Describe reasons for this concept being of interest to nursing and its body of knowledge.

PDR-247781 Concept Analysis Concept Analysis Paper Description In this paper you will demonstrate scholarly, graduate school level writing and critical analysis of existing nursing knowledge. Your final paper will be 7–10 pages (excluding title page and references), using APA format with at least 8–10 scholarly nursing sources of information. Directions:For your final submission, you will take a concept of interest to you and develop it into a final concept analysis paper. Select another single word (concept) that you have wondered about nursing.The Unit 9 Assignment will focus solely upon the discipline of nursing with the inclusion of nursing scholarly sources to substantiate the literature review. Locate evidenced-based articles (based on research studies in nursing) that use the concept or discuss the concept. For this paper you will: – Identify the concept and purpose for studying the concept. – Describe reasons for this concept being of interest to nursing and its body of knowledge. – Define the attributes of the concept and relevant uses. – Provide a summary of the concept as described in each article with examples of how the term was defined. – Provide the theoretical and operational definition of the concept based on the review of literature. (Theoretical is pure definition and operational is how it is used in practice.) – Apply the concept as it relates to your practice and how you will use this concept in the future. – Describe the value of these concept analyses to your understanding of nursing knowledge. Please make sure that the authors thats in the citation will also be found in reference page.Thank you.. This below is the format that the professor wants us to follow..and please don’t use the single word ethics because i used this word already..thank you.. 7 pages, 8 APA

Assessment of Long Term Care

Assessment of Long Term Care or Residential Facility Writing Assignment

Based on the facility CareOne located on 493 Black Oak Ridge Road Wayne, NJ. Write a paper that includes all of the following information.
Use a heading for each of these sections to clearly identify the details in your paper.

Identify the specific Types of Care Provided and for what diagnoses (conditions)
An evaluation/analysis of the pros and cons of the care provided by the facility. (use Nursing Home Compare for data)
Provide a financial overview — what options to patient have to pay for care (eg. Medicare? Private Insurance? etc.)
Identify the names of the specific laws and regulations that oversee this facility; include if they are accredited by the Joint Commission
Recommendations for improvement
The research assignment must be written in the students’ own words in a grammatically correct manner.
Please be certain to include information from the nursing home compare website:
The paper must be submitted using Microsoft Word (12 point font, Times New Roman), double-spaced
No less than 5 pages not including the title page and references page.
APA-formatting must be used, including citations on references page.

Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing Rationale Essay

Educational Planning: Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing Rationale Essay – Instructions The Rationale Essay is a scholarly paper which you write to explain your degree plan. It describes how previous credits from other colleges and prior knowledge will blend with current studies to create the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree at SUNY Empire State College. The Nursing Assessment Committee approves your degree plan and rationale essay as a step in recommending the student for graduation. The degree plan must meet all of the following criteria: Degree Total credits Maximum advanced standing credits Minimum liberal studies credits Minimum”>general education”>credits Minimum advanced-level credits in your concentration Minimum advanced-level credits in your program B.S. in Nursing 124 93 62 30 40 45 Compose a 3-5 page paper following″>Written Assignment Rubric.png” alt=”Title: image of an icon that represents “opens in a new window” – description: image of an icon that represents “opens in a new window””>, including all requirements of APA format. There are eight sections to your Rationale Essay; the content for each section is outlined below. Unless otherwise stated, each of these sections should be used as a Level 1 heading in your paper “Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading” (American Psychological Association, 2010, p. 62). Sections of Paper: 1. Introduction: (no heading) briefly introduce the purpose of this paper to the reader and provide an overview of the key areas that will be addressed. 2. Goals in Pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Nursing: Drafted in Modules 1 and 2 · Describe your personal and professional goals in pursuing the BSN · Discuss what new knowledge, skills, and experiences you wish to develop during the program 3. Expectations of the Nursing Professional:Review and revise your content from the Discussion in Module 2 · Describe the professional expectations of the nurse with a baccalaureate degree · Discuss the professional opportunities that are available to the nurse with a baccalaureate degree and how your role might change 4. Academic Expectations:See Learning Activity in Module 2-Address how your degree plan will meet all of the following requirements. Indicate the number of credits being transferred in from other sources and the number of credits to be completed with SUNY Empire State College: · Bachelor of Science degree requirements at SUNY Empire State College (124 credits total) · SUNY General Education requirements (7 out of 10 knowledge areas; at least 30 credits) i. Math – required area ii. Basic Communication – required area · Required number of advanced level credits (at least 45 credits) · Required number of liberal credits (at least 62 credits) · Required nursing credits (at least 40 credits, advanced level) · ESC studies – 31 credits minimum 5. Degree Plan Narrative: · Identify that you will be taking the nine core nursing courses as required by the program. If you are taking each of these courses, there is no need to list them all by name… OR … · Identify modifications to the nursing core sequence if you are using transcript credit from another college or are planning to use the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process to meet the any of the nursing courses · Explain how your nursing elective will be met · Describe the courses you will use to meet any outstanding general education requirements. · Discuss any additional CBE/PLA credit that you intend to pursue with this degree · Identify the proposed timeline to degree completion 6. Conclusion: write a brief paragraph to summarize the key points of the paper 7. References: include any references as a separate last page of the essay, but before the planning grid 8. Degree Plan Grid: Drafted in Module 3 · Identify (by name) the courses and college term for completion · Outline the proposed sequence and course of study · Add a page break after the reference page (or final narrative if no references are used), and then include the Planning Grid as your final page. References American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Conceptual and Theoretical Thinking in Nursing Overview

NUR 18200 Conceptual and Theoretical Thinking in Nursing Overview Recall from the instructor lecture that a concept is the glue that ties conceptual frameworks, models, and theories together. The concepts in a framework or theory relate to each other in some way. This is what gives them meaning. A concept analysis is an exploration of how a concept ties a framework together. This “concept analysis” paper is due in Module 4, but it is multi-week assignment in three parts. Each week during Modules 2, 3, & 4, you will be writing Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3, respectively, for your paper. You will submit drafts of your developing paper each week to obtain an “originality” report from the SafeAssign software program (See course resources). While it is highly recommended that you submit these drafts of your revised paper each week, these drafts will not be graded and the originality reports on drafts are not reviewed by course instructors. Only the FINAL Concept Analysis Assignment, as submitted during Module 4, will be graded. Besides review of the information in this document, please carefully review ALL of the assignment directions within the learning modules for this assignment. In particular, pay attention to the instructions about submission of your DRAFT papers to SafeAssign. NOTE: also see the grading rubric for the assignment (See Module 4 Assignment 2, FINAL Concept Analysis Assignment). It is very important that you avoid mistakenly submitting any DRAFT document of your paper into the Module 4 Assignment 2 FINAL Concept Analysis Paper drop box. Once any draft would be mistakenly submitted into the drop box intended for your final paper, your document likely would get a score of 100% on any subsequent originality reports, since your paper will then match on itself. Only one (1) submission is allowed for the Module 4 Assignment 2, FINAL Concept Analysis paper. The paper should be written using APA manuscript format with a title page and reference list. The paper is expected to have good spelling and grammar. The page limit is 8 to 9 pages, including the title page and the reference list (i.e. no more than 6 pages for the actual paper IN Module 4, you will submit your final, revised paper, with a title page and reference list pages, as ONE (1) WORD document. Use the drop box for the Module 4 Assignment 2, FINAL Concept Analysis Paper. The score for the originality report on your FINAL paper must be 49% or less. This assignment is worth 30 points, or 30% of your final grade NUR 18200 Conceptual and Theoretical Thinking in Nursing Objectives • Explore the development of nursing knowledge in the context of nursing science. • Explore selected concepts, models, and theories that underlie nursing knowledge. • Apply selected nursing theories/models to a practice situation. • Critique and evaluate nursing theories/models within a selected framework. Directions For this assignment, you will create a new Microsoft Word document. Title the document “Yourname_ConceptAnalysis.doc”. To keep you on task, this assignment has been divided into three phases. These phases are recommendations only. You will not submit any work until you have completed the entire paper. Each student is encouraged to progress at his or her own pace. NOTE: See the grading rubric for this assignment BEFORE you start to write your paper (Module 4 Assignment 2 FINAL Concept Analysis paper). Part 1 – Select a Concept (To be completed in Module 2): In module 2, you will select a concept (see below), determine the purposes of analysis, and begin to identify all uses of the term that you can discover. For your paper in this course we are going to keep it simple. 1. NOTE: You must choose one (1) of the following four concepts for your paper: holism, pain, professionalism, or community. Pick ONE of these four concepts, perhaps one that intrigues you to use as the focus for your concept analysis. 2. Determine the aims or purposes of analysis. That is, what do you want to accomplish by conducting this concept analysis? 3. Identify all uses of the term that you can discover. 4. Locate AT LEAST THREE (3) dictionary definitions as well as ONE (1) thesaurus entry. 5. Locate a minimum of FIVE (5) scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals. If necessary, look for articles outside of the discipline of nursing. Record proper APA citations for each article. 6. Combined, these nine (9) items (i.e. 3 dictionary definitions, 1 thesaurus entry, and 5 peer- reviewed articles) are required and will make up the bulk of your literature review. These documents and will serve as the basis for identifying the defining attributes of your selected concept. 7. Determine the critical or defining attributes. Identify what each instance or use of the term has in common with the other uses. In general, the more scholarly sources you use the easier it will be for you to identify the critical attributes of the concept. This is essential in a concept analysis because if you fail to define the essential attributes the remainder of the paper will tend to be conceptually foggy. 8. Use APA guidelines for all “in text” and full reference citations. NUR 18200 Conceptual and Theoretical Thinking in Nursing Part 2 – To be completed in Module 3: In module 3, you should finalize your introduction and literature review. Then, using your critical or defining attributes, begin to define your cases. 9. Construct a model case; that is, a real life or life-like scenario that uses the concept and includes all of the critical attributes. Explain how you use each of the critical attributes. What is important is that your scenario is an accurate representation (model) of your concept. 10. Construct a contrary case. This scenario may actually be the opposite of the concept. Support your claim by showing how the contrary case does not contain any of the critical attributes of the concept. 11. Construct a borderline case that is related to the concept but is not actually an example of the concept. As you describe the borderline case, explain how or why it is not an example of the concept (i.e., it does not meet the critical attributes, etc.). 12. Identify related concepts. Create a bullet list of terms that are related to or similar to the concept. 13. Construct an invented case; that is, an imaginary scenario that uses the concept and includes all of the critical attributes. Explain how you use each of the critical attributes. 14. Identify an illegitimate use of the term. If applicable, provide an example of how the term or concept is used in a way that is different, strange, or improper. 15. Use APA guidelines for all “in text” and full reference citations. Part 3 – To be completed in Module 4: In Module 4, you will complete the steps of the concept analysis by identifying antecedents and consequences. After adding these sections (see below) submit your revised draft paper for another DRAFT SafeAssign originality report in Module 4. Do NOT submit any DRAFT document into the Module 4 FINAL Concept Analysis drop box. NOTE: Only when you have made all revisions and finalized your paper will you submit your FINAL paper document file to the Module 4 Assignment 2 FINAL Concept Analysis drop box. The page limit for this paper is 6 narrative pages. This total of 6 pages does not count the references and title page, which will be included in ONE WORD file that will be the submission of your final paper. The manuscript should be written in correct APA format. During Module 4, the Part 3 section of your paper, which you will write, will include: 16. Identify and describe antecedents and consequences. In other words, discuss any concepts or traits that precede (antecedent) the existence of the concept and what concepts or traits follow (consequence) the existence of the concept. Note that an antecedent cannot be one of the attributes, but a consequence may be. 17. Finalize your reference list, using APA guidelines and format. Do NOT include your reference list with your 6-8 page paper. The reference list will be submitted as a separate Module 4 assignment. NOTE: Also see the grading rubric for this assignment

