Global Public Health and watch Episode One of the Designing Healthy Communities PBS miniseries.

Please write answer as you were living in Denver Coloradobefore you begin crafting your discussion response for this week be sure to read Chapter 3 in Global Public Health and watch Episode One of the Designing Healthy Communities PBS miniseries.New Urbanism Principles describe a philosophy of community design taken from the book Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream your recommended reading for this week. The principles suggest that a community should promote walkability the state of accommodating walking. To do that the authors recommend the following: streets should be narrow and sidewalks wide; services should be located close to residences; garages should be in back off of alleys; houses should be close together and close to the street; and a mixture of homes of varying sizes and costs should be spread throughout the community to promote diversity. The design of the homes themselves should encourage interaction with neighbors and a sense of place.A full list of the principles can be found here: Urbanism proposes a smart growth development plan of the countrys sprawling suburbs. The article Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten US Metropolitan Area discusses how neighborhood design impacts walkability in U.S. cities.After reading the article above and researching the New Urbanism Smart Score card criteria how would you rate your community the place you are using for your Portfolio Project?How does what you observed in your own community relate to what you read about in Chapter 3 of Global Pubic Heath this week as far as the importance of community health?This week look around where you live to see if you can spot any of these New Urbanism design principles in buildings or neighborhoods. (Keep in mind that the structures would probably be less than 10 years old.) Post descriptions of these buildings or neighborhoods along with any information you can find online about the building or site as to why the project was undertaken. If you cant find any New Urbanism designs at work where you live go online and find 3-4 structures or neighborhood elements that illustrate these design principles. Describe their history and why they were built.In your post also include the following points:Does your community suffer from urban sprawl?Is your community at risk of (greater) urban sprawl in the future?How would New Urbanism designs help to reduce problems you see in your community?Are there any policies that would help reduce urban sprawl in your community?


Health Care and Ethics Topic Selection Resources Health Care and Ethics Topic Selection Scoring Guide. Choosing Your Subject. Capella University Library. Writing Feedback Tool. Submit your ethical theory selection for the project to your instructor for approval. Though the general details of the project are in the project description choose a particular set of issues or applications as the focus of your analysis. Choose from the following list of theories: Kantianism. Utilitarianism. Liberal individualism. Communitarianism.Explain the theory selected and apply the theory in terms of the role and responsibility of managers in health care. Include an explanation of how the theory you selected relates to the value dilemmas that health care providers must confront. You may integrate several theories as necessary but one must be prominent and used to guide your analysis throughout the paper. Be sure to: Cite at least three references. Support the selection of your theory. Use APA formatting on all components of the paper.Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool click the linked resources for helpful writing information.


In my action research proposal, I lean towards the view point of
teachers advocating healthy choices at their school because it is
clear, by looking at child-obesity statistics, the parents do not
take the initiative in teaching their children on how to make
healthy choices. Many children are overweight though a lack of
proper nutrition and lack of exercise. We live in an age where
technology is utilized in many aspects in our lives. Adults and
children sometimes use technology to learn new information and
entertain. Children are no longer pushed to play outside because
busy parents do not have the time to watch their children, so
children are given technology to keep them busy. For every 10
percent rise in what a country spends on information and
communications technology, theres a 1 percent increase in obesity
rates (Fox 2012).
Mental health has been greatly effecting our children due to
economic problems. In the preliminary research that I conducted, I
found that racial and ethnic minorities are more prone to health
conditions. The barriers that were related to health problems were:
demographic variables, social structure variables, health beliefs
and attitudes, personal enabling resources, community enabling
resources, perceived illness and personal health practices
(Scheppers, Van Dongen, Dekker, Geertzen, and Dekker, 2006).
There are many websites that spread false information to spread
their propaganda and I will have to be diligent on my use of the
web for research. Scholarly journals do exist on the web, under
Googles search engine called Google scholar. To effectively and
efficiently research information on the web, it would be best to be
specific as possible. Changing my thesis into a question may help
narrow the research.
Conducting interviews on parents, doctors, and teachers will
help me gather preliminary information to help me solidify my
stance regarding my topic of research. Going to library maybe old
school, but it will safeguard my research from fake
To conduct research effectively and efficiently, my thesis will
have to be clear and specific. The thesis is a very important part
of an essay because it summarizes what you have in mind for this
research essay and guides the reader in reading your essay
I need to remember that the process of researching is not
linear. As I write, I will run into unanticipated gaps, which can
either throw my essay off completely or redirect my thesis. It is
imperative that the preliminary research that I conduct on the web
and in the library is accurate and thorough, so the gaps do no stop
my research paper from happening.
Fox, M. (2012, August 23). Spending on technology equals more
obesity, study shows. Retrieved May 26, 2017, from
Scheppers, E., Van Dongen, E., Dekker, J., Geertzen, J., &
Dekker, J. (2006). Potential barriers to the use of health services
among ethnic minorities: a review. Family practice, 23(3),

The health care industry, like other industries, is a very competitive environment. As organizational behavior within health care companies evolves, it will be even more important to consider its future and the need for continuing education.

