Public Health- History & Principle of Health Science

PUBH610: Public Health- History & Principle of Health Science- Nursing Assignment Help


Priority setting exercise  (NB the reading and submission dropbox for AT2 are under Assessment 3 below)

Read the three papers on priority setting in different health care settings below:

Paper 1)     Viergever et al. A checklist for health research priority setting: nine common themes of good practice Health Research Policy and Systems 2010, 8:36 1/36

Paper 2)     Persad et al. Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions Lancet 2009; 373: 423–31 als/lancet/article/PIIS0140- 6736(09)60137-9/fulltext

Paper 3)     MacDonald and Ollerenshaw Priority setting in primary health care: a framework for local catchments. Rural and Remote Health 2011 11: 1714. ournal/article/1714

In assessment 1 for PUBH 610, you conducted a health inequality audit for an area of your choosing from the Social Health Atlas. In your audit you uncovered inequalities in several health indicators.

For assessment 2, refer to the three papers above to write a report on the factors that may influence priority setting for these health indicators in your area.  In your report address key features of priority setting including:

1)     Data comparison

2)     Addressing pre-existing / background / non-modifiable risk factors (such as social determinants of health)

3)     Identifying the scale of the problem

4)     Aligning the priority with governments’ priorities and targets

5)     Assessing the financial cost

6)     Potential to produce improvement

7)     Strength of evidence base

You may consider other features of priority setting as well.

Keeping Nurses in Nursing: The Profession’s Challenge for Today

lbaugh, J. 2003. “Keeping Nurses in Nursing: The Profession’s Challenge for
Today.” Urologic Nursing 23 (3): 193–99.
Albright, L. E., J. R. Glennon, and W. J. Smith. 1963. The Use of Psychological Tests
in Industry. Cleveland, OH: Howard Allen.
Algier, A. J. 2013. “L+M Offers Bonuses, Urges Vote on Contract.” The Westerly Sun. Pub-
lished December 12.
Allen, D. G., T. V. Mahto, and R. F. Otondo. 2007. “Web-Based Recruitment: Effects
of Information, Organizational Brand, and Attitudes Toward a Web Site on
Applicant Attraction.” Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (6): 1696–1708.
Alonzo, A. 2014. “YRC Union Workers Approve New Labor Pact.” Kan-
sas City Business Journal. Published January 26.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. 2014. “Nursing Shortage Fact
Sheet.” Updated April 24.


Write a 1,000-1,250 word paper examining how the Conceptual – Theoretical – Empirical (CTE) structure translates into nursing practice based on one of the middle range theories

Write a 1,000-1,250 word paper examining how the Conceptual – Theoretical – Empirical (CTE) structure translates into nursing practice based on one of the middle range theories that has been formulated or derived from your preferred conceptual model of nursing. Translate and apply the selected theory to nursing practice using actual examples. Evaluate the theory using the CTE steps below:
Evaluation of the conceptual-theoretical-empirical linkages.
Evaluation of the selected theory.
Evaluation of the empirical indicators.
Evaluation of research findings.
Evaluation of the utility and soundness of the practice theory.

Analyze and discuss the selected organization's aim and activities. Explain how the organization meets, supports, or advocates the EBP standards and concepts of professional nursing.

Studying a Professional Organization


Identify a professional organization and then complete the following tasks:

  • Analyze and discuss the selected organization’s aim and activities.
  • Explain how the organization meets, supports, or advocates the EBP standards and concepts of professional nursing.

In addition, explain the concepts of professional nursing—caring, communication, critical thinking, professionalism, and holism.

Use APA 6th Edition when formatting your assignment.

research the holistic model within the nursing profession.

Based on your research, complete the following tasks:

  • Describe an experience in your clinical practice in which you used nursing clinical judgment based on the holistic model. How did you use the nursing process in that example?

Question 2

choose two cultures other than your own. Research how illness is viewed in those cultures. Based on your research, respond to the following:

  • How would you go about providing care to patients of these cultures? Make a checklist of points to be kept in mind when caring for patients from these cultures.

