Suppose that a 2012 National Health Interview Survey gives the number of adults in the United States which gives the number of adults in the United States (reported in thousands) classified by their age group and whether or not respondents have ever been tested for HIV.

I needcomplete2-3 pages paperon the following assignment.HALF PAGE LENGTH IS NOT ACCEPTED.Mustaddress the all steps properly.Mustinclude3 credible referencescited inAPA.Must provide100% originalwork.DO NOT PROVIDE THE PREVIOUSLY USED WORK.DO NOT WRITE QUESTIONS IN ANSWER!AssignmentSuppose that a 2012 National Health Interview Survey gives the number of adults in the United States which gives the number of adults in the United States (reported in thousands) classified by their age group and whether or not respondents have ever been tested for HIV. Here are the data:Age GroupTestedNever Tested1844 years50 08056 4054564 years23 76848 5376574 years15 16275 years and older14 66377 789134 767In a complete 2-3 pages paper address the following:1. Discuss probability. What is its history? What is the theory of probability? How is it calculated? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this technique?2. Identify and discuss the two major categories of probability interpretations whose adherents possess conflicting views about the fundamental nature of probability.3. Based on this survey what is the probability that a randomly selected American adult has never been tested? Show your work. Hint: using the data in the two total rows this would be calculated as p (NT) /( p (NT) + p (T)) where p is probability.4. What proportion of 18- to 44-year-old Americans has never been tested for HIV? Hint: using the values in the 1844 cells this would be calculated as p (NT) / (p (NT) + p (T)) where p is probability. Show your work.In your paper

According to a recent World Health Organization report excessive drinking causes more than four percent of deaths worldwide more than AIDS tuberculosis or violence.

****500 Word Discussion*****According to a recent World Health Organization report excessive drinking causes more than four percent of deaths worldwide more than AIDS tuberculosis or violence. Due to increasing incomes in heavily populated countries in Africa and Asia including India and South Africa binge drinking has become a problem in many developed countries as more money is being spent on alcoholic beverages.Moreover policies which control alcohol are weak and remain a low priority for most governments despite drinking’s heavy toll on society causing road accidents violence disease child neglect and job absenteeism.WHOs Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health states that approximately 2.5 million people die each year from alcohol related causes. It further reports that the harmful use of alcohol is especially fatal for younger age groups and is the world’s leading risk factor for death among males aged 15-59. Worldwide statistics accounts for about 11 percent of drinkers who have weekly heavy episodic drinking occasions with men outnumbering women by four to one. Men consistently engage in hazardous drinking at much higher levels than women in all regions investigated.In the WHO’s first report on alcohol since 2004 alcohol has been a causal factor in 60 types of diseases and injuries. Increasing consumptions has been linked to cirrhosis of the liver epilepsy poisonings road traffic accidents violence and several types of cancer including cancers of the colorectum breast larynx and liver.Despite repeated health warnings from doctors and public health professionals the global health burden of alcohol consumption continues to rise and it shows there are no signs of it slowing. The economic and health implications posed by alcohol are often overlooked in favor of its social benefits and it is precisely this fact that makes alcohol such a dangerous commodity.Question: Discuss the social complexity (ies) of alcohol as a strong risk factor for disease transmission such as HIV/AIDS in the context of global health.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]. (2014). Guide to clinical preventive services.

DirectionsFor this Assignment you will pick one recommended screening from AHRQ section 2; an A or B Grade:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]. (2014). Guide to clinical preventive services. Retrieved from initiative is a project an event so something in the community is ideal. Workplace location for employees is fine too. Please include the following suggested level one headings so content is clear and easily identified.Conceptual ModelChoose a conceptual model that you think might work for your initiative and explain the model here.Appendix 2in the document at the link below will help you understand community approaches.Appendix 3in this same document will help you with conceptual model selection. Note: This project is about screening not physical activity evaluation. Use the appendix as a resource for models:Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook. (2002). Retrieved from may choose to independently research your model to help you explain its application to your initiative. If you have found another model you will like to use not listed contact your instructor.Screening PurposeDiscuss why it is important to screen for this condition. This is where you address your community assessment and the reason for this need in your community/ population choice. Support your stance with statistics and information ideally related to the location and population.PopulationClearly address the demographics that are being screened; where they live state county ages races included etc.Screening ActivityThis section is what you are doing at the screening and should completely align with the screening guideline above for the condition. Also all health promotion screenings include some brief prevention education component.Outcome GoalsBullet a few specific goals here. What do you hope to accomplish with your screening?LocationBriefly explain where you are doing this. It should be very specific. Senior Citizen Center in Monroe Co on Saturday. Local church- name malls fair etc. Think about what facility type area you will need. Add comments on why this location meets the needs of your target population and screening choice.This is the cost for you to develop and conduct the initiative. It is best displayed as a brief Word table showing what it costs you do develop and conduct the screening; paper equipment rental s etc. Volunteers are fine but everything is not free. Students must demonstrate they can develop a cost estimate for screenings that is realistic and takes into account financials. If there is a cost for the attendees that should go here as well.SummaryProvide a summary of your screening general benefit to the community and why it is important.This should be a 34 page paper excluding title page and references. A person should be able to read your paper and understand fully what you are screening where when the costs and how it is supported in the guideline. Ideally a person would be able to duplicate your screening initiative based on the clarity you present. This paper should adhere to appropriate 6th edition APA format. A minimum of 3-4 sources should be used.


Staffing in Behavioral Healthcare FacilitiesThere are different types of behavioral healthcare facilities. Some are stand-alone facilities while others are part of a larger healthcare system. Many larger healthcare systems include a department or behavioral health unit as part of their comprehensive set of services. In these large healthcare systems there is integration and sharing of services at all levels.Describe the similarities and differences between staffing for a stand-alone behavioral healthcare facility and a behavioral healthcare unit that is a part of a larger healthcare system. What are the reasons for these differences? Does behavioral healthcare have unique staffing needs or is it similar to the staffing needs of a hospital in general? Why or why not?Provide specific examples of both types of healthcare facilities. You may also refer to information shared on the Internet. Which healthcare system among these two would you prefer more and why? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.Referral Process in Behavioral Healthcare ServicesBehavioral healthcare like most healthcare services has seen a change in focus from a didactic relationship between the physician and the patient to that of a group effort involving an interdisciplinary team of professionals as well as active participation by the consumer.The team concept stems from several factors but mainly from the comorbidity of diseases and conditions. In most instances the consumer is not just faced with mental illness but psychosocial issues such as family and work challenges as well as other medical issues such as addictions and overall poor health. This is when a team operating in a disease management capacity is the best course of action especially for individuals with persistent mental illness and comorbidity.How does a primary care physician integrate the need for further behavioral health services such as referring to a psychiatrist or psychologist for therapy or counseling?Search the Internet to look for a hospital system providing behavioral healthcare services. Review the information shared on the hospital’s Web site regarding the functioning of the department providing behavioral healthcare services. Explain the referral process and the protocol followed in hospitals when a patient requires behavioral healthcare services. Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.


