– The impact of drug legalization on the economy

Question Description

  • Students must prepare a three to four page typewritten double-spaced paper on a current macroeconomic topic that is pertinent to class material. This can be chosen from the textbook, newspapers, magazines, or current economics periodicals.
  • Students will be expected to analyze and evaluate the issue or topic and provide recommendations. Here are some sample topics:

– The impact of drug legalization on the economy

– Using economics, how would you fix the homeless problem in California?

– Is the bullet train viable in California?

– How do interest rates affect consumers and their purchasing patterns

– How could the “Great Recession” have been prevented?

– Countries that do not believe in comparative advantage

– How could the Federal Government reduce the national debt?

– If you were the President of the U.S. what would you do to improve the economy?

– Which presidential candidate will have the most profound impact on the economy?

  • Length – 3 to 4 pages in length, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins. Any paper that deviates from these requirements will be penalized (this does not include the title page and the table of contents). Arial or New Times Roman (12 pt) will be the only acceptable fonts. Use headings within the report when appropriate. A table of contents page is necessary. Plan the paper carefully so as to develop an organized and non-redundant report. It should be organized and assembled as a continuous report and should not appear to be several independent segments bound together. You must have a minimum of five sources. Please cite your sources using MLA or APA Format (the Writing Center can offer assistance if you do not know how to do this). Some other helpful sites include – http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., http://www.cuyamaca.edu/tpagaard/EnglDept/Resource.

contemporary product of black popular culture.

Question Description

afa 2004


Students are required to submit a 6-8 page paper (double-spaced, 12 pt) based on a contemporary product of black popular culture. Examples of cultural products include but are not limited to music videos, albums, films, stand up comedy routines, television show episodes, and web series. By Week Two, the instructor will identify the cultural material that will be the subject of the term paper and post specific questions designed to stimulate critical engagement with this material, prompting students to make links between the material and key concepts that the course introduces such as defining blackness and diaspora, the multiplicity of black subjectivities, the global circulation of black cultures, and representing the black body. Students are required to view the material and answer these questions by Week Four, then submit the full paper by Week Six.


Documentary Film: When We Were Kings (1996)

This film documents the historic 1974 heavyweight championship fight between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman that took place in Kinshasa, Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). Known as the “Rumble in the Jungle,” this controversial event took place during a tumultuous period in national and global history, was promoted by Don King, and billed as not only a boxing match but a soul music festival featuring artists such as James Brown, B.B. King, Celia Cruz, Hugh Masakela, and Miriam Makeba. The documentary, released over twenty years later, provides a window into this particular historical moment, shedding light on some of the key themes in Black popular culture that this course engages, including defining blackness, the multiplicity of black subjectivities, defining the African diaspora, the global circulation of black cultures, and representing the black body. For this paper, students explore three of these themes in relation to the film, and then identify and discuss a product of Black popular culture of their own choosing that contributes to our understanding of at least one of these themes. The objective here is to produce a critical analysis of When We Were Kings and use some other, perhaps more contemporary, cultural material to further this analysis.

In producing a critical analysis of a film or any text, there are a few things to keep in mind, all of which come down to being conscious of the distinction between an event and the telling of that event. This film is constructing a particular narrative of the “Rumble in the Jungle” through the use of narrators, interview clips, archival footage, a soundtrack and images. As you think about the film, ask yourself what particular story is the filmmaker trying to tell? How does the material selected to include in the documentary support this story? What are some of the strengths, shortcomings, and limitations of this particular rendering of the story? What do you take away from the film that is the result of your filtering it through your unique, personal lens that is informed by your own identities, interests, and experiences?


The following questions are designed to assist you in your analysis of the documentary, particularly in making connections between the film and the key themes in the course. Responses must demonstrate familiarity with the film and be 1-3 paragraphs in length.

