This week’s environmental controversy is centered on waste and human health. It addresses the question should consumers have to pay for plastic or paper bags at grocery and other stores? Using the references below write a 1-2 paragraph response to the questions posed to you. Remember to cite your sources using APA.Background InformationYour textbook discusses the controversies associated with requiring consumers to pay for plastic and paper bags at their supermarkets and other stores. Advocates of the consumer pay system argue that bags are harmful to the environment and that under this system people would be encouraged to buy cloth bags or other reusable containers. Critics reply that many supermarkets already have drop bins for recycling old bags. They also argue that instead of making consumers pay for bags individuals that provide their own bags should be given discounts from the store.Use these references to help answer the questions that follow. You may want to also search the Internet for additional resources.Query S. (2007). Paper or Plastic. E – The Environmental Magazine 18(6) 22. http://search.ebscohost.comLink to articleBob Condor. (21 March). New plastic bags that dispose of themselves! Knight Ridder Tribune News Service 1.Link to articleQuestionsBased on what you have read do you believe that consumers should have to pay for plastic or paper bags at grocery and other stores? What arguments most influenced your decision?How would you explain your position to someone who disagrees with you?


Please put all three assignments on serpate word documentsDiscussion oneVisit theQuality Check page(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.https://www.qualitycheck.org/ of The Joint Commission website enterMount Sinai One Gustave L. Levy PlaceNew York NY the second one is New york presbyterian brooklyn methodist 506 Sixth Street Brooklyn NY 11215and select search. Take the following steps to find two health care organizations:Identify two health care organizations that show a need for improvement in one specific area. Note that you may find a hospital that has achieved a high score. However there is always room for improvement.After reviewing your findings state the National Safety Goals and National Quality Improvement Goals where the facilities needed to improve. Compare and contrast the differences between the two facilities. In addition list two recommendations that you feel would improve that particular area.Discussion TwoAfter reading Chapters 3 and 4 you should be familiar with the many stakeholders involved in the health care system. In the early 70s legislation was created for the establishment of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) in an attempt to reduce health care costs due to the excessive spending of the fee-for-service health plans. Considering the reason for their creation discuss your opinion regarding why managed care organizations did or did not have the intended effect. List two examples that prove your point.Your initial post should be 250-300 words and utilize at least one scholarly source from the Ashford UniversityUse this as one of the sourceshttps://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/evaluating-negotiating-payment-optionsASSIGNMENTThere is a templete attached please use it for this assignmentMost people have experienced frustration when talking with customer service at least once. Often organizations provide satisfaction surveys to customers in order to evaluate their experience. In the health care field accrediting agencies require providers to measure patient satisfaction through surveys. You will be using theCustomer Satisfaction Improvement Plan template(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.document to enter all of your information. Note: If you have responded substantively to each of the content items within the template of the assignment the template document should be between three and four pages.

Budgeting is an important activity within every healthcare organization. The particular challenges encountered, however, can vary depending on the type of organization.

is an important activity within every healthcare organization. The particular
challenges encountered, however, can vary depending on the type of
organization. A state or federally funded organization, for example, will
likely have a budget that is allocated to it, and it needs to follow specific
guidelines on how the money can be used. A for-profit organization, by
contrast, will typically have more influence and flexibility in setting up
its budget and making choices on matters such as how much to spend on
marketing, patient care, or incentives for employees.

addition to preparing budgets, as a healthcare administrator, you must also
be able to evaluate whether or not you have achieved your budget using
variance analysis. This is important because variance analysis measures the
differences between the budget and actual results, and provides
administrators with a starting point for correcting financial performance.
For this Assignment, you conduct a variance analysis for a healthcare

prepare for this Assignment, review the Week 7 Assignment document provided
to you by the Instructor. Examine the budgeted and actual revenues and
expenses for a hospital. Reflect on concepts of budgeting and variance. Refer
to Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 of Financial Management
of Health Care Organizations: An Introduction to Fundamental Tools, Concepts
and Applications in this weeks Learning
Resources for additional guidance.


Using an
Excel spreadsheet to show your calculations, address the following:

the total variance between the planned and actual budgets for Surgical Volume. Is the variance
favorable or unfavorable?

the total variance between the planned and actual budgets for Patient Days. Is the variance
favorable or unfavorable?

the service-related variance for Surgical Volume.

the service-related variance for Patient Days.

a flexible budget estimate. Present side-by-side budget, flexible budget
estimate, and the actual Surgical Revenues.

a flexible budget estimate. Present a side-by-side budget, flexible budget
estimate, and the actual Patient Expenses.

what variances are due to change in volume and what variances are due to
change in rates.

