A registered nurse is writing a diagnosis for a 28-year-old male patient who is in traction due to multiple fractures from a motor vehicle accident. Which nursing actions are related to this step in the nursing process?

A registered nurse is writing a diagnosis for a 28-year-old male patient who is in traction due to multiple fractures from a motor vehicle accident. Which nursing actions are related to this step in the nursing process? Select all that apply.
The nurse uses the nursing interview to collect patient data.
The nurse analyzes data collected in the nursing assessment.
The nurse develops a care plan for the patient.
The nurse points out the patient’s strengths.
The nurse assesses the patient’s mental status.
The nurse identifies community resources to help The nurse analyzes data collected in the nursing assessment.
The nurse points out the patient’s strengths.
The nurse identifies community resources to help

Rationale: The purposes of diagnosing are to identify how an individual, group, or community responds to actual or potential health and life processes; identify factors that contribute to or cause health problems (etiologies); and identify resources or strengths the individual, group, or community can draw on to prevent or resolve problems. In the diagnosing step of the nursing process, the nurse interprets and analyzes data gathered from the nursing assessment, identifies patient strengths, and identifies resources the patient can use to resolve problems. The nurse assesses and collects patient data in the assessment step and develops a care plan in the planning step of the nursing process.A nurse is caring for an older adult patient who presents with labored respirations, productive cough, and fever. What would be appropriate nursing diagnoses for this patient? Select all that apply.
Bronchial pneumonia
Impaired gas exchange
Ineffective airway clearance
Potential complication: sepsis
Infection related to pneumonia
Risk for septic shock Impaired gas exchange
Ineffective airway clearance
Risk for septic shock

Rationale: Nursing diagnoses are actual or potential health problems that can be prevented or resolved by independent nursing interventions, such as impaired gas exchange, ineffective airway clearance, or risk for septic shock. Bronchial pneumonia and infection are medical diagnoses, and “potential complication: sepsis” is a collaborative problem.After assessing a patient who is recovering from a stroke in a rehabilitation facility, a nurse interprets and analyzes the patient data. Which of the four basic conclusions has the nurse reached when identifying the need to collect more data to confirm a diagnosis of situational low self-esteem?
No problem
Possible problem
Actual nursing diagnosis
Clinical problem other than nursing diagnosis Possible problem

Rationale: When a possible problem exists, such as situational low self-esteem related to effects of stroke, the nurse must collect more data to confirm or disprove the suspected problem. The conclusion “no problem” means no nursing response is indicated. When an actual problem exists, the nurse begins planning, implementing, and evaluating care to prevent, reduce, or resolve the problem. A clinical problem other than nursing diagnosis requires that the nurse consult with the appropriate health care professional to work collaboratively on the problem.A nurse assesses a patient and formulates the following nursing diagnosis: Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity related to prescribed bedrest as evidenced by reddened areas of skin on the heels and back. Which phrase represents the etiology of this diagnostic statement?
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity
Related to prescribed bedrest
As evidenced by
As evidenced by reddened areas of skin on the heels and back Related to prescribed bedrest

Rationale: “Related to prescribed bedrest” is the etiology of the statement. The etiology identifies the contributing or causative factors of the problem. “Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity” is the problem, and “as evidenced by reddened areas of skin on the heels and back” are the defining characteristics of the problem.A nurse is counseling a 60-year-old female patient who refuses to look at or care for a new colostomy. She tells the nurse, “I don’t care what I look like anymore, I don’t even feel like washing my hair, let alone changing this bag.” The nurse diagnoses Altered Health Maintenance. This is an example of what type of problem?
Collaborative problem
Interdisciplinary problem
Medical problem
Nursing problem Nursing problem

Rationale: Nursing Problem, because it describes a problem that can be treated by nurses within the scope of independent nursing practice. Collaborative and interdisciplinary problems require a teamwork approach with other health care professionals to resolve the problem. A medical problem is a traumatic or disease condition validated by medical diagnostic studies.To determine the significance of a blood pressure reading of 148/100, it is first necessary for the nurse to:
Compare this reading to standards.
Check the taxonomy of nursing diagnoses for a pertinent label.
Check a medical text for the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure.
Consult with colleagues. Compare this reading to standards.

Rationale: A standard, or a norm, is a generally accepted rule, measure, pattern, or model to which data can be compared in the same class or category. For example, when determining the significance of a patient’s blood pressure reading, appropriate standards include normative values for the patient’s age group, race, and illness category. Deviation from an appropriate norm may be the basis for writing a diagnosis.When the initial nursing assessment revealed that a patient had not had a bowel movement for 2 days, the student nurse wrote the diagnostic label “constipation.” Which of the following comments is the nurse most likely to hear from the instructor?
“Hold on a minute . . . Nursing diagnoses should always be derived from clusters of significant data rather than from a single cue.”
“Job well done . . . you’ve identified this problem early and we can manage it before it becomes more acute.”
“Is this an actual or a possible diagnosis?”
“This is a medical, not a nursing problem.” “Hold on a minute . . . Nursing diagnoses should always be derived from clusters of significant data rather than from a single cue.”

Rationale: A data cluster is a grouping of patient data or cues that points to the existence of a patient health problem. Nursing diagnoses should always be derived from clusters of significant data rather than from a single cue. There may be a reason for the lack of a bowel movement for 2 days, or it might be this individual’s normal pattern.A nurse makes a clinical judgment that an African American male patient in a stressful job is more vulnerable to developing hypertension than White male patients in the same or similar situation. The nurse has formulated what type of nursing diagnosis?
Wellness Risk

Rationale: A clinical judgment that an individual, family, or community is more vulnerable to develop the problem than others in the same or similar situation is a Risk nursing diagnosis.A nurse is writing nursing diagnoses for patients in a psychiatrist’s office. Which nursing diagnoses are correctly written as two-part nursing diagnoses?
(1) Ineffective Coping related to inability to maintain marriage
(2) Defensive Coping related to loss of job and economic security
(3) Altered Thought Processes related to panic state
(4) Decisional Conflict related to placement of parent in a long-term care facility
(1) and (2)
(3) and (4)
(1), (2), and (3)
All of the above All of the above

Rationale: Each of the four diagnoses is a correctly written two-part diagnostic statement that includes the problem or diagnostic label and the etiology or cause.A nurse writes nursing diagnoses for patients and their families visiting a community health clinic. Which nursing diagnoses are correctly written as three-part nursing diagnoses?
(1) Disabled Family Coping related to lack of knowledge about home care of child on ventilator
(2) Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to inadequate caloric intake while striving to excel in gymnastics as evidenced by 20-pound weight loss since beginning the gymnastic program, and greatly less than ideal body weight when compared to standard height weight charts
(3) Need to learn how to care for child on ventilator at home related to unexpected discharge of daughter after 3-month hospital stay as evidenced by repeated comments “I cannot do this,” “I know I’ll harm her because I’m not a nurse,” and “I can’t do medical things”
(4) Spiritual Distress related to inability to accept diagnosis of terminal illness as evidenced by multiple comments such as “How could God do this to me?,” “I don’t deserve this,” “I don’t understand. I’ve tried to live my life well,” and “How could God make me suffer this way?”
(5) Caregiver Role Strain related to failure of home health aides to appropriately diagnose needs of family caregivers and initiate a plan to facilitate coping as evidenced by caregiver’s loss of weight and clinical depression
(1) and (3)
(2) and (4)
(1), (2), and (3)
All of the above (2) and (4)

Rationale: (1) is a two-part diagnosis, (3) is written in terms of needs and not an unhealthy response, and (5) is a legally inadvisable statement.

.In your new job as a leader in a nursing department, you want to prepare yourself for any situation that may occur. You take time to review your relevant experiences and some of the lawsthat will affect your actions.

Within the Discussion Board area, write 300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your

classmates. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource, in addition to your textbook. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.In your new job as a leader in a nursing department, you want to prepare yourself for any situation that may occur. You take time to review your relevant experiences and some of the lawsthat will affect your actions.Staffing levels vary from work environment to work environment and depend on the type of nursing, from intensive care to long-term care.

  • Describe a situation when you were short-staffed.
  • How did you handle the situation?
  • What was the outcome?
  • Reflecting on the outcome, how would you have handled this situation differently?

Some states mandate staffing levels; others do not. 

  • What type of legislation exists in your state regarding nurse-to-patient staffing ratios?
  • How does the legislation, or lack thereof, affect patient care?

Health care continues to create new services to provide care to patients that are cost effective and efficient. With the aging population, more emphasis is being place on skilled nursing facilities

Health care continues to create new services to provide care to patients that are cost effective and efficient. With the aging population, more emphasis is being place on skilled nursing facilities (nursing homes), assisted living facilities (ALFs), and continuing care communities (CCCs) in particular.

