Quality Improvement Methods can help promote hand hygiene to prevent infections?

Question Description

  • Write a few sentences for each section.
    • Quality Improvement Methods can help promote hand hygiene to prevent infections?
    • Evidence Supporting QI Methods?
    • What is the Change Strategy Foundation?
    • How will hand hygiene benefit the Interprofessional Team and Benefit the stakeholders?(Hand hygiene will result in lower infection rates)
    • What are the Overall Project Benefits ?

These sections should be completed on the basis of the benefits of handwashing and hand hygiene to prevent infections for those involved, all stakeholders including but not limited to nurses, doctors, administrators, patients .

Utilize sources as applicable, and use APA ciations

Question Description

•Discuss the history of the American Nurses Association (ANA)

•Identify key leaders

•Identify 3 services the ANA provides

•Identify how the ANA will impact your practice.

•Discuss the following forms of violence and provide and example:

–Extreme bottom-up



•Provide an example of:

–Student-to-faculty incivility

–Student-to-student incivility

•Identify 1 part of the ANA Code of Ethics that relates to civility.

•Identify 5 expectations for civility in the classroom.

•Identify 3 actions that will create a positive work environment, reverse horizontal violence, or reduce lateral violence.

Nursing Conceptual Model

Question Description

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Select a Nursing Conceptual Model from Topic 2, and prepare a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation about the model. Include:

  1. A brief overview of the nursing conceptual model selected.
  2. Explanation of how the nursing conceptual model incorporates the four metaparadigm concepts.
  3. Explain at least three specific ways in which the nursing conceptual model could be used to improve nursing practice. Elaborate, explain, or defend each point mentioned.
  4. Provide current reliable sources to establish credibility for the presentation.

Requirements for PowerPoint are as follows:

  1. 10 slides for content.
  2. 1 slide for references.
  3. 1 slide for the title, which includes: (a) title of the presentation, (b) names of the CLC group members, and (c) date
  4. Accompanying speaker notes elaborating on the information contained in each slide.
  5. One member of the CLC group will submit the presentation, speaker notes, and the completed “CLC Group Project Agreement” to the instructor.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Describe the characteristics of patient-centered care AND the importance of each characteristic.

Question Description

Please answer the following 3 questions. Each answer must be at least 3 paragraphs for each question to receive full credit. Research at least 3 sources to substantiate your answer and include in your references. As usual, be sure to post on at least two other students board and include a reference.

1. Describe the characteristics of patient-centered care AND the importance of each characteristic.

2. You are taking care of an 80 African-American year old male patient in a medical surgical unit who was hhospitalized with congestive heart failure. He is being discharged with multiple medications and home health care. Describe the steps you would take to provide patient education including cultural considerations.

3. Describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your education on the scenario stated in question 2.

Question Description

Create a fictitious patient who has THREE different health conditions (diseases/disorders) associated with THREE different organ systems of the body. 1. describe your patient a. give them a name b. include gender and age c. include a patient history related to the onset of the condition such as family history, work environment, injuries, etc. 2. For each condition discuss the relevant anatomy (cellular, tissue, organ, system) and physiology (including the cellular physiology when relevant) 3. For each condition describe signs and/or symptoms.

higher score by o researching and including patient history information relevant to each condition o discussing health conditions which have overlapping signs and/or symptoms (i.e. pain in an area of the body could be caused by two completely different organ systems)

Use essay format with separate paragraphs for separate ideas.

Evaluate a primary qualitative research peer-reviewed journal article (suggested length of 3–5 pages) that has healthcare implications

Question Description

I need the second half of my paper fixed I have to turn it in by tomorrow afternoon I will provide an article and the format it needs to be in and will provide the paper that was turned in PART B DID NOT PASS!!! Here are the instructions AND notes from the teacher:

B. Evaluate a primary qualitative research peer-reviewed journal article (suggested length of 3–5 pages) that has healthcare implications by doing the following:

1. Identify how the researcher addresses the five following areas of the selected journal article, using the attached “Evidence Table”:

• background or introduction

• review of the literature

• discussion of methodology

• data analysis

• researcher’s conclusion

2. Critique whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article supports the researcher’s conclusion.

3. Explain the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations of the journal article.

4. Identify strengths and limitations of the study.

5. Describe how the evidence informs nursing practice.

C. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Qualitative- and also subtypes- most often case study, others are grounded theory, phenomenology, and also descriptive subtypes.

