Identify a specific clinical practice problem that is relevant to clinical nursing practice (mine is FALL) use the PDSA ( Plan, Data, Study, Action) template to identify the problem and follow each segment to clearly describe how you will incorporate in all the subheadings of PDSA.

Use APA format

Identify a specific clinical practice problem that is relevant to clinical nursing practice (mine is FALL) use the PDSA ( Plan, Data, Study, Action) template to identify the problem and follow each segment to clearly describe how you will incorporate in all the subheadings of PDSA. I want you to be specific in each categories and include your strategies for improvement: What is the problem? Is this a Unit Specific or Facility Wide problem? Why is this a problem? What is your current rates or reports? How will you make changes ( your methodology to improve practice) How will you monitor? What are your indicators? How long will you monitor? Identify your desired outcomes or goals for these identified problems. Please include benchmarks ( National or Historical). How will this improve your practice, patient care/safety/satisfaction and your health facility fiscal revenue ( think reimbursements). Due to the focus on interprofessional collaborative approach, kindly include other disciplines who are involved in this project ie., Pharmacy, Infection Control etc. I recommend for you to review: The New York State Partnership for Patients ( NYSPFP); Greater New York Health Association and the Healthcare Association of New York State ( HANYS),. Look for NYS Partnership for Patients ( GNYHA) and click on the link you find past presentations on: NYS Partnership for Patients and several presentations on Infection Control ( 2018); GNYHA Conference Seeks to Prevent Falls in Hospitals ( October 29, 2018);



I. APN Practice Improvement Paper

The purpose of this paper is to facilitate role transition to an advanced nursing practice role by having the student identify a clinical problem that can be addressed with the skills and knowledge acquired by advanced practice nurses. Students will begin to think on a systems level to identify the problem, strategies for resolution, a plan for resolution, and outcome measures to determine the effectiveness of the strategic plan.

Identify a specific clinical practice problem that is relevant to clinical nursing practice (for example, sepsis, pressure ulcer detection, family presence during resuscitation, nursing staff shift report, nursing staff patient transfer report, etc.). Think in specific, narrow terms when identifying a problem and remember that many problems affecting clinical practice are too complex for you to resolve; they are addressed at a higher level of organizational leadership. For example, you probably cannot change the number of RNs working in a hospital, but you might be able to change the scheduling method for RNs on a specific unit if that might resolve the problem. You will use skills and knowledge from one or more of the advanced practice nursing competencies to design a strategy to address the problem. Discuss your topic with the professor if you are unsure whether it is appropriate.

Search the scholarly peer-reviewed literature for articles related to your topic. Also, search for evidence-based practice guidelines that address the problem. Include the following information in your paper:

Introduction (25%)

Discuss the following: a clear statement of the practice problem and documentation that supports the existence of the problem, an historical perspective of the issue, a brief literature review related to the significance of the issue, and the relevance of this issue to advanced practice nursing. It is recommended that you choose a real practice that you can directly influence with the PI project that you will develop.

Possible Strategies to Address the Problem (15%)

In this section you will discuss possible relevant strategies that could be used by an advanced practice nurse to resolve this situation. Be very specific. These should include strategies reported in the literature. Discuss the research evidence that supports the use of each strategy.

Strategic Focus (35%)

In this section you will elaborate on one of the strategies you have discussed in the previous section. Indicate its theoretical/conceptual basis, relevance to the clinical problem and how you would implement this strategy in your practice as an advanced practice nurse. Possible theoretical/conceptual bases include change theory or other theories specific to the type of problem. Develop a specific plan for implementation that includes a step-by-step description of how you will implement this change in a clinical practice environment. Indicate others who will be involved in this strategy and what their roles will be.

Outcome Evaluation Strategy (15%)

Describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your strategic focus strategy. Include the instruments or other outcome measures that you will use to evaluate outcomes. If the instruments have been published, include psychometric data. If the instruments are new, indicate how you will evaluate reliability and validity. This must be specific.

References (10%)

Your reference list will be evaluated for the inclusion of scholarly peer-reviewed literature and evidence-based practice guidelines (if available). You may use information from professional health-related web sites, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Joint Commission, National Guideline Clearinghouse or other professional organizational web sites; just be sure to include them on your reference list.

Additional Instructions:

? Papers without section headings are unacceptable and will result in a loss of 10 points.

? Do not use your text as a source of information for this paper. You are expected to read recent scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles and practice guidelines (if available) related to the topic. Synthesize the information from these articles in your discussion. If you wish to include additional information from a web site, you may do so only if the information is relevant, you have appropriately paraphrased and cited the source, and the web site is a credible, scholarly source of information (i.e., from a professional organization, university or other credible site; refer to information in the References section above). Do not use sites such as Wikipedia, e-how, ask, all nurses, nurses together and similar sites.

? Use the library’s electronic databases to search for articles.

? Scholarly writing and adherence to scholarly format as described in the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual is expected. You may write in first person in the Strategic Focus and Outcomes sections of the paper. Please pay particular attention to the appropriate use of heading levels, grammar, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation, consistency of font size and style, and reference citations. Be very careful to cite all of your sources correctly at the point in your paper where you discuss them. It is inadequate to include sources on your reference list that have not been cited in the body of your paper. Also inadequate is citing your references only at the end of a paragraph. If you wrote an entire paragraph that was paraphrased from another source, cite the source the first time to refer to it in your paragraph. Then use appropriate transition language so the reader knows you that what follows was from the same source. Avoid the use of direct quotes.

? Any plagiarism will result in a grade of 0 for your paper.

You will submit your paper through Blackboard using Turn- it- In (ASSIGNMENTS link). Save your paper in one of the following file formats: Word (.docx or .doc) or rich text file (.rtf). The file name should be: The Assignment Title – Do not use a cover page

Grading Rubric: APN Practice Improvement Paper


Points Possible

Points Earned


? Practice problem clearly stated

? Provides evidence to support existence of problem

? Discusses historical perspective

? Reviews pertinent literature

? States relevance of the issue to advanced nursing practice


Possible strategies

? Lists possible strategies to resolve problem

? Provides scientific evidence to support the strategy


Strategic focus

? Selects one strategy to address the problem

? Discusses the theoretical basis for the strategy

? Describes the relevance of the strategy to the problem

? Describes a step-by-step plan to implement the strategy

? Describes who will be involved in the implementation process and what their role(s) will be


Outcome evaluation

? Describes a specific plan to evaluate outcome achievement

? Describe the outcome variable, i.e., what are you measuring?

? Describe what data you will collect and how you will collect the data

? Describe any instruments that will be used to measure outcomes

? Discuss any known or anticipated limitations to your project



? Selects relevant references from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals or relevant professional and credible websites


Scholarly writing and APA format (a maximum of 10 points will be deducted for errors)

? Sentence structure and punctuation are correct

? Word choice is correct and words are spelled correctly

? Appropriate headings are used

? Synthesis of ideas is evident with appropriate transitions used where needed

? References and headings are formatted correctly, according to the APA Manual, 6th edition

? Paper is organized and ideas flow fluently and correctly

? Font size is 11 or 12 and style is one of the following: Cambria, Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman

? Paper is double-spaced (includes reference list) and formatted according to the APA Manual

Total 100View less »

You did such a great job of turning around the last facility you managed!Now you have been recruited to take the position as administrator of a retirement community called Midview, which is located in the mountains near Los Angeles.Midview has independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing facilities.

You did such a great job of turning around the last facility you managed!Now you have been recruited to take the position as administrator of a retirement community called Midview, which is located in the mountains near Los Angeles.Midview has independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing facilities.There is no designated separate area for people with dementia. Like your last facility, there are many issues to address, and you will have to rely on all of your knowledge about legal and regulatory issues in long-term care to solve them.

The independent living has 200 apartments and is 90% occupied.Your director of marketing tells you that occupation rates could be even higher, but you have had complaints from potential residents about all of the people in wheelchairs.She wants to start marketing the housing as “active seniors only” and use only pictures of healthy people playing tennis and golf in your ads.She would also like to have separate floors in the building for people of different ethnicities and nationalities, since she believes that residents will be more comfortable if they can be around those with similar backgrounds.Finally, she wants to have a firm “no pets” rule in order to keep the building quiet and clean.When you tour the building and review the files, you notice that there many requests from tenants for modifications to the apartments for things like installing grab bars or widening the doors to allow walkers or wheelchairs, but the facility has not responded.Your facilities director tells you that it is better not to respond, because maybe then those tenants will get frustrated and move out, so you won’t have to deal with their problems.

The assisted living (also called residential care facility) has 55 apartments and has a good occupancy level of 92%.There has been a recent elopement where the resident went outside, slipped and fell on the ice, and broke his leg.He was not discovered for some time, and also had frostbite from lying in the snow.He is currently in the skilled nursing facility undergoing rehabilitation.The family is very upset and complained to the state.The facility was issued a citation for lack of supervision as it was documented that this resident was confused and deemed a wander risk.The staff at this facility tells you that the best thing to do is refuse to take this resident back when he is discharged from the nursing home, since he is too difficult to care for.They also say that the family wants to meet with someone from the facility to talk about what happened, but the last manager recommended that you stonewall and say the facility did nothing wrong.Staff wants you to refuse to meet with the family, and to start eviction proceedings while the resident is in the nursing home.You decide to review his file, but cannot find a copy of an admission agreement signed by the resident.Staff tells you that they don’t bother with admission agreements since people in the mountains are so friendly and easy to get along with.They say that everything is done on a handshake.You also notice that there are many residents at the assisted living facility who have dementia.You are a little bit concerned because there are no door locks or monitors or systems of any kind to track where residents are in the facility.The facility has also been written up because of substandard fire and smoke alarms. Overall, this facility seems really low-technology!

The skilled nursing facility has sixty beds and has averaged 82% occupancy levels for the last year.The facility takes a mix of private pay, Medicaid, and Medicare patients.They received a poor survey where they had twenty four deficiencies.There are two pending lawsuits.One was based around a fall and the other was due to a death caused by aspiration.The Director of Nursing is new to the position as she worked in assisted living previously.She says they would like to start a quality assurance program, but have not gotten around to it yet.You ask to see the most recent inspections/state surveys, and they do not have any copies.Staff tells you that the last manager had them shred a bunch of files when the lawsuits were filed, and they think that the surveys were included by accident in the records that were destroyed.They tell you that they are also going to delete all of the e-mails relating to the lawsuits, but have not gotten around to it yet. You review the files that are available, and you notice that there are a number of complaints from residents and their families because they are not allowed to meet in groups at the facility.There are also a lot of complaints from families that residents with dementia are being restrained or drugged most of the time.When you check the files for these patients, you do not find any doctor orders for physical or chemical restraints.When you ask the Director of Nursing about this, she tells you not to worry about it, because you can just transfer or discharge the patients who complained to get rid of them.She offers to get them all out by the weekend, if that would help.She says that Wild Bill, one of the new aides, just got out of prison for dealing drugs and elder abuse, and he would be a great person to help get those patients out of the building.You notice that Wild Bill has a bag full of watches, rings and hearing aids and was seen earlier carting boxes of medication out to his car.

Your head is spinning from everything you have seen so far at Midview.But you need to come up with a plan to address all of the problems, and you need to start working on it right away.What steps will you take at each facility?What problems do you see, and what additional steps would you take to uncover problems that you don’t know about yet?What laws do you think the facilities may be breaking?How will you get the facilities into compliance?Are there areas where you can improve, even if the facility is technically in compliance with laws?How would you manage and mitigate the risk of current and future claims against the facilities?

You must citewhich laws and regulations apply, and what state and federal agencies would oversee your facilities or might become involved in complaints against your facilities. You must also include a list of references/works cited at the end of your paper, which can be listed inMLA or APA format at the end of your paper. YOU WILL EARN POINTS BASED ON SUCCESSFULLY IDENTIFYING ISSUES IN THE HYPOTHETICAL, SO BE SURE TO ADDRESS THE FACTS PRESENTED THOROUGHLY.

The paper should be 10 pages double-spaced or longer. The paper should be submitted through Blackboard no later than 10:00 a.m. PST on 12/01.Save your paper in the Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) with a title of the file set as your last name & “final” (e.g. smith_final.docx). Required format is 12 point font with one-inch margins.

utilise reflection, to assist your learning and development as a nurse.

In this section of the portfolio you are asked to utilise reflection, to assist your learning and development as a nurse. You have set a short term goal for the semester, outlined strategies to achieve that goal, and you have been asked to select three artefacts. 
Use the headings supplied below to direct your reflection. Reference appropriately where required. DO NOT use dot points when addressing each of the headings below, but sentences under the headings. 
Take note: 
A nurse contributes to quality health care through life-long learning (Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009); 
Learning starts with setting goals and planning for their achievement; 
Reflection is an important process that can assist the nurse in understanding about events, how to analyse the event, and then move on in terms of learning; 
For the reflection, this part of Assignment One, note that you have set your goals and strategies in the first part of your Assignment at the beginning of term. Now you need to engage in reflection in order to determine what was learnt from the process of attempting to achieve your goal. 
The framework below is designed to bring the Assignment to a conclusion as you reflect on what has been learnt. 
Submitting the Reflective Paper – Use these Headings to structure your Reflection. 
1. Introduction to the experience 
Using the trigger questions directly below, briefly describe your short term goal. This is to remind the tutors of what your goal is – 
• What was the context? 
• Who was involved? 
• What was the aim of your goal? 
• When did you plan to achieve this goal? 
2. Critical Analysis of the experience 
• What worked well? 
• Did your strategies go to plan? 
• What skills were used or abilities developed? 
• Were there consequences to yourself or others? 
• What I would do again? 
• What I would or could do differently next time? 
3. New Insights 
Now think about the process or experience of working toward fulfilling the goal. 
• As a result of the experience what abilities or skills were developed? Consider the application of the Faculty of Health Graduate Attributes? 
Choose one of the FoH Graduate Attributes which you feel has been developed the most and discuss how this attribute will assist you in developing some behaviours required for the ANMAC Competencies. 
4. Identification of Learning 
This section addresses the implications for your nursing practice. 
• Briefly explain what was learnt as a result of your attempts to achieve your goal. What will be used to improve your nursing practice You may find the reflective literature online in UTS Online useful here.

This assessment item gives students the opportunity to choose and analyse a concept that they see as significant to their nursing practice in particular and to the discipline of nursing in general.

Perspectives of Nursing
Concept Paper: (2500 Words)
Aim of assessment
This assessment item gives students the opportunity to choose and analyse a concept that they see as significant to their nursing practice in particular and to the discipline of nursing in general.
Brainstorm Task Words
Justify –Explain and Support and provide evidence
Analyse-Examine & Investigate and Support with evidence
Critically evaluate- Investigate and weigh up (identify the positive or negative implications in theory and practice). And Assess, Summarise and develop conclusions
Concept Paper
Using Walker and Avant’s (2011) (see essential readings) concept analysis method, analyse a concept which is significant to nursing as a discipline and is relevant to your area of nursing practice.
In your concept paper you are required to:
1. Introduce the concept and give adequateDocument Preview:

Perspectives of Nursing Concept Paper: (2500 Words) Aim of assessment This assessment item gives students the opportunity to choose and analyse a concept that they see as significant to their nursing practice in particular and to the discipline of nursing in general. Brainstorm Task Words Justify –Explain and Support and provide evidence Analyse-Examine & Investigate and Support with evidence Critically evaluate- Investigate and weigh up (identify the positive or negative implications in theory and practice). And Assess, Summarise and develop conclusions Concept Paper Using Walker and Avant’s (2011) (see essential readings) concept analysis method, analyse a concept which is significant to nursing as a discipline and is relevant to your area of nursing practice. In your concept paper you are required to: 1. Introduce the concept and give adequate rationales for your choice. (Written using the 3rd person) What is your chosen concept? Examples from the texts include: Risk, Stress, Overcoming and Attitude. However, you need to choose a different concept. Introduce and define your chosen concept. Why did you choose this concept to analyse? Provide reasons/rationales for your choice. Concept Paper 2. Justify the use of the concept analysis method for the current analysis of the concept. Why is it important to use Walker and Avant’s (2011) 8 step concept analysis method? Why is it relevant when considering the concept being discussed? 3. Analyse the concept using Walker & Avant’s (2011) 8 step concept analysis methodWalker and Avant’s (2011) “( a) selecting a concept, (b) determining the aims or purposes of the analysis, (c) identifying all uses of the concept, (d) determining the defining attributes, (e) identifying a model case, (f) identifying borderline, related, contrary, invented, and illegitimate cases, (g) identifying antecedents (past history/experiences) and consequences, and (h) defining empirical referents” – classes or categories of…

The first paragraph of your literature review should be a brief description of your search such as the one provided here. Online searches were accomplished utilizing Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and OVID Medline.

Grand Canyon University: 

Jennifer Vander Meer MSN/MBA RN
date or instructor name on a title page, it is a requirement for this capstone courses GCU papers.>
Review of Literature
The first sentence of this paper should be your PICOT statement, flushed left.
The first paragraph of your literature review should be a brief description of your search such as the one provided here. Online searches were accomplished utilizing Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and OVID Medline. Terms used for the search were hourly rounding, intentional rounding, purposeful rounding, patient safety, and patient fall reduction. Articles were limited to peer reviewed. There were no restrictions placed on the date of the articles.
The next and subsequent 15 or more paragraphs (one for each article reviewed) should then go here in the suggested format. Author (year) discussed [here is where you briefly summarize the entire article in 1-2 sentences]. The research elements of the article including design, methods, population, strengths, limitations are then discussed. Then you will talk about the outcomes and research results. Finally, you will discuss and share your perspective on the significance to nursing and patient care that the article has. This is all in one paragraph for each article. Do not put the citation here or put a heading for every single article. As a reminder, here is an ideal sample paragraph.Document Preview:

Review of Literature Student A. Sample Grand Canyon University: Jennifer Vander Meer MSN/MBA RN Review of Literature The first sentence of this paper should be your PICOT statement, flushed left. The first paragraph of your literature review should be a brief description of your search such as the one provided here. Online searches were accomplished utilizing Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and OVID Medline. Terms used for the search were hourly rounding, intentional rounding, purposeful rounding, patient safety, and patient fall reduction. Articles were limited to peer reviewed. There were no restrictions placed on the date of the articles. The next and subsequent 15 or more paragraphs (one for each article reviewed) should then go here in the suggested format. Author (year) discussed [here is where you briefly summarize the entire article in 1-2 sentences].  The research elements of the article including design, methods, population, strengths, limitations are then discussed.   Then you will talk about the outcomes and research results.  Finally, you will discuss and share your perspective on the significance to nursing and patient care that the article has. This is all in one paragraph for each article.  Do not put the citation here or put a heading for every single article.  As a reminder, here is an ideal sample paragraph. Mundy, Leet, Darst, Schnitzler, and Dunagan (2003) looked at early mobilization of hospitalized patients’ diagnoses with community-acquired pneumonia. This randomized trial included 458 patients who were greater than 18 years of age, with a new infiltrate on chest x-ray (CXR), and either cough, sputum or body temperature elevation, or two other symptoms including pleuritic chest pain, increased leukocytes, dyspnea, or altered mental…

you dealt with an ethical dilemma caused by your physicians' refusal to correct their own errors due to resistance to your facility's new Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. In this assignment, you'll consider this case from the perspective of an administrator.

LP3.2 Assignment: Clinical Dilemma

In Learning Activity 1, you dealt with an ethical dilemma caused by your physicians’ refusal to correct their own errors due to resistance to your facility’s new Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. In this assignment, you’ll consider this case from the perspective of an administrator.

You’ve just spend a lot of money on your new EMR System. Although the purchase and use of the system is in compliance with new federal requirements and will ultimately help improve continuity of care for patients, some physicians refuse to use the new system. They complain that the new system slows them down and is creating errors in documenting procedures. They insist that their old charting methods have always been adequate.

The quality assurance department reports to the VP of Operations that several nurses and student-nurses have observed an increase in the number of physician documentation errors in patients’ medical records. Several physicians field a grievance against the hospital. They claim the hospital is engaging in unethical behavior by forcing clinicians to use the new EMR system.

Address the following points in a 2-page response paper:

  • How is technology changing the ethical issues the healthcare administrator must face?
  • Discuss the challenges of balancing ethical principles, quality control, fiscal (monetary) concerns, and the organizational mission.
  • Describe the position of the doctors in this scenario in ethical terms. The physicians argue the hospital is acting unethically. Upon what ethical bases do they claim this?
  • Generate a solution to this conflict. Support your solution with ethical concepts. How can you argue that the hospital is acting in the best interests of the patients, staff, and medical community?

Your paper should be formatted in APA style, including a references list.

consider this case from the perspective of an administrator. ou've just spend a lot of money on your new EMR System. Although the purchase and use of the system is in compliance with new federal requirements and will ultimately help improve continuity of care for patients, some physicians refuse to use the new system.

In this assignment, you’ll consider this case from the perspective of an administrator.

You’ve just spend a lot of money on your new EMR System. Although the purchase and use of the system is in compliance with new federal requirements and will ultimately help improve continuity of care for patients, some physicians refuse to use the new system. They complain that the new system slows them down and is creating errors in documenting procedures. They insist that their old charting methods have always been adequate.

The quality assurance department reports to the VP of Operations that several nurses and student-nurses have observed an increase in the number of physician documentation errors in patients’ medical records. Several physicians field a grievance against the hospital. They claim the hospital is engaging in unethical behavior by forcing clinicians to use the new EMR system.

Address the following points in a 2-page response paper:

  • 1.How is technology changing the ethical issues the healthcare administrator must face?
  • 2.Discuss the challenges of balancing ethical principles, quality control, fiscal (monetary) concerns, and the organizational mission.
  • 3.Describe the position of the doctors in this scenario in ethical terms. The physicians argue the hospital is acting unethically. Upon what ethical bases do they claim this?
  • 4.Generate a solution to this conflict. Support your solution with ethical concepts. How can you argue that the hospital is acting in the best interests of the patients, staff, and medical community?

Your paper should be formatted in APA style, including a references list.

Please use all citation in APA style and reference. Is a 500 words.

Discuss three health services provided by nurses in this setting.

Watch the tutorial on tips for completing the NR443 Community Settings assignment.
This APA paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper. Please use the recommended APA Template linked below, which incorporates the following categories as the first level headings on your paper. APA formatting helps you to organize your paper in a professional manner and provides consistent methods for citing your sources and completing your reference page. See the documents in the APA category in Course Resources for assistance with APA formatting. The Student Success Strategies resource has great sections on writing scholarly papers and APA formatting.
The setting for this paper must be on Occupational Health Nursing.
Click to view and download the NR443 Community Settings APA Template
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
to complete your paper. The template is formatted with the appropriate running head, title page, page numbers, paragraph formatting, and most of the headings. Please edit the headers and title page with your specific information. You are also encouraged to view the Week 4 assignment tutorial found at the end of the Academic Integrity Reminder.
Read the chapter of your textbook on the role and take notes based on the outline below.
Locate and read at least one scholarly peer-reviewed journal article that is not assigned in the course related to a nurse’s role in health promotion in this setting. Go to the Chamberlain library at http:/
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
. Search peer reviewed journals to find a scholarly article on this topic. The article must be less than 10 years old (less than 5 years is best).
Thoroughly address the following categories using the APA Template that is provided.
Introduction (one paragraph): The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader’s attention.
Community Setting (two to three paragraphs)
Use your textbook or an outside scholarly source to address the following subpoints and cite your source.
Describe the community setting.
Describe the population served in this setting.
Discuss three health services provided by nurses in this setting.
You may use your textbook or an outside scholarly source to address these sub-points.
Health Promotion Nursing Intervention (two to three paragraphs)
Describe in detail community health nursing health promotion intervention(s)
Identify people/organizations/community members the CHN may collaborate with or intervention initiatives
Professional Nursing Organization (two paragraphs)
Provide a detailed description of a professional nursing organization that supports nurses in this setting in your own words. Search the text, your article, or the Internet for one professional organization that supports nurses in this setting. If you can’t find an organization specific to this group, search the American Nurses Association website for information on this setting. Cite the organization in the body of the text with (organization name, year), and include a complete reference on the reference page.
Discuss one professional issue that this organization is addressing related to this setting.
Summary (one paragraph)
Reference Page: The reference page should start on a new page (insert a page break). All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (author or organization, year), and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A URL link alone is not an adequate reference. See the Chamberlain Guidelines for Professional Writing in the APA Folder in Course Resources for examples of properly formatted references.

Describe the relationship of nursing research to evidence based nursing.

This is the article needs to be critiqued with Correct use of APA format (6th Ed.).

Shaw, R., & Bosworth, H. (2012). Baseline medication adherence and blood pressure in a 24-month longitudinal hypertension study. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 21(9/10), 1401-1406. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03859.x

Each student will select a quantitative, single study research article related to their IOM interest area identified in the introductory thread. This article must be authored by a nurse or found in a nursing journal. There is 5 page limit, not counting the title page and references. After page 5, the material will not be graded, and you will lose points for any sections lost to the page limit.
Review cpt 4, Mateo and Kirchoff; cpt 5, Craig and Smyth; part 3 in Polit and Beck; Coughlan, Cronin, & Ryan, and other related articles and readings.
Included in the review should be the identification of the PICO (Population/Patient; Intervention; Comparison (if appropriate); and Outcome. An evaluation of the research question/hypothesis in your article according to framing the question. Describe the relationship of nursing research to evidence based nursing. Give at least one example of nursing practice based on evidence from the research. Identify the components of Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN) that apply to this example (PICO). Effectively discuss the background of this research. Paraphrase very carefully!
Identify the sampling method and discuss its appropriateness for the study. How was sample size determined? Was it appropriate? Address ethical considerations for the sample. Discuss the article in terms of how the researcher(s) did or did not demonstrate that the study was reliable and valid. Include information on the type of instruments used to collect data and methods of data collection. Be sure to address errors of measurement, reliability of measuring instruments, and internal consistency. Provide the background/rationale for your answer to justify your response, using references.

Rate the level of evidence of your research article according to a reliable hierarchy of evidence. You must provide the correct citation for the scale used chosen. Please see the section “Hierarchy of Evidence” under assigned readings for sources to use for this component of the paper. Remember to cite all sources used to develop this paper.

Address how the data were collected in this research study. Consider the quality of the data in your research study. How was it presented?
Remember, you are critiquing, not reporting. For example: Was the sampling method appropriate? Why or why not? What would have been more appropriate? Why?

Refer to The Death of Ivan Ilych by Tolstoy. Write a 750-1,000 word paper that analyzes the story of Ivan Illych in terms of concepts of the "healing environment" found in chapter 7-9 of Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing

Refer to The Death of Ivan Ilych by Tolstoy. Write a 750-1,000 word paper that analyzes the story of Ivan Illych in terms of concepts of the “healing environment” found in chapter 7-9 of Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing. Be sure to address the phenomenology of illness and disease (i.e. the personal “what it is like” of illness and disease) in the paper. 
In conclusion, provide a personal analysis of your own experience with illness and disease and how several factors colored that experience.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.