Identify a specific skilled nursing facility (nursing homes), assisted living facility (ALFs), and continuing care community (CCCs) in your community and discuss the similarities and differences between this organization’s structure, staffing profile, and service emphasis compared to general acute care hospitals that also provide care to the elderly.

please include references


Review the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” focusing on the following sections: Transforming Practice, Transforming Education, and Transforming Leadership .

Write a paper of 750-1,000 words about the impact on nursing of the 2010 IOM report on the Future of Nursing . In your paper, include:

The impact of the IOM report on nursing education .

The impact of the IOM report on nursing practice, particularly in primary care, and how you would change your practice to meet the goals of the IOM report .

The impact of the IOM report on the nurse’s role as a leader .

Cite a minimum of three references .

NURBN2012: Nursing Practice- Pathophysiology & Pharmacology Applied to Nursing- Robert Case Study- Report Writing Assignment

NURBN2012: Nursing Practice- Pathophysiology & Pharmacology Applied to Nursing- Robert Case Study- Report Writing Assignment


You are required to write a 2000 word report which addresses the main issuesassociated with providing nursing care for Robert and assisting him to manage both the physical andpsychological impacts of his diagnosis. You will need to explore the pathophysiology, pharmacology and nursing management of the scenario and demonstrate your understanding in the answers you provide. Youranswers should be informed by your reading of current research and literature.

Case Study

Robert is a 51 year old man who lives with his wife in regional Victoria. He has been admitted to your wardfrom the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where he had a 3 day stay for an acute exacerbation of COPD, causedby community acquired pneumonia. He required several days of non-invasive ventilation whilst in ICU.Robert tells you his wife (Jill) was very frightened when he was admitted to ICU, and he doesn’t want ‘to puther through that anymore’. He would like some help to understand and manage his COPD. Robert said hewas diagnosed with COPD about 18 months ago by his GP, but admits he was sick for ‘a while’ before that.

He is a current smoker, and has smoked for about 40 years. He has unsuccessfully attempted to quit onmore than 5 occasions. Robert worked for many years on his chicken farm, but now finds he becomes breathless very easily and Robert and Jill have had to hire a farm helper.

Robert’s medications include:

Salbutamol 2 – 4 puffs PRN
Budesonide/Efomoterol fumarate dehydrate 2 puffs daily
Metoprolol 25mg daily
Aspirin SR 100 mg daily


1.1 Describe the pathophysiology of COPD. Include in your answer the two disease processes contained in the umbrella term ‘COPD’ and how they develop.Robert has been diagnosed with a severe exacerbation of COPD, caused by Community Acquired Pneumonia.

1.2 Explain the term ‘acute exacerbation of COPD’. What factors put patients like Robert at high risk for exacerbations of COPD? What else may contribute to an exacerbation of COPD?

1.3 Describe the pathophysiology of pneumonia. Include in your answer the differences between Community Acquired, Hospital Acquired and Health Care Associated Pneumonia.


The Respiratory Physician who reviewed Robert in ICU suggested some changes to his current inhaler regime. The physician suggested that Robert cease his Budesonide/Efomoterol fumarate dehydrate, andcommence on Tiotropium 2 puffs daily

Distinguish the transformation in skill acquisition from novice to expert.


1. Distinguish the transformation in skill acquisition from novice to expert. 
2. Analyse the major theoretical foundations of leadership and teamwork skills in nursing. 
3. Explain clinical governance in relation to nursing practice 
4. Apply communication theory, conflict resolution and negotiation skills to challenging interactions and situations in nursing practice. 
5. Assess and effectively utilise information technology within health care contexts. 
6. Apply the skills and attitudes of self-directed, reflective learning in setting and meeting your current and future learning needs. 
7. Evaluate selected models of care in relation to the needs and safety of health care consumers across the lifespan. 
8. Synthesise evidence to support proposals for innovation and change to enhance service delivery and improve health outcomes. 
9. Debate the legal and ethical implications of advocacy in professional nursing practice.


Frank, a widower, had a serious stroke and is no longer capable of caring for himself. He has three sons, all of whom live in different states. Because they are unable to care for Frank in their homes, his sons have placed him in a nursing home equipped to provide medical and nursing care. Total nursing home expenses amount to $36,000 per year. Of this amount, $15,000 is directly attributable to medical and nursing care. Frank’s Social Security benefits are used to pay $10,000 of the nursing home charges. He has no other income. His sons plan to split the remaining medical expenses equally.

a. What portion of the nursing home charges is potentially deductible as a medical expense?

b. Can you provide Frank’s sons with a tax planning idea for maximizing the deduction for his medical expenses?

Choose two long-term care facilities—one from nursing facilities, assisted living, or subacute care and another from adult day care, home health care, or hospice care—on which you would want to base your research work.

Course Project: Long-Term Care Facilities I

Choose two long-term care facilities—one from nursing facilities, assisted living, or subacute care and another from adult day care, home health care, or hospice care—on which you would want to base your research work. Research the South University Online Library and the Internet to read about your chosen long-term care facilities.

Assume you are responsible for the management and administration of the two facilities. You have to orient the newly appointed manager by providing an overview on managing long-term care. You also need to discuss the programs of the two facilities. From this perspective and based on your research about the facilities, prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 10–15 slides including the following: 

  • What are the various multidisciplinary departments (teams) included in your facilities?
  • Who comprise the target population being served by the various programs provided by your chosen facilities?
  • What are the major staffing and human resource issues faced by your chosen facilities?
  • What are the significant trends in long-term care likely to impact the operation of the various programs provided by your chosen facilities, and what is your plan of action to overcome them?
  • What are the various forms of cooperation and integration existing in your chosen facilities? Discuss the nature of management, financing, and quality issues related to integration and cooperation in the facilities?

Dorothea Orem theory of Self-Care Deficit theory

Dorothea Orem theory of Self-Care Deficit theory writing homework help

Requirements Description of the Assignment: Dorothea Orem theory of Self-Care Deficit theory will be presented as a framework to resolve a problem occurring within one of the  (Chose One) professional areas of leadership, education, informatics, healthcare policy or advance clinical practice.

Heading #1. Introduction:

The introduction of this paper includes:

•  General statements on the idea of Nola Pender Promotion Model being applied to health promotion issues in nursing practice.

• A one-paragraph summary of the selected specific nursing theory is required.

• Information identifying the sections of this assignment.

• References from the nursing literature are required.

Heading #2. Description of Issue (Nurse to patient ratio)

The selected issue or concern must be clearly identified as being significant to the professional area of Family Nurse Practitioner The issue or concern must be presented comprehensively, but concisely by answering each of the following questions. Each question must be address

• What is the specific issue or concern being presented?

• Why should the nursing profession care about this issue or concern?

• What does the nursing literature have to say about this issue or concern including its frequency of occurrence?

 • Who are the stakeholders or the people affected by the issue or concern? References from the nursing literature are required.

Heading #3. Application of Selected Nursing Theory to Issue or Concern:

This section of the assignment focuses on using the selected nursing theory to resolve the described issue or concern. Required information includes:

• Restating the selected nursing theory to be used

• Identification of one strategy useful in resolving the identified issue or concern. • The strategy should be presented in depth with the following information being required:

– A specific description of how the selected nursing theory can help to resolve the issue or concern o A specific and detailed description of the strategy to be used

– A specific and detailed description of how the strategy can be implemented

– A specific and detailed description of one suggestion for future research into either the selected nursing theory or selected issue or concern.

References from the nursing literature are required.

Heading #4. Conclusion:

This section provides a summary or review of the key elements of the assignment including the selected nursing theory and its application to the issue or concern.

The concluding statements include self-reflection on the new knowledge gained about applying nursing theory to a professional issue or concern.

Preparing the Assignment Format and Special Instructions

1. Paper length: 6 pages minimum; 8 pages maximum, excluding title page and reference page. Points will be deducted for not meeting these requirements.

