executive leadership that addresses changes you would like to see within your organization that would advance the field of nursing.


Develop a 4–6-page proposal for executive leadership that addresses changes you would like to see within your organization that would advance the field of nursing.    

Nursing is in the midst of many changes. In this assessment you will consider how you can be a driving force to bring about needed change within the field of nursing.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Explain strategies for effective interprofessional teamwork and collaboration in health care delivery.       

(IMPORTANT) -Analyze barriers and resistance to change, and describe strategies to overcome these barriers and resistance to change from an organization, patients, or colleagues.
(IMPORTANT) -Identify other health care professionals to enlist as members of an interprofessional team to drive change in an organization.

Competency 2: Analyze the implications of working with interprofessional teams in multifaceted health care settings.       

(IMPORTANT) -Analyze how a problem impacts an organization, patients, or the nursing profession. 

Competency 3: Develop evidence-based nursing interventions to address specific problems and enable systemic change.       

(IMPORTANT) -Describe evidence-based solutions to a problem and develop a plan to implement these solutions. 

Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of a nursing professional.       

(IMPORTANT) -Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Use correct APA format.

Assessment Instructions 
To prepare for this assessment, you will need to think about changes you feel are needed to address a problem either within nursing as a professional field or within the organization where you work. Narrow down your options by considering which change would best be undertaken by an interprofessional team. Some examples for you to consider might include:

The use of mobile and portable technology to support patients.
Using evidence-based practice (EBP) to improve patient care.
Increasing patient safety and quality of care.
The use of medical technology such as genes and stem cells, or robots in the OR.
Addressing the nursing shortage now and into the future.
Improving the work environment (providing calm, supportive spaces for nurses; improved dialog between health care professionals).
Better safety for nurses at work (violence, spreading diseases, physical injury).
Substance abuse by health care professionals.

Or you can narrow the scope to an issue within your own organization:

Developing a mobility program for an inpatient unit.
Implementing “smart” technology to assist in patient monitoring.
Creating a mentoring program to attract and retain nurses.
Implementing protocols for infection control and/or treatment of an epidemic.
Developing a plan to eliminate physical violence and verbal abuse in the workplace.

Once you have selected an issue to address, look for scholarly and professional articles that focus on the problem, the needed change, and how interprofessional teams can work together to drive change.
Lately you have noticed the need for changes within your organization that would advance the field of nursing. You have decided to develop a proposal and submit it to executive leadership. Format this assessment as a professional proposal. You may want to look at how proposals are drafted within your organization and follow that format. You will still need a references page; follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references.
Address the following in your proposal:

Briefly describe the problem and how it impacts the organization, patients, and/or the nursing profession.
Describe possible evidence-based interventions for the problem.
Analyze potential barriers and resistance to change that might come from the organization, patients, and/or colleagues.
Describe strategies to overcome barriers and resistance to change.
Develop a plan to implement evidence-based interventions. What steps would you take? What resources might you need?
Identify other health care professionals to enlist as team members to help drive change in the organization.

Your completed assessment should be 4–6 pages in length, not including title page and references page. Support your statements and intervention plan with references to and citations for at least four scholarly or professional resources.
Additional Requirements

Include a title page and references page.
Reference at least four current scholarly or professional resources.
Use APA format for citations and references.
Use Times New Roman font, 12 point.
Double space.

Analyze and explain the associated health problems of the obesity epidemic and eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating.

Analyze and explain the associated health problems of the obesity epidemic and eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating.
Write a response of at least 350 words that explains the associated health problems of the obesity epidemic and eating disorders. Address the following:

Describe the risks associated with excess body fat.
Discuss at least five factors that influence the obesity epidemic.
Assess the various techniques for measuring body fat.
Explain the various strategies for weight loss.
What are some health problems associated with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder? Explain how each of the eating disorders mentioned may lead to health problems. What are the treatment options for these disorders?

Include references with citations in APA format.


 Identify two or more case studies on legal and ethical workplace situations that are influenced by society, culture, politics, health, safety, and security. 