Use the readings in module 3, chapter 6, to help you understand different methodologies researchers use.  Read your article as the researchers should tell you the methods they used to research their questions. Identifying research types and subtypes is a big concept.

Data Analysis
How did the researchers analyze the data collected?  Did they explain it enough for you to evaluate for external or internal validity? What statistical testing was used?  What analysis was discussed?  For quantitative studies examples include T-Test, ANOVA, Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, Chi-Square or descriptive statistics like frequencies, prevalence, and rates or incidence.  For qualitative studies the data is interviews or focus groups and the data is coded for themes and then analyzed based on the subtype.  If it is qualitative descriptive the sample is small and the subjective responses of the participants are usually reported without coding or analyses.

What are the conclusions of the researchers; do they make sense to you as a clinician?

A & B 2

Based on your analysis of the five areas in the table, assess whether the evidence presented in the research report supports the conclusion.

Begin by paraphrasing the author’s conclusion in a sentence; then, discuss how each of the first four sections of the research report described in the table (1 sentence each) supports the author’s conclusion (section 5).  Approximately 5 – 7 sentences total should be enough.


Can these researchers make the conclusions that they made? Would anything else explain their results? Are there any other plausible explanations for their conclusions? Remember, you will want to justify your answer. Give a full paragraph on why or why not the evidence in the first four areas of the research paper supported the conclusion in section 5.

B 3

Identify the ethical principles that the researcher should have addressed prior to the study.  For example, what considerations should the researchers have addressed regarding informed consent, privacy, confidentiality, etc. for the specific subjects in the studies you chose to critique.  (1 – 2 paragraphs)

B 4

The strengths and limitations refer to the study design, not to the procedures or interventions being studied in the articles.  Consider things like sample size, level of research, quality of research, sampling strategy, and study design.  Also, consider what the author has stated in the last few sections of the research report regarding strengths and limitations.  (1 – 2 paragraphs)

B 5

Please discuss how the results of the study you selected impacts nursing practice.  (1 – 2 paragraphs)

Include a reference page and in-text citations where appropriate.

Select four nursing homes in your community and/or neighboring communities. Research and locate reports on these nursing homes through organizations such as Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Question Description

  • Review Chapter 32 of the Resnick text and Chapter 12 of the Holroyd-Leduc and Reddy text.
  • Select four nursing homes in your community and/or neighboring communities. Research and locate reports on these nursing homes through organizations such as Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
  • Compare the four nursing homes you selected based on reported cases of the development of new pressure ulcers.
  • Think about factors in the nursing home setting that contribute to pressure ulcer issues, such as patient activity, nutrition, or the number of staff available to care for patients.
  • Research guidelines for the prevention of pressure ulcers. Think about how you might increase awareness among nursing home staff about the incidence and consequences of pressure ulcers in patients.


Post a brief description of the four nursing homes you selected from your community and/or neighboring communities. Compare these four nursing homes based on the reported cases of new pressure ulcers. Then, explain factors in the nursing home setting that might contribute to incidence of pressure ulcer issues. Finally, based on guidelines for the prevention of pressure ulcers, explain how you might increase awareness among nursing home staff about the incidence and consequences of pressure ulcers in patients

Select four nursing homes in your community and/or neighboring communities. Research and locate reports on these nursing homes through organizations such as Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Question Description

  • Review Chapter 32 of the Resnick text and Chapter 12 of the Holroyd-Leduc and Reddy text.
  • Select four nursing homes in your community and/or neighboring communities. Research and locate reports on these nursing homes through organizations such as Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
  • Compare the four nursing homes you selected based on reported cases of the development of new pressure ulcers.
  • Think about factors in the nursing home setting that contribute to pressure ulcer issues, such as patient activity, nutrition, or the number of staff available to care for patients.
  • Research guidelines for the prevention of pressure ulcers. Think about how you might increase awareness among nursing home staff about the incidence and consequences of pressure ulcers in patients.


Post a brief description of the four nursing homes you selected from your community and/or neighboring communities. Compare these four nursing homes based on the reported cases of new pressure ulcers. Then, explain factors in the nursing home setting that might contribute to incidence of pressure ulcer issues. Finally, based on guidelines for the prevention of pressure ulcers, explain how you might increase awareness among nursing home staff about the incidence and consequences of pressure ulcers in patients

Personal Leadership Reflective Paper

Question Description

Personal Leadership Reflective Paper

Now that you have completed all of the Leadership Questionnaires and Reflections, you should have an idea of the type of leader you are and the type you would like to become.

Write a reflective essay that addresses the expectations below. Use specific experiences from work, volunteering, or community life to illustrate your points. The paper should be 2–3 pages (not including title and reference pages).

Reflection Expectations:

  • Introduction: Introduction and purpose of the paper
  • Leadership Approach: Choose at least one leadership approach from the book that you would like to use to assess yourself as a leader. By “leadership approach,” we are referring to the approaches defined in each chapter in the text book (e.g., trait approach, skills approach, style approach). Describe yourself as a leader using this approach.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Looking at your leadership capabilities overall, what do you believe are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
  • Leadership Plan: Based on your overall review of your leadership approach, what things would you like to do to improve your leadership abilities? What steps will you take to make that happen?
  • Summary: Summarize the main points of the paper.

Support your reflection with citations from sources that you have learned about throughout this course. The textbook is expected to be the primary resource to support your reflection, but you may include other scholarly sources that you have encountered during your research.

Your paper should use the following headings:

  • Introduction
  • Leadership Approach
  • Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Leadership Plan
  • Summary

Paper Specifics:

  • Paper must be 2–3 pages long (not including title and references pages)
  • Use APA format.

Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and the relationship within the interprofessional health-care team

Question Description

1. Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and the relationship within the interprofessional health-care team.2. What similarities and differences can you identify among the above interactions?3. Explain the concept of congruence between verbal and nonverbal communication.4. There are many pitfalls to electronic communication. Identify a situation in which an electronic form of communication may result in a miscommunication. What other method of communication would have been more effective?5. How have you seen ISBAR used during your clinical experiences?6- Develop a hand-off report for yourself. Include items that you believe are pertinent for safe and effective nursing care. Refer to the information in the chapter for creating this report form. Using the information from the chapter, determine the effectiveness of the system currently in use on your unit for communicating shift-to-shift reports.7-Dr. Roberts comes into the nurses’ station demanding, “Where are Mr. Adams’s lab reports? I ordered these stat, and they’re not here! Who’s responsible for this patient?” How would you, as the nurse, respond?8-Explain the concept of accountability in delegation. What are the legal ramifications of accountability in delegation?9. Dennie and Elias arrive in the unit for the 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift. Both nurses completed orientation 4 weeks ago. They find that they will be the only two RNs on the floor that night. There is a census of 48 clients. The remaining staff consists of two NAPs/UAPs and one LPN. What are the responsibilities of the RN, NAP/UAP, and LPN? Can Dennie and Elias effectively delegate client care tasks and care safely for all 48 clients? Use the Delegation Tree to make your decisions.10. Discuss the differences between direct delegation and indirect delegation.1. You have to observe delegation procedures in your assigned unit:A-What considerations does the RN take into account when delegating patient care?2-You have to look at the unit census and prioritize the patient care:A- Give the rationale foryour choices.3.Answer the following questions during your clinical experiences:a. What specific tasks did your patients require that you might have been able to delegate?b. How effective was your nurse/preceptor in delegating tasks to others?c. How did your nurse/preceptor ensure that the tasks were completed safely and appropriately?

Discuss various theories of health promotion, including Pender's Health Promotion Model, the Health Belief Model, the Transtheoretical Theory, and the Theory of Reasoned Action.

