Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing

Benchmark Assignment: Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing Report
Due Date: Mar 09, 2014 23:59:59Max Points:150

In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?

Explore the Campaign for Action webpage:

Review yourstate’s progress report by locating your state and clicking on one of the six progress icons for: education, leadership, practice, interpersonal collaboration, diversity, and data. You can also download a full progress report for your state by clicking on the box located at the bottom of the webpage.

Summarize (2) initiatives spearheaded by yourstate’s Action Coalition. In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers?

Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing Report

1) In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words:

a) Discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”

b) Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development.

c) What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?

Summarize (2) initiatives spearheaded by your state’s Action Coalition. In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers?

A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment

Nursing Leadership and Management – Healthcare

NS5070P: Nursing Leadership and Management – Healthcare – Nursing Assignment Help


Consider how the key aspects of nursing leadership and management we have been studying impact healthcare organizations. Understanding these is a core competency for nursing leaders and managers. In depth exploration of these aspects will improve your working knowledge of their importance and application as a nursing leader or manager. In an effort to provide you with a strong foundation in this area, this assignment asks that you critically examine and analyze one of these key aspects as it applies to a focused healthcare setting.

Writing/content instructions:

Select an aspect of nursing leadership and/or management that you learned about in your readings, class, or through your research efforts. For example, consider the variety of aspects we have discussed including but not limited to ethics, planned change, education, fiscal planning, communication, quality control, or perhaps staffing or motivation.

Chose a specific type of healthcare organisation/setting. For example you may wish to consider a local hospital, outpatient clinic, or rehabilitation centre/nursing home on which to focus the paper.

Utilizing a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed, evidence-based references from materials found in the library, class, and your text books, apply nursing leadership and/or management concepts and theories to critically analyze the key aspect you have chosen. Discuss how the key aspect you have selected relates to the healthcare organisation/setting you have chosen.

Consider the following questions as you develop your paper:

What is the current state of the key aspect you have chosen in regards to the setting you have identified. Consider including its importance, change in value over time (has it become more or less important), and does it have a critical application to the healthcare organisation/setting you have chosen and if so, what impact does it have on the setting?

What are some current challenges/barriers facing nursing leadership and managers in this healthcare setting as it relates to the key aspect you have chosen to discuss? What would you do to overcome these challenges?

What recommendations would you make to the organisation/setting as to how they could apply this key aspect to improve the quality of patient care?

feedback process in which the output of a given system is returned to the system health dynamic state in which individuals adapt to their internal and external environments

feedback process in which the output of a given system is returned to the system health dynamic state in which individuals adapt to their internal and external environments so there is a state of physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual well-being domain the perspective of a profession that provides the subject, central concepts, values and beliefs, phenomena of interest, and central problems of a discipline paradigm a pattern of thought that is useful in describing the domain of a discipline. person the recipient of nursing care, including individual patients, groups, families, and communities nursing the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or potential health problems theory designed to explain a phenomenon such as self-care or caring nursing theory a conceptualization of some aspect of nursing that describes, explains, predicts, or prescribes nursing care phenomenon the term, description, or label given to describe an idea or responses about an event, a situation, a process, a group of events, or a group of situations assumptions the “taken for granted” statements that explain the nature of the concepts, definitions, purpose, relationships, and structure of a theory grand theories theories that are systemic and broad in scope, complex, and therefore require further specification through research middle-range theories theories that are more limited in scope and less abstract. They address a specific phenomenon and reflect practice descriptive theories theories that are the first level of theory development. They explain, relate, and in some situations predict nursing phenomena prescriptive theories theories that address nursing interventions for a phenomenon, describe the conditions under which the prescription occurs, and predict the consequences interdisciplinary theory theory that explains a systematic view of a phenomenon specific to the discipline of inquiry feedback serves to inform a system about how it functions Leininger’s the main concept of __ theory is cultural diversity, and the goal of nursing care is to provide the patient with culturally specific care Neuman the __ systems model is based on stress and the client’s reaction to the stressor. The role of nursing is to stabilize the patient Nightingale theory goal is to facilitate the reparative processes of the body by manipulating the patient’s environment Peplau theory goal is to develop interaction between nurse and patient Henderson theory goal is to work independently with other health care workers, assisting patient in gaining independence as quickly as possible; help patient gain lacking strength Orem theory goal is to care for and help patient attain total self-care King theory goal is to use communication to help patient reestablish positive adaptation to environment Neuman theory goal is to help individuals, families, and groups attain and maintain maximal levels of total wellness by purposeful interventions Leininger theory goal is to provide care consistent with nursing’s emerging science and knowledge with caring as central focus Roy theory goal is to identify types of demands placed on patient, assess adaptation to demands, and help patient adapt Watson theory goal is to promote health, restore patient to health, and prevent illness Benner and Wrubel theory goal is to focus on patient’s need for caring as a means of coping with stressors of illness the person, health, environment/situation, and nursing components of the paradigm of nursing explain a phenomenon a theory is a set of concepts, definitions, relationships, and assumptions that: Orem A patient with diabetes is controlling the disease wit insulin and diet. The nursing health care provider is focusing efforts to teach the patient self-management. What nursing theory is useful in promoting self management? describe or predict patient outcomes theory-based nursing practice uses a theoretical approach for nursing care. This approach moves nursing forward and a science. This suggests that theories will be tested to: interdisciplinary to practice in today’s health care environment, nurses need a strong scientific knowledge base from nursing and other disciplines such as the physical, social, and behavioral sciences. This statement identifies the need for which theory? developmental __ theories describe the life processes of an older adult facing chronic illness nursing and related sciences, standards of practice a nurse is applying Henderson’s theory as basis for theory based-nursing practice. What elements are important for theory-based nursing practice? theory-generating __ research identifies observations or describes a phenomena. It contributes to the scientific knowledge base of nursing. prescriptive __ theories address specific nursing interventions and predict the patient response experimental and nonexperimental research and research from other disciplines as an art nursing relies on knowledge gained from practice and reflection on past experiences. As a science nursing relies on.

Define quality in health care and explain the key principles and characteristics of total quality management and continuous quality improvement in the health care context

Nursing – Health Care – Nursing Assignment Help

Define quality in health care and explain the key principles and characteristics of total quality management and continuous quality improvement in the health care context. In your answer include a brief discussion about how TQM and CQI approaches differ from industry, or business-based, quality management and performance improvement methods. Refer to one of the following industry, or business-based, quality management and performance improvement method;

a) six sigma,

b) lean thinking

c) balanced scorecard in your discussion.

What is meant by the term ’patient safety’? Differentiate between safety in health care and patient safety.In the context of patient safety what is understood by the term risk management and what is its aim? Brieflydiscuss the approaches and/or tools that a health professional is likely to use when completing a riskanalysis, and when thinking about how best to manage a high-risk situation.

Explain what is meant by the term ‘safety culture’ in health care and discuss how it can be measured?

What is the significance of a poor safety culture for health care professionals and patients?

How does clinical governance differ from clinical leadership in the context of quality and safety in healthcare provision? In your discussion include an overview of how professional communication between health professionals can enhance or impair the safety and wellbeing of patients?

What were the reasons that you chose nursing as a career and “what is nursing” to you

1. Reflect on your own nursing history.

a. What were the reasons that you chose nursing as a career and “what is nursing” to you ( write a few sentences related to your own philosophy of what is nursing to you)?

b. How has the history of nursing affected your own nursing practice ( reflect on nursing history and reference historical events when you answer this question)?

2. Reflect on the changes in the nurse-client relationship that has been associated with new nursing roles and the use of new technological advances.

a. How does the nurse maintain a therapeutic relationship with the client as machines ( technology) take over some of nursing functions?

b. Based on the projected visions of tomorrow’s healthcare and nursing, what skills will be MOST important in the future of nursing education ( which skills need to be a priority in nursing schools of the future)? What are they and how should they be taught?

According to the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2017), to provide safe, effective nursing care, nurses must maintain capability for practice through lifelong learning and professional development

3806NRS: Professional Nursing Practice- Professional Practice Portfolio Assignment Help


According to the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2017), to provide safe, effective nursing care, nurses must maintain capability for practice through lifelong learning and professional development (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2017).

This assessment is designed to provide you with the understanding and skills required to develop a professional practice portfolio which can evidence your capability for practice as a Registered Nurse. This assessment will address learning outcomes 1 and 3.

This task comprises three components.
1. Professional practice portfolio use
Professional practice portfolios are asserted to be beneficial to demonstrate the capability for professional nursing practice.
A. Describe a professional practice portfolio and the recommended components.
B. Present a written argument for the use of a professional practice portfolio to demonstrate professional nursing practice. This argument should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issues; include why portfolios should be used and a discussion of the benefits and challenges of using a professional practice portfolio to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice.
C. Discuss and differentiate between management and leadership competencies and describe how development of these competencies could be evidenced in a professional practice portfolio.
D. Support your argument with at least seven scholarly sources from 2011 onwards.

2. Professional standards Standard 3 “Maintains the capability for practice” (NBMA, 2016) includes seven points. The fourth point states the Registered Nurse (RN) “accepts accountability for decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities inherent in their role” (NMBA, 2016).
A. Chose a situation from your clinical placement where you were delegated an action or responsibility by your RN clinical practice partner or clinical facilitator and describe this situation. Your description should include five key elements; context of nursing practice and health care delivery (where this occurred), who was involved, what you were delegated, how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility and the outcome of the situation.
B. Critically discuss how you demonstrated professional nursing practice, within your student nurse scope of practice, and reflect upon accountability for your decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities.
C. Support your discussion with at least three scholarly sources from 2011 onwards.

Point of clarification:
A. The Registered Nurse standards document describes how the seven standards are interconnected (see Figure 1, NBMA, 2016). Your clinical situation may incorporate a description of you enacting one or more of the standards e.g. assessment (Standard 4), developing a plan (Standard 5), providing nursing care (Standard 6), or evaluating care
outcomes (Standard 7).

3. Peak professional nursing organisation
A peak organisation (also known as a ‘peak body’) is a term for an advocacy group or trade association (it may be in nursing, or medicine, or any ‘trade’), an association of industries or groups with allied interests. They are established for the purposes of developing standards and processes, or to act on behalf of all members. There are many peak bodies in nursing, ranging from general organisations, such as the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) to specialised organisations such as the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) or the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA).
A. Consider where your professional interests lie and identify and report on a peak professional nursing organisation relevant to your career path.
B. This report must include the membership requirements, whether this organisation supports advanced or specialty practice, how this organisation supports and leads professional nursing practice, what professional opportunities are provided through the professional organisation and a justification why it is relevant to your intended career path.

A nursing theory, also called a nursing model, is a framework developed to guide nurses in how they care for their patients.

HLT51612: Health Science & Community Studies- Nursing Essay Writing Assignment


A nursing theory, also called a nursing model, is a framework developed to guide nurses in how they care for their patients. Often, these frameworks define the practice of nursing, identify the role of the nurse, and explain the nursing process as it relates to the idea behind the nursing theory. Many nursing theories are created from nurses observations during their own careers, as well as methodologies they developed during their individual practice.

Using this statement, you are required to write an essay.
For this essay, you are required to discuss this statement and its significance to nursing. You must choose a nursing theorist to support your arguments from the following list:
1. Henderson
2. Roper
3. Orem
4. Watson
5. Gordon

Nursing – Reflection On Two Registered Nurse Standards of Practice – Nursing Assignment Help


This assessment requires students to reflect on two of the standards of nursing practice as on the AHPRA website. Students are to provide a structured response describing the relevance and importance of the standards they choose reflecting on experiences from your undergraduate nursing clinical practice experiences and your imminent role registered nurse.

AHPRA Registered Nurse Standards of Practice

Standard 1Thinks critically and analyses nursing practice 
Standard 2 Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships 
Standard 3 Maintains the capability for practice 
Standard 4 Comprehensively conducts assessments 
Standard 5 Develops a plan for nursing practice 
Standard 6 Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice 
Standard 7 Evaluates outcomes to inform nursing practice.

A major theoretical perspective (such as a nursing theory) you use in your nursing practice

PDR-224033 Theoretical perspective ( such as Nursing theory) Assessment 1: Discussion Paper Weighting: 50% Word count: 2500 words Aim of Assessment The aim of the assessment task is to provide the student with the opportunity to discuss the applicability and importance of theory guided nursing practice, including the discussion of their application of a major espoused theory and exploration of their own theory-in-use and how this impacts on their own nursing practice. Assessment task Discuss: • A major theoretical perspective (such as a nursing theory) you use in your nursing practice; • Your own personal theory of nursing; • The applicability and importance of theory guided nursing practice, with particular emphasis on your own nursing practice. Details Reed (2006) argues that “when nurses deliberately use their theories in practice, they can facilitate processes that significantly benefit patients, nurses, the healthcare system, and the broader environment” (p. 328). Greenwood (2000), however, argues that there is a substantial theory-practice gap between the nursing theories nurses claim they use in practice (espoused theories) and the actual theories they use in practice (theories-in-use) which may have “important implications for the quality of nursing practice” (p. 9). Discuss. Assessment Objectives: • Discuss one major theoretical perspective, such as a nursing theory, that currently guides your nursing practice and discuss why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on your nursing practice. • Discuss your own personal theory of nursing, including your beliefs and values in relation to the concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and the relationships between these concepts as you understand them. • Discuss how your own personal theory-in-use developed and how it impacts on your actual nursing practice • With particular reference to current (from 2010 onwards) academic literature, discuss the importance and applicability of theory guided nursing practice in general and to your own nursing practice in particular. 10 pages, 10 APA references

your beliefs about nursing

This written assignment will allow you to reflect on your beliefs about nursing. Writing your philosophy of nursing will reveal your professional and personal growth over time as you compare previous versions of your philosophy.

Think about the following before you start writing your paper.

You have learned about various theoretical works in nursing including Nightingale’s Environmental Theory, and Jean Watson Philosophy and Science of Caring, Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing among others. Which nursing theory most closely matches your beliefs? Why are philosophies of nursing, conceptual models, grand theories, and middle-range theories important to nursing? Why did you choose nursing as your profession? What do you believe is the core of nursing? What is the focus of nursing? To live out your philosophy, what should you keep in mind about your patients, families, environment?


This paper reflects your own values and world view, therefore there are no right or wrong answers.

Paper must be written in APA style.

Paper should be between 5-7 pages excluding cover page and references.

Address the following topics in your paper

  • Your educational and professional background, reasons for returning to school, current practice specialty, and professional goals.
  • Individuals who have influenced your views about nursing
  • Your philosophy of nursing
  • Nursing metaparadigm: your definition of nursing, human beings, the environment, and health
  • Your beliefs: Is healthcare a right or privilege? What are the roles of the nurse? What are your thoughts about nursing education?
  • Trends and current issues affecting nursing
  • Where is nursing going? What can you do to advance nursing?

Health Promotion -Fostering the highest state of well-being

Health Promotion -Fostering the highest state of well-being
-education Ex: nutrition
-counseling Ex: pregnant women on prenatal care, new mother benefits from breast feeding.
– advocacy. Ex: changes in policy that increase health awareness. Illness prevention focuses on avoidance of disease, infection, and other comorbidities. Primary prevention -preventing a disease from occurring Ex: encouraging annual physicals. Teaching self great/ testicular exams. Secondary prevention – The disease or precursor of the disease has started. Ex: has hypertension but eats low sodium diet.
-preventing progression Ex: checking a suspicious growth for skin cancer Tertiary prevention -prevent damage and pain from the disease.
-slow down the disease Ex: patient dying peacefully
-preventing the disease from causing other problems (they are called “complications”)
-give better care to people with the disease. Health restoration -Activities foster a return to health for those already ill.
-the nurse provides direct care to ill individuals, groups, families, or communities.
-provide hygiene and nutrition for someone unable to so by self.
-administrating medications or treatment.
– counseling individuals or groups
-lobbying for policy changes to improve access to care for an underserved group. critical thinking -a combination of reasoned thinking, openness to alternatives, ability to reflect, a desire to seek the truth, and logical thinking and common sense. clinical judgment -similar to critical thinking
-observing, comparing, contrasting, and evaluating the client’s condition Reflective thinking -looking back “could I have done that better? How?”
-involves collecting and analyzing info and carefully considering options for action. Problem solving -Considering an issue and attempting to find a satisfactory solution
– skills suck as organizing data, identifying relevant and important data, making references, making decisions, projecting consequences of actions, and applying theoretical knowledge to a specific patient context. Five major categories of critical thinking 1. contextual awareness
2. Inquiry (analyzing assumptions)
3. Considering alternatives
4. Using credible sources (evidence base practice)
5. reflecting critically and deciding contextual awareness – An awareness of what’s happening in the total situation including values, cultural issues, interpersonal relationships, and environmental influences.
– Ex: What is going on in the situation that may influence the outcome? Inquiry (analyzing assumptions) – applying standards of good reasoning to your thinking when analyzing a situation and evaluating your action.
-recognizing and analyzing assumptions you are making about the situation and examining the beliefs that underlie your choices.
– Ex: How do I go about getting the information I need? Considering alternatives – Exploring the imaging as many alternatives as you can think of for the situation.
– Ex: what is one possible explanation for what is happening or what happened? Using credible sources (evidence base practice) – years aho, if someone was diabeticc they would get OJ with added sugar, now we know that adding extra sugar makes them hyperglycemic, so now just given juice. Reflecting critically and deciding what to do – questioning. analyzing, and reflecting on the rationale for your decisions.
– Ex: what else night work in this situation Theoretical knowledge -consist of facts, principles, and evidence base theory.
– includes research findings and rationally constructed explanations of phenomena.
use it to describe patient, understand their health status, and explain you r reasoning for interventions, and predict patient response to interventions and treatments. Practical knowledge – knowing what to do and how to do it. Putting the theoretical to work.
– Ex; the decision process and the nursing process. Self-knowledge -self-awarenedd of values, cultural, and religious bias.
-helps to find errors in your thinking and enables you to “tune in” to your patient.
-Ex “why did I do that?” Ethical knowledge – Knowledge of obligation and the sense of right and wrong.
– info about moral principles and processes for making moral decisions.
– helps to fulfill your ethical obligations to patients and colleagues. nursing process – systematic problem-solving process that guides all nursing actions.
– to help the nurse provide goal- directed, client center care. Phases of Nursing process – assessment
– diagnosis
– planning outcomes
– planning interventions
– implementations
– evaluation Assessment – the systematic gathering of info related to the physical, mental, spiritual, socioeconomic, and cultural status of an individual, grow, or community. Assessment includes ~collecting data- can subjunctive(anything provided by patient or someone else providing are. Anything in the med rec) or objective (data i have collected myself)
~using a systemic and ongoing process
~ categorizing data
~recording data Assessment: How are data used? (5) – By other discipline (collaboration)
– To plan for nursing care
– to ensure client receives: the proper care, by qualified individuals, and at the time needed.
– validating data
– documenting data Initial assessment – completes when the client first comes to the healthcare agency.
– initial assessment seeing if there is a need for further assessment.
– Ex; marital status, occupation Ongoing assessment – performed as needed, at any time after the initial database is completed.
– at any time after the initial database is completed
– use data to identify new problems or to follow up on previously identified problems.
-Ex: fall, pain, bladder. OR vital signs may change rapidly and serve as important indicators of dev. or resolving health problems. Comprehensive Assessment – consists of a nursing history and physical examination.
– both subjective and objective data/
– provides holistic info about the clients’ overall healthy status. Ex: SOAPIE
– includes data about the clients body systems and functional abilities, emotional status, spiritual health, and psychosocial situation.
– helps identify problems and the strengths. Focused Assessment – keying in on one system ex: thoracic
– performed to obtain data about an actual, potential, or possible problem that has been identifies or is suspected. Special Needs Assessment – focused assessment
– in-depth info about a particular area of client functioning and often involves using a specially designed form.
– can be lengthy
– need enough data to provide elastic care. Assessment: nursing interview – subjective data (info communicated to the nurse by the client, fan or community. includes thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and sensations.)
– purposeful communication
– structured communication
– involved questioning the client
– purpose is to gather data for the nursing database Assessment: Basic physical assessment – We look, feel, or listen to something
– objective data
– inspection
– Percussion
– auscultation objective data – gathered though a physical assessment or from laboratory or diagnostic tests. inspection – observation and visual examination of the client, as well as use of equipment such as an otoscpe or ophthalmoscope. palpation – to find out if soft or hard
– light touch, professing to deeper touch, using the pads of fingers Percussions – striking a body surface with the tip of a finger, which produces different vibrations and sounds depending on what is under the area that is tapped
– Ex: air, fluids, or solid Auscultation – Listening w/ the unaided ear for the sounds made by the patient (direct auscultation) and listen with the use of stethoscope (indirect auscultation) for normal and abnormal sounds within the body
– Ex: sounds of the heart or the lungs Assessment: Nursing interview -directive interviewing( always call by name)
– non-directive interviewing Directive interviewing – obtain factual, easily categorized information (ex: age, sex) or in an emergency situation.
– ask mostly closed questions to obtain specific answer. (yes or no questions)
– could miss important topics to the patient Non-directive interviewing – you allow the patient to control the subject matter.
– Your role is to clarify summarize, and ask mostly open-ended questions that facilitate convo and thought.
– find out what is important to the patient but time consuming and can produce irrelevant data. Critical thinking vs. nursing process -critical thinking and the nursing process are both thinking methods to solve problems
– nursing is a problem- solving process that uses many individual critical thinking skills
– they can be used together toward a common goal nursing diagnosis – second step in the nursing process
– hundreds of them
– using critical thinking skills to identify patterns in the data and draw conclusions about the client’s health status
– includes strengths, problems, and factors contributing to the problems.
– a formal diagnostic statement of the client’s health status, containing both the problem and the etiology (factors contributing to the problems)
– the list of standardized terms used to rite diagnostic statements. those are actually problems labels; you must add a second part in order to create a complete diagnostic statement. Medical diagnosis – describes a disease, illness, or injury.
– more narrowed focused than nursing diagnosis.
– nurses can’t legally treat these. Nursing diagnosis – is a clients response to a health problem (can be biological, emotional, interpersonal, social, or spiritual.)
– a statement of client health status that nurses can identify, prevent, or treat independently types of nursing problems/ diagnosis – actual
– risk
– syndrome
– wellness Actual nursing diagnosis – problem response that exists at the time of assessment (data support)
– Ex: hypertension, diabetes
– identify tit by signs and symptoms that are present. Risk nursing diagnosis – problem response that is likely to develop
– no signs or symptoms but risk factors
– using only for patients who have more susceptibility to the problem than others in the same or a comparable setting. Possible nursing diagnosis – Exists when intuition and experience directs (partial data)
– do not have enough data to support your diagnosis however you suspect that a diagnosis is present.
– main reason is to alert the other nursed to continue to collect data to confirm or to rule our the problem. syndrome nursing diagnosis – collection of nursing Dxs that occur together
– Ex: NANDA label risk of disuse syndrome is used to represent all the complications that can occur as a result of immobility. Pressure ulcer, constipation, stasis of pulmonary secretions. Wellness diagnosis – describes health status, not a health problem
– an individual group or community is in transition from one level of wellness to a higher level of wellness. Prioritizing problems/ diagnosis – places problems in order of importance
– does not mean that you must resolve one problem before attending to another
– determined by the theoretical framework you use Problem urgency: high priority – life- threatening
-Ex: ineffective airway clearance Problem urgency: medium priority – not a direct threat to life, but may cause destructive physical or emotional changes.
– Ex: ineffective denial, unilateral neglect Problem urgency: low priority – requires minimal supportive nursing intervention
– Ex: risk for delayed development, interrupted breastfeeding, mild anxiety. How to choose a NANDA nursing diagnosis – identify the broad topic ( or domain) that seems to fit the cue cluster
– narrow your search ( to the class or most likely labels)
– use a nursing diagnosis handbook; compare definitions and defining characteristics of the diagnostic labels with your cue cluster. how to write nursing diagnoses – use a 3 part statement
– Ex: alteration in comfort RELATED TO surgery AS EVIDENCED BY pain when ambulating, rates pain 6/10.
-must state diagnosis, related to something, as evidenced by… outcome What do you want to see happen?
– Short term
– long term Short term goal – those that you expect the patient to achieve within a few hours or days.
– important in situations in which patient may be discharged before evaluating long term goals. also for providing positive reinforcement to clients who are working towards long term goals. Long term goals – changes in health status that you wish to achieve over a longer period. describe the optimum level of functioning you expect the patient to achieve, given health status and available resources. Nursing interventions – What are you doing to do to make that outcome happen?
– area actions, based on clinical judgment and nursing knowledge, that nurses perform to achieve client outcome. Independent intervention – one that registers nurses are licensed to prescribe, perform, or delegate based on knowledge and skills.
– provide patient teaching for a newly diagnosed diabetic dependent interventions – one that is prescribed by a physical or advanced practice nurse but carried out by bedside nurse.
– Given Tylenol 65 mg PO 4 hrs PRN Importance of a care plan Planning can be formal or informal
– ensures care is complete
– provides continuity of care (shift to shit)
– promotes efficient use of nursing efforts
– provides a guide for assessing and charting
– meets requirements of accrediting agencies informal planning making mental notes or plans What information does a comprehensive nursing care plan contain? 1. Basic needs and activities of daily living
2. medical/multidisciplinary treatment
3. nuring diagnoses and collaborative problems
4. special discharge needs or teaching needs
** 4-6th grade level of teaching needs to be done because most people have lower education levels implementation – DOING, DELEGATING, AND DOCUMENTING **
– you will perform or delegate planned interventions- carry out the care plan.
-ends when you document the nursing actions in the chart.
– put your plan into action
– nursing interventions- individualized to the patient evaluation ** always do this!
– final step in nursing process
– planned, ongoing, systematic, activity in which you will make judgements.
-make sure your plan worked, if it didn’t work what could i have done differently?
– How will you evaluate the care provided?
– if it doesn’t you need to start your nursing process from the beginning. Nursing science – a blend of knowledge that is unique to nursing and knowledge that is borrowed from other disciplines Nursing theory – aims to describe, predict and explain the phenomenon of nursing
– should provide the foundations of nursing practice, help to generate further knowledge and indicate in which direction nursing should develop in the future. Nursing theory importance – it helps us to decide hat we know and what we need to know
– helps to distinguish what should form the basis of practice by explicitly describing nursing.
– include better patient care, enhances professional states for nurses, improved communication between nurses, and guidance for research and education
– vital to have theory to analyze and explain what nurses do.
– nursing continues to strive to establish a unique body of knowledge. Florence Nightingale – Environmental Theory
– Considered the first nursing theorist
– unsanitary conditions posed health risk (needs to provide clean environment -> improved patients health)
– external influence can prevent suppress or contribute to disease
– “every person deserves care, regardless if status, religion or wealth” 5 components of environment (Florence Nightingale) 1. ventilation- windows opened
2. light
3. warmth
4. effluvia (gases)- not being exposed to too much oxygen.
5. noise Patricia Benner 1984 – Phases of nursing
– nurse theorist
– stage 1: novice (just learning now)
– stage 2: advanced beginner
– stage 3: competence
– stage 4: Proficient
– stage 5: expert
* progression through the staged involved continual dev. of thinking and technical skills * Christine Tanner 2006 – Why we act in a certain fashion or way intuitive reasoning – our immediate interpretation of the data Analytic reasoning – the objective/subjective data that leads us to the interpretation Narrative reasoning – the story the data is giving Licensure – the process by which boards of nursing grant permission to an individual to engage in nursing practice after determining that the applicant has attained the competency necessary to perform a unique scope of practice.
– is necessary when the regulated activities are complex, require specialized knowledge and skill and independent decision making. Licensure provides that: – a specifies scope of practice may only be performed legally by licensed individuals
– title protection
– authority to take disciplinary action should the license violated the law or rules in order to assure that the public is protected. Continuing education (CE) – professional strategy to maintain current clinical knowledge; 22 state require CE courses for renewal of a nursing license In-service education – programs offered at the work site
– every 2 years, the even year Master’s degree programs – prepare advanced practice nurses (APNs) to teach and to function in a more independent role Doctoral programs in nursing – DNS degree prepares nurse for advanced clinical practice
– PhD is a research degree BC “board certified American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) – offers testing for family, adult, acute care, geriatric, pediatric, and psychiatric- mental health nurse practitioner certification. American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) – offers testing for adult, family and gerontologic nurse practitioner certification National Certification Corporation (NCC) – offers testing for women’s health and neonatal nurse practitioner certification. Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB) – offers testing for pediatric and acute care pediatric nurse practitioner certification. Sigma Theta Tau: Organizational Mission -The mission of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International is to support the learning, knowledge, and professional development of nurses committed to making a difference in health worldwide. Sigma Theta Tau: Society Vision The vision of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International is to create a global community of nurses who lead in using knowledge, scholarship, service and learning to improve the health of the world’s people.