Long-Term Investment Decisions

Question Description

Assignment 3: Long-Term Investment Decisions
Due Week 9 and worth 300 points

Assume that the low-calorie frozen, microwavable food company from Assignments 1 and 2 wants to expand, and has to make some long-term capital budgeting decisions. The company is currently facing increases in the costs of major ingredients.

Use the Internet and Strayer databases to research government policies and regulation.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Outline a plan that managers in the low-calorie, frozen microwaveable food company could follow in anticipation of raising prices when selecting pricing strategies for making their products’ response to a change in price less elastic. Provide a rationale for your response.
  2. Examine the major effects that government policies have on production and employment. Predict the potential effects that government policies could have on your company.
  3. Determine whether or not government regulation to ensure fairness in the low-calorie, frozen microwavable food industry is needed. Cite the major reasons for government involvement in a market economy. Provide two (2) examples of government involvement in a similar market economy to support your response.
  4. Examine the major complexities that would arise under expansion via capital projects. Propose key actions that the company could take in order to prevent or address these complexities.
  5. Suggest the substantive manner in which the company could create a convergence between the interests of stockholders and managers. Indicate the most likely impact to profitability of such a convergence. Provide two (2) examples of instances that support your response.
  6. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Propose how differences in demand and elasticity lead managers to develop various pricing strategies.
  • Analyze the economic impact of contracting, governance and organizational form within organizations.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in managerial economics and globalization.
  • Write clearly and concisely about managerial economics and globalization using proper writing mechanics.

Click here to view the grading rubric.

Memorial’s Healthcare System: Organizational Change and Workforce Management for the Future

Question Description

Option #1: Memorial’s Healthcare System: Organizational Change and Workforce Management for the Future

Memorial Hospital System (MHS) has been facing many serious issues including leadership problems, staffing deficiency, and financial hardship. Challenges include:

  • High staff turnover, which doubled to 20% in the past two years and is expected to rise.
  • Healthcare costs that continue to spiral out of control, with plummeting reimbursement (overall margin is negative and working capital reserves are below industry standards).
  • An inability to raise capital funding due to a bond rating that was lowered earlier this year to “junk” status.
  • MHS is a union shop for non-managerial workforce staff and the contract between management and the union is up for renewal this fiscal year.
  • MHS is in the process of implementing complex and expensive multi-year healthcare information systems such as Electronic Health Record and other critical-need clinical information systems.
  • MHS is facing significant competition from other local healthcare facilities.

Last year, a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was hired. She identified the current organizational culture as apathetic, leaderless, and resistant to change. She also noted that the staff was under stress, resisting teamwork, accepting mediocrity, and compromising patient safety values and industry best practices. The CEO noted that critical human resources functions were broken and that financial performance was suffering. She attributed this to a variety of process issues as well as to the lack of focus on the core business of patient care.

In response, she decided to implement the following strategies:

  • change the organizational culture;
  • improve human resources and workforce practices and outcomes;
  • ensure the organization’s solvency and financial viability in the long run; and
  • cutting costs across the board including implementing a labor-reduction strategy (salary and benefits) with an aggressive timeline to turn around the financial bottom line.

Within a few months after these strategies were implemented, the MHS started to show less of a financial loss and seemed to stabilize financially. The morale of the staff, however, took a significant hit in the wrong direction. Staff turnover increased as the sense of job security decreased and as an increasing number of valued and critical staff, in all areas, left. Soon, MHS experienced an increase in patient complaints and lowered customer service, with signs of a negative impact on clinical patient outcomes.

Now the CEO, with approval and support from the MHS Board of Directors, wants to create a dynamic long-term organization and human resources strategic plan to put MHS on the right track. To formulate and implement this plan, the CEO hired a well-known consultant who is tasked with performing a system-wide organization and human resources assessment.

Within the scope of this assessment is the development and formulation of a multilevel strategic program. This new program is to be implemented system-wide with the goal to help MHS leaders understand the link among finances, employee morale, human resources functions, and patient satisfaction. The end result of this assessment is: to create a culture of accountability; to shift the culture to one of services after two years; to attract, hire, and retain staff; and to implement best practices in workforce management.


Assume that you are the consultant the CEO hired to do this assessment project. Your main task is to identify the key components involved in changing the organizational culture and to identify the steps needed to generate sustainable change.

Here are the deliverables that the board of directors and CEO want to see from you:

  • Develop a comprehensive organization and human resources strategic plan. The plan has two major sections: organization development and human resources. The CEO and board of directors expect you to create your plan using benchmarking and by integrating human resources and organization development best practices from other healthcare organizations as well as from other industries.
  • The organizational development section will address the following items:
    • workplace communication;
    • motivation;
    • leadership;
    • employee stress;
    • decision making;
    • conflict management;
    • team building and group dynamics; and
    • embracing change and change management.
  • The human resources section will address the following items:
    • organizational and human resources systems that need to be in place to effect positive organizational outcomes;
    • the steps and decisions involved in recruitment, selection, and retention of staff;
    • performance management system;
    • compensation and reward systems;
    • process of training and development, and the contribution to the organization’s bottom line;
    • relationship of organized labor and management in healthcare; and
    • the resources, key staff/roles, and steps required to develop a safe workplace.

Your submission will be 13-15 pages in lengthnot including the required title and reference pages and a table of contents.

Incorporate 12 credible and current references (last 5 years max). Eight of these must be peer-reviewed articles.

Discuss the current nursing shortage and its implications for the healthcare system

Question Description

Either on nursing challenges in the workforce or on Discuss the current nursing shortage and its implications for the healthcare system

once you accept and pick a topic message me for some sources that correlate and can be included…

For NURS400: Emerging Scholarship and Trends in Healthcare.

8-12 pages apa with min of 4 sources … intro body and conclusion along with these directions…

Final Paper (due the end of Week 7)

An important component of this course is the research paper. The paper can be on a topic of your choice, but it must relate directly to the course material. You must use at least four academic bibliographic sources (paper or online) in addition to the required course readings. Wikepedia.com is not an acceptable academic reference at this university.

The paper should be between 8 and 12 pages in length, not including the title page and reference list.

The research paper should include an introduction of the topic, a body in which the topic is developed and references correctly cited in APA format, and a well-defined conclusion. For more information on how the essay exam questions and the research paper will be graded, see “Grading” below.

I strongly suggest that, as part of your research, you take advantage of the university’s online library link. There is a wide variety of resources there including many full-text papers and articles. This may be of particular advantage to any of you who are deployed and do not have traditional library resources available to you.

I also recommend that you contact me with the topic of your paper before you begin your research. The topic you choose may be too broad or too narrow, and a discussion may help you to focus so that your learning will be maximized and your paper will be the best it can be.

You must submit your final papers through Turnitin.com. This is a site that checks for plagiarism, as well as providing resources to assist you in preparing your paper. Be careful in your gathering of resources for your paper and do not copy directly from your sources! Your paper is due at the end of Week 7 of class.

As is clearly stated in the Student Handbook, you must submit an original paper for each course that you take at APU/AMU. It is not acceptable to use the same paper for more than one class. You can use the same topic and change the focus if you like, but your work must be original to this course. Be assured that Turnitin.com will let me know if you copy too much of a previous work!

Often, students submit papers with grammatical errors that are not picked up with Spell Check. One technique that might work for you is to read your paper aloud, to yourself or someone else, before you submit it. Often reading it aloud and seeing the words on the paper simultaneously will help you to pick up these grammatical errors that ultimately will cost you grading points.

Research papers will be graded using the Writing assignment grading rubric, found in the classroom.

pharmacological interventions.

Question Description

Assessment Instructions

Imagine your supervisor has asked you to conduct a lunch and learn session to educate your fellow nursing staff on pharmacological interventions.


Select a disease or health condition that requires pharmacological intervention. You may choose any disease or health condition you wish, but the disease or health condition must be relevant to nurses from a variety of settings (for example: ER, pediatrics, public health, et cetera).


Once you have selected a disease or health condition, create a PowerPoint presentation you could use in your lunch and learn session, including the following:

  • Identify the disease or health condition you have chosen, along with the areas where nurses are likely to see it. (Do this in the agenda slide or next slide after the agenda.)
  • Identify the three drugs used most often in the treatment of the disease or health condition.
  • Explain the types of actions, side effects, indications, and contraindications that could be expected from the pharmacological treatment.
  • Describe the treatment regime most often prescribed for the disease or health condition. This should include pharmacology but not be limited to pharmacology.
  • Explain how the treatment regime (including pharmacology) may impact a client’s lifestyle. Consider things such as finances, ease or complexity of administration, instructions (frequency, duration), et cetera.
  • Describe how a nurse should monitor a client being treated for the disease or health condition in order to obtain a quality patient outcome.
  • Explain any controversies associated with the drugs used in the treatment. For example, is there a black box warning with any of the drugs?

