a health care issue or a facility using the measurement-related concept of structure, process, or outcome, it is necessary to understand that the three complement each other. In other words, one is not more important than the other. Criteria and standards are essential to evaluating the three. A criterion is typically evidence driven and based on efficacy. Standards should be set at a “minimal, ideal, or achievable level to meet the goals behind specific quality of care evaluations” (Joshi et al., 2014, p. 44).

For this Discussion, you will select a health care quality concept; apply that concept to a real health care issue; identify the issue as structure, process, or outcome; and apply it to the Six Quality Dimensions you read about in Crossing the Quality Chasm.

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources on health care quality concepts.
  • Select a health care quality concept from the Learning Resources.

Note: For this Discussion you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleague’s postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking Submit!

Assignment: Improving Population Health—Letter to the Editor

There are mechanisms in place that are used to improve population health, including (1) health statuses and outcomes, (2) determinant factors, and (3) interventions that address determinant factors and improve outcomes (Joshi et al., 2014 p. 549). How health care is provided and how it can be improved is the focus of this assignment, which lends itself to a perfect opportunity for you to put your analysis skills into practice. The Learning Resources section this week provides you with data from the patient experience of care that also sheds light on expectations that have and have not been met. The Healthy People 2020 data provides measurements and goals for health care into the future, along with reasons for achieving those goals.

For this Assignment, you will read a scenario, analyze an existing problem using the data/resources provided, and make recommendations to address the issues.

To prepare:

Review all Learning Resources for the week that relate to improving population health

The Assignment:

Read the following scenario:

The community of Springfield (population approximately 100,000) is made up of hardworking, mostly older, factory laborers who contributed to both the city and county growth from the late 1950s through early 2005. Since the plant closed, many of the former workers have little to look forward to. There are few jobs available and they are now aging; most are 60 years of age or older.

The Memorial Hospital has been in existence since the mid-1950s and has several primary care physicians and nurse practitioners, a couple of general surgeons, and one cardiologist, but no cardiac surgeons.

Many nurses are recruited from the nearby community college, and the hospital serves as the facility for clinical rounds in their education.

The community is pretty sedentary, with the exception of an occasional game of horseshoes. Cigarette smoking is prominent.

Serious concerns surround the continued existence of the hospital because many residents seek and obtain health care services elsewhere.

Compare the population of this city to other problem areas using the Healthy People sources. The town’s population is approximately 100,000, making the comparison fairly straightforward.

Using the information provided in the scenario and the:HCAHPS Data and Healthy People 2020 DataFrom this week’s Learning Resources, write a 2-page Letter to the Editorof the local paper that includes:An evaluation of the issues that would be the focus on need for quality improvementAn analysis of existing problems/issues based on data/resources provided2 or 3 recommended strategies to address each quality improvement issue

Discussion: Performance and Post-Purchase Evaluations

Discussion: Performance and Post-Purchase Evaluations

Performance and post-purchase evaluations provide important marketing data for health care organizations. Many consumers evaluate health care products for their own purposes, but when they share this information with the providing organizations, they offer insights into whether products are meeting consumer needs and expectations. For this Discussion, you conduct performance and post-purchase evaluations on a health care product you have tried.

To prepare:

  • Reflect on a time you have consumed a generic product and a brand-named product for the same health condition (e.g., taking Motrin and/or store brand of ibuprofen for headache relief).Note: If you have not had this experience, interview someone who has.
  • From the consumer perspective, assess both products using performance and post-purchase evaluations. Consider each of the benefits segments for both products (i.e., cost, effectiveness, convenience, etc.) and whether or not you would purchase either product again.

Discussion: Health Care Marketing Trends

The health care industry is constantly changing and evolving. This impacts many aspects of health care administration, including marketing. New health care marketing trends are emerging, and to remain competitive, organizations must be prepared to implement these trends and engage 21st-century consumers. For this Discussion, you examine the impact of health care marketing trends and recommend strategies to help organizations prepare for the future.

Note: In health care marketing and business communications, strong oral communication is essential. This Discussion was designed to give you the opportunity to practice your oral communication skills by preparing a 2-minute Kaltura video. As you prepare this video (and any communication in the future), consider the following: Who is your target audience? How can you keep the attention of your audience? What is the appropriate length for your message?

To prepare:

Imagine that you are the chief marketing officer for your health care organization. Prepare a 2-minute Kaltura video for the board of directors that addresses the following:

  • How might marketing trends impact organizational strategic planning?
  • What can the organization do today to better prepare itself for tomorrow’s marketing trends?

Note: If you do not currently work for a health care organization, select one that is of interest to you

explore how strategic controls, monitoring tools, and tactical objectives might be used to address issues impacting health care organizations.

Question Description


Strategic Controls and Monitoring Tools

Organizational leaders must be aware of external forces that may impact their organization. Strategic controls and monitoring tools allow leaders to evaluate these forces and develop tactical objectives to limit negative consequences. For this Discussion, you explore how strategic controls, monitoring tools, and tactical objectives might be used to address issues impacting health care organizations. Work on the following scenario.

Hall Nursing Home, a 230-bed facility in Seattle, Washington, is an independent provider that has been in business for 45 years. During the past three years, the nursing home’s census has been declining by approximately 25% a year with the current census at 185 residents. After an external assessment, Hall’s leadership learned that the declining census is attributed to 90% of the residents being discharged and admitted to a competing nursing home that has a resident-centered focus, with residents being a part of the decision-making process concerning their own health care services. Moreover, this competing nursing home has recently completed its $10 million modernization project that makes it the only facility in Seattle with single room occupancy. In addition to the external assessment, Hall’s leadership conducted an internal assessment and learned that staff morale has been low because of poor pay, inadequate working conditions, and no opportunities for professional training and advancement.

Begin identifying and discussing evaluation or monitoring tools that would be useful to address this issue. Be sure to consider the following:

  • What strategic controls (e.g., promise control, implementation control, strategic surveillance, and special alert control) might you use and why?
  • What monitoring tools (e.g., Gantt Chart, Balanced Scorecard, Dashboard, etc.) might you use and why?
  • What are two tactical objectives that the organization might leverage to effectively address operations requirements and limit negative consequences?

Second paper

Discussion: ACHE Leadership Competencies

Leadership competencies are essential to the success of health care leaders. Many of these competencies are developed through on-the-job training, administrative fellowship programs, professional conferences, and graduate education. As a graduate student, it is important that you are able to assess your own leadership competencies and develop a professional improvement plan to hone your skills and become an effective industry leader. For this Discussion, you examine the ACHE leadership competencies and consider how you might improve your own leadership skills.

To prepare:

  • Review the document, ACHE Healthcare Executive 2016 Competencies Assessment Tool, which is in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the leadership competencies.
  • Reflect on whether you meet these leadership competencies, and consider your strengths and weaknesses.