Select a specific primary health care (PHC) nurse role of interest to you

Nursing  -Essay – Nursing  Essay Writing  Assignment Help


Select a specific primary health care (PHC) nurse role of interest to you (e.g. prison nurse, home based nursing, school nurse, women’s health nurse, men’s health nurse, sexual health nurse, substance use nurse, chronic illness nursing, rural health nursing, OH&S nursing, refugee nurse)

Describe the key attributes of this role (what the nurse needs to do in that role, what is the specific focus of the nursing role etc) and explain why it is considered a PHC nursing role

Discuss the characteristics of the clientele (e.g. women, teenagers, people from CALD backgrounds etc), this type of nurse is likely to provide health services for and identify one relevant health issue of concern.

Describe an activity or action for each of the five strategies for action identified in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, that the PHC nurse could undertake to address the health issue you identified as relevant to their clientele.

Justify why these activities or actions relate to the role of the PHN, the health issue identified and the clients of the nurse.

Nursing Care Of A Patient With Altered Skin Integrity

NUR250 – Nursing Care Of A Patient With Altered Skin Integrity- Nursing Assignment


The aim and purpose is to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate they:

• Are developing their ability to locate, interpret, integrate, synthesize and apply nursing knowledge from NUR250, other units they have completed and a range of current, reliable sources to a patient case or scenario they may meet in day to day nursing practice in medical surgical settings.

• Are developing appropriate critical thinking, clinical reasoning and sound clinical decision making processes and strategies essential for safe, evidence-based and competent nursing practice in medical surgical settings.

• Are able to focus their attention to the needs of the individual patient as the key concern of nursing practice in medical surgical settings.

• Are able to explain and justify or defend their nursing care decisions.

• Have a developing understanding of the role and scope of practice of the registered nurse in the Australian health care context.

• Are progressing towards the level of professional written communication required for nursing practice in Australia.

The Future of Nursing in an Evolving Health Care System

NRS 440 -Gc Entire Course


NRS-440VN | The Future of Nursing in an Evolving Health Care System

NRS 440 Grand Canyon Topic 1 Discussion 1

What is the impact to the nursing profession and to the public related to the projected nursing shortage? Discuss at least one way that the nursing profession is working toward a resolution of this problem.

NRS 440 Grand Canyon Topic 1 Discussion 2

What is the role of health care reform in shifting the focus from a disease-oriented health care system toward one of wellness and prevention, and how does nursing fit into this shift?

NRS 440 Grand Canyon Topic 1 Assignment

Benchmark – Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing Report


In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of 

Define the nursing process a systematic problem solving approach toward providing individualized nursing care.

Define the nursing process a systematic problem solving approach toward providing individualized nursing care. What is NANDA-I North American Nursing
Diagnosis Association International What are the characteristics of the nursing process? 1-framework for care to indiv, families, & communities 2-orderly & systematic 3-interdependent 4-provides specific care for the indiv, fam, & comm 5- client centered 6-appropriate for use throughout lifespan 7-used in ALL settings What are the steps of the nursing process? ADPIE A=assessment D=diagnosis P=planning I=implementation E=evaluation How does the nurse obtain assessment info? 1- initial (or admission assessment) 2- focused assessment 3- emergency assesment How does the nurse obtain assessment info? past medical hx – family hx – reason for admission – current meds – previous hospitalizations & surgeries – psychosocial assessment – nutrition – complete physical assessment focused assessment Collects data about a problem that has already been identified. This type of assessment determines whether
the problem still exists, or any changes. focused assessment questions – What are your symptoms?
– When did they start?
– What activity were you doing ?
– What makes it better or worse?
– What are you doing to relieve the symptom? Emergency assessment Performed to identify a life-threatening problem (choking, stab wound, heart attack). subjective data Information verbalized or stated by the client. objective data – Observable and measurable information.
– Remember to include your senses: smell, hearing, touch and sight. sign An objective finding perceived by the examiner ex. (fever, rash, etc.) symptom Subjective findings verbalized or stated by the client ex. (“I have a headache” ” I feel sick in my stomach.”) signs are objective symptoms are subjective 2 sources of data primary & 2ndary primary source of data -Information obtained from the patient (only) secondary sources of data – Family members
– Significant others
– Past & current health records, laboratory tests,diagnostic procedures, consultations from other healthcare professionals. collect the data then BLANK the data VALIDATE
-Confirm and verify the information.
– Keep it free from errors, bias, or misinterpretation. Data is 1,2,3 collected, validated, then clustered clustering of data often contains defining characteristics which are specific assessment findings that support a
nursing diagnosis. during the clustering of data what is used critical thinking is used to analyze and synthesize the information that is
collected. The data is then put into specific clusters that describe a specific client problem. identify sources of data for obtaining information from the client subjective & objective, primary & secondary, people, healthcare professionals, medical chart, test & lab results etc identify how you develop a nursing diagnosis As you cluster data, you begin to consider various diagnoses that may relate to the client. You must remember that if certain defining characteristics do not exist for a specific diagnosis, then you must not use the diagnosis. identify how you develop a nursing diagnosis (what is first / next etc) 1. Complete thorough assessment of the patient.
2.Highlight or underline relevant symptoms (defining
3. Make a list of symptoms.
4. Cluster and interpret the symptoms.
5. Analyze and interpret the symptoms.
6. Select a nursing diagnosis based on the definition
found in the nursing diagnosis manual by Doenges,
Moorhouse and Murr.
7. Remember to prioritize the identified problems. what is the difference between a medical and nursing dx A medical diagnosis describes a disease process. A nursing diagnosis describes an individual, family or
group response to an actual or potential problem. medical dx -Identification of a disease condition based on specific
findings such as diagnostic tests and procedures.
– Remains the same as long as the disease is present. nursing dx – Clinical judgment in response to actual or potential
health problems.
– Provides a basis for providing nursing care through
various interventions to achieve outcomes.
– Changes possibly from day to day as the patient’s
response changes. what are the 4 types of NANDA-I dx 1. Actual diagnosis
2. Risk diagnosis
3. Health promotion diagnosis
4. Wellness diagnosis actual dx Represents a problem that has been validated by the
presence of defining characteristics (signs and
symptoms). risk dx Is defined by NANDA-I , “describes human responses to health conditions/life processes that may develop in a vulnerable individual, family, or community. It is supported by risk factors that contribute to increased
vulnerability” (NANDA, 2007). Ex. infection after surgery health promotion dx Clinical judgment of a person, family, or community desire to enhance their well being and readiness to implement health behaviors of a higher level. Ex. nutrition wellness dx Describes the human responses to levels of wellness in an individual, family or community that have readiness to enhance well being. Ex.Coping, readiness of enhanced related to successful cancer treatment. how do you formulate an actual nursing dx; what does it consist of A nursing diagnosis consists of 3 parts or what is referred to PES format:
P= Problem
E =Etiology
S =Signs and Symptoms what is the purpose of the problem to identify the health status or
problem of the individual using the approved NANDA – I list. Ex.Pain, acute what is the etiology the cause ; Identifies the physiologic, psychological, sociologic, spiritual, or environmental factors assumed to be the
cause of the problem or a contributing factor. the etiology is linked to the problem with the phrase “related to” ; The etiology cannot be related to a medical diagnosis. signs & symptoms Identified as subjective and/or objective data that supports the problem.
– Identified by the nurse from the clustering of
significant data including assessment findings. signs & symptoms are linked to the etiology by the phrase “as evidenced by” how do you formulate a risk dx? what does a risk dx consist of? consist of a problem and the etiology only – there are NO signs & sypmtoms because it hasn’t happened yet what does the planning phase of the nursing process consist of develop a plan of care.This is accomplished by developing client centered goals
and expected outcomes. – use critical thinking to develop nursing interventions to resolve the client’s problem and achieve the goals. 3 helpful guides in prioritizing needs 1-Maslow 2- Pt preference what does the pt think is important 3-Anticipation or future problems Maslow Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
a. physiological needs
b. safety needs
c. love and belonging needs
d. self-esteem needs
e. self-actualization needs prioritizing nursing dx ex 1 1 -airway 2- urinary 3- sexual 4- skin integrity prioritizing nursing dx ex 2 1-gas exchange 2-hypothermia 3-knowledge defecit 4- infection prioritizing nursing dx ex 3 1-pain 2-mobility 3- social isolation 4-self esteem define a goal ” a broad statement that describes the desired change in a client’s condition or behavior.” components of a correctly written goal include expected outcomes or
measurable criteria to evaluate the achievement of the goal. short term goal an objective behavior or response
you expect the client to achieve in a short period of time usually less than one week. long term goal An objective behavior or response you expect the client to achieve in a longer period of time possibly over several days, weeks, or months. what is an expected outcome An outcome is a measurable change in the client’s status that you expect to occur related to the implemented care. guidelines to remember when writing goals 1-client centered 2-singular 3-observable 4-measurable 5-time limited 6-mutual 7-realistic what are nursing interventions Are actions or treatments based on knowledge or judgment that the nurse performs to meet the patient outcomes. what are the 3 types of nursing interventions – provide examples 1-independent ex. positioning 2-dependent ex. med admin 3-collaborative or interdependent ex. OT what are frequent errors when writing nursing interventions 1-Failure to be precise or fully indicate the nursing action. 2-Failure to indicate frequency 3-Failure to indicate quantity 4-Failure to indicate method what is the purpose of scientific rationale for student nurses is the reason for choosing the particular intervention based on supportive evidence
from textbooks, journals, and/or online nursing
references (so we know why we are doing the task we are doing) what is the implementation phase of the nursing process This step begins after the care plan has been developed by the nurse. This is the step of the nursing process where the nurse performs the interventions as a means
of achieving the goals. interventions can be BLANK or BLANK direct (performed through interaction with the client) or indirect (without the client but on their behalf) the implementation process takes into account 5 activities 1-reassessing 2-review/revise existing nursing dx & care plan 3-organizing resources & delivery of care 4-Anticipating/preventing any complications 5-Implementing interventions Implementing Interventions: requires 3 skills 1-cognitive 2-personal 3-psychomotor Implementing Interventions :cognitive skills critical thinking ; good decisions Implementing Interventions: personal skills communication ; therapeutic interactions Implementing Interventions ; psychomotor skills proper performance and knowledge of skills what is the evaluation phase of the nursing process Evaluation is the final stage of the nursing process. You as the nurse determine if the patient has achieved the expected outcomes not if the nursing interventions were completed. the evaluation phase has 5 components 1. Identifying criteria and standards.
2. Collecting data to determine if the criteria or
standards are met.
3. Interpreting and summarizing findings.
4. Documenting findings and any clinical judgment.
5. Terminating, continuing or revising the care plan.

Medical Surgical Nursing : Nursing care of a patient post hysterectomy

NUR251 : Medical Surgical Nursing : Nursing care of a patient post hysterectomy

Assessment :

• Are developing the ability to locate, interpret, integrate, synthesize and apply nursing knowledge to a relevant nursing practice scenario in medical surgical settings 
• Are developing appropriate critical thinking, clinical reasoning and sound clinical decision making processes and strategies essential for safe, evidence-based and competent nursing practice in medical surgical settings 
• Are able to focus their attention to the needs of the individual patient as the key concern of nursing practice in medical surgical settings 
• Are able to explain and justify or defend their nursing care decisions 
• Have a developing understanding of the role and scope of practice of the registered nurse in the Australian health care context 
• Are progressing towards the level of professional written communication required for nursing practice in Australia 
• Are demonstrating ethical and professional practice by adhering to the University’s academic integrity standards and plagiarism

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay 

 write your personal philosophy of nursing. The essay is to be typewritten and double-spaced (1,000 words) and should include the following: 
1. Introduction that includes who you are and where you practice nursing 
2. Definition of nursing 
3. Assumptions or underlying beliefs 
4. Definitions and examples of the major domains of nursing 
5. Summary that includes answers to the following questions: a. How are the domains connected? b. What is your vision of nursing for the future? c. What are the challenges that you will face as a nurse? d. What are your goals for professional development? 

Identify three short-term goals and three long-term goals related to your professional aspirations.




Follow these assignment parameters in your presentation:

  • Identify three short-term goals and three long-term goals related to your professional aspirations. You may also include a five-year plan if you wish. These goals should be reasonable within the time frames presented.
  • Describe how you plan to meet your professional goals:

·         What steps will you take?

·         What milestones will you set? (How will you know you are making progress?)

·         How will you use your strengths to meet your goals?

·         What challenges do you foresee, and how will you overcome them to meet your goals?

·         Include opportunities to leverage your ePortfolio and other resources to meet your goals.

  • Explain how this nursing program and specific courses or assignments within it impacted your goals (goals met and goals still to achieve).

·         Identify specific achievements during your program (e.g., a goal GPA, an attendance goal, certificates, improved writing skills).

·         Self-evaluate your success at meeting the program outcomes and essentials.

  • Identify memorable assignments or courses, epiphanies, or moments when your course work directly impacted your professional work.
  • Describe your current nursing philosophy and reflect on how it supports your goals and aspirations.
  • Be sure to include an introduction (introduce yourself briefly) and a conclusion to your presentation.


Information is presented in a clear, logical order with an apparent beginning, middle, and end. The speaker does not jump around from one idea to another. A clear closing to the presentation is provided.

All parameters of the assignment are met. Links to supporting documents and visual aids are used to support the spoken content when needed. Technical terms are well defined in language appropriate for the target audience. References to documents or visual aid components are specific and clear so that they can be easily identified. Presentation contains accurate and complete information. Ideas, facts, and information provided demonstrate a strong, confident, understanding of the assignment.

The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are cited and referenced correctly.

• Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2018) as a framework to plan and evaluate person-centred care

• Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2018) as a framework to plan and evaluate person-centred care

• Consider the person’s situation

• Collect, process and present related health information

• Identify and prioritise at least three (3) nursing problems/issues based on the health assessment data that you have identified for the person at the centre of care.

• Establish goals for priority of nursing care related to the nursing problem/issues identified

• Discuss the nursing care of the person; link it to assessment data and history.

• Evaluate your nursing care strategies to justify the nursing care provided

• Reflect on the person’s outcomesDocument Preview:

Assessment task 2: Case study Assignment Students will complete a case study which discusses the provision of ethical, legal, evidence-based, holistic person-centred care including the establishment of realistic and relevant goals through the theoretical examination of a particular nursing specialty case study using the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2013). Weighting: 50% Length and/or format: 1600 words +/-10% Purpose: The case study is designed to allow students the opportunityto demonstrate synthesis of theory and experience acquired inprevious and concurrent units while exploring a specificnursing context. Learning outcomes assessed: 2, 5, 6 How to submit: Students should submit electronically via the appropriateTurnitin drop box located in the assessment block on the LEOsite. Return of assignment: Assignments will be marked online and students will be notified via LEO when results and feedback are available. Assessment criteria: Further information pertaining to the case study can be found in the assessment block on LEO and in the APPENDIX of this unit outline. Please refer to the criterion reference rubric. Case Study – Mental Health John Gray, 28 years old, severe depression following suicide attempt Mr. John Gray is a 28 year old single male admitted to the unit a week ago after an episode of intentional self-harm. John is the son of a grazier from a farming community north of Brisbane who is expected to take over the family farm. The farm has been severely affected by the longstanding drought conditions in the district. You are the nurse assigned to John’s care for the afternoon shift. On handover you were informed John did not get up for breakfast again, went to lunch reluctantly only because he was compelled to but ate almost nothing, and returned to his bed immediately afterwards. Vital Signs: Blood pressure 125/75 Temperature 36.3 Pulse 66 Respirations 18. John has a rope burn mark on his neck caused by the breaking of the rope…

non-nursing or borrowed theories occurs.

