Discussion: What Can Nurses Do?

    Many people, most of them in tropical countries of the Third World, die of preventable, curable diseases. . . . Malaria, tuberculosis, acute lower-respiratory infections—in 1998, these claimed 6.1 million lives. People died because the drugs to treat those illnesses are nonexistent or are no longer effective. They died because it doesn’t pay to keep them alive.

    –Ken Silverstein, Millions for Viagra. Pennies for Diseases of the Poor, The Nation, July 19, 1999

Unfortunately, since 1998, little has changed. For many individuals living in impoverished underdeveloped countries, even basic medical care is difficult to obtain. Although international agencies sponsor outreach programs and corporations, and although nonprofit organizations donate goods and services, the level of health care remains far below what is necessary to meet the needs of struggling populations. Polluted water supplies, unsanitary conditions, and poor nutrition only exacerbate the poor health prevalent in these environments. Nurses working in developed nations have many opportunities/advantages that typically are not available to those in underdeveloped countries. What can nurses do to support their international colleagues and advocate for the poor and underserved of the world?

In this Discussion, you will consider the challenges of providing health care for the world’s neediest citizens, as well as how nurses can advocate for these citizens.

                                                  To prepare:

    Consider the challenges of providing health care in underdeveloped countries.
    Conduct research in the Walden Library and other reliable resources to determine strategies being used to address these challenges.
    Using this week’s Learning Resources, note the factors that impact the ability of individuals in underdeveloped nations to obtain adequate health care.
    Consider strategies nurses can use to advocate for health care at the global level. What can one nurse do to make a difference?

                                        Required Readings

    Knickman, J. R., & Kovner, A. R. (Eds.). (2015). Health care delivery in the united states (11th ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

        Chapter 4, “Comparative Health Systems” (pp. 53–72)

        The chapter showcases different models of health care systems in order to help policymakers and managers critically assess and improve health care in the United States.

        Chapter 10, “The Health Workforce” (pp. 213–225)

        Review this section of Chapter 10, which details health workforce issues for nurses and nurse practitioners.

    Milstead,  J. A. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.).  Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

        Chapter 11, “The Impact of Globalization: Nurses Influencing Global Health Policy” (pp. 192-204)

        This chapter addresses how the health status of individuals and populations around the world can affect policymaking in a country.

    Bloch, G., Rozmovits, L., & Giambrone, B. (2011). Barriers to primary care responsiveness to poverty as a risk factor for health. BMC Family Practice, 12(1), 62–67.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article details a qualitative study that was conducted to explore the barriers to primary care responsiveness to poverty. The authors explicate a variety of health impacts attributable to poverty.

    Harrowing, J. N. (2009). The impact of HIV education on the lives of Ugandan nurses and nurse-midwives. Advances in Nursing Science, 32(2), E94–E108.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article explores the impact of an HIV/AIDS education program for Ugandan nurses and nurse-midwives. The author details the motivations behind the program and recommendations for the future.

    Koplan, J. P., Bond, C., Merson, M. H., Reddy, K. S., Rodriquez, M. H., Sewankambo, N. K., & Wasserheit, J. N. (2009). Towards a common definition of global health. The Lancet, 373(9679), 1993–1995.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article provides a full description of the components that comprise global health care in detail.

    Gapminder. (2011). Retrieved from

    This website explains statistical graphs and tables of life expectancy and incomes around the world.

    Global Health Council. (2012). Retrieved from

    This website houses the productivity and efforts of the Global Health Council as the world’s largest alliance dedicated to improving health throughout the world.

    Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: U.S. Global Health Policy. (2010). Retrieved from

    This website focuses on major health care issues facing the United States, as well as the U.S. role in global health policy.

    International Council of Nurses. (2011). Retrieved from

    This website documents the efforts of the International Council of Nurses to ensure quality nursing care for all, as well as sound health policies globally through the advancement of nursing knowledge and presence worldwide.

    United Nations Statistics Division. (2011). Retrieved from

    This website examines global statistical information compiled by the United Nations Statistics Division.

    University of Pittsburgh Center for Global Health. (2009). Retrieved from

    This website analyzes health issues that affect populations around the globe through research at the University of Pittsburgh.

    The World Bank (n.d.) The costs of attaining the millennium development goals. Retrieved from

    This article states that many countries will have to reform their policies and improve service delivery to make additional spending effective because the additional aid for education and health with not be enough.

Identify a health issue that is linked with social or economic disadvantages. Examine the group or groups that have been adversely affected by these disadvantages.

