describe a global health problem that can be explored through research, discuss how this health problem is applicable in both the United States and other countries of the world, and critique four research studies that have been done on this topic.

Paper Requirements: Using what you have learned from your assigned reading, please write a review of the literature paper using APA format. This paper will include Appraisal Synopses of four (4) nursing research studies. (You will learn how to do a Research Appraisal Synopsis for your Learning Activities. This is explained in Chapter 16 of your Evidence-Based Nursing third edition textbook, and a completed Sample Appraisal is on pages 401-404). After deciding on a clinical topic that is relevant to global health, you will access the FIU Library and conduct a Literature Review on your topic for Part B of your paper. You will select four studies and complete a Synopsis Appraisal for each study. The research study articles selected for each Synopsis must be of original nursing research studies, not integrative review articles, and the studies must have been published in a peer-reviewed journal. Review Chapter Three on reading research articles before selecting the four studies for this paper. At least TWO of the four research study articles MUST BE written by nurses and published in a peer-reviewed nursing journal. At least ONE of the two nursing research studies must be about nursing in another country (non-USA).

The purpose of the paper is to describe a global health problem that can be explored through research, discuss how this health problem is applicable in both the United States and other countries of the world, and critique four research studies that have been done on this topic.
This is a scholarly paper, written as if it were a “Review of the literature” article published in a nursing journal.
DO NOT use first person voice. The paper should be 6-8 pages (maximum of 8 pages, not counting the title page, abstract page and reference list). You must use a minimum of 4 research articles for your paper. You may use any of the nursing research journals from your weekly assigned websites. The research study articles will be discussed in the text of the paper, properly cited in the paper, and then properly listed on your reference page. APA format for citing in the text and then citing on the reference pare are required. Use what you have learned about research methods, research studies, and how to read a research article, to select your research study articles. Refer back to Chapter 3 – “Starting Point”- and use those criteria to determine if you have correctly selected a research study article. You will receive or lose points on correct selection of a research study article versus a non-research or review article. At least TWO of the four research study articles MUST BE written by nurses and published in a peer-reviewed nursing journal. At least ONE of the two nursing research studies must be about nursing in another country (non-USA).

PART A. The first part of the paper should clearly define the global health problem, and discuss why it is important for nursing (why you have chosen this topic to write about). Also discuss how this problem is viewed in the United States and then how it is viewed in at least one other country. For example, if you discuss elevated blood pressure in adults, you may discuss guidelines for defining hypertension in the United States (reference the article where the guidelines came from, using APA format). Then find an article from another country and discuss how hypertension is described in that country (reference the article using APA format).

PART B. The second part of the paper will include an Appraisal Synopsis for each of the research studies that you have selected on your topic. This part of the paper will inform the reader about what is known about this problem in the United States population and in at least one other country of the world. For example, in the topic of hypertension, you may choose four research study articles done by nurse researchers that looked at such issues as interventions to improve medication adherence, or adherence to a prescribed diet, or the effect of an exercise intervention in reducing elevated blood pressure. Set up your paper using the following format: Use the heading Part B for this section.

Then use the subheading Study #1; Nursing research Study in the USA. Then appraise and critique the article following the components of Synopsis (textbook pages 401-402).Type the study name, author(s), year of publication, journal and pages, using APA format (same format as will be used on your reference page). Then do a Synopsis of the article. Conclude by discussing implications for practice, policy or further research.

Next use the subheading Study #2-Nursing Research Study Non-USA. Follow the same instructions as for Subheading Study #1.

Next use the subheading Study #3 (this can be a nursing research study from USA or non-USA). Follow the same instructions as for Subheading Study #1.

Next use the subheading Study #4 (this can be a nursing research study from USA or non-USA). Follow the same instructions as for Subheading Study #1.

Part C: This is the conclusion of your paper, and summarizes the key points that you have addressed in your paper.

The purpose of this assignment is to a) identify a nursing theory, b) analyze the importance of the selected theory to the nursing profession, c) summarize key concepts and relationships among the concepts of the selected nursing theory, d) present views of the selected theory on areas of specialization, and e) communicate ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.