The health care industry, like other industries, is a very
competitive environment. As organizational behavior within health
care companies evolves, it will be even more important to consider
its future and the need for continuing education.
Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
that addresses the following:
Explain the importance of continuing education. Using the
company selected in Week One, describe the support it provides its
employees for continuing education. Describe the future of
organizational behavior. Based on the trends of the health care
industry, describe what you think the future holds for the company
selected in Week One.
Format your PowerPoint according to APA guidelines. Include a
title page, detailed speaker notes, and a references page.
Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to
support your presentation.

Health insurance began in the early part of the twentieth century as a means to protect an organization’s assets either its financial assets or its manpower.

Health insurance began in the early part of the twentieth century as a means to protect an organization’s assets either its financial assets or its manpower. Since the early days health insurance evolved into a system of managed care in order to control issues such as overutilization skyrocketing costs limited restrictions and low-quality care.Using the South University Online library or the Internet search for articles on health insurance and managed care. Based on your research summarize your findings and answer the following questions:Examine the main events in the history of health insurance from the mid-twentieth century to the present. Explain how these events led up to the evolution of managed care organizations.Evaluate the purpose of health care insurance in the early days.Evaluate the evolution of health insurance and managed care. What is the relationship between the two and how has managed care risen to prominence in today’s health care market?Explain how the perspective of health insurance has or hasn’t changed in today’s managed care environment.Analyze the public policy and market forces leading to the growth of managed care.Analyze the current trends in managed care and its future in the context of health care reforms.Based on your understanding create a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the above questions.Support your responses with examples.Cite any sources in APA format.


1. Discuss why financial markets are important to a healthy economy and how they contribute to economic growth.2. Assume that you recently graduated with a degree in finance and have just reported to work as an investment adviser at the brokerage firm of Smyth Barry & Co. Your first assignment is to explain the nature of the U.S. financial markets to Michelle Varga, a professional tennis player who recently came to the United States from Mexico. Varga is a highly ranked tennis player who expects to invest substantial amounts of money through Smyth Barry. She is very bright; therefore, she would like to understand in general terms what will happen to her money. After your consultation with Michelle, she asks to discuss these two scenarios with you:a. While in the waiting room of your office, she overheard an analyst on a financial TV network say that a particular medical research company just received FDA approval for one of its products. On the basis of this hot information, Michelle wants to buy many shares of that companys stock. Assuming the stock market is highly efficient, what advice would you give her?b. She has read a number of newspaper articles about a huge IPO being carried out by a leading technology company. She wants to get as many shares in the IPO as possible and would even be willing to buy the shares in the open market immediately after the issue. What advice do you have for her?


Question 1.1. (TCO 1) Today’s healthcare marketers are operating in an environment characterized by _____. (Points : 5)a limited role for healthcare consumersaccess to much better consumer datadeclining numbers of marketing expertsa focus on marketing directly to physiciansQuestion 2.2. (TCO 1) The consumer movement in healthcare has been driven by a number of factors, including _____. (Points : 5)the growth of the baby boom cohort as the dominant healthcare consumer groupthe growth of managed carelimited competition among healthcare organizationsthe homogenization of the population in terms of demographics, lifestyles, and health behaviorQuestion 3.3. (TCO 2) In the _____ stage of the healthcare consumer decision making process, the healthcare consumer begins to understand how the product/service addresses their health problem. (Points : 5)problem recognitioninitial awarenessknowledge awarenessalternative evaluationQuestion 4.4. (TCO 2) In ______ segmentation, the market is segmented by the extent of use of a particular service. (Points : 5)geographicpsychographicusagedemographicQuestion 5.5. (TCO 3) A _______ strategy aims to indicate to customers how the company differs from current or potential competitors. (Points : 5)positioningpreemptivebrand imagedistributionQuestion 6.6. (TCO 3) The _____ strategy in healthcare typically refers to the location where services are rendered. (Points : 5)productplacepromotionpriceQuestion 7.7. (TCO 4) In an effort to serve a segment of the population facing mobility issues, Southwest Health Center has developed a mobile health unit that is able to provide health screenings at a number of community sites. This represents a decision related to which element of the marketing mix? (Points : 5)Product strategyDistribution strategyPricing strategyPromotional strategyQuestion 8.8. (TCO 4) Using _____ marketing, a healthcare organization is able to work towards their goals of keeping customers happy, ensuring repeat business, and realizing the revenue potential of long-term relationships. (Points : 5)relationshipdirect-to-consumerinternalconciergeQuestion 9.9. (TCO 5) The Marketing Director of Mercy Hospital is considering a promotional technique that provides broach reach, low costs, and a short lead time. The best option would be (Points : 5)public relations.advertising.personal marketing.Question 10.10. (TCO 5) The Marketing Director of Mercy Hospital is exploring a variety of media choices for an upcoming advertising campaign. Using _____, the marketer is able to attain frequent exposure at a low unit cost, yet it has a short shelf life. (Points : 5)television advertisingradio advertisingnewspaper advertisingInternet advertising


