Nursing ADN Program
Care Planâ€

Module 3 Assignment Nursing ADN Program
Care Plan
40 Points Due Date April 19, 2017 Directions: 
Use the following information to create a care plan that identifies resources to assist G.T. and her daughter. G.T. is a 69 year old Hispanic woman. She was widowed five years ago and lives alone. Her son and daughter live near-by. She emigrated from Mexico in her teens, and married a man of eastern Indian decent that she met in an English speaking class. G.T. has a high school diploma, and worked for many years as an administrative assistant to an insurance executive. Her mother followed a Curandero as her primary health care provider when G.T. was growing up in Mexico. G.T. follows some western health care practices at the insistence of her daughter, but leans towards more cultural beliefs and sees a Curandero along with a physician. G.T. loves to cook and garden, and makes many traditional foods. She is retired now, has a cat and is very involved in her church. G.T. has a medical history of Diabetes Mellitus Type II, which is not well controlled, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and gout. G.T. has developed incontinence, and she fell and fracture her right hip one month ago. She was hospitalized, and has been discharged to her daughter’s home. A home health nurse has been assigned to follow G.T., and is making her third visit to the home. G.T. is still incontinent, and experiencing constipation because she won’t drink fluids due to the incontinence. Her daughter, D.M., is caring for G.T., and tells the nurse: “I just don’t know what to do, I can’t take it anymore.” When asked about their relationship, her daughter states “I don’t mean to, but I yell at her sometimes, and then I feel so awful”. She also shares that she has to wash her mother’s linen every day, and asks “Can we put in a foley catheter, I am struggling with laundry”. Her daughter goes on to explain that her mother refuses to eat what the rest of the family eats, and that she is having trouble keeping up with making separate meals since her mother “hardly eats anyway”. When asked about her mother’s activity level her daughter says “I think she lays in bed most of the day, and stays up all night watching movies, I think she is in pain, but she denies it. Then I catch her taking medicine, and am worried if she is taking it at the right time”. Care Plan Organization and Formatting Use the provided Care Plan Template. Use professional language, free of spelling and grammar errors. Include at least twp peer-reviewed or evidence based resource to support the care plan. The Care Plan must be well organized, following the Nursing Process with a logical flow and accurate content that clearly relates to the topic. Follow APA guidelines to cite sources and provide a reference page. Care Plan includes the following: Data Collection and Organization Include subjective and objective data to support each nursing diagnosis. Be thorough and detailed, data should be clustered to each nursing diagnosis, and be sure to demonstrate cultural awareness in your assessments. Use your imagination to fill in gaps so that a clear picture is provided. Three priority nursing diagnoses: Each nursing diagnosis is written following the correct format Supports attention to immediate needs of the patient and her family At least one addresses the patients culture At least one addresses caregiver stress One short term and one long term SMART Goal for each nursing diagnosis: Each goal follows the SMART format Each goal demonstrates cultural awareness by aligning with the patient’s health beliefs, traditions, and practices. Three evidence-based nursing interventions for each goal List the nursing interventions in order of priority. Each nursing intervention demonstrates cultural awareness by aligning with the patient’s health beliefs, traditions, and practices. Provide a rationale for each nursing intervention supported with a peer-reviewed or evidence based resource. Goal Evaluation Provide an accurate and realistic description of how you would evaluate each goal. Provide an alternate outcome or intervention for each goal.

Health of Older Adults

NURS2024: Health of Older Adults-Nursing Case Study Assignment

In order to plan and provide optimal patient-centered nursing care, Registered Nurses need to be able to interpret clinical information and draw upon their knowledge of pathophysiology and evidence-based clinical practice. Therefore, the purpose of this assessment is to support the development of the skills needed to evaluate evidence and to develop reflection and clinical reasoning skills.

Case Report: 
Based upon the Horizons Hospital & Health Service (HHHS) NURS 2024 Health of Older Adults clientMary Young, construct a case report. The case report will draw upon your knowledge of pathophysiology and relevant academic literature to support an evidence-based plan of care.

Question 1:Nursing assessment, nursing intervention, medication management

1.Discuss one (1) method of nursing assessment that would need to be performed related to the ongoingnursing management of this nursing problem. Provide a rationale for this type of assessment and briefly describe how this assessment would be conducted in this case.

2.Discuss one (1) nursing intervention that you would need to implement related to the ongoing nursing management of this nursing problem. Provide a rationale for the intervention.

3.Discuss the role of the RN in the medication management related to the ongoing nursing management of this nursing problem.

Question 2:Nursing assessment, nursing intervention,medication management

1.Discuss one (1) method of nursing assessment that would need to be performed related to this nursing problem. Provide a rationale for this type of assessment and briefly describe how this assessment would be conducted inthis case.

2.Discuss one (1) nursing intervention that you would need to implement related to the ongoing nursing management of this nursing problem. Provide a rationale for the intervention.Discuss the role of the RN in the medication management related to the ongoing nursing management of this nursing problem.

Question 3:Discharge planning

1.Identify five (5) issues/challenges that you may need to address for this client prior to discharge home. Discuss how you would facilitate discharge planning for this client, with consideration to two (2) of these concerns?

Transitioning From a Student Nurse to a Graduate Nurse

NCS3202: Nursing Professional Portfolio- Transitioning From a Student Nurse to a Graduate Nurse- Literature Review Assignment


Complete a 3000 word +/- 10%, Literature Review relating to the transition of the student nurse to a Registered Nurse.

Title: Challenges facing the student transitioning from a student nurse to a graduate nurse, and the solutions to overcome these challenges. This assessment must follow the ECU SNM assignment guidelines, and include the following areas:-

Address three main questions: 
1) What are the challenges facing the student transitioning from a student nurse to a graduate nurse? 
2) What are the solutions offered in the literature to overcome these challenges? 
3) Keeping the recommendations form the literature in mind, what is your personal plan (short-term and long-term) to overcome these known challenges as you enter nursing practice as a novice nurse?

You will need to critically review a range of academic journal articles (no less than 15 peer reviewed articles, no older than 5 years old) to explore this topic. Look both locally, nationally, and internationally for literature.

1. This is to be written as a Literature Review which requires the student to document their search strategy and keywords. More details on what a literature review entails, is addressed in the ECU

Tip Sheet – literature review (if this link fails to work, this document is also located under the assessments tab on BB for this site.

2. Follow the School of Nursing and Midwifery Guide to Assignment presentation and Submission, found by clicking this link, or on Blackboard. content-rid6671302_1/courses/NCS3202.2018.1.ALL/SNM%20Guide%20to%20Assignment%20Presentation%20and%20Submission.pdf

Professional practice portfolio use Professional practice portfolios are asserted to be beneficial to demonstrate the capability for professional nursing practice.

Nursing – Peak Professional Nursing Organisation –

Assignment Task:

1. Professional practice portfolio

Professional practice portfolio use Professional practice portfolios are asserted to be beneficial to demonstrate the capability for professional nursing practice.

• Describe a professional practice portfolio and the recommended components.

• Present a written argument for the use of a professional practice portfolio to demonstrate professional nursing practice. This argument should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issues; include why portfolios should be used and a discussion of the benefits and challenges of using a professional practice portfolio to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice.

• Discuss and differentiate between management and leadership competencies and describe how development of these competencies could be evidenced in a professional practice portfolio.

• Support your argument with at least seven scholarly sources from 2014 onwards.

Professional standards

Standard 3 “Maintains the capability for practice” (NMBA, 2016) includes seven points. The fourth point states the Registered Nurse (RN) “accepts accountability for decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities inherent in their role” (NMBA, 2016).

Chose a situation from your clinical placement where you were delegated an action or responsibility by your RN clinical practice partner or clinical facilitator and describe this situation. Your description should include five key elements; context of nursing practice and health care delivery (where this occurred), who was involved, what you were delegated, how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility and the outcome of the situation.

Critically discuss how you demonstrated professional nursing practice, within your student nurse scope of practice, and reflect upon accountability for your decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities.

Support your discussion with at least three scholarly sources from 2014 onwards . Point of clarification:

The Registered Nurse standards document describes how the seven standards are interconnected (see Figure 1, NMBA, 2016). Your clinical situation may incorporate a description of you enacting one or more of the standards e.g. assessment (Standard 4), developing a plan (Standard 5), providing nursing care (Standard 6), or evaluating care outcomes (Standard 7)

Peak professional nursing organization

A peak organisation (also known as a ‘peak body’) is a term for an advocacy group or trade association (it may be in nursing, or medicine, or any ‘trade’), an association of industries or groups with allied interests. They are established for the purposes of developing standards and processes, or to act on behalf of all members. There are many peak bodies in nursing, ranging from general organisations, such as the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) to specialised organisations such as the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) or the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA).

Consider where your professional interests lie and identify and report on a peak professional nursing organisation relevant to your career path.

This report must include the membership requirements, whether this organisation supports advanced or specialty practice, how this organisation supports and leads professional nursing practice, what professional opportunities are provided through the professional organisation and a justification why it is relevant to your intended career path.

You do not need to include an introduction or conclusion to this written assessment

Use a heading for each of the three components of the assessment

Provide one reference list at the end of your written assignment which presents all references (from the three components) in alphabetical order.

State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Assignment Coversheet.

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Principles of nursing management of patients/clients with respiratory or cardiac medical or surgical conditions.

Nursing – Neurological Systems – Critical Analysis Assignment Help


The written assignment for this unit is based on students choosing a topic from the list of topics provided and undertake a literature search relevant to the chosen topic (10 peer reviewed journal articles). Students will then provide a critical analysis of the chosen topic with the support of the literature reviewed including a discussion on how the knowledge gained will assist in advancing their role in the work place.

Principles of nursing management of patients/clients with respiratory or cardiac medical or surgical conditions.

Principles of nursing management of patients/clients with medical or surgical conditions relevant to cerebral/ neurological systems

Principles of nursing management of patients/clients with medical or surgical conditions relevant to hematological / vascular systems

Gerontological/Aged care nursing – Principles of nursing management of older people requiring aged care: choose either a or b

Rehabilitation Nursing: Principles and management of patients/clients requiring

Community/Rural and Remote (Bush) nursing: Principles and management of clients in community health care settings

Mental Health Nursing principles (meeting the needs of people with altered mental health status in hospital/institutional and community settings.

Significance and Implications of Research Ethics to Nursing.

Hi, I need help with essay on Significance and Implications of Research Ethics to Nursing. Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Research ethics plays an important role in the nursing management and leadership. Since leaders and managers of healthcare institutions should abide by the highest ethical standards, they can guarantee ethical nursing practice only through research ethics. Both qualitative and quantitative research provides evidence that nurses can use to treat their patients or prevent specific medical conditions. Leaders and managers in nursing depend heavily on nursing research to provide effective directions and decisions that nurses can prefer in their medical undertakings. It implies that research ethics merits objectivity in nursing management through the provision of concrete results. Effective nursing management entails nursing practice and decision-making that is anchored on concrete evidence from research. Such research could either be qualitative or quantitative but either way, it must embrace ethical principles. Burns, Grove, and Gray list consequentialism, principlism, virtue ethics, and deontology as four major nursing ethical theories that concern research ethics. These ethical theories inspire the thinking of leaders and managers in healthcare institutions to make ethical decisions in nursing practice. With regard to consequentialism, the outcome of nursing research determines the morality of the research. It means that the response in connection with certain medical undertakings can only be valid if they are positive irrespective of the decision-making process or the ethical principles applied to the research.

Discuss the importance of research as it informs the future of nursing practice.

  Write a 4 page paper and discuss each of the following questions in relation to your nursing practice using APA style and formatting.

·         Use APA level headings to develop each of the required elements of the assignment.

·         1.Discuss the importance of research as it informs the future of nursing practice.

·         2.Discuss two specific contributions you make to develop your colleagues in becoming a consumer of nursing research.

·         3.Describe at least two strategies you will use to maintain competency in using nursing research. Examples might include:

·         Perform a literature search on a particular practice issue and share with colleagues.

·         Join a nursing research discussion group.

·         Champion a nursing clinical issue to become a research study in your organization.

·         4.Describe three ways that your understanding of technologies and telecommunication in nursing and health care can have a positive impact on your practice.

·         5.Propose one strategy to increase the participation of the nursing profession in research and lifelong learning.

·         What role might technology and telecommunications play in promoting research participation?

·         6.Conclusion:

·         Include a title and reference page.

·         Use the following subheadings:

·         Advocating for Research in Nursing.

·         Maintaining Competency in Research Practices.

·         The Future of Technologies in Nursing and Research.

·         Conclusion.

Child and Adolescent Health

NCS3101: Child and Adolescent Health- Evidence Based Case Study- Nursing Essay Assignment

Kevin is a four-year- old boy who has been transferred to the hospital from a remote community by the family doctor for admission and surgical insertion of bilateral grommets. This follows a history of repeated occurrences of acute otitis media with effusion. Kevin and his grandmother have just arrived on the ward and the nursing team you are working with has been allocated Kevin to their patient load. You are responsible for conducting and an initial assessment when admitting Kevin to the ward, preparing him for theatre and developing a plan of care relevant to his stay on the ward. Kevin appears shy but is demonstrating some age appropriate curiosity about his environment, however, his grandmother is very wary and anxious around the nursing staff, not making eye contact and reluctant to engage with nursing staff. She is unwilling to let go of Kevin’s hand. Kevin has a drink bottle containing cordial in his hands.

Kevin has initial admission observations of, T- 37.4 o C, HR – 86, RR – 26 BP 90/55, and assessment weight 13.9Kgs, height 100cms. During the assessment you notice Kevin has old dried exudate and the remains of a recently completed course of ear drops surrounding the ears and in localised hair. You also notice extensive dental caries affecting his baby teeth.

Specific content guidelines
1. Students are required to research and write a case study essay with headings, directly relating to the above scenario. Examine and discuss your nursing assessment, pre and postoperative management and discuss all general nursing care incorporating a C & FCCapproach. Identify what nursing interventions you will consider and any referrals will you put into place during Kevin’s stay on the ward.
2. Discuss all of the members of the multidisciplinary team, and which particular members that would be involved in Kevin’s management of care, including what service that they will provide in the given scenario.
3. Referring to the C&FCC framework, develop a care plan incorporating an education plan for the child and his family that includes short and long term goals including discharge planning.Supportive rationale for your management is required. The care plan is not to be submitted but your planning, rationale for the plan and anticipated outcomes are to be discussed.

Theoretical Issues in Nursing Curricula and Nursing Instruction

Theory and EducationCOLLAPSE
Please review the McEwen and Wills (2014) chapter 21:  Theoretical Issues in Nursing Curricula and Nursing Instruction and complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:
Complete a library search for a peer-reviewed journal article that integrates nursing theory and nursing education.
Present the article and discuss the nursing theory used, the benefits of nursing theory in nursing education.
Discuss key considerations (curriculum design, and nursing curricula and regulatory bodies) for nurse educators in curriculum development
Be sure to supplement your discussion with personal and professional experiences.
Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
References:McEwen, M. & Wills, E. (2014). Theoretical Basis for Nursing (4th Ed.); Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

discuss how an understanding of peoples’ lived experiences of a mental disorder can contribute to the development of person-centred mental health nursing practice

Mental Health Nursing – Mental Disorder – Mental Health Nursing Assignment Help


Referring to evidence-based nursing literature and literature by people who haveexperiences of living with the effects of a mental disorder, discuss how an understanding of peoples’ lived experiences of a mental disorder can contribute to the development of person-centred mental health nursing practice

identify one aspect of your own nursing practice that requires some development to work collaboratively with people who have a lived experience of a mental disorder. With reference to relevant nursing literature, discuss how you could develop this 
aspect of your own nursing practice.

In this section of the discussion you can use the first person, ‘I’, when you are discussing your own practice development; however, you must also support this section of the discussion with references to relevant literature

Hypothetical Question with Sample Answer. Janine was hospitalized with severe abdominal pain and placed in an intensive care unit. Her doctor told the hospital personnel to order around-the-clock nursing care for Janine. At the hospital’s request, a nursing services firm, Nursing Services Unlimited, provided two weeks of in-hospital care and, after Janine was sent home, an additional two weeks of at-home care. During the at-home period of care, Janine was fully aware that she was receiving the benefit of the nursing services. Nursing Services later billed Janine $4,000 for the nursing care, but Janine refused to pay on the ground that she had never contracted for the services, either orally or in writing. In view of the fact that no express contract was ever formed, can Nursing Services recover the $4,000 from Janine? If so, under what legal theory? Discuss.