 What ethical and legal risks are identified in your case studies? • How can HR mitigate the ethical and legal risks identified in your case studies? • How are federal and state workplace laws influenced or impacted by society, culture, politics, health, safety, and security? • How may your company’s CSR sustainability plan mitigate risks and maximize profits for shareholders? How important is societal support for your CSR plan? • What factors need to be considered when a company communicates to the public? 

Barriers to Improving Health Behaviors

Barriers to Improving Health Behaviors
Previous  Next 
Your comments will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted under “Before You Begin.”

This module discusses individual and family-related interventions. Discuss the role of individuals and families in changing health behaviors. Drawing from your own personal experiences, provide examples of how individuals or families can aid and hinder a person’s intention to change his/her health behavior.



Instructions: 100% plagiarism free work (turnitin is used)

Using Microsoft Word, write two paragraphs of at least 125 words (more is acceptable, but not recommended) each to address the following prompts:

***1st paragraph: In your own words, articulate the challenge of accessing, transmitting, receiving and storing protected health information while using mobile health technology.

****2nd paragraph: Describe the recommended best practices both as outlined in this video but also from your own experience and intuition.

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz1ddGJn1PM&feature=youtu.be

At the end of each paragraph, put in parentheses the total number of words for that paragraph in parentheses, e.g.,(125)


 For each question, please type out your answers in a Word file. You must use 11 fonts and Times New Roman. The document must be double spaced. Your typed document must a full 3 pages long for all questions answered. Your submitted work cannot be less than or greater than three pages. 

1) Chapter 11. Page 308 Question 9. 
What could be done to reduce the burden of mental health conditions among adolescents? 
2) Chapter 12 Page 359 Questions 4 & 9. 
In sub-Saharan Africa, what would be the most cost-effective measures to try to prevent further transmission of the HIV virus? What approach would you take to prevention in South Asia, and why would it differ from what you would do in sub-Saharan Africa? 
Why is it important to develop a vaccine for HIV? 
3) Chapter 13 Page 399 Questions 7 & 9. 
Why are mental disorders so important to the burden of disease if so few people die of them? 
What lessons of Uganda’s approach to mental health concerns are important for other resourcepoor countries? 
4) Chapter 5 Page 140 Questions 3 & 4. 
What are primary, secondary and tertiary health care, and what services are generally rendered at each level? 
How might one compare and contrast the organization of the healthcare systems of the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States? 


Access The Agency for HealthCare Research and Quality (AHRQ) website and select one of the multiple funded programs available to research.
Write a 1,500-1,750-word essay addressing the following questions with regard to your chosen program. Use at least three to five academic sources in writing this paper.

What is the mission and budget?
What is the strategic plan of the program?
What do they do to control the quality of health care?
What do they do for cost containment?
How are they aligned with health care professionals?
Is this a valuable program or a waste of taxpayer money? If the program has faults, how could it be improved or should it be abandoned? Be prepared to defend your position.

4. Mission and Budget
Read “Mission and Budget,” located on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website (2015).


To complete this Assignment, write a 2- to 3-page paper, which addresses the following:

What types of end-of-life advance directives does your jurisdiction allow?
After completing the document, assess your feelings about the process. Was the document simple to complete for you? Was it challenging? Expand on your feelings of planning ahead for end-of-life decisions.
What factors contributed to you selecting the specific document that you completed?
What legal issues did you consider when you were completing the end-of-life document?
What ethical factors and principles did you consider when completing the end-of-life document?
Should healthcare providers be required to honor advance directives regardless of personal belief and institutional settings?

Early detection and Prevention of Brucellosis Disease Program among Public/Animal Health Workers in Afghanistan.