While the focus of this course is nursing theory, frequently the use of non-nursing or borrowed theories occurs. Select a nursing practice area (i.e. education, executive, advance clinical practice, informatics, and health care policy); then identify a non-nursing (borrowed) theory; and apply it to the area you have selected. Be sure to provide an example of how the non-nursing theory can be used to enhance the selected practice area. Don’t forget to include scholarly reference(s) to support your information.

Janine was hospitalized with severe abdominal pain and placed in an intensive care unit. Her doctor told the hospital personnel to order around-the-clock nursing care for Janine. At the hospital’s request, a nursing services firm, Nursing Services Unlimited, provided two weeks of in-hospital care and, after Janine was sent home, an additional two weeks of at-home care. During the at-home period of care, Janine was fully aware that she was receiving the benefit of the nursing services. Nursing Services later billed Janine $4,000 for the nursing care, but Janine refused to pay claiming she had never contracted for the services, either orally or in writing. Since no express contract was ever formed can Nursing Services recover the $4,000 from Janine? If so, under what legal theory?

How often have you come across the terms public health nursing, community health nursing, and community based nursing in your environment? Do you think it is a good idea to distinguish between them?

Community Based Nursing

Read the below scenario and answer the questions that follow:

Nursing services are an important part in caring for the patients and providing them the relief they need. From patients with chronic health conditions to patients who need elder care, nursing has proved itself as an important aspect. People now prefer sending their elder parents to a daycare nurses for nursing services.

  • How often have you come across the terms public health nursing, community health nursing, and community based nursing in your environment? Do you think it is a good idea to distinguish between them? Justify your answer.
  • Compare the nursing codes of ethics for your specialty practice, national, and international practice areas. How do they differ? Does it make sense to have more than one code of ethics for nurses? Give reasons for your point of view.

Role of the Community Health Nurse

Obtain a job description for a community health nurse or interview a public health nurse to answer the following questions:

  • Which concept of public health nursing does their practice reflect?
  • Which concept is emphasized in their job description?
  • Does a correlation exist between their job description and their practice?
  • Are the nurses involved in policy formulation that affects client services?
  • In the settings you have observed, which concept (in your opinion) is the most effective for implementation? What is your rationale?

The United States of America has: 1) the most expensive health care system in the world, being approximately 45% more expensive than any other system. 2) a subpar educational system, and 3) the highest( by far) incarceration rate in the world on a per capita basis

Four papers are scheduled in the syllabus and each is worth 25 points. The papers are based on the readings done as well as required additional research for each topic. Papers must be individual, original, critical in nature, researched with at least 5 additional academic/professional sources (not Wikipedia or internet sources), must adhere to the paper criteria listed in this syllabus and must be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 7 pages in length. Papers must have an original formulated hypothesis and a conclusion supported by the research performed and a title page. All papers must be handed in in hard and soft copy. 

The Topic of the research should be 

in international comparison (OECD) The United States of America has: 
1) the most expensive health care system in the world, being approximately 45% more expensive than any other system. 
2) a subpar educational system, and 
3) the highest( by far) incarceration rate in the world on a per capita basis 
Research these statements extensively, making sure to assess specific criteria which prove, or disprove the assertion. 
identify the specific business model used by the USA as opposed to other countries in these industries. Explain why there are such extent differences in performance across these national systems using specific measures and concrete arguments. what role does strategic political management play? agency capture? The revolving door> Privatization? Capitalism? Draw supported conclusions about the pros and cons of the differing systems and what the role of business is/should be. what are the longer term consequences to democracy under the current business practices described in your research on the industries above?