opportunities in the clinical versus management tracts

In this week, you will focus on the opportunities in the clinical versus management tracts
research the clinical and management tracts for nursing advancement.
Based on your research, complete the following tasks as a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document:
•Discuss at least three advancement opportunities you have as a professional nurse with a BSN.
•Compare the opportunities in the clinical versus management tracts.
•Describe the track that you will choose to pursue and provide reasons for your choice.
Course Project Part 2—Setting Up Personal Goals
Continuing with the course project you started in Week 1, this week, you will interview a professional nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) who

could be a mentor to you.
Interview a professional nurse with a BSN who could be a mentor to you and who exemplifies the type of nurse you want to become.
Write a 1- to 2-page interview report. In your report, include the following:
•Identify and describe the attributes that make this nurse a role model for you.
•Explain the beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies this nurse demonstrates and relate it to your long-term goals.
Course Project Part 3—Studying a Professional Organization
Identify a professional organization and then complete the following tasks:
•Analyze and discuss the selected organization’s aim and activities.
•Explain how the organization meets, supports, or advocates the EBP standards and concepts of professional nursing.
In addition, explain the concepts of professional nursing—caring, communication, critical thinking, professionalism, and wholism
Course Project Part 4—Role of Nursing in Healthcare Delivery
In this week, you will study the role nursing plays in healthcare delivery.
Complete the following tasks:
•Interview a nurse manager and discuss the nursing role in the healthcare delivery system.
•Include questions in the interview that address the responsibilities of a nurse manager and the role’s accountability.
•Include the interviewee’s thoughts on cost containment.
Cite all sources in APA format
Course Project Part 5—Creating your Resume
Continuing with the course project from the previous four weeks, in this week, you will be asked to submit your professional resume` outlining your skills and

Each week you have completed part of a professional development plan. This week, you will compile the papers to make one final document. You need to

include a resume` in this paper. The final paper should include:
•Advancement opportunities
•A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) nurse interview
•A Professional organization
•A Nurse Manager interview
•A Resume`