The purpose of this assignment is to a) identify a nursing theory, b) analyze the importance of the selected theory to the nursing profession, c) summarize key concepts and relationships among the concepts of the selected nursing theory, d) present views of the selected theory on areas of specialization, and e) communicate ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.
Description of the Assignment
In this 5-6 page paper (not including the title or reference pages in the page count), the introduction contains a few statements about nursing theory in general, identification of
one nursing theory to be used in this paper, and the sections of the paper. The selected nursing theory can be from any of the three types of theories:
• grand theory (e.g., Roy adaptation model),
• middle-range theory (e.g., Benner’s model of skill acquisition),or
• practice theory (e.g., Im’s theory on the pain experience of cancer patients).
Note: the theories named here are examples only; students may choose any nursing theory.

1. The first section of the paper is a description of the importance of nursing theory, in general.
2. Key points and inter-relationships of those points of the selected theory are summarized. Biographical or historical information about the selected nursing theory or the nurse theorist is not included.
3. The selected nursing theory’s views or ideas about nursing leadership, nursing education, health policy, or nursing informatics (only one of these specializations) are discussed briefly, using two examples from real life to illustrate the views. Real-life examples come from a student’s own practice or from the scholarly literature.
4. The paper is concluded by presentation of insights gained (what was learned) about nursing theory through writing the paper.

Criteria for Content
• Introduction includes general comments on nursing theory (such as a definition of nursing theory and past exposure or experience with nursing theory), the name of the selected nursing theory, and the sections of the paper. A heading is not used.
• Section one contains an analysis of the importance of nursing theory, in general, to the nursing profession. For example, one might address why nursing theory is studied and how nursing theory impacts the profession and patient care.
• Section two is a summary of key concepts and relationships among the concepts of the selected nursing theory. Remember to state the name of the theory again. Avoid biographical and historical information about the theory or theorist. At a minimum, include reasons for selecting this theory, the purpose(s) of the theory, key concepts, relationships among key concepts, and how this theory addresses nursing’s metaparadigm. Students are not limited to these areas.
• Section three presents a discussion of how the selected nursing theory views nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy, along with 2 real-life examples illustrating the views. If the selected theory does not explicitly discuss the chosen specialization, a possible view of the specialization can be proposed. Remember that real-life examples come from a student’s own practice experiences or from the scholarly literature. Keep each example succinct (about 1 – 3 paragraphs).
• Section four is the conclusion. In the conclusion, ideas and understandings about nursing theory learned from writing the paper are shared.

As the country focuses on the restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and fewer will be available in acute care hospitals.

As the country focuses on the restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and fewer will be available in acute care hospitals.While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.RUBRIC:Clearly States How the Practice of Nursing and Patient Delivery Will Evolve, While Addressing Relevant Concepts That Include Continuity or Continuum of Care, Accountable Care Organizations, Medical Homes, and Nurse-Managed Health ClinicsMain concept is easily identified, and subconcepts branch appropriately from the main idea. Addresses all of the issues related to the evolving practice of nursing and patient care delivery.Evidence of Feedback and Forecasting of Nursing Role From ColleaguesEvidence of feedback and forecasting of the nursing role from colleagues is described in detail, with relevant personal insight, reflection, or analysis.Use of Vocabulary Regarding Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care DeliveryAll of the recommended terms have been included in the correct context.OriginalityContent shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original, inventive, and based upon logical conclusions and sound research.Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)The writer is clearly in command of standard, written academic English.Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)All format elements are correct.Research Citations (in-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment)In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

Image and Voice of Nursing

Written Assignment 3: Image and Voice of Nursing – Due Week 9

Students Please Note: This assignment must be submitted to

The Turnitin originality report MUST be submitted in PDF format. At the link below is a screenshot with instructions: Screenshot with PDF Instructions

Assignments submitted with turnitin reports in any other format will not be graded.

Reference the “Turnitin Requirement” section of the course Syllabus (or Using Turnitin for Assignments on the Topic List Page) for general instructions. Upload both your assignment and the originality report within the assignment link.

Purpose and Overview:

The purpose of this paper is for you to reflect on the historical and current image and voice of nursing and the profession of nursing are affected. You will project how to enhance the image and voice of nursing in the future in order to recruit, retain, and reward nurses.

Guidelines for Writing the Paper

This paper is a comprehensive assessment of nursing image and voice. You will conduct a review of literature about the image and voice of nursing and how it affects rewards, recruitment, and retention in nursing. Future challenges and strategies for improvement will be included.

This assignment, which is in the form of a scholarly paper, is worth 15% of your grade. The paper will be a minimum of 7 double-spaced pages in length and maximum of 14 pages, excluding the title sheet and the reference list, and minimally must address these criteria:

  1. Description of historical image of nursing. 
  2. Overview of how nursing image is portrayed by, and affected by, the media. Include various forms of media such as print, television, and film media 
  3. Explanation of how nursing leaders and nursing staff impact image. 
  4. Description of how the image of nursing can be improved. Combine a summary of findings from the literature with your thoughts; include at least two behaviors you can implement to improve the image of nursing. 
  5. Future challenges and summary. Briefly summarize the past image of nursing, the current image of nursing, and projections for the future image. Summarize the importance of image to nursing as a profession.

APA format of paper includes:

  • Title page
  • Body of paper: references cited in paper, margins, page numbers, paragraph structure, use of headings.
  • References: correct APA citation; minimum of five professional references

Submit your assignment using the Submission link.

Mentor’s tip for this paper:

The references listed in the back of From Silence to Voice may be helpful to identify possible resources for this paper.

Note: These directions will be used to evaluate and grade your assignment. Please refer to the details when preparing your assignment.

identify, describe, research, and apply the concepts that underlie your personal philosophy for professional nursing practice.

Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy Overview You are required to submit a scholarly paper in which you will identify, describe, research, and apply the concepts that underlie your personal philosophy for professional nurse Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy

OverviewYou are required to submit a scholarly paper in which you will identify, describe, research, and apply the concepts that underlie your personal philosophy for professional nursing practice.This will help you identify your own values and beliefs about the established metaparadigms and metatheories of the discipline. It will also help you identify and articulate concepts relevant to your specific practice. This paper is intended to be an exercise in clarification and organization of your professional foundation. You are also required to provide a list of assumptions from personal nursing practice that illustrate the concepts and framework of your theory.

Your paper should follow a format that includes:

Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing.
The Four Metaparadigms: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, nurse, health, and environment.
Two Practice-Specific Concepts: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on at least two other concepts specific to your own practice.
List of Propositions: A numbered list of at least five propositions or assumption statements that clearly connect the concepts described.
Each week, you will complete various segments of your Concept Synthesis Paper and submit it to the W1: Assignment 3 Dropbox for facilitator feedback when necessary. Your paper should integrate these discrete elements and reflect your personal nursing philosophy.

Your Concept Synthesis Paper on your Personal Nursing Philosophy is due in Week 3. However, it is recommended that you begin working on your paper from Week 1 onwards and complete the various components related to the paper week wise as you progress through the course. The suggested tasks for each week are:

Week 1: Nursing Biography and The Four Metaparadigms of Nursing
Week 2: Two Practice-specific Concepts, and List of Propositions/Assumptions
Week 3: Due: Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy

Consider the following questions as you complete your various tasks related to this assignment.


How do I define and employ the four basic metaparadigms of nursing theory in my professional practice?


What are the major concepts I employ that are unique to my professional practice?


What philosophies and theories from the literature of nursing and other disciplines/domains are consistent with these concepts?


How are the concepts of transcultural nursing, the health promotion model, skill acquisition, role theory, and change theory specifically integrated into my philosophy and practice?


What research supports these theories and concepts?


How do I integrate role and change theory into my professional practice and how may these theories be applied to the organization in which I practice?

The paper is to be thoroughly researched and well documented, with relevant material from the nursing theorists presented incorporated into the paper. Use the current edition of the APA Manual throughout the paper. Sources should focus on references from nursing theory but may also include conceptual and theoretical material from other professional domains. The paper, excluding references or appendices, is to be limited to 6-10 pages. Writing should be succinct and well organized, as it is impossible for the facilitator to evaluate form and content separately.

Your philosophy/framework is to be given a title that is appropriate to its content and emphasis.

Grading of the paper will be based on the following:

Grading Criteria:
Maximum Points
Nursing Autobiography
The nursing autobiography included personal experiences in the field of nursing.
Provided an account of the current professional role of the student.
Included factors that guided decision making.
Quality of Essay
Enlisted the four metaparadigms.
The essay included a definition of the four metaparadigms of nursing with reference to professional practice.
The essay mentioned how the metapardigms were employed in nursing practice.
The essay enlisted two practice-specific concepts.
The essay included clinical examples for each of the chosen concepts.
The clinical examples illustrated the concepts in a manner, which further clarified the students’ use of the conceptual material.
The essay demonstrated consistency between concepts, assumptions, and clinical application.
The essay identified and discussed students’ perspective on two other concepts specific to their practice.
The essay included a numbered list of at least 5 propositions or assumptions.
The concepts were connected and integrated to reveal a meaningful sequence.
The essay demonstrated clarification and organization of the students’ professional foundation.
The essay demonstrated evidence of critical thinking in analysis and response.
The essay demonstrated understanding and integration of lecture material, reading assignments, and sources consulted.
Essay was well written, well organized, and articulate.
Presentation Criteria
The paper clearly demonstrated understanding of theoretical principles (i.e., concept development, definitions, assumptions, etc.)
The paper revealed clarity, organization, and articulation of ideas.
The paper showed that ideas were well-documented.
The paper revealed the breadth of research effort.
The paper demonstrated appropriate use of APA format in references and citations.

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Based on the ideas and perspectives articulated in your Nursing Philosophy paper

Philosophy of Nursing Assignment Guidelines and Grading Rubric

Purpose: Some of you may just be entering the field of nursing—with the ink on your RN license barely dry, while others of you have been career nurses for several years.  Whatever point you are in your nursing career, it is important to reflect on what nursing means to you.  Your philosophy of nursing is a deeply personal journey that is influenced by your personal beliefs and values, your family and culture, education, and your career goals and experiences.  All these factors contribute to who you are, what you believe, and how you act. Writing your philosophy is a process that may change along your professional career. This assignment challenges you to develop and articulate your personal philosophy of nursing, and describe the ideas of published authors that influence your beliefs and views of nursing.

Prepare:  Read, “Articulating your philosophy of nursing” by Janice Denehy (

Find a quiet space to ponder these questions:

  • What are your general values related to the nature of humankind and society?
  • What are your values and beliefs that relate to the profession of nursing? To health and illness?  To healthcare recipients? To community? To other topics or concepts that define your practice as a nurse?
  • Who and what influenced your values and beliefs?
  • How do your personal beliefs and values relate to your perspectives on nursing?

Content: Address the following topics in a brief (no more than 3 pages, double-spaced) paper:

  • Introduce your nursing career choice, current practice, and vision of your future as a nurse.
  • Describe your general beliefs and values related to humankind and society—values that give direction to your journey in life.
  • Describe your values and beliefs that relate to nursing profession. Include perspectives on nursing, health and illness, recipients of care, and any other concepts you feel define your practice as a nurse.
  • Describe (and cite source) of at least TWO published works that influenced or ground your perspectives and/or define your practice as a nurse.
  • Describe how your personal beliefs and values relate to your ideas about nursing.

Format: This will be your first “official” APA format paper for the RN-BSN program.  You will be expected to develop an accurately formatted paper with title page, abstract, body of paper and reference sections.  The paper should have 1” margins and be double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font.  A Sample APA Paper with further guidelines is included in the Student Resources module, and can be used as a template for this paper.

Discussion:  Based on the ideas and perspectives articulated in your Nursing Philosophy paper, develop and post a short (100 words or less) statement that reflects your personal and professional values—a Nursing Philosophy Statement. See detailed instructions on Discussion assignment.

Discuss Nurse’s Role in Supporting the Organization’s Strategic Agenda

Discuss Nurse’s Role in Supporting the Organization’s Strategic Agenda

The Nurse’s Role in Supporting the Organization’s Strategic Agenda

As hospitals seek to reduce the incidence of Never Events and improve the overall quality of health care provided, it is apparent that ultimate success will require the effort of the entire medical staff. Consider the nurse’s role in supporting the organization’s strategic agenda as it relates to improving clinical outcomes.

For this application you are asked to interview a quality manager in an acute care or long-term care agency of your choice. Your goal is to determine the manager’s view regarding the impact of the direct care nurse’s role in clinical outcomes for the organization.

1. How does this influence the ability of the organization to achieve its strategic agenda?

2. Before you attend the interview, create a list of relevant questions that will help you better understand the effect a nurse can have on the successful treatment of the patient.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper discussing what you learned from this interview. How will what you learned impact how you approach your nursing responsibilities?

: Human Resources and Staffing Crisis at Blumberg’s Nursing Home

Assignment 2: Human Resources and Staffing Crisis at Blumberg’s Nursing Home

Due Week 10 and worth 250 points

Blumberg’s Nursing Home (BNH) is a 100-bed Medicare and Medicaid certified facility in suburban Philadelphia, PA. The administrator recently terminated the facility’s Director of Nursing (DON), receptionist, and dietary aid for inappropriate conduct. They had all been involved in purchasing and using illegal substances on facility grounds. Facility staff, as well as many of the more lucid residents, have found out about the incident.