  1. What are the important historical and political events and contexts (both national and global) highlighted in the film? Be sure to describe the scenes in the film in which these events and contexts are revealed. What details of these events can you identify through doing cursory online research about them?
  2. What is the relationship between Black popular culture, politics, activism, and social justice as depicted in this documentary? Are there any current athletes, entertainers, or artists who use their work and fame in order to promote social justice or a political platform? If yes, feel free to include links to their work and explain the message that they are attempting to disseminate.
  3. In her article, Susan Ryan states that the Ali-Foreman fight can be considered to be “a discourse on black identity” (p. 1). What is your interpretation of this statement? Are Ali and Foreman representing contrasting articulations of Blackness? Explain using concrete examples from the film and incorporating relevant course material covered thus far.
  4. Keeping in mind some of the ideas about gender and black masculinity that Riggs introduces in Black Is…Black Ain’t, would you say that the “discourse in black identity” is really a discourse in black male identity? What are the roles of Black women/female bodies and of Black men/male bodies in the documentary? How are each represented and what are the implications of these representations? (Riggs, Marlon, 1995. Black Is…Black Ain’t (Links to an external site.)
  5. Diaspora, hybridity and the circulation of Black popular cultures are among the central concepts that we engage in this course. What are examples of interactions between Black people from different national contexts and exchanges of cultural material in this film? What, if anything, did you find compelling about this aspect of the film?

Long-Term Care Insurance

Question Description

There is no length requirement, but it is important to make sure you hit upon key points

Step 1: Watch the video about Theresa and Joe and Answer the following questions


1.) How much LTC insurance benefit did Theresa and Joe purchase?

2.) What form of care did Theresa choose for Joe?

3.) What feature of the policy allowed Joe to access additional benefits when his pool of funds exhausted?

4.) What choices would Theresa have if Joe exhausted the entire pool of funds?

Step 2: Read “Who Buys Long-Term Care Insurance?” and Answer the following questions


1.) What was the primary reason in 2015 that people purchased LTC insurance?

2.) What was the primary reason in 2015 that people did not purchase LTC insurance?

3.) What were the average annual premiums paid in 2015 by persons:
a.) Age 55-64
b.) Age 65-69

Step 3: Review the following link and answer the following question


1.) With regards to Medicare, what is the coverage gap that would need to be paid from personal funds during a nursing home stay? (what will Medicare cover until you need to come out of pocket?)

2.) Do you agree or disagree with the statement, “long-term care insurance is becoming a luxury item”? Why?

Step 4: Research & Answer

1.) What are the potential liabilities for advisers discussing (or possibly failing to discuss) long term care?

(Refer to CFP Standards of Conduct for guidance – https://www.cfp.net/docs/default-source/for-cfp-pros—professional-standards-enforcement/CFP-Board-Code-and-Standards)

The female body and female sexuality in Ermo and Suzhou River

Question Description

LTEA 120A: Chinese Films

Sample Term Paper Topics

  • The female body and female sexuality in Ermo and Suzhou River
  • Changing gender relationships in Plunder of Peach and Plum and Ermo
  • Changing concepts of family and community in Plunder of Peach and Plum and It’s My Day Off (or Ermo)
  • Changing roles of the individual in It’s My Day Off and Ermo (or Suzhou River)
  • The city as a site of disillusionment and destruction in Plunder of Peach and Plum and Suzhou River
  • The city as a communal space in It’s My Day Off versus an enigmatic space in Suzhou River
  • Different/similar attitudes to the forces of urban corruption in Plunder of Peach and Plum and Suzhou River
  • The impact of money on human relationships in Ermo and Suzhou River
  • Idealism and its fates in Plunder of Peach and Plum and Suzhou River
  • Challenges to male or patriarchal values in Ermo and Suzhou River

LTEA 120A: Chinese Films

Term Paper Template

Your name

Paper Title

Keywords: A, B, C, D


Discussion of film 1

Discussion of film 2

(you could move between two films but must provide smooth transitions in between)


Bibliography listed in a separate page (at least 4 sources from the syllabus, items listed in required books and other references)


Author’s name, Book Title (City: Publisher, year).

Author’s name, “article title,” Volume Title, ed. Editor’s name (City: Publisher, year), pp. #-#.

Author’s name, “article title,” Journal Title, volume #, issue # (year), pp. #-#.

I. Commentaries • Purpose: to cultivate the habits of critical reading by making arguments and providing evidence • Content: identify an argument (not merely a topic) from a required reading (with direct quotations and page numbers) and discuss it in relation to the designated film of the day • Focus: your ability to articulate someone else’ argument and state your interpretation of a film in relation to that argument; mere factual information or plot summary won’t count as argument • Length: 1 double-space page or 350 words for each short paper; the portion in excess of the limit will not be graded for credit • Grading: out of 10 points for each commentary, 3 for identification of an argument and logical transition, 3 points for film discussion focused on details, and 4 for writing (grammar, expression, coherence, style) II. Final Exam • Purpose: to test your knowledge of readings and films and to develop your analytic skills with regard to authors, themes, and styles • Format: 4 short essay questions, each of them answered in 8 lines or less, focused on the texts and/or films covered in class per instructions • Grading: 5 points for each question, 20 points total for the final Writing Style Sheet • always indicate your name in the first page of your writing • in general, use the MLA reference style • for commentaries, no separate reference items are needed; but for the term paper, a complete list of works cited is required, and any incomplete listing would cost points • format the title of a film, a book, or a journal in italic or underline: Shower, Shower • indicate the title of an article in a journal or a volume with quotation marks • add in a parenthesis the author’s name (if not identified in the text), a short title (if an author has more than one cited work), and page numbers after all direct quotations: “…” (L. Lee, “Cinema” 37-38); use the author’s name, not the volume editor’s • be sure proper names are spelled correctly • in the Chinese case, remember the family name goes before the given name: Feng Xiaogang (hence, Mr. Feng rather than Mr. Xiaogang) • reduce functional phrases and repetitions like “I believe” or “in Leo Lee’s article, Lee writes …” • spell-check grammar and fix typographic errors • read your paper one more time before printing; hand-written corrections cost you points • for those in need of assistance with English writing, seek help from campus resources and your native-speaking friends
• Grading The term paper itself counts for 40% of your course grade. You will be graded on your mastery of the relevant facts and arguments, your originality in developing analysis, and the effective way your paper is organized and written. Specifically, originality = 2 points, analysis = 12 points (i.e., 6 points each film), writing = 16 points (i.e., legitimate title = 1 point, 4 listed key words = 2 points, structure = 2 points, transition = 2 points, grammar = 2 points, spelling = 2 points, in-text reference = 2, etc.), use of sources = 10 points (i.e., logical incorporation = 1.5 points each, complete citation = 1 point each). • Content First, your paper must be comparative; namely, choose to compare two of these films: Plunder of Peach and Plum, It’s My Day Off, Ermo, and Suzhou River. You may focus on a similar theme, a shared critical problem, or a combination of some of them. Second, your paper must be researched; namely, citing what critics have said about the directors and/or films you are discussing and indicating how you respond to their interpretations. You must use at least 4 print sources assigned in the syllabus. Each article in an edited book counts as one source, but merely listing sources without incorporating them in analysis does not make your paper a researched one. Third, your paper must be critical; namely, examining texts in detail and engaging different arguments in relation to the issues you are addressing. This also means that you have to maintain your own line of arguments while moving between primary and secondary sources. A summary of narrative plot or biographic information is descriptive rather than critical. • Form This is an individual assignment. Do not work on it jointly as you might study together for exams or team projects, because two papers similar to each other will likely lower grades for both papers. Do not submit a paper that you have submitted or are writing for any other class. The paper must be written in your words, not paraphrased out of a secondary source or plagiarize from any source You must give full bibliographical citations at the end of your paper on a separate page (exclusive of the page limit), and make sure your style is consistent throughout the paper. Papers must be typed, double-spaced (not 1.5 spaced), with one-inch or larger margins on all four sides of the page. The length is limited to 3 pages, excluding references. Most students do better writing a carefully edited three-page paper than writing a longer paper that is sloppy. Papers not meeting these specifications will be returned without grading. Faulty spelling, grammar, punctuation, and format style will cost you points, so proof-read your writing carefully.


