Assignment: Marketing Health Care ServicesStrategies used to market health care services are typically different than strategies used to market health care products. From intangibility to the natural inconsistencies in the delivery of services traditional marketing strategies must be modified so that there is a greater focus on marketing relationships and quality care. Therefore when developing marketing plans it is important for organizations to consider the 5 Is of marketing health services: inconsistency inseparability intangibility interaction and inventory. For this Assignment use the 5 Is to examine the health care service in the Aravind Eye Care System: Providing Total Eye Care to the Rural Population case study provided in the Learning Resources. Then provide recommendations for marketing the service.To prepare:Review the Aravind case study in the Learning Resources.With the 5 Is of marketing in mind reflect on the health care service provided by the organization and its personnel.The AssignmentIn a 4- to 5-page paper address the following:Using the 5 Is of marketing analyze the health care service provided by the organization in the scenario. Inconsistency: Is there consistency in the quality of care?Inseparability: When providing the service do providers demonstrate biases toward or against patients and their families (i.e. racial biases age biases gender biases etc.)?Intangibility: What are the intangible characteristics of providers (i.e. demeanor posture etc.)? How do providers behave toward patients?Interaction with consumers: Is the organization patient-centered or physician-centered?Inventory: How much time is spent on providing the service and how much time is spent on non-service-related activities?Recommend strategies to market this service to health care consumers. Include how these strategies might improve operations.


Assignment: Project Management Planning Because many aspects of health care operations are changing health care administrators oversee a wide variety of projects. These can include logistical projects such as moving a department to a new facility technology-related projects such as introducing a new system or piece of equipment or process-related projects such as initiating new procedures for patient discharge. If the project has any degree of complexity it will benefit from a project management approach. Administrators and managers in health care need to have a working understanding of project management: why it is important what it accomplishes and the repercussions on the organization if its basic tenets are ignored or not followed. Within project management the project plan is the cornerstone of successful execution of a project. The project plan is designed to guide the process and execution of a project. For this Assignment you will develop a project plan using as your focus a work-related project you are doing now or will be doing in the future. Part 1: Service Level Agreement It is suggested that the project you select be manageable in scope and not overly complex. You will assume that the objectives and scope of the project you have selected have been vetted and approved. The next step is to develop a project plan. You will develop a project management plan that will walk through key steps of the project management process. The objective of this Assignment is not a deep dive into the full intricacies of project management. Rather it is to ensure that as a health care administrator you have a solid theory and practical knowledge of key aspects of the project management process. For Part 1 of this Assignment you will create a Service Level Agreement (35 pages) which includes the following: Project Description Purpose and Objectives: The project description delineates key aspects of a project. In 12 pages your project plan should:Describe the project and explain the purpose and justification for the project.Explain the goals and objectives of the project.Describe the requirements for the project.Explain the tangible measures for acceptance criteria used to achieve project success.Project Scope: The project scope defines the scope of the project and how the scope will be managed. In 23 pages your project plan should:Summarize in detail the expected deliverables for the project.Explain the acceptance criteria for the project.Explain the project assumptions risks and constraints.Roles and Responsibilities: By definition a project is a unique undertaking with a beginning and an end point. One responsibility of management is to determine who will be a part of the project team (including designation of a project manager). Ask yourself Who needs to be on this team to ensure that project goals are successfully met? Consider as well the importance of communication among team members. What communication needs will each individual have? With whom will they communicate and how?Using the Project Roles and Responsibilities Matrix template in the Learning Resources list the names* and titles of all individuals or entities involved in the project. Indicate whether each stakeholder is internal or external to the project organization.Note: For privacy purposes please use pseudonyms.Identify the internal and external stakeholders for a project.Distinguish the roles and responsibilities of the project stakeholders.Explain how to communicate with project stakeholders. Part 2: Project Schedule There are many different methodologies for planning and scheduling a project. For this Assignment you will develop a Gantt chart that depicts key project activities time allotted for each activity and when each activity is scheduled to begin. To do so you will need to consider dependencies. Some activities will be sequential others may be simultaneous and some may overlap. Note: You may create your own Gantt chart using Excel or search for and download a Gantt chart template. Using a Gantt chart construct a project schedule.In 23 paragraphs of your project plan explain the estimating techniques used to develop your project schedule. Provide rationale for why these techniques will be effective. Part 3: Strategies for Maintaining the Project Budget A project begins with an approved budget. Too often however unless the budget is meticulously managed budget overruns occur. Health care administrators must ensure that the project management process includes careful oversight on spending. In 23 pages describe the project budget key success factors including the following: Analyze at least three strategies that can be applied for due diligence and maintaining oversight of the project budget.Explain at least two challenges each of these strategies might present and identify opportunities for improvement.Compare the positive outcomes that might result from each strategy. Part 4: Risk Management Quality Management and Sustainability Even the most straightforward and well-planned project can be impacted by unexpected circumstances. Anticipating risks is a key part of project management and one that a health care administrator or manager must ensure is taken into consideration by the project team. Additionally If not carefully monitored budget and time constraints can take a toll on the quality of a project. Create a 24 page risk management and quality management plan which includes the following: Describe how you plan to manage risks for your project.Analyze strategies for managing quality within your project.Analyze strategies for sustainability of your project.Describe at least two tools and/or techniques you plan to use to manage quality and defend why you chose those tools.


Assignment: Project Management Planning Because many aspects of health care operations are changing health care administrators oversee a wide variety of projects. These can include logistical projects such as moving a department to a new facility technology-related projects such as introducing a new system or piece of equipment or process-related projects such as initiating new procedures for patient discharge. If the project has any degree of complexity it will benefit from a project management approach. Administrators and managers in health care need to have a working understanding of project management: why it is important what it accomplishes and the repercussions on the organization if its basic tenets are ignored or not followed. Within project management the project plan is the cornerstone of successful execution of a project. The project plan is designed to guide the process and execution of a project. For this Assignment you will develop a project plan using as your focus a work-related project you are doing now or will be doing in the future. Part 1: Service Level Agreement It is suggested that the project you select be manageable in scope and not overly complex. You will assume that the objectives and scope of the project you have selected have been vetted and approved. The next step is to develop a project plan. You will develop a project management plan that will walk through key steps of the project management process. The objective of this Assignment is not a deep dive into the full intricacies of project management. Rather it is to ensure that as a health care administrator you have a solid theory and practical knowledge of key aspects of the project management process. For Part 1 of this Assignment you will create a Service Level Agreement (35 pages) which includes the following: Project Description Purpose and Objectives: The project description delineates key aspects of a project. In 12 pages your project plan should:Describe the project and explain the purpose and justification for the project.Explain the goals and objectives of the project.Describe the requirements for the project.Explain the tangible measures for acceptance criteria used to achieve project success.Project Scope: The project scope defines the scope of the project and how the scope will be managed. In 23 pages your project plan should:Summarize in detail the expected deliverables for the project.Explain the acceptance criteria for the project.Explain the project assumptions risks and constraints.Roles and Responsibilities: By definition a project is a unique undertaking with a beginning and an end point. One responsibility of management is to determine who will be a part of the project team (including designation of a project manager). Ask yourself Who needs to be on this team to ensure that project goals are successfully met? Consider as well the importance of communication among team members. What communication needs will each individual have? With whom will they communicate and how?Using the Project Roles and Responsibilities Matrix template in the Learning Resources list the names* and titles of all individuals or entities involved in the project. Indicate whether each stakeholder is internal or external to the project organization.Note: For privacy purposes please use pseudonyms.Identify the internal and external stakeholders for a project.Distinguish the roles and responsibilities of the project stakeholders.Explain how to communicate with project stakeholders. Part 2: Project Schedule There are many different methodologies for planning and scheduling a project. For this Assignment you will develop a Gantt chart that depicts key project activities time allotted for each activity and when each activity is scheduled to begin. To do so you will need to consider dependencies. Some activities will be sequential others may be simultaneous and some may overlap. Note: You may create your own Gantt chart using Excel or search for and download a Gantt chart template. Using a Gantt chart construct a project schedule.In 23 paragraphs of your project plan explain the estimating techniques used to develop your project schedule. Provide rationale for why these techniques will be effective. Part 3: Strategies for Maintaining the Project Budget A project begins with an approved budget. Too often however unless the budget is meticulously managed budget overruns occur. Health care administrators must ensure that the project management process includes careful oversight on spending. In 23 pages describe the project budget key success factors including the following: Analyze at least three strategies that can be applied for due diligence and maintaining oversight of the project budget.Explain at least two challenges each of these strategies might present and identify opportunities for improvement.Compare the positive outcomes that might result from each strategy. Part 4: Risk Management Quality Management and Sustainability Even the most straightforward and well-planned project can be impacted by unexpected circumstances. Anticipating risks is a key part of project management and one that a health care administrator or manager must ensure is taken into consideration by the project team. Additionally If not carefully monitored budget and time constraints can take a toll on the quality of a project. Create a 24 page risk management and quality management plan which includes the following: Describe how you plan to manage risks for your project.Analyze strategies for managing quality within your project.Analyze strategies for sustainability of your project.Describe at least two tools and/or techniques you plan to use to manage quality and defend why you chose those tools.


You want to pick a health topic that impacts a certain group of people IE hypertension in African American men. You will need to use population data to justify this problem ie in the state of Maryland the HTN rate in African Americans is two times that of whites of the same income and education – just an example…Topic to Discuss: HIV rates among the homeless population in Texas:These are the parts that need to be in your paper:For the Part 1 application (approximately 34 pages of content with a title page and references in APA format) address the following:1. Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.2. Summarize the two advocacy campaigns you researched in this area. -you are looking in the literature for programs that have shown results in reducing this problem3. Explain the attributes that made those campaigns effective. -Why did the campaigns work?4. Begin to develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include in your plan: -what policy change could be made to help your issue. Please pick a certain population in your state or town or county – this will make your life MUCH easier!5. A description of the public health issue and proposed policy solution6. Specific objectives for the policy you want to be implemented7. Begin to substantiate your proposed campaign by data and evidence.Due Date 06/22/2017 at 1400Hrs


Select a database from NCHS or complete a query using CDC WISQARS.Select a specific health concern or injury using the population of your choice. Be sure not to limit your query so you have enough data to evaluate and include a substantial time frame so you are able to identify trends.Submit a 1 000 word report that provides an overview the database or query results. The report should consist of a demographic description of the chosen population including a review of noticeable trends in morbidity and/or mortality by race gender and geographic location where specified.Based on the results and possible trends present the implications for public health intervention or involvement.In your report include considerations of basic ethical and legal principles pertaining to the collection maintenance use and dissemination of epidemiologic data. focus on privacy and security issues surrounding protected health information and how HIPAA protects the confidentiality of the patient. Consider the ethical implications of whether public health organizations have too much latitude in the use and dissemination of epidemiologic data.Use examples and evidence to support your report.

Collaboration among health care professionals is the key to positive patient outcomes. Each member of the health care team has been trained with specific knowledge and skills which allow them to do what they do best.

Collaboration among health care professionals is the key to positive patient outcomes. Each member of the health care team has been trained with specific knowledge and skills which allow them to do what they do best. Working together as a team brings specific strengths of each discipline to focus on the care of the patient and supplements any weaknesses of other teammates. Effective interdisciplinary relationships decrease costs and improve patient satisfaction while improving overall health care worker satisfaction.Research different health care interdisciplinary relationships (such as radiology working with the emergency room or working in a pharmaceutical company) that the marketing department needs to collaborate with the development department.Write a 1 400- to 1 750-word paper that summarizes your findings.Include ways to avoid and resolve conflict how to work as a team and collaborate with other departments and ways to make the process better. You may also include a personal experience with an interdisciplinary relationship and describe if it worked well or if there was a breakdown.Describe how interdisciplinary relationships affect your organization and the patients and families that use your health care organization.Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


Program Evaluation as a Key Tool in Health and Human Services 

Evidence-based practice utilizes a variety of research methods  to gather evidence as to the efficacy of a program’s effectiveness, or  cost effectiveness. According to your text, “Sound research and its  applications, although not guarantees of perfect policies and programs,  are extremely useful tools in developing sound social policies and  programs” (p. 281). Additionally, we read that evaluation research is  different from “basic” research in that evaluation research is based on  reality factors in the field and can answer the question: Is this  program achieving its goals within the cost estimates?

In  this assignment, you will create a fictional “how to” guide in  which you will analyze the steps pertinent to effective program  assessment. Specifically, you will:

Explain the parts of the program evaluation, and how one would carry out a program evaluation.
Explain the steps of the program evaluation and what the program evaluator would want to measure / evaluate.

Your fictional “how to” guide is intended to provide a  step-by-step explanation of the components related to evaluating  programs; you will not be conducting an assessment as part of the  assignment. An example of a program evaluation and the research format  is given in the Evaluation Strategies for Human Service Programs (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..   Your example can be any of the typical health and services areas  including: hospitals, nursing homes, clinic for substance abuse,  counseling clinics, Salvation Army, Red Cross, homes for the homeless,  special school programs, crisis centers and social support. Program  evaluation can include a variety of different research approaches and  may also include acquiring a great deal of data.  As you read the  article Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.,  keep in mind the information requirements to carry out a program  evaluation. Certainly the connections among program outcomes, the  activities of the program, and consequential outcomes constitute the key  model of any program evaluation. Access the  Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for more information for this assignment.


Program Evaluation as a Key Tool in Health and Human Services 

Evidence-based practice utilizes a variety of research methods  to gather evidence as to the efficacy of a program’s effectiveness, or  cost effectiveness. According to your text, “Sound research and its  applications, although not guarantees of perfect policies and programs,  are extremely useful tools in developing sound social policies and  programs” (p. 281). Additionally, we read that evaluation research is  different from “basic” research in that evaluation research is based on  reality factors in the field and can answer the question: Is this  program achieving its goals within the cost estimates?

In  this assignment, you will create a fictional “how to” guide in  which you will analyze the steps pertinent to effective program  assessment. Specifically, you will:

Explain the parts of the program evaluation, and how one would carry out a program evaluation.
Explain the steps of the program evaluation and what the program evaluator would want to measure / evaluate.

Your fictional “how to” guide is intended to provide a  step-by-step explanation of the components related to evaluating  programs; you will not be conducting an assessment as part of the  assignment. An example of a program evaluation and the research format  is given in the Evaluation Strategies for Human Service Programs (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..   Your example can be any of the typical health and services areas  including: hospitals, nursing homes, clinic for substance abuse,  counseling clinics, Salvation Army, Red Cross, homes for the homeless,  special school programs, crisis centers and social support. Program  evaluation can include a variety of different research approaches and  may also include acquiring a great deal of data.  As you read the  article Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.,  keep in mind the information requirements to carry out a program  evaluation. Certainly the connections among program outcomes, the  activities of the program, and consequential outcomes constitute the key  model of any program evaluation. Access the  Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for more information for this assignment.


Significant Contributions to Public Health – Part II
This is a continuation of your final project, which you started in Week 3. This last piece involves an analysis of how your individual’s contribution from the past continues to contribute to today’s public health system and how it might guide future work within the industry. As you recall, in week 3, you researched an individual and their contribution to community and public health. To begin, you need to review the feedback given to you from Week 3. Then, make the necessary revisions to Part I of this project. Then, you will be adding the second half to your project. 
Follow this outline to help formulate your paper or presentation:
ACTION: Make sure you review all the feedback from your Week 3 (Part I) assignment and apply any necessary revisions. Your week 3 assignment should have included each of the following elements:

GRADED ELEMENT : Describe your selected person’s experience
GRADED ELEMENT : Analyze the climate of the time period in terms of political, socioeconomic, environmental and technological context in which this person worked.
GRADED ELEMENT : Examine the personal beliefs of your person that prompted this work.
GRADED ELEMENT : Examine how this individual overcame any adversities to succeed in his/her task.
GRADED ELEMENT : Describe the final outcome of this individual’s contribution to community and/or public health.
GRADED ELEMENT : Explain what his/her contribution did for overall community and/or public health at the time.
GRADED ELEMENT : Explain why this contribution was so important at that particular point in history.

ACTION: Think about the individual’s contribution to community/public health

GRADED ELEMENT : Analyze the impact of your individual’s contribution on today’s public health system.

HELP: You are asking “what happened as a result of this contribution at the national and community level?” For example, some elements you could address include:

did it change attitudes
did it change protocols and policies
did behavior change result
did it add/eliminate laws

GRADED ELEMENT : Analyze how this contribution is still relevant today

HELP: Was this contribution only applicable at the time it occurred, or is it still applied today? Why or why not? Explain your response

GRADED ELEMENT : Examine how this contribution could support or be expanded for future community and public health benefits

HELP: Using solid critical thinking, look at the historical value of the contribution and examine how it could be used for the future (is it applicable to another health issue, can it lead to more policy change, could it promote advocacy work or public health laws, etc.)

You have a choice of which format you wish to present your findings:
Format 1: Written Paper

Must be at least 6 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must use at least eight scholarly sources (one of those may be the course text).
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Format 2: Presentation (w/audio or w/speaker’s notes)

Must be at least 18 minutes in length (not including title and reference slides) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate title slide with the following:
Title of presentation
Students name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must use at least eight scholarly sources (one of those may be the course text).
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Based on Chapter 8 answer the following questions: 1. Describe Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit.Based on Chapter 10 answer the following questions:2. Discuss the impact of electronic health records on the healthcare industry. Identify three reasons that the EHR should be implemented. What are three barriers to implementation? 3. What is telehealth? What is telemedicine? How do these concepts impact how physicians and patients interact?Based on Chapter 12 answer the following questions: 4. In your opinion what are the ethical issues regarding pharmaceutical marketing to physicians? 5. What are the five basic values that all health care providers should observe?6. What are the four models identified by Veatch (1972) that apply to the doctor-patient relationship?7. What are Institutional Review Boards and why are they important to healthcare ethics?Based on Chapter 13 answer the following questions: 8. The elderly experience higher rates of mental health illness. Discuss four reasons why mental health issues are not always properly diagnosed in the elderly population.9. Identify the types of mental health professionals that provide services.10. Identify and discuss the differences between the two types of mental health commitment law.11. Discuss mental health issues and the homeless population. Provide statistics regarding mental health care and the homeless.12. Discuss mental health issues with the military.