While diversity is often considered a strength of the United States,  it also presents unique challenges to providing and ensuring health  equity for all citizens. The purpose of this assignment is to review a  health issue and examine the programs, policies, and social conditions  that may have contributed to related health disparities.
Using the Argosy University online library resources and the assigned readings for this module, complete the following:

Identify a health issue that is linked with social or economic disadvantages.
Examine the group or groups that have been adversely affected by  these disadvantages. Provide data and other information to demonstrate  the extent of the problem.
Broadly review the literature on health disparities, and this condition specifically, to answer the following questions: 

What programs, policies, and social conditions may have contributed to the health inequity?
What changes have been made in programs, policies, or social  conditions to promote health equity for this health issue? What  additional changes do you suggest?

Your final product will be a MS Word document of approximately 5–7  pages. You should utilize at least 3 scholarly sources beyond the course  readings in your research. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.  Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner;  demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and  attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and  punctuation.


One of the most basic principles of public health is that all people  have a right to health. Unfortunately, a right to health does not  guarantee good health or equivalent health status amongst people.  Although the term “disparities” is often interpreted to mean racial or  ethnic disparities, many dimensions of disparities exist in the United  States, particularly in health. If a health outcome is seen in a greater  or lesser extent between populations, there is disparity. Race,  ethnicity, sex, sexual identity, age, disability, socioeconomic status,  and geographic location all contribute to an individual’s ability to  achieve good health.
The purpose of this assignment is to consider the historic background  of health disparities. You will also relate this history to the current  state of healthcare, changes that have occurred over time and changes  that are still needed in public health.
Using the readings for this module, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

Examine the differences between health equity, health disparity, and  health inequality, using examples and scholarly references for support.
Review the article and answer the question that follows:

What aspects of the article do you think are still applicable in health services today and which do you think are not?

Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.
Write your initial response in approximately 200 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Health Informatics Focus Areas

        Module 3.2: Health Informatics Focus Areas


· Module 3.2 Learning Resources 
· Nelson, R., & Staggers, N. (2018). Health informatics: An interprofessional approach (2nd ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. 
o Chapter 21 Improving the User Experience for Health Information Technology
o Chapter 22 Informatics-related Standards and Standards-setting Organizations
o Chapter 23 Data Science and Analytics in Healthcare
o Chapter 24 Patient Safety and Quality Initiatives in Health Informatics
· McCarthy, K. (2014). Why interoperability is important for patient outcomes. Retrieved from: 
· Sweeney, J. (2017). Healthcare informatics. Retrieved from:
· American Medical Informatics Association (
· Berg, G. (2015). 3 Ways big data is improving healthcare analytics. Retrieved from: 
Module 3.2 Activity 
This Learning Activity will help you t
This Learning Activity will help you to develop skills and knowledge that you will need for the Competency Assessments. It is highly recommended that you complete this optional activity.
Health Informatics Focus Area
The American Medical Informatics Association categorizes informatics into five areas:
2. Translational Bioinformatics
3. Clinical Research Informatics
4. Clinical Informatics
5. Consumer Health Informatics
6. Public Health Informatics
Choose two of the above areas and:

Analyze (compare) two definitions for each focus area.
Analyze the importance of each focus area in health care today.
Identify and describe a hot topic related to each focus area.
Describe a scholarly website for each focus area.

Include a minimum of four scholarly resources to support your statements.
Provide current creditable sources supporting your statements.
Prepare this paper according to current APA guidelines.


There are many integrated delivery system organizations providing health care.

Identify a specific company, by name, and identify which type of IDS it is.
“North Shore is my pick”
North Shore – Long Island Jewish Health System (Great Neck, N.Y.) — 13 hospitals. This system was named one of the top 30 most integrated by SDI Health in 2010. It is the nation’s second-largest non-profit, secular healthcare system, with more than 5,600 hospital and long-term care beds, more than 9,000 physicians and 10,000 nurses and other healthcare professionals. It has 42,000 employees, making it the largest employer on Long Island. North Shore won the National Quality Forum’s 2010 National Quality Healthcare Award and the Joint Commission’s Codman Award, the first health system to attain this distinction.

What is the difference between this business model for a health care provider versus a PPO where patients can choose the various components of providers from anywhere?