2. A minimum of 7 (seven) scholarly references are required. References must be current – not older than 5 years

References Cultural Diversity in Nursing

Briefly answer each question separately. References Cultural Diversity in Nursing http://www.culturediversity.org/cultcomp.htm Nurse Together http://www.nursetogether.com/Career/Career-Article/itemid/1422/Cultural-Competence-in-Nursing.aspx •Berlin, E., & Fowkes, W. (1983). A teaching framework for cross-cultural health care: Application in family practice. Western Journal of Medicine, 139(12), 93–98. •Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services: A model of care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 181–184. •Campinha-Bacote, J. (2008). Transcultural C.A.R.E. associates. Retrieved from http://www.transculturalcare.net/ •Campinha-Bacote, J. (2009). The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services. Retrieved from http://www.transculturalcare.net/Cultural_Competence_Model.htm •Fawcett, J. (2000). Analysis and evaluation of contemporary nursing knowledge: Nursing models and theories. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. •Giger, J., & Davidhizar, R. (2002). The Giger and Davidhizar transcultural assessment model. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 185–188. •Giger, J., Davidhizar, R., Purnell, L., Harden, J., Phillips, J., & Strickland, O. (2007a). Understanding cultural language to enhance cultural competence. Nursing Outlook, 55(4), 212–214. •Giger, J., Davidhizar, R., Purnell, L., Harden, J., Phillips, J., & Strickland, O. (2007b). American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel report: Developing cultural competence to eliminate health disparities in ethnic minorities and other vulnerable populations. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 18(2), 95–102. •Leininger, M. (2002). Culture care theory: A major contribution to advance transcultural nursing knowledge and practices. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 189–192. •Leininger, M., & McFarland, M. (2006). Culture care diversity and universality: A worldwide nursing theory. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. •McCullough, J., Ramesar, S., & Peterson, H. (1998). Psychotherapy in primary care: The BATHE technique. American Family Physician, 57(9). Retrieved from http://www/. aafp.org/afp/980501ap/mcculloc.html •Nursing Theory Network. (2005). [Website]. Retrieved from http://www.nursingtheory.net/ •Papadopoulos, I. (2006). The Papadopoulos, Tilki, and Taylor model of developing cultural competence. In I. Papadopoulos, Transcultural health and social care. London, UK: Churchill Livingston: Elsevier. •Purnell, L. (2000). A description of the Purnell model for cultural competence. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 11(1), 40–46. •Purnell, L. (2005). Keynote article, special edition: The Purnell model for cultural competence. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 11(2), 7–15. •Purnell, L. (2009). Guide to culturally competent health care. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis. •Purnell, L. (2011). Models and theories focused on culture. In J. B. Butts & K. L. Rich (Eds.), Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice (pp. 525–568). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. •Purnell, L., Davidhizar, R., Giger, J., Strickland, O., Fishman, D., & Allison, D. (2011). Guide to culturally competent organizations. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 20(4). •Purnell, L., & Paulanka, B. (2008). Transcultural health care: A culturally competent approach (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis. •Spector, R. (2002). Cultural diversity in health and illness. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 197–199. •Spector, R. (2009). Cultural diversity in health and illness (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Nursing influence on patient outcome

In the paper, using nursing journals and research article, explore the followimy:
-Nursing influence on patient outcome
-Registered Nurse role and responsibility
-Adapting to health changes and meeting the needs of the patients
-Lateral Violence
-Continuing education
-APA format
-6-10 cited references ( the only acceptable we-based sources are .edu or .org) CINAHL is a great Nursing resource 
-1000 words or more


The body of the report shall be ten (10) pages, double-spaced and type written. This does not include the title page or reference page • Term paper shall be in MS Word [.doc], Corel WordPerfect [.wpd], or Rich Text Format [.rtf] • Your term paper format must follow the American Psychological Association (A.P.A.) guidelines.• All work, words, and ideas of others must be cited. • Papers not in A.P.A. format will result in a reduced grade. The report will have a minimum of three (3) references in the bibliography. References may include: • text books • magazine articles • newspaper articles • reference books (encyclopedia, dictionary) • electronic media (Internet material)and references using the A.P.A. format.

Term Paper Topics • Select from one of the following topics:

• The Elements of a Risk Management Plan

• The Fair Access to Insurance Requirements(FAIR)Plan

• The United States Fire Problem • Risk Management Practices in the Fire Service • Risk Management and Safety as an Organizational Culture

Decision Making in Nursing Practice

NURS3002: Decision Making in Nursing Practice- Nursing Essay Writing Assignment


This assessment requires you to write a 3000 word academic essay focused on decision making in nursing practice in preparation for PEP. The key purpose of this essay is to discuss three theories/models of decision making used in nursing practice. Critically analyse these theories and explain which theory will be applied during PEP with a clear
rationale supporting this.

Please choose 3 of the following decision making theories for your assignment:
1. Information processing theory
2. Expected Utility theory
3. Social Judgement theory
4. Intuition
5. Cognitive continuum theory


Nursing – PICO Process – Nursing Knowledge – Research Project Assignment Help

Task :

You are required to design a research project

Students are to identify an area within nursing practice in which they recognise a need to increase nursing knowledge.

You are required to:

Formulate a researchable question using PICO (see handout in RESOURCES FOLDER). Conduct a brief Literature Review (5 citations).

Give evidence that this topic is relevant to the contribution of nursing knowledge. Describe the framework for your project, including all major tenets.

Describe method of data collection according to the framework.

Describe data analysis according to the framework.

State the findings of the research project and whether those findings answered the research question.