Question Description

Article Analysis


For this assignment, you will choose two scholarly articles on a topic covered in this course. Each article should discuss the findings from a study conducted on your selected topic. For example, you may select two articles that studied memory or heuristics. You will then compare and contrast the articles on each of the following items:

  • The theoretical rationale and background for each study.
  • The research questions being asked in each study.
  • The experimental design and the findings of each study.
  • The conclusion made by the researchers in each study.
  • The implications of the research in each of the studies.

Finally, you should discuss how the findings of each of these studies could potentially impact the area of psychology in which you are most interested. Including:

  • Can the findings of these research studies be applied in a professional setting without modification?
  • If modifications are required, what would need to be done to make these research findings applicable in a real-world setting?
  • Should a follow-up study be conducted before these findings are applied in a professional setting?

Strive to be as concise as possible and limit the length of your completed assignment to no more than 5–6 pages, excluding the title page and reference page.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
  • Number of Resources: Two recent articles (within the last 3 years) from an empirical journal.
  • Length of paper: 5–6 pages not including a title page and a reference page. The paper should be double-spaced.
  • Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Refer to the Article Analysis Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.





Long-Term Care in the U.S.

Question Description

1. Long-Term Care in the U.S.

Determine the average daily cost of nursing home care in your state. Discuss the funding options (public and private) that exist to pay for long-term care. What policy and financing recommendations would you make to ensure that long-term care is available for everyone who needs the services in the U.S.? Please justify your answer.

2. Rationing of Healthcare Services

Healthcare services can be rationed by governmental rationing or by allowing those who can afford the services to purchase the services. If you were the chairperson of a medical ethics committee faced with the decision concerning which of the following patients would receive a heart transplant, what decision would you make and what justification would you give to the families of each of the patients for making that decision?

  • Patient 1: A seventy-six-year-old nonsmoker with good pulmonary and renal function is a good candidate for a heart transplant, and his life expectancy without the transplant is one month. The patient has the resources to pay cash for the transplant procedure and follow-up care.
  • Patient 2: A forty-six-year-old unemployed auto worker with a history of alcohol use and smoking suffered a heart attack and will die within one month if he does not receive a heart transplant. The patient does not have health insurance, nor does he have the resources to pay for the procedure.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Ashford General Hospital is a 263-bed regional hospital located in California, serving its community for more than 50 years. The hospital maintains the only 24-hour emergency department in the area and an “extended hours” urgent care clinic.

Review the instructions for your Final Paper located in Week Six of your online course. As part of your Final Paper, you are asked to research and identify solutions implemented at five other hospitals in the U.S. that were dealing with the same issues. Create an outline illustrating five solutions implemented at five other hospitals, including key details.  Use the “Guide to Creating an Outline” for assistance.

Your outline must be formatted according to the guidelines as stated in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. .  Your paper must be two to three double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. . Including the textbook, utilize a minimum of five scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford University Library published within the last five years. Document all references in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center APA Checklist (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. .

Ashford General Hospital Proposal

Ashford General Hospital is a 263-bed regional hospital located in California, serving its community for more than 50 years. The hospital maintains the only 24-hour emergency department in the area and an “extended hours” urgent care clinic. Similar to other hospitals in the United States, Ashford General Hospital is encountering a nursing shortage. Sixty-eight percent of the nursing staff is over the age of 45, facing retirement. The retention rate on nurses is 61%, compared to 65% nationwide.  Many of the nursing staff find the work too physically demanding and have a feeling of emotional burn-out as well.   In the past two years, the hospital has used both per diem nurses and traveling nurses who sign short-term contracts to fill individual shifts and accommodate short-term staffing needs arising from staff vacations or medical leaves.  This has not only driven up personnel costs but also resulted in lower scores on patient satisfaction surveys. Ashford General Hospital faces significant challenges in nurse staffing ahead as it grapples with these issues, and the hospital board is very concerned. They know there must be some changes made in order to prevent a major financial and human resources crisis in the future. As the newly hired CEO, you are asked to present a proposal in the next board meeting.

Computer versus Paper charting for nurses.

Need an argumentative essay on Computer versus Paper charting for nurses. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. With so many responsibilities and so much information to assimilate, it becomes even more essential to take care of the documentation of information as this is the only method to reduce errors.Charting information regarding medication, observations, patients’ history, etc. has been an age old practice and is the responsibility of nurses. The purpose of the medical chart is to serve as both a medical and legal record of patient clinical status, care, history, and caregiver involvement. The detailed information contained in the chart is intended to provide the patient’s clinical condition by detailing diagnoses, treatments, tests and response to treatment, as well as any other factors that may affect the clinical state of the patient. Hence, it is beyond doubt that documentation is one of the most important activities that needs to be accurate.This essay compares computer and paper charting methods and also discusses in detail the history of charting technology. reveal medication errors in computerized and non-computerized charting, illegibility of orders and double charting, and accuracy. In the 21st century, nursing informatics has become a part of the professional activities. Informatics has advanced the field of nursing by bridging the gap from nursing as an art to nursing as a science. The term medical chart is a general description of a set of information on a patient. It is important that the information in the chart be clear and to the point, so that those utilizing the record can easily access accurate information. In some cases, the medical chart can also assist in clinical problem solving by tracking the past history of the patient. For instance, the baseline information or status on admission, orders and treatments provided in response to specific problems, and patient responses can be easily retrieved from the medical chart. Another reason for the standard of clear documentation is the possibility of the legal use of the record. For example, these records are frequently investigated for insurance clams and when medical care is being referred to or questioned by the legal system, the chart contents are frequently cited in court.In the earlier days, all the documentation was prepared on paper. But today, most of these are fed into the computers directly and is stored in it. The disadvantages with the paper charting are as follows: it is a tedious process to write and store the records and it takes away a lot of space. Since nurses work in shifts, different nurses handle each record as a result different handwritings appear in single report. A single nurse handles several patients as a result there are high chances of medication errors with serious consequences. These factors are even more of a problem for those nurses who are working in intensive care units (ICU). With the increase in stress due to shortage of nurses, the working staff will be handling more patients and many times it is possible that errors occur in medication.Nursing Informatics is a broad ranging field that combines nursing skills with computer expertise.

Realising professionalism in Nursing Practice

This is the the assignment based on the video. here is the link of the video. https://youtu.be/x-bOgRUJv4g.

Assessment Item: Realising professionalism in Nursing Practice

Preamble: Professional behaviours and attitudes of the registered nurse towards patients and their families are central to the development of an effective therapeutic nurse patient relationship. Professional boundary violations of ‘under and over' involvement delineate best practice from poor practice, and often transmit to a lack of respect and empathy for the patient's health care needs. Such unprofessional practice will lead to patient's feeling unsafe physiologically, psychologically and culturally. Communicating professionally, using an emotionally intelligent and caring approach is fundamental for patients and their families to feel safe in the health care environment. As a registered nurse, it will be your responsibility to develop and maintain patient safety with professional attitudes and behaviours at all times.


1. By using the knowledge that you have gained this semester in relation to professional practice in nursing and while referring to relevant literature analyse the video “Crossing professional boundaries as a registered nurse”. (300 words) For an example of analysis see the Hotspot below…

2. From your analysis, identify and justify (with literary support) 10 professional practice anomalies that did or had the potential to impact on patient safety. (300 words)

3. Using a wide range of quality literature, and referring to the video critically discuss how these identified anomalies may impact negatively on both the patient's care and the nurse's professional image. (300 words)

4. From the literature, argue professional practice changes that would be necessary in ‘Nickie's' attitude and behaviour that would enable actual or potential patient safety was ensured (300 words)

Some points to consider when writing this paper:

-Review the TASK carefully. Highlight and define key words and directive terms. See HOTSPOTS below where directive terms have been defined and examples given.

-Review the marking criteria on your CRA carefully. Your paper will be graded from the criteria outlined in the CRA, therefore it is essential that you write to meet the criteria.

-You will need a minimum of 15-20 quality sources to allow you to write this paper. These should be highest available quality. (Australian as a priority, then expand to international as needed)

-A complete reference list is required at the end of the assignment. This must only include those literary sources referred to in the body or appendix of your paper. For further information on referencing at QUT, refer to QUT Cite/Write via http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au. Referencing style is an important academic skill and should adhere exactly to Cite Write – QUT APA.

-Use a separate page for the reference list. Remember QUT APA = all sources in alphabetical order (no numbering).

-Word count does not include intext referencing, the reference list or an appendix (if you choose to use one).

-Your paper must include an introduction and a conclusion. (approx. 150 words each) The introduction must relate to the task and the intent of the paper. The conclusion however must draw key points raised in the paper related back to the task. This will show your well-reasoned understanding of professional practice in nursing.



Analysis is the detailed examination of an item or situation where each key factor noted is examined against a benchmark or parameter. As a registered nurse, you will collect data about your patient's health, and will then need to analyse the data to determine priorities of care, therefore it is essential that you learn this skill early and quickly.

1. Identify and define the key words as a starting point for your own knowledge and understanding of the sentence to be analysed.

“It is without doubt that nurses are angels”.

2. Address each key word and intention of the writer using the literature to benchmark your writing

B. ANALYSIS OF THE VIDEO for this piece of assessment.

Be sure to view the video a number of times … at least 3 times. Also, read the transcript and highlight the key words and intentions of the words.

N.B. Remember as you are analysing a video, you need to be aware of non-verbal behaviours that are 
demonstrated as well as the verbal behaviours.

C. DIRECTIVE TERMS AND THEIR MEANINGS for this piece of assessment. (Cite Write, 2011).

Identify – state and describe the anomalies using the literature to provide the basis for the identification.

1500 words.

mental health policy stakeholders, aboriginal health policy stakeholders, hospital policy stakeholders, nursing education policy stakeholder, pediatric health policy stakeholder and women and child policy stakeholder