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery

WRITE a paper (at least 750 words) on a Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Model. Read the two (2) articles below:
? Norlander, L. (Ed.). (2011). Transformational models of nursing across different care settings. Report: The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health (Appendix G). Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine.
NOTE: For this assignment, ignore curriculi/nurse education models
? Hughes, F. (2006). Nurses at the forefront of innovation. International Nursing Review, 53, 94-101.
Baccalaureate-prepared nurses are expected to function as managers, educators, collaborators, advocates, and leaders within a variety of settings. These articles describe a variety of innovative or “transformational” models in nurse-managed care across various care settings. Another source of ideas are the vignettes and case studies found in your textbook chapters.
For this paper, you will develop an innovative nursing care delivery model for a vulnerable population, care specialty, and setting in the United States OR a low income global country that reflects nurse managed care, collaboration, care across settings, and technology.
For your paper, it is easiest to focus on one (1) population, one (1) health issue/disease, and one (1) type of setting within a country. Be specific. If you use a low income country, name your low income country (see list in module 1) and adjust your model to the disease(s) and conditions found within that country. Consider that low income countries will not have access to the same level of facilities, technology related to diagnostics and communication, medications, and the health care professionals found in the U.S.
? A vulnerable population can include low income children and/or adults; elderly; homeless; migrants; immigrants; racial & ethnic minorities, people with chronic health or terminal conditions/diseases (or any group at risk for obtaining appropriate health care).
? A care specialty can include preventative care; primary care; acute care; chronic care; palliative or end-of-life care (including the targeting of any disease or condition that results in a health risk).
? A setting can include rural or urban community housing and/or clinic; school; specialty unit in a hospital; emergency room; health provider office; armed services facility; rehabilitation facility; hospice facility; ambulatory health care center; client home; nursing home; prison or detention center; short term stay housing (or any setting where a vulnerable client/patient population is available for care).
a) Content of paper:
Title of Paper (top of page 2, centered) Innovative Nursing Care Delivery: [Name of Your Model]
PAPER HEADING: Introduction [Level 1] What is your model’s population, setting, care specialty, and your model’s goal(s) and/or purpose(s)? For example, are you targeting a particular group or disease/condition? Choose a name for your model and include it in your paper title.
PAPER HEADING: Description of the [Name of Your Model] [Level 2] You are welcome to use your creativity in the model–develop your own or base it on an existing model. For ideas, start with the articles found with the assignment, textbook (Global Health 101) scenarios, or do literature searches on the internet. However, be sure that the model is nurse-led or nurse-managed. Registered nurses have authority to make decisions regarding nursing diagnoses, interventions, and referrals. Registered nurse practitioners have additional authority related to medical diagnoses and interventions (prescriptions).
Be sure to include the themes crucial to meeting the challenges of the future: nurse- managed care, collaboration, continuity of care and technology in describing your model. Be aware of cost-effectiveness; you could develop the “Cadillac” of models, but no one would consider implementing it because the cost would be too high.
Nurse led and nurse managed health care. [Level 3] Were nurses instrumental in the development and implementation of your model? How is your model nurse managed? Are nurses consulted and/or make decisions re: budget, personnel, and the communication, referral, and evaluation processes?
Partnerships and collaboration. [Level 3] What partnerships and collaborations exist for your model? Are they at the professional level (i.e., social workers, nutritionists, community leaders) and/or the organizational level (home health care agencies, public health departments, hospitals)?
Continuity of care across settings. [Level 3] What happens when a patient/client moves to a different setting, i.e., home, hospital, hospice, clinic, emergency room, etc. How is communication handled so the patient/family needs are consistently met when moved across settings?
Technology. [Level 3] What technology is used? Is it low-technology (basic assessment tools, screening tests) or high-technology (i.e, patient diagnostic, monitoring, and/or data processing systems) or a combination of both?
PAPER HEADING: Development/Implementation Team for the [Name of Your Model] [Level 2] Your team is important to carry out model’s goal(s). Depending on your model and setting, your team may include other registered nurses, nurse practitioners, community workers, nurse assistants, licensed practical nurses, nutritionists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, dentists, social workers, community leaders, psychologists, clergy, administrators, informatics technicians, physicians (if physicians are part of the team, they should function as consultants, not “captain of the ship”). Include your team members and briefly discuss their functions in carrying out the model goal(s)/purposes(s). How would communication and referrals be handled? Again–think about the cost effectiveness–could ancillary staff (nurse assistants, trained community workers) be used just as effectively?
PAPER HEADING: Evaluation of [Name of Your Model]: Outcome Measurement [Level 2] After implementation of the model, what outcomes would you measure Would you look at cost comparisons and/or savings? Patient satisfaction? Staff satisfaction? Fewer ER visits and/or re-hospitalizations? Decreased incidence of a particular disease/condition? Increased number of therapies? Increased knowledge of a disease or intervention?
For outcomes, be specific on what, who, when and how. For example, if you do a survey:
What type of survey is it (i.e., satisfaction, data gathering)?
Who would you survey (i.e., staff, patients, administrators)?
When would you do the survey (i.e., time period; pre/post tests)?
How would you conduct the survey (handout, mailing, computer analysis)?
b) An example of a nurse-managed model:
Below is an idea for a nurse-managed model. Your paper would be organized per the assignment instructions and more detailed regarding the health care delivery (nurse-led, collaboration/partnerships, continuity of care, and technology), and the functions of each of the team members, etc., but this is the start of an idea:
Let’s say you are a nurse working in community health and you are aware of three large migrant communities located in the rural areas around Homestead, Florida. The migrant workers who reside in these communities include their families–from infants to elderly. The communities are isolated and lack transportation and the ability to pay for and access local health care facilities.
You develop a model named Bus Stop for Health. You obtain funding (donor and/or grant) to refurbish a bus or utilize a refurbished bus already owned by a local health care organization. The bus will include an examination room (with assessment devices, such as BP cuffs, otoscopes, exam tables), supplies for health screenings (i.e., diabetes, cholesterol, pap smears, etc.), and two rooms for consultation.
The purpose of the bus is to provide primary health care (preventative care, such as immunizations and well child exams), monitor chronic diseases (such as hypertension and diabetes), diagnose and treat minor illnesses, and provide health-related education for this population. A referral system will be established for specialty care, such as obstetrics. An informatics technician (IT) will establish a computerized (e-tablet) system to input, store, and access data in the field. Smart phones will be used for real time communication.
After consultation with and permission from the local community leaders in the migrant communities, the bus is scheduled to drive to and spend 1-2 days/week at each migrant community. Some folding chairs and a tarp will be carried in the bus so small covered outdoor or indoor health education sessions can be provided.
Regular team members on the bus will consist of a nurse practitioner, registered nurse, and receptionist/translator. Other team members will rotate in and out of the scheduled bus times on a regular basis. For example, you could include a social worker and dentist, (describe their specific functions/purposes for this migrant population) as rotating team members. A nurse midwife could also be included in the bus rotation for managing low risk pregnancies. A consultant and referral relationship with a physician or physicians could be established for more complicated health care problems. Commonly prescribed medications can often be obtained through pharmacies at reduced costs or free from donors.
Evaluation? Some outcomes looked at could be increased immunization rates, increased knowledge related to common chronic diseases, child safety, etc. (by using pre & post tests), reduced visits to the local ERs for minor illnesses), earlier prenatal care, or other outcomes of interest. You could also use surveys to determine patient and community leader satisfaction with the model.
c) In-text citations and a reference list MUST be found in your paper. See the Nursing Student Writing Guidelines Checklist for APA formatting.
d) UPLOAD completed paper (file) into the Assignment TURNITIN folder by the due date.
e) WRITING EVALUATION: See rubric on Course Content page
Paper: Innovative Nursing Care Delivery (750 words min)
Innovative Nursing Care Model; Development/Implementation Team for Innovative Nursing Care Model; Evaluation of Model: Outcome Measurement
Critical Thinking Skills (15 pts); Content Development (15 pts); Organization (15 pts)
References (15 pts); Format (15 pts); Computer/Technology Skills (25 pts)

