Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Medical liability reform is a recent force in health care. Decreases in practicing physicians and high cost of healthcare due to ordering of tests to protect the provider from possible liability, have created the barriers to accessing health care for many individuals. You have been asked by the Community Relations Committee of Healing Hands Hospital to evaluate how the hospital can improve access to healthcare resources by members of the community and create strategies to improve access to care within your geographic region. Discuss the barriers that patients experience when accessing health care resources. How can health care organizations improve patients’ access to health care for all? Why do barriers continue to exist when it comes to access and equal health care? Include 3 reference sources, besides the textbook, and be sure to document your references using APA format.


Write a paper of 800+  words examining your personal values and beliefs. Include the following:   1. Describe your personal values and spiritual beliefs.   2. Using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues to frame your description, differentiate your beliefs and opinions about health care policy. Give examples of relevant ethical principles, supported by your values.   3. Analyze how factors such as your upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrine, personal and professional experiences, and political ideology affect your current perspective on health care policy.   4. Examine any inconsistencies you discovered relative to the alignment of your personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Discuss what insights this has given you.   APA format (heading, title page, in text citation, references page)

Is Mental Ilness in the Homeless Population

Topic: Is Mental Ilness in the Homeless Population NUR-443: PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING Course Project #1: Public Health Problem Research Paper Topic Selection Due on Sunday of Week 2 Paper Due on Sunday of Week 5 Note: All topics must be approved in advance by the course mentor. See the Topic Selection Forum in Module 1 for more details. PURPOSE ? Critically analyze all individual, agent, and environmental variables that impact on the health of an identified community, aggregate or population. (CO1, CO2, CO3) ? Analyze available multidisciplinary research related to these variables. (CO2, CO3) GUIDELINES ? You are expected to investigate the assigned or selected and approved public or aggregate health problem cited in Healthy People 2020 and: ? Explore and define the health problem and most affected/vulnerable populations. ? Summarize and synthesize available literature and/or available guidelines (minimum 4) to explore the environmental, individual and agent factors that affect the public health problem or concern. ? Summarize and synthesize available literature to explore the outcomes of intervention strategies (minimum 4)at the primary, secondary, or tertiary level of prevention. ? Critically analyze risk factors, most affected/vulnerable population, and intervention outcomes to develop a program recommendation. ? Content Outline and Descriptions 1. Cover page(per APA guidelines) 2. Introduction(1 paragraph) a. Describe and summarize the problem, its effects on health and most affected/at-risk population. 3. Synthesis of available literature/guidelines(1 page) a. Based on the literature, summarize the most common environmental, individual andagent factors that increase the risk of this health problem. 4. Analysis of available evidence-based primary, secondary or tertiary prevention efforts to address this health problem(1 page) a. Based on the literature, which primary, secondary ortertiary prevention effort has been shown to be most effective / cost effective or practical for the population identified as being most affected / at risk? 5. Conclusion(1 paragraph) a. Based on 3 and 4, which risk factor do you think should be addressed and which prevention strategy/level of prevention do you think might be most practical and effective for this population? ? Follow APA guidelines of style for allaspects of the paper, including style, organization, and grammar. ? Limited to 5 typed pages, 12 pt. font, double-spaced. Page limit does NOT include cover or reference page(s). Note:These directions and the grading rubric for this assignment (See the Evaluation Rubrics area of the course) will be used to evaluate and grade your assignment. Please refer to the details of each when preparing your assignment. If you have questions about the requirements of the paper, be sure to discuss them with your mentor well in advance of the final submission. Consult the Course Calendar for this paper’s due date. WRITING RESOURCES The following links provide online writing aids to help you with your paper assignments. ? OWL(Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University ? Writer’s Handbook, the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison ? APA Guidelines

Marketing Techniques and Strategies in Health Care

Unit 3 IP       Type: Individual Project   Unit:  Marketing Techniques and Strategies in Health Care     Deliverable Length:  700 words   Both social media and the Internet have changed the way that health care organizations market to their target populations. Complete the following:   You have been asked by the chief executive officer (CEO) of a local health care organization in your city or town to create a viable social media strategy for the target market. Additionally, he asks that you develop a marketing research tool that will help the organization understand its target market. Use the city data from your Unit 2 Discussion Board assignment to assist you in the creation of the social media strategy. The use of APA Style and at least 3 references in required.       UNIT 4 DB   Type: Discussion Board   Unit:  The Marketing Process    Deliverable Length:  300 words   Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.   Health care is changing rapidly, and health care marketers must be prepared to face the challenges the future will bring. Discuss the following:   Examine and discuss 2 emerging trends in health care. Analyze what the health care marketer can do to address the challenges that are associated with those trends.


