What nursing roles should be in place to support the use of evidenced-based practice?

Write 3–5 pages in which you describe a nursing informatics best practices policy for effective and safe data use in a nursing practice setting or organization.By successfully completing this assess

Write 3–5 pages in which you describe a nursing informatics best practices policy for effective and safe data use in a nursing practice setting or organization.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 2: Identify strategies and best practices for using informatics in nursing and health care.       
    • Describe the best practices needed to promote and support data security.
    • Describe the ethical standards needed to promote patient confidentiality.
    • Describe regulatory requirements that promote and support positive patient outcomes related to a specific population.
    • Describe the types of behaviors and skills nurse leaders need to guide the use of information technology and research for improved patient-care outcomes.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with expectations of a nursing professional.       
    • Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

  • How do nurses develop best practice?
  • How does research support best practice?
  • What are best practices in your organization that you think are exemplars for improving patient care?
  • What nursing roles should be in place to support the use of evidenced-based practice?
  • How would you describe the concept of meaningful use and technology adoption stages: electronic health records (EHR) incentive programs, and how does this fit within the context of best practice?
  • What are the main points to consider as you review The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and why is this best practice?
  • How does the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA) support patient safety and improved patient outcomes?

Assessment Instructions 

Imagine an organization asks you to contribute to the development of an information system best-practices policy to help maintain patient safety and patient confidentiality in their practice setting. The organization wants you to create a document to help the group better understand why an informatics policy is needed and the practices that should be included in the policy.

A nursing informatics best-practices document can serve multiple purposes, such as a handout for new-hire orientation or as a background report given to a committee tasked with creating or updating a nursing informatics best-practices policy.


To expand your understanding of nursing informatics best practices within the industry, research the most current information about the topics of nursing best-practices documents and nursing informatics best practices.

Using different methods (Web search, for example), locate 4–6 scholarly articles related to best practices designed to support positive patient outcomes related to the following areas:

  • The meaning of secure data practices.
  • Ethical standards needed to promote and support data security.
  • Patient confidentiality.
  • Regulatory requirements.
  • Behaviors and skills nurse leaders need to guide the use of information technology and research for improved patient-care outcomes.


Create a description of a nursing informatics best-practices policy document designed to define and encourage effective and safe data use in a practice setting or organization.

  • Purpose Statement: Statement of why an organization would create the policy. Include any reasons and intent that supports the creation of an informatics best-practices policy.
  • Best Practices Definitions and Descriptions: 
    • Definitions of secure practices, data security, and patient confidentiality.
    • Ethical standards.
    • Regulatory requirements.
  • Implementation: 
    • Behaviors – describe the behaviors nurse leaders will need to demonstrate that will guide implementation of the policy.
    • Skills required – describe the skills needed to ensure policy adherence.

Format your document using the professional format and style (corporate identity) used in your organization or practice setting. Note: If you are not currently working in an organizational setting, follow the formatting instructions below.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • Number of resources: Cite a minimum of four peer-reviewed resources.
  • Length: Submit 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

Discuss and provide 2 specific ways Early Conceptualization About Nursing Theory can be applied to advanced practice nursing. Identify one MSN Essential that most relates to this particular topic.

Discuss  and provide 2 specific ways Early Conceptualization About Nursing Theory can be applied to advanced practice nursing. Identify one MSN Essential that most relates to this particular topic.*

Discuss  and provide 2 specific ways Early Conceptualization About Nursing Theory can be applied to advanced practice nursing. Identify one MSN Essential that most relates to this particular topic.

* find the MSN Essentials which help to guide and shape graduate nursing education. Select 1 of these essentials that most closely reflect the concepts of this theory.**

Please make sure that your submission adheres to the following:

3. All discussion posts must be minimum 250 words, references must be cited in APA format, and must include minimum of 2 scholarly resources published within the past 5-7 years.  Please be sure to cite your reference(s) in APA format, at the end of your posting. Students must respond at least to 2 classmates and response posts must be minimum 100 words.

Identify key leadership skills, knowledge, or abilities required for the position.

Impact Report to Senior Leadership.Write a 4–6 page impact report to senior leadership that identifies a nursing-related challenge, analyzes how it affects the organization from a nursing perspectiv

Impact Report to Senior Leadership.

Write a 4–6 page impact report to senior leadership that identifies a nursing-related challenge, analyzes how it affects the organization from a nursing perspective, and details the new position.

Each organization has a unique structure that impacts the behavior of the organization. In health care organizations, this impact is on the ability of the organization to deliver quality patient care. Nursing is an essential component of any health care organization, and nursing leaders must understand the role of nursing and nursing leadership within the total organization. Understanding basic organizational structure, mission, vision, philosophy, and values will better prepare nurse leaders to improve quality and patient outcomes.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Identify nursing leadership priorities, using a systems perspective.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Identify a nursing challenge and its impact from a nursing perspective. 
  • Competency 2: Apply systems theory and systems thinking to facilitate health care delivery and patient outcomes.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Explain how the nursing challenge creates a gap or conflict between the organization’s statements and practice.
    • (IMPORTANT) -Identify organizational factors that impact the situation using a SWOT analysis.
  • Competency 4: Evaluate how power relates to health care organizational structure, behavior, and leadership.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Assess how the new nurse leader position should apply leadership skills, knowledge, or abilities to exert power and influence and impact patient outcomes. 
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and current APA style.

This is basically the same but resumed:

  1. Criterion    Identify a nursing challenge and its impact from a nursing perspective.  
  2. Criterion    Explain how the identified nursing challenge creates a gap or conflict between the organization’s statements and practice.   
  3. Criterion    Identify organizational factors that impact the situation using a SWOT analysis. 
  4. Assess how the new nurse leader position should apply leadership skills, knowledge, or abilities to exert power and influence and impact patient outcomes.
  5. Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and current APA style.

Assessment Instructions 


Use the Suggested Resources for this assessment to study systems theory, SWOT analysis, and shared governance teams, as background for an Impact Report to Senior Leadership. The report includes a SWOT analysis. The SWOT Analysis Template is linked in Required Resources.

  • Study a facility in your area and examine its Web site and any available public documents to aid you in completing this assessment. You may wish to examine an organization where you work, where you have worked in the past, or where you did your clinical work.
  • Do not name the organization in your report; instead, identify the type of facility and location. Example: A rehabilitation center in a midsize Midwestern city.

Use the following scenario as the basis for your report:Scenario The unit-based Shared Governance Council of the organization where you work has identified a major nursing-related challenge (patient/staff safety, confidentiality, management/staff conflict, poor patient satisfaction survey scores, or nursing staff shortages) within your health care organization. In an unusual move, your system administrator is considering creating a new nurse leadership position that would have the responsibility and authority to address this specific issue. As a member of the shared governance council’s subcommittee, you have been asked to write the committee’s final report. 

Deliverable: Impact Report to Senior Leadership

Write a 4–6 page impact report to senior leadership that identifies the challenge, analyzes how it affects the organization from a nursing perspective, and details the new position.

  • Use systems thinking and leadership theory as tools to approach this problem. 

Construct the report with the following headings:

The Nursing Challenge:

  • Identify the nursing challenge and its impact from a nursing perspective. Choose from:      
    • Patient/staff safety, confidentiality, management/staff conflict, poor patient-satisfaction survey scores, or nursing staff shortages.

The System/Organization:

  • Explain how the nursing challenge creates a gap or conflict between the organization’s statements and practice.      
    • Identify the organization type—that is, specialty hospital, teaching hospital, major health care system, et cetera, and summarize the organizational structure, its mission, vision, and philosophy statements.
    • Use systems theory and systems thinking to explain the gap or conflict.

SWOT Analysis:

Use the SWOT Analysis Template linked in Required Resources and include the SWOT analysis table in your paper.

  • Identify organizational factors that impact the situation using a SWOT analysis.      
    • For example, a budget cut may cause short staffing, which relates directly to the problem.
  • What factors within the system may facilitate a solution for this problem?

The Position:

  • Assess how the new nurse leader position will have power and influence and impact patient outcomes.
  • How will this position affect change within the organization?
  • Identify key leadership skills, knowledge, or abilities required for the position.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Length: The report should be 4–6 pages in content length. Include a separate title page and a separate reference page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced.
  • Number of resources: Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.

Discuss how your personal value relate to your choice of nursing as a profession,discuss how you think this will relate to your nursing practice in future

1.Discuss how your personal value relate to your choice of nursing as a profession,discuss how you think this will relate to your nursing practice in future2.as you come on duty you check your client

1.Discuss how your personal value relate to your choice of nursing as a profession,discuss how you think this will relate to your nursing practice in future

2.as you come on duty you check your client chart and notice that he received an injection of demerol 100mg at 2pm and again 3.30pm today, 2 different nurse administered this injection, administration of  medication is ordered every 4 hours

a.what action would you take and why?

b.what legal implications apply to this situation

c.discuss this situation in relationship to the importance of documentation

d.has a crime been committed?why or why not?

3.you see a licensed nurse at the facility where you work take some money out of a coworkers backpack.what action would you take and why? how does the scenario affect your coworker nursing license? how could it affect your nursing license?.

4.you are working part-time in a hospital while you attend school.a patient there is being discharged tomorrow and ask you on a date next Saturday

(assume that you are attractive to your patient)

a.what is your response? why?

b.what are the legal implication of dating a client?      

Describe the knowledge, values, and skills you will need to practice holistically?

As discussed earlier, nursing is both an art and a science. While your foundation of decision making and practice standards emphasize science, it is the art of nursing that is highlighted and showcase

As discussed earlier, nursing is both an art and a science. While your foundation of decision making and practice standards emphasize science, it is the art of nursing that is highlighted and showcased when practicing holistically.

Now that you have learned about holistic nursing, in this written assignment, think about yourself as a practicing “holistic nurse.” In no more than three pages:

  1. Describe the knowledge, values, and skills you will need to practice holistically?
  2. Discuss how this approach to nursing care can promote positive client health outcomes?
  3. Identify two possible challenges or issues you might face in practicing holistically and how you might overcome them

What, if anything, should Sue have done differently in completing her employee performance evaluations?

Sue T. is a nurse manager for medical-surgical units at a hospital. She is enrolled in a nursing master’s degree program at the local university. As part of the requirements for a Nursing Management c

Sue T. is a nurse manager for medical-surgical units at a hospital. She is enrolled in a nursing master’s degree program at the local university. As part of the requirements for a Nursing Management course, Sue proposes to conduct a study linking nursing interventions with nursing outcomes. She returns to her unit at night for two weeks to audit patient charts and collect the data she needs. She makes copies of the records that are particularly helpful and takes them home to write the final paper. As Sue is developing her paper, she realizes that the information she has collected may be helpful in completing her nursing staff performance evaluations. She decides to collect further patient outcome data for individual nurses to monitor their performance.

  1. Has Sue violated ethical principles by collecting data for a college assignment? Why or why not?
  2. Has she violated ethical principles by collecting patient data for employee performance evaluations? why or why not?
  3. What, if anything, should Sue have done differently in completing her assignment?
  4. What, if anything, should Sue have done differently in completing her employee performance evaluations?

future of nursing practice and the role of nursing in the emerging health-care environment.

You have to create an E-Poster on what you see as the future of nursing practice and the role of nursing in the emerging health-care environment. You need to predict the future based on present eviden

You have to create an E-Poster on what you see as the future of nursing practice and the role of nursing in the emerging health-care environment. You need to predict the future based on present evidence.

The E-Poster needs to include the following:

1. Introduction

2. Statement of the issue

3. Evidence supporting the issue

4. Prediction of the future role of the nurse

5. Conclusion

6. References: minimum of three references from peer-reviewed nursing journals (encourage the use of international journals). Articles need to be within the last 3 years unless historical.

Describe a nursing error that may occur in a clinical practice (e.g., clinical setting, skills lab, or simulation).

The purpose of this task is to develop a working knowledge of nursing theory, nursing ethics, and professional accountability and apply these concepts to your professional clinical practice. You will

The purpose of this task is to develop a working knowledge of nursing theory, nursing ethics, and professional accountability and apply these concepts to your professional clinical practice. You will be required to think about real-life scenarios and how they relate to nursing codes in your professional practice.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. 

A.  Identify a nursing theory that has influenced your values and goals.

1.  Explain how nurses apply the identified theory from part A to implement excellent nursing practices.

2.  Discuss how the identified theory from part A fits your professional practice. 

B.  Identify the contributions of two historical nursing figures in the nineteenth or twentieth century.

1.  Compare the differences in contributions of the two historical figures identified in part B.

2.  Describe how the contributions of the two historical figures influence your professional nursing practice. 

C.  Explain the functional differences between the State Board of Nursing and the American Nurses Association (ANA).

1.  Define the roles of these two organizations.

2.  Explain how these two organizations influence your nursing practice.

3.  Explain the requirements for professional license renewal in your state.

a.  Discuss the consequences of failure to maintain license requirements in your state.