Question Description

  1. Discuss various theories of health promotion, including Pender’s Health Promotion Model, the Health Belief Model, the Transtheoretical Theory, and the Theory of Reasoned Action.
  2. Discuss at least two definitions of health.
  3. Critically analyze racial and cultural diversity in the United States.
  4. Describe the importance of air, water and food quality as a determinant of health .

– Arial 12 font . The assignment must include at least 2 evidence-based references , no older than 5 years. References must be quoted in the assignment in order to comply with APA / 700 words required

Question Description

1. Qualitative data has been described as voluminous and sometimes overwhelming to the researcher. Discuss two strategies that would help a researcher manage and organize the data.

2.The three types of qualitative research are phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research. Compare the differences and similarities between two of the three types of qualitative studies and give an example of each.

Develop a philosophy that supports advanced nursing practice reflecting the values, beliefs, and cultural competencies relative to nursing practice, science, and theory.

Question Description

This Assignment addresses this course outcome:

MN502-4: Develop a philosophy that supports advanced nursing practice reflecting the values, beliefs, and cultural competencies relative to nursing practice, science, and theory.

Now that you have spent the last 8 weeks discussing theory development and exploring models and philosophies that guide advance practice nursing, it is time for you to put it all together. In this Assignment, you will create a presentation using any form of presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint®, Prezi™, Movenote™, Powtoons™, Slidedog™, and so on). Your presentation should bring together the theory that best fits your concept of advance practice nursing, the model that you will use to translate this into practice, and your final philosophy of advance practice nursing related to your role after graduation.

Please remember that your presentation should contain slides that have bullet points. The bullets should number no more than four to six per slide. The bullet point is not written as a complete sentence. It contains key words. You, as the presenter will explain in depth what each bullet point means in the audio portion of the presentation. Slides may contain graphics, but should be uncluttered. Background and font colors should be of sufficient contrast to make reading them easy on the eyes. Attention to colors should be paid so that a person who is colorblind can easily read the presentation.

Assignment Details

The presentation should consist of a series of slides that include:

  • Title Slide: A title slide that identifies the title of the presentation and name of the student.
  • Introduction Slide: An introduction slide that includes brief information about you and your program track. The slide should also explain to the audience the purpose of the presentation.
  • Model Slides: The third and fourth slides will address your chosen model. The bullet points should consist of the specific characteristics of the model. You will need at least one citation that identifies where the model came from. Your audio will expound upon the model and what the characteristics mean. The fourth slide should include why you chose the model and how you will apply it in practice.
  • Theory Slides: The next three slides will focus on your chosen theory. The first slide should present your theory and why you chose it. The next slide would present the key concepts of the theory and how it has been used to date in past research no older than 5 years ago. The third slide will discuss how you will use this theory in practice as an advance practice nurse upon graduation.
  • Philosophy Slide: The next area will consist of one slide that presents your philosophy of advance practice nursing in the post-graduate role you will assume. The philosophy statement will consist of one to three sentences that distill the essence of what you believe advance practice nursing is and your conception of nursing as a profession. It is written in the first person and present tense. It is a personal statement of your beliefs about the profession of nursing. This should present guiding statements for your future practice in the advanced practice role. An example of a philosophy statement might read this way: Advanced practice nursing takes the art and science of nursing to a level of “other” and “self” interacting together to reach a state of optimal wellness guided with compassion and love for the culture of the “other.”
  • Graphical Slide: The next-to-last slide will be a graphical representation of how the model, theory, and your philosophy fit together.
  • Conclusion Slide: The last slide will be a conclusion that brings together everything you have presented. It is not a summary that just reiterates what you presented. It is a judgment about what you presented and bring the audience home, ending the presentation on a positive note about the future.

You will need supporting citations for your theory and model slides, and possibly for your philosophy, as appropriate. You will include the citations where appropriate and your very last slide will be a reference slide.

The total slide count should not exceed 15 slides. This does not include the reference slide(s) or the title slide.

  1. Organization, documentation, references formatting guidelines must follow APA 6th edition: To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Total points: 260

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • Minimum requirement of at least 5 sources of support
  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well orderedlogical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition

How to Submit

Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.

When you are ready to submit your Assignment, submit to unit dropbox. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.