Evaluate information used to make public health decisionsInstructions:Answer the following questions concerning the role of assessment of public health: 4 pages APA styles1. Define public/community health. How does this differ from personal health?2. What are the benefits of public health assessments? What are the disadvantages, if any? Give an example of a potential conflict within the community that could arise as a result of public health assessments. How can public health advocates and policy makers prevent and/or manage such a conflict?3. How can public health assessments be used to form public policy?4. Choose one health concern and cite legislation that has been passed to address this concern. Discuss how this legislation has affected or could affect your community. You may choose one of the following or one of your own choosing:? Smoking in public places? Accessibility for physically handicapped populations? Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes? Youth violence? Domestic violence? Child abuse? Elder abuseList and discuss at least three health consequences of obesity.? Explain why youth violence is a health issue and discuss risk and protective factors relating to youth violence.? List and discuss at least three health issues that affect special populations and what specific population might be at high risk of the health issue.? Discuss the term meeting people where they are and why it is particularly important in successful intervention among special populations.Assignment RequirementsPoints possiblePoints earned by studentDefine public/community health.8Explain the benefits and disadvantages of public health.10Provide an example of a potential conflict within the community that could arise as a result of public health assessments. Explain how public health advocates and policy makers can prevent and/or manage such a conflict.14Explain how public health assessments can be used to form public policy.14Choose one health concern and cite legislation that has been passed to address this concern.14Discuss how this legislation has affected or could affect your community.14Includes at least 3 academic sources. (2 points each)6Total (Sum of points earned)80The Proposal is written in the most current version of APA format with no grammatical, spelling, copyright, plagiarism, or proofreading errors.Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors.

Case Study on the EPA or OSHAEPA and OSHA are regulatory agencies charged with protecting Americans from significant risks to human health, both environmental and occupational.

Case Study on the EPA or OSHAEPA and OSHA are regulatory agencies charged with protecting Americans from significant risks to human health, both environmental and occupational. Each agency develops and enforces regulations and maintains partnerships with other agencies to accomplish its mission.For this assignment, review the functions of the EPA and OSHA. Then, select a case study from the website below on a current health issue that is either environmental or occupational. http://www.uic.edu/sph/phtpg/case_study_library.htmWrite a 34-page paper in Microsoft Word format addressing the following:Describe the selected current public health issue (either environmental or occupational).Analyze the factors that contributed to the public health issue.Consider the appropriate regulatory agency (EPA or OSHA) and examine how it responded to this situation.Examine the outcome of the response.Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.Cite all sources using the APA format.Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points Adequately examined the current public health issue (environmental or occupational), including a description of the issue and an analysis of the contributing factors. 15 Provided an in-depth examination of the concerned regulatory agencys response to the situation. 20 Examined the outcome of the response. 10 Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using the APA format. 5 Total 50


For this unit assignment, identify a reputable website or scholarly article and discuss the following:1. Describe what a standardized healthcare data set is.2. Compare and contrast at least three data sets used in electronic health records.a. What are the data sets used for?b. Where are the data sets stored/housed?c. Are the standards governing the data sets used as part of the Department of Health and Human Services meaningful use regulations?3. Analyse and compare administrative based data and clinical based data.Your response must be at least three pages in length, double spaced. You are required to use at least one outside source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.


In any health care organization, employees seek good job satisfaction, and employers seek good performance. This can partly be achieved through a good compensation system. For this assignment, address the following:Describe in detail 34 goals that a compensation program should attempt to achieve.Explain and discuss some of the unique dilemmas health care organizations face when creating a compensation system.Describe the systematic approach health care organizations may use to determine the monetary value of a job.The paper should be 56 written pages, excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page.


Health insurance began in the early part of the twentieth century as a means to protect an organization’s assets, either its financial assets or its manpower. Since the early days, health insurance evolved into a system of managed care in order to control issues such as overutilization, skyrocketing costs, limited restrictions, and low-quality care.search for articles on health insurance and managed care. Based on your research, summarize your findings and answer the following questions:Examine the main events in the history of health insurance from the mid-twentieth century to the present. Explain how these events led up to the evolution of managed care organizations.Evaluate the purpose of health care insurance in the early days.Evaluate the evolution of health insurance and managed care. What is the relationship between the two and how has managed care risen to prominence in today’s health care market?Explain how the perspective of health insurance has or hasn’t changed in today’s managed care environment.Analyze the public policy and market forces leading to the growth of managed care.Analyze the current trends in managed care and its future in the context of health care reforms.Based on your understanding, create a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the above questions.Support your responses with examples.Cite any sources in APA format.


Write a 35 page executive report that explains how a market force affects the health care industry and describes an associated ethical challenge that could influence management practices. Recommend two strategies to prevent or address the ethical challenge and explain how the strategies maintain compliance with external regulations.For this assessment, suppose you work for a health care organization whose senior leadership strives to make ethical decisions related to ever-changing external forces. As part of the management team, you have been assigned to analyze one of the market forces affecting the health care industry. You need to choose one of the following market forces: Managed care. Caring for aging baby boomers. Integrative medicine.Then you need to choose one segment of the health care system (insurance, reimbursement industry, hospitals, long term care facilities, and so on) to use as the focus of this analysis. For example, you may decide to focus on integrative medicine in long-term care facilities.Review the resources provided and conduct your own research on the topic you have selected. You will need to use current, relevant information and statistics from at least three authoritative resources to support your work. Be sure you also look at regulatory agencies that oversee the topic and health care system segment you selected.Format this assessment as an executive report, following APA guidelines for citations and references. Please be sure you include a title page and a references page.RequirementsIn the executive report you develop for this assessment, be sure you complete the following: Explain how the market force you selected is affecting the health care industry. Include any statistics you found during your research. Describe at least one ethical challenge related to the market force that might influence organizational management practices. Recommend at least two strategies leadership might use to prevent or address the challenge. Consider whether a CSR initiative could help prevent the ethical challenge.Explain how your recommended strategies will maintain compliance with external regulations.


4-6 pages APA format plagiarism free pleaseIn 2010, the United States passed landmark health care legislation when President Obamas health care plan passed in the U.S. Congress. However, despite its promise to provide health care coverage for a number of groups previously unable to obtain coverage, many Americans are dissatisfied with the components of the plan.Thinking in terms of the administrator and third-party payer perspectives, answer the following:What do you feel are the biggest weaknesses of the health care plan, and why?Be sure to provide 23 weaknesses for each group (i.e. providers and patients), and explain your rationale for choosing each by supporting your thoughts with properly cited references.Please visit the Health Reform Web site for more information on the latest health care policy reforms.


Chapter 7 of your textbook describes professional responsibility for healthcare employees in situations of protected relationships and privileged communication. Examine a personal experience that you have had as a consumer of healthcare services. Provide a discussion of this interaction, addressing this concept of professional responsibility.


For the course project you have been assuming the role of a consultant who has been hired to evaluate a clinical mental health counseling program that provides services in your community or region.You are creating a hypothetical but plausible program with hypothetical stakeholders clients interventions and measures. And you are developing plans for an evaluation that will guide program improvements and document progress toward the program’s mission and goals.For this assignment in Unit 8 use the template linked in Resources to describe the evaluation design you chose the measures of outcomes that you have selected your data collection and analysis plans and how you plan to assure reliability validity and credibility of your data and your analysis.To achieve a successful project experience and outcome you must include the following sections for Part 2:Additionally your paper must:Make sure to use the template (link in Resources) for this assignment.


ReadA Case Study of Rural Health Care in the Economic Downturnand reflect upon the issues identified in Ashe County. How do socioeconomic factors such as those presented in the case affect the ability to deliver healthcare? How do you think healthcare organizations can provide care to rural communities? Research solutions that have been implemented in the past and try to develop new creative solutions based on what you have learned.


As noted in the Learning Resources systems theory provides a meaningful and beneficial means of examining challenges in health care organizations. To do this effectively however it is essential to assessallsystem components as some may be relatively healthy while others are problematic.For this Assignment you apply systems theory to the examination of a problem in a department or a unit within a health care organization. (Note:You may use the same problem you identified for the Discussion as long as it meets the criteria for this assignment.)To prepare:Write a 3- to 5-page paper (page count does not include title and reference page) that addresses the following:Marquis B. L. & Huston C. J. (2015).Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application(8th ed.). Philadelphia PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Johnson J. K. Miller S. H. & Horowitz S. D. (2008). Systems-based practice: Improving the safety and quality of patient care by recognizing and improving the systems in which we work. Retrieved from http://www.ahrq.gov/downloads/pub/advances2/vol2/Advances-Johnson_90.pdfThis article addresses the importance of systems-based practice (SBP) in health care workplaces. The authors state that SBP knowledge is one of six core competencies that physicians have to know in order to provide safe and proper care for their patients.Manley K. OKeefe H. Jackson C. Pearce J. & Smith S. (2014). A shared purpose framework to deliver person-centred safe and effective care: Organisational transformation using practice development methodology.FoNS 2014 International Practice Development Journal 4-(1).Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Meyer R. M. & OBrien-Pallas L. L. (2010). Nursing services delivery theory: An open system approach.Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(12) 28282838.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.In this article the authors examine the effects of nursing services delivery theory in large-scale organizations. Among other benefits this theory supports multilevel phenomena and cross-level studies and it can guide future research and the management of nursing services.

Many feel that health care is a public good which should be available to all in the community. However one can argue can the hospital/ clinic remain solvent if these services are not reimbursed?

Many feel that health care is a public good which should be available to all in the community. However one can argue can the hospital/ clinic remain solvent if these services are not reimbursed? We will examine the case in the short assignment the specific case scenario of an illegal immigrant requiring regular dialysis treatments.Assume that you are a hospital administrator and were recently reviewing Emergency room reports indicating that there had been a recent influx of patients who were not legal citizens requiring dialysis treatments.You are aware that Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement for undocumented alien health care services is extremely limited and has not expanded by the ACA. However federal regulations provide that when an individual comes to an emergency room for emergency medical care that individual cannot be turned away and must be treated. Staff cannot inquire into the individuals ability to pay or citizenship. Dispensing health care services from an emergency department is one of the most expensive ways to deliver health care. While provision of this care is mandated as previously explained reimbursement is often denied when the patient is an illegal immigrant. This leaves the hospital to absorb the funds expended on providing the dialysis treatments. Hospitals are in a quandary about how to approach providing such care especially since dialysis is an ongoing treatment and this situation represents a chronic and persistent problem.Clarify your position in 750 to 1000 word count (a two to four-page) usingAPAstyle. Please answer the following questions:

Lending Institutions Health Care and Human Capital

students please view the Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment in the Student Center.Instructors training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.Assignment 2: Lending Institutions Health Care and Human CapitalDue Week 9 and worth 200 pointsUse the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions health care and human capital as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 6 through 9.Write a three to four (3-4) page research paper in which you:When referencing the selected resources please use the following format:Soomo. Understanding Development [Webtext]. Retrieved fromhttp://www.webtexts.com/courses/9218-cathey.Strayer University. (2013). Understanding Development [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from/bbcswebdav/institution/SOC/300/1136/Week1/lecture/story.html.Wuestewald Eric. (2014).Portraits of people living on a dollar a day. Retrieved fromhttp://www.motherjones.com/mixed-media/2014/04/living-on-a-dollar-a-day-photos-renee-byer-thomas-nazario.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: