Acme Manufacturing Co Fire Prevention and Protection Report Paper

Question Description

Fire Prevention and Protection Report

Acme Manufacturing Co. has another job for BSCI, and Bob Sanders (your supervisor) asks you to complete it. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a fire protection and prevention inspection. During the inspection, you make several notes, which you use to prepare a written report. Later, Bob Sanders (CSP) intends to utilize your report as he presents the details to the Board of Directors. During your field investigations, you find the following data:

Welding Shop

In the welding shop, you collect measurements of the floor space which measures 125 ft. x 80 ft. In the center of the room, near a column, you notice that there is one fire extinguisher, which is a 2A10B:C rated extinguisher. Determine if this is an adequate number of extinguishers for this area. Explain.

Molding Shop

In the molding shop, employees prepare resins to shape the molds used in creating one of the products manufactured by Acme. The area has a strong odor of acetone, which is used significantly in the preparation of the resin molds. In this area, you notice that there is a sprinkler system, and the sprinkler head is green. What is the maximum ceiling temperature for this area?

As mentioned, employees in this shop use a significant amount of acetone in the preparation process. Also while conducting the inspection of this shop, you notice an overhead gas space heater with an open flame. What are the UEL/UFL and LEL/LFL of acetone? What actions would you take immediately in this area? Explain.

Respond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the following in your report for this unit:

  • Introduction—briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).
  • Report details—briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).
  • Conclusions and recommendations—briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).
  • Appendix—Measurements and calculations (show your work).
  • At least one page (double-spaced) in length (not including the reference page and appendices).

clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Question Description

Review the Topic Materials and the work completed in NRS-433V to formulate a PICOT statement for your capstone project.

A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process.

Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project.

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

  1. Evidence-Based Solution
  2. Nursing Intervention
  3. Patient Care
  4. Health Care Agency
  5. Nursing Practice

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Geratology discussion response

Question Description

Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature…” and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as “I agree” or “good comment.”


  • Response posts: Minimum of one (1) total reference: one (1) from peer-reviewed or course materials reference per response.

Words Limits

  • Response posts: Minimum 100 words excluding references.

Peer discussion 1

This week’s assignment focuses on gerontological reminiscence. Included in the assigned readings and viewings is the film “Tuesdays with Morrie”. In this discussion post, I will discuss the modalities of reminiscence and life review and the significance of the life story of an elder. I will also discuss what I believe can be improved upon for effective communication, in addition to identifying the impact of culture and family values in care provided for the elderly.

“Tuesday’s with Morrie” involved a heavy amount of reminiscence from Morrie, as he discusses life lessons and how he personally learned them. Morrie makes it a point to tell his friend, Mitch, these life lessons that he learned, in an effort to help Mitch better his own life. By trying to help the younger generation understand that they could potentially die at any time, he urges Mitch to work to lead the life he wants to live, and try to avoid making some of the same mistakes that he did. Morrie feels that reminiscing validates his life, by remembering both the good times and the bad. He reminisces on his regrets of pride, vanity, and hardness of heart, and urges to forgive, so you can die surrounded by love and peace. Throughout the film, we see Morrie continually works to teach Mitch that shouldn’t be afraid to love, and don’t be afraid of giving himself to someone he may lose. Reminiscing about one’s life as an elder, especially those who are battling chronic diseases, can decrease depression (Syed Elias, Neville, Scott, 2015). Morrie is dying from ALS, and talks about how he lost the ability to use his legs first; this is something that haunts him, as he often reminisces about how much he loved to dance. Since many chronic and progressive diseases often come with the inability to do the things they love, it is important to allow the elderly to reminisce as part of a healthy coping process.