PAPER 1- minimum of 6 pgsWrite a paper that discusses the following 3 elements:Provide an overview of how health care in the United States has evolved since the postindustrial period.How has the evolution of medical technology, graduate medical education, and the professionalization of medical and nursing staff affected the delivery of care?Why has the United States been unsuccessful in evolving the current health care system into a national health care system?3 scholarly references.Please include in text citationsDUE 5/24/2017PAPER 2 minimum of 500 wordsComplete the following tasks: minimum ofResearch and discuss 1 piece of federal legislation that has affected the use of medical technology.Explain how changes in medical technology affect health care costs.Discuss 1-2 current trends in medical technology and how those trends are expected to impact the performance of the U.S. health care system and public health.2 references


choose a real example of both a good leader that has established a healthy ethical culture in his or her organization and a bad leader that has created an unhealthy cultural environment in his or her organization. Using terminology from our text, describe how each culture has been created. Finally, discuss ways in which bad leadership can be systematically prevented.Be sure to complete each of the following steps:1. Identify and describe a real-life example of a leader who has established a good ethical culture and provide an argument for why their organization has a good ethical culture.2. Identify and describe a real-life example of a leader who has ruined the ethical culture of an organization and provide an argument for why that leader is responsible for their company’s ethical decline.3. Provide an example of how a Formal Cultural System is used to prevent the damaging effects of bad leadership.


Question 1.1. (TCO 6) _______ data are those that are owned by someone else, typically free or inexpensive, that have potentially unknown quality. (Points : 5)SecondaryPrimaryInternalExternalQuestion 2.2. (TCO 6) A number of demographic factors have been shown to impact healthcare utilization. For example, _____ are more aware of available health services and are quicker to turn to health professionals when symptoms arise. (Points : 5)Latinosthe elderlymenwomenQuestion 3.3. (TCO 7) South Baptist Healthcare Center is monitoring the increase in use of social media among the population. This trend is part of the _____ component of the external environment analysis. (Points : 5)competitivelegal/regulatoryeconomictechnologicalQuestion 4.4. (TCO 7) As part of the ______ audit, a healthcare marketer examines competitors, market position, and market share. (Points : 5)externalinternalfinancialcommunity healthQuestion 5.5. (TCO 8) In order to answer the research question regarding the speed of service in the emergency department, Northeast Hospital observes the actions of research subjects through a recording device. This primary data collection method is known as a(n) ______. (Points : 5)personal interviewfocus groupsurveyobservationQuestion 6.6. (TCO 8) Advantages of a ______ survey is that it is a relatively quick way to acquire information and generally results in a higher response rate. (Points : 5)mailphonecomputerizedpersonalQuestion 7.7. (TCO 9) The goals of the ______ plan are driven or guided by the goals of the _____ plan. (Points : 5)marketing, strategicbusiness, marketingstrategic, marketingstrategic, operationalQuestion 8.8. (TCO 9) In the ______ stage of the marketing planning process, healthcare marketers collect and analyze data regarding trends in internal and external environments. (Points : 5)environmental analysisgoal and objective developmentstrategy developmentevaluationQuestion 9.9. (TCO 10) In the development of the _______ , the healthcare marketer seeks to gain an in-depth understanding of the organization’s products and services and the manner in which customers are served. (Points : 5)internal auditexternal auditmarketing evaluationsituation analysisQuestion 10.10. (TCO 10) Using the _____ budgeting method, the healthcare marketer would utilize the marketing plan strategies to develop projections for the current year’s budget. (Points : 5)competitive paritypercentage of salesobjective and taskall you can afford

explore the Individual Mandate section of the new health reform law.

Individual MandateThe ACA requires US citizens and legal residents to obtain qualifying health coverage. This week, you will explore the Individual Mandate section of the new health reform law.Tasks:Explain the Individual Mandate included in the Patient Protection and ACA and include the tax penalties that will be imposed if a person or a family does not obtain qualifying health coverage.Determine who will qualify and what premium and cost-sharing subsidies will be available to individuals.Research the income levels of individuals in your state by reviewing information available on the website How do you think the Individual Mandate will affect the citizens and legal residents in your state?If you were required to make one policy change or enhancement to ensure success of the Individual Mandate included in the Patient Protection and ACA, what would you recommend?Submit your answers in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document. Support your answers with appropriate examples and research.


Discussion Week 4 Americans poor health choices (whether it be smoking, not exercising, poor nutrition, etc.) costs billionsof dollars in health care, as these behaviors are directly linked to conditions like heart disease, cancer,stroke, and countless other ailments. Knowing what we know about decision making, what can be doneto help Americans make better decisions about their health? Use terms from this week’s lesson or fromyour own research in the Herzing Library (i.e. cognition, intelligence, decision making) to support yourperspective.