Selecting a Population Health Problem

As you know, promoting positive social change is a part of the Walden mission. To be an effective agent for social change, nurses must be able to logically and critically analyze population health issues using epidemiologic concepts, and then communicate insights in a succinct and professional manner. This exercise will afford you such an experience.

This week, you will complete Assignment 1 in preparation for Major Assessment 7, in which you will apply epidemiologic principles and develop an intervention for a health problem.

For this Assignment, you will examine a health problem of interest to you, and you will develop a brief paper (2 pages) outlining the significance of the health problem and describing it in terms of person, place, and time. This outline will help your Instructor determine if the topic you selected is appropriate for the Major Assessment paper.

Prepare for Assignment 1 as follows:

  • Review      the Major      Assessment Overview (see attached).
  • Determine      a population health problem that is viable for completing this paper. You      may use the problem you identified in the Week 1, 2,      or Week 3 Discussion, or you may select a new one.
  • Determine      the characteristics of the health problem in terms of person, place, and      time.
  • Using      the Walden Library and credible websites, conduct additional research on      your selected population health problem. Consider the significance of this      health problem.
  • Examine      how Healthy People 2020, listed in the Learning Resources, supports the      importance of addressing your selected health problem.
  • Develop      a preliminary research question or hypothesis appropriate for your topic.

To complete:

Write a  2-page paper that addresses the following:

1) Introduction (must end with a purpose statement, e.g. “the purpose of this paper is …)

2) Describe the population health problem in terms of person, place, and time.

3) From the primary research literature and Healthy People 2020, briefly explain the significance of this health problem.

4) Include your preliminary research question or hypothesis. (PICOT format for the research question).

5) A conclusion

By Day 7 (tomorrow Sunday 03/18/2018 at 4 pm latest Submit your a 2-page paper in order to receive feedback on your topic

Required Readings

Friis, R. H., & Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Chapter 6, “Study Designs: Ecologic, Cross-Sectional, Case Control”

Chapter 7, “Study Designs: Cohort Studies”

Chapter 6 presents an overview of analytic study designs used in epidemiology, differentiating between experimental studies (which will be addressed next week) and observational studies (the focus of this week). In the chapter, the authors address three varieties of observational studies—ecological, cross-sectional, and case control. Chapter 7 addresses cohort studies, another form of observational design.

Doll, R., & Hill, A. B. (1999). Smoking and carcinoma of the lung. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 77(1), 84–93.

This landmark case-control study established the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.

Framingham Heart Study. (1998). Epidemiological background and design: The Framingham study. Retrieved from

The Framingham Heart Study is one of the first and largest cohort studies that measured the distribution of suspected risk factors in a large population and then tracked the development of heart disease in that cohort.

Papathanasiou, A. A., & Zintzaras, E. (2010). Assessing the quality of reporting of observational studies in cancer. Annals of Epidemiology, 20(1), 67–73. 

In this article, the authors assess the quality of reporting of observational cancer studies, noting opportunities for improvement.

Von Elm, E., Altman, D. G., Egger, M., Pocock, S. J., Gøtzsche, P. C., & Vandenbroucke, J. P. (2007). Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology (STROBE) statement: Guidelines for reporting observational studies. Annals of Internal Medicine, 147(8), 573–577.

A consortium of scientists and medical researchers created a checklist of 22 recommended items that should be included in reports about three common observational study designs: case-control, cohort, and cross-sectional studies. This collaborative effort is an important step toward the goal of improving the quality, credibility, and generalizability of analytical research.

Healthy People 2020. (2011). Topics & objectives index. Retrieved from

Healthy People 2020 focuses on improving population health locally and nationally. Review the topics and objectives of Healthy People 2020 as you prepare for Assignment 2.

Required Media

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Epidemiology and population health: Observational studies [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.

In this week’s program, the presenters discuss observational studies as a means of establishing an association between an exposure or risk factor and a disease outcome. Two types of observational designs are featured: cohort and case control studies.

Optional Resources

The following ERIC notebook guides present information in a reader-friendly study guide format.

Ibrahim, M., Alexander, L., Shy, C., & Farr, S. (1999). Cohort studies. ERIC Notebook, 3, 1–4. Retrieved from

Ibrahim, M., Alexander, L., Shy, C., & Farr, S. (1999). Incidence measures in cohort studies. ERIC Notebook, 4, 1–4. Retrieved from

Ibrahim, M., Alexander, L., Shy, C., & Farr, S. (1999). Case-control studies. ERIC Notebook, 5, 1–4. Retrieved from

Ibrahim, M., Alexander, L., Shy, C., & Farr, S. (1999). Cross-sectional studies. ERIC Notebook, 7, 1–4. Retrieved from

Ibrahim, M., Alexander, L., Shy, C., & Farr, S. (2000). Ecologic studies. ERIC Notebook, 12, 1–4. Retrieved from

Nursing Leadership Styles And Development


What are the strengths and weakness of transformational leadership theory and leader-member theory (LMX)? How might your knowledge of the LMX theory help you to become a better leader?


How would you apply the transformational theory leader-member theory (LMX) to improve an organization’s performance? Discuss in the context of your own organization, an organization you have belonged to in the past, or another existing organization that would benefit from significant organizational improvement.

Select an individual that you believe exhibits authentic leadership. This individual can be historical or contemporary. Provide specific examples that support how this person exhibits authentic leadership. What is the role of authentic leadership in creating trust and followership in this example, and how can it improve organizations?

Christian servant leaders profess to serve those whom they lead through love and the moral obligation to promote the greater good of others. What leadership behaviors would you expect from a Christian servant leader and how might those behaviors differ from someone who is not a servant leader. Also, although servant leadership is often associated with the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ, do you believe servant leadership is compatible with other religions or worldviews? Why or why not?

What are the strengths and weakness of adaptive leadership? What particular challenges might an adaptive leader encounter in encouraging their followers to solve their own problems and challenges?

How do you think individuals’ preconceived notions, prejudices, and their own interpretations of other cultures impact the workplace? How might you employ the psychodynamic approach to help the employees get along with each other and work better together?

Case Study

Jessica is a 32 y/old math teacher who presents to the ER with a friend for evaluation of sudden decrease of vision in the left eye. She denies any trauma or injury. It started this morning when she woke up and has progressively worsened over the past few hours. She had some blurring of her vision 1 month ago and thinks that may have been related to getting overheated, since it improved when she was able to get in a cool, air-conditioned environment. She has some pain if she tries to move her eye, but none when she just rests. She is also unable to determine colors. She denies tearing or redness or exposure to any chemicals. Nothing has made it better or worse.

She is normally healthy. She had chickenpox at age 10 and a tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy at age 11. She has no medical problems. She has never been hospitalized. She has four children, all spontaneous vaginal deliveries.  She completed a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in education. She quit smoking 10 years ago (two packs daily for 5 years); she drinks an occasional wine cooler, and she denies illicit drug use. Her father has a coronary artery disease (he had a stent placed at age 67) and a mother with hypertension.

She denies fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, headache, changes in hearing, sore throat, nasal or sinus congestion, neck pain or stiffness, chest pain or palpitations, shortness of breath or cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysuria, vaginal discharge, swelling in the legs, polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia.

Patient is alert; she appears anxious. BP 135/85 mm Hg; HR 64bpm and regular, RR 16 per minute, T: 98.5F. Visual acuity 20/200 in the left eye and 20/30 in the right eye. Sclera white, conjunctivae clear. Unable to assess visual fields in the left side; visual fields on the right eye are intact. Pupil response to light is diminished in the left eye and brisk in the right eye. The optic disc is swollen. Full range of motions; no swelling or deformity. Mental status: Oriented x 3. Cranial nerves: I-XII intact; horizontal nystagmus is present. Muscles with normal bulk and tone; Normal finger to nose, negative Romberg. Intact to temperature, vibration, and two-point discrimination in upper and lower extremities. Reflexes: 2+ and symmetric in biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar, and Achiles tendons; no Babinski.


Make a whole history and physical examination in a comprehensive manner with all its elements included: CC, HPI, PMH, FH, SH, MEDICATIONS, ALLERGIES, ROS PER APPARATUS OR SYSTEMNS, HEAD TO TOE PHYSIACL EXAMINATION PER SYSTEMS ( write your presentation in H&P format no paragraph format).

          Based on this information, what is your presumptive nursing diagnosis? All nursing diagnosis that apply to the case written in NANDA format related to … and evidence by…., NO MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS.

  Teaching plan and nursing care plan per each nursing diagnosis on this case.


    1- All written assignment and documentations must be  in APA 6th edition format.

    2- Double spaces, minimum 4 pages long , minimum 3 up to date bibliography. (UP to date means last 3 years.), Note: you can use your test book as bibliography too, bibliography have to be written in APA format.

Appraising the Literature

For the DNP-prepared nurse, it is important to hone skills related to reviewing and evaluating research literature to implement evidence-based practices. As you examine epidemiological research, in particular, it is essential to ask, “What are the strengths and weakness of the research method(s)? Are the data analysis and interpretation sound? Is there any evidence of bias?” This Discussion provides you and your colleagues valuable practice in critically analyzing research literature.

To prepare:

  • With      this week’s Learning Resources in mind, reflect on the importance of      analyzing epidemiological research studies.
  • Critically      appraise the Oppenheimer (2010) and Elliott, Smith, Penny, Smith and      Chambers (1999) articles presented in the Learning Resources using      Appendix A in Epidemiology for Public Health Practice as a guide.
  • Determine      the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods and data analysis of      each study.
  • Ask      yourself, “Is any bias evident in either study? What did the researchers      do to control for potential bias?”
  • Finally,      consider the importance of data interpretation in epidemiologic literature      and the issues that may arise if potential confounding factors are not      considered.

By tomorrow 04/05/2018 3pm, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 scholarly references from the list of required readings below. Include the level one headings as numbered below”

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

1) Appraise the Oppenheimer (2010) and Elliott et al. (1999) articles, summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of each study (see attached files for those articles).

2) Analyze potential sources of bias in each study and suggest strategies for minimizing bias.

3) Suggest possible confounding variables that may have influenced the results of each study.

Required Readings

Friis, R. H., & Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Chapter 10, “Data Interpretation Issues”

Chapter 15, “Social, Behavioral, and Psychosocial Epidemiology”

Appendix A – Guide to the Critical Appraisal of an Epidemiologic/Public Health Research Article

In Chapter 10, the authors describe issues related to data interpretation and address the main types of research errors that need to be considered when conducting epidemiologic research, as well as when analyzing published results. It also presents techniques for reducing bias. Chapter 15 features psychosocial, behavioral, and social epidemiology. Appendix A includes criteria to consider when reading an empirical journal article.

Elliott, A. M., Smith, B. H., Penny, K., Smith, W. C., & Chambers, W. A. (1999). The epidemiology of chronic pain in the community. The Lancet, 354(9186), 1248–1252.

This article describes an early epidemiologic study on chronic pain. Carefully review this article noting the structure of the research design, assessment and data collection, and analysis strategies. You will refer to this article for Discussion 2. (see attached file)

Oppenheimer, G. M. (2010). Framingham Heart Study: The first 20 years. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 53(1), 55–61.

The Framingham Heart Study is a landmark epidemiologic study that began in the 1940s. The author of this article reviews the history of the Framingham Heart Study and its contribution to population health. As you read this article, consider any sources of bias or potential conflict of interest. You will refer to this article for Discussion 2. (See attached file).

Phillips, C. V., & Goodman, K. J. (2004). The missed lessons of Sir Austin Bradford Hill. Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations, 1(3). Retrieved from 

In 1965, Austin Bradford Hill worked on a paper that has become a standard in public health and epidemiologic study about how to make decisions based on epidemiologic evidence. Hill put forth strategies for inferring causation and stressed the need for considering costs and benefits when planning health-promoting interventions. Review this article, which examines how Hill’s strategies are often misused or misinterpreted.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). CDC health disparities and inequalities report—United States, 2011. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Supplement, (60), 1–114. Retrieved from [Read pages 11–32]

This report consolidates national data on disparities in mortality, morbidity, behavioral risk factors, health care access, preventive health services, and social determinants of critical health problems in the United States by using selected indicators. The required section of reading introduces the social determinants of health and environmental hazards.

World Health Organization. (2011). Social determinants of health. Retrieved from

According to the World Health Organization, “The social determinants of health are mostly responsible for health inequities—the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between countries.” This article presents an introduction to social determinants of health.

World Health Organization. (2011). Social determinants of health: Key concepts. Retrieved from

This article outlines key concepts related to the social determinants of health.

Healthy People 2020. (2011). Social determinants of health. Retrieved from

This website presents an overview of the social determinants of health and addresses how the information relates to Healthy People 2020.

UCL Institute of Health Equity. (2012). ‘Fair society healthy lives’ (The Marmot Review). Retrieved from

Optional Resources

Genaidy, A. M., Lemasters, G. K., Lockey, J., Succop, P., Deddens, J., Sobeih, & Dunning, K. (2007). An epidemiological appraisal instrumental – a tool for evaluation of epidemiological studies. Ergonomics, 50(6), 920–960.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Social determinants of health. Retrieved from

Environmental Factors That Effect Infant Health

To prepare for this assignment view the following brief video from the American Medical Association titled, “Health Literacy and Patient Safety: Help Patients Understand.” The video can be accessed through the following link:

Part I: Pamphlet

  1. Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants.
  2. Use the “Pamphlet Template” document to help you create your pamphlet. Include the following:
  3. Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants.
  4. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
  5. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.
  6. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. A minimum of three scholarly resources are required.
  7. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.
  8. In developing your pamphlet, take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience.