When it comes to improving communication strategies with the elderly, I feel that Morrie was trying to tell Mitch that it is important to listen to the lessons he was trying to teach. He strives to make Mitch understand that it is important not to pretend that the elderly don’t have feelings, and tells him that communication should be open and honest. It is silly to pretend that disease and death do not exist. He also discusses with Mitch the importance of touch…when we are infants, we yearn for it, yet we shun it as we age. Sometimes, as the elderly enter their final stages of life, they begin to yearn for touch again, even if it is as simple as holding their hand. This is something that I did when I sat by my grandmother’s hospice bed for a week, almost three years ago today as I write this post. I typed my papers for my very first nursing class of my BSN with one hand, while holding her hand with the other. Even though she wasn’t able to see me, I know on some level, she was comforted by my touch. We can even use music as a way to help communicate, and even help someone reminisce and cope with a disease process (Maruszewski, Bonk, Karcz, Retowski, 2017). Finally, Morrie tells Mitch not to be afraid of silence, as sometimes another’s presence alone is comforting enough. I feel that through active listening, touch, and presence, we can overcome many barriers to those with deficits during their final years.

In the film, Morrie has a funeral while he is still alive, so that he can see all of his family and close friends, and hear all of the nice things they have to say about him. Later on, he tells Mitch about his perfect day, which involves spending the day with those same close friends and family members. His day is nothing extravagant, simply walking in the park after a light lunch and then a big pasta dinner, followed by dancing. It is the simple things that meant the most to him, that he truly cherished, and wanted to do on his one perfect day. In the end of the film, he passes away at home (like he wanted), surrounded by his family and friends. When our loved one is dying, I believe it is imperative that we do the best we can to honor their wishes, and make their last bit of time as comfortable as possible.

In conclusion, I felt this film was a great window into essentially the dying process. Morrie discusses some of the most important moments in his life, while accomplishing his goal of teaching one more class to Mitch. He does all of this while reminiscing on his life, and teaching Mitch that “if you learn how to die, you will learn how to live” (Forte, Heyer, Ogden, Winfrey, 1999).


Forte, K. (Producer), Heyer, S. (Producer), Ogden, J. (Producer), Winfrey, O. (Producer), & Jackson, M. (Director). (1999). Tuesday’s with Morrie [Motion picture].United States of America: American Broadcasting Company.

Maruszewski, T., Bonk, E., Karcz, B., & Retowski, S. (2017 November). Elderly peoples preferences regarding reminiscence material. Educational Gerontology, 43(11): 531-539. Retrieved from:…

Syed Elias, S. M., Neville, C., & Scott, T. (2015 September-October). The effectiveness of group reminiscence therapy for loneliness, anxiety, and depression in older adults in long-term care: a systematic review. Geriatric Nursing, 36(5): 372-380. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2015.05.004

Peer discussion 2

A person’s life story is important because it gives a history of a person’s past, providing insight into that person’s present circumstances. The purpose of this discussion post is to discuss how life review and reminiscence therapy facilitates and highlights an elderly person’s life story, improvements that can be made to effectively communicate with geriatric patients with sensory impairments, and identifying the impacts that cultural and family values have in providing quality care for older patients.

For elderly people especially struggling with depression and loneliness, reminiscence therapy is a non-pharmacological intervention aimed at increasing a person’s self-esteem by relieving feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness (Elias, Neville, & Scott, 2015). Likewise, life review is a form of reminiscence therapy (called spiritual reminiscence therapy) that involves the person finding meaning in their past and future life (Elias et al., 2015). This form of reminiscence therapy focuses on a person’s life, and a person can find meaning and have positive self-esteem as they recount their life story. Furthermore, when this therapy is conducted in a group setting, the elderly patient benefits by establishing social connections, new relationships, and enhanced communication skills, thereby increasing self-esteem and reducing loneliness and depression (Elias et al., 2015).

To improve effective communication strategies for older adults with speech, hearing, vision, language, and cognitive impairments, investing extra time alone into each elderly patient interaction can greatly improve communication. Elderly patients are typically slower to respond, need information repeated, may take longer to process information, and desire to be treated as a valued human, and allowing for extra time can augment these interactions. Also, respectfully addressing the patient by their name, utilizing large-font written instructions, pictures, or diagrams, and providing audio instructions for patients who have difficulty seeing or reading can decrease communication barriers. Additionally, ensuring the patient is wearing their hearing aid and it is on, speaking slowly, and facing the patient directly at eye level can reduce hearing barriers (“Understanding Older Patients,” n.d.). For me, the biggest inference I can gain from the videos and articles of this week’s module is to have patience and empathy for elderly patients while giving them extra time. I think this is the most effective method for improving communication. In my practice, when I have a geriatric patient, I have to remind myself to slow down in my interview process, listen closely to them, and answer their questions slowly while making eye contact. It is my goal to provide respectful and empathetic care.

