select a grand nursing theory. After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

Week 5 Nursing Theory Comparison Paper Rough Draft The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete rough draft of your Nursing Theory Comparison paper in APA format. Your rough draft should include all of the research paper elements of a final draft, which are listed below. This will give you an opportunity for feedback from your instructor before you submit your final draft during week 7. Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory. After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting. Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory. After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting. The following should be included: An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories Background of the theories Philosophical underpinnings of the theories Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting Parsimony Conclusion/summary References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA format The paper should be 8–10 pages long and based on instructor-approved theories. It should be typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. APA format must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list. The proper use of headings in APA format is also required.

How do the law and the medical profession’s code of ethics impact those individuals who seek care from emergency departments for reasons other than those that are truly emergencies?

Healthcare Ethics and Morals

Consider the scenarios given below and answer the questions listed after each scenario. Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.
Scenario 1
The rising number of uninsured patients has led to an increased reliance on the hospital emergency room for routine nonemergency care. EMTALA ensures patients’ access to the emergency room of any hospital, regardless of patients’ insurance status or their ability to pay. Using the Internet, read about EMTALA. You can search for this act by using the keyword, “EMTALA” and respond to the following question:
•How do the law and the medical profession’s code of ethics impact those individuals who seek care from emergency departments for reasons other than those that are truly emergencies?
Scenario 2
Autonomy is one of the most important ethical principles discussed in long-term care. Often, autonomy is in danger of being sacrificed when a patient is in need of a higher level of care. Imagine you are part of the staff at the local nursing home. The administrator has asked you and a group of other employees to discuss the principle of autonomy and how it can be applied to the nursing home setting. As a staff member, answer the following questions:
•How would you decide the best way to honor a patient’s autonomy in a nursing home and what will you decide?
•How would you handle differences of opinion in the group as you try to come to a consensus on the best way to preserve autonomy?

Assessment of Long Term Care or Residential Facility

Assessment of Long Term Care or Residential Facility Writing Assignment

Based on the facility CareOne located on 493 Black Oak Ridge Road Wayne, NJ. Write a paper that includes all of the following information.
Use a heading for each of these sections to clearly identify the details in your paper.

Identify the specific Types of Care Provided and for what diagnoses (conditions)
An evaluation/analysis of the pros and cons of the care provided by the facility. (use Nursing Home Compare for data)
Provide a financial overview — what options to patient have to pay for care (eg. Medicare? Private Insurance? etc.)
Identify the names of the specific laws and regulations that oversee this facility; include if they are accredited by the Joint Commission
Recommendations for improvement
The research assignment must be written in the students’ own words in a grammatically correct manner.
Please be certain to include information from the nursing home compare website:
The paper must be submitted using Microsoft Word (12 point font, Times New Roman), double-spaced
No less than 5 pages not including the title page and references page.
APA-formatting must be used, including citations on references page.

You are the consultant for a long term care facility that recently has undergone a long term care survey in which the facility received several deficiencies notations for noncompliance with federal requirement.

You are the consultant for a long term care facility that recently has undergone a long term care survey in which the facility received several deficiencies notations for noncompliance with federal requirement. The most significant deficiency involved a noted pattern (7 of 10 examples reviewed in the surveyor sample) in which comprehensive assessments (MDSs) were not completed within the required time frame (within 14 days of admission).

In addition, the surveyors identified that no documentation supported the use of triggered care areas in the assessment and care planning process. This resulted in related quality of care deficiencies for failure to adequately assess and manage urinary incontinence and psychosocial needs.

In the additional examples, the surveyors identified that residents had experienced a significant change in condition without evidence of a new assessment being done. Within the statement of deficiencies, the surveyors noted that the director of nursing stated that she was unaware that assessments had not been done. And the nursing staff members stated that they did not understand what the care area triggers were, and that they were unaware of the federal criteria for determining when a significant change had occurred. The administrator of this facility has asked you to develop a plan to correct these deficiencies. Here are the questions:

What would be your recommendations for overall system evaluation and revision?

What would be your recommendation for staff education?

How could the facility medical records designee be utilized to prevent similar problems from occurring in the future?

develop a working knowledge of nursing theory, nursing ethics, and professional accountability and apply these concepts to your professional clinical practice.

ask 1: Professional Nursing Practice 
The purpose of this task is to develop a working knowledge of nursing theory, nursing ethics, and professional accountability and apply these concepts to your professional clinical practice. You will be required to think about real-life scenarios and how they relate to nursing codes in your professional practice.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A.  Identify a nursing theory that has influenced your values and goals.

