Health Assessment & Nursing Care Plan- Kevin Jones Case Study- Paralysis

NURBN 2009: Health Assessment & Nursing Care Plan- Kevin Jones Case Study- Paralysis- Nursing Assignment Help


You are required to complete a comprehensive health assessment and nursing care plan on information given to you in the case study- Mr. Kevin Jones.

To demonstrate your developing skills required to produce a comprehensive nursing health assessment by the clinical decision making process, identification /assessment of nursing problems (nursing diagnosis), planning and implementation of nursing care, documentation of nursing data and evaluation of nursing care.Students are required to discuss in 2000 words the physical and mental health components for the assessment case study.

1. This needs to be written according to academic standards and conventions.
2. Students will be required toidentify4 major issuesof the case study and write a summary of your overall assessment of this person.
3. Ensure that ‘objective’ language is used. This would be similar to what is written in nursing notes as an admission history.
4. Using the Nursing diagnosis section of the Adult health assessment booklet, identify and list as many nursing diagnosis as may relate to the Case study and provide the evidence from assessment that supports this.
5. Now prioritise the3 most important nursing problems (diagnoses)to formulate a nursing care plan. As the overall goal is discharge planning, consider this in formulating the nursing care plan and related interventions.
6. Develop a nursing care plan with rationale and related interventions that could be implemented for Kevin (Case Study) .
7. Be sure to identify ways that you could measure success in relation to each of these Interventions – complete the evaluation sections of the care plan.
8. This assessment requires you to develop a critical assessment of the relevant information surrounding the case study.

Case Study – Mr Kevin Jones

Mr Kevin Jones is a 75 year old gentleman who is under your care. He has been widowed for 13 yearsand has recently suffered a stroke. He lives alone in a rural location and was a farmer during hisworking life.

Kevin has 3 grown up children, two of whom live outside of Victoria and his middle son livesnearby but leads a busy working and family life. He does not get along too well with his daughter in law. Kevinis fiercely independent and during hishospitalisation has verbalised his wish to return to his home and manage on his own, against the wishes ofhis family.

Finances are limited. He lives in anold farm house which hasn’t seen renovations for 30 years. He has a wood fire and stove and noshower (just a bath).

Past history: Prostate Enlargement, Hypertension, Alcoholism, Depression and Anxiety

Currently Kevin has right side paralysis due to his CVA (stroke). Kevin does not appear to notice that he leans to one sideand forgets where his right hand may be. His speech is slurred and he has trouble saying some words. This causeshim some frustration and he has emotional outbursts at times.He has just started to mobilisewith a three pronged stick and he is anxious about his balance.

Kevin is anxious about returning home and seems to be fretting about his home, land and animals (currently being taken care of by one of his sons). Some days, Kevin barely talks to the staff and will often get agitated and irritable with the nurses, physiotherapists, cleaners etc. He appears to be ruminiating about his past and his wife.

Kevin has been complaining of a chronic cough with a small amount of discoloured greenish yellow sputum, fever,flushed skin, chills, loss of appetite, taking little fluids, malaise and body aches over the past few days. Temp 38.3, BP – 90/60, Resp rate – 24/ min, P 90 , O2 sats – 93%. Crackles & wheezes on auscultation, diminished breath sounds.

Chest X-Ray revealed (R) lower lobe pnuemonia.

Kevin also has someswallowing difficulties and some vision problems with neglect. When he does eat, he prefers puree and soft style deserts e.g. custard. He is not drinking much. Kevin appears to have lost weight. His skin turgor is dry, mucous membranes dry, urine specific gravity is 1.025, decreased urinary output, increased urine concentration and he has an elevated blood urea nitrogen.

He is finding that he is more likely todribble following passing urine and sometimes he is incontinent of urine. His bowels are a little erraticand his stool has been hard and dry lately. Lately, this is causing him considerable distress.

write an essay on APN Leader Interview

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on APN Leader Interview. It needs to be at least 1250 words.Morris A. Magnan. Dr. Morris is an advanced practice nurse in the field of clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and the recipient of the clinical nurse specialist research award of the year 2009.The purpose of the interview would stimulate the interest of the student nurses as well as nurse practitioners on the significance of advanced nurse practitioner. The interview is equally purposed to pinpoint the influence nursing has on health sector delivery coupled with the necessity of research in nursing as a means of improvement in the standards of nursing care delivery. Through an interview with an advanced specialist in nursing, other upcoming nurses can learn through the experience and accumulation in knowledge of other fellow nurses (Varkey, Reller, & Resar, 2007).An interview held with Dr. Morris A. Magnan in his office at the college of nursing research center at Wayne state university revealed a composition of nine core competencies in advanced nurse practice that are important in his specialty as a clinical nurse specialty. Below is part of the documented interview that highlighted the significance of the core competencies in his specialty.(At 9:00am in Dr. Morris A. Magnan’s office in Wayne state university department of nursing sciences. The office is visibly organized with a couple of paperwork sorted in different trays on the table. On the wall hang three charts with the one behind Dr. Morris demonstrating mechanisms with which pressure sores can be prevented especially in the geriatric patients. Dr. Morris formally invites me to his office signifying the need to begin the interview.)Dr. Morris: Nursing is undeniably a significant profession in health care delivery. With the improvement in technology and changing in lifestyle, there is continuous diagnosis of new infections and conditions. The future of nursing will thus depend on the

comparing two nursing informatics pioneers

One of the major drivers in recent health care reform legislation is the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act’s (ARRA) HiTech Incentive. This act, passed in 2009, earmarked $22 billion for the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs), with a goal of 100% adoption in all practice settings by the year 2014. The HiTech Act provides an example of the pivotal role that health information technology plays in the delivery of quality health care services. Yet, health information technology is a relatively new field. This Assignment provides an opportunity for you to examine the contributions of pioneers in this arena and consider how their contributions have influenced health informatics and nursing practice today.
To prepare:

  • Visit the AMIA Video Library 1: Nursing Informatics Pioneers webpage listed in the Learning Resources.
  • Review the biographies and video presentations of pioneers who are of interest to you, or may hold a position that you aspire to achieve.
  • Select two nursing informatics pioneers and conduct further research on their contributions.
  • Consider how their contributions have influenced health information technology and nursing practice today.

By Day 7 of Week 2
Write a scholarly 3- to 4-page paper comparing two nursing informatics pioneers. Synthesize your thoughts using the bullets below as a guide:

  • What are the professional accomplishments of each individual?
  • How have their contributions influenced nursing practice?
  • How have their contributions shaped the field of nursing informatics?
  • What lessons can you take away from their experiences?
  • What skills or ideas demonstrated by these leaders might you apply to your professional practice?

Document Preview:

Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers One of the major drivers in recent health care reform legislation is the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act’s (ARRA) HiTech Incentive. This act, passed in 2009, earmarked $22 billion for the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs), with a goal of 100% adoption in all practice settings by the year 2014. The HiTech Act provides an example of the pivotal role that health information technology plays in the delivery of quality health care services. Yet, health information technology is a relatively new field. This Assignment provides an opportunity for you to examine the contributions of pioneers in this arena and consider how their contributions have influenced health informatics and nursing practice today. To prepare: Visit the AMIA Video Library 1: Nursing Informatics Pioneers webpage listed in the Learning Resources. Review the biographies and video presentations of pioneers who are of interest to you, or may hold a position that you aspire to achieve. Select two nursing informatics pioneers and conduct further research on their contributions. Consider how their contributions have influenced health information technology and nursing practice today. By Day 7 of Week 2 Write a scholarly 3- to 4-page paper comparing two nursing informatics pioneers. Synthesize your thoughts using the bullets below as a guide: What are the professional accomplishments of each individual? How have their contributions influenced nursing practice? How have their contributions shaped the field of nursing informatics? What lessons can you take away from their experiences? What skills or ideas demonstrated by these leaders might you apply to your professional practice?

Analyze the impact of economic, demographic and technological forces on health care delivery, and the concerns relating to ethical, legal, and social issues that influence nursing practice.

Reflection Artifact 
Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the bachelor’s/master’s level nursing competency/ies listed below. Then write a minimum of 1000 words describing how this course has helped you achieve these outcomes.

Analyze the impact of economic, demographic and technological forces on health care delivery, and the concerns relating to ethical, legal, and social issues that influence nursing practice.

Apply a solid foundation of research and theory, focusing on the interrelationships and application of these concepts to nursing practice, education, and leadership

Improve population health across the lifespan and across the continuum of healthcare environments through health promotion and disease prevention strategies

Explore leadership and management concepts that directly and indirectly influence the nature and functioning of the healthcare system and professional nursing practice

Assess health among a diverse patient population, devising strategies for the prevention and early detection of disease across the life span

Integrate professional values, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors into nursing practice

Part 1: Continuing Education (Part 1 should be at least 1 ½ pages and include 2 outside references plus the textbook.)

Continuing education units are required for renewal of license (in some states) and for recertification. Continuing education opens doors to job opportunities. Answer the questions:

Why is advancing your degree and knowledge important for nursing as a profession? Explain and give several reasons.

How would you respond to a nurse that states: “I only want to live and work in a state that does not require continue education credits and I never want to advance my degree?” Explain in detail what you would say and why.

Part 2: Future of Nursing (Part 2 should be at least 2 pages and include 2 outside references and the textbook.)

Review the author’s vision in the textbook (Chapter 25), of the future of nursing and complete your own research to include the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report.

Do you agree with the authors or do you have a different vision of nursing? Explain and provide examples as to why you do agree or do not agree.

Identify the heritage of health and healing in faith based communities. Use multiple resources to collaborate community nursing with faith based nursing.

Identify the heritage of health and healing in faith based communities. Use multiple resources to collaborate community nursing with faith based nursing. Be sure to discuss at least three benefits of community nurses forming partnerships with parish nurses and faith based communities; to discuss a nurse’s role as parish nurse in faith communities for health promotion and disease prevention; to analyze how communities of faith may include Healthy People 2020 guidelines in program planning; and to consider legal, ethical, or financial issues related to parish nursing. Submit your answers in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document.


1. Assume you are the director of your college or university’s athletic department. A major story hits the news claiming that several of your athletes received inappropriate assistance writing term papers. Supposing the story is untrue (in other words, that this is nothing but a rumor), how would you handle this negative publicity?

2. Faced with the rumor about Corona beer being contaminated with urine (see the discussion earlier in the chapter), what course of action would you have taken if the Heineken distributor in Reno had not been identified as starting the rumor? In other words, if the source of the rumor were unknown, what steps would you have taken?

Research an advanced nursing practice role (FNP)

Research an advanced nursing practice role (FNP)
Based on your selected MSN program, write your first section of your ROLE paper using the following criteria:
For this assignment, you will research an advanced nursing practice role and summarize your findings in a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding the title page and references):
Focusing on the specialty for which you were admitted to South University, select an advanced nursing role to research. (It must be one offered by South University.)
Distinguish the role as clinical or non-clinical and how it promotes patient outcomes, ie safety, access to health care or health information relative to the ANP level
Apply an Advance Nursing Practice Concept to your chosen role
Develop a minimum of ten questions that you would like to ask the advance practice clinician or non-clinician that you have chosen to interview. Identify in the paper the individual by name, credentials, position and your planned date for the interview (Interview is due Week 3)
Support your findings with at least two research articles (study, design, sample and results must be discussed). Other peer reviewed articles that are non-research and nursing organization websites may be used. All articles must be current (not more than five years old, unless it is a hallmark reference; ieAmerican Association of College of Nursing. (2010)).
Format your paper, citations, and references using correct APA Style.

differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice.

Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management (Benchmark Assessmen Details: In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250-word essay describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following: 1. issue: nursing shortage and nurse turn-over, 2. Compare and contrast how you would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach nursing shortage and nurse turn-over. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings. 3. Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional philosophy of nursing and explain why the approach is suited to your personal leadership style. ( my best style will be Brandi Dahlin or Baxter Cecilia personal Philosophy of Nursing). The writer use whatever you think is easier to use. I personally would like people to participate in their work. I f I was a leader or a manager I would hold a monthly meeting to review our work and see if improvement is needed. I will use my employees ideas and add mine and explain them why. Team work is my highest goal. 4. Use at least two references other than your text and those provided in the course. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Case Study on Moral Status

Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and other required topic study materials, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions:

  1. What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?
  2. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected?
  3. How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action?
  4. What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?

Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Respiratory Alterations in clinical settings

Respiratory Alterations

In clinical settings, patients often present with various respiratory symptoms such as congestion, coughing, and wheezing. While identifying a symptom’s underlying illness can be challenging, it is essential because even basic symptoms such as persistent coughing can be a sign of a more severe disorder. Advanced practice nurses must be able to differentiate between moderate and severe respiratory disorders, as well as properly diagnose and prescribe treatment for their patients. For this reason, you must have an understanding of the pathophysiology of respiratory disorders.

Consider the following three scenarios:

Scenario 1:

Ms. Teel brings in her 7-month-old infant for evaluation. She is afraid that the baby might have respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) because she seems to be coughing a lot, and Ms. Teel heard that RSV is a common condition for infants. A detailed patient history reveals that the infant has been coughing consistently for several months. It’s never seemed all that bad. Ms. Teel thought it was just a normal thing, but then she read about RSV. Closer evaluation indicates that the infant coughs mostly at night; and, in fact, most nights the baby coughs to some extent. Additionally, Ms. Teel confirms that the infant seems to cough more when she cries. Physical examination reveals an apparently healthy age- and weight-appropriate, 7-month-old infant with breath sounds that are clear to auscultation. The infant’s medical history is significant only for eczema that was actually quite bad a few months back. Otherwise, the only remarkable history is an allergic reaction to amoxicillin that she experienced 3 months ago when she had an ear infection.

Scenario 2:

Kevin is a 6-year-old boy who is brought in for evaluation by his parents. The parents are concerned that he has a really deep cough that he just can’t seem to get over. The history reveals that he was in his usual state of good health until approximately 1 week ago when he developed a profound cough. His parents say that it is deep and sounds like he is barking. He coughs so hard that sometimes he actually vomits. The cough is productive for mucus, but there is no blood in it. Kevin has had a low-grade temperature but nothing really high. His parents do not have a thermometer and don’t know for sure how high it got. His past medical history is negative. He has never had childhood asthma or RSV. His mother says that they moved around a lot in his first 2 years and she is not sure that his immunizations are up to date. She does not have a current vaccination record.

Scenario 3:

Maria is a 36-year-old who presents for evaluation of a cough. She is normally a healthy young lady with no significant medical history. She takes no medications and does not smoke. She reports that she was in her usual state of good health until approximately 3 weeks ago when she developed a “really bad cold.” The cold is characterized by a profound, deep, mucus-producing cough. She denies any rhinorrhea or rhinitis—the primary problem is the cough. She develops these coughing fits that are prolonged, very deep, and productive of a lot of green sputum. She hasn’t had any fever but does have a scratchy throat. Maria has tried over-the-counter cough medicines but has not had much relief. The cough keeps her awake at night and sometimes gets so bad that she gags and dry heaves.

To Prepare

– Review the three scenarios, as well as Chapter 27 and Chapter 28 in the Huether and McCance text.

– Select one of the scenarios and consider the respiratory disorder and underlying alteration associated with the type of cough described.

– Identify the pathophysiology of the alteration that you associated with the cough.

– Select two of the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how the factors you selected might impact the disorder.

Post a description of the disorder and underlying respiratory alteration associated with the type of cough in your selected scenario. Then, explain the pathophysiology of the respiratory alteration. Finally, explain how the factors you selected might impact the disorder.


Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2017). Understanding pathophysiology (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

  • Chapter 26, “Structure and      Function of the Pulmonary System”

This chapter provides information relating to the structure and function of the pulmonary system to illustrate normal pulmonary function. It focuses on gas transport to build the foundation for examining alterations of pulmonary function.

  • Chapter 27, “Alterations of      Pulmonary Function”

This chapter examines clinical manifestations of pulmonary alterations and disorders of the chest wall and pleura. It covers the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of obstructive lung diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, and emphysema.

  • Chapter 28, “Alterations of      Pulmonary Function in Children”

This chapter focuses on alterations of pulmonary function that affect children. These alterations include disorders of the upper and lower airways.

Hammer, G. G. , & McPhee, S. (2014). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine. (7th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Chapter 9, “Pulmonary      Disease”

This chapter begins with an overview of normal structure and function of the lungs to provide a foundation for examining various lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Instructor Requirements

As advanced practice nurses, we are scholars, nurse researchers and scientists. As such, please use Peer-Reviewed scholarly articles and websites designed for health professionals (not designed for patients) for your references. Students should be using the original citation in Up

to Date and go to that literature as a reference. The following are examples (not all inclusive) of resources/websites deemed inadmissible for scholarly reference:

1. Up to Date (must use original articles from Up to Date as a resource)

2. Wikipedia

3. non healthcare professionals section



– This work should have  Introduction and  Conclusion

– It should have at least 3 current references

– APA format

This paper should have Introduction and Conclusion


Question WEEK 5 Uses of Standardized Nursing Terminology (graded) From your practice standpoint, what have you read this week in your text or in the lesson that offered a new view or appreciation for standardized terminology? Be specific. Documentation and Reimbursement (graded) What is the impact of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) payment denial on the healthcare system, and what are the implications for our nursing practice related to documentation? WEEK 6 Nursing Gains Visibility (graded) Ever since the introduction of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) refusal of payment for hospital-acquired poor outcomes, nursing has gained visibility because these outcomes are nurse sensitive. Locate an article or website that refers to these nurse-sensitive outcomes and describe its findings. Alarms—What Do the Data Show? (graded) The repeated sound of an alarm can be annoying to the patient, family, and staff. This can lead to someone shutting off the alarm. Give an example of an ethical or legal issue that may arise if a patient has a poor outcome or sentinel event because an alarm was turned off. What do the data show about the value of alarms in general? Is alarm fatigue an issue?