Assignment -01
Health policy stakeholders
Executive summary In this report, the six different topics on the health policy stakeholders will be discussed. The topics include the mental health policy stakeholders, aboriginal health policy stakeholders, hospital policy stakeholders, nursing education policy stakeholder, pediatric health policy stakeholder and women and child policy stakeholder. An introduction on all these topics has been provided along with its importance and influence on the various policies. 
Topic 1: Mental health policy stakeholders Holden, C.A. and Lin, V., 2012. Network structures and their relevance to the policy cycle: A case study of The National Male Health Policy of Australia.Social Science & Medicine,74(2), pp.228-235.
The main theme of this paper is the understanding of a network formation obtained from the network analysis method that is broadly described in the paper providing the stake holders and policy makers the means to analyse the other stakeholders position in context to consideration of the policy process.
Competing interests in relation to health care is a conflict of value, which has a direct effect on the care the physicians provide and even evaluates the factor that whether the competing interests has any negative impact on the divergent interests. There is an involvement of the government in the policy making process and the health care organisations are often asked to have some policies that will guard the negative impacts of the competing interests.
The approach used in this paper is important for understanding the influence of stakeholders in public health policy because this paper focuses on the performers of a policy, which is helpful in providing the insight about how to feature a policy. To provide a broader view of the stakeholders in the mental health policy this paper provides a case study on the competing interest. This study provides with a network analysis style as an instrument, which will help the policy makers to identify the stakeholders and their considerations regarding the policy process. this study focuses on the structural functional framework and this helps in evaluating on role of the network analysis in providing of alternative methods to the stakeholders for participating in the policy cycle process. This paper highlights the point about how the network based on the relationship of the policy makers and stakeholders’ impacts on the policy process and hence has relevance to the topic and can be used as assistance to the topic.
Topic 2: Aboriginal health policy stakeholder Flicker, S. and Worthington, C.A., 2012. Public health research involving aboriginal peoples: research ethics board stakeholders’ reflections on ethics principles and research processes.Canadian Journal of Public Health/Revue Canadienne de Sante’e Publique, pp.19-22.
The main theme of this study is to identify the role of the stakeholders about the health policy of the aboriginals. This study highlights the fact of having a presence of considerable discussions about the principles that are best for researching the health process of the aboriginals in context to the stakeholders’ perspective.
This study deals with the term community health or the health issues of any community. The study of community health focuses on mainly kinds of groups and deals with aspects of health of that certain group. Community health mainly focuses on health issues of the whole group rather than pointing on any individual. This is why this study relates to the topic and this study deals with the system in which the health characteristics of a given community can be sorted and mentions that health of any group or community is dependent on the social and demographic position of that particular group. Health dimension encompasses the complete physical and mental situation of an individual. The stakeholders are not always involved in the health policy of the stakeholders and they do not particularly have the decision making right if not they are given the objective of the meaningful engagement that allows them to be a part of the decision making process.
This study is relevant to the topic because it highlights that the stakeholders do not have the right to get involved in the health and health policy matters of the aboriginals. They are not always allowed to take part in every decision making process and as the topic of the study is the aboriginal health policy stakeholders, the overall topic is discussed in the chosen paper providing a clear view. Thus, this paper can be accessed as an assistance to the topic to define the stakeholders position in aboriginal health policy.
Topic 3: Hospital policy stakeholders Gagnon, M.P., Desmartis, M., Poder, T. and Witteman, W., 2014. Effects and repercussions of local/hospital-based health technology assessment (HTA): a systematic review.Systematic reviews,3(1), p.129.
This chosen article is about the health technology assessment of hospitals and this paper highlights the perceptions of the stakeholders in the process of HTA in the hospitals. There is also mentioning of the implementation of the stakeholders recommendations for improving outcomes.
This research paper has an analysis of a conducted research to find the answer to the relevant questions and to find the answer to the perceptions of the stakeholders in the hospital policy. The method chosen by this paper was PRISMA and it was conducted in two methods; firstly the screening and selection method and the extraction of the data. The study was conducted using around 700 articles and the research was done in the hospitals of a country.
As the study was only about the effects of HTA and finding the perceptions of the stakeholders along with implementation of the recommendations, this study had limited access to research. The overall research provides an understanding of the impact of decision with introducing modern technologies in the hospitals. The study does not broadly emphasize on the stakeholder term in the whole paper but it is well known that the stakeholders of a hospital are the providers, payers, patients and the employers. Hence, through this paper one can critically evaluate the stakeholders’ perception about the hospital policy.
This article discusses the perception of stakeholders in the hospital policy; though not by mentioning the term stakeholders in every term still this article is relevant to the topic and can be used to discuss the topic in a broader way. This article focuses on the given topic, though it discusses the context of the topic in a different way it still highlights the importance of the decision-making by the stakeholders of a hospital and can be used as a help to describe the topic clearly.