Discussion 1: The Influence of Mission and Vision on PlanningAs you read the following mission statements think about what you might deduce about each organization:Nurses advancing our profession to improve health for all American Nurses AssociationThe American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors American Red CrossThe mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth friendliness individual pride and Company Spirit Southwest AirlinesTo inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice education and research Mayo ClinicProvide telehealth solutions and executive medical research management to enhance and support military healthcare and promote innovative medical technologies Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC)Googles mission is to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful GoogleAn organizations mission describes its core purpose. In partnership with the organizations vision which communicates a future-focused direction the mission provides a basis for planning and decision making at all levels of the organization.For this Discussion you compare mission and vision statements from multiple organizations and consider how these statements relate to planning.To prepare:Review the information related to the planning hierarchy and mission and vision statements in this weeks Learning Resources.Research the mission and vision statements of three different types of organizations: a for-profit health care organization a not-for-profit health care organization and an organization outside of health care. As you examine the organizations mission and vision statements consider the following:How effectively do the mission statements articulate the organizations purpose?How effectively do the vision statements reflect future aims?Do the mission and vision statements convey who (which groups) the organizations serve? Do they indicate obligations to various stakeholders?Are the statements an appropriate length?What do you glean about how leaders in health care and in other industries envision and convey mission and vision?What do you discern about the interdisciplinary nature of crafting mission and vision statements by looking across organizations including those outside of health care?Identify key insights you have gained by comparing the mission and vision statements of these three organizations.Consider how an organizations mission and vision relate to the planning hierarchy. For each organization you have selected think about how the mission and vision could or should influence planning. What elements of each mission and vision stand out as especially significant?Post a comparison of the mission and vision statements of the three organizations selected. Explain how specific elements of each organizations mission and vision statements might inform planning in that organization. Include references/links for the organizations mission and vision statements in your post.Read a selection of your colleagues responses.Respond to at least one of your colleagues using one or more of the following approaches:Ask a probing question substantiated with additional background information or research.Share an insight from having read your colleagues postings synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.Validate an idea with your own experience and additional resources.Required ReadingsSare M. V. & Ogilvie L. (2010). Strategic planning for nurses: Change management in health care. Sudbury MA: Jones and Bartlett.Review Chapter 4 Just What Is Strategic Planning? (pp. 5782)Chapter 7 The Three Key Elements of the Strategic Planning Process: A Vision That Guides Nursings Future Action (pp. 117143)Chapter 7 addresses elements of the strategic planning process which includes mission and vision.Cady S. H. Wheeler J. V. DeWolf J. & Brodke M. (2011). Mission vision and values: What do they say? Organization Development Journal 29(1) 6378.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.This article addresses research on mission vision and values from 300 different organizations.Desmidt S. Prinzie A. & Decramer A. (2011). Looking for the value of mission statements: A meta-analysis of 20 years of research. Management Decision 49(3) 468483.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.This article looks at the relationship of organizational mission and financial performance. It includes a discussion of what a mission statement is and the purpose(s) it serves.Hirota S. Kubo K. Miyajima H. Hong P. & Won Park Y. (2010). Corporate mission corporate policies and business outcomes: Evidence from Japan. Management Decision 48(7) 11341153.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.The authors examine the implications of the mission statement for organizational practices and performance.King D. L. Case C. J. & Premo K. M. (2012). An international mission statement comparison: United States France Germany Japan and China. Academy of Strategic Management Journal 11(2) 93119.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.This article examines the content of mission statements stakeholder involvement and the development of goals and objectives.Required MediaLaureate Education (Producer). (2013b). Case study: Mountain View Health Center [Interactive media]. Retrieved from CDN database. (NURS 6241)This interactive multimedia piece presents a case study of Mountain View Health Center with information about the types of activities performed there organizational structure strategic priorities and financial allocations. You will use this as a resource for Discussion 2.Optional ResourcesMarquis B. L. & Huston C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Chapter 7 Strategic and Operational Planning (pp. 138161)Review as needed.Desmidt S. & Prinzie A. A. (2011). The organizations mission statement: Give up hope or resuscitate? A search for evidence-based recommendations. Advances in Health Care Management 10 2541.


1-The public health workforce is found in both population-based and institutional services that stem from the official public health agencies. What are the most frequent employment sites for health care workers? Present an example of an organization institution or agency that would be categorized under each service population-based and institutional. Provide an example of a job title and an associated job description at each level of service. 350 words2- Review the Root Cause Analysis Topic Materials to learn more about conducting a root cause analysis. Using the Root Cause Analysis Template conduct a root cause analysis of the Root Cause Analysis Scenario. Post a description of the problem and a summary of your root cause analysis including recommendations for proposed action to eliminate the problem from reoccurring. 350words


Implications of Health Economic Concepts for HealthcareSelect at least five (5) economic concepts and discuss the primary manner in which these concepts impact the world of health care economics. Some examples of selected concepts are health demand and supply elasticity resources health measures and costs.Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:


Need a response to this discussion 3 pages long APA format 3 references1 from Walden University Library. Willing to pay 15 dollarsIntroductionIn the healthcare profession it is very important that decision making is evidence based. For a decision to be evidence based the question must be clearly articulated you must search for relevant evidence and you much choose the evidence of highest quality (Robeson Dobbins DeCorby Tirilis 2010. Pg.1). A crucial first step in EBP involves converting information needs into well-worded clinical questions that can be answered with research evidence (Polit & Beck 2017. Pg. 31).The PICOT guidelines are questions that help clinicians discover the answers to their research (Walden Student Center for Success 2012).With these guidelines in mind I formulated the question Is the daily use of CHG for all pediatric inpatients who have no allergy to CHG associated with a lower incidence of bacterial infection in these same patients? The P in the acronym stands for population or patients in the case the characteristics of the population would be all patients who are staying in the hospital especially for an extended period or those who have risk factors such as central lines. The I stands for the intervention which would be the daily chlorahexadine baths. This intervention would help reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections such as MRSA or c diff. Comparison is the next step and is what the C stands for. In this case the comparison of the effectiveness of daily CHG baths would be compared to not doing CHG baths. The O stands for outcomes that we would hope to see which would be a decrease in hospital acquired infections. The T is the last and final letter and stands for time. In my hospital the study was conducted over a three-month period to see if we saw a decrease in our hospital acquired infections. Using evidence based research I will find the conclusion to this question.Evidence Based ResearchWhen conducting research it is very important to have filtered information and unfiltered information. Filtered information is information that has been appraised for quality and clinical relevance (Hierarchy of Evidence Pyramid). Filtered information includes systematic review critically appraised topics and critically appraised individual articles (Hierarchy of Evidence Pyramid). Unfiltered information is evidence that has not necessarily been appraised for quality. This information tends to come from primary sources (Hierarchy of Evidence Pyramid). Unfiltered information includes randomized controlled trials cohort studies case-controlled studies and expert opinion (Hierarchy of Evidence Pyramid).When searching the Walden Database for articles on my PICOT question I used the search terms CHG Bath CHG Bath in Pediatric Patients and Reducing infection using CHG Bath. The first article I found multiple studies done on multiple patients with bone marrow transplants. The purpose of the study was to see if bathing them daily with CHG would decrease the acquired infections which it did. This article would be considered a systemic review because it had multiple resources and multiple studies. When searching for critically appraised topics it was very difficult to find one that had a cohort study that had to do with CHG baths there were some articles about other ways to reduce infection but none that involved CHG.The next article I found falls under the topic of expert opinion in the case the expert opinion came from the nurses. In this study done in 2017 they interviewed nurses nurses aides and nurse managers. They found that all interviewed did find a decrease in infection when CHG baths were used however many times the nurses did not have time to administer the baths.Research AdviceI think that when conducting a search for evidence base practice it is important to stay open minded and patient. Staying open minded will help you think of different search terms that may yield different search results. It is also important to be patient while searching so that you can stay focused and weed out the unwanted results.ReferencesLaureate Education (Producer). 2012g).Hierarchy of evidence pyramid. Baltimore MD:AuthorMusuuza J. S. Roberts T. J. Carayon P. & Safdar N. (2017). Assessing the sustainability of daily chlorhexidine bathing in the intensive care unit of a Veterans Hospital by examining nurses perspectives and experiences.BMC Infectious Diseases 17(1)Polit D.F. & Beck C.T. (2017).Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence fornursing practice(10Thed.). Philadelphia PA: Wolters KluwerRobeson P. Dobbins M. DeCorby K. &Tirillis D. (2010). Facilitating access to pre-processed research evidence in public health.BMC Public Health 10 95.Rosselet R. Termuhlen A. Skeens M. Garee A. Laudick M. & Ryan-Wenger N. (2009). CH

comparison between 3 diseases that are impacting 3 different countries.

Part 1:The managed care organization has asked you to put together a spreadsheet that shows a comparison between 3 diseases that are impacting 3 different countries. Because your department will be coming up for an accreditation performance review this is a good time to start to evaluate data. In recent years studies have indicated an increase in overall rates for cancer HIV/AIDS and obesity.Use the library textbook and the Web site for the World Health Organization (WHO)to research and explain why there is such a profound change in these countries during the time span. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 810 slides with speaker notes of 75-150 words not including title or reference pages.Part 2:Preparean Excel spreadsheet that comparies and contrasts data addressing the following:


Write a paper of approximately 350-700 words in which you
identify human resource management’s role in the health care
industry. Describe the functional roles of the human resource
department (as outlined in the rubric below) based on your textbook
and Electronic Reserve Readings.
Include a minimum of two references. Format your paper
consistent with APA guidelines. Introduction and development of
paper including conclusion
Logical development of the following: Overview of HR
management’s role in the healthcare industry:
Staffing, Recruitment and Retention Training and Development
Employee Relations/Performance Management/Regulatory Compliance
Safety and Health Compensation and Benefits
Appropriate research – minimum of 2 and adequate supporting
documentation (references cited throughout body of paper)
Word count approximately 350-700 words.