Topic: Early detection and Prevention of Brucellosis Disease Program among Public/Animal Health Workers in Afghanistan. 
Please see attached SWOT Analysis and feedback from the instructor on SWOT analysis assignment, I didn’t do good on that, so please consider the instructor review/feedback to expand on this assignment; 

Write a short Policy Brief, consisting of 3-5 paragraphs (2 pages MAX, 12 point Single Spaced).
*The Policy Brief will also form the basis for the Elevator Pitch, the next assignment*

This Policy Brief will be informed by your first assignment, the SWOT analysis. In your SWOT analysis, you analyzed a specific program or policy in a defined geography. Building off your SWOT analysis, you will present your chosen program or policy to the audience of a senior government policymaker looking to invest resources to improve population health outcomes.

The Brief needs to be written in clear, concise language as if targeting a senior government policymaker looking to invest resources to improve population health outcomes. It should describe and quantify a health challenge in a specific geography (country or region) – for example – the TB burden in the Republic of Georgia. The brief will then identify a program intervention to tackle the problem, clearly defining which monitoring outcomes will be affected by the program (eg. reduced incidence of new cases OR improved quality of life of active cases). Finally, the brief will describe a timeline and high level resources (personnel, finances and  technologies) needed to launch changes to the program. Overall, the brief should be structured in a way that the Executive could, having read through the proposal, discuss the program and its justification and at a high-level, the resource commitment and timeline associated with its roll-out.


Reading 1 material: See attached File
Reading 2 material: go to the links below.
1. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/motivating-people-getting-beyond-money
2. https://www.athenahealth.com/insight/when-money-isnt-enough-motivate-doctors
After carefully completing reading 1 and reading 2 materials, use the knowledge to address the following two parts of this assignment.

Part 1 (300 words with APA citations from readings, No new references are needed)
Assume that you are the CHRO of a 450 bed, metropolitan full-service hospital with over 1,800 employees. In spite of ranking at the 50th percentile for wages in the area (there are 3 other hospitals within 10 miles of your facility), morale among employees is at an all-time low. A recent employee survey revealed the poor morale as well as a high rate of burnout. (In fact, 30% of the nursing staff admitted to looking at other jobs.) Staff turnover during the past 2 years has been about twice the previous rate and absenteeism was up 50% over the same time period. The last COO introduced an employee “flex time” plan that saved the hospital 15% on wage costs by sending employees home when the patient census was low. (Of note, 65% of nurses managed to work a 40-hour week last quarter.) 
Employee benefits include a small life insurance policy, a 401k plan (no matching) and health insurance for employees, but not dependents. No other insurance or benefits are currently offered. (80% of employees have a “significant other” and 55% have at least one child between 1 and 12 years old.)
Formulate and discuss a comprehensive plan to improve morale, productivity, and reduce burnout among staff nurses. The CEO has allowed you to address all aspects of employment, including working hours, conditions, compensation and benefits, etc. 

Part 2 (250 words with APA citations from readings, No new references are needed)
Physicians make decisions for (and with!) their patients that account for 75% of all healthcare expenditures. Physicians order diagnostic tests, admit patients to and discharge them from the hospital, perform surgery and other procedures and decide on which treatments/medications are best for their patients. Therefore, managing physician behavior is critical to curbing healthcare costs. Creating incentives to modify physician behavior continues to be the subject of much research (some of it pretty poor, btw).
Do you think money motivates physician behavior as powerfully as it does other healthcare employees? Would it matter if the physician is employed by the hospital or is an independent practitioner? Does fee-for-service reimbursement increase or decrease the motivation money provides to physicians? Support your opinions.


Assignment 1: Critical Factors in Implementing an IT System in Health Facilities

Write a six to eight (6–8) page paper in which you:

Provide at least three (3) various reasons why some health care organizations have been reluctant to implement electronic medical records.
Discuss the essential manner in which the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) impacts patient’s medical records.
Determine the main advantages and disadvantages of the adoption of The HITECH (the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act for health care professionals. Next, suggest one (1) strategy that the medical staff members could use in order to mitigate the main disadvantages in question.  
Review the typical workflow processes within health organizations, and decide the single most significant process that the health organization must eliminate in order to improve the service. Provide a rationale to support your response.
Analyze the primary ways in which the key federal initiatives impact the standards of health care information for patient privacy, safety, and confidentially.
Specify the fundamental advantages of applying an IT system within health care organizations. Predict new IT developments in the health care industry for the next two (2) decades. Justify your response.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Examine the impact technologies have on health care information systems.
Examine the systems development life cycle of a custom application and the selection of proprietary systems.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in health information systems.
Write clearly and concisely about health information systems using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using this rubric. 

various reasons why some health care organizations have been reluctant to implement electronic medical records.