Topic 4: Nursing educational policy stakeholders Tobiano, G., Marshall, A., Bucknall, T. and Chaboyer, W., 2015. Patient participation in nursing care on medical wards: an integrative review.International journal of nursing studies,52(6), pp.1107-1120. This article is about the participation of the patients in the way of their own nursing care. This study highlights the role of the patients in the nursing process. The objective of the study is to provide the perceptions of the patients towards the patient involvement in nursing process. This research paper has implied some methods to integrate the reviews of the patients as well as the nurses in the nursing process or policy. The methods with the help of which the study was conducted are data sources and the review methods, which provided a clear idea about the topic of the paper. The limitations of the paper are that the paper had some discrepancies. The results of the conducted research helped the research with some themes, which were the enacted participation, challenges in the participation process and the promotion of participation and lastly the participation types. There is a large number of enacted participation of the patients in the medical wards. The known challenges are willingness of the patients and the approach of the nurses. Sharing of the information can be a way of promoting the participation. The question may arise how the above discussion is relevant to the topic. The above discussion is about the participation of the patients in nursing policy. This is the answer of the question. Broadly describing, this paper discusses about one of the stakeholders’ participation in the health care system and that is the patient. The patients are a type of stakeholders in any health care system. Hence, this paper is relevant to the topic and has the information, which can be used for defining the topic. The topic is about the nursing policy stakeholders and the paper is about the patient participation in the nursing policy, therefore, this paper can actually be a guide to discuss the topic. Topic 5: Paediatric health policy stakeholder Young, I., Gropp, K., Pintar, K., Waddell, L., Marshall, B., Thomas, K., McEwen, S.A. and Rajic, A., 2014. Experiences and Attitudes Towards Evidence-Informed Policy-Making Among Research and Policy Stakeholders in the Canadian Agri-Food Public Health Sector.Zoonoses and public health,61(8), pp.581-589.
This paper discusses the principle for developing the policy making process more evidence informed for the paediatric or food sector. This paper focuses on the interface of the food sector and policy making with highlighting its impact.
This paper covers a research of food and public health policy makers of Canada, to understand the perspectives of the policy makers. This paper focused on few groups on which the study was conducted and the participants were from paediatric and food departments. The participants introduced the research to all the principles required in this sector. The first one was clarifying the objectives of the policy. Second was the supporting the policy making with evidence third was evidence of the stakeholders interest in the policy inputs. Fourth, the ensuring of the evidence is delivered to the stakeholders in an informative way. Fifth was creating interdisciplinary perspective among the communities and the stakeholders. Sixth aspect was enhancing of individual skills for the policy makers. The results found after consideration of above facts are that the planned effort can lead to proper policy making along with evidence. Understanding of the policy realms can be effective in the policy making of the food industry. The limitation of this study is that it is conducted on few groups and hence there is a problem of implementing the results on wider perspective.
This paper is relevant to the topic as this paper highlights the integration of evidence based policy makers with the stakeholders interest and even the importance of the information sharing about the policy making of food industry to the stakeholders. Thus this paper can be used to discuss the topic broadly. This paper provides the proper importance of the policy makers in the paediatric policymaking system. Thus, this paper can be used as an assistance to look up to the topic of paediatric policy making.
Topic 6: Women and Child health policy stakeholder Nyondo, A.L., Chimwaza, A.F. and Muula, A.S., 2014. Stakeholders’ perceptions on factors influencing male involvement in prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV services in Blantyre, Malawi.BMC Public Health,14(1), p.691.
This paper is mainly about the factors that plays an influential role in determining the involvement of a man in preventing the transmission of HIV from mother to child. This paper is based on the stakeholders’ perspective on the given topic.
The paper discusses the prevention of HIV transmission as a topic from the stakeholders end and adapts many strategies and methods that are required to prevent and evaluate the overall transmission factor. This study highlights the role of the men in the prevention of HIV transmission as society is mainly patriarchal as mentioned by the stakeholders. There are many methods used in the study for conducting a research on the topic. The stakeholders perspective is clearly provided in the overall study and the limitations are that this study is about the role of male to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child but this study does not mention any other point about the other measures.
Though this paper is based on the stakeholders perspective in role of men in prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child this study highlights the certain factors of the topic. This paper highlights the women and child health factor along with highlighting the role of the stakeholders in the women and child health care policy. This paper discusses the stakeholders’ perspective in defining the importance of the male role in the prevention of the transmission of HIV from mother to child and the topic is also based on women and child care. Hence, both the paper and the topic is relevant to each other though not fully but to a great extent and hence this can be used in defining the topic broadly and giving a clear view of the topic of women and child health care and its importance from stakeholders perspective.