From the topics covered in Weeks 3-4, select one law related to financial management in health care organizations. We discussed such laws as False Claims Act, Stark Law etc. Include a cover page and a list of references at the end of the paper in APA Format.  Paper will be double spaced and be 4-5 pages in 12 point New Times Roman font.
The assignment is to be written in clear, concise narrative. All sections in the outline for Assignment #2 are required.
Outline:  Must use the headings from the outline below in your paper and the paper must be in narrative form not outline or bullet format. A penalty will be deducted from paper if underlined headings not used in your paper. 
1.    Name of the Law and or laws:  

State the official title of the federal and/or state law, the statute and section number.  Must be either a federal statute or state statute and you must cite both if applicable. Thus if there is both a federal and state law that covers your subject picked then you must cite both. Do not assume that there is just a federal and or state law. In most cases there is both a federal and state law. You must use the laws cited in this section throughout the rest of the paper.
2.  Management’s Financial Responsibilities:  
What are the health care organization’s responsibilities under this financial management statute you stated above? Provide a comprehensive discussion of three (3) specific responsibilities under the financial management statute. State specifically after each responsibility  where this responsibility is stated in the federal or state law.  Describe the appropriate behavior and expectation. Include the citations and source of documents describing the organization’s responsibilities. 

Consequences for Ethical or Legal Breach:

Discuss in general the civil and criminal consequences from the law. Then identify from the news, three (3) specific case examples of health care organizations or health care providers found guilty of a legal or ethical breach relative to the law you have cited in first part of paper. Identify the specific legal and/or ethical breach and the penalties assessed to the health service organizations and/or individuals found guilty of violating the law or ethics [provide citation of law].  At the end of each case, discuss in detail whether you agree or not with the decision and why. Bring in the facts of the case to support your comments. Students should use a minimum of three (3) documented specific examples retrieved from the print media. 

HCO Management’s remedial steps to reverse the non-compliance organizations:

Describe in detail three (3) specific management actions or remedial steps you would take to ensure the financial management in the health care organization meets or exceeds the federal law or state law relative to the requirements of the law you cited above. Discuss specifically how each of the three management actions specifically meets or exceeds the specific federal or state law you cited. Note: These actions may include specific uses of technology, procedures, human resource training, and other management tools.  However these action steps must be within the control of a manager. 
5. Conclusion: Summary your findings above

Reference List [APA Format]

 The paper must be:

Late penalties: See Course Syllabus.
Be sure and use the underlined headings found in the outline below in your paper. Paper must be in narrative format not outline or bullets. 
Double spaced and be 4-5 pages in 12 point New Times Roman font.
Include a cover page [not counted as a page] which should have student name and title of your paper [Provide a short name for the legal responsibility the specific health care organization has for one type of patient right in a specific setting ] 
A the end of the paper a list of references in APA Format [not counted as a page]    
Be prepared using word-processing software and saved with a .doc, .docx, or .rtf extension. No pdf.
Be uploaded to your Assignments Folder by 11:59 p.m. EST on the due date. 
The paper is to be posted in Assignment #2 drop box.
Must cite to the source for all your facts in the text of your paper in APA format.

Example of an in text citation:
(Ernst, & Young, 2000 p14).
Example of source cited on Reference page:
Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young. (2000). Health care system reform: A provider perspective : survey results. Westchester, Ill.: Healthcare Financial Management Association.
 Except where noted, the assignment is written in clear, concise narrative. All sections of Assignment #2 are required. 
Grading Rubric for written Assignment #2 is in Assignments area of the class.

What is a health care organization’s administrative role regarding oversight of risk management policies and ensuring compliance with managed care organization (MCOs) standards?


Throughout this course, you have identified, examined, and provided individual as well as collaborative analysis on multiple facets of risk management in the health care setting.
Addressing the knowledge you have gained, and building on that knowledge to add your evaluation of the role that the managed care organization (MCO) plays in today’s health care environment, develop a 250-500 word reflection to incorporate the following:

What is a health care organization’s administrative role regarding oversight of risk management policies and ensuring compliance with managed care organization (MCOs) standards?
What is your assessment of the value provided to an organization that stems from the regulatory statutes of a typical MCO? Consider the establishment of conflict resolution and risk management strategies within the health care organization from the employer/employee perspective as well as in regards to patient conflict circumstances.
What MCO responsibilities pertain to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) focus on fraud, waste, and abuse laws?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

how quality improvement programs could be systematically used in public health systems and explain the goals, values, and vision that should be considered in implementing such programs.

As demands on the U.S. public health system continue to increase, more quality improvement strategies are needed to support the system and improve outcomes. Public health agencies, like leaders in other industries, are developing quality improvement approaches for application in public health settings. Bringing together local, state and national healthcare practitioners and other stakeholders in quality improvement and quality assurance efforts has yielded several best practices and lessons for public health stakeholders. However, more work is needed if quality improvement is to become standard practice in public health.
In this assignment you will read the article “Quality Improvement in Public Health: Lessons Learned from a Multi-State Learning Collaborative.” You will list the major concepts within the article and explain the positive outcomes in the two case studies. Further explore the how quality improvement programs could be systematically used in public health systems and explain the goals, values, and vision that should be considered in implementing such programs. Finally, consider the future, after such programs have been created and findings have been determined. How would ensure that the findings are implemented and followed in public health and public health policy in the future? This paper should be at least 1000 words in length. The paper has at least three references. Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. All sources used should be properly cited using APA formatting.

List the major concepts within the article and explain the positive outcomes in the two case studies.
Explore how quality improvement programs could be systematically used in public health systems and explain the goals, values, and vision that should be considered in implementing such programs.
Consider the future, after such programs have been created and findings have been determined and how to ensure that the findings are implemented and followed in public health and public health policy in the future.


Raising children today is not easy. Their health is impaired by diet, lack of exercise, environmental toxins, and stress. They are subject to bullies in school, negative influences in the media, and they are pressured to grow up too fast. Technology has exposed children to so much more than they used to be exposed to. Given all of these impacts, discuss the factors that lead to raising healthy children. What would you do to raise your children to be well-adjusted physically and emotionally? How would you handle the attraction of technology in your household? Support your discussion with readings from the textbook or other authoritative sources found via the College Library. Cite your sources (APA style). 
Remember the criteria for the discussions:

100-200 word original post
50-100 word reply post
Covers every detail in the discussion description
Submitted on time

Grading Criteria YesNo1. Good post; covered all the required information?  2. Post was the required length?  3. Replied to one or more students?  4. Work was college-level writing, spell-checked, grammatically correct, and student used proper punctuation and capitalization?  


Data Stewardship and the National Health Information Network (NHIN)
Data Stewardship and the National Health Information Network (NHIN)
Research health data stewardship and in your post show why it is important. Why does it matter in the discussion of a national health information network (NHIN)? Assess how the architecture of the NHIN permits this.
Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson material. Discussion should be around 300 words. Give you personal opinion in two different paragraph to Patricia Fonseca and  Zachary Rayburn with a total of two pages

Patricia Fonseca 
Data Stewardship is the crew members responsible for keeping the healthcare data safe. These are the technology personnel we call when things go bad with the system (Health Data Stewardship and its importance in Healthcare Analytics, 2018). These staff members also distribute access and control, generate audit trail reports and correct corrupt files are just a few examples of the work they do.
NHIN is a set of standards, services, and policies that enable secure health information exchange over the Internet, and the job of the stewardship is to ensure it remains secure across the internet during the exchange.  As a result of federal, state and local policies and laws various groups formed the Data Use and Reciprocal Support Agreement (DURSA).  In order for 2 companies or agencies to interchange healthcare information, there must be a valid process to enable the information to be exchanged securely (NHIN, n.d.).  The Federal Health Architecture program helped develop software to link the federal system to the NHIN via software called CONNECT (NHIN,n.d.).
Nationwide Health Information Network. (n.d.). What is NHIN? Retrieved from–2.pdf
Health Data Stewardship and its importance in Healthcare Analytics. (2018, October 17). Retrieved from

 Zachary Rayburn 
What is health data stewardship and how does it play a role with the NHIN? First we must look at what these two things are individually to then see how they play a role together. Health data stewardship according to The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) (2009) is the responsibility guided by principles and practices to ensure the appropriate use of an individual’s personal healthcare data. What that means is that the person that is using a patient’s data is using it appropriately and not misusing it in any shape or fashion. Now the NHIN according to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (2010) is a set of standards, services and policies that enable the secure exchange of one’s health information over the internet. Now you can understand how the two play a role into each other. As long as the data steward is not acting maliciously then patients information should not end up in the wrong hands. With the exchange being done via the Internet it does permit the opportunity for a patient’s information to potentially be intercepted. With the NHIN though there are gateways set up for the confidential transfer of a patient’s healthcare data. (DHHS, 2010)
Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Exchange Architecture Overview. Retrieved from
National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics. (2009). Health Data Stewardship: What, Why, Who, How. Retrieved from