HCS433 week4 1.You have been asked to coordinate a health fair for older adults in your community. You have 10 booths to fill with health education materials. Considering the information gathered in this chapter, list what you think are the 10 most important educational topics for this age group. 2.     What are some obstacles that may prevent older adults from utilizing mental health services? What are some mental health disorders older adults can be diagnosed with? 3.     What are the various housing options available to older persons? 4.     Are the stages of the health continuum dynamic or static? 5.     Locate the smoking cessation classes in your area, and find out what treatment is used. Ask the director of smoking cessation classes in your area what percentage of older people attend. In the director’s opinion, what is the success rate with elders? How does it compare with success rates for other age groups? 6.     Visit a shopping mall, drugstore, supermarket, or some other public place, and tally how many individuals have visible health problems, as well as their approximate ages. 7.     What health problem seems most common? Can you detect any difference in types and numbers of problems with age? 8.     Include the impact of the disease on the overall quality of the person’s life. Be sure to include the psychological, social, and economic effects. Assuming the individual in the case has a spouse, describe the impact on that family member. If you have a family member with one of the diseases discussed in this chapter, ask her or him for permission to conduct an interview and write up her or his case experience with chronic illness.


Post by Day 3 a brief (2–3 paragraphs) description of specific health or health-related issues at a county level from the data gleaned from one these sites. From a leader’s perspective, how would you apply geographic information systems (GIS) technology in evaluating health issues, such as equity and impact? Then, explain how health informatics technology functions to inform and support the strategic planning process. Be specific and provide examples. Remember to begin interaction with your colleagues in the Discussion no later than Day 5 and continu eengaging through Day 7 by expanding on their suggestions for applications of geographic information systems technology. Provide another angle to a colleague’s use of GIS in conducting health impact assessments and provide your rationale. Readings • Shi, L., & Johnson, J. A. (2014). Novick and Morrow’s public health administration: Principles for population-based management (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. o Chapter 13, “Public Health Information Systems and Management” (pp. 267–288) o Chapter 14, “Geographic Information Systems for Public Health” (pp. 289–312) • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.-b). Foodborne diseases active surveillance network (FoodNet). Retrieved October 6, 2014, from http://www.cdc.gov/foodnet/ • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.-c). Geographic information systems (GIS) at CDC. Retrieved October 6, 2014, from http://www.cdc.gov/gis/ • Public Health Informatics Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2014, from http://www.phii.org/

Explain the importance of health promotion and the impact on the nation and the world.

You have recently been assigned Health Promotion as a new priority for the upcoming year.  Review the C-Span Health Promotion video and determine how you can use this information to promote health within your community.  You have recently been assigned Health Promotion as a new priority for the upcoming year.  Review the C-Span Health Promotion video and determine how you can use this information to promote health within your community.  Explain the importance of health promotion and the impact on the nation and the world.  How much should the government play a role in our health?  How much should the individual take control of his or her own health?  Would it be a more effective strategy to invest in preventive healthcare rather than treating sickness and disease?  Provide an argument for and against health promotionHow much should the individual take control of his or her own health?  Would it be a more effective strategy to invest in preventive healthcare rather than treating sickness and disease?  Provide an argument for and against health promotion


Step 1 Reflect on your use of electronic health records. Reflect on your involvement with the implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) within the clinical setting (either as a practicing nurse or as a student in the clinical setting). Step 2 Analyze the implementation of electronic health records. Address the following topics in your paper: Explain at least three functional considerations to take into account when implementing an EHR. Explain regulatory considerations for implementing EHRs. Explain interoperability. Why is interoperability important? Explain data integrity. Why is data integrity important? Explain why the security of data is important when implementing an EHR. Explain the legal concerns surrounding the implementation of EHRs.

Patient-Centered Technologies Although health care professionals play a significant role in health outcomes, the day-to-day management of a patient- health is also a personal responsibility.

Patient-Centered Technologies Although health care professionals play a significant role in health outcomes, the day-to-day management of a patient- health is also a personal responsibility. Physicians and nurses can provide diagnoses, interventions, treatments, and prescriptions, but they will only have an impact if patients follow through with their health care provider- recommendations. The advent of diverse health-related technologies is providing unprecedented opportunities to assist patients in maintaining control of their health. Consider for a moment health and fitness mobile apps, talking pill bottles, and smart apartments. New patient-centered technologies are being developed every day! For this Assignment, you will select a health-related mobile app, personal health record, smart technology, or an interactive social media site that is helping patients to better manage their health. Note: For the purposes of this assignment, a “mobile app” is defined as a technology application that can be viewed, played, and stored on smartphone devices and tablets. To prepare: Review Chapter 35, “Consumer/Patient Engagement and eHealth Resources”, in the course text, Essentials of Nursing Informatics, and consider how technological innovations are transforming the ways patients’ access health-related information. Reflect on the various patient-centered technologies that you or others may use, as well as those gaining attention in the media. Conduct research on patient-centered technologies that assist users in managing their own health. Select one technology category such as apps, personal health records, smart technologies, or interactive social media sites to further explore. Examine the parameters of a specific patient-centered technology within this category. How does this technology put patients in control of their health? To complete: Submit a 5-page paper by Thursday 07/21/2016 that addresses the following: Identify the patient-centered technology that you selected, as well as the population of patients for whom this technology is designed. Describe how this technology is tailored toward patient use. Specifically, explain how the features, functions, and design can help patients manage their own health. Explain the risks and benefits this technology might bring to users. Predict the impact this technology might have on patient health outcomes. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the Learning Resources and any additional sources. Note: If you choose to select an interactive social media site, text- or article-based websites such as WebMD or Health.gov may not be selected. For the purposes of this course, interactive social media is defined as a digital technology that allows users to manipulate, interact with, and/or engage with other users. Ensure that if you choose an interactive social media site, it adheres to this rule. Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. Required Resources Readings Saba, V. K., & McCormick, K. A. (2015). Essentials of nursing informatics (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Review Chapter 1, “Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics” In this chapter, the authors explain the transition from paper-based records to electronic records. The chapter provides an overview of the historical events that contributed to the rise of electronic health records. Chapter 25, “Care Delivery Across the Care Continuum: Hospital-Community-Home” Chapter 25 analyzes the impact of home health on the health care system. The chapter explains the current level of home health technology and how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) changes this aspect of health care. Chapter 44, “Initiation and Management of Accessible, Effective Online Learning” This chapter explores the psat and present perspectives of distance education, important teractive electronic tools and essential strategies for the online learner. Chapter 45, “Social Media in the Connected Age: Impact on Healthcare Education and Practice” The focus of this chapter is on the evolution of the Internet, mobile tools and the use of social media in healthcare education. Chapter 35, “Consumer/Patient Engagement and eHealth Resources” As access to health care information increases, patients are becoming more informed about and engaged in their health. This chapter discusses current trends in health care, including patient empowerment, consumerism, and widespread use of computers and technologies for health. Crilly, J. F., Keefe, R. H., & Volpe, F. (2011). Use of electronic technologies to promote community and personal health for individuals unconnected to health care systems. American Journal of Public Health, 101(7), 1163-1167. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. The authors of this article describe technologies that have been used to increase access to health care for underserved populations. The authors present strategies, benefits, and challenges of addressing this issue, and they provide examples of successful programs. Walker, J., Leveille, S. G., Ngo, L., Vodicka, E., Darer, J. D, Dhanireddy, S., … Delbanco, T. (2011). Inviting patients to read their doctors’ notes: Patients and doctors look ahead: Patient and physician surveys. Annals of Internal Medicine, 155(12), 811-819. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. In this article, the authors discuss the results of their study on the outcomes of allowing patients to read their doctors’ notes. The study highlights the benefits of sharing notes with patients and how doing so can promote better outcomes. Wynia, M., & Dunn, K. (2010). Dreams and nightmares: Practical and ethical issues for patients and physicians using personal health records. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 38(1), 64-73. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. The authors of this article highlight the primary uses and benefits of personal health records (PHRs) as an electronic health record (EHR) tool. In addition, the article presents an overview of practical and ethical issues that may emerge from integrating PHR components into EHR systems. Media Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012f). Electronic health records and data ownership. Baltimore: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes. In this media presentation, Dr. Roy Simpson discusses how the data derived from patient-centered technologies can be used to increase the quality of care given to patients. Dr. Simpson also highlights how patients can harness the power of these technologies to make more informed decisions about their health. Dr. Simpson concludes his segment by examining the ownership of patient information in EHR systems. Optional Resources Hertz, B. T. (2012). Physician-designed app empowers patients. Medical Economics, 89(1), 30, 32. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Sands, D. (2010). Dr. Danny Sands: Knowledge is power [Video File]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgC6meGxQLQ


Part I For the first part of this Assignment, you will write an essay about HIPAA and the Patient Bill of Rights Act. Your essay should address the information and questions presented below. This essay must be a minimum of 200 words. Please include a title page and reference page. The creation of privacy and security laws has been a huge step toward more efficient healthcare and faster reimbursements. Visit the United States Health and Human Services website(http://www.hhs.gov/) and research HIPAA Regulations & Standards as they apply to the medical records. Also, please see the information in your text. ● Question: Explain how HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules benefit and support the integrity of the healthcare industry, patient, and physician. The Patient Bill of Rights act was created with 3 goals in mind; to assist patients in being more comfortable with health care delivery systems, to develop partnerships with patients and health care providers, and to stress important roles that patients play in staying healthy. Please see the information in your text for additional information. ● Question: Name 3 areas within the Patient Bill of Rights Act that you feel are important for health care providers/patients to abide by, and provide an explanation as to why you feel each area you selected is important. Part II Please read each scenario and select the appropriate policy within the Patient Bill of Rights Act that applies to each scenario. For each scenario, describe in a paragraph why that specific policy in the Patient Bill of Rights Act is critical for demonstrating integrity within the medical assisting profession. Scenarios: 1. Donna Jackson- physician, Dr. Jones is retiring and is recommending that Donna continue services with Dr. Smith who also works in the same office. Donna is not comfortable with Dr. Smith and would like the option to select her own physician. 2. Keith Davidson is in need of emergency services because of a life threatening condition. Keith is currently uninsured and would like to make payment arrangements at a later time. 3. Jingle Smith has just been diagnosed with a chronic condition. She is interested in knowing all of her treatment options to combat this diagnosis. Jingle would also like for husband to be a part of the treatment process. 4. During Lisa Smith- visit with her primary care physician, he made derogatory and discriminating comments regarding her weight. Lisa is very uncomfortable with these remarks and wishes to file a complaint with administration. 5. Bianca White has just discovered that someone in her primary care physician office released her medical information without her consent. Bianca is not happy about this and wishes to file a complaint with the Office of General Inspector. Policies within the Patient Bill of Rights Act A. Confidentiality of Health Information Policy B. Participation in Treatment Decisions Policy C. Access to Emergency Services Policy D. Choice of Providers and Plans Policy E. Respect and Nondiscrimination Policy

Risk Management and Quality Management in Health Care

Overview of Risk Management and Quality Management in Health Care Worksheet The purpose of this assignment is to gain a broad perspective of risk management and quality management as applicable to all health care organizations, rather than focusing on a specific segment of the health care industry. Conduct research to provide you with an introduction to the health care disciplines of risk management and quality management and their roles in and influences on organizational performance. To complete this assignment, look for common themes and characteristics shared among the sources you used to conduct your research related to risk management and quality management- relationship to leadership and governance, philosophy and culture, and stakeholders. Use at least three research sources, with two from the University Library and one from the course textbooks or this week- Electronic Reserve Readings. You may use as many additional resources as necessary to assist you in identifying factors. Complete the grid by summarizing information in the Risk Management and Quality Management columns. Use bullet points of a few words or short phrases to describe each element. Use at least four bullet points for each item. This grid is not meant to be lengthy or all-inclusive; rather, it is a starting point upon which you can build your knowledge of risk-management and quality-management concepts. Risk Management Quality Management How does the leadership and governance of a health care organization influence the development and implementation of risk-management and quality-management policies? How do the philosophy and culture of the risk-management and quality-management policies influences organizational performance? How do the risk-management and quality-management policies affect stakeholders? Provide APA citations for all sources in the following fields.


The document must be in complete APA Format complete with in-text citations and complete APA Format references. All the information below is needed for the paper nothing less. Please reply ASAP if you are willing to take on this task, Thank you! Select an organization type in the health care industry as the basis for this assignment. The organization may be your employer or a health care organization of particular interest to you. Types of health care organizations include, but are not limited to, the following: o Hospital, nursing facility, physician office, emergency medical services, managed care organization, home health care, community health department or provider, pharmacy, laboratory, drug manufacturer, medical device manufacturer, durable medical equipment supplier, and electronic medical records software suppliers • Research the key concepts of risk management in health care and the factors that influence risk management for your chosen type of organization. • Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word executive summary in which you complete the following: o Describe the purpose of risk management in health care organizations in general and in your chosen organization in particular. o Explain key steps this organization may take to identify and manage their risks. o Identify three typical or actual risks in your chosen organization. Describe how each risk might negatively affect your organization and its stakeholders. o Summarize the types of education, training, or policies that would help this type of organization mitigate these risks. • Include at least four sources, two from the University Library and two from either the course textbooks or this week- Electronic Reserve Readings. Prepare a reference list of all resources and websites used in your research. Format the executive summary and reference list consistent with APA guidelines

Examine current health care marketing techniques in television, the Internet, radio, or any other media source.

Write a 900 -word reflection essay on current health care marketing techniques. Examine current health care marketing techniques in television, the Internet, radio, or any other media source. Some examples include, but are not limited to, advertising trends in pharmaceutical marketing, promotion of specialized clinics and hospitals, public relations events related to health care, or sales promotions of health care products or services. Address the following points in your essay. • What is your opinion on current health care marketing techniques and trends? • Do you feel current marketing techniques are affecting consumer trends? If so, how? • Do you see any positive or negative impacts on health care workers due to current marketing techniques and trends? Note. This is an opinion essay; therefore, references are not necessary. However, provide references should you use a specific example or resource in your essay.


You are having a discussion with your coworkers about what constitutes quality in health care and why these are the essential components of quality. Answer the following questions: What are the components of quality? What 3 ways can you create quality within the healthcare orgazinization for the patient? Who are your customers and what does it take to satisfy the customer? What are the customers service expectations and how do they vary between the different types of customers 3 to 4 Para.

Write an article for a community newsletter for a local retirement village that explains the laws, policies, and choices surrounding end-of-life health care decisions.

Overview Write an article for a community newsletter for a local retirement village that explains the laws, policies, and choices surrounding end-of-life health care decisions. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Competency 1: Explain the effect of health care policies, legislation, and legal issues on health care delivery and patient outcomes. ◦Identify the primary policies that define current health care practices in regard to end-of-life health care decisions. ◦Explain the legislation that generated end-of-life health care policies. Competency 2: Explain the effect of regulatory environments and controls on health care delivery and patient outcomes. ◦Explain the effect of end-of-life regulations and controls on patient outcomes. Competency 3: Apply professional nursing ethical standards and principles to the decision-making process. ◦Describe the role of the nurse in end-of-life decision making with patients and their families. ◦Describe the ethical considerations that have influenced policy decisions in regard to end-of-life decisions. Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with expectations of nursing professionals. ◦ Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. ◦Correctly format citations and references using APA style.   Context Nurses are at the bedside during the dying process; they spend entire shifts with patients and families; they develop trusting relationships; and they are competent to assess patient and family needs. Nurses gain a unique perspective that allows them to become aware when a patient is not responding to treatment. This perspective places nurses in a position to facilitate end-of-life decision making. (Adams, Bailey. Anderson, & Docherty, 2011, para. 4)

Explain the connection between nutrition and disease.

Your Paper should address the following points: Explain the connection between nutrition and disease. Be sure to include information on chronic diseases, as well as malnutrition and other leading causes of death. Examine the factors (e.g., social, psychological, philosophical, and physical), contemporary nutrition controversies, and cultural differences that drive our food choices. Analyze the sources and functions of macro- and micronutrients and their impact on our health and well-being. Explain the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of the macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein, and fat). Make sure to appraise the parts of the body involved in these processes. Evaluate the nutritional requirements across the lifespan – from pregnancy to childhood, and from adolescence to adulthood. Create a personal diet modification plan by analyzing your personal diet in terms of nutritional strengths and weaknesses and discussing the changes you plan to make in your own life to better meet the dietary guidelines. Must be a minimum of 6 pages.