DNP graduates are expected to apply research findings and integrate nursing science into evidence-based practice.

Assignment 1: Article Critique [Major Assessment 4] DNP graduates are expected to apply research findings and integrate nursing science into evidence-based practice. To develop your ability to engage in this high level of nursing practice, you will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a research study over the next several weeks using the concepts presented throughout Weeks 1 through 9 of the course. Your final analysis will be a 5- to 7-page paper that includes the following: • Brief one to two paragraph overview of the study • Two to three strengths of the study and support for your selection (i.e. why is this a strength) • Two to three weaknesses of the study and support for your selection (i.e. why is this a weakness) • Note: The strengths and weaknesses you identified should be in relation to design, sampling, data collection, statistical analysis, results and discussion of the study • Proposed changes to improve the quality of the study, capitalizing on the strengths and improving on the weaknesses identified in the study • Summary of the implications for nursing practice The purpose of the analysis is to help you develop a deeper understanding of the research process, to inspire you to think critically and deeply about research on a specific topic, and to strengthen your ability to integrate research findings into evidence-based nursing practice. This assignment also gives you practice in analyzing the research literature, which will support you when you begin your DNP project. Before you proceed, please review the rubric for this assignment, which is located in the Grading section in the left-hand navigation menu of this course. Keep in mind that you will be working on your article critique throughout Weeks 2 through 9 with your critique due by Day 7 of Week 9. By Day 7 of Week 9 To prepare for this week’s assignment complete the following: • Select one of the four research articles cited in this week’s required readings. • Review the various quantitative research designs presented in the textbook readings and research articles and discussed in the “Musings: Aligning Research Question and Methodology” media. • Consider the research design used in your selected article. Ask yourself the following questions. Is the design appropriate for the study? Would a different design provide better results? You are not required to submit this assignment this week. Select one of the following articles to use for this week’s Assignment: Fouquier, K.F. (2011). The concept of motherhood among three generations of African American women. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(2), 145–153. Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Grey, M., Whittemore, R., Jaser, S., Ambrosino, J., Lindemann, E., Liberti, L., Northrup, V., & Dziura, J. (2009). Effects of coping skills training in school-age children with Type 1 diabetes. Research in Nursing & Health, 32, 405–418. Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Methey, N.A., Davis-Jackson, J., & Stewart, B.J. (2010). Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol. Nursing Research, 59, 18–25. Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Newhouse, R.P., Morlock. L., Pronovost, P., & Breckenridge-Sproat, S. (2011). Rural hospital nursing: Results of a national survey of nurse executives. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(3), 129–137. Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. This is the assignment that was done form me by one of your tutors. The instructor have sent it back to me for the second time because she said the ariticle that was used needs to be critiqued. Can you please have a tutor to read this assignment that was done by your tutor and critique the article this assignment needs to be done correctly so that I can pass my class. I have paid for this assignment twice. This is the assignment that was done . Can you please look at the articles to see which one the tutor used and critique the Article. Please Nursing practice critique Introduction Nursing is practice that has high expectations. The nurses must provide the the highest standards in terms of care to clients and patients. Therefore, the nurses are expected to offer provisions of evidence-based practices at all times. According to Scholars, the evidence based practices must incorporates expertise from proffesionals, preference and patient needs in order to achieve the best evidence. The big question is “ how do you identify best evidence?”. This essay seeks to evaluate a unique quantitative nursing research with relevance to the practice, while dealing with chronic diseases or conditions which are prevalent all over the world. The author intends to review ‘health-related quality care to cancer patients. It is important to note that in the nursing practice there are many appraisal tools which are available in the healthcare sector. These tools assist in critiquing and analysing primary research aspects. These models can be developed in relation to and over standardised conceptualisations which constitute the rigour and quality in the nursing research ( Polit, D.F & Beck, C.T, 2008). Nursing is practice that has high expectations in the nursing community and the world at large. The nurses must provide the highest standards in terms of care to clients and patients. Therefore, the nurses are expected to offer provision of evidence-based practices at all times. The process entails provision of care, which must be based upon available as expalined in primary appraisal research. Improvement in the nursing practice applies to evidence in the theoretical and clinical skills and knowledge, which must have the resources to assess and acceess quality of relevant research. According to Scholars, the evidence based practices must incorporates expertise from proffesionals, preference and patient needs in order to achieve the best evidence ( Polit, D.F & Beck, C.T, 2008). . The big question is “ how do you identify best evidence?”