Finally, family and cultural values impact a person’s principles, life, and preferences, and these factors need to be considered to provide quality, appropriate care. Being aware of a patient’s family and cultural differences can direct the nurse to have cultural humility, which is an open-minded acceptance of differences, and this attitude helps one to provide culturally competent care (Andrews & Boyle, 2016).

In summary, the importance that reminiscence and life review therapy has on geriatric patients’ depression, anxiety, and loneliness have been analyzed related to recounting one’s life story. Effective communication improvements for elderly patients with impairments have also been discussed, as well and how one’s family and cultural values influence their care and preferences.


Andrews, M. M., & Boyle, J. S. (2016). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Elias, S. M. S., Neville, C., & Scott, T. (2015). The effectiveness of group reminiscence therapy for loneliness, anxiety and depression in older adults in long-term care: A systematic review. Geriatric Nursing36(5), 372–380.

Understanding Older Patients. (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2018, from 


Question Description


Colorful charts and graphs

Please follow the instructionsPlease there are two seperate papers on this1. Assignment on Critiquing Quantitative or mixed methods studies which is due by Day 7 of Week 7, 10/12/29182. Week 6 Discussion, validity in Quantitative Research Designs Due by day 3 wednesday 10/3/2018

Assignment: Critiquing Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods Studies

Critiquing the validity and robustness of research featured in journal articles provides a critical foundation for engaging in evidence-based practice. In Weeks 5 and 6, you explored quantitative research designs. In Week 7, you will examine qualitative and mixed methods research designs. For this Assignment, which is due by Day 7 of Week 7, you critique a quantitative and either a qualitative or a mixed methods research study and compare the types of information obtained in each.

To prepare:

  • Select a health topic of interest to you that is relevant to your current area of practice. The topic may be your Course Portfolio Project or a different topic of your choice.
  • Using the Walden Library, locate two articles in scholarly journals that deal with your portfolio topic: 1) Select one article that utilizes a quantitative research design and 2) select a second article that utilizes either a qualitative OR a mixed methods design. These need to be single studies not systematic or integrative reviews (including meta-analysis and metasynthesis). You may use research articles from your reference list. If you cannot find these two types of research on your portfolio topic, you may choose another topic.
  • Locate the following documents in this week’s Learning Resources to access the appropriate templates, which will guide your critique of each article:
    • Critique Template for a Qualitative Study
    • Critique Template for a Quantitative Study
    • Critique Template for a Mixed-Methods Study
  • Consider the fields in the templates as you review the information in each article. Begin to draft a paper in which you analyze the two research approaches as indicated below. Reflect on the overall value of both quantitative and qualitative research. If someone were to say to you, “Qualitative research is not real science,” how would you respond?

To complete this Assignment:

  • Complete the two critiques using the appropriate templates.
  • Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
  • Contrast the types of information that you gained from examining the two different research approaches in the articles that you selected.
    • Describe the general advantages and disadvantages of the two research approaches featured in the articles. Use examples from the articles for support.
    • Formulate a response to the claim that qualitative research is not real science. Highlight the general insights that both quantitative and qualitative studies can provide to researchers. Support your response with references to the Learning Resources and other credible sources.
  • As you complete this Assignment, remember to:
  • Submit your paper to Grammarly and SafeAssign through the Walden Writing Center. Based on the Grammarly and SafeAssign reports, revise your paper as necessary.
  • Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The School of Nursing Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available from the Walden University website found in this week’s Learning Resources). All papers submitted must use this formatting.
  • Combine all three parts of this assignment into one Word document including both critique templates and the narrative with your references. Submit this combined document.


This Assignment is due.