Asperger's and diabetes in the community Presentation

PDR-222068 Asperger’s and diabetes in the community Presentation • 2.5 cm margins and double line space your work,. • Font must be 12pt, unless otherwise indicated. • All pages must be numbered. • Student name and number must be included in the header or footer of every page of every assignment. • Assessment item 1- Asperger’s and diabetes in the community Essay: Addressing complexity in health care Value: 40% Length: 2000 words APA reference, minimum 10 references, from 2013 and younger Assignment 1 People with chronic conditions and disabilities often experience a range of concurrent physical and mental health issues that result in a complex scenario. It is known that chronic disease is the leading cause of death across the world (Johnson & Chang, 2014, p.2). Nurses need to be able to provide care to all health consumers, with a significant role in assessing a person, planning care, communicating with colleagues and ensuring that the holistic needs are met and evaluated.The ongoing nature of the conditions can result in longer term debilitating outcomes if not addressed appropriately. Children, young people, adults and older adults all experience the full range of health issues. This assignment encourages you to explore issues facing individuals confronted with long term health issues, to draw upon recent reports and current journal articles to present a paper that informs the reader about the key issues the group may face, the current trends in Australia and the key roles of the nurse within the health environment. Specifically, you will need to: Reflect on the complex issues related to both issues facing an individual child, young person, adults or older person with a combination of either: Criteria Part 1: 25% Reflects on complex issues facing a individual child, young person, adult or older person with a specific condition Part 2: 25% Discussed the key issues facing populations with the specific condition. Part 3: 25% Critically analyzed the nursing strategies for the person using guiding principles Presentation (nil marks) but marks will be deducted if poorly presented. Structure: 25% Introduction 5% Body 15% Conclusion 5% Referencing: marks will be lost for poor referencing style. Utilizes more than 10 papers, current, relevant and from a range of sources 7 pages, 15 APA references