. To identify best evidence, nurses and care givers must undertake critical reviews and evaluation on the research practice studies. The research will enable them to identify the best quality applicable to the practice. This essay seeks to evaluate a unique quantitative nursing research with relevance to the practice, while dealing with chronic diseases or conditions which are prevalent all over the world. The author intends to review ‘health-related quality care to cancer patients. It is important to note that in the nursing practice there are many appraisal tools which are available in the healthcare sector. These tools assist in critiquing and analysing primary research aspects. These models can be developed in relation to and over standardised conceptualisations which constitute the rigour and quality in the nursing research. In order to completely attain or pinpoint the purposes of this report, the we intend to use primary tools to make references to multiple critiquing information and guides. Discussions ( Titles, qualifications,abstract, litarature and introduction review,hypothesis, operation definations , methodology, subject, sample collection, data collection, ethical considerations, results, data nalysis and discusion.) ( Polit, D.F & Beck, C.T, 2008). 1. Titles Research is a term that can be described as the purpose of the study. It can be an indicative purpose of study which is clearer in nature.The nature of research should examine the relationship between social support, cancer treatment, health related quality and symptom experience. Concise is a unique term used to describe focus. It indicates the nature of a more indicative study into the same. From a population sample taken, it was apparent that the abstracts were of a casual model. Casual is a word that means or suggests the essence of a quantitative variable.This never clearly indicate the approach used but argues on an inclusive title and nature of study (Polit, DF, Beck, CT & Hungler, BP 2001) . 2. Qualifications The qualifications of the authors in the nusring practises critique should be provided inclusive of the names of all the nurses registered. The education levels must be indicated. These may include post graduate degree holders, and doctrates among many others. It is also required that all the nusrses work in or within the university or hospital complex context. 3. Abstract From a nursing practise critique point of view, provision of a nursing abstract, which is and can be identified by the comments by Cormack (2000) is vital in the introduction of this anlysis. This can be effectively summarised using the identification of variables which have been tested before. The hypothesis lacks in the sample study which would identify the vital research tools to be used. The results must be included in the conclusions summary from the findings. In this way, the abstract is not a representation in the analysis and can therefore not identify the relevance and the interests of the same. This simply indicates a quantitative paper can be used as a recognisable data collection tool. 4. Introduction and Literature Review Many scholars and experts have in the past separated literature reviews and introduction. However, in this case both are contiguous. It has been noted that the cases reported in the studies, may be convention of publications itself, and not a preference in this study. The contextualise problem related to research of “health-related quality of life (HRQL)” for suffering from cancer, has its impact on individuals lives on a daily basis. The theory discusses advances and changes in diverse options in treatment and the impact the diseas has on the individuals and family as well. The topics highlights including cancer treatment and amongst many others (Polit, DF, Beck, CT & Hungler, BP 2001). 5. The Hypothesis The hypothesis takes a peak at the research question which is the purpose of the study.It presents an hypothesis as opposed to presenting question research. The hypothesis must examine social support for cancer patients at advanced stages, symptom experinces and othe care strategies. The hypothesis also looks at the statement nature which suggests an experimental cancer study within the quantitative research paradigms.. 6. Methodology The methodology used in the provision of evidence-based practices does not discuss the quantitative approach choices in relation to the Methodology focusbut rather focuses on instruments analysis in use. In thisway, quality seems to be directed to the quantitative approach choices, and data collection instrumental choices. The quantitative research approache also offers the best if not better standards of evidences, generally much greater replication abilities and rigour. Healthcare practice research should be concentrated upon quantitative studies based on unique qualitative paradigms (Polit, DF, Beck, CT & Hungler, BP 2001). Effective research analycal instruments must be described and explained in detail in order toensure that the methodology overcomes quantitative research limitations. 