The charge nurse has been appointed interim DON. The human resource manager has sent a memo to all staff informing them of a mandatory staff meeting to discuss BNH’s code of ethics and to provide additional training on workplace culture. Because federal law requires that there be at least one (1) registered nurse on duty for a minimum of eight (8) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, and that the DON must be a registered nurse (RN) – which the interim DON is not – BNH is out of compliance.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

Assess the immediate staffing needs at BNH. Prioritize the order in which BNH should fill the main unstaffed position(s). Justify your selection(s). Considering the reason behind the termination of the employees, formulate a human resources policy that addresses inappropriate conduct in the workplace, the process of reporting inappropriate conduct, and the consequences of violating the policy. Explain your rationale. Per the text, an effective long-term care facility administrator must have both leadership and management skills. Propose at least one (1) way the administrator in this case must demonstrate quality leadership skills, and one (1) way the administrator must demonstrate quality management skills in the aftermath of this crisis so as to improve and maintain staff and resident morale. Recommend a strategy for BNH to use the Quality Indicator Survey to improve administrative practices and ensure future compliance at the facility. Justify your recommendation. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Differentiate the administrative functions of long-term care practices from those of other healthcare administrative services. Identify the factors that have led to the current realities of long-term care in the United States. Assess the various stakeholder groups of long-term care along with the nature of the relationship(s). Recommend how a company can use the Quality Indicator Survey to improve administrative practices. Use technology and information resources to research issues in long-term care management. Write clearly and concisely about long-term care management using proper writing mechanics.

Evidence-Based Practice- Nursing Research

NUR131: Evidence-Based Practice- Nursing Research Workbook Assignment


The goal of this assessment is to: 1) develop your research knowledge, and 2) critique a research article.

Assessment Criteria

Completion of the workbook will be assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Understanding of the research process
2. Understanding of sampling principles
3. Understanding of principles of quantitative and qualitative data collection
4. Appraisal of published research papers
5. Understanding of ethical issues related to research where applicable

Workbook Format
The format of your workbook should use the following guidelines:
1. Typeface: Times New Roman with 12 point font size
2. Line spacing: 11/2 space
3. Layout orientation: Landscape
4. The Harvard reference style 6th edition must be used.

5. The file format MUST NOT be altered. You are expected to use academic writing in this assessment task.(Please note: Writing using the first person is not acceptable for this assessment task).

Workbook Part A: Research knowledge

A component of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Registration Standards is Continuing Professional Development (CPD). “CPD is the means by which members of the professions maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop the personal and professional qualities needed throughout their professional lives” (NMBA, 2016, p 1). An example of a CPD activity is attending “conferences, forums, seminars and symposia” (NMBA, 2016, p 2).
In NUR131 you are required to participate in the 8 research presentations as an illustrative example of a CPD activity. In Part A of the workbook you are required complete a workbook entry for each of the 8 Research Presentations. The research presentations for this activity are located in the

Assessment Task 3 Folder in the course BlackBoard.
Each presentation entry should be approximately 100 words and must address the following criteria:
1. Date you listened to the presentation
2. Name of the presenter
3. Title of the presentation
4. Identify 5 technical research terms discussed in the presentation
5. Choose 2 of the identified terms and provide a definition in your own words of the term (you must not use direct quotes).

You can only use a technical research term once across the 8 presentation entries.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) 2016, Continuing Professional Development Fact sheet, NMBA, viewed 2 July 2016 <””>.

Workbook Part B: The research process

Part B of the workbook requires you to answer a number of questions related to a research article. The workbook template (included on BlackBoard) includes the question areas that MUST be answered for this assessment task.
You are required to analyse and critique the journal article. Simple yes/no answers are not adequate responses. Do not use quotations as this demonstrates that you can find information but does not demonstrate that you understand a concept.

identification of a health-related problem, issue, or health risk of a selected aggregate and the establishment of collaborative partnerships with the diverse community and interprofessional teams to address the needs and influence change for the selected population.

NUR 541 Individual Graded Assignment: Community Needs Assessment
This assignment focuses on the identification of a health-related problem, issue, or health risk of a selected aggregate and the establishment of collaborative partnerships with the diverse community and interprofessional teams to address the needs and influence change for the selected population.

Follow these instructions for writing your Community Needs Assessment. This assignment should be no more than 12 pages, (excluding title page, abstract, and reference list). Throughout the paper, provide supporting evidence from at least ten (10) current references, including at least three (3) non-nursing resources (graded in Integration of Evidence and Theory section of rubric).

This assignment accounts for 30% of your course grade. Additionally, use the Scoring Rubric for this assignment as a guide for writing your paper.

Note: *Scholarly works (including scholarly articles, white papers, and scholarly websites) integrated within the Masters Competencies paper should come from the most current nursing or related literature (published no more than 5 years ago); however, older works may be included if it is a seminal source or where there is a gap in the literature. Be sure to include a minimum of ten (10) scholarly works in your paper. At least three (3) references should come from a discipline outside nursing.

As part of your learning experience, you are provided access to a plagiarism prevention service called Turnitin. Using Turnitin serves as a learning experience and opportunity to correct any areas in your papers involving plagiarism or improper citation. You are required to submit your paper to Turnitin prior to submitting it in course submission area for grading.

Title Page: Follow APA 6 Guidelines (Graded through organization, writing style, grammar, usage, mechanics, and formatting)

Abstract: Include a brief synopsis of your paper following APA 6 Guidelines (graded in Organization, Writing Style, Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Formatting)

1. Introduction and Description of aggregate (20 points)

The introduction (not labeled as such in APA format) provides the foundation for the paper.

Include a thesis statement that justifies the main points in the paper

Include the following in your introduction:

Describe an aggregate or vulnerable population within a community that is at risk for health problems.
Describe this aggregate in terms of at least three (3) commonalities.
Discuss the diversity that exists within this aggregate.
Example topic: “Need for respite care (health-related problem, issue, risk) for Hispanic families of children who are medically-dependent and fragile (aggregate or vulnerable population) in the greater Capital District region of New York State (geographic community).”

2. Community Description (20 points)

The community description creates a vision of the community in which your vulnerable population exists.

Describe the geographic community within which the aggregate or vulnerable population resides.
Describe the dimensions of people, place, and function that serve as a framework.
Discuss the partnerships within the community by including the sources of data or information, such as key informants, and governmental agencies.
3. Problem Description and Rationale (20 points)

The Problem Description focuses on providing a clear and full picture of the health-related problem, issue, or health risk for the selected aggregate.

Describe one health-related problem, issue, or health risk of the selected aggregate.
Describe the significant factors contributing to the health-related problem, issue, or risk.
Provide a rationale for selection of this health-related problem, issue, or health risk based on its relationship to a specific Healthy People 2020 objective.
4. Analysis, Implications, and Influence (20 points)

The Analysis, Implications, and Influence section focuses on the role of the masters prepared nurse in addressing change regarding the health-related problem, issue, or health risk for the selected aggregate.

Analyze how the selected health-related problem, issue, or health risk is amenable to an intervention, project, or program and explain how it relates to the scope of masters prepared community health nursing practice.
Discuss the implications of the health-related problem, issue, or health risk for policy change and social implications at the systems level.
Explain how a master’s prepared nurse would establish collaborative partnerships with the diverse community and interprofessional teams to address the needs and influence change for your selected population.
Conclusion (less than a page). Present a brief and succinct description of the key elements of the paper. (Graded through organization, writing style, grammar, usage, mechanics, and formatting)

5. Integration of Evidence and Theory (10 points)

Integrate the evidence that you used to support your work.

Integrate credible, relevant sources to support ideas appropriate for the assignment.
Consistently use information in ways that are true to original context. Always distinguish between own ideas or common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution.
Scholarly articles integrated within the paper meet the following standards:
Provide the required number of references (minimum of 10)
Most nursing-specific or nursing-related
Provide the required number of references from a discipline outside nursing (minimum of 3).
Published within 5 years OR published beyond 5 years if seminal source or gap in the literature
6. Organization, Writing Style, Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Formatting (10 points)

The presentation and style of the paper are consistent with scholarly work and reflect the use of APA format (6th ed.) Page Limit: 12 pages

Use clear structure as outlined in the assignment with all components present, including brief and succinct abstract, introduction, and conclusion.
Use straightforward, clear, concise, nearly error-free language that conveys meaning to readers.
Conform to APA formatting standards, with only minor deviations.
Content length conforms to directions, excluding title, abstract, and reference pages.