Use the notes section of each slide to expand your points or draft your mock oral presentation (or both) and reference your resources. Use at least 3 peer-reviewed or professional resources to support your work in this assessment. Be sure your PowerPoint includes a title slide, a slide with your agenda or list of topics to be covered, and a reference slide. Follow current APA style and formatting guidelines for your citations and references.


  • Number of slides: 10–12, not including the title and reference slides.
  • Be creative. Consider your intended audience.


Library Resources

The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

  • Ward-Abel, N., Vernon, K., & Warner, R. (2014). An exciting era of treatments for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 10(1), 21–28.
  • Cohen, M. R. (2015). Medication errors. Nursing, 45(3), 72.
  • Hernandez, J., Goeckner, B., & Wanzer, L. (2011). Perioperative pharmacology: Pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. AORN Journal, 93(2), 259–266; 267–269 (quiz).
  • Cooper, G. A. A., Kronstrand, R., & Kintz, P. (2012). Society of Hair Testing guidelines for drug testing in hair. Forensic Science International (Online), 218(1), 20–24.
  • Drach-Zahavy, A., Somech, A., Admi, H., Peterfreund, H., Peker, H. & Priente, O. (2014). How do we learn from errors? A prospective study of the link between the ward’s learning practices and medication administration errors. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(3), 448–457.
  • Eisenberg, S. (2012). NIOSH safe handling of hazardous drugs guidelines becomes state law. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 35(5), 316–319.
  • Molloy, L., Field, J., Beckett, P., & Holmes, D. (2012). PRN psychotropic medication and acute mental health nursing: Reviewing the evidence. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 50(8), 12–15.
  • Fleming, S., Brady, A., & Malone, A. (2014). An evaluation of the drug calculation skills of registered nurses. Nurse Education in Practice, 14(1), 55–61.
  • Bench, S., Day, T., & Metcalfe, A. (2013). Randomised controlled trials: An introduction for nurse researchers. Nurse Researcher, 20(5), 38–44.
  • Jenny, J. L., Jenny, C., Jayadevan, S., Jayakumary, M., Mohamed, A., Arun, S., & Mohamed, F. M. (2012). Nurses opinion on the attributes of polypharmacy in patient safety. Acta Medica Iranica, 50(7), 516–521.
  • Patel, N. K., Wood, R. C., & Espino, D. V. (2012). Cultural considerations: Pharmacological and nonpharmacological means for improving blood pressure control among Hispanic patients. International Journal of Hypertension, 2012, 831016.
  • Cleary-Holdforth, J., & Leufer, T. (2013). The strategic role of education in the prevention of medication errors in nursing: Part 2. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(3), 217–220.


Course Library Guide

A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BSN-FP4016 – Pharmacology for Patient Safety Library Guide to help direct your research.

Internet Resources

Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

  • Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://ismp.org/
  • Healthy People 2020. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/
  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/
  • Heart Failure Society of America. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.hfsa.org/
    • You may wish to explore this Web site and review information related to heart failure classification.
  • Montalvo, I. (2007). The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI). OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(3).
Bookstore Resources

The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and are not required. Unless noted otherwise, these materials are available for purchase from the Capella University Bookstore. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

  • Burchum, J., & Rosenthal, L. (2016). Lehen’s pharmacology for nursing care (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
    • Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 43, 47, 48, 21, 23, 31, 32, 50, 57, 58, and 76.

Fundamentals Of Nursing Theory-Practice Gap

Question Description

Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice discusses the theory-practice gap in detail in many chapters. As you’ve read throughout the course, there is ongoing discussion about the connection between theory and practice, and the application in day-to-day nursing activities. This assignment is designed to illustrate that although there may be a gap, other factors play an important role in decision-making and each aspect of theory, research, and practice experience are integral to well-rounded patient care.

Click the Paper tab for a link to Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice and review Figure 1.4 Correlation: education, science and practice.

Think of a scenario in which theory, research, and practice interact to create good patient outcomes.

Create a visual representation of the theory-practice relationship or gap by replacing the text in the Theory-Practice Gap diagram template.

Write a minimum of 525- to 700-word narrative explanation of your visual representation following the diagram.

  • Describe the chosen theory, research, and practice guideline or standard.
  • Explain the relationship between the three and discuss the role each plays in quality patient care in the scenario.
  • Explain any gaps, such as a lack of research, no practice standard, or no useable theory.
  • Determine the best course of action for making decisions in the absence of one aspect.

Include documentation of the practice guideline or standard, and your corresponding research, evidence, or literature example.

Cite your research and practice guidelines in-text and on the references page at the end of the template.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among the Elderly

Question Description

Please respond the following questions using the documents and the link I have attached.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among the Elderly

1. Evaluate at least two roles that healthcare providers play—both positive and negative—in the rise of STIs and HIV among aging adults. Use the learning materials to support your claims. 500 words and in text citations.

Bauer, M., Haesler, E., & Fetherstonhaugh, D. (2016). Let’s talk about sex: Older people’s views on the recognition of sexuality and sexual health in the health‐care setting. Health Expectations: An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care & Health Policy19(6), 1237–1250. https://doi-org.regiscollege.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/hex.12418

Gott, C. M. (2001). Sexual activity and risk-taking in later life. Health & Social Care In The Community9(2), 72–78. Retrieved from https://login.regiscollege.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mdc&AN=11560723&site=eds-live

Syme, M. L., & Cohn, T. J. (2016). Examining aging sexual stigma attitudes among adults by gender, age, and generational status. Aging & Mental Health20(1), 36–45. https://doi-org.regiscollege.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/13607863.2015.1012044

2.Reducing STI and HIV Risk Among the Elderly

With the increasing risk of STI and HIV infections occurring among older adults, many believe that education is the best approach to reducing this risk. Before writing your initial post, watch the video ‘PSA: Safe Sex for Seniors!’

Discuss whether the strategy of an “eye-catching” (or provocative) public service announcement (as shown in the PSA Safe Sex for Seniors!) would be effective in educating older adults about the risks of STIs and HIV. In other words, how likely do you believe the PSA would be in reducing STI and HIV infections among aging adults? 500 words and in text citations.

3.Reducing Stigma About Sex

After reading Syme and Cohn (2016), respond to the following prompt:

Identify two factors you found interesting, as well as explain how they help you better understand how to combat stigma and generational differences about sex. 500 words and in text citations.

4. Sex Education in the Modern Era

Sexuality remains important for many older people. Imagine yourself as a subject matter expert responsible for the content that will become a public video directed at older, sexually active adults. How will you motivate them to watch the video and remove obstacles (theirs and your own) to your message? What takeaway(s) can you leave them to encourage honest discussion about sex and sexual health with healthcare providers or other professionals? 500 words and in text citations.

Nursing Home and Subacute Care

Question Description

During the nineteenth and the twentieth century, the term “nursing home” was synonymous with long-term care. Although today the exclusive use of the term “long-term care” is no longer accurate for nursing homes, it continues to remain and will not change easily. However, newer terms such as “nursing facilities” will help clarify the role of specific long-term care organizations and will differentiate them from others in the health care industry.

Subacute care is a relatively new but rapidly growing medical service in the continuum of care. Today, it is considered the fastest growing segment of the health care delivery system.

Research the online references such as EBSCOhost, SocINDEX, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), or PubMed for information on nursing facilities and subacute units and respond to the following questions:

  • Do you agree with the change in the terminology of nursing homes to nursing facilities? Why or why not? How do the terms relate with each other?
  • What impact does the historical perspective of the nursing home have on the stigma related to the quality of care?
  • How were nursing facilities developed? What have been the consequences of the change in terminology? Do you think the change in terminology will impact the quality of care in the future? If yes, how? If no, why?
  • What changes do you see nursing homes making in the future in order to keep up with the ever changing needs of the demographics of seniors?
  • What are subacute units? How did subacute care emerge? What are the strengths and limitations of the emergence of subacute care in long-term care as related to issues in levels of patients’ acuity (various levels of nursing care based on the needs of patients)? Support your answer with relevant examples.
  • What is the impact of subacute care on the cost and quality of care? Do you think subacute care needs to be an integral component of hospitals, or should it be an integral part of the long-term care system? Provide a rationale for your answer.

Students this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research project. The purpose of this project is for the student to complete all the different steps necessary to implement a nursing research project

Question Description

Planning Phase 1

(Students this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research project. The purpose of this project is for the student to complete all the different steps necessary to implement a nursing research project. This project will be subdivided into 4 different papers that will be submitted throughout the entire semester. The final paper will be the combination of the four areas. Please see separate file items for each phase specific instructions. Again follow APA style mandates)

Phase 1 ( this paper) is the planning stage of a research project, students are to prepare a 5 page paper identifying a specific topic that you would like to investigates and relates to transitional nursing. You will provide a brief introduction of the situation utilizing published nursing research articles to support your statement. This paper will also include

1-Introduction to the Problem

2-Clearly Identify the Problem

3-Significance of the problem to Nursing

4-Purpose of the research

5-Research questions

6-Master’s Essentials that aligned with your topic

Describe one critical health issue in your community or state that has grown larger or has the potential to become larger. Be sure to include any statistics available on the health issue.

Question Description

Assessment Instructions


Suppose your organization is concerned about a number of health issues that have either affected an increased number of the residents in the community or show the probability of affecting a larger number of people in the population. Your organizational leaders have asked different health care professionals within the organization, including you, to examine the issues from your perspective, and to submit a report that includes evidence-based ways to address the issues.

You will first need to identify a critical health care issue in your community or state. You may choose either a public health issue, such as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), measles, Lyme disease, asthma, et cetera; or a community health issue, such as uncontrolled diabetes, congestive heart disease, 30-day readmission, et cetera.

Then, look in the Capella library and on the Internet for statistics and peer-reviewed or professional resources to use in preparing your report.


Format this assessment as a professional report. It may help to look at reports or other documents used within your organization and to follow that formatting. You must still follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references, and include a title page and reference page.

Within the report:

  • Describe one critical health issue in your community or state that has grown larger or has the potential to become larger. Be sure to include any statistics available on the health issue. Tip: check your county and/or state health department Web site.
  • Explain the factors that contribute to this health issue. Consider things such as access to health care services, economics, culture, attitude, education, health care policies, and so on.
  • Describe any interventions your community or state has put in place to address the health care issue. Include information on how long the interventions have been in place, how the community was made aware of the interventions, and so on.
  • Describe the scope and role of nursing and public health nursing in the interventions to reduce the health issue.
  • Recommend evidence-based ways the scope of the interventions could be expanded to increase positive health outcomes. Think in terms of cost, efficiency and access, effectiveness, and the use of both conventional and unconventional interventions.


Complete your assessment using the following specifications:

  • Title page and reference page.
  • Number of pages: 3–4 (not including the title and reference pages).
  • At least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.
  • APA format for citations and references.
  • Times New Roman font, 12-point, double-spaced.
Suggested Resources
Library Resources

The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

  • Schofield, R., Ganann, R., Brooks, S., McGugan, J., Bona, K. D., Betker, C., Dilworth, K., … Watson, C. (2011). Community health nursing vision for 2020: Shaping the future. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 33(8),1047–1068.
  • Mendez-Luck, C. A., Bethel, J. W., Goins, R. T., Schure, M. B., & McDermott, E. (2015). Community as a source of health in three racial/ethnic communities in Oregon: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 1–10.
  • Galloway-Gilliam, L. (2013). Racial and ethnic approaches to community health. National Civic Review, 102(4), 46–48.


Course Library Guide

A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BSN-FP4014 – Global Perspectives of Community and Public Service Library Guide to help direct your research.

Internet Resources

Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

  • HealthyPeople.gov. (n.d.). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/
  • Benson, G. A., Sidebottom, A., VanWormer, J. J., Boucher, J. L., Stephens, C., & Krikava, J. (2013). HeartBeat connections: A rural community of solution for cardiovascular health. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 26(3), 299–310. Retrieved from http://www.jabfm.org/content/26/3/299.full.pdf+htm…
Bookstore Resources

The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and are not required. Unless noted otherwise, these materials are available for purchase from the Capella University Bookstore. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

  • Maurer, F. A., & Smith, C. M. (2013). Community/public health nursing practice: Health for families and populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, M

Discoveries in Medicine

Question Description

The report should be at least five pages long and will explore a specific topic that is related to the period of history covered in this course. The topic can be from the list at the end of the syllabus or determined by the student with the approval of the professor. The paper must be typed and double- spaced and included a bibliography of the sources used in the research. The MLA method of documentation is acceptable font “12”. The use of primary sources is strongly encouraged. The paper should present the factual information, but should also include the student’s observations and conclusions based on the research.

The following is a list of appropriate topics

The Palace of Versailles

Classical Music

Discoveries in Medicine

Marie Antoinette

The Congress of Vienna

The Industrial Revolution

Weapons of a specific period

The Franco- Prussia War

The Development War


The Treaty of Versailles



John Wesley

Submarine Warfare in WWI

The Suez Canal

The Foundation of the State of Israel

Women Suffrage

The Holocaust