7. Sample selections Sample selections should analyse weakness in a quantitative study. Sample sizes should be stated and determined statistically, this could also be considered weaknesses, in chieving statistically complete and sound samples sizes within every quantitative research. 10. Data Collections Heath and nursing data collection and dispatch procedures should be described adequately. In this case, it is vital to use questionnares to identify replications and convinience. The issue research issues are vital data collection analitical tools, and the questionnaires should be considerate of the administered issues. it can not be possible to ensure that checking is carried out totally but from an intended target point of view. As vulnerable cancer patients attend clinics, data can be collected from during the visits in this way the findings will constitute ethical issues ( Polit, D.F & Beck, C.T, 2008). 11. Ethical Consideration Ethical considerations look into ethical approved appropriate body’s, informed from consent achieved consents, which are considerd ethically. However, information explanations should be given participants. The informed consents must be achieved, and every controversial issue communicated or made accessible to all concerned parties 12. Results The study results should be presented by use of diagrams, tables and in text. The main results and issues must be presented, but the presentation of data dteailed from asummarised section.anIt is vital to ensure that findings less accessible. Transparency should not be overlooked as it is one of the key elements in study reporting and the determination of results. 12. Data analysis 14. Conclusions The conclusion supports the results obtained (Polit, D.F & Beck, C.T, 2008), although it is not a very detailed summation of the complexity of the findings. However, this is referred to in the ‘Implications and Recommendations’ section. (Polit, D.F & Beck, C.T, 2008). 15. Recommendations The authors of this study suggest that ‘social support’ would have the strongest effect on HRQL((Polit, DF, Beck, CT & Hungler, BP 2001)). They recommend a wide range of strategies to support this, and also look at all the other factors, making recommendations for improving care for this patient population. Conclusion Nursing is practice that has high expectations. The nurses must provide the the highest standards in terms of care to clients and patients. Therefore, the nurses mostly expected to offer provision of evidence-based practices at all times. The process entails provision of care, which must be based upon available as explained in primary appraisal research. Improvement in the nursing practice applies to evidence in the theoretical and clinical skills and knowledge, which must have the resources to assess quality of relevant research. According to Scholars, the evidence based practices must incorporate expertise from professionals, preference, and patient needs in order to achieve the best evidence. It is important to note that in the nursing practice there are many appraisal tools, which are available in the healthcare sector. These tools assist in critiquing and analyzing primary research aspects. These models must be developed in relation to hand over standardized conceptualizations, which constitute the rigor and quality in the nursing research. The qualifications of the authors in the nursing practices critique should provide inclusive of the names of all the nurses registered. From a nursing practice critique point of view, provision of a nursing abstract, which is and can be identified by the comments by Cormack (2000) is vital in the introduction of this analysis. This should effectively summarize using the identification of variables, which is tested before. The hypothesis lacks in the sample study, which would identify the vital research tools to utilize (Polit, DF, Beck, CT & Hungler, BP 2001). The results must be included in the conclusions summary from the findings. Sample selections should analyze weakness in a quantitative study. Sample sizes should be stated and determined statistically, this could show consideration in weaknesses, in achieving statistically Heath, and nursing data collection and dispatch procedures should be described adequately. In this case, it is vital to use questionnaires to identify replications and convenience. The issue research issues are vital data collection analytical tools, and the questionnaires should be considerate of the administered issues and sound samples sizes within every quantitative research. The conclusion supports the results obtained (Herman .K. November 2013), although it is not a very detailed summation of the complexity of the findings. (Polit, DF, Beck, CT & Hungler, BP 2001) References Herman .K. (November 2013).Research Critique of Quantitative Research on Nursing Practice. Polit, D.F & Beck, C.T, 2008, Nursing research: generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice, 8thedn, pp.105-138, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA. Polit, DF, Beck, CT & Hungler, BP 2001, Essential of nursing research methods, appraisal, and utilization, 5th edn, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA.