Portable Health Records in a Mobile SocietyEmpower Patients with Portable Health Recordschapter contribution;PrivacyHow do we maintain privacy while allowingaccess to authorized users? Timed access /automatic access expiration?2pages and3 references.5.4. FITT ModelHealthcare information technologies including mobile ones are being used byproviders and patients at different levels.Research shows various rates of adaptionand usage of information technologies aswell as successful marginal or failedimplementations of such technologies.While there are a number of theories thatexplain variation in adaption and usage thischapter presents a theory that explainsadaption of technologies in healthcare froma perspective of Fit between Individual Task and Technology. (3 pages and 3 pages)


Health Services Organization ManagementConclusion and SummaryHealthcare Leadership Motivation and Organizational Behavior Teamwork among HealthcareProfessionals Quality Improvement Strategic Planning and Management Information Technology Finance and Health Insurance Healthcare Marketing Cultural Proficiency Ethics and LawImagine that your employer has asked you to create a one-day training course highlighting the important elements above.1. Create a hierarchy of five (5) of the most important topics that you feel you need to address in this one-day course that best fits the course title of Health Services Organization Management: The Essentials Presented in One Day. Provide a detailed rationale for each of the five (5) topics.2. Discuss how you can apply the course learning outcomes of this course to your professional and personal life.


Discussion #2:TWO (2) posts are required for each discussion forum. Try to make your first initial post (response to the discussion question) by Saturday and your next posts (response to other students’ posts) by Sunday.In the 1st Video: Next steps in health & medicine — where can technology take us? | Daniel Kraft | TEDxBerlin .This talk was given at a local TEDx event produced independently of the TED Conferences. Daniel Kraft shows us where technology can take us in health and medicine. He pulls out countless gadgets of his jacket that will change the future of health-monitoring and improve our access to personal health care.In the 2nd Video John discusses the complicated reasons why the United States spends so much more on health care than any other country in the world and along the way reveals some surprising information including that Americans spend more of their tax dollars on public health care than people in Canada the UK or Australia. Who’s at fault? Insurance companies? Drug companies? Malpractice lawyers? Hospitals? Or is it more complicated than a simple blame game? (Hint: It’s that one.)In the 3rd Video U.S. health care costs are higher than any other country in the world. So what is it about America’s system that makes it so expensive?After reading chapter 5 on Medical Technology chapter 6 on Health Services Financing and watching the videos on Medical Technology and Health Care Finance complete the following questions.Directions:A) Answer the following questions below. The minimum word count for all six responses (total)to the discussion board question(s) should be 700 words or more (excluding reinstatement of the discussion board questions and references).Chapter 5: Medical Technology1) As a future Healthcare Administrator one of your goal is to provide healthcare in the urban or rural area of your state. You have heard that telemedicine may be an opportunity for you.-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine in healthcare.2) Discuss the governments role in technology diffusion.3) Why is medical technology more available and used in the United States than in other countries?-Your experiences may be very helpful and interesting to all of us.However be sure that you also back up your posts with factual information from the text (when it applies to the initial discussion board question (s) and responses to peers) or other creditable sources. A minimum of one reference is required to support your response to the discussion question and reply to a classmate. You may cite the course required textbook and or other sources in which you have used content from. Make sure your references are in APA format.Chapter 6 on Health Services Financing4) What is meant by healthcare financing in its broad sense? What impact does financing have on the healthcare delivery system?5) List and explain oneway the United States can decrease Healthcare cost.6) Scenario: You just got hired as entry level healthcare administrator and your employer offers two types of insurance plans. A married coworker/employee with two children asks your advice about which plan they should choose. Your coworker/employee reveals to you that their daughter is autistic and requires special medication and counseling. Although you can’t tell your coworker/employee which plan to choose.- Discuss the general concepts of insurance (private and governmental).-What advice will you give your coworker/employee about choosing? Explain your reasoning in detail.