It is difficult to cut costs or raise productivity in a nursing home because


It is difficult to cut costs or raise productivity in a nursing home because

nursing home care is highly labor-intensive
an increasing number of people need nursing home care
reimbursement levels are low
current policy supports mvoing people out of nursing homes to the community


How are prescription drug expenses covered while a patient is receiving Medicare Part A services in a nursing home?

They are included as a portion of the Medicare Part A reimbursement for that patient
They are covered under Medicare Part D
The patient is required to pay for them privately
None of the above


Case mix measures

Clinical severity oif the patient
Skill level of the Staff
Number of patients with a given condition
None of the above

1 points   


To determine the case mix, MDS information is used to

refine patient assessment
evaluate quality indicators
adjust the base rate
classify patients

1 points   


Who established Medicaid reimbursement rates?

State governments
Federal government
The fiscal intermediary

Do independent research to determine three (3) key issues that will affect hospitals in your state’s next legislative session.

Hospital CEO

For this activity, you must do independent research to determine three (3) key issues that will affect hospitals in your state’s next legislative session. Your state hospital association should have written materials concerning this matter. Also, your local papers, especially those in your state capital, have undoubtedly covered this subject thoroughly. If you are already familiar with a local hospital administrator (CEO, COO, CFO, DON, or similar party) who is active in the State Hospital Association, you may also wish to contact him/her.

Describe the three (3) issues and then for each of the issues, discuss the following.

  1. What position does the Association take on each statewide issue?
  2. What strategies does the Association have to achieve its objectives?
  3. What coalitions will be formed?

Examples of issues might include funding for indigent care, Medicaid reimbursement, rural health, mental health coverage, and nursing and tech training and shortages. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.


The purpose of this homework is to introduce you to APA style, as you will be required to use this format for all of your papers in the College of Nursing and Health Innovation. Please be sure to complete all of the steps as outlined below in order to receive full credit.

Make sure to use the assignment rubric to guide your work.

1. Locate the name of a recent (
2. Find one scholarly article related to your topic and read it.
3. Type a one page (double spaced) summary of the article you read. In your summary, make sure and use in-text citations, including page numbers if you use a direct quote. Remember, even information that is summarized must be cited to avoid plagiarism.
4. At the end of the summary, type the reference to your article in correct APA style.
5. Please include a copy of your article with your assignment submission; this can be a .pdf file. Simply attach both this template (in Word format) and the article to Blackboard when you submit.

Case Presentation: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Case Presentation: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

AJ is a 56-year old man who receives care from the primary care clinic at a university hospital. Today, AJ presents to his visit with complaints of worsening nocturia, hesitancy, and a weak urinary stream. Although AJ has had similar complaints over the past 6 months, his symptoms have worsened recently and are now interfering with his daily living, especially because he has been waking up several times each night to go to the bathroom. The medical resident taking care of AJ diagnoses him with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). He writes a prescription for Flomax 0.4 mg and instructs AJ to take 1 tablet daily.

What are the clinical manifestation of this disease?

• Generalized Clinical Manifestations?

• Specific manifestations based on the case above? 


• Develop a specific pathophysiology based on the case above.

Medical Management 

What are the common medical management (surgical, diagnostic, pharmacologic) of this disease?

• Surgical Management

• Diagnostic Procedures 

• Pharmacologic Management 

Nursing Management 

Appropriate Nursing Management based on the case above.

• Assessment

• Nursing Diagnosis (Based on the assessment data, the following are the major nursing diagnosis) 

• Planning and Goals 

• Nursing Intervention (Nursing interventions that will focus on the during and after acute phase) 

• Evaluation (List expected patient outcomes)

Nursing Problem Or Issue That Relates To The Specialty Area Of Practice

NRSG370: Nursing Problem Or Issue That Relates To The Specialty Area Of Practice – Nursing Assignment

You will be required to identify a nursing problem or issue that relates to the specialty area of practice in which you are completing your clinical placement for this unit. Once you have identified a nursing problem/issue you will need to develop this into a question for exploration which is subject to approval by your LIC/Tutor. This question needs to be realistic in the context of your speciality clinical placement in relation to nursing practice. This question will lead you to contemporary literature. From your reading of this literature, you will discover what is known or not known about your question. The information that you have gained from your reading and your observation of practice should then enable you to draw conclusions concerning your nursing question. You will then write a report summarising your finding.


• Describe why this problem/issue is of interest to you and how it came to your attention (this information will be included in your project report);

• You will then need to formulate at least one question from the problem/issue that you would like to explore in more detail;

• Your question should clearly articulate your specialty area, the problem you wish to investigate and compare an observed practice/problem with evidence that underpins best practice;

Course Project: Long-Term Care Facilities

Course Project: Long-Term Care Facilities I Choose two long-term care facilities—one from nursing facilities, assisted living, or subacute care and another from adult day care, home health care, or hospice care—on which you would want to base your research work. Research the South University Online Library and the Internet to read about your chosen long-term care facilities. Assume you are responsible for the management and administration of the two facilities. You have to orient the newly appointed manager by providing an overview on managing long-term care. You also need to discuss the programs of the two facilities. From this perspective and based on your research about the facilities, prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 10–15 slides including the following: What are the various multidisciplinary departments (teams) included in your facilities? Who comprise the target population being served by the various programs provided by your chosen facilities? What are the major staffing and human resource issues faced by your chosen facilities? What are the significant trends in long-term care likely to impact the operation of the various programs provided by your chosen facilities, and what is your plan of action to overcome them? What are the various forms of cooperation and integration existing in your chosen facilities? Discuss the nature of management, financing, and quality issues related to integration and cooperation in the facilities? Support your responses with examples. Use the Notes section of the slides to provide additional information. Cite any sources in APA format.

Choose two long-term care facilities—one from nursing facilities, assisted living, or subacute care and another from adult day care, home health care, or hospice care

Choose two long-term care facilities—one from nursing facilities, assisted living, or subacute care and another from adult day care, home health care, or hospice care, prepare a 8 page report in a Microsoft Word document including the following:

  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the administration in each department of your chosen facilities.
  • Identify and list the sources of financing available to consumers for the various programs provided by your chosen facilities. Identify the key public and private sources of reimbursement available. Also discuss the role played by managed care and its impact on long-term care reimbursement.
  • Describe the various government and private resources available that assist in developing and maintaining quality improvement programs in your chosen facilities. Describe the ways in which quality and cost are controlled in your chosen facilities. Also discuss the ethical aspect of access to care in the facilities, including rationing.

Based on your observations and learning from the two facilities, discuss the changes brought in the long-term care system to make it reach full status as a competition-driven system. You may include the following points in your discussion:

  • Discuss the changes made in the control mechanisms (external and internal) in order to control the management, financing, and quality in the long-term care systems.
  • Discuss the changes taking place in long-term care reimbursement system in order to provide better reimbursement options both to consumers and providers.
  • Discuss the changes made in the efforts of providers to accommodate changing magnitude of the day-to-day needs of long-term care consumers.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) or ‘‘shipyard eye’’ is an acute infectious disease of the eye.

6.12       Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) or ‘‘shipyard eye’’ is an acute infectious disease of the eye. A case of EKC is defined as an illness con- sisting of redness, tearing, and pain in one or both eyes for more than three days’ duration, diagnosed as EKC by an ophthalmologist. In late October 1977, one (physician A) of the two ophthalmologists providing the majority of specialized eye care to the residents of a central Georgia county (population 45,000) saw a 27-year-old nurse who had returned from a vacation in Korea with severe EKC. She received symptomatic therapy and was warned that her eye infection could spread to others; nevertheless, numerous cases of an illness similar to hers soon occurred in the patients and sta¤ of the nursing home (nursing home A) where she worked (these people came to physician A for diagnosis and treatment). Table E6.12 provides exposure history of 22 persons with EKC between October 27, 1977 and January 13, 1978 (when the outbreak stopped, after proper control techniques were initiated). Nursing home B, in- cluded in this table, is the only other area chronic-care facility. Using an appropriate test, compare the proportions of cases from the two nursing homes.

TABLE E6.12 
Exposure CohortNumber ExposedNumber of Cases
Nursing home A6416
Nursing home B2386