Part II: Pamphlet Sharing Experience

  1. Share the pamphlet you have developed with a parent of an infant child. The parent may be a person from your neighborhood, a parent of an infant from a child-care center in your community, or a parent from another organization, such as a church group with which you have an affiliation.
  2. Provide a written summary of the teaching / learning interaction. Include in your summary:
  3. Demographical information of the parent and child (age, gender, ethnicity, educational level).
  4. Description of parent response to teaching.
  5. Assessment of parent understanding.
  6. Your impressions of the experience; what went well, what can be improved.

Submit Part I and Part II of the Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants assignment by the end of Topic 1.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Planning for Evaluation

Section 5 of Major Assessment 7: Using an Epidemiological Approach to Critically Analyze a Population Health Problem

DNP-prepared nurses are expected to effectively use research methods to analyze data, “design evidence-based interventions, [and] predict and analyze outcomes…,” (AACN, 2006, p. 11).

Every research design requires you to evaluate your results. Epidemiologic studies are no different. In Week 7, you explored how using causal models can assist with evaluating the data analysis section of a study. In this week’s Discussion, you explored how epidemiological data are used to substantiate or negate the need for screening programs; evaluation is critical to ensure the data are sound and suitable as the basis for such decisions. As these experiences demonstrate, if the results of a study are not evaluated, they cannot be used to improve population health.

As you begin working on Assignment 4, Section 5 of the Major Assessment 7 paper, consider how you would evaluate the anticipated results of your population health intervention developed in Sections 3 and 4 of Assignment 4. As noted in the AACN Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice, as a DNP-prepared nurse, you are expected to predict and analyze outcomes and then design evidence-based interventions based on your analysis. This Assignment provides you with an opportunity to practice that skill.

Begin developing Section 5, which is due by Friday 4/27/18 at 5pm

  • Review      the Major Assessment Overview (see attached file, section 5 highlighted in      yellow).
  • Review      Exhibit 8–7: The Four Stages of Evaluation on page 400 of Epidemiology      for Public Health Practice. In addition, review the articles in the      Learning Resources that describe program evaluation in various settings.

The four stages of evaluation are:

Formative Evaluation

Process Evaluation

Impact Evaluation

Outcome Evaluation

Section 5: Evaluation

To Complete:

In 3-page, write the following section of your paper:

1) An Introduction ending with a purpose statement (e.g. the purpose of this paper is…)

2) An evaluation plan based upon the health outcome that you have chosen and your anticipated results (please select the best method for evaluating the effect of the intervention out of the 4 methods mentioned above).

3)  A conclusion. 

APA format required and minimum of 4 scholarly required from the list of required readings below

P.S. The content must be of a professional portfolio quality; it must address every major subsection in the assignment; selects most appropriate evaluation method for the project and fully and clearly describes the method for evaluating the effect of the intervention using advanced critical thinking skills; demonstrates an applied level of understanding through reflections supported by the literature about the content area. Excels in meeting expectations for graduate-level work.

Required Readings

Friis, R. H., & Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Chapter 10, “Data Interpretation Issues”

Chapter 11, “Screening for Disease in the Community”

Chapter 11 examines aspects of screening for disease, including characteristics of a good screening test and how screening programs can be evaluated.

Nash, D. B., Fabius, R. J., Skoufalos, A., Clarke, J. L. & Horowitz, M. R. (2016). Population health: Creating a culture of wellness (2nd ed). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 13, “Decision Support”

This chapter addresses measurement and analysis tools used to support decision making for improvement, accountability, and research related to population health. The three main purposes of measurement in population health (improvement, accountability, research) provide the framework for this chapter.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). A framework for program evaluation. Retrieved from

The CDC provides this framework for program evaluation. Review the information presented as you prepare for Assignment 4.

Association for Community Health Improvement. (2006). Planning, assessment, outcomes & evaluation resources. Retrieved from


Explore the many resources available for program evaluation. These resources will inform for Assignment 4.

Rural Health Information Hub. Retrieved from: from

New Hazard Emergency Plan Project

Powerpoint Presentation

Assume you are the local emergency manager for your community.  You have conducted a risk analysis and identified a hazard that presents an imminent threat to your community.  You and your team have drafted a proposal of an emergency operations plan for your mayor or commissioners that covers preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery for the identified hazard. 