Week 6: Quantitative Research Designs—Part 2

Reflect on the following scenarios:

  • Wanda has been involved in a research study of the causes of tooth decay in elementary school children. Twenty-five percent of the students in the free breakfast program at a local school have been screened by a local dental hygienist. The dental hygienist finds an average of 3.5 cavities per student. The same dental hygienist recently screened 25% of the students in a school with no free breakfast program, and found an average of only 1.5 cavities per student. Wanda concludes that the breakfast served to students is the cause of higher tooth decay. Do you agree with Wanda? Can you think of other causes for the higher number of cavities among the students from the school with free breakfast?
  • Jerry is conducting a phone survey to determine public opinions on Medicaid reform. In order to get a random sample, Jerry decides to call the tenth number on the second column of every fifth page of the phone book. He also decides to stop sampling when he has completed 50 surveys. After reaching the target number, Jerry begins to analyze the data he has gathered and is surprised to find that opposition to reform is running about 18% higher than the national average. He is at a quandary to explain this significant difference in numbers. What are some reasons you can think of for the higher rate of opposition?

As you consider these scenarios, you may note issues or problems related to the validity of the research and conclusions. This week, you assess validity in quantitative research. You are introduced to the different types of validity and why they are important to consider when evaluating evidence and research studies. You also examine common threats to validity and consider how to minimize those threats.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Evaluate the internal validity of quantitative research studies
  • Assess the consequences of failing to analyze validity in quantitative research studies

Photo Credit: [Graphs and charts]/[E+]/Getty Images

Learning Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.


Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

  • Chapter 10, “Rigor and Validity in Quantitative Research”This chapter introduces the concept of validity in research and describes the different types of validity that must be addressed. Key threats to validity are also explored.
  • Chapter 11, “Specific Types of Quantitative Research”This chapter focuses on the specific types of quantitative research that can be selected. The focus is on the purpose of the research rather than the research design. These include such approaches as clinical trials, evaluation research, health services and outcomes research, needs assessments, or replication studies.

Cantrell, M. A. (2011). Demystifying the research process: Understanding a descriptive comparative research design. Pediatric Nursing, 37(4), 188–189.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
The author of this article discusses the primary aspects of a prominent quantitative research design. The article examines the advantages and disadvantages of the design.

Schultz, L. E., Rivers, K. O., & Ratusnik, D. L. (2008). The role of external validity in evidence-based practice for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology, 53(3), 294–302.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
This article details the results of a study that sought to balance concern for rigor with concern for relevance. The authors of the article derive and determine a rating format for relevance and apply it to cognitive rehabilitation.
Note: For the Discussion this week, you will need to read the method section of one of the following quasi-experimental studies. Refer to the details provided in the Week 6 Discussion area.

Metheny, N. A., Davis-Jackson, J., & Stewart, B. J. (2010). Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol. Nursing Research, 59(1), 18–25.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Padula, C. A., Hughes, C., & Baumhover, L. (2009). Impact of a nurse-driven mobility protocol on functional decline in hospitalized older adults. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(4), 325–331.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Yuan, S.-C., Chou, M.-C., Hwu, L.-J., Chang, Y.-O., Hsu, W.-H., & Kuo, H.-W. (2009). An intervention program to promote health-related physical fitness in nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(10), 1,404–1,411.

Walden University. (n.d.a.). Paper templates. Retrieved July 23, 2012, from
This resource provides you access to the School of Nursing Sample Paper, which will serve as a template for formatting your papers.

Document: Critique Template for a Qualitative Study (Word document)
Note: You will use this document to complete this week’s Assignment.

Document: Critique Template for a Quantitative Study (Word document)
Note: You will use this document to complete this week’s Assignment.

Document: Critique Template for a Mixed-Methods Study (Word document)
Note: You will use this document to complete this week’s Assignment.

Discussion: Validity in Quantitative Research Designs

Validity in research refers to the extent researchers can be confident that the cause and effect they identify in their research are in fact causal relationships. If there is low validity in a study, it usually means that the research design is flawed and the results will be of little or no value. Four different aspects of validity should be considered when reviewing a research design: statistical conclusion validity, internal validity, construct validity, and external validity. In this Discussion, you consider the importance of each of these aspects in judging the validity of quantitative research.

To prepare:

  • Review the information in Chapter 10 of the course text on rigor and validity.
  • Read the method section of one of the following quasi-experimental studies (also located in this week’s Learning Resources). Identify at least one potential concern that could be raised about the study’s internal validity.
    • Metheny, N. A., Davis-Jackson, J., & Stewart, B. J. (2010). Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol. Nursing Research, 59(1), 18–25.
    • Padula, C. A., Hughes, C., & Baumhover, L. (2009). Impact of a nurse-driven mobility protocol on functional decline in hospitalized older adults. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(4), 325–331.
    • Yuan, S., Chou, M., Hwu, L., Chang, Y., Hsu, W., & Kuo, H. (2009). An intervention program to promote health-related physical fitness in nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(10), 1,404–1,411.
  • Consider strategies that could be used to strengthen the study’s internal validity and how this would impact the three other types of validity.
  • Think about the consequences of an advanced practice nurse neglecting to consider the validity of a research study when reviewing the research for potential use in developing an evidence-based practice.


Post the title of the study that you selected and your analysis of the potential concerns that could be raised about the study’s internal validity. Propose recommendations to strengthen the internal validity and assess the effect your changes could have with regard to the other three types of validity. Discuss the dangers of failing to consider the validity of a research study.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, and evidence. Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own review of the literature in the Walden Library.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional sources.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.
  • Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.


Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Week 6 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 6

To participate in this Discussion:
Week 6 Discussion

how to plan care for patients while considering their diverse cultural backgrounds.

Question Description

This week, you will learn how to plan care for patients while considering their diverse cultural backgrounds. This is an APA paper, which requires a title page, double spacing, and set up as per the example papers in your APA book. Please select a culture different from the one you chose to research in week 2 Which is Islamic Culture.


Click here to view The Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model (2002) article

Then, address the following:

  1. Describe the key components of conducting a comprehensive cultural assessment (rationales, interventions and evaluations may be found on the internet).
  2. Choose two of the components, reflect on your own culture and how it impacts your own attitude toward those aspects of providing culturally diverse care.
  3. Imagine that you are working in a physician’s office. A patient of a background different from your own comes in to be seen for a newly diagnosed problem. Create two nursing diagnoses that reflect cultural diversity (look at Appendix A for guidance ie., “Barrier to communication”); then give rationale for each diagnosis and describe how you would intervene and evaluate for success of your plan of care


Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.


Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 6th edition formatting, citations and references. Click here to download the Microsoft Word APA 6th edition template. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 6th edition book as well before submitting the assignment.

Number of Pages/Words

Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title and reference pages.


Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care, Joyceen S. Boyle & Margaret M. Andrews. (2015), 7th edition.

  • Chapters 3 – Cultural Competence in the Health History and Physical Examination
  • Chapters 10 – Transcultural Perspectives in Mental Health Nursing
  • Chapters 11 – Culture, Family, and Community
  • Chapters 13 – Religion, Culture, and Nursing


Click here to view The Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model (2002) article

Philosophy of Nursing

Using the Reflecting on the Philosophy of Nursing assignment submitted during the Transition to Professional Nursing course, describe how your 2, 5, and 10 year career plan may have changed based on the future trends and opportunities identified in your chosen area of focus.

Remember that this is a proper APA formatted paper and you are expected to follow all APA rules. Be sure to review your APA manual. (Reminder – all professional papers have an introduction and conclusion). Follow the instructions and rubric to ensure that you include all that is required. Be sure to follow the approx. 100 word limit for each section – being concise is just as important as meeting the minimum requirements for professional papers. When referencing your previous UTA courses, use this tip: look in the index of your APA book for “unpublished” or Google “how to cite a college course in APA” then from Google click on a well-known APA website. This is how you would cite this course:

Boyd, J. (2018). Capstone. University of Texas at Arlington. Retrieved from

Be sure to contact your coach for questions. Enjoy your week everyone!

Complete your assignment using the document attached above.

Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice.

Question Description

Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally.

You are required to post one scholarly activity while you are in the BSN program, which should be documented by the end of this course. In addition to this submission, you are required to be involved and contribute to interdisciplinary initiatives on a regular basis.

Submit, as the assignment, a summary report of the scholarly activity, including who, what, where, when and any relevant take-home points. Include the appropriate program competencies associated with the scholarly activity as well as future professional goals related to this activity. You may use the ATTACHED “Scholarly Activity Summary” resource to help guide this assignment.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation


Long-term care and Muslim

Question Description

Long-term care and Muslim 

In this scenario, you are administrators at a hospital that has seen an increase in the number of patients coming in for treatment that require the specific health care accommodations. As a result, hospital staff have repeatedly asked for more training to know how to more effectively interact with these patients.