1.  Explain how nurses apply the identified theory from part A to implement excellent nursing practices.

2.  Discuss how the identified theory from part A fits your professional practice.

B.  Identify the contributions of two historical nursing figures in the nineteenth or twentieth century.

1.  Compare the differences in contributions of the two historical figures identified in part B.

2.  Describe how the contributions of the two historical figures influence your professional nursing practice.

C.  Explain the functional differences between the State Board of Nursing and the American Nurses Association (ANA).

1.  Define the roles of these two organizations.

2.  Explain how these two organizations influence your nursing practice.

3.  Explain the requirements for professional license renewal in your state.

a.  Discuss the consequences of failure to maintain license requirements in your state.

4.  Compare the differences between registered nursing license requirements in a compact state versus a non-compact state.

D.  Discuss the functional differences between the Food and Drug Administration and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (see the web links below).

1.  Discuss how the two regulatory agencies influence your professional nursing practice.

a.  Describe your role as a patient advocate in promoting safety when a patient has requested to use an alternative therapy.

E.  Discuss the purposes of the Nurse Practice Act in your state and its impact on your professional practice.

1.  Discuss the scope of practice for a RN in your state.

2.  Discuss how your state defines delegation for the RN.

F.  Apply each of the following roles to your professional practice:

•   a scientist

•   a detective

•   a manager of the healing environment

G.  Identify two provisions from the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics (see web link below).

1.  Analyze how the two provisions identified in part G influence your professional nursing practice.

2.  Describe a nursing error that may occur in a clinical practice (e.g., clinical setting, skills lab, or simulation).

a.  Explain how the ANA provisions identified in part G can be applied to the error discussed in part G2.

H.  Identify four leadership qualities or traits that represent excellence in nursing.

1.  Discuss the significance of the four leadership qualities identified in part H in the nurse’s role as each of the following:

•   a leader at the bedside

•   within a nursing team or interdisciplinary team

2.  Identify how your work environment impacts the following:

•   nursing leadership

•   decision making

•   professional development

I.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

J.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


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Application of strengths-based nursing principles

Assessment 3. Application of strengths-based nursing principles

Emma Gee case study

Using any of the resources available related to the Emma Gee case study presented throughout the unit, develop a discussion on how strengths-based nursing and healthcare could be implemented for Emma at any point of her journey, or across the whole of her journey (hypothetically as if Emma was to experience her healthcare journey again).

Your discussion should
provide an overview of what is strengths-based nursing synthesising the principles and values of SBN
demonstrate how strengths-based nursing could be implemented in Emma’s nursing care to address the healthcare needs raised in Emma’s case study (specifically identify which healthcare need you are addressing using evidence from one of the resources available to you presenting the Emma Gee case),
select one critical transition point in Emma’s journey (e.g. immediate post-surgical care while Emma was unconscious; nursing care following Emma regaining consciousness; admission to rehabilitation; discharge planning from rehabilitation; etc) and present a strengths-based nursing care plan for Emma that includes a holistic approach, a family focus and collaboration with Emma, her family and other healthcare professionals involved in Emma’s care,
summarise the nursing care practices and client outcomes you would expect from implementing strengths-based nursing care complementing the medical model focus,
offer your conclusion on how SBN can help achieve patient and family empowerment, health promotion and partnerships in healthcare in Australia.

The workshop workbook and the learning activities in the 2-day workshop will assist you to complete this assessment task. The first and second assessments will be formative towards completing assessment 3.

Implementing Change Despite Resistance

Implementing Change Despite Resistance

Change can be difficult to implement. Now that you are almost finished with your change project, if you were to implement your project in your clinical practice, what type of resistance do you expect from staff? List at least three ways that you can lessen the resistance you may encounter to help ensure the success of your project.
American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.

·         Read Professional Nursing's Scope and Standards of Practice-The Function off Competencies in Standards, Healthy Work Environments for Nursing Practice-Key Influences on the Quality and Environment of Nursing Practice, pp. 1–6, 21–31

Optional Websites


EDUCATION – ASSIGNMENT – NURSING PATIENT EDUCATION Find an article on a societal factor that is affecting nursing/patient education curriculum. Summarize your article for your classmates in 1-2 paragraphs. Discuss why you chose the article and what we can learn from this trend – how would you use it to improve the quality of nursing/patient education? Be sure to include the entire citation in APA format. Please note: It is a violation of copyright law to post the entire text of the article . So be sure to write only the citation information so that we can locate it if we are interested in reading more. The article should come from a graduate-level journal, like an advanced practice journal or nursing education journal – not an entry-level journal like AJN, RN, Nursing, etc. 300 to 400 words

Addressing Overall Expenditures in the U.S. Health Care Industry

Addressing Overall Expenditures in the U.S. Health Care Industry

Consider whether, in your view, the overall costs associated with health care are too high. On what grounds do you base your conclusion?

Select one of the following submarkets of health care:

  • Physician services
  • Nursing services
  • Medical technician services
  • Physical facilities (e.g., hospitals, specialized, imaging, long-term care)
  • Medical technology
  • Pharmaceuticals

Questions (Please use references to support information)

· Briefly summarize your views on whether the total expenditures for health care in the United States are too high. Provide your rationale, including the criteria you are using for your assessment.

· Propose one specific approach to help contain costs in some way. How would supply and demand be affected? Explain how this shift could be brought about.

· Describe the benefits of this approach. How much do you think this approach would lower market price? Could the outcomes differ in the short term and long term?

· Assess potential unintended consequences of this cost-containment effort.

· All in all, do you think this is a feasible approach for reducing overall costs? Why or why not? Provide the rationale for your response.

References to support

What’s the difference: LTC vs. Acute

What’s the difference: LTC vs. Acute

ABC Medical Center is building a long term care (LTC) facility (nursing home) that will be connected to the hospital. You have been invited to a planning meeting with the HIM Director who must plan for the patient record system in the new facility. The HIM Director has asked you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the differences between an acute care setting and a long term care setting. What are some of the first things you could do to be sure you understand how medical records might be managed differently in this type of facility? What are some of the obvious differences between a hospital and a long term care facility that will likely affect health information at this facility?
Your presentation should be a minimum of 8 slides (including a Title slide and References slide) and address the following:
Overview of an acute care facility versus a LTC facility.
Examples of services that are specific to a LTC facility.
Differences in chart documentation.
Differences in health care payers.
Overview of how medical records might be managed differently in LTC versus an acute care facility.
Include APA formatted citations for your references.

choose and analyse a concept that they see as significant to their nursing practice in particular and to the discipline of nursing in general.

Perspectives of Nursing
Concept Paper: (2500 Words)
Aim of assessment
This assessment item gives students the opportunity to choose and analyse a concept that they see as significant to their nursing practice in particular and to the discipline of nursing in general.
Brainstorm Task Words
Justify –Explain and Support and provide evidence
Analyse-Examine & Investigate and Support with evidence
Critically evaluate- Investigate and weigh up (identify the positive or negative implications in theory and practice). And Assess, Summarise and develop conclusions
Concept Paper
Using Walker and Avant’s (2011) (see essential readings) concept analysis method, analyse a concept which is significant to nursing as a discipline and is relevant to your area of nursing practice.
In your concept paper you are required to:
1. Introduce the concept and give adequateDocument Preview:

Perspectives of Nursing Concept Paper: (2500 Words) Aim of assessment This assessment item gives students the opportunity to choose and analyse a concept that they see as significant to their nursing practice in particular and to the discipline of nursing in general. Brainstorm Task Words Justify –Explain and Support and provide evidence Analyse-Examine & Investigate and Support with evidence Critically evaluate- Investigate and weigh up (identify the positive or negative implications in theory and practice). And Assess, Summarise and develop conclusions Concept Paper Using Walker and Avant’s (2011) (see essential readings) concept analysis method, analyse a concept which is significant to nursing as a discipline and is relevant to your area of nursing practice. In your concept paper you are required to: 1. Introduce the concept and give adequate rationales for your choice. (Written using the 3rd person) What is your chosen concept? Examples from the texts include: Risk, Stress, Overcoming and Attitude. However, you need to choose a different concept. Introduce and define your chosen concept. Why did you choose this concept to analyse? Provide reasons/rationales for your choice. Concept Paper 2. Justify the use of the concept analysis method for the current analysis of the concept. Why is it important to use Walker and Avant’s (2011) 8 step concept analysis method? Why is it relevant when considering the concept being discussed? 3. Analyse the concept using Walker & Avant’s (2011) 8 step concept analysis methodWalker and Avant’s (2011) “( a) selecting a concept, (b) determining the aims or purposes of the analysis, (c) identifying all uses of the concept, (d) determining the defining attributes, (e) identifying a model case, (f) identifying borderline, related, contrary, invented, and illegitimate cases, (g) identifying antecedents (past history/experiences) and consequences, and (h) defining empirical referents” – classes or categories of…