discuss the creation and implementation of a health promotion project by synthesizing all information collected throughout the RN to BSN completion program.

Capstone Community Aggregate   The purpose of this paper is to discuss the creation and implementation of a health promotion project by synthesizing all information collected throughout the RN to BSN completion program. [Put the text of your paper here and the last page of your paper is reserved for the references. Please see the South APA Guidelines and South APA Basics documents to ensure that your references are properly constructed].                                           Introduction & Problem Statement    [Put the text of your paper here providing an introduction to the problem and a clear statement of what you intended to accomplish with your project. INCLUDE the relevancy of the topic you chose, concerns regarding the issue, how this issue impacts nursing and healthcare.  INCLUDE literature review references and/or current event articles to support your perspective.                                                                   Trends and Statistics    [Put the text of your paper here, presenting relevant trends, etiology of the problem, prevalence & incidence statistics (referencing as appropriate) – USE relates statistics form the CDC or other relevant data information and the last page of your paper is reserved for the references.                                                                          Related Sources    [Put the text of your paper here discussing relevant information to the problem and your project, referencing as appropriate. You must provide at least ONE Peer-Reviewed nursing articles and at least TWO current event articles/internet sites or other forms of media to demonstrate appropriate research.                                     The Client: Objective & Subjective Assessment   [Put the text of your paper here introducing your aggregate and the representative of your aggregate.  In the sections below, you will clearly and concisely describe your client using BOTH subjective and objective information.                                                                        Case Study   [Put the text of your paper here and summarize your findings related to the issues presented by your client and discuss how and intent to improve your client’s health/life.  Include both Objective and Subjective information.                                                            Aggregates’ Demographics   [Put the text of your paper here present the demographics of the aggregate here (remember an aggregate is a GROUP of people, not just one individual) and the last page of your paper is reserved for the references.                                                    Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns    See Appendix B of this paper. You may include your entire Gordon’s information as an appendix, but here you want to SUMARIZE the information and only present items that are relative to the issue you are addressing.  Describe the content of the relevant portions of the Gordon’s here.                                Health Perception and Health Management.  [Put the text of your paper here discussing the health perception(s) of the individual that represents your aggregate and his/her current management strategy.                                          Nutrition and Metabolism.  [Put the text of your paper here discussing the nutrition and metabolism of the individual that represents you aggregate, if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this sub-topic out.                                                    Elimination.    Put the text of your paper here discussing the elimination of the individual that represents you aggregate if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this subtopic out.                                                                           Activity and Exercise.   [Put the text of your paper here discussing the activity and exercise of the individual that represents you aggregate if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this subtopic out.                                                                           Cognition and Perception.   [Put the text of your paper here discussing the cognition and perception of the individual that represents you aggregate if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this subtopic out.                                                                     Sleep and Rest.   [Put the text of your paper here discussing the sleep and rest of the individual that represents you aggregate if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this subtopic out.                                                    Self-Perception and Self-Concept.   [Put the text of your paper here discussing the Self-perception and self-concept of the individual that represents you aggregate if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this subtopic out.                                                       Roles and Relationships.   [Put the text of your paper here discussing the roles and relationships of the individual that represents you aggregate if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this subtopic out.                                        Sexuality and Reproduction.   [Put the text of your paper here discussing the sexuality and reproduction of the individual that represents you aggregate if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this subtopic out.                                                      Coping and Stress Tolerance.   [Put the text of your paper here discussing the coping and Stress Tolerance of the individual that represents you aggregate if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this subtopic out.                                                                Values and Belief.   [Put the text of your paper here discussing the values and beliefs of the individual that represents you aggregate if relevant.  If NOT relevant, leave this subtopic out.                                                           Windshield Survey   [Put the text of your paper here and describing the relevant finding of your Windshield survey in paragraph form.  You may include your entire windshield survey as an APPENDIX, but in this section, you should present your findings in paragraph format. Concept Map     [Put the text of your paper here describing your concept map.  THIS is an EXAMPLE of a CONCEPT map – yours may be different.                                          Genogram: One Individual in Aggregate    [Put the text of your paper here and describing the genogram of the individual representing your aggregate, if appropriate.  CLEARLY identify your individual in your genograms.  Include children of your aggregate exemplar, if appropriate.   Paternal Side:      Maternal Side:                                    Plan of the Project Community Stakeholder’s Identified   [Put the text of your paper here describing the community stakeholders you have identified related to both your aggregate and the individual with whom you are working who represents your aggregate.                                          Financial and Political Implications   [Put the text of your paper here discussing the financial and political implications of your health promotion plan as it relates to both the entire aggregate and the individual that represents your aggregate.                   Feasibility of the Project Provision of Alternate Plan and Interventions   [Put the text of your paper here discussing an alternative plan if your initial plan does not work.                                               Role of Change Agent   [Put the text of your paper here discuss the role of a change agent and your specific role as the change agent for your aggregate and for the individual that is representing your aggregate.   Implementation and Evaluation of the Project Implementation of the Project [Describe in detail what you did and how you did it (your health promotion plan) and the progress made.                                      Evaluation of the Project Evaluation:   Did the project intervention address the original identified problem? [Put the text of your paper here describing and critiquing your health promotion plan – i.e. – DID IT WORK?   WHY or why not????                     Implications to Nursing Practice in the Local Community    [Put the text of your paper here discussing how your plan can affect (or be used by) nurses practicing in the local community. Provide at least three nursing implications that would affect nursing practice in the local community.                          Implications to Nursing Practice and Global Health    [Put the text of your paper here discussing how your plan might impact nurses around the world and global health.  Provide at least three nursing implications that would affect nursing practice in terms of global health.                                        Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion    [Put the text of your paper here presenting your recommendations related to your project as well as a summary of the project and your conclusions Please see the South APA Guidelines and South APA Basics documents to ensure that your references are properly constructed].

Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO1)

Importance of Theory: Guidelines with Scoring Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to a) identify a nursing theory, b) analyze the importance of the selected theory to the nursing profession, c) summarize key concepts and relationships among the concepts of the selected nursing theory, d) present views of the selected theory on areas of specialization, and e) communicate ideas in a clear, succinct, and scholarly manner.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

  • (CO#1) Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO1)
  • (CO#3) Communicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing practice. (PO3, 7, 10)
  • (CO#4) Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO4, 7)


Description of the Assignment

This assignment focuses on the importance of nursing theory within the profession. Selecting one nursing theory (non-nursing theories are not allowed), the nursing theory will be presented by identifying the key concepts present within the theory. The selected nursing theory will then be applied to ONE of the following professional nursing practice areas:

  • Education (e.g. undergraduate, staff development, etc.)
  • Leadership (e.g. nurse executive, manager, leader, etc.)
  • Informatics (e.g. data management, etc.)
  • Healthcare policy (e.g. application to local, state, national, or global healthcare concerns, etc.)
  • Nurse practitioner

Criteria for Content

  1. Introduction:

The introduction requires the following information.