Consider the 4 metaparadigm concepts: nursing; person; environment; and health. Select one and articulate your own beliefs, assumptions, and values related to that concept.

I need one page paper in nursing, this is the instruction about this one page paper:
Consider the 4 metaparadigm concepts: nursing; person; environment; and health. Select one and articulate your own beliefs, assumptions, and values related to that concept. Describe a personal experience from clinical practice that demonstrates and reflects the beliefs, assumptions, and values you identified. This is your own, personal philosophy; no references should be used. The table below is provided to serve as an instructional guide for this assignment. You should include the following:Identify 1 metapardigm concept from the following: nursing; person; environment; or healthArticulate your personal beliefs, assumptions, and values related to your selected concept Describe a detailed interaction between you and a client or family that depicts the beliefs, assumptions, and values related to your selected concept

*Philosophical Statement Instruction GuideNote: The questions below are designed to help get ideas flowing and are not the only focus of your statement.Nursing (i.e., nursing actions)
What is your definition of nursing?Is the metaparadigm concept nursing an art, a science, or both? Is it a process or a product (set of tasks)?What is nursing mainly (e.g., caring, therapeutic healing, building relationships)?What is the role reflected in nursing (e.g., doing for, being with [being present with], working with)?Where does ethics fit in?Who or what is the object of nursing’s concern?
HealthWhat is your definition of health (e.g., includes absence of disease, ability to perform social roles)?Is health on a continuum?Can clients have a chronic illness and still be termed healthy in your definition of health?What if the client’s view of health and your view of health are different?
PersonWhat is your definition of person (e.g., set of behavioral systems, biopsychosocial and spiritual being, energy field)?Who is the person being nursed (e.g., client, family, community)?What is your definition of person (e.g., set of behavioral systems, biopsychosocial and spiritual being, energy field)?Who is the person being nursed (e.g., client, family, community)?EnvironmentWhat is it? Where is it found?Are there different components to environment (e.g., emotional, spiritual, social, cultural, mainly physical)?Is environment separate from person?What is the nurse’s role in terms of environment?Are there internal and external environments, or is what is internal to a person part of the person?
Description and ExamplesThis whole philosophical statement is a statement of beliefs. However, for the purpose of teasing out and articulating your beliefs, these beliefs are divided into three types: definitions and description, assumptions, and values. Each of these should be written in separate paragraphs to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness.Beliefs: This should be a succinct definition (one or two sentences), followed by a broader description. For example, if part of your definition of person was the person is a biopsychosocial and spiritual being, then each of the component parts (e.g., spiritual being) would be described more fully.Assumptions: A given, something that you take for granted that it is true. Examples are: Humans are rational beings. Individuals desire to work collaboratively with their nurses.Values: Something you consider good (i.e., desirable, worthy, or of esteem). Examples are: All persons are of value and are worthy of respect. Clients should be treated with dignity. Confidentiality and privacy are essential throughout all interactions with clients. Persons should be given choice in their treatment regimens.*adapted from Table 1 in Hernandez, C. A. (2009). Student Articulation of a Nursing Philosophical Statement: An Assignment to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills and Promote Learning. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(6), 343-349.Submission Instructions:Post your content by clicking the “Create Thread” button in the Metaparadigm Concepts: Personal Philosophy Forum. It is recommended that you compose (and spellcheck) your post in Microsoft Word, then copy and paste it into the ‘message’ field. Enter a descriptive title that reflects the ideas of your post In the ‘subject’ field. When replying to your classmates’ posts, be sure you click the “Reply” button below the message to which you intend to reply

Does satisfaction among patients in a med-surge unit improve when treated by nurses and physicians who’ve participated in communication training, compared to those patients treated by nurses and physicians who have not completed communication training?