Your final Case Assignment deals with health communication goals and objectives by Healthy People 2020 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2020 provide 10-year goals and objectives to improve the nation’s health. One specific goal is to use health communication strategies and health information technology to improve health care quality, health outcomes for the population, and to attain health equity (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Using the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2012) resource provided, write a paper addressing the following: Identify 3 different health communication objectives listed by Healthy People 2020 (Use the summarized list under the overview section on the direct link from your required reading. Note: they are listed in bullets under the provided link.) Discuss the importance of the health communications objectives you selected. Using personal experience, how would you address the objectives you selected? (Note: Feel free to use your military or other job related experiences that relate to your selected objectives.) Length:  2-3 pages.


Establishing a culture of sound business ethics within an organization is challenging, to say the least. Companies that market products that are not considered to be “healthy” for consumers have additional challenges. Using the CSU Online Library, research a company that markets “unhealthy” products. Examples might include tobacco or alcohol companies but these examples are not exclusive. Respond to the following questions. 1. Briefly describe the company and its product and the ethical dilemma associated with the production and distribution of its products. 2. Examine how the perception of the product differs within cultures both within the United States and globally. 3. How has this company handled the ethical implications of its product with a focus on social responsibility, integrity, and business ethics? 4. Explain how leadership within the organization can instill a culture of ethics within the marketing department as they strive to advertise a product that is not healthy for the customer. 5. What conclusions can be made about the organization in relation to the concepts of business ethics? Your response should be a minimum of 2 double-spaced pages not including the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least 1 peer-reviewed source. Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with APA guidelines. Your essay should be formatted in accordance with APA style. For step-by-step instructions for formatting a paper in APA style, please refer to the CSU Citation Guide (http://www.columbiasouthern.edu/downloads/pdf/success/citation-guide). Instructions for formatting formal documents can be found on page 17.

What changes do you think need to be made to the health care delivery system in the United States? ·

The system for providing health care in the United States differs from most other developed countries, but these countries also differ from each other. Click on the link below for a site that describes healthcare systems in the E.U. In addition, click on the link to National Public Radio for an article and audio presentation on the current Massachusetts Health Model initiative. Respond to the following questions in your post: ·         What changes do you think need to be made to the health care delivery system in the United States? ·         Do you think the United States should have government funded health care for all citizens? If so, how do you suggest we fund it? ·         Do you think that employers should be required to provide health insurance for all employees? ·         What changes do you recommend to the health care delivery system to make it more available for more people? ·         Do the people that are in the most need of health care receive it? ·         Which populations are most under served?


Your assignment is to write a 4 page scholarly position essay in which you assess the value of branding in health care. Specifically, under what circumstances do you feel that it is beneficial for health care organizations to use branding? Can the use of branding have unexpected negative consequences? Explain in detail Will be expected to: 1.    Provide a scholarly basis for your response. 2.    Justify your opinions with evidence from the literature. 3.    Cite several scholarly references in your essay. 4.    Properly cite all references in the text of your essay (either in parentheses or in footnotes), as well as at the end.


USING POLICY TO STRENGHTEN HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS (HAR 679) • T assignment is designed to assess your learning over the course of this module. It provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate that you can identify issues facing a health system in a particular national or local context, critically evaluate policy options to address health system issues and explain ways in which health systems may be changed and improved through different policy measures. Brief: Imagine that you are working for a policy taskforce, which has been commissioned by, and is required to report to, the political Head of a Public Health Department/Ministry in a particular health system context – you can choose which health system context you want to focus on. You have been asked to write a 2500 word report which does the following: • Identifies and describes a current issue facing a health system in a particular context • Suggests two possible policy measures that could address the health system issue identified (here, you are asked to be clear about what each policy measure will involve, what particular aspects of the health system each policy measure would strengthen (i.e. the ‘building blocks’, particular relationships, the roles of actors) and also how different actors would be involved in each policy being proposed (i.e. the roles different actors would take on). • Critically evaluate these two possible policy measures in terms of how particular groups, communities or people may or not benefit from, and/or may or not support or resist that strengthening, and • On this basis, select one policy measure to be taken forward and briefly explain why you have made this choice.

Evaluate reasons for sound corporate compliance and penalties for failure to comply•

Unit outcome(s) addressed in this Assignment:• Evaluate reasons for sound corporate compliance and penalties for failure to comply• Compare and contrast abuse and fraud in the health care settings• Discuss how Qui Tam lawsuits impact the healthcare industryIllustrate legal principles and laws that affect professional and administrative decisions found in health care services. Analyze conflict between cost, access, and quality of care as it relates to legal parameters. Evaluate inherent limitations to the delivery of health care due to legal mandates. Contrast the roles of legislatures, regulators, and the courts in health care services. Evaluate how the law of contract and malpractice mold health care delivery.InstructionsMuch of this course is, about compliance with quality standards. It is important to understand that compliance extends to every phone call, computer entry, claim submission, patient contact, visit, provider interaction, nursing care and so on. For this, your Final project, you will prepare a report about the role of the Joint Commission (JC).To begin, please visit the Joint Commission website:Source: The Joint Commission: The Joint Commission. Retrieved from http://www.jointcommission.org/Additional research will be necessary.


Option 1: Integration of Healthcare Integration of health service organisation and delivery is being seen as part of the solution to sustaining health systems the world over. Integrated care involves the provision of seamless, effective and efficient care that reflects the whole of a person’s health needs; from prevention through to end of life, across both physical and mental health, and in partnership with the individual, carers and families. An integration activity or initiative may involve a part or several parts of this continuum.Integration activities, in services and systems, focuses on an individual’s needs, communication and connection and activities between health care providers across the care system continuum – hospitals; community health; aged and social care; primary care etc., with importance and recognition given to access and equity and services proximal to communities.In this iBrief exercise we are interested in a broad concept of integrated health services and system (as opposed to specific service integration (e.g. medication management in the community); health management approaches (e.g. behavioural and mental health in children) etc.).For this iBrief task, you are asked to develop a brief for the Board of an area health service organisation that sets out three key aspects associated with integration of health services or systems: the contemporary understanding or definition of what integrated care means; an understanding and use of structural models or frameworks that are used to support thinking and planning around integration; and what are some key principles or issues in relation to successfully integrating healthcare systems which might be considered or used by the Board to assist with integration planning and activities.Option 2: Outcomes Funding Mechanisms At a recent presentation, the Director General for Health set out that there needs to be a renewed focus and understanding on the future of clinical outcomes funding mechanisms. Health organisations and facilities (in all three sectors: public, private and NGO) may receive funding based on single or multiple criteria such as activity, service type, case mix etc. In this brief you are asked to prepare an overview defining and describing clinical outcomes funding models or approaches; where fully or in part, clinical outcomes are used at present nationally and internationally; and what are the key system, service settings, research and operational issues that need to be considered around implementing funding or payment allocations using clinical outcomes as a driver in those funding mechanisms.Option 3: Technology and Procurement Strategies In health services the term ‘technology’ can refer to a range of things including biomedical equipment; drug and pharma therapies; models of care; medical and surgical procedures etc. A significant part of the costs and health economics of health system is major capital technology – technology that has high individual unit cost; has a long lifecycle; generally refers to plant and equipment used in health service delivery. In this brief you should research and summarise an agreed understanding of what is major capital technology and what are the optimal health technology management strategies used throughout the world. From your research develop an effective planning, procurement and management outline (or approach) for optimal management of major capital technology in health organisations and health services.

Developing a care plan for optimal health outcomes for people with chronic and complex healthcare needs Intent

Assessment task 1 : Developing a care plan for optimal health outcomes for people with chronic and complex healthcare needs Intent: This assessment assists students to integrate policy and evidence to support optimal care planning and care delivery for those with chronic and complex care needs. Linking this learning to discrete case studies enables students to reflect on this knowledge in practice within one designated area health service, a skill commonly required by registered nurses when working with those with chronic care conditions to ensure optimal care delivery across settings. Objective: This assessment task addresses subject learning objectives A, C and E. This assessment task contributes to the development of graduate attributes: 1.0,2.0,4.0 and 5.0. Part A: Students are to provide a summary of policy and evidence supporting optimal care delivery for people with chronic and complex healthcare needs in relation to one disease area. Key disease areas with related policy and evidence for review will be provided with students able to choose a focus area and add to the evidence base, as needed. A draft Part A executive summary is to be brought to class in week 3 for peer feedback. The tutor will mark this work as complete. Additional information on writing an executive summaryExecutive summary 19.pptx Part B: Students will be provided with 3 case scenarios and choose 1 to focus on. In relation to this chosen case study, students consider the recommendations for the patient (and their family’s) care within one particular local health district within Sydney. This is informed by the summary from Part A and enhanced by investigation into local resources available, specific to a designated area health service. Choose one case study to inform Part B of your assessment:OCCC Case Studies assessment 1(1).docx Local Health Districts: Sydney Children’s Hospital Network https://www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/ Central Coast Local Health District http://www.cclhd.health.nsw.gov.au/ Western Sydney Local Health District https://www.wslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/ South Western Sydney Local health District https://www.swslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/ Frequently asked questions 92443 Assessment 1_FAQ.docx The marking matrix for Optimising care in chronic and complex conditions Assessment 1: OCCC assessment 1 marking criteria _1_ 19.docx Part A (formative) – draft to be brought to tutorial week 3 for peer feedback (Tutor will sight and record your draft as complete) Part A and Part B (summative) – due week 7 (submitted through Turnitin) Weight: 50% Length: Part A:500 words; Part B: 1500 words I choose Diabetes type 2 as my chronic disease.