  • Statements about nursing theory in general
  • Identification of the ONE nursing theory (non-nursing theories are not allowed) selected by the student to be used within this assignment. The specific selected nursing theory may be from any of the three categories of nursing theory (i.e. grand, middle-range, or practice), but must be a specific nursing theory (i.e. Orem, Roy, Benner, etc.); a category may not be used.
  • Identification of the sections of the paper.
  • References from nursing literature are required.
  1. Importance of Nursing Theory:

This section requires the following information.

  • Present an analysis of the importance of nursing theory, in general, to the nursing profession. Each of the following questions are to be answered.
  • Why should the study of nursing theory be included in a master’s program?
  • How is nursing theory useful to the nursing profession?
  • How can nursing theory be used to separate the nursing profession from other healthcare professions?
  • What would be ONE concern regarding the use of nursing theory within the profession?
  • References from nursing literature are required.
  1. Summary of Selected Nursing Theory:

This section requires the following information.

  • Present the name and author of the selected nursing theory (bibliographic and historical information about the theory or theorist is NOT included). Identify when the nursing theory was initially published and the latest edition of the selected nursing theory.
  • Provide a summary of the key concepts contained within the selected nursing theory.
  • Provide a detailed description of how this nursing theory addresses each of the metaparadigms/ concepts (person, health, environment, and nursing profession) associated with nursing.
  • Identify why this nursing theory selected and its potential use within the student’s selected Master’s track (i.e. education, leadership, informatics, healthcare policy, or nurse practitioner)
  • References from nursing literature are required.
  1. Application of Specific Nursing Theory to Selected Professional Nursing Practice area:

This section includes the following elements:

  • Present a discussion of how the selected nursing theory defines and explains one of the following professional nursing practice areas:

·         Education (e.g. undergraduate, staff development, etc.)

·         Leadership (e.g. nurse executive, manager, leader, etc.)

·         Informatics (e.g. data management, etc.)

·         Healthcare policy (e.g. application to local, state, national, or global healthcare concerns, etc.)

·         Nurse practitioner

  • Present 2 (two) examples illustrating the above information. Professional examples come from a student’s own practice experiences or from the scholarly literature. If the example is from the student’s experience, identify this as the source by using the first person in describing the example.
  • Keep each example succinct (about 1 – 3 paragraphs).
  • References from nursing literature are required.
  1. Conclusion:

This section includes the following elements:

  • Summarizes presented information regarding theory in general and its use within the nursing profession
  • Summarizes the selected nursing theory.
  • Presents self-reflection regarding what was learned from writing this assignment.

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. A nursing theory was used.
  2. This assignment must be submitted to TurnItIn™, as required by the TurnItIn™ policy. A Similarity Index of “blue” or “green” must be obtained. A score in the blue or green range indicates a similarity of less than 24% which is the benchmark for CCN graduate nursing students. Any other level of similarity index level requires the student to revise the assignment before the due date and time. To allow sufficient time for revision, early submission of the assignment to TurnItIn™ is highly encouraged. The final submission will be graded by faculty. If a Turnitin™ report indicates that plagiarism has occurred, the Academic Integrity policy will be followed.
  3. A minimum of 4 (four) scholarly references must be used. A dictionary, required textbooks for this course, and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them. For additional information regarding scholarly resources, please see “What is a scholarly source?” located in the Course Resource tab. Information from .com websites may be incorrect.
  4. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
  5. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least 5, but no more than 7 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.
  6. Ideas and information that come from scholarly sources must be cited and referenced correctly.
  7. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.
  8. PLEASE note: Do not rely on .com sites to identify the nursing theory as they do not provide accurate information in all cases.

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. This assignment must be submitted to TurnItIn™, as required by the TurnItIn™ policy. A Similarity Index of “blue” or “green” must be obtained. A score in the blue or green range indicates a similarity of less than 24% which is the benchmark for CCN graduate nursing students. Any other level of similarity index level requires the student to revise the assignment before the due date and time. To allow sufficient time for revision, early submission of the assignment to TurnItIn™ is highly encouraged. The final submission will be graded by faculty. If a Turnitin™ report indicates that plagiarism has occurred, the Academic Integrity policy will be followed.
  2. A minimum of 4 (four) scholarly references must be used. A dictionary, required textbooks for this course, and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.
  3. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
  4. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least 5, but no more than 7 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.
  5. Ideas and information that come from scholarly sources must be cited and referenced correctly.
  6. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.
  7. PLEASE note: Do not rely on .com sites to identify the nursing theory as they do not provide accurate information in all cases.

Directions and Assignment Criteria

Assignment CriteriaPoints%Description
Introduction66This section includes:·       Statements about nursing theory in general·       Identification of the ONE nursing theory (non-nursing theories are not allowed) selected by the student to be used within this assignment. The specific selected nursing theory may be from any of the three categories of nursing theory (i.e. grand, middle-range, or practice), but must be a specific nursing theory (i.e. Orem, Roy, Benner, etc.); a category may not be used.·       Identification of the sections of the paper.·       References from nursing literature are required.
Importance of Nursing Theory2020This section requires the following information.·       Present an analysis of the importance of nursing theory, in general, to the nursing profession. Each of the following questions are to be answered.o    Why should the study of nursing theory be included in a master’s program?o   How is nursing theory useful to the nursing profession?o   How can nursing theory be used to separate the nursing profession from other healthcare professions?o   What would be ONE concern regarding the use of nursing theory within the profession?·       References from nursing literature are required.
Summary of Selected Nursing Theory2020This section requires the following information.·       Present the name and author of the selected nursing theory (bibliographic and historical information about the theory or theorist is NOT included). Identify when the nursing theory was initially published and the latest edition of the selected nursing theory.·       Provide a summary of the key concepts contained within the selected nursing theory.·       A description of how this theory addresses each of the metaparadigms/concepts (person, health, environment, and nursing profession) associated with nursing.·       Identify why this nursing theory selected and its potential use within the student’s selected Master’s track (i.e. education, leadership, informatics, healthcare policy, or nurse practitioner)References from nursing literature are required.
Application of Specific Nursing Theory to Selected Professional Nursing Practice area 2525This section includes the following elements:·       Present a discussion of how the selected nursing theory defines and explains one of the following professional nursing practice areas:o   Education (e.g. undergraduate, staff development, etc.)o   Leadership (e.g. nurse executive, manager, leader, etc.)o   Informatics (e.g. data management, etc.)o   Healthcare policy (e.g. application to local, state, national, or global healthcare concerns, etc.)o   Nurse practitioner·       Present 2 (two) examples illustrating the above information. Professional examples may come from a student’s own practice experiences or from the scholarly literature. Keep each example succinct (about 1 – 3 paragraphs). If the example is from the student’s experience, identify this as the source by using the first person in describing the example.References from nursing literature are required. 
Conclusion66This section includes the following elements:·    Summarizes presented information regarding theory in general and its use within the nursing profession·    Summarizes the selected nursing theory.·    Presents self-reflection regarding what was learned from writing this assignment.
Paper Specifications55·       A nursing theory was used.·       A Similarity Index of “blue” or “green” was achieved.·       A minimum of 4 (four) scholarly nursing references were used.·       A dictionary, required textbooks for this course and lesson information were not used as scholarly references.·       The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) was at least 5 pages, but no more than 7 pages.·       References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.
APA Format88Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper [one deduction for each type of APA style error].
Citations in Text55Ideas, and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly. Permission to use references older than 5 years must be obtained from faculty.
Writing Mechanics55Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6thedition of the APA manual.
Total 100 100A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Servant Leadership from a Christian Perspective: The Issue of Example (continued)

Topic: Servant Leadership from a Christian Perspective: The Issue of Example (continued)
Nurse Leader Interviews Paper
Identify three nursing leaders you would like to interview for this paper. The nursing leaders may have a variety of leadership styles, but they must all currently hold positions of leadership.
Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that describes the results of the interviews and addresses the following:
1. Ask the leaders what they believe is their preferred leadership style and ask them to describe how that style has helped them achieve success.
2. Explain why you chose each individual leader.
3. Identify, compare, and contrast their styles and note any examples of servant or transformational leadership.
4. Identify missed opportunities or questions you wish you had asked during the interviews.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

How to improve Nutrition in the elderly. Target group is nursing staff from one facility.

Power point Presentation (20 slides each WITH NOTES, GRAPHICS)


1. How to improve Nutrition in the elderly. Target group is nursing staff from one facility.

2. Diabetes in Older Adults. Target group is nursing staff from one facility.

3. How to Overcome Language Barriers in Healthcare. Target group is nursing staff from one facility.

Provide a comprehensive statement of the problem using the epidemiological process including the distribution, determinants, and deterrents.

Incorporate at least four current literature review findings as a theoretical base for your project/paper.

Describe community resources available to meet the need of the specific community in this problem area. Summarize the resources available and describe their effectiveness for the community.

Describe your selected group. Identify and summarize the learner needs of your selected group. What are the needs? Why does this group need to be educated on your chosen topic?

Identify and describe developmental and teaching/learning theory/theories used and why they are appropriate to the learners you targeted.

Describe in behavioral terms your specific planning process for your project and overall teaching goal for your participants.

Evaluate your teaching experience. Reflect on the following questions. What went well? What did not? What would you change if you were teaching this topic to a similar group at a later date and why?


Provides a comprehensive statement of the problem using the epidemiological process including the distribution, determinants, and deterrents. Describes the selected group, and identifies and summarizes the learner needs of the selected group, including why this group needs to be educated on the chosen topic.

Describes the community resources available to meet the need of the specific community in this problem area. Summarizes the resources available and describes their effectiveness for the community. Identifies and describes developmental and teaching/learning theory/theories used and why they are appropriate to the learners targeted. Describes in behavioral terms the specific planning process for the project and overall teaching goal for the participants. Incorporates at least four current literature review findings as a theoretical base for the project/paper.

Evaluates the teaching experience. Reflects on the following questions: What went well? What did not go well? What would you change if you were teaching this topic to a similar group at a later date and why?

Writing is clear, concise, formal, and organized. Slides are mostly error free. Information from sources is paraphrased appropriately and accurately referenced and cited in APA style. A title slide, clear introduction and conclusion, and reference slide are included. The number of references required by the assignment is presented. In-text APA citations are used in the presentation.

Good language skills and pronunciation is used; information is well communicated. Still images of the lessons are included if actual video is not.

Distinguish the role as clinical or non-clinical and how it promotes patient outcomes

For this assignment, you will research an advanced nursing practice role and summarize your findings in a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding the title page and references):
Focusing on the specialty for which you were admitted to South University, select an advanced nursing role to research. (Adult advance Nurse Practitioner)
1.Distinguish the role as clinical or non-clinical and how it promotes patient outcomes, ie safety, access to health care or health information relative to the ANP level
2.Apply an Advance Nursing Practice Concept to your chosen role
3. Develop a minimum of ten questions that you would like to ask the advance practice clinician or non-clinician that you have chosen to interview. Identify in the paper the individual by name, credentials, position and your planned date for the interview (Interview is due Week 3)
4.Support your findings with at least two research articles (study, design, sample and results must be discussed). Other peer reviewed articles that are non-research and nursing organization websites may be used. All articles must be current (not more than five years old, unless it is a hallmark reference; ieAmerican Association of College of Nursing. (2010)).
Format your paper, citations, and references using correct APA Style.

What can you do to develop your individual power base?

What can you do to develop your individual power base? This week, you have heard and read about several types and sources of power. For this Assignment, consider your goals and how enhancing your own power may help you to achieve them.

To Prepare

  • Reflect on your personal current sense of power within your organization and the profession;
  • Do a self–assessment of your leadership skills by doing the How Good are your Leadership Skills? assessment at

·         How did you score? You do need not to reveal this in your paper, but hopefully it will guide you in how to apply the concepts to your own situation.

  • Reflect on your motivation for increasing your power within your organization and/or within the nursing profession.
  • Do a self–assessment of your leadership motivation by doing the assessment The Leadership Motivation Assessment found at

·         Again, it is not necessary to post your score but hopefully it will guide you in how to discuss your motivation at this point in time.

  • Review the information on power in the Learning Resources and conduct additional research on your own to examine strategies that seem relevant and worthwhile for helping to enrich your power as a nurse leader.
  • Identify specific strategies you can use to develop and leverage sources and types of power to achieve desired outcomes.

To Complete

Write a 2– to 3–page paper, not including the cover and Reference page, describing:

  • A self–assessment of your current sense of power within your organization and the profession;
  • A self–assessment of your motivation for increasing your power base;
  • Write a detailed plan for enhancing your power as a nurse and a leader–manager, including specific strategies for achieving that plan.  Be sure to include strategies for mobilizing the power of nursing for social change, empowering others, and building a personal power base.


The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

How should this information be reflected in the financial report? Q2: Chan and Partners Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia. During the 2017 year, Chan and Partners gained a new client, Medical Services Holdings Group (MSHG), which owns 100 per cent of the following entities

Q1: Steve Smith is reviewing the results of the review of subsequent cash receipts. There are several receipts listed from customers that were considered doubtful at the end of the year (30 June). Steve is also reviewing evidence that shows that another customer that had a large balance at year-end was unexpectedly declared bankrupt on 10 July.
How should this information be reflected in the financial report?
Q2: Chan and Partners Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia. During the 2017 year, Chan and Partners gained a new client, Medical Services Holdings Group (MSHG), which owns 100 per cent of the following entities: • • Shady Oaks Hospital, a private hospital group • • Gardens Nursing Home Pty Ltd, a private nursing home • • Total Cancer Specialists Limited (TCSL), a private oncology clinic that specialises in the treatment of cancer. Year-end for all MSHG entities is 30 June. You are the audit partner reviewing the audit work papers for MSHG for the year ended 30 June 2017. Today is 13 July 2017 and the audit report is due to be signed in three weeks’ time. During your review you note that the fixed-term borrowings of MSHG totalling $75 million are approaching maturity and MSHG does not seem to have renegotiated any terms of refinancing. You are aware, from your experience with other clients, that banks are reluctant to extend financing on the same terms in the current market. The financing of MSHG was historically managed by the group’s treasurer who left the group six months ago and has not been replaced. MSHG’s financial controller, who has been with the group for nine months, has advised you that he has been busy renegotiating with some of MSHG’s key suppliers who recently requested cash on delivery for all orders rather than extending the normal credit terms. You are also aware that a fire that occurred in the hospital cafeteria last week was not adequately covered by insurance. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in the fire, but the cafeteria was so badly damaged it had to be closed. While discussing this matter with MSHG’s law firm, they reveal that the hospital is unlikely to have adequate professional indemnity insurance to meet the current demands of several malpractice cases that have been brought against the hospital in the last 12 months.
(a) Explain your responsibilities with respect to the cafeteria fire.
(b) How will this event be handled in the financial report and the audit report?

Health Promotion Proposal Paper

Assignment: Health Promotion Proposal Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the learner an opportunity to design a health promotion proposal specific to your role specialization.
Each student will write a scholarly paper that demonstrates graduate school level writing and critical analysis of existing nursing knowledge. The paper will be a minimum of 12 pages and maximum of 15 pages (Excluding Title/Reference Pages) and conform to APA writing style.

Choosing Your Topic:

Review the list of priority areas for health promotion and disease prevention in Healthy People 2020 ( Next click on the “Topics & Objectives” tab and select a topic for your health promotion proposal. Consider a topic area with a focus that you believe is critical to your future role as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. Consult with your faculty member and seek approval prior to starting your paper.
Following approval of your selected topic, you will select a Specific Objective from Healthy People 2020. For instance, if your topic area was “Older Adults” you may choose the following objective in the “Older Adults” section and then choose a specific objective (click on the objectives tab):

• OA–6: Increase the proportion of older adults with reduced physical or cognitive function who engage in light, moderate, or vigorous leisure-time physical activities.

Based on this objective you would develop a more specific evidence based intervention such as providing a workshop on exercise for your target population. Or if your topic area was “Adolescent Health”, you may want to focus and develop and intervention on the following objective in the “Adolescent Health” section”

• AH–1 Increase the proportion of adolescents who have had a wellness checkup in the past 12 months.

Gathering the Evidence:

Besides the resources available in the topic areas of Healthy People 2020, visit South’s Online Library and conduct a review of literature looking for nursing research related to health promotion and disease prevention in your selected topic area. Also visit reputable internet sources such as the CDC, NIH, AHRQ.

Paper Criteria:

Clearly describes the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population.

Explains how the selected problem applies to advanced practice nursing.

Critically analyzes the current literature related to interventions that addresses the problem related to communities from nursing, the sciences, and humanities.

Selects an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework that applies to the problem.

Designs an intervention to address the problem in the selected population/setting using appropriate epidemiological, social, and environmental assessments.

Designs an evaluation plan to measure efficacy of the proposed intervention.

Assignment Naming Convention
The student should use the following naming convention when saving document:

LastName_FirstName_Name of Assignment_date

Use This Naming Convention for this Assignment:


Health Promotion Proposal Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric located in the assignment submission folder for Step 3.

• Do you agree with the change in the terminology of nursing homes to nursing facilities? Why or why not? How do the terms relate with each other?

During the nineteenth and the twentieth century, the term “nursing home” was synonymous with long-term care. Although today the exclusive use of the term “long-term care” is no longer accurate for nursing homes, it continues to remain and will not change easily. However, newer terms such as “nursing facilities” will help clarify the role of specific long-term care organizations and will differentiate them from others in the health care industry.
Subacute care is a relatively new but rapidly growing medical service in the continuum of care. Today, it is considered the fastest growing segment of the health care delivery system.
Research the online references such as EBSCOhost, SocINDEX, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), or PubMed for information on nursing facilities and subacute units and respond to the following questions:
• Do you agree with the change in the terminology of nursing homes to nursing facilities? Why or why not? How do the terms relate with each other?
• What impact does the historical perspective of the nursing home have on the stigma related to the quality of care?
• How were nursing facilities developed? What have been the consequences of the change in terminology? Do you think the change in terminology will impact the quality of care in the future? If yes, how? If no, why?
• What changes do you see nursing homes making in the future in order to keep up with the ever changing needs of the demographics of seniors?
• What are subacute units? How did subacute care emerge? What are the strengths and limitations of the emergence of subacute care in long-term care as related to issues in levels of patients’ acuity (various levels of nursing care based on the needs of patients)? Support your answer with relevant examples.
• What is the impact of subacute care on the cost and quality of care? Do you think subacute care needs to be an integral component of hospitals, or should it be an integral part of the long-term care system? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Based on your learning about nursing home care and subacute care, compare their funding, staffing, regulation, and marketing.