My PICOT question for this assignment is “Does satisfaction among patients in a med-surge unit improve when treated by nurses and physicians who’ve participated in communication training, compared to those patients treated by nurses and physicians who have not completed communication training?”

The paper will include the following.
Clinical Question
Describe problem
Significance of problem in terms of outcomes or statistics
Your PICOT question in support of the group topic
Purpose of your paper
Levels of Evidence
Type of question asked
Best evidence found to answer question
Search Strategy
Search terms
Databases used (you may use Google Scholar in addition to the library databases; start with the Library)
Refinement decisions made
Identification of two most relevant articles
Correct grammar and spelling
Use of headings for each section
Use of APA format (sixth edition)
Page length: three to four pages
Please make sure you do not duplicate articles within your group.
Paper should include a title page and a reference page.

1. Problem is described. What is the focus of your group’s work?
2. Significance of the problem is described. What health outcomes result from your problem? Or what statistics document this is a problem? You may find support on websites for government or professional organizations.
What is your PICOT question?
Purpose of your paper. What will your paper do or describe? This is similar to a problem statement. “The purpose of this paper is to . . .”
What type of question are you asking (therapy, prognosis, meaning, etc.)?
What is the best type of evidence to be found to answer that question ?
Search topic(s) provided. What did you use for search terms?
What database(s) did you use? Link your search with the PICOT question described above.

As you did your search, what decisions did you make in refinement to get your required articles down to a reasonable number for review? Were any limits used? If so, what?
Identify the two most relevant and helpful articles that will provide guidance for your next paper and the group’s work. Why were these two selected?
1. Correct grammar and spelling
Use of headings for each section: Clinical Question, Level of Evidence, Search Strategy, Conclusion
APA format (sixth ed.)
Paper length: three to four pages

= 160 points

evaluate and discuss application of a nursing grand or mid-range theory.

Assignment 2: Nursing Theory Analysis Paper on Dorthea Orem Overview/Description: The purpose of this assignment is to describe, evaluate and discuss application of a nursing grand or mid-range theory. This assignment also provides the learner an opportunity to connect theory and research to nursing phenomena. Learners will develop an 8-10 page paper (excluding the title page and references) using APA style to address the elements listed below. Theory/Author Name and Background Select a Grand or Mid-Range Theory that is appropriate to your practice setting. Describe the theorist’s background in detail and discuss how their experiences have impacted the theory development. Examine crucial references for the original and/or current work of the theorist and other authors writing about the selected theory. Identify the phenomenon of concern or problems addressed by the theory. Theory Description Explain whether the theory uses deductive, inductive or retroductive reasoning. Provide evidence to support your conclusion. Describe the major concepts of the theory. How are they defined? (theoretically and/or operationally) Is the author consistent in the use of the concepts and other terms in the theory? Interpret how the concepts are defined. Implicitly or explicitly? Examine the relationships (propositions) among the major concepts. Evaluation Identify explicit and implicit assumptions (values/beliefs) underlying the theory. On what assumptions does the theory build? Examine if the theory has a description of the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. If so, how are they explained in the theory? If the metapardigm is not explained, what elements do you see as relevant to the theory and why? Discuss the clarity of the theory. Did it have lucidness and consistency? Application Examine how the theory would guide nursing actions. Describe specifically how you can use this theory in your area of nursing (Practice, Education, Informatics or Administration). APA Style/Format