Guidance on Assignment Length: Refer to the Week 7
Assignment Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use
the rubric to assess your work.

Initiatives in Strategic Health Care Organizations The old adage

Assignment: Initiatives in Strategic Health Care OrganizationsThe old adage, form follows function describes considering the importance of what you are trying to accomplish before you decide how to get there. It is important to remember that you have to have the will to improve, ideas about alternatives to the status quo, and make it realexecute (Nolan, 2007).In this Discussion, you will describe strategic health care quality initiatives in two organizations attempting to accomplish their goals and objectives in quality improvement. You will also examine the purpose of the initiatives(s) and share the issues and opportunities for improvement, as well as address any elements crucial to improving quality in your health care organization or one you are familiar with.To prepare:Read and review the resources in the Learning Resources section as they relate to initiatives in strategic health care organizations.SelectONE organization from each of the TWO groups listed:Group I:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)Group II:ANCC Magnet Recognition ProgramBaldrige Performance Excellence ProgramThe Leapfrog GroupThe Assignment:In a 3- to 4-page paper (excluding title page and references):Describe strategic health care quality initiatives in two of the organizations. Compareand contrast the purposes of the initiatives.Analyze strategic quality issues and opportunities for improvement within the two organizations.Evaluatewhich elements of the initiatives are crucial to the quality-improvement opportunities of your health care organization or an organization with which you are familiar.


Write a four-page essay in APA on food science & technology_challenges for a new product developmentMy major is Marketing and I need seven sourcesDescriptionYou have been assigned project manager to evaluate the feasibility of a new product launchfor Health and Wellness Company. The company is committed to providing healthier snack foodchoices for the moderate to low income consumer.Their latest product concept is something called Peanut Butter Pops. Characteristicsinclude:1-1.5 cm sphere of peanut butter with ~0.5 Tbsp of peanut butter encased in an edible shellpacked in vending packs of 4 spheres (equivalent to one serving (2 Tbsp) of peanut butter).The product is positioned for the peanut butter lover, as an alternative to the lesshealthy peanut butter products in the market.The edible shell: One means of protecting your peanut component during distribution is tocoat the peanut ball with an edible material. You might consider a sugar shell such aswhat is used with peanut butter M&M’s, a chocolate flavored shell such as used for maltedmilk balls, or some other material that is both protective and pleasantly edible. Whichwould you select, and why would you select that particular coating to contain the peanutbutter?There are major chemical stability challenges associated with this product, such as wateractivity, moisture gradients and lipid oxidation. Discuss these specifically in referenceto the peanut butter pop products. In your answer, you should address why this peanutbutter pop would be a healthier alternative that may include the composition and make-up ofthe lipids in peanuts; it may include information on satiety due to lipids, fiber orproteins; it may include information on the composition and make-up of the lipids that makeit susceptible to lipid oxidation; it may include information on the water activity andwater activity differences between the two main components (the peanut butter and thechocolate shell), and how you would maintain stability.Describe the major microbial issues related to the ingredients used (consider specs anddocumentation that might be applied in purchasing the items), describe environments wherethe product is processed, packaged, and distributed (e.g., sanitation, facilities,practices, etc.), and assess the final product (rate microbial stability and the safetyhazard, address microbial shelf-life). Describe any microbial concerns with this productand possible resolutions to problems or potential problems.Peanuts and peanut products are known allergens that affect a small fraction of thepopulation. How would you account for the presence of peanut in the product technicallywithout having to remove the product from mainstream distribution? For example, how wouldyou engineer a processing/packaging operation to ensure that the peanut component isconfined to your product? Describe the major the packaging stability challenges associatedwith this product and possible resolution.Be sure to include documentation of resources consulted. Commodity groups and *.org, *.eduand *.gov sites often have easy to find information, such as:http://www.peanut-institute.org/http://www.health.harvard.edu/press_releases/Is-peanut-butter-healthyhttp://nationalpeanutboard.org/nutrition/peanut-nutrition-in-a-nutshell/


This is the caseCASE Behavioral Care Center (BCC) is a 50-bed inpatient, mental health hospital. Recently, BCC has had shortages of staff that at times have restricted the hospitals ability to admit patients. The most needed positions are RNs, LPNs, and direct patient care staff known as behavioral assistants (BAs). In order to have full coverage in the hospital, BCC needs to hire seven RNs, three LPNs, and six BAs. The HR department posts openings on the hospitals website and encourages staff to refer friends and family to apply. Representatives from the public relations department have attended a number of job fairs to encourage applicants to apply. These strategies have normally worked for BCC. However, recently the results have not been forthcoming and the shortages are increasingly more concerning. Consequently, to deal with this crisis a task force composed of department heads has been established. The role of the task force is to evaluate the recruitment situation and make recommendations. Questions 1. What recruitment strategies should the task force consider? 2. How should BCC strategize to avoid staffing shortages in the future? END NOTESReferenceFlynn, W. J. (2016). Healthcare Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

select a contemporary cultural health population facing a global health issue to research critically analyze and develop a theoretically-grounded culturally-sensitive health program.

Students will select a contemporary cultural health population facing a global health issue to research critically analyze and develop a theoretically-grounded culturally-sensitive health program. A 6-paged (minimum) double-spaced research paper in 12 pt. Times New Roman font with subheadings is required including at least 5 peer-reviewed references (one can be the text and the other 4 must be journal articles; Wikipedia will not be accepted).Please cite in APA format WITHIN THE TEXT OF THE PAPER (author/organization year of publication). SUBHEADINGS (NOT numbered sections) are required throughout the paper.A reference page needs to be attached to the end of the paper listing all of the references in APA format used to write the paper (not included in the 6 required pages).Content quality of writing and grammar will be considered during grading. Final papers are due onThursdayof this week.Please include the following sections in your6-paged(minimum) double-spaced research paper:2. Explain theimplementation plan step-by-step how the program could be implemented for your target population


Write 150 word response to post below. Cite and reference to support answer. What do you think about the post? Do you agree or disagree with what was said? Can you add something valuable to this discussion. ExplainThis chapter highlights the importance of paying attention to behavior and working through mental health with inmates. I work at a juvenile detention center and mental health is extremely important and part of the treatment plan for every inmate. They will do things that seem irrational but there are mental reasons behind their actions. There are a handful of kids that will fight and act out until they are restrained because the restrain makes them feel safe and able to talk. Acting like this is the only way they feel comfortable to open up. Other times they will self harm or throw objects in the room like chairs to act out until they are given an emergency therapy session. Each day the kids have a therapy circle and have to say why they behaved the way they did that day. I think this is helpful to talk through their actions and make them aware of how to be more appropriate so they can be productive citizens when or if they get out of the criminal justice system. Having therapy and or talking through their actions every day holds them accountable and when the kids see their actions in writing they often come to the realization that they were not acting right. I think it is important for the healing process for the kids to talk through their pasts that led them to be detained so young. If their mental health or the mental health of any imprisoned person was ignored a cycle of incarceration will follow. They are there to be reformed and that starts with mental help.


Write 150 word responds to discussion below. Need to cite and reference to support answerHas anyone looked at the DSM V? It is the driving authority of healthcare professionals in diagnosis mental health disorders.It identifies the symptoms criteria that need to be met and descriptions of all the bonified disorders. Axis 1 tend to be the most serious followed by Axis 2 and a person can be have both Axis I and II disorders simultaneously. In my current profession there appears to be a pattern of people being sent into opioid withdrawal and as a result go into crisis in the hospital. I believe they are calling it opioid induced anxiety disorder of some sort. It is not a true diagnosis but the addiction of a drug in combination of life/personal issues can cause people to bottom out. People fall into depression develop anxiety and mood swings/disorders. The combination of drugs such as opiates and benzodiazepines (Xanex Klonopin) has sent people into panic and hallucinations. Each person is different in the eyes of the medical field therefore one of our mottos is to the treat the patient not the population. Opiates is an epidemic maybe even pandemic. Currently there is an ever growing need for licensed addiction counselors. Thisis a great form of private counseling with great opportunities to advance.

select a contemporary cultural health population facing a global health issue to research critically analyze and develop a theoretically-grounded culturally-sensitive health program

Students will select a contemporary cultural health population facing a global health issue to research critically analyze and develop a theoretically-grounded culturally-sensitive health program. A 6-paged (minimum) double-spaced research paper in 12 pt. Times New Roman font with subheadings is required including at least 5 peer-reviewed references (one can be the text and the other 4 must be journal articles; Wikipedia will not be accepted).Please cite in APA format WITHIN THE TEXT OF THE PAPER (author/organization year of publication). SUBHEADINGS (NOT numbered sections) are required throughout the paper.A reference page needs to be attached to the end of the paper listing all of the references in APA format used to write the paper (not included in the 6 required pages).Content quality of writing and grammar will be considered during grading. Final papers are due onThursdayof this week.Please include the following sections in your6-paged(minimum) double-spaced research paper:2. Explain theimplementation plan step-by-step how the program could be implemented for your target population