For your assignment this week prepare a powerpoint presentation to present to your mayor or commissioners that includes, at a minimum, the following information:

 • an overview of the hazard and your analysis of the threat 

• the sequence of events, resources, and any participants that you and the planning committee would include in the emergency operations plan

 • how to share this plan with city/county officials, response organizations, and the public and if there be opportunity for feedback

 • the identification of specific roles in the plan

 • and whose buy-in and support you need to ensure the effectiveness of the plan and how you propose to secure it. 

You should ensure your powerpoint presentation presents a clear plan based on your analysis of the situation. You should use a minimum of three sources to support your plan. These sources may include applicable federal, state, or local laws, as well as research or other sources relevant to your plan.

 Your powerpoint presentatin should contain a minimum of ten slides, not including your title and reference slides. All sources used must be properly cited, including pictures and images. Your references should be formatted in APA style. External research will generally be required in addition to the assigned readings. Please create your final project in Microsoft Powerpoint, and upload as an attachment for submission.

Organizational Theory And Structure In Action

Scenario: You are a health care consultant with a thriving practice working with Boston-area hospitals. Your expertise is in organizational design and organizational behavior. One of your clients, Gary Gottlieb, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, has accepted your proposal to work with his organization on the opening of the Shapiro Cardivascular Center. In your consulting experience you have found that reviewing the history of organizational theory helps management teams creatively approach the challenge they face. In addition, it is important to be able to analyze management’s contribution to organizational effectiveness and consider how strategy shapes organizational structure

1. Power-point presentation. References

2. 15 slides. 

3. review the provided scenario, and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital: Shapiro Cardiovascular Center case study

4. Develope a presentation on organizational theory and structure for the senior executive team of the cardiovascular center

Include presenter notes (no more than 1/2 page per slide), use tables and or diagrams where appropriate.  Support with specific citations. At least 4 scholarly sources (references)

Address the following:

A. evaluate theories of organizational design

   1. describe three of the most important contributions to organizational theory

   2. explain how those contributions influence organizational structure and summarize the most relevant learning for the Shapiro Cardiovascular Center

  B. Analyze unique aspects of Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Brigham and Women’s Physicians Organization (BWPO) organizational structure and the design of the physical space.

C. Analyze two ways management has been both effective and ineffective. Recommend three best practices that Brigham and Women’s management can refer to when working on other projects

D. Using organizational theory as a framework, identify four challenges that the Shapiro Cardivascular Center management team is faced with in aligning strategy and organizational culture. Include the potential impact on key stakeholders


Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Your sole resource for responding to the three essay topics is your text: Ethics for the Information Age (7th Edition). Respond to the topics for this writing assignment using your own words. Design your responses as if you are explaining facts, concepts, and ideas to someone who is not familiar with the subject matter. Be sure to include creative examples wherever they may be appropriate. Also, be sure to provide a title for each of your essay responses.This assignment requires you to write essays in response to all of the following:Part 1: In your own words, describe early milestones in information storage and retrieval, beginning with the Greek alphabet and proceeding to the advent of Ted Nelson’s creation of the hypertext system.Part 2: Explain Rawls’ theory of justice, including basic concepts of his thought experiment, and in particular the idea of one’s original position, the veil of ignorance, and the difference principle.Part 3: Describe evidence that Internet addiction exists based on your personal experience followed by a summary of expert opinion offered in our text. In that context, discuss factors that contribute to Internet addiction.


Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Your sole resource for responding to the three essay topics is your text: Ethics for the Information Age (7th Edition). Respond to the topics for this writing assignment using your own words. Design your responses as if you are explaining facts, concepts, and ideas to someone who is not familiar with the subject matter. Be sure to include creative examples wherever they may be appropriate. Also, be sure to provide a title for each of your essay responses.

This assignment requires you to write essays in response to all of the following:

Part 1: In your own words, summarize and contrast the harms and benefits of privacy, offering your commentary. Your commentary can include illustrative examples based on your perspective and experience.

Part 2: Offering your own commentary as you see fit, critically evaluate the idea that whistle blowing is a moral duty, focusing primarily on the perspectives of Richard De George and Carlos G. Bell, Jr.

Part 3: From the perspective of Robert Frank and Philip Cook, in your own words, describe the harmful effects of the winner-take-all society in general and the economy in particular. When it seems appropriate, provide examples from your experience or observations.