4.  Compare the differences between registered nursing license requirements in a compact state versus a non-compact state. 

D.  Discuss the functional differences between the Food and Drug Administration and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (see the web links below).

1.  Discuss how the two regulatory agencies influence your professional nursing practice.

a.  Describe your role as a patient advocate in promoting safety when a patient has requested to use an alternative therapy. 

E.  Discuss the purposes of the Nurse Practice Act in your state and its impact on your professional practice.

1.  Discuss the scope of practice for a RN in your state.

2.  Discuss how your state defines delegation for the RN. 

F.  Apply each of the following roles to your professional practice:

•   a scientist

•   a detective

•   a manager of the healing environment 

G.  Identify two provisions from the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics (see web link below).

1.  Analyze how the two provisions identified in part G influence your professional nursing practice.

2.  Describe a nursing error that may occur in a clinical practice (e.g., clinical setting, skills lab, or simulation).

a.  Explain how the ANA provisions identified in part G can be applied to the error discussed in part G2. 

H.  Identify four leadership qualities or traits that represent excellence in nursing.

1.  Discuss the significance of the four leadership qualities identified in part H in the nurse’s role as each of the following:

•   a leader at the bedside

•   within a nursing team or interdisciplinary team

2.  Identify how your work environment impacts the following:

•   nursing leadership

•   decision making

•   professional development 

I.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. 

J.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


A. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909813

A nursing theory that has influenced the candidate’s values and goals   is identified.

A1. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909813

The explanation of how nurses apply the selected theory in part A to   plan excellent nursing practices is logical.

A2. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909813

The discussion of how the theory from part A fits the candidate’s   professional practice is relevant, and it accurately addresses the identified   theory.

B. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909185

The contributions of 2 historical nursing figures in the nineteenth or   twentieth century is identified.

B1. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909185

The comparison accurately addresses the differences in the   contributions of the 2 historical figures identified in part B and is logical   and well supported.

B2. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909269

The description of how the contributions of the 2 historical nursing   figures have influenced the candidate’s nursing practice is accurate.

C. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909391

The explanation of the functional differences between the State Board   of Nursing and the ANA is accurate and well supported.

C1. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909391

The definition of the roles of the State Board of Nursing and the ANA   is provided and supported.

C2. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124910128

The explanation of how the State Board of Nursing and the ANA   influence the candidate’s nursing practice is accurate and relevant.

C3. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124910128

The explanation of the requirements for professional license renewal   in the candidate’s state is accurate and well supported.

C3a. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124910128

The discussion of the consequences of failure to maintain license in   the candidate’s state is accurate.

C4. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909391

The comparison accurately addresses the differences between registered   nursing license requirements in a compact state versus a non-compact state   and is well supported.

D. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124914320

The discussion of the functional differences between the given   agencies is accurate and well supported.

D1. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124914320

The discussion of how the regulatory agencies influence the   candidate’s professional nursing practice is relevant.

D1a. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124914320

The discussion of the candidate’s role as a patient advocate in   promoting safety when the patient has selected an alternative treatment is   relevant.

E. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909391

The discussion of the purposes of the Nurse Practice Act and its   influence on the candidate’s professional practice is accurate and well   supported.

E1. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909391

The discussion of the scope of practice for an RN in the candidate’s   state is logical and well supported.

E2. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124909391

The discussion of how the candidate’s state defines delegation for the   RN is logical and well supported.

F. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2zUu4WEvTZ4eWsxa0Zia1JMeDg/edit

The discussion of the application of each nursing role to the candidate’s professional practice is   relevant.

G. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124910272

2 provisions from the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics   are accurately identified.

G1. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124910272

The analysis accurately addresses how the 2 provisions identified in   part G influence the candidate’s professional nursing practice and the   analysis is reasoned.

G2. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124910530

The description of a nursing error in a clinical practice example is   relevant.

G2a. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124910272

The explanation of how the ANA provisions in part G can be applied to   the error from part G2 is relevant.

H. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124913469

4 leadership qualities or traits that represent excellence in nursing   are identified, and are appropriate for a nursing practice.

H1. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124913469

The discussion of how the nurse uses the identified leadership   qualities or traits in part H includes each   of the 4 traits, includes each of   the given roles, and it is relevant.

H2. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/124913469

The submission identifies of how the work environment is impacted, and   provides relevant details and examples of how each given point is impacted.

I. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/71484321

The submission includes in-text citations and references for content   that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent   application of APA style.

J. https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/27641407

Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the   main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology   is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended   meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and   understanding.

Nursing Change Agents

part 1 Nursing Change AgentsThe involvement of the community in determining the nursing and health requirements of the residents is critical. This is because the people help provide solutions to prob

part 1 

Nursing Change Agents

The involvement of the community in determining the nursing and health requirements of the residents is critical. This is because the people help provide solutions to problems that directly affect them like the case of health problems due to less or lack of exercise infrastructure within a community (Kelly & Symonds, 2017). If the community team identified that the construction of pedestrian walkways would help bring the community to a higher level of health consciousness and healthy lifestyles, the team must be prepared for the barriers. This paper addresses factors that would promote the construction and those that would hinder as well as recommendations for the barriers.

The community would save as the primary promoters for the construction of the walkways. This means that there would be a lot of resources directed at the project. This is because the initiative is from the direct recipients of the health issue and concern. Residents and members of the community would want to participate or encourage the completion of the project considering that it would benefit them all. Another factor that would promote the construction of the walkways is accountability and integrity. The release of funds or the construction period has several checks and balances from the entire community (Kelly & Symonds, 2017).

The lack of funds can be a problem for the construction of the walkways. It is important to note that construction of such walkways is expensive in several ways; firstly some public land and private land might be used. Secondly, the funds to put up the structure might not be readily available (Clark, 2015). However, the team can invite investors, seek donations from charity organizations or urge the members to contribute reasonably .this would raise the required funds. The second factor that would hinder the construction is inadequate to support from the community. Considering that it is a community initiative, unity is critical to ensure that the project achieves the desired objective. Issues such as demonstrations from unsatisfied residents can be common. To curb such issues a sensitization forum can be help or advocacy groups from the team to inform the entire community (Clark, 2015).

part 2

 Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the community project.  How would you determine what community initiatives are already underway upon which you can build? 

Module 02 Discussion – Disorders of the Central Nervous System (CNS)

Module 02 Discussion – Disorders of the Central Nervous System (CNS)

Module 02 Discussion – Disorders of the Central Nervous System (CNS)

You are preparing to work as a nurse in the neurology unit. The preceptor informs you to be prepared to discuss the following topics as they are commonly seen on the unit. In order to prepare, choose one of the following topics of interest as your initial discussion posting. Use this course’s resources and one evidence-based article to explore the topic of your choice.

  1.  How do you assess a client when the nurse suspects the onset of CVA?
  2.  Provide discharge information for a client with mild TBI.
  3.  Discuss surgical management of brain tumors.
  4.  Describe postoperative complications of a craniotomy. Module 02 Discussion – Disorders of the Central Nervous System (CNS)


Describe postoperative complications of a craniotomy


According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the surgical removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain is a craniotomy. The temporary section of the bone removed is known as the bone flap, and it is replaced after the brain surgery has been done. This procedure eliminates the brain tumor, improves symptoms related to the lesion, and decreases the tumor size (Craniotomy, n.d.). However, it is important to monitor the client’s dressing for excessive drainage after the craniotomy procedure.


At an early stage, the client may experience complications such as increased intracranial pressure with symptoms of headache, deteriorating LOC, restlessness, and irritability. The client may experience hydrocephalus, resulting in headaches, decreased LOC, irritability, blurred vision, and urinary incontinence. Also, subdural and epidural hematoma and intracranial hemorrhage can manifest as severe headaches, rapid LOC decrease, progressive neurologic deficits, and herniation syndromes. Respiratory complications such as atelectasis, pneumonia, and neurogenic pulmonary edema may be presented. The client can experience complications at a late stage such as wound infection, seizure, cerebrospinal fluid leak, cerebral edema, meningitis, fluid and electrolyte imbalance (dehydration and hypo or hypernatremia), and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) (Ignatavicius, Workman, et al., 2021). Module 02 Discussion – Disorders of the Central Nervous System (CNS)



Craniotomy. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/craniotomy


Ignatavicius, D.D., & Workman, M.L., Rebar, C. & Heimgartner, N. M. (2021). Medical-surgical nursing: Concepts for interprofessional care (10th ed.). Elsevier.