600 word paper to assist hospital staff with how best to interact with these patients. Cover the following:

  • Review any policies that inform on this population.
  • Cite any previous cases regarding the interaction between the health care industry and the culture, religion, or ethnicity.
  • Review best practices typical for an organization that you selected.
  • Identify internal resources that would be available at the organization you selected.
  • Identify organizations that can assist with the population you selected.

Question Description

I want you to write about how Saudi Arabia is going to capitalism. the main points are on attached file. Also, I want you to give my opinion in the paper. My opinion as a Saudi guy 21 years old who came from Riyadh all the way to California to get bachelor degree, and go back again to riyadh after I complete my degree . Also I support the 2030 vision. The women rights in Saudi Arabia now like they can drive, not cover their face. Mainly write about Saudi economy and Abdullah Financial city in riyadh.

10 pages

7 sources

double spaced

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Explanation of Medical Diagnosis

Question Description


School of Nursing



Explanation of Medical Diagnosis

Diagnosis _______________________________________________________________


Textbook Signs and Symptoms__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Client’s Signs and Symptoms__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Treatments__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Current Treatments__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Prevention __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


School of Nursing



Explanation of Medical Diagnosis

Diagnosis _______________________________________________________________


Textbook Signs and Symptoms__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Client’s Signs and Symptoms__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Treatments__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Current Treatments__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Prevention __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Medication Sheets

A.What is the medication used for?

B.Why would a patient being taking it?

C.What are the most common side effects?

D.What vital signs could be affected?

E.What labs could be affected?

Drug nameAnswer to 5 questions
Vital signs:B.
Drug nameAnswer to 5 questions
Vital signs:B.




Nursing Process Report Form


Nursing Diagnosis (R/T and AEB):
Assessment DataNursing InterventionsScientific Rationale(including references)
Subjective AssessmentObjective AssessmentAssessmentDecrease Stressors and/or Strengthen Lines of DefenseTeaching Counseling
Measurable and Realistic OutcomesShort TermLong Term

Short Term Outcome:_____ Met_____ Partially Met_____ Not


Long Term Outcome:_____ Met_____ Partially Met_____Not MetDescribe:



School of Nursing



Explanation of Medical Diagnosis

Diagnosis _______________________________________________________________


Textbook Signs and Symptoms__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Client’s Signs and Symptoms__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Treatments__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Current Treatments__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Prevention __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


School of Nursing



Explanation of Medical Diagnosis

Diagnosis _______________________________________________________________


Textbook Signs and Symptoms__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Client’s Signs and Symptoms__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Treatments__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Current Treatments__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Prevention __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Medication Sheets

A.What is the medication used for?

B.Why would a patient being taking it?

C.What are the most common side effects?

D.What vital signs could be affected?

E.What labs could be affected?

Drug nameAnswer to 5 questions
Vital signs:B.
Drug nameAnswer to 5 questions
Vital signs:B.




Nursing Process Report Form


Nursing Diagnosis (R/T and AEB):
Assessment DataNursing InterventionsScientific Rationale(including references)
Subjective AssessmentObjective AssessmentAssessmentDecrease Stressors and/or Strengthen Lines of DefenseTeaching Counseling
Measurable and Realistic OutcomesShort TermLong Term

Short Term Outcome:_____ Met_____ Partially Met_____ Not


Long Term Outcome:_____ Met_____ Partially Met_____Not MetDescribe:



Safety and Quality in Nursing

Question Description

Written assignment – Safety and Quality in Nursing

  1. In a 3-5 page paper (not including title page or reference page), Tutor is to write about a safety of quality issue in nursing and how they can actively be a part of the solution. which is Burnout in nursing and patient satisfaction
  2. Papers are to include:
    1. The safety or quality issue,
    2. Why the selected topic is an issue,
    3. What is currently being done about the safety/quality issue, and
    4. How they can actively take part in change.

This 15-18 page paper must be typed with a 1” margin on all sides, 5-space indentation, font 12 Times Roman, double-spaced. The paper will include a cover page, a 150-200 word abstract page, introduction, the body of the paper, conclusions, and references on a reference page. The paper should include at least six academic references. It must comply with APA rules.