Transition to Nursing Studies- Adult Health

NURBN 2000: Transition to Nursing Studies- Adult Health Report Writing Assignment


As part of your Assessment Task 3 –Part B in this course, NURBN2000 Transition to Nursing Studies, you are required to complete a comprehensive health assessment on one of the following;

Adult Health Assessment

Assessment Outline:
1. Students are required to discuss in 500 words the physical and mental health components for the assessment case study/patient/client. This will need to be written according to academic standards and conventions.

2. Identify 4 major issues for Kevin/patient/client and write a summary of your overall assessment of this person. Ensuring that you use ‘objective’ language. This would be similar to what you would write in nursing notes as an
admission history.

3. Using the Nursing diagnosis section of the Adult health assessment booklet identify and list as many nursing diagnosis that may relate to Kevin/patient/client and the evidence from assessment that supports this.

4. Now prioritise the nursing problems (diagnoses) into the 3 most important to formulate a nursing care plan.

5. Develop a nursing care plan with rationale and related interventions that could be implemented for Kevin/patient/client.

6. Be sure to identify ways that you could measure success in relation to each of these Interventions- complete the evaluation sections of the care plan.

Write a 500 word referenced piece that discusses the physical and mental health components for Kevin / patient / client. This will need to be written according to academic standards.

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)

NSB231: Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) –  Nursing Assignment

October 31, 2017 Celina Nursing Nursing Assignment No Comments

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Assessment is a key component of nursing practice, required for planning and provision of patient and family centred care. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) in the national competency standard for registered nurses states that, “The registered nurse assesses, plans, implements and evaluates nursing care in collaboration with individuals and the multidisciplinary health care team so as to achieve goals and health outcomes.” The simulation scenario involved Mr Bright who had just undergone an angioplasty. A potential problem related to this procedure includes impaired tissue perfusion related to haematoma formation or bleeding.


1. Review the Mr Harry Bright case study including the videos that set the context, the simulation prereading and the patient related 
documentation available in your Blackboard site under Week 5 Clinical Simulation and Assessment Task 1.. 
2. Review the knowledge and skills relating to:

a. Nursing Care implications: Coronary artery disease, Angioplasty (PTCI), Chest Pain.

b. Processes for patient assessment and patient assessment.

c. ISBAR framework for effective communication.

d. Vital sign monitoring.

e. IVT and infusion management.

f. BGL monitoring.

g. Clinical reasoning and decision-making.


Question 2:

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards for Clinical Handover recommend that communication of patient information should be conducted in a standardised format using a structured process in order to transfer relevant patient information. In the simulation, ISBAR was the structured format used to communicate patient information.

Apply knowledge of nursing principles and practices to the care of clients with acute or chronic health conditions in the Australian healthcare context.

HNN021 : Annotated Bibliography – Nursing Assignment

Annotated Bibliography

Construct an annotated bibliography from three peer reviewed, relevant research articles for the National Standard listed below. Use the knowledge you have gained from reading the articles to explain how the findings may inform clinical nursing practice.

Unit Learning Outcomes

ULO 1 – Apply knowledge of nursing principles and practices to the care of clients with acute or chronic health conditions in the Australian healthcare context.

ULO 2 – Apply the principles and practice of Quality Use of Medicines for clients with acute or chronic health conditions in the Australian healthcare context.

ULO 3 – Retrieve and use nursing information using available information technology


Compare two nursing theories:  includes an overview of each theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting. , 8-10 pages,

An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories • Background of the theories

• Philosophical underpinnings of the theories

• Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships

• Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability • Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice

• Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting

• Parsimony

• Conclusion/Summary

• References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA (6th ed.) format

Assessment phase of the nursing process in which data are gathered to identify actual or potential health problems Subjective Data data of s/s that include the client’s feelings and statements about his or her health problems

Assessment phase of the nursing process in which data are gathered to identify actual or potential health problems Subjective Data data of s/s that include the client’s feelings and statements about his or her health problems Objective Data observable, measurable information that can be validated or verified Primary Source the client Secondary Source family, significant others, other healthcare professionals, health records, and literature review Intial Assessment assessment performed when the patient enteres a healthcare facility, receives care from a home health agency, or is seen for the first time in an outpatient clinic Problem-Focused/Focused Assessment assessment performed with the goal of obtaining data about a problem that has already been identified and consists of a more narrow scope and shorter time frame than initial assessment Emergency Assessment assessment performed that takes place in life-threatening situations in which the preservation of life is the top priority; time sensitive for rapid identification of and intervention for health problem Time-lapsed Assessment assessment performed after the initial assessment to evaluate any changes in the patient’s health; (weeks, months, years) Validation reexamining information to check its accuracy; ensuring subjective and objective data agree; used to ensure data consists of cues not inferences Nursing Diagnosis actual, potential, or possible health problem identified by the nurse that is amenable to nursing intervention; a clinical judgment about individual, family, or community responses to actual or potential health problems/life processes. Basic Two-Part: Problem and Etiology (TCC’s requirement)

Basic Three-Part: Problem, Etiology, and Signs/Symptoms (NANDA’s requirement)The components of a basic two-part nursing diagnoses statement and the components of a basic three-part nursing diagnosis statement. Actual Nursing Diagnosis nursing diagnosis made when problem is present at time of assessment with associated s/s; three part statement including diagnostic label, related factors, and defining characteristics Risk Diagnosis nursing diagnosis made when the problem does not exist but the patient is at increased chances of developing a problem; two part statement including diagnostic label and related factors Wellness Diagnosis nursing diagnosis made when a patient has readiness for enhancement; one part statement Possible Diagnosis nursing diagnosis made when not enough evidence supports the problem but the nurse thinks that it is highly probable and wants to collect more information; two part statement stating potential problem followed by “unknown cause” NANDA-International currently accepted taxonomy of nursing diagnoses Prioritization decision-making process in which the nurse decides the order of the nursing diagnoses in terms of importance to the patient; to achieve this process follow the ABC’s then Maslows Hierarchy of Needs protocol Outcome Identification the formulation of goals and measureable outcomes that provide the basis for evaluating nursing diagnoses for the purpose of providing individualized care, promoting patient participation, planning realistic and measurable nursing care, defining collaborative care, establishing priorities, and establishing client goals and outcome criteria Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and carried out in a specific Time frame, SMART

1. Subject (The patient will….)
2. Verb (verbalize, demonstrate)
3. Condition of modifier (pain relief)
4. Criterion of desired (AEB)the requirement for outcome criteria/goal statements Planning the development of nursing strategies designed to ameliorate patient problems; multidisciplinary; Implementation/Intervention refers to the action phase of the nursing process in which nursing care is provided; can be independent, dependent, or collaborative; must be safe and appropriate for patient; must be achieveable; in a care plan, this action must have one directive verb and be measurable. Evaluation the judgment of the effectiveness of nursing care to meet patient goals based on the patient’s behavioral responses; requires reassessment, effectiveness of nursing interventions, and patient goal achievement The goal was met, the goal was partially met, the goal was not met at all the three factors to determine the effectiveness of the plan of care Continue the plan of care, modify the plan of care, or discharge the plan of care the decision made by the nurse after the effectiveness of the plan of care is determined Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs theory that states that all humans are born with instinctive needs, grouped into five categories, and arranged in order of importence from those essential to physical survival to those necessary to develop a person’s fullest potential; second tool used to prioritize patient needs Airway, Breathing, Circulation the first tool used to prioritize patient needs.

Think of an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Analyze scholarly literature related to the issue of incivility and strategies for cultivating healthful environments.

Reflect on the issue of incivility. Think of an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Analyze scholarly literature related to the issue of incivility and strategies for cultivating healthful environments.

  1. In a four- to six-page written paper, address the following.
  2. Define and explain the issue of incivility. Use scholarly nursing literature.
  3. Discuss the importance of this issue to nursing. Address the impact of incivility on individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. In this section, use at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature in-text citations with matching references.
  4. Provide a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting. What was the impact on the individuals involved? How was the work environment affected?
  5. Describe three strategies for creating a healthful environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy.
  6. Identify your selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Provide two examples of strategies you will implement in your master’s-prepared advanced practice role to cultivate a healthful work environment.
  1. Provide a conclusion. Include a summary on the issue of incivility, strategies to create healthful environments, specialty track, and how you will contribute to cultivating healthful environments in your future professional practice. Include a self-reflection.

What is the result (O) of having BSN degree in nursing in comparison (C) to ADN degree nursing(P), affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the nursing care

Locate a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed articles that describe the problem or issue and that support the proposed solution (My Problem: What is the result (O) of having BSN degree in nursing in comparison (C) to ADN degree nursing(P), affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the nursing care (I) on a daily basis (T)?) I want to show how having BSN degree in nursing versus ADN degree is better because of the lower mortality rates, fewer medication errors, and positive outcomes are all linked to nurses prepared at the baccalaureate and graduate degree levels. Due to further conventional training the BSN nurse is more of a sharp thinker proceeding in regular nursing duties and abstains from harmful mistakes. BSN nurses attend to view further into the disease process and critical thinking behind it in preference then simply doing a task as an AND nurse would. See attachment for further explanation
Document Preview:

Locate a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed articles that describe the problem or issue and that support the proposed solution (My Problem: What is the result (O) of having BSN degree in nursing in comparison (C) to ADN degree nursing(P), affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the nursing care (I) on a daily basis (T)?) I want to show how having BSN degree in nursing verses ADN degree is better because of the lower mortality rates, fewer medication errors, and positive outcomes are all linked to nurses prepared at the baccalaureate and graduate degree levels. Due to further conventional training the BSN nurse is more of a sharp thinker proceeding in regular nursing duties and abstains from harmful mistakes. BSN nurses attend to view further into the disease process and critical thinking behind it in preference then simply doing a task as an AND nurse would. Eight of the 15 articles must be research-based (e.g., a study which is qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, or longitudinal).Preview each of the 15 articles chosen by reading the article abstracts and summaries.Hint: Article abstracts and summaries provide a concise description of the topic, research outcomes, and significance of findings.Perform a rapid appraisal of each article by answering the following questions (one to two sentences are sufficient to answer each question):How does each article describe the nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified?Does each article provide statistical information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit?What are example(s) of morbidity, mortality, and rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population?Does each article support your proposed change?

reflect upon a previous clinical experience of providing nursing care and select two of the NSQSS that were relevant and provide a written response to this question reflecting on examples from nursing clinical placement.

NRSG367: Transition to Professional Practice – Clinical Governance – Nursing Assignment Help


For this assessment task students will be required to reflect upon a previous clinical experience of providing nursing care and select two of the NSQSS that were relevant and provide a written response to this question reflecting on examples from nursing clinical placement.

Explain to the panel your understanding of two of the NSSQS standards and provide a nursing clinical example of how you provided nursing care that contributed to this standard during your clinical placement?

Clinical Governance

Partnering with consumers

Preventing & controlling health care associated infection

Medication safety

Comprehensive Care

Communicating for patient safety

Blood management

Recognizing and responding to acute deterioration

Evidence of critical thinking and analysis as well as a critique of personal actions should be demonstrated. In addition, consideration of how the outcomes of this reflection will impact on the student’s interview success must be evident

Task: 2

Industry Interview Reflection-National Safety & Quality Standards.

The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation

Assignment: The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation

Reflect for a moment on your nursing career. About what are you most passionate? When do you feel you are at your best? What brings you the greatest satisfaction in your work? Positive feelings in the workplace are usually fueled by intrinsic motivators: healthy relationships, meaningful purpose, competence, choice, and progress. As a nurse manager, it is helpful to recognize what motivates you to perform well in your own job. You should also take time to understand the motivations of employees. By speaking to staff about their interests and professional goals, nurse managers can build relationships and thus provide appropriate motivators.

For this Assignment, you examine your personal work experiences to determine which of the five intrinsic motivators are more influential in shaping your positive feelings about the workplace.

To prepare

Reflect on your work history, from your first job to your current employment.

Select one time period or situation in which you felt professionally happy, motivated, and fulfilled in your job. What do you remember most about this time period? What are, or were, the various personal and professional factors that helped to shape these feelings?

Select one time period or situation in which you felt professionally unhappy, disengaged, and unfulfilled in your job. What do you remember most about this time period? What are, or were, the various personal and professional factors that caused these feelings?

Review the selected pages from Chapter 7, “Coaching and Developing Others” in the course text, From Management to Leadership: Strategies for Transforming Health Care. Consider the potential influence of the five intrinsic motivators during your chosen time period or situation.

Which intrinsic motivators seem to resonate more with your own perceptions of job fulfillment?

Which motivators do you believe have greater influence on your professional well-being?

Review the media, “Fostering a Positive Workplace.” How can nurse leaders use their awareness of the five motivators to engage and retain nursing staff?

To complete

Submit a 3- to 5-page paper in which you do the following:

Appraise a time when you have felt professionally fulfilled. Describe the setting, your job title, and the roles and responsibilities in which you were engaged. Identify your own key intrinsic motivators and explain how these were evident in this situation. Cite specific examples.

Appraise a time when you have felt professionally unfulfilled. Describe the setting, your job title, and the roles and responsibilities in which you were engaged. Explain the motivator(s) that were absent and how this impacted your professional performance. Cite specific examples.

Discuss how you, as a nurse manager, might implement organization- or department-wide changes that would create an environment that engages staff through one or more intrinsic motivators.

Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Which philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory describes nursing in the way you think about it?

Assignment 2: Personal Philosophy of Nursing

In a 6- to 7-page paper in APA format describe your personal approach to professional nursing practice. Be sure to address the following:

  • Which philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory describes nursing in the way you think about it? Discuss how you could utilize the philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory to organize your thoughts for critical thinking and decision making in nursing practice.
  • Formulate and discuss your personal definition of nursing, person, health, and environment.
  • Discuss a minimum of two beliefs and/or values about nursing that guide your own practice.
  • Analyze your communication style using one of the tools presented in the course. In your paper, discuss the strengths and weaknesses associated with your style of communication and the impact on your ability to collaborate as part of an interdisciplinary team.
  • On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

·         Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.

·         This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.

·         You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.

The importance of correct site selection for subcutaneousorintramuscular medical administration

NURBN2000: Transition Into Nursing Studies- Annotated Bibliography Assignment Help


Topic: The importance of correct site selection for subcutaneousorintramuscular medical administration (you only need to pickone(1)type of parenteral injection)

Description of the course for handbook entry:
This Course provides students from varied tertiary educational backgrounds entry into second year of Bachelor of Nursing program. It aims to provide nursing foundational knowledge to enable students to engage in nursing studies, achieve academic success and successfully transition into the Bachelor of Nursing program. Students will undertake learning needs or diagnostic assessment to help them focus on areas or topics they need to learn to bridge their knowledge deficits in nursing specific topics and aid in the transition into nursing studies. Utilising learning contracts and technology as tool for active learning, students will undertake a minimum of three modules to demonstrate achievement of course intended learning outcomes.

The Course caters for: • students who hold Australian Enrolled Nurse (previously Division 2 Nurse) qualifications; • graduate entry students with relevant Bachelor degrees (e.g. Bachelor of Midwifery, Bachelor of Allied Health or Bachelor of Health Science qualifications); • students who have successfully completed Level 5 tertiary studies in Allied Health; • International nurses with an approved international nursing qualification seeking registration to practice in Australia; and • Australian Registered Nurses who require preparation for re-entry to practice, the opportunity to for entry into third year of the Bachelor of Nursing and apply for Australian nursing registration for practice.

Course Delivery
Student Learning Experience
The Federation University, Bachelor of Nursing program is founded upon an Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) approach to Teaching and Learning. IBL is an umbrella term that describes approaches that are driven by processes of inquiry and discovery and not only allows for flexible learning and encourages curiosity and depth of learning, but through engagement with the inquiry process, students develop key skills that are transferable to professional life. IBL encourages a shift away from the traditional didactic lecture format and encourages active participation by students as they engage in a process of inquiry that involves the identification of needed knowledge and skills, resources, communication through the sharing of information and resources and teamwork. Using an IBL approach this course will involve a minimum of 150 hours of learning. Students can either undertake this course via a standard delivery mode, where they will attend scheduled tutorial classes weekly throughout the semester or via a flexible delivery
mode, where they will undertake compulsory on-line activities. For every one hour of teacher directed learning there will be a minimum of two hours of student/learner directed learning.

Check-In Week – Week 3:
In order to ensure that all students are progressing in a manner that is consistent with successful completion of the course the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Healthcare engages in a process of ‘Checking-In’. At the completion of Week 3 the Course Coordinator will review the progress of all students. Those students who have not completed the compulsory formative quiz or have not accessed Moodle content regularly, will be requested to make contact with the Course Coordinaor or Program Coordinator at your campus to identify and address any impediments that may have otherwise impacted upon a student’s capacity to be successful in this course.

Planned Student Learning Experience
A 15 credit point course will involve a minimum of 150 hours of learning. For every one hour of teacher directed learning there will be a minimum of two hours of student/learner directed learning. The Teacher- directed hours of student learning in this course will be experienced primarily through teaching innovations like interactive technology enhanced learning, class discussions, audio-visual presentations, flexible blended and on-line learning, low and high fidelity simulations, exploration of case studies and inquiry-based learning. Active participation in encouraged during class sessions. Attendance at all clinical placement and laboratory sessions is compulsary.

Learner- directed hours will include focused learning activities, simulated laboratory learning, practice and reflection on practice, and role modelling. Students are expected to access electronic research databases and use computers to facilitate learning.

Aim: To provide sufficient evidence that you are aware of the scope of practice for the Registered Nurse when selecting a site for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.

In NURBN 2011, you are asked to undertake either an IM injection, a sub-cut injection or an IV injection for your OSCE. This critical reflection in NURBN 2000 is an extension of your OSCE – but in a different context – either delivering the injection or – if you are an EN not undertaking NURBN 2011- do you understand the difference between the EN responsibilities and the RN responsibiities of delivering parenteral medication?

Your critical reflection for NURBN 2000 involves your understanding of your professional responsibilities in relation to your OSCE and injectable medication. Your reflection will be in relation to Standard 1: Thinks critically and analyses nursing practice

Standard 6: Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice and Standard 7: Evaluates outcomes to inform nursing practice.

If you are not undertaking NURBN 2011 – your reflection considers the differences between EN/ RN scope of practice. If this is the case, you are asked to demonstrate your understanding of the responsibilities from EN to Registered Nurse.

See the PDF document from the Nursing and Midwifery Board – Registered Nurse Standards of Practice & EN Standards of Practice (as applicble to your pathway) Topic: Reflection on Scope of Practice (Instructions in Moodle Assessment Task 2 (A) Critical Reflection Guidelines / / Assessment Outline and Question)
Aim: Embedding the transition from EN to RN scope of practice