Assignment 1: Critical Factors in Implementing an IT System in Health Facilities 

Write a six to eight (6–8) page paper in which you:

Provide at least three (3) various reasons why some health care organizations have been reluctant to implement electronic medical records.
Discuss the essential manner in which the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) impacts patient’s medical records. 
Determine the main advantages and disadvantages of the adoption of The HITECH (the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act for health care professionals. Next, suggest one (1) strategy that the medical staff members could use in order to mitigate the main disadvantages in question.   
Review the typical workflow processes within health organizations, and decide the single most significant process that the health organization must eliminate in order to improve the service. Provide a rationale to support your response.
Analyze the primary ways in which the key federal initiatives impact the standards of health care information for patient privacy, safety, and confidentially.
Specify the fundamental advantages of applying an IT system within health care organizations. Predict new IT developments in the health care industry for the next two (2) decades. Justify your response.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Examine the impact technologies have on health care information systems. 
Examine the systems development life cycle of a custom application and the selection of proprietary systems.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in health information systems.
Write clearly and concisely about health information systems using proper writing mechanics.


Write a 3–4 page evidence-based resourcing plan for one component of the Heart Failure Clinic. 
Deliverable: Develop one component of an evidence-based resourcing plan.
The hospital leadership team has already allocated the major capital expenditures for the heart failure clinic, such as the facility, legal services, IT, and security services. However, as a member of the nurse team, you have been asked to develop onecomponent of a resourcing plan for the next leadership meeting.
You may use any combination of documents (for example, a spreadsheet or a table) in addition to explanatory information to convey information clearly and succinctly.
Choose one of the following:

Apply evidence-based management strategies and best practices for resourcing health care services.

Identify the business plan budget categories and subcategories (not necessarily the actual cost) to establish a new clinic.
Start-up expenses.
Examine fixed and variable costs.
Capital budget items.

Examples: salary and benefits, staffing mix, specialized equipment or materials, et cetera.

Contingency fund and parameters.

Apply legal and professional standards for resourcing outpatient services.

Explain the alignment to best practices and professional standards for cost effective outpatient services.
How will uninsured or underinsured patients be managed?

Describe management and accountability tools and procedures used to manage health delivery services and patient outcomes.

What data resources and tools analyze costs, health insurance, and hospitalization services?
How will billing be handled?
How will you determine if outpatient management is cost-effective?
How does transparency impact the consumer?

Staffing Plan:

Apply evidence-based management strategies and best practices for resourcing health care services.

Identify the disciplines and skill mix needed for appropriate staffing.
Estimate staffing requirements by discipline and staffing ratios (evidence-based).
Develop a sample staffing schedule.
How will you staff to meet corporate diversity goals or the needs of diverse patients?
Explain how delegation, collaboration, negotiation will affect staffing plan.

How does a union contract affect the staffing plan or schedule?

Examine the Nurse Practice Act for your state.

How does the Nurse Practice Act affect your staffing plan?

Apply legal and professional standards for resourcing outpatient services.

Align your staffing plan to best practices, the Nurse Practice Act for your state, scope of practice, and the Joint Commission standards for outpatients.

Describe management and accountability tools and procedures used to manage health delivery services and patient outcomes.

How will you know if staffing is cost-effective?
How will you know if staffing mix or schedule impacts patient outcomes?

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Length: The plan should be 3–4 pages in content length, double-spaced.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Number of resources: Support your plan with a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources, in addition to professional standards
Grading rubric attached**