Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

NursingReflection Assignment Help


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Culturally safe and respectful practice is not a new concept in nursing. Nurses and midwives are expected to engage with all people as individuals in a culturally safe and respectful way, foster open, honest and compassionate professional relationships, and adhere to their obligations about privacy and confidentiality (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2018).

Many health services already provide cultural safety training for their staff. Cultural safety is about the person who is providing care reflecting on their own assumptions and culture in order to work in a genuine partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2018).

Therefore, the purpose of this assignment requires you to discuss cultural safety from an Aboriginal perspective and how this can be incorporated into your nursing care.

Define the principles of cultural safety and discuss the cultural considerations required when caring for an Aboriginal person and link them to the provision of culturally safe nursing care.

Identify the nursing guidelines in relation to cultural safety when caring for an Aboriginal person and outline the importance of ethical decision making within culturally safe nursing care.

Define descriptive epidemiology and describe its relationship and role in nursing science today.

The Epidemiology Paper is a practice immersion assignment designed to be completed in three sections, this is part one of the assignment. Learners are required discuss the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing science and apply descriptive epidemiology in nursing science.


Write a paper discussing the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing science. Include the following:

1. Define descriptive epidemiology and describe its relationship and role in nursing science today.

2. Provide a contemporary example of how descriptive epidemiology is applied in public health nursing.

3. Identify the epidemiology components used to analyze at-risk populations.


Exercise 4-1 (E4-1)
General questions
1. Working paper entries normally:

2. Working paper techniques assume nominal accounts are:

3. Most errors made in consolidating financial statements will appear when:

4. Net income on consolidation working papers is:

5. On consolidation working papers, individual stockholders’ equity accounts of a subsidiary are:

6. On consolidation working papers, investment income from a subsidiary is:

7. On consolidation working papers, the investment in consolidated subsidiary account balances are:

8. On consolidation working papers, consolidated net income is determined by:

9. On consolidation working papers, consolidated end-of-the-period retained earnings is determined by:

10. Under the trial balance approach to consolidation working papers, which of the following is used?

Literature Review on Nursing Home Quality.

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words essay on the topic Literature Review on Nursing Home Quality. This website contains a study on quality improvement programs in nursing homes in various states. The site claims that the purpose of this “study is to inform state and federal policymakers about state-initiated quality improvement programs, with the particular goal of providing information to states that may wish to develop similar programs in their state.”An independent site that provides information on various medical facilities including nursing homes. The site contains information on quality efforts by IPRO in the state of New York alone. The site claims that “IPRO has entered into the 8th Scope of Work (SOW) as the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for New York State. IPRO’s Nursing Home Quality Improvement (NHQI) team works with nursing homes throughout the state to help improve the quality of care for nursing home residents by providing facilities with complimentary clinical resources, quality improvement materials, and, where indicated or requested, 1:1 technical support.”This site provides legal information concerning nursing homes in the US. The site deals particularly with the NURSING HOME REFORM ACT OF 1987 and any information pertaining to that can be accessed on this site.It is an excellent site containing important information on elderly abuse in nursing homes. This site helps consumers identify signs of elderly abuse and directs them to seek legal help in their states.This article addreArticlesThe Extent of Quality Improvement Activities in Nursing Homes — Lee and Wendling 19 (6): 255 — American Journal of Medical QualityThis article addresses the problem of quality of nursing home care, which it recognizes as a cause of concern. The article discusses in detail the Nursing Home Quality Initiative launched by the federal government, which is meant to improve quality (QI). In order to assess the effectiveness of this initiative, the article examines the preparation done for the implementation of QI.

Literature Review on Nursing Home Quality.

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words essay on the topic Literature Review on Nursing Home Quality. This website contains a study on quality improvement programs in nursing homes in various states. The site claims that the purpose of this “study is to inform state and federal policymakers about state-initiated quality improvement programs, with the particular goal of providing information to states that may wish to develop similar programs in their state.”An independent site that provides information on various medical facilities including nursing homes. The site contains information on quality efforts by IPRO in the state of New York alone. The site claims that “IPRO has entered into the 8th Scope of Work (SOW) as the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for New York State. IPRO’s Nursing Home Quality Improvement (NHQI) team works with nursing homes throughout the state to help improve the quality of care for nursing home residents by providing facilities with complimentary clinical resources, quality improvement materials, and, where indicated or requested, 1:1 technical support.”This site provides legal information concerning nursing homes in the US. The site deals particularly with the NURSING HOME REFORM ACT OF 1987 and any information pertaining to that can be accessed on this site.It is an excellent site containing important information on elderly abuse in nursing homes. This site helps consumers identify signs of elderly abuse and directs them to seek legal help in their states.This article addreArticlesThe Extent of Quality Improvement Activities in Nursing Homes — Lee and Wendling 19 (6): 255 — American Journal of Medical QualityThis article addresses the problem of quality of nursing home care, which it recognizes as a cause of concern. The article discusses in detail the Nursing Home Quality Initiative launched by the federal government, which is meant to improve quality (QI). In order to assess the effectiveness of this initiative, the article examines the preparation done for the implementation of QI.

A discussion of the incidence of adverse events linked to failure to rescue in Australian hospital settings.

803NRS: Nursing – Healthcare Environment – Essay Writing Assignment Help


For this task you need to write a 2000-word essay. Using failure to rescue as the topic of your essay, you are required to critically evaluate this issue. Your analysis should include a discussion of incidence, consequences and then prevention strategies. The analysis should include the discussion of two (2) nursing strategies that involve interprofessional practice and the identification of barriers that affect the implementation of such strategies. Patient safety needs to underpin this analysis & discussion.

Your essay MUST include the following components:

An introductory paragraph that identifies the aim of the assignment.

A definition of failure to rescue.

A discussion of the incidence of adverse events linked to failure to rescue in Australian hospital settings.

An analysis of the consequences of failure to rescue for the patient, the patient’s family and the health care system

A discussion of the potential barriers (discuss TWO) that can result in registered nurses failing to rescue in a hospital setting.

A discussion about how registered nurses may overcome these potential barriers ( TWO chosen) in a hospital setting to promote patient safety.

A critical evaluation of TWO nursing strategies involving inter-professional practice that may be used to prevent registered nurses from failing to rescue .

A conclusion with a final paragraph summarising the central points of your essay.

A Reference list formatted to APA6 style.

Reference to a minimum of 10 journal articles no more than five years old.

Note that the term critically evaluate “sometimes called critically analyse or review means to show the essence of something by breaking it down into it is components parts, examining each part in detail and explaining issues…” (Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide, 2018, paragraph 1). It also means making connections and seeing relationships between information. The term critically evaluate also implies to weigh up strengths and weaknesses and judge the worth of the argument or position (Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide, 2018).

the role of concept analysis within theory development.

Description of the Assignment
This assignment presents a modified method for conducting a concept analysis of ONE concept that is important and useful to nursing.  The concept for this assignment must be supported by a published nursing theory. The selected concept is identified and then the elements of the analysis process are applied in order to synthesize knowledge for application as demonstrated through the creation of model, borderline, and contrary cases.  Theoretical applications of the concept are also discussed. Non-nursing theories may NOT be used. The paper concludes with a synthesis of the student’s new knowledge about the concept. The scholarly literature is incorporated throughout the analysis.
Only the elements identified in this assignment should be used for this concept analysis. 
Criteria for Content
1. Introduction
The introduction substantively presents all the following elements:
· Identifies the role of concept analysis within theory development.
· Identifies the selected nursing concept.
· Identifies the nursing theory that addresses the selected concept.
· Names the sections of the paper.
· Scholarly support is required.
2. Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept
This section includes:
· Defines/explains the concept using scholarly literature (a dictionary maybe used for this section ONLY, and additional scholarly nursing references are required).
· A substantive discussion of this section with support from nursing literature is required.
3. Literature review
This section requires:
· A substantive discussion of at least 6 (six) scholarly nursing literature sources on the selected concept.
· Themes, ideas, and/or facts about the concept found in the reviewed sources are presented in an organized fashion.
· Support from nursing literature is required. Please Note: Primary research articles about the selected nursing concept are the most useful resource for the literature review.
4. Defining attributes, for this section:
· A minimum of THREE (3) attributes are required.
· A substantive discussion of this section with support from nursing literature is required
Explanation:  An attribute identifies characteristics of a concept.  For this situation, the characteristics of the selected nursing concept are identified and discussed.
5. Antecedent and Consequence
This section requires the identification of:
· 1 antecedent of the selected nursing concept.
· 1 consequence of the selected nursing concept.
· A substantive discussion of the element with support from nursing literature is required.
Explanation:  An antecedent is an identifiable occurrence that precedes an event.  In this situation, an antecedent precedes a selected nursing concept. A consequence follows or is the result of an event.  In this situation a consequence follows or is the result of the selected nursing concept.
6. Empirical Referents
This section requires the identification of:
· 2 (two) empirical referents of the selected nursing concept.
· A substantive discussion of the element with support from nursing literature is required.
Explanation:  An empirical referent is an objective ways to measure or determine the presence of the selected nursing concept.
7. Construct Cases
Explanation: hypothetical or real-life situations demonstrating the use or absence of the concept.
This section requires the creation of a model case, borderline case, and contrary case.
· 1 Model Case is created by the student and discussed substantively by demonstrating within the case each of the following areas:
· Definition
· All identified attributes
Explanation:  A model case is an example of a hypothetical or real-life situation that demonstrates all of the attributes noted previously in this assignment.
· 1 Borderline Case is created by the student in which one or two of the previously identified attributes are missing.
· 1 Contrary Case is created by the student that demonstrates the opposite of the selected nursing concepts. All identified attributes of the concept are absent in this cas
· Explanation:  Borderline case is a created case where one or two of the previously identified attributes are missing. Contrary case is a created case that demonstrate the complete opposite of the selected nursing concept – all identified attributes are missing.
8. Theoretical Applications of the Concept
· Discuss the purpose of a concept analysis in relationship to theory.
· Explain how the concept applies to the selected nursing theory.
· A substantive discussion of the element with support from nursing literature is required.
9. Conclusion
This section requires:
· Summarization of key information regarding:
· Selected nursing concept.
· Selected nursing theory.
· Application of concept analysis findings to advanced practice nursing (specific to selected specialty track professional role and/or area of practice).
· The concluding statements include self-reflection on the new knowledge gained from conducting a concept analysis. (Self-reflection may be written in first-person.)
Preparing the Assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
1. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least 6, but no more than 8 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.
2. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6thedition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
3. The source of the concept for this assignment must be a published nursing Non-nursing theories may NOT be used.
4. A minimum of 6 (six) scholarly references must be used. Required textbooks for this course, and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. A dictionary maybe used as a reference for the section titled “Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept”, but it is NOT counted as one of the 6 required scholarly nursing references. Be aware that information from .com websites may be incorrect and should be avoided.
5. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.
6. Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.
7. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.
8. PLEASE note: Do not rely on .com sites to identify the nursing theory as they do not provide accurate information in all cases.
Possible Concepts: The following concepts are not required; students may select one of these concepts or find another concept. Each selected concept must be associated with a nursing theory; the use of non-nursing theories is NOT allowed. If you have any questions regarding your concept or the nursing theory, please consult with your faculty member for assistance. Please note: the concepts of incivility and civility are not allowed for this assignment.

· Adaptation
· Burnout
· Caring
· Comfort
· Compassion
· Compassion fatigue
· Competence
· Cultural humility
· Empowerment
· Engagement
· Health
· Leadership
· Meaningfulness
· Modeling
· Noise
· Pain
· Palliative care
· Quality of life
· Resilience
· Self-care
· Sensory overload
· Situational awareness

DQ#2 According to Lichtman (2011), “The Federal Government requires each nursing home facility to have a governing body, or designated persons functioning as a governing body”

DQ#2 According to Lichtman (2011), “The Federal Government requires each nursing home facility to have a governing body, or designated persons functioning as a governing body” (para. 1). The governing body of a nursing home setting may be referred to as the board of directors, board of trustees, or “the board” (Singh, 2016, p. 332). Although it is necessary for both the board and the nursing home administrator (NHA) to have a good working relationship, they both serve their purpose for different responsibilities, and if there is lack of communication from either side, organizational functions, care quality, and employee morale will suffer as a result. The board functions include appointing a NHA, reviewing his or her performance, assisting the NHA in establishing goals and objectives that are in-line with the organization’s mission and vision, ensuring facility’s compliance, and establishing guidelines and support for the NHA, as well as policies to protect patient rights (Singh, 2016, p. 333). According to Singh (2016), “The NHA acts as the agent of the board and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the nursing facility” (p. 334). In other words, the NHA manages the business, employees, and represents the organization in the community. Because the board depends on the NHA to carry out tasks, and the NHA depends on the board for support and guidance, it is critical for the relationship to be positive with good interaction and communication.


Lichtman, A., Ostreicher, A. (2011). The Governing Body: What is its role and who should Fill the Position? RYTES Company. Retrieved from RYTEScompany.com

Singh, D.A. (2016). Effective Management of Long-Term Care Facilities. (3rd. ed). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Child custody case Which of the following is example of a civil law They determined education requirements for licensure The nurse practice act of a state defined the scope and responsibilities of nursing practice in that state

Child custody case Which of the following is example of a civil law They determined education requirements for licensure The nurse practice act of a state defined the scope and responsibilities of nursing practice in that state. Which of the following is true regarding nurse practice act Approving or rejecting applications for new nursing education programs Which of the following falls under the jurisdiction of the state board of nursing Practicing while impaired The most common reason the nurses are disciplined by the state board of nursing is Developing the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN licensing examination What is the primary function of the national Council of State Board of nursing Placing the head of the bed flat when a patient is receiving a tube feeding, causing the patient to aspirate the mixture What’s the following actions by the nurse costumes professional malpractice Proximate cause The nurse forgets to give the patient does Savannah biotic. Later in the shift, the patient goes into cardiac arrest and dies. What a woman is walking to support malpractice Acute care Analysis of cases of reported negligence from 1985 to 2001 demonstrated that the majority of cases occurred in which patient care setting Communicate with the patient A competent resident in a long-term care facility refuses and ordered antidepressant medication. The nurse please the patient needs a medication because he is a clearly showing signs of depression and dissolves the medication in juice without telling the patient this illustrates negligence by failure to “No,posting pictures of patients and families on social media site is not acceptable” A nursing student got a thank you card from a patient’s family and had another student take a photo of the student with the family. The student asked the nursing instructor if it would be all right to post a photo on Facebook. Which response by instructors best Notifying the position of her findings before giving the medication The nurse give me medications to pediatric patient notes that in order for medication is considerably larger than the usual dose. She looks at the medication and pharmacology book and find she’s correct about the.dosage. Which action should she take Accountability Which of the following nurse responsibilities can never be delegated “Record the urine output, and report me if they have not voided within four hours “ The RN asked a nursing assistant to monitor several postop patients. Which the following instructions the nursing assistant demonstrate appropriate delegation The RN is ultimately responsible for acts here she delegates The RN delegates changing the cell dressing over central line to a licensed practical/vocational nurse. The LPN/LVN contaminated the Seiter in the dressing change infection developing the patient. Which the following statements is true Informed consent What’s the following is legitimate defense to charge of assault and battery Patient received a preop dose of Demerol before giving consent And which of the following situation should the legality of an informed consent be questioned Serving as a witness, ensuring that the patient does not feel coerced into a decision Which of the following is a nursing responsibility regarding informed consent Reporting certain diseases to public health Authority Which the following actions is acceptable as an exception to nurses obligation regarding confidentiality Patients are protected against medical records being indiscriminately shared Which patient rights are guaranteed by Hippa Refuse to give the information A child is tested for genetic abnormalities. After the test results are delivered from the lab a representative of the parents medical insurance company called the nurses station and ask for the results of the test. The nurses best response to this request is to Advanced directive The patient self-determination act of 1991 as implemented today is known as providing Not assessing the patient was complaining of pain Which of the following puts the nurse at increased risk for legal action Patient demanding and difficult to please Which of the following chart entries represents a pitiful and documentation Demonstrating the use of the nursing process when charting The quality of nursing care is judgment whether nursing actions meet the standard of care. Which of the following is an example of meeting the standard of care Develop caring therapeutic relationships with patients Which of the following is important step in preventing legal action against the nurse.

choose an illness or health need for which there is an increasing burden of disease when compared to several generations ago. Explore the nature and extent of the health need’s impact upon the Australian health care system, health economy and nursing

For this assessment you will need to choose an illness or health need for which there is an increasing burden of disease when compared to several generations ago (such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, chronic pain, cancer).
Explore the nature and extent of the health need’s impact upon the Australian health care system, health economy and nursing (has this lead to specialist nurses? Or a new type of nurse? Has the nursing role changed in this area over the last 100 years?). Consider changes to health care delivery or health care policy which have met the impact of the increasing need, and the influence this has had on society.
Examine the role of nurses with the key role for providing interventions for those with your chosen health need, and discuss their key competencies with reference to the NMBA Standards for Practice for registered nurses. Explore professional organisations available to support registered nurses in their practice, and how their practice/role differs from other members of the health care team in supporting people with your chosen health care need.
Finally, elaborate on your paper by discussing your expectations for how this area of nursing will look in 2050. Consider factors such as the predicted nursing shortage in Australia, the aging population, predicted number of people with your chosen health condition (and their disease burden) and social and political factors.
In-text appropriate academic references are required throughout the work. A list of references in APA format is required at the conclusion of the essay (minimum 8 references).
There are three steps
1) Implications of the development of nursing thoroughly discussed using current evidence based literature. Demonstrated excellent understanding of historical and contemporary nursing practice contextualised to chosen health condition. 
Nursing Practice, competencies, role and scope of practice Contemporary nursing care of chosen health condition well described and supported by current evidence based literature. Registered nurse role well linked to NMBA Practice Standards. Professional organisations to support nursing competency specific to role identified. Clearly defined nursing role within the multidisciplinary team identified. /
Academic standard of paper (syntax, style and referencing) Work is the required length and presented in the correct format. Very few issues with syntax. Appropriate sources/quotes (8+) used to support information are reputable and current and are acknowledged and referenced according to APA. 
Exploration of social and political factors influencing healthcare, health services
Nursing Practice, competencies, role and scope of practice Contemporary nursing care of chosen health condition well described and supported by current evidence based literature. Registered nurse role well linked to NMBA Practice Standards. Professional organisations to support nursing competency specific to role identified. Clearly defined nursing role within the multidisciplinary team identified. Contemporary nursing care of chosen health condition described and supported by current evidence based literature. Registered nurse role linked to NMBA Practice Standards. Professional organisations to support nursing competency to role identified. Nursing role within the multidisciplinary team identified. Nursing care of chosen health condition described and supported by current evidence based literature. Registered nurse role linked to NMBA Practice Standards or professional organisations to support nursing competency to role identified. Nursing role within the multidisciplinary team discussed. Nursing care of chosen health condition described at foundational level, with attempt to support discussions with evidence based literature. Registered nurse role and competency discussed with beginner application to practice. The nursing role within the multidisciplinary team is identified, however scope of practice of members of the team could be clearer. Nursing care of chosen health condition described at foundational level, with attempt to support discussions with evidence based literature. Registered nurse role and competency discussed with beginner application to practice. The nursing role within the multidisciplinary team is identified, however scope of practice of members of the team could be clearer. /15
) Work is the required length and presented in the correct format. Very few issues with syntax. Appropriate sources/quotes (8+) used to support information are reputable and current and are acknowledged and referenced according to APA
Implications of social and political factors on healthcare, health services and nursing practice discussed using current literature. Demonstrated excellent understanding of the subject. 

Cowley County Hospital uses a job-costing system for all patients who have surgery. In March, the pre-operating room (PRE-OP) and operating room (OR) had budgeted allocation bases of 4,000 nursing hours and 2,000 nursing hours, respectively.

Please explain answers, so I know how to do the problem. Thank you.

Job Order Costing

Cowley County Hospital uses a job-costing system for all patients who have surgery. In March, the pre-operating room (PRE-OP) and operating room (OR) had budgeted allocation bases of 4,000 nursing hours and 2,000 nursing hours, respectively. The budgeted nursing overhead charges for each department for the month were $168,000 and $132,000, respectively. The hospital floor for surgery patients (In-Room) had budgeted overhead costs of $1,200,000 and 15,000 nursing hours for the month. For patient Fred Adams, actual hours incurred were eight and four hours, respectively, in the PRE-OP and OR rooms. He was in the hospital for 4 days (96 hours). Other costs related to Adams were:

                                         PRE-OP                  OR                   In-room

                                         Costs                    Costs                  Costs

Patient medicine               $ 200                    $ 500                  $2,400

Direct nursing time           $1,000                  $2,000                 $3,000

The hospital uses a budgeted overhead rate for applying overhead to patient stays.


What is the total cost of the stay of patient Fred Adams?

Part 1: Rates

a.) Nursing overhead rate PRE-OP

b.) Nursing overhead rate OR         

c.) Overhead rate for surgery floor

Part 2: Patient Cost

Patient Fred Adams:

                                                 PRE-OP            OR                 In-room                Totals

Patient medicine